Interesting facts about the hobby. Top most interesting hobbies

Each of us likes to relax after a hard day and just relax. Many people prefer to do this in front of the TV while watching their favorite movies or at the computer playing games, while others even relax lying in silence on a soft sofa. But there are people for whom such leisure is unacceptable and they try to be creative in planning their free time.

It is known that there are a huge number of competitions in which dogs are the main characters. They are assessed according to different criteria, namely:
- appearance;
- physical form;
- level of training, etc.
It is also known that there are quite unusual competitions where owners try to surprise the jury with an original haircut for their pet.

Often representatives of modern society are observant. They carry a notebook with them, try to notice unusual and useful details, or simply to plan their daily routine. But there are also those who make observation an unusual hobby. They keep strange statistics in a notebook, they can write down the numbers of regular buses, their route and approximate time of arrival.

This is probably a bit of a strange topic to talk about, but still, most people find lumps of fur from clothes in their navel after wearing them for a long time. And 99.9% of people don’t care about this. But not just one man who decided to collect hairballs in special containers. By the way, he started this hobby back in 1984.

Pavel Luka has not been able to live a day without milk since childhood. The man collected a huge number of bottles and carefully stores them in a special building. To date, the number of containers has exceeded 10,000.

There are also people who are fond of handicrafts, but the material used is not wood, metal or plastic, but soap, and they make very attractive figurines and souvenirs from it.

Some people enjoy stranger things. For example, there are people who like to climb a rock with an ironing board, and then iron their clothes to perfection at a great height.

In the UK, a group of young people decided to hold a mooing competition every year. On a certain day, many competitors gather and demonstrate that they can moo no worse than cows.

But there are also more creative people who use the cassette for other purposes and make masterfully beautiful paintings from it. Among the main properties of cassette tape is elasticity, and thanks to this, real masterpieces are obtained.

Surely many of you have not heard of a guy named Chuck Lamb. He was nicknamed "the dead guy" because his hobby is very strange and probably the most shocking of all. He imitates his own death while being in crowded places. Initially, the guy dreamed of becoming an actor, but he was bad at memorizing the text. The man was not at a loss and decided to make his dream come true in an unusual way.

Imagine that you live in an African country and have never held snow in your hands, but you really want to build a snowman. Some people find a way out and fashion it out of mud, but this is not the most unusual thing. Once the mudball is ready, the all-important process of polishing to perfect smoothness begins. Abroad, many consider such balls to be a work of art and purchase them as room decoration for decent money.

Everyone puts their own meaning into the concept of “unusual hobby”. For some it is collecting vintage stamps or expensive wine, for others it is rock climbing. And some even understand this as watching UFOs or hunting for tornadoes and tornadoes.
Over the past few years, the list of common hobbies has been replenished with a dozen amazing and slightly frightening hobbies, which not everyone dares to get involved with. I have prepared for you a selection of unusual hobbies that you probably haven’t heard of.
TV bombing The world learned about this non-trivial way to while away free time thanks to London resident Paul Yarrow. For the past five years, a man has been entertaining himself by “hunting” for television reporters. To be more precise, Paul looks for film crews around the city and during a live broadcast or recording of a “stand-up” (when a journalist speaks to the camera) stands like a statue in the background. In fact, the joker took the popular Internet art of “photobombing”—invading other people’s photos—to a new level.

Over the years of hunting, the Briton appeared in hundreds of stories. Thanks to his unusual hobby, Paul became a London celebrity. The man himself calls himself “the fat guy from the background.” Paul’s plans are to get into the popular UK reality show Celebrity Big Brother.
Dead man game
IT engineer from Ohio (USA) Chuck Lamb became interested in an unusual hobby in 2005 after watching a detective series with his wife Tonya. The man, unexpectedly for himself, decided that he wanted, like the actors in the film, to “pretend to be dead.” No sooner said than done. Together with his wife, Chuck came up with several images and conducted a test photo shoot. The couple published the best photographs, in which he appeared killed in various ways, on a website specially created for this case.

