Fipi task bank: why is it the best assistant when preparing for the exam? Unified CMM system.

FIPI is the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements, which is a state scientific institution whose activities are related to research into the quality of the education system.

FIPI is a structural subdivision of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor). The location of the institute is Moscow.

The main source of information about the activities of the institute and its results is the FIPI 2017 official website.

A significant part of the information on the official website is available in the tabs of the main menu, which contains information about the institute itself, the Unified State Examination and the State Examination, as well as events and vocational education. Here you can search for the necessary documents.

Main menu

The first tab of the menu is dedicated to information about the institute itself. Here you can familiarize yourself with the areas of its activities and relevant reports, structure and contact information. Media materials about FIPI are also presented here, news and information about cooperation are displayed. Also presented are documents related to anti-corruption and the scientific and methodological journal of the institute “Pedagogical Dimensions”.

About Us Tab

The necessary information about the Unified State Exam (USE) 2017 and the State Final Exam (GVE) 2017 can be obtained in the following two tabs of the main menu, which is available on the official website of the institute. Thus, here are collected the relevant regulatory documents, demo versions, specifications and codifiers that determine the structure, as well as the content of control measurement materials for the Unified State Exam. Training materials for subject commissions are also presented here, which can help in training the chairmen and experts of these commissions. Analytical and methodological recommendations are collected here, the task of which is to help teachers based on the analysis of typical mistakes made when passing the Unified State Exam last year.

Unified State Exam and GVE-11

Graduates of 2017 will also find useful materials here, thanks to which their preparation for the Unified State Exam will become more productive and of high quality. A separate section is devoted to the final essay (presentation), which contains methodological materials, general information, as well as features of the formulation of topics. An open bank of Unified State Examination tasks is also displayed here and training collections of examination tasks addressed to students with disabilities are posted.

For graduates

Two tabs of the main menu, which are available on the official FIPI website, are organized in a similar way. One of them is devoted to materials relating to eleventh grade graduates, the second - ninth grade graduates of the 2016-2017 academic year.

OGE and GVE-9

The following tab of the main menu can help you find the necessary documents on the official FIPI website. All you need is to indicate the year the document was adopted, its type and the discipline to which the required document concerns. Each of these selection parameters is presented in the form of a drop-down menu, in which you just need to select the appropriate item, without the need to enter information from the keyboard. Having specified the necessary selection criteria, click on the “Apply” link and read the relevant documents.

Search documents

Another tab of the main menu is dedicated to various kinds of events, such as conferences, seminars and webinars. Here you can get acquainted with the topics of the events, as well as the results of their implementation.


The last tab of the main menu of the website “Vocational Education” is dedicated to the courses that are organized at FIPI.

Vocational education

The main page of the FIPI official website publishes the latest news, as well as announcements of upcoming events, which allows users of the web resource to stay up to date with current events related to the activities of the institute.

The right side of the main page contains a number of links dedicated to the final essay (presentation), the open bank of tasks of the Unified State Exam and the open data bank of the Main State Exam. There is also a link to an open bank of assessment tools in the Russian language, as well as a quote of the day. In addition, here is a link to the meeting room, to enter which you will need to enter your email address and password.

FIPI 2017 official website -

Educational portals are very popular, especially in the period before taking the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam. With their help, you can prepare for exams even without a tutor, but not all such sites offer a list of real tasks and explanations of their solutions.

FIPI is an official educational platform containing only useful and reliable information. On the main page of the site you can immediately see upcoming events, as well as various news about events and any changes in the field of state exams.

What information can be found at FIPI 2019

Explanation of the abbreviation FIPI - Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements. Based on the name alone, we can say that the site presents educational and scientific materials. In addition, it is a project of a government organization, which automatically equates it to a reliable source of information.

The platform was created following an order from the Ministry of Education in 2002. It carries the goal of educating the younger generation, preparing for unified state exams and notifying about all scientific events that are planned for the near future. With this project you can learn about changes, important events and much more.

The official FIPI website contains an open task bank - perhaps its most important component. It presents exercises that are actually included in the OGE and the Unified State Exam in 2019.
Also, announcements of upcoming seminars, webinars and other important events for the educational world are posted on the platform. Information is provided in full, including dates, participants and much more.

In general, on the official FIPI website it is best to navigate by sections, each of which has its own purpose.

Sections of the FIPI task bank 2019

This Ministry of Education project is one of the most extensive on the Internet - it includes several main categories that are useful to certain groups of people. The project was mainly created for students and teachers in educational institutions, but there is a lot of useful news for scientists and representatives of government agencies.

