Ivanushki international official group. Composition of the group "Ivanushki International" (first and new)

The Russian pop group Ivanushki International has long been the most popular group in the country. The group enjoyed enormous success, their tour schedule was scheduled for years to come. History of creation The date of the founding of the group is considered to be November 10, 1994. It was then that three young people met for the first time at an audition: Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov, Igor Sorin and Kirill Andreev. All three young people were already familiar with the world of show business. The first was a director, the second was a musical actor, and the third was a model. The producer of the group was the famous Igor Matvienko. All the guys were eager to try themselves as soloists of a youth pop group, so at the audition they truly surprised Matvienko with their energy and desire to create. Thus, the group was recruited the first time. The guys could not come up with names for a long time, until one of the sound engineers called them Ivanushki. They agreed on this. In their songs, the artists wanted to achieve the impossible. They combined Russian folk motifs with popular rhythms and added a touch of Soviet naivety and simplicity. But long experiments made themselves felt - the team acquired its own unique style! Listen to songs by the group Ivanushki International available for free on our website. Creative path The first album was released 2 years after the founding of the group and was called “Only He.” Half a year later, another record is released with the title “Of course he is.” The popularity of young guys is gaining momentum every day. The star of the group is the red-haired, smiling, freckled Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov. The group is quickly recording another album, which sells out from the kiosks in three days! However, in 1997, Igor Sorin left the team, but the producer hastily replaced him with Oleg Yakovlev. The songs “Poplar Pooh”, “Doll”, “Girl-Girl” became real hits. Real popularity hit the team in 1998, when the video for the song “Poplar Down” began to be broadcast on all popular TV channels. The producer's phone was ringing off the hook. Young and energetic guys were expected at popular shows, with concerts in all cities of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and the CIS countries, they were invited to sing at the main musical events of the year. The group is actively recording the next albums, when suddenly they learn terrible news. Igor Sorin died, under strange circumstances, falling from a 6th floor window in a recording studio. The album, released in 1998, is dedicated to the memory of this sunny young man. The Ivanushka International team dedicated several original songs to him, and also collected all of Igor’s recordings in one collection. Then life took its course. To date, the group has recorded more than 50 albums and filmed dozens of video clips. Ivanushki still tours the country and performs at holidays. Download songs of the group Ivanushki International available for free on our website.

In 1995, the famous producer Igor Matvienko presented to the public his next project - the group “Ivanushki International”. The format was a win-win - three cute, lively guys singing simple but sincere songs of love. The guys really worked together, so over the course of their many years of career there were only a few members in the group.

  1. Kirill Andreev
  2. Andrey Grigoriev-Apollonov
  3. Igor Sorin
  4. Oleg Yakovlev
  5. Kirill Turichenko

In the nineties, “Ivanushki” thundered throughout the country, filling stadiums. They always attracted attention with their sincerity and charm, and at the same time they were far from dirty gossip and unnecessary shocking.

Regular participants.

The first line-up of the group is Kirill Andreev, Andrey Grigoriev-Apollonov, Igor Sorin. It is with this composition that the main hits of “Ivanushki” are associated:

  • "Clouds";
  • "Somewhere";
  • "Doll";
  • "Poplar fluff".

It was with these guys that the biography of the group began, but only Kirill and Andrey walked this path from the very beginning to the present day.

Kirill Andreev

Many fans of the group can’t even believe that Kirill Andreev will soon turn 50 years old, because to this day he maintains the image of a handsome young man who makes girls fall in love with him at first sight.

Kirill was born in 1971 and grew up in Moscow, where he graduated from the Radio Mechanical College, after which he went to serve in the artillery troops of the Russian Armed Forces. However, even then it was clear that Andreev was unlikely to connect his life with his education. Everything was decided by the guy’s appearance: tall height, athletic build and beautiful facial features. That is why it is not at all surprising that Kirill entered the Model School and immediately began receiving dozens of offers. The young man began to build a career as a model, went to castings, was actively involved in sports, and tried his hand at vocals. A few years later, he decided to improve his skills and went to study at a US modeling school, after which there were even more offers for cooperation.