Further more. Chuck became so addicted to playing dead that he began to devote almost all his free time to his new hobby. The wasted days were not in vain - soon the lover of pretending to be killed was noticed. The number of site views increased to 50 million. Success pushed the couple to develop new subjects for photo shoots and new photographs.

After some time, the man’s original hobby was appreciated by local television companies, and Chuck was invited to participate in the filming of crime series. Of course, as an actor who will play murdered people. This is how the American’s hobby grew into an interesting and, most importantly, profitable part-time job. A day of filming for Chuck Lamb costs $1,500.
Hunting for tornadoes
Chuck Lamb, although he has to wallow in pools of blood (fake blood, of course), nevertheless, he does not risk his life. The man’s hobby is quite harmless. The same cannot be said about professional photographer from the USA Mike Hollingshead. In his spare time, he hunts for tornadoes. True, unlike the most famous tornado catcher, researcher Tim Samars, who died while chasing another wind monster in 2013, Mike does not seek to look inside a tornado. His goal is spectacular photographs.

Mike searches for tornadoes on his own. He chases them all over the country in his car, often recording videos.
Over the years of such hunting, Mike has collected an impressive collection of stunning photographs. And, most importantly, he managed to turn his dangerous hobby into the main source of income. Today, the photographer collaborates with leading publications about travel and wildlife, in particular, the authoritative National Geographic magazine.
Coloring animals
The hobby, which will be discussed below, appeared in early 2010 in China. The creators of a new type of pastime were local dog breeders and groomers. Dog lovers began to paint their pets with colored paints and cut their hair in such a way that as a result they looked like exotic animals.
To be fair, it is worth noting that the Chinese borrowed the idea of ​​painting dogs from the Americans. However, the hobby of dog breeders from the USA has a slightly different slant - unlike their colleagues from the Middle Kingdom, they simply paint their pets’ fur coats in bright colors, without turning them into wild animals, for example, tigers and pandas.
Before becoming a tiger, this adorable dog was known locally as a golden retriever.

And these teddy bears were just ordinary chow-chows before their transformation.

This unusual hobby of dog breeders has become so popular that in some provinces they began to organize thematic festivals and exhibitions of purebred dogs with “makeup” to look like wild animals.

Conducting insect fights
If in China pets are painted for fun, then in Thailand they are pitted against each other. In the literal sense of the word. True, it is not dogs that are used here, but large beetles. Something like this.

We are talking about holding public insect fights. An unusual hobby has existed in Thailand for a long time. The beetles for the fight are carefully selected (as a rule, they are caught in the surrounding forests) and, interestingly, undergo preliminary preparation - they train. Large individuals are most valued. The battle ground is a wide log, with the public gawking at it from both sides.

To prevent the beetles from relaxing and being distracted from the fight, trainers (that is, owners) egg them on with wooden sticks.

Every year, Thais, passionate about this unusual hobby, take part in a local festival, where the strongest fighting beetles are determined during short fights, and their owners earn money from the public’s bets.
Swimming in giant pumpkins
But farmers, and simply lovers of the gardening theme in the USA and Germany, practice a hobby associated with swimming races in real pumpkins. An unusual way to spend your free time has appeared thanks to the autumn harvest festival, which takes place here in September-October. To participate in the race you need to provide your own vehicle, namely a pumpkin weighing at least 90 kilograms. Something like this.

After the expert commission weighs and measures the pumpkin, the pulp is removed from it. As a result, the “pot-bellied” one turns into a single-seater boat. Race participants have the right to decorate the fruit at their own discretion.

Once the pumpkins are prepared and registered, the swim begins. The distance, by the way, is small - from 800 to 1000 meters. But it only seems that overcoming such a path is a piece of cake. Balancing in a giant pumpkin that keeps trying to tip over is not so easy.
Perhaps the biggest drawback of the pumpkin hobby is the inability to do it constantly. An unusual regatta is held once a year, but in order to take part in it you need to work for several months - to grow a potential boat, without having any guarantee that it will reach the required size. However, the other side of the coin does not deter fans of pumpkin racing.
An unusual hobby is certainly a pleasant way to while away your free time. However, such entertainment is not suitable for everyone - they are too extraordinary. Obviously, this is why most people prefer quieter and simpler entertainment. For example, fishing. In Russia, by the way, this way of spending time, according to a recent VTsIOM survey, is the most popular.
Well, the most rare and at the same time expensive hobby around the world from year to year remains buying and collecting rare objects of art. We talked about what rich people from different countries, fixated on this hobby, spend their money on in our last review - “Would you buy this? The most expensive art objects sold under the hammer.”

Everyone spends their leisure time differently. Some read books, others draw, others prefer sports or dancing, and some just lie on the couch in front of the TV. There are many options for spending time, but among them there are also some rather strange hobbies.

1 – Toy traveling

The essence of this unusual hobby is to send your toys around the world. For this purpose, the ToyVoyagers website was created, where a diary of a toy is kept, where you can choose a temporary home for it with its owners, send and receive photos. But if you want to bring the “traveler” home, the temporary owners will send the toy home.

2 – Extreme ironing

David Fitzgerald from the UK, also known as "Safety Setting", became interested in extreme ironing in 1997. From a simple environmental protection officer, David turned into a real extreme sportsman. He irons clothes underwater while skydiving or mountain climbing. Not everyone can adopt such a hobby.

3 – Dog grooming, China

Perhaps one of the most eccentric hobbies you can imagine. For the competition, the owners cut and dye the dogs in such a way that they become like other animals or objects. The main goal of the competition, which takes place in China, is, of course, money! For winning it you can get 30 thousand US dollars. I wonder what animal activists say about this hobby.

4 – Muing

There is a strange competition in Wisconsin where participants moo. The one who imitates a cow's moo best of all wins the main prize of the competition. The last winner was a ten-year-old boy named Austin, who was rewarded with $1,000, a gold bell and a cow costume.

5 – Train surfing

Train surfing as a hobby originated in Germany in the 1980s. Crazy hobby is considered one of the most dangerous in the world, and for good reason. Trainsurfers climb onto the roofs of trains and perform tricks: jumping or running at high speed. In search of adrenaline, the most reckless train surfers climb onto the roofs of high-speed trains. More than 40 people a year die just from trying to learn to surf on a train.

6 – Vehicle tattooing

Taiwanese pensioner Lee Zongxiong paints unusual graffiti on cars. Lee became interested in unusual vehicle tattooing in 1999. The drawings are words from sacred Buddhist texts that the Taiwanese paints on the fenders, roof, license plates and even on car windows.

Lee only paints on his own cars, of which there are four in the family. His grandson promised to buy a big bus when he grows up so that his grandfather can enjoy his hobby.

7 – Participate in news in the background

Paul Yarrow from the UK has been in the news more than once. We have seen him on BBC, ITV, Channel 4 and Sky News. Paul appears in the areas where the news crew is located and creeps into the background of the frame, playing a random passerby.

8. Collecting belly button fluff

Since 1984, Australian Graham Barker has been collecting perhaps the strangest collection in the world - belly button fluff. Over the years of his hobby, he collected 22 grams of fluff, for which he was included in the Guinness Book of Records. He sold his collection to the Australian Museum.

9 – Ecstasy Collection

In 2009, a man called Dutch authorities to report the theft of his ecstasy collection, which included more than 2,400 tablets. He knew it was illegal, but was concerned about the danger to his collection. The Dutchman has been collecting narcotic pills for more than 20 years.

10 – The largest paint ball

American Michael Carmichael applied 22,894 layers of paint to a baseball. One day he decided to paint his ball, and later came up with a new hobby - applying a new layer of paint on top of the old one, always of a different color. Since 1977, the ball has increased its weight to 1588 kg and has become a real attraction.

11 – Dorodango

A Japanese hobby that involves polishing mud balls. The strange hobby was a traditional hobby of Japanese children. There is even a specific technique for creating mirror-smooth mud balls.

12 – Faking Death

They say that after faking death in DPS and murder, Chuck was invited to a movie where he would play a corpse.

13 – Collecting paper bags

Some people collect sanitary paper bags that are provided in hospitals or airplanes. One of the largest collections is collected by a Singaporean buggyist - it includes 388 packages from 186 airlines. Now, for those who are passionate about this hobby, there are websites where you can buy paper bags from different companies.

14 – Carousel ride

A 78-year-old man from the USA went on rides 90 times in one day. For Vic Clement these are quite ordinary numbers. Since childhood, he loves carousels and can ride on them for several hours without a break. Throughout his life, Vic has tried many rides, riding them more than 4,000 times.

15 – Collecting handcuffs

Frank Reno has amassed the largest collection of handcuffs in the world. It contains 377 copies. Frank took up the hobby in 1995. The collection can be seen at

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Good day, dear students and parents!

Having wandered through the pages of the Internet, I found interesting articles about the hobbies of different people, to which they devote their free time from work, and sometimes their whole lives. Sometimes a found favorite activity absorbs a person so much that it becomes the main activity in which the craftsman achieves the highest mastery.

I have selected the top ten, which includes unusual hobbies of people in different countries, which seemed to me the most interesting and cause delight and surprise.

Lesson plan:

Wood sculptures

Many people are passionate about the ancient Chinese craft, but the Chinese master Zheng Chonghui was able to build the longest sculpture in the world from solid wood - more than 12 meters. The work, about 3 meters high, was made in the form of a wooden copy of the Chinese painting “Along the River During the Qingming Time,” created more than a thousand years ago.

The author worked for four years, carving rivers, people, animals, forests, boats and even entire villages on wood canvas. As a result, more than 550 human figures settled on the sculpture. For his work, Zheng Chonghui received a certificate from the Guinness Book of Records.

Sculptures on pencil

American artist and sculptor Dalton Getty has an unusual hobby. For 25 years he has been interested in carving... It's hard to believe - pencil lead!

He has achieved such skill that he makes masterpieces of miniature size from fragile material. Moreover, while working, he does not use magnifying glasses. His working arsenal includes only a blade, sewing needles and a knife.

The most painstaking work to which he devoted two and a half years was a miniature of a pencil with a chain.

Few people believe that it is made from one lead without gluing. How he does it? As Dalton himself says, he never sells his wonderful creations, but gives them to his friends.

Paintings with nails

Each of us imagines how to hammer an ordinary nail, but the British Marcus Levin can not only hammer it into a wall, but knows how to approach this process creatively, creating artistic masterpieces from building material. At least fifteen thousand nails and one hammer are all that the master needs so that in three days – at most a month – the next work of art will be born.

Marcus “paints” his iron paintings by hand, like any other artist, without preliminary sketches. The pioneer of such an artistic movement called “Nail sculpture” began to enthusiastically pursue his hobby in 2005. Today, his favorite activity brings the artist a good income - his paintings are successfully sold, and at a price of about $40,000.

Sand drawings

American surfer Jim Denevan has a unique hobby, which, alas, is short-lived - he paints his amazing paintings on the beach sand.

During his 18 years of creativity, he used rakes and wooden sticks to decorate more than a hundred beaches around the world. The creative process begins immediately after low tide, so that by the time the sea water returns back, the drawing is ready.

When creating sand paintings, Jim does not resort to measuring instruments or mathematical calculations of distances, doing everything “by eye”, as his heart dictates. Would you feel sorry for a job that is swallowed by a sea wave at high tide? But the artist has a philosophical attitude towards the process of nature’s destruction of his works, calling it an integral part of creativity.