More specifically, the resource contains the following sections:

About Us— in this category you can find the necessary information about the organization. For example, it includes a description, contacts, feedback for cooperation and mentions from the media. Everything parents, schoolchildren and educational institutions need to know can be found in this section.

Solving problems on video

Unified State Exam and GVE-11- category for 11th grade graduates who are preparing to take exams. Among the subcategories, the following are particularly interesting: rules for filling out forms, data on state examinations, minimum score thresholds for each subject, and open task banks. In addition, there is an opportunity to look at materials regarding writing the final essay in the Russian language. Again, it includes not only possible topics, but also information that students absolutely need.

OGE and GVE-9- everything is the same as in the previous paragraph, but only for ninth grade students. It is also worth noting the subcategory, which presents analytical materials based on the results of past years. Also publicly available are reference books and training collections that will be useful for schoolchildren taking a particular subject. The section has a bank of tasks for 9th grade graduates, and also provides solutions to problems with detailed explanations.

Search documents— for 13 years of the project’s existence. To make it easier to navigate, this section was created. Search will help you find demos for any year, educational materials and much more. It contains several criteria, thanks to which you can select the desired period of time, type of document and subject: geography, chemistry, mathematics, English, and so on.

FIPI events— this category contains announcements of upcoming seminars and webinars. In addition, you can see information about past events, see the list of participants and dates.

Vocational education— data on advanced classification courses. They are held for subject teachers, some are compulsory. Typically the program lasts 72 hours and uses remote communication (via Skype or similar programs).

These sections themselves are very useful, as with their help you can get a complete picture of everything happening in the field of education in 2019. Especially now, when there are constant changes in the rules of state examinations, as well as constant competency tests, the news should be monitored.
Is it possible to prepare for exams using the website?

It’s worth mentioning right away that the FIPI platform contains the necessary information regarding exams. The site contains information not only about filling out forms and rules, but also a valuable bank of tasks in which you can find exercises on subjects of interest.

You can prepare for taking mathematics, physics, geography and other things if you solve a certain number of numbers every day. Teachers of all educational institutions talk about this, since the method is effective even for those who do not absorb information well.

In addition, the point conversion scale will give accurate information about how much exercise you need to do to cross the threshold. For those who are writing an essay in 11th grade in 2019, all the necessary rules and topics are also provided.

In general, it is possible, and even necessary, to prepare for exams using the official FIPI website. It is from these banks that tasks for the real OGE and USE are subsequently taken. Even if you don’t prepare for the test using this platform, you still need to familiarize yourself with it - at a minimum.

The official website of FIPI is located at

FIPI (Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements) is a state scientific institution operating in the following areas:

  • scientific research and provision of final tests of the OGE and the Unified State Exam;
  • development and testing of CMMs for various subjects;
  • development of a system for assessing final certifications for students in grades 9 and 11;
  • technical support and maintenance of information resources of Rosobrnadzor;
  • development and distribution of teaching aids and collections;
  • organization of conferences;
  • participation in international educational programs and projects.

The official information portal of FIPI ( provides the opportunity to obtain the most up-to-date information on the issues of passing the OGE and the Unified State Exam 2018. The institute's website contains:

  1. Documents that form the regulatory framework for the final certification of graduates.
  2. Specifications and codifiers for all subjects.
  3. Demo versions of tasks from different years, developed by FIPI, which will help students of 9th and 11th grades prepare for tests.
  4. Training collections for self-preparation.
  5. Analytical and methodological materials.

Innovations of the OGE 2018 for 9th grades

Working to improve the level of education of graduates of secondary schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, FIPI is introducing a number of significant changes that will affect 9th grade students taking the OGE in the 2017-2018 academic year.

Required subjects

Unlike previous years, in 2018, ninth-graders will have to demonstrate knowledge in 5 subjects, two of which (Russian language and mathematics) will definitely be mandatory, and three more students will be able to choose independently, based on the following list:

  • social science;
  • story;
  • physics;
  • Informatics;
  • biology;
  • geography;
  • chemistry;
  • literature;
  • foreign language: English, German, French or Spanish.

The discussion about the number of compulsory OGE subjects has not yet been completed. It is quite possible that, without the right to choose, they will have to take not 2 but 4 subjects, and ninth-graders will be able to choose only one themselves, based on the direction chosen for further education.

According to the Ministry of Education and Science, history and a foreign language claim to be mandatory.