In the 90s, he managed to work with many stars of that time - Svetlana Vladimirskaya, Lama Vaikule, Natalya Vetlitskaya. By the way, it was Natalya who introduced Kirill to Igor Matvienko, and this meeting became fateful: Andreev was invited to the first line-up of the new boys-band.

Over the years of working in the group, Kirill became one of the most recognizable people in Russian show business. In parallel with his musical career, he participated in dozens of different projects on stage and television, worked as a TV presenter, and developed his solo project.

In 2000, Andreev married Lolita Alikulova, the couple is raising a son, who was also named Kirill.

Andrey Grigoriev-Apollonov

For a couple of decades now, this guy has been called nothing more than “the red one from Ivanushki.” From the very beginning of the group's work, Andrei actually resembled the Sun - a shock of red hair, freckles, a dazzling smile and a sea of ​​​​charm. A jokester and a merry fellow, Grigoriev-Apollonov always charged with his energy and to this day evokes only positivity.

Andrey was born in Moscow in 1970. Since childhood, his life has been connected with creativity: music school for piano, then studying at the Russian Academy of Theater Arts, working as a fashion model, presenter, and actor in small enterprises. After winning one of the competitions, Grigoriev-Apollonov left for the USA for 2 years: the artist was invited to participate in the popular Broadway musical “Metro”. However, in 1994, the singer returned to Russia and received an offer to join the Ivanushki International project. Since then, Grigoriev-Appolonov has been a permanent member of the team, without whom it is impossible to imagine this group. Despite the busy schedule of concerts and work on albums for many years, Andrey actively works on television. For more than 15 years he has been known as a talented presenter. Over the years, Grigoriev-Appolonov hosted such programs as “12 Evil Spectators” (MTV), “Polundra” (CTC), “Cosmopolitan. Video version" (TNT), "Good night, kids" (Russia-1). Lately, Andrei has often received offers to act in films.

The artist is married and has two sons with his wife, Marya.

Those who no longer exist

Igor Sorin

Against the background of the sparkling Andrei Grigoriev-Applonov and the seductive Kirill Andreev, the third soloist of the first cast of “Ivanushki”, Igor Sorin, always looked a little sad. And this fully reflects the singer’s character - vulnerable, thoughtful, melancholic.

Igor Sorin (real name Raiberg) was born in Moscow and was immersed in creativity from childhood. Igor differs from the other members of the group in his most academic musical education - the singer graduated from Gnesinka. It was he who wrote many of the group’s hits, and also created music in other directions. Together with Andrei Grigoriev-Appolnov, Igor participated in the New York musical “Metro,” where the artists became friends. Therefore, their joint participation in a Russian pop group was quite logical. However, Igor only lasted for three years: at the beginning of 1998, he announced his departure from the team. This happened at the peak of the popularity of Ivanushki, but for Sorin personal beliefs were always more important.

Igor was not tall and had outstanding appearance, but his inner energy captivated him at first sight. That’s why the tragic death of 28-year-old Sorin came as a real shock to thousands of the artist’s fans: several girls passed away after their idol. On September 1, 1998, Igor fell out of a studio window on the 6th floor. Three days later, after numerous operations, the singer died. Conversations and speculation about the causes of the tragedy still do not subside. Some talk about an accident, others about suicide (Sorin's suicide note was found). There are also more serious versions:

  • mental disorder,
  • drug addiction,
  • murder,
  • the influence of a destructive religious sect.

Be that as it may, the memory of Igor Sorin is alive to this day, and the composition of “Ivanushki International” with his participation is called golden.

Oleg Yakovlev

After Igor Sorin left Ivanushki in the winter of 1998, his peer Oleg Yakovlev was accepted into the team.

Oleg was born in Mongolia, but spent his childhood in the USSR. The future artist graduated from music school, after which he entered GITIS. He was equally good at acting and singing. Just one small role - in the video for the song “Doll” - became a turning point for Oleg. After that, he was invited to “Ivanushki” as a soloist. Many constantly compared Yakovlev with Sorin, trying to find common features in appearance and manner of performance. Unfortunately, only one thing truly united the singers - their early death.

In 2017, Oleg Yakovlev died as a result of a serious illness - cirrhosis of the liver, complicated by pneumonia. And again, fans of “Ivanushki” had to go through a huge tragedy, because Oleg was a very bright, charming and talented performer.

New line-up

Today, Ivanushki International, of course, is not as popular as it was in the late nineties. They can rightfully be called “veterans” of the scene, because as before, any performance of the group draws audiences. Fans of “Ivanushki” grew up listening to their songs and to this day enjoy listening to their favorite hits.

Kirill Andreev and Andrey Grigoriev-Appolonov remain the permanent soloists of the group, and last year they were joined by another performer - Kirill Turichenko.

Kirill was born in Odessa in 1979 and during his childhood he participated in various creative competitions. Turichenko is unusually prolific as a creative figure. He has roles in musicals, theatrical productions, and participation in dozens of musical projects. That is why the Ukrainian talent became the best candidate for the new line-up of Ivanushki International, with which the legendary group continues to delight its fans to this day.

The love theme of the songs and the appearance of handsome men in the late nineties could not help but attract the attention of young people to the group “Ivanushki International”. However, the boy band's work is still popular. AiF.ru recalls the history of one of the most successful Russian pop groups.

"The Third International Danced"

One of the most popular Russian pop groups could be called “Soyuz-Apollo”, “Sunflowers”, “Don Hip-Hop and Sancho Dancer”, “Pencils” and even “Third Internatantseval”. “We couldn’t find a name for the band for a long time,” recalled the lead singer Andrey Grigoriev-Appolonov.“I still have a notebook somewhere, covered with hundreds of titles.”

Only six months later the final name of the group appeared: “Ivanushki International”. Songwriter Hermann Witke suggested calling the guys “Ivanushki”, and producer Igor Matvienko added “International”, which reflected the creative task of the group (the musicians tried to combine the best traditions of Russian folk music, Soviet pop music and popular foreign dance styles).

Initially, Matvienko planned to produce not a boy trio, but a group of five people: three guys and two girls in the images of a “hooligan” and “Cinderella”. They searched for “Cinderella” in modeling agencies and clubs, but did not find it, and the “hooligan” ran away two days after the casting. They didn’t take any more risks, so they settled on a participant in the musical “Metro” Igor Sorine, star of the Sochi Fashion Theater Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonov and model house model Vyacheslav Zaitsev Kirill Andreev.

The first composition of the group “Ivanushki International”: Andrey Grigoriev-Appolonov, Igor Sorin, Kirill Andreev. Photo: www.globallookpress.com

For a long time, the guys were prepared for the big stage: they studied vocals, solfeggio, dance, and recorded songs at the Mosfilm studio. Only towards the end of 1995 did their solo performances begin in Moscow clubs and the first video for the song “Universe” was shot.

The first video was not successful, so Matvienko even thought about disbanding the team, but decided to give the guys one last chance. The ticket to a happy future turned out to be a video for the song “Clouds”: the simple composition immediately topped the music charts, and the guys became wildly popular.

Grigoriev-Appolonov later recalled the group’s triumph like this: “Sochi, I wake up, turn on the TV - the Hot Ten program. And there: “And in first place we have an unknown young group with the original name “Ivanushki International”. And they play “Clouds” - and I haven’t seen the video yet. Then I go out to the beach and people start jumping on me. I really woke up famous, just in one second.”

Success dot ru

The guys were attracted by their spontaneity, relaxedness and good dance training, so very soon they were included in the number of youth idols. And the group’s repertoire did not disappoint: “Doll”, “Ring”, “Alyoshkina Love”, “Little Sister”, “Clouds” - hits began to come out one after another.

By the end of the nineties, thousands of fans were already making “pilgrimages” to the musicians’ houses, which caused problems for the guys. “We had quite a tough relationship with our neighbors because of the fans who covered our entire entrance with love messages addressed to Igor,” said the mother of one of the soloists Svetlana Sorina.“All the floors and elevators were full of tearful appeals to him. We were tired of this, and I brought a bucket of powder to these abnormal girls and told them that if they respect Igor, they should wash all the floors. Washed."

The first serious changes occurred in the group at the beginning of 1998, when the girls’ favorite Igor Sorin said: “I’m tired of singing the same thing every day.” The popular performer, despite the persuasion of his bandmates, decided to pursue a solo career.

Unfortunately, Igor never succeeded in realizing his dreams: ex-“Ivanushka” died while recording a solo record. There is still no consensus about what happened during a smoke break in the recording studio on September 1, 1998. The official version of the investigation is prolonged depression and suicide. But the pop star’s relatives and fans do not believe in suicide, believing that it was a planned murder.

Meanwhile, the life of Ivanushki International continued: Sorin’s place was replaced by Oleg Yakovlev, having previously starred in the “Doll” video as one of the actors. The group's fans did not immediately accept the replacement: the short blond did not fit the role of a macho man, but over time the singer managed to win over even Sorin's most devoted fans.

A year after Yakovlev’s team appeared in Ivanushki International, they released the album “Fragments of Life.” The participants decided to dedicate this record to the memory of Sorin, especially since some of its songs were written based on his poems. Then the famous albums “I’ll scream about this all night”, “Wait for me”, “Oleg, Andrey, Kirill” were released with the songs “Bullfinches”, “Revi”, “Boat”, “Beznadega tochka ru” and a dozen more pop songs. hits of its time.

Every year the group gained momentum, and videos for the songs “Ivanushki” were shot not by just anyone, but by the most famous directors: Philip Yankovsky(“Hopelessness dot ru”), Fedor Bondarchuk(“Ticket to the Cinema”).

22 years for five

Only in the second half of the 2000s did the popularity of Ivanushki International begin to decline. Some attributed the group’s failure to Matvienko’s creative crisis, who stopped writing hits, but the decline in interest in the boy band is a completely natural phenomenon. The soloists themselves are not shy about saying that fans for the most part fell in love not with their music, but with their bodies: with charming young men.

By 2012, the boy band had already released 13 music albums, and Oleg Yakovlev was thinking about a solo career. “You know, I’m probably more worried about Ivanushki than about myself. I'm not afraid at all. I'm confident. I have wonderful material that any artist would envy. I think that there will be no obstacles on my solo creative path,” the singer said in an interview.

Oleg was replaced by a former employee of the Odessa Comedy Theater Kirill Turichenko, who fit perfectly into the team. On November 27, 2015, he performed at the anniversary concert of “Ivanushek International”, dedicated to the twentieth anniversary of the group’s creative activity. That evening there was a presentation of a video for the new song “Dance while you dance!” To date, this is the last hit of “Ivanushki International”.

"Ivanushki International" is one of the most popular groups in our country. Over their 20-year history of existence, these guys were able to win the popularity and love of millions of Russian girls. The composition of the group "Ivanushki International" changed several times. Who are its participants today? You will learn about this from the article.

History of the group's creation

The official founding date of Ivanushki International is November 10, 1994. The group did not get its name right away. At first, the guys performed as the Soyuz-Apollo trio. The first composition of the group “Ivanushki International” is Igor Sorin, Andrey Grigoriev-Apollonov and Kirill Andreev. At that time, their songs were not popular, and fans did not line up in crowds in front of the entrance to the concert hall.

Six months after the formation of the trio, the sonorous name “Ivanushki International” appeared. The poet Herman Vitke helped the guys with this. He came up with only the first part of the name, and the author of the second part is producer Igor Matvienko.


The composition of the Ivanushki International group announced above began to work. 2 years after its creation, the trio released their debut album, called “Of course it is.” It included the songs “Ring”, “Somewhere” and “Clouds”, which later became hits and brought the group unprecedented popularity. These compositions were played in discos throughout the country.

The second album, “Your Letters,” was released in 1997. It included original compositions, as well as cover versions of songs that were popular in past years. Among them we can highlight “Little Sister”, “Alyoshka’s Love” and so on.

In 1998, the composition of the Ivanushki International group changed. Fans no longer saw photos of Andrey, Kirill and Igor on posters. Sorin decided to develop a solo career. But this did not mean that Ivanushki International ceased to exist. The composition of the group has not changed from a trio to a duet. Igor Sorin's place was taken by a short, fair-haired guy, Oleg Yakovlev. At that time, the song “Poplar Down” appeared in the group’s repertoire, which subsequently repeatedly took first place in the Russian Radio chart. At first, fans did not want to accept Oleg and demanded the return of their beloved Igor Sorin. But the sweet and handsome guy was still able to melt their hearts.

“Golden” composition of the group “Ivanushki International”

A year after the appearance of Oleg Yakovlev, the trio released the album “Fragments of Life”. The participants decided to dedicate it to the memory of Igor Sorin, who fell to his death. Some songs were written based on poems by the former soloist.

In April 1999, Andrey, Kirill and Oleg released their third disc, which was called “I’ll scream about this all night.” The song of the same name was performed by the red-haired “Ivanushka”.

Between 1999 and 2005, two more albums were released, containing new compositions and cover versions of favorite songs.

Andrey Grigoriev-Apollonov

The red-haired soloist of “Ivanushek International” was born on July 26, 1970 in the sunny city of Sochi. His father is a surgeon, and his mother held the position of administrator of a winter theater.

At school, Andrei was seriously interested in table tennis. He took part in competitions and often took prizes. Years later, our hero even became a tennis player. But Grigoriev-Apollonov always considered music to be his main hobby. Since childhood, he attended a music school, where he studied piano.

Andrei has already studied at the academy and worked as a fashion model and director of theatrical performances for children. In 1992, the red-haired “Ivanushka” went to the USA, where he lived for 2 years, performing in a musical on Broadway. He soon returned to Russia and became a member of a youth group.

Kirill Andreev

The dark-haired lead singer of “Ivanushki” was born on April 6, 1971 in Moscow. His father worked as a builder, and his mother received Kirill's childhood in Kuzminki. There he went to a regular school, and then to a technical school. In 1989, the guy was drafted into the army. Two years later, Andreev returned home. The guy immediately signed up for the kickboxing section. In a short time, Kirill managed to create an excellent athletic figure. This allowed him to build a successful modeling career. In 1993, Natalya Vetlitskaya introduced him to producer Igor Matvienko.

Oleg Yakovlev

The blonde from Ivanushki International was born on November 18, 1969 in the Mongolian city of Choibalsan. His parents went there on a business trip. The family returned to Russia when Oleg graduated from first grade. The Yakovlevs settled in Irkutsk. In this city, our hero went to a regular school and attended a music school several times a week (piano class).

Having received a diploma from the Irkutsk Theater School, Oleg went to Moscow. In the capital, Yakovlev submitted a document to GITIS. By assignment, he ended up on a course with Armen Dzhigarkhanyan.

In 1998, the producer of the trio “Ivanushki International” became interested in him. The composition of the group changed at that time. Oleg fit all the criteria: fair-haired, short, with a pleasant voice and musical education.

Career continuation

In 2005, Andrey, Oleg and Kirill completed work on creating the album “10 Years in the Universe”. The sales volume of the disc did not meet the expectations of the producer and the musicians themselves. Unfortunately, the career of “Ivanushki” began to decline. But there is nothing surprising here. After all, many groups have appeared on the Russian stage, the soloists of which are young, handsome and talented guys.

In 2010, a documentary film was released telling the story of the emergence of Ivanushki International, as well as the group’s path to success. Only the creative moments were highlighted in the film. And the details of the personal lives of the soloists were revealed in the program “Star Relatives”, aired on Channel One.

By 2012, the group’s creative treasury included 13 released albums, dozens of hits and hundreds of concerts. Photographs of Andrey, Oleg and Kirill adorned the pages of popular magazines. But in the same year, Yakovlev announced his retirement and the start of a solo career.

“Ivanushki International”: new line-up of the group

Fans were very upset about the departure of Oleg Yakovlev. But that is his decision. In 2012, the composition of the Ivanushki International group changed again. Kirill Turichenko is the name of the new soloist. He was born on January 13, 1983 in Odessa. From an early age, the guy attended music and theater schools. In 2002, Kirill got a job at the Odessa Comedy Theater. Turichenko was involved in more than 500 performances and musicals.

In 2006, his solo career began. The guy participated in Eurovision and performed at various festivals. In his native Ukraine, he released several solo albums and starred in a dozen videos. In 2012 he moved to Moscow and was invited to join the group “Ivanushki International”. He took the place of Oleg Yakovlev, who voluntarily terminated the contract.


Now you know the current composition of the Ivanushki International group. We wish the guys creative success and prosperity!

Ivanushki International is a Russian musical group founded in 1995 by producer Igor Matvienko.Composition of the group "IVANUSHKI International" since 2013: Andrey Grigoriev-Apollonov (in the group since 1995), Kirill Andreev (in the group since 1995), Kirill Turichenko (in the group since 2013).
Initially, the group did not have its own name and they performed under various pseudonyms “Soyuz-Apollo” and others. Only six months later the final name “Ivanushki International” appeared.
Conceptually, Igor Matvienko wanted in his new project to combine the best traditions of Russian folk music, Soviet pop music and popular foreign dance styles (disco, trance, etc.). This concept was reflected in the name of the group. In 1996, Ivanushki released their first studio album, “Of Course He.” It included three cover versions of songs by groups and performers of the late 80s “Universe”, in addition, the album also included other songs that later became iconic “Clouds”, “Ring”, “Somewhere”.In 1998, Ivanushki released one of her best works, the song “Poplar Down.”In 2007, when Sochi was entrusted with hosting the 2014 Winter Olympic Games, “Ivanushki” took part in a gala concert on Theater Square in Sochi, where a live broadcast of the voting by members of the International Olympic Committee was broadcast.On November 13, 2010, Ivanushki International gathered together at CROCUS CITY HALL in honor of the group’s 15th anniversary.On November 19, 2010, Channel One aired an episode of the show “PROPERTY OF THE REPUBLIC” dedicated to Igor Matvienko. The program featured 10 songs by the composer, including four songs from the “Ivanushki” repertoire, and the “Ivanushki” themselves sang “Poplar Down.”The group took part in the filming of documentaries in 2010: “Igor Matvienko. Maestro in jeans" and "Vladimir Shainsky: suddenly a wizard will fly in...".
On November 27, 2015, the anniversary concert “Ivanushki International” took place at Crocus City Hall. The team celebrated the 20th anniversary of its creative activity on stage. The singers presented the public with a video for their new song “Dance while they dance!” You can order Ivanushka’s group to perform for a holiday or invite you to participate in a concert on the official website of Vipartist. On the website you can see the biography, photos and videos of the group, and use the specified contact numbers to invite them to the event with a concert program. To find out the conditions of an invitation to the holiday, call the numbers posted on the website of the concert agent of the Ivanushka group. Information about the fee and concert schedule will be given to you so that you can invite Ivanushka’s group to an event or order a performance for an anniversary or party. Please check and book available performance dates in advance!