You can see works of sand art only during their creation or already in photographs.


There are craftsmen in Russia too. Thus, the modern Tula “Lefty” Nikolai Aldunin is interested in creating tiny metal miniatures.

Being a mechanic by training, he achieved such skill that he was able to make a rifle the size of a grain of rice, shod a flea with gold shoes under a microscope, placed a golden saddle on it, placed camels in the eye of a needle and placed a T-34 tank on the longitudinal sections of an apple seed. and the Ostankino tower with a height of 6.3 mm.

Metal embroidery

Many girls know how to cross-stitch, stitch by stitch, laying out the details of a fabric picture. But the Lithuanian craftswoman Severija Insirauskaitė is interested in metal embroidery.

To do this, she takes a man's tool - a drill, makes holes, and then cross-stitches the patterns. Her creative collection includes beautifully decorated buckets and shovels, car hoods and doors.

Card pieces

Playing cards is not a very useful activity, but the playing pictures themselves can be very useful if you engage in construction.

American Bert McLane became a famous architect thanks to playing cards, from which he built a five-story house at the age of 5. If you have enough patience, you can try your hand at building at least a three-story building. But the talented Bert honed his skills by building pyramids and copies of American skyscrapers from maps. His hobby led him to world fame.

The Saudi Arabian government commissioned Burt to build a card replica of the royal high-rise complex. In a month and a half and a fee of 1.5 million dollars, the card builder built an object 15.3 meters long and 3.5 meters high, using 4,351 decks of cards.


This is the art of growing plants and trees of a certain shape in order to create natural sculptures from them.

This hobby can be boasted by the spouses Peter Cook and Becky Northey, who began their work by growing a wooden chair, directing the growth of trees in a given trajectory. For their work, sculptors use garden plum and bird cherry.

They do not tell their secret of painstaking intervention in nature, creating intricate images year after year.

Star fever

Who has any hobby, but the British Paul Yarrow will spend his day in vain if he doesn’t flash in the background during television filming.

His bald head and corpulent body, invariably dressed in a beige sweater, have become so familiar to viewers of famous TV channels Sky News, BBC, Channel 4, ITV and others that reporting without the usual “behind the scenes” worker is already losing its appeal. Paul's unusual passion for always being on camera made him a TV star.

Riding on attractions

American old man Vic Clement, aged about 80, prolongs his youth with his hobby. Do you think so?

He gets an emotional ride on a roller coaster, flying at breakneck speed at least 20 times during each visit to the amusement park. The extreme sports enthusiast counted about 4,000 flights high into the air, confirming his records with saved receipts. Vic set an absolute record on the wooden Jack Rabbit attraction, riding as many as 90 times in one sitting.

These are the most unusual hobbies of people from different countries. By the way, this interesting information can be used to develop an unusual school project. Do you agree?

What do you do in your free time from studying? Tell us in the comments and maybe someone will tell you about you in their research project.

Good luck in your studies!

Evgenia Klimkovich.

10. Let's ride a roller coaster!

It turns out that riding roller coasters can be not just a hobby, but a real passion.

The 78-year-old American rode the Pittsburgh-area roller roller coaster 90 times in one day, completing 4 thousand laps.

Another obsessed person, Vic Clement, spent about five hours on the Jack Rabbit roller.

He has been visiting the attraction since 1959, where he typically makes up to 20 rides in a single day. By the way, he is a member of the Society of Roller Coaster Enthusiasts.

9. Appearing in the background on TV news

Paul Yarrow from London certainly has a hobby: he loves to appear on the TV screen.

Therefore, as soon as they start filming the news somewhere, he is right there - in the background.

He has already been featured in news coverage for the BBC, ITV, Channel 4 and Sky News.

It remains a mystery how Paul finds out where the next story should be filmed.

8. $10 for a stranger

When Reed Sandridge lost his job last year, he took up a new hobby.

Every day he gives $10 to a stranger who, in his opinion, really needs it.

He doesn’t expect anything in return, his soul just becomes lighter.

His mother, a miner's daughter whom he always remembers for her kindness, taught his son that in difficult times a person must help his neighbor who is in even greater need.

Sandridge uses his savings and unemployment benefits for the “gifts.” He keeps strict records of expenses in a black notebook and talks about the people he helps on his blog.

7. Moo

When it comes to mooing, a true expert appears on the scene: 10-year-old Austin Siok.

This American fifth-grader won the annual mooing competition in Wisconsin.

And all because his moo was the best: he beat not only 80 competitors, but also all the cows.

As a reward, Austin received $1,000, a jacket with a picture of a cow, a gold cow bell, and an award from a sponsor.

6. Collecting ecstasy tablets

The Dane collected ecstasy tablets for 20 years. His collection already numbered 2,400 tablets of all colors and sizes when it was stolen in 2009.

The thief was not found. Despite the illegal nature of the collection, its owner still reported the theft.

He fears that someone who swallows these tablets could become poisoned, since the collection contains 40 poisonous specimens.

5. Coloring dogs

The photo above is not a tiger at all, but a painted dog.

It's a new hobby that has amazed many Chinese: they cut and dye their own dogs' fur to give them the appearance of another animal.

The Chinese accepted the new fashion with great enthusiasm, especially since cutting and slightly tinting the wool has long been practiced in this country.

As statistics show, the cost of maintaining and caring for pets increased in the Middle Kingdom by 500% in the period from 1999-2000.

4. Corpse Guy

47-year-old American Chuck Lamb, also known as The Dead Body Guy, probably has the strangest hobby in the world: he likes to pretend to be dead.

Moreover, he takes photographs of himself and posts them on his website.

Chuck started this hobby in 2005, and to this day his interest in it has not waned. A year later, his website was visited by more than 32 million people, newspapers, radio and television started talking about him.

Chuck explains his strange hobby by the fact that he always wanted to act in films and on television.

Actually, this is a rather strange hobby for a married man with six children.

Chuck admits that he has no acting skills and is not particularly attractive, so his acting career is closed to him. But with popularity - everything is fine!

3. The eternal plaintiff

Despite the fact that one Jonathan Lee is a federal prison inmate in Kentucky, he was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the person who filed the most lawsuits.

What was his next step? Right! He sued the Guinness World Records staff, who, he said, "did not have the right to publish my work, my rightful masterpieces."

Jonathan does not hide the fact that he was treated in a psychiatric hospital.

Among his many "masterpieces" are lawsuits against Plato, Nostradamus, former President George W. Bush, Somali pirates, Britney Spears, Buddhist monks, the President of Iran and manufacturers of artificial oil.

The list goes on and on...

2. Car tattoo

Taiwanese pensioner Li Zongxiong has a very strange hobby: applying it to his vehicles.

A 71-year-old workshop owner writes chaste words from Buddhist texts on his car.

Since 1991, he has already painted a car, a motorcycle and two trucks. There is practically no “living space” left on them: mirrors, windshields, bodies, doors, wheels - and even license plates are painted.

True, this hobby brought nothing but trouble to its owner: the police think that he is painting other people’s cars. And it’s true - who would dare to damage their own vehicles?

Li, who has only a primary education, said most of the words were taken from Buddhist texts. Lee's son says the family currently prohibits his father from buying a new car, no matter how much it costs. It'll ruin it anyway.

But the grandson promises, when he grows up and saves money, to give his grandfather a bus so that he can continue his hobby.

1. Wool bust

At first glance, this hobby may seem akin to madness. But only for the first...

An 84-year-old grandmother from Sussex (UK) knits from wool... women's breasts!

They turn out to be in demand: with their help, expectant mothers master the basics of feeding babies.

Over the course of 3 years, more than 100 “breasts” were knitted, which did not bring any income to the craftswoman (they only pay for the cost of the material). So for an old lady, this is really a hobby.