Unified CMM system

Over the years, tasks for the OGE have been developed by teachers of educational institutions, taking into account the level of training and profile of the educational institution. Starting from 2018, uniform tasks will be offered to all schools, lyceums and gymnasiums of the Russian Federation, which FIPI specialists have been working on for a long time.

The solution has three main goals:

  1. Set uniform criteria for assessing knowledge in certain subjects.
  2. See the real level of training of 9th grade graduates.
  3. Build a unified educational trajectory for educational institutions in different regions of the country.

The weight of the OGE assessment

In the 2017-2018 academic year, ninth-graders should take their preparation more seriously, because the exam results will now affect the overall certificate score. This fact is especially important for those who want to change their usual school life to study at one of the prestigious colleges or lyceums in Russia.

Overcoming the minimum threshold in at least 4 mandatory out of 5 subjects taken is a prerequisite for obtaining a certificate!

But students who failed to pass the OGE the first time will get a second (and even third) chance. Although, it will be possible to retake only 2 out of 5 subjects.

Oral part in Russian

Graduates of 2018 will have to take oral Russian. This decision was made after the results of an audit showed that many regional schools do not provide students with a sufficient level of proficiency in the Russian language, which is a necessary condition for entry into any university in the country.

About the innovation, watch Anna Mozharova’s video:

You will find more up-to-date information about what innovations await students completing 9th grade in the 2017-2018 academic year, as well as what changes FIPI plans to make to the OGE in individual subjects on the pages of our information portal.

OGE schedule 2018

Early period




Foreign languages


Russian language

Computer science

Social science


Reserve days of the early period




Foreign languages

Russian language


Computer science

Social science


Main period

Foreign languages

Foreign languages

Russian language


Social science

Computer science


Computer science




Social science

Reserve days of the main period

Russian language


Social science

Computer science



Foreign languages



All things

All things

First September retake

Russian language





Social science

Computer science


Foreign languages

Last retake (by decision of the State Examination Committee)

Russian language





Social science

Computer science


Foreign languages

All things

The Unified State Exam is a serious test, perhaps, for all graduates. And not only what the certificate will be like depends on its results, but also whether the young man will be able to enter the desired educational institution for the desired specialty, whether he will be accepted on a “budget” or whether he will have to study on a contractual basis.

Therefore, for schoolchildren, the last year or two of school before graduation (and for the most responsible ones, even more) are devoted to preparing for the final certification work for the entire educational course.

You can often hear the abbreviation FIPI from schoolchildren, applicants, teachers and parents. Those who have already encountered it say: this is perhaps one of the best assistants in preparing for the Unified State Exam.

What is FIPI, and why is it so important to train your skills before exams on this organization’s task bank? We answer three simple questions on the topic.

What is FIPI?

Literally, the abbreviation FIPI stands for the following: Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements. This is a government agency organized by Rosobrnadzor. The institute's experts conduct continuous research into the quality of education provided to children in the country's schools.

Here, valuable ideas are collected and implemented that can improve the quality, objectivity and efficiency of assessing the knowledge of children who are finishing or have completed their studies at school.

FIPI and Unified State Examination – where is the connection?

Everything is simple here: the institute’s specialists are the latest authors of the CMM (control and measuring materials that make up the unified state exam). That is, it is these experts who draw up the tasks that all those taking the certification work will have to solve.

However, all interested teachers and even teaching teams can become the authors of tests and their components. To identify the best tasks and the most talented authors who could in the future be able to come up with new tests, a special competition is held. The assignments of the winning authors of the competition also qualify for inclusion in the federal final tests.

After creating the initial bank of questions and tasks, work with them begins. The components of future final tests are checked by editors and experts, and then they determine whether the tasks comply with federal state educational standards. Afterwards, the tests are sent for testing. Assignments that successfully pass the selection stages are sent to FIPI specialists.

In fact, the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements is the final authority that collects buildings that have passed the necessary stages, editing, checking and testing, and then distributes them among options and compiles KIMs for passing exams.

Why should we pay special attention to the FIPI Unified State Exam task bank?

On its official website, the Institute of Measurements displays demo versions of the Unified State Exam options. You can solve these works in order to understand the knowledge, or you can prepare for them - practice answering tasks.

Why is the FIPI task bank considered the best for preparing for the Unified State Exam? Because the institute is the official source of tasks for the Unified State Exam from previous years. Other sources either duplicate what FIPI published or present tasks that have nothing to do with the final state certification. Therefore, if you want to go through a real rehearsal of the future final test, it is better to solve the Unified State Exam options presented by the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements.