House 2 chg current voting. A battle without rules: “Man of the Year” goes over the heads

"The most important competition on the TV set - "Person of the Year" - has started.

By the way, this time the producers chose an unusual concept: “Person of the Year” is now exclusively vocal. If you can sing, if you don’t know how, you will sing! To the horror of TV viewers, I must say. It’s okay when one of them doesn’t hit the notes, you can laugh and bear it, but when ONLY one or two hit the notes...

The vocal championship will last until August 24 and will consist, as before, of several stages. The first of these was the qualifying round: based on its results, 15 candidates for further competition were determined. Several participants will be eliminated every week.

Three will reach the finals, and the victory, of course, will go to the best. And along with the victory, the Person of the Year will also get an apartment in New Moscow - there is something to tear the vocal cords of the reality participants for. Prizes have also been prepared for the finalists who take second and third places: they will receive a “ticket” to show business.

Personally, I have a strong feeling that the School of Acting continues. And the parameters by which the “best person in the House” is determined are very strange. That is, the one who is not afraid of snakes and spiders and at the same time produces more or less harmonious sounds to the music - is he the most worthy? And it’s okay if he is hysterical, a scoundrel, a cheater, just a doll with inflated body parts, etc. - but he sings. Organizations have a strange logic, you must agree.

So, in the next almost two months, TNT viewers will choose who is worthy of bearing the honorary title of Person of the Year. Is it just an honorary title? After Chuev’s victory last year, the viewer has doubts. And not only the viewer, by the way. So, Liber Kpadonu, who once won the competition, is sure: after 2015, either vote or don’t vote...

Liberzh Kpadonu is sure: after 2015, either vote or don’t vote...

By the way, with this statement, Libi openly admitted for the first time that she was asked to leave last year. Something similar to the recent departure of Kuzin. Although there are rumors that Zhenya and violinist Sasha may return in the midst of the competition. Well, anything can happen. But it’s hard to believe in the return of this couple.

Well, for now the first stage has passed. And somehow there’s not much to say about him. The “Person of the Year” competition was opened by Zhemchugov - the song was incendiary, the barefoot backup dancers danced their hearts out (especially Afrikantova Sr.), but out of tune. So what is next...

How do you like the start of the competition - who did you like best? If, of course, you liked it at all. Personally, I was pleasantly surprised by Kostya Ivanov and Ruslana Mishina.

Who made it to the next stage of the Person of the Year competition?

In the city competition "Person of the Year"!
The first couple is Cherno and Yabbarov!
2 sisters came to support Yabbarov, no one came to support Cherno...
The charge against Yabbarov is a traitor! The charge against Cherno is that she is incapable of respecting anyone!
The second argument against Yabbarov is that he abandoned pregnant Alena...
The second argument against Cherno is that he beats Joseph.
The third argument against Yabbarov is boor!
The third argument against Cherno is that she is paranoid; because of her jealousy, Joseph stopped being creative and became unsure of himself...
Both nominees jumped out of their seats and started yelling...
Voting - Sasha Cherno advances to the next stage, Ilya Yabbarov drops out of the competition!

The next couple in the studio is Kupin and Zakhar!
The argument against Kupin is narcissistic. Kupin - there are no ideal people - I am ideal!
The argument against Zakhar is that he hides behind women's skirts. He didn’t call his defenders because he was used to being responsible for his actions!
The argument against Kupin is that he constantly runs away to his mother to escape problems.
Argument against Zakhar - he beat all the girls..
The argument against Kupin is weak, I could not refuse Aliana.
Voting - Kupin passes to the next stage, Zakhar leaves the competition forever!

The next couple is Kapakly and Oganesyan!
The argument against Kapakla is that he will never marry. Defenders - Gritsenko and Skutte.
The argument against Joseph is that he never makes a decision.
The argument against Kapakly is that he abandoned his woman (Egypt) and deceived him. Marina said that she herself was to blame for this case
The argument against Joseph is that he beats and cheats on his woman...Joseph denies cheating.

Dropped out of the Person of the Year 2018 competition: Joseph Oganesyan, Zakhar Salenko, Ilya Yabbarov.

Let us remind you that there was the first stage of the annual competition “Person of the Year 2018” on the television project “House 2”.

At the first stage of the competition, the hosts of the show nominate two participants for discussion and at the end, by voting, they identify who will not participate in the competition.

The first couple was Marina Afrikantova and Maya Dontsova. After discussion, the first person to drop out of the competition was identified by voting in the studio, and it was Maya Dontsova. 72% voted for Marina Afrikantova and she advances to the main stage.

The second pair of nominees are Roman Gritsenko and Irina Pinchuk. In the voting, 56% voted for Irina, and Roman Gritsenko left the project with tears in his eyes, saying that he did not want to take someone else’s place.

The third pair of nominees are Simon Mardashen and Nikita Shalyukov. Nikita Shalyukov won the vote with 53% of the votes. Simon Mardashen is eliminated from the competition.

Maya Dontsova, Roman Gritsenko and Simon Mardashen dropped out of the competition.

Let's sum it up
Thus, the contestants who will participate in “Person of the Year 2018” have now become known.

Irina Pinchuk, Marina Afrikantova, Nikita Shalyukov and
Alexey Kupin, Sasha Cherno, Roman Kapakly.

Eliminated from the “Person of the Year 2018” competition:
Maya Dontsova, Roman Gritsenko, Simon Mardashen and
Joseph Oganesyan, Zakhar Salenko, Ilya Yabbarov

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One of the most long-awaited for those who like to watch the action-packed reality show “Dom-2” is the “Person of the Year” competition. As the statistics of this grandiose event show, the battle for an apartment is always very hot, and the results are most often completely unpredictable.

Despite the fact that the rules and conditions of the Competition are adjusted almost every year, every now and then it is won by completely different people for whom television viewers mainly voted.

Leaders are generally always those who were able to find a loophole in the conditions of the “Person of the Year” or simply managed to bribe those who vote. This was the case when the great schemer of the project won. This Ostap Bender of our time planted a whole team that sent voice messages day and night for the desired candidate.

As they say, Aliana Gabozova, who was not even among the top three in that competition at first, did not win quite honestly and cleanly. And suddenly! Oh, miracle! The victory and the apartment to boot go to her. The girl was reminded that she was absent from the clearing too often. And for some reason, during this period, at the same time, there were surges in voting activity specifically for her candidacy...

And such examples and cases can be remembered for a very long time. To be honest, few of the winners deservedly received this or that apartment.

Perhaps, perhaps, Olga Veter, who suffered during the project but was not broken, with baby Mishenka. This is who TV viewers loved with all their hearts for their suffering and desire to save their family with Gleb Klubnichka. The largest number of people voted for her to win an apartment in Moscow.

Everyone else, and even those who finally received their first place in the “Person of the Year” competition, subsequently simply “sawed” the prize, and then calmly ran away in different directions.

Again, a living example of the winning couple is Nikita Kuznetsov and the silent Darina Markova. The guys played at love on the project for a long time, and having received real estate in the capital without living there for a single day, almost after a month they lost interest in each other.

I really don’t want this next “Person of the Year” competition to turn out to be scandalous again, and the prize in the form of a Moscow one-room apartment to be given away undeservedly. Probably, taking into account all the previous mistakes, in 2018 the organizers of the reality show “Dom-2” decided to take a more picky and competent approach to the conditions of the competition.

The innovation is that now it is not a couple fighting for the title, but each of the participants individually. And TV viewers can now vote from one phone only once.

But here another question arises: who is currently on the project worthy of receiving the high title of “Person of the Year”? Everywhere you look, there is not a single positive character. For whom, tell me, should a kind and trusting TV viewer give their vote?..

Let's try to analyze in detail which of the current participants in the reality show “Dom-2” will be able to take this prize and correspond to the title “Person of the Year”. Let's think about it?

Buzova and Borodin once again divided power

So, to begin with, it must be said that all potential contenders for this title in 2018 were divided into two teams, and each of them received their own mentor in the person of the presenters. Thus, the team included the following participants and participants of the popular TV show: Roman Gritsenko, Marina Afrikantova, Dmitry Dmitrienko, Olga Rapunzel, Aliana Gobozova, Margo Ovsyannikova, Anastasia Endaltseva, Evgeniy Romashov, Alexandra Cherno, Margarita Larchenko, Oksana Ryaska, Nikita Shelyukov, Joseph Oganesyan , Valera Sumarokov and Zakhar Salenko.

Olga Buzova selected each of the members of her team very carefully, approaching her choice with a certain strategy. For some people, she even argued with Borodina, intercepting the participant to join her team.

Nevertheless, and Ksyusha selected participants selected according to her personal principle and approach to people. So, the team gathered as follows: Tata Blumenkranz, Alexey Bezus, Valera Blumenkranz, Alena Savkina, Viktor Litvinov, Alexey Kupin, Artem Soroka, Roman Kapakly, Maya Dontsova, Tatyana Musulbes, Simon Mardanshin, Sergey Krylov, Irina Pinchuk, Ilya Yabbarov.

First victories and defeats

The “Person of the Year” competition, like the previous ones, is divided into several rounds. All competitors must go through several stages. The first one is qualifying. Surprisingly, the first to “clash” were . Several examples were given, both positive and negative in the characters and actions of our applicants. And despite the fact that Olga Buzova tried very hard to drown Irina in every possible way, it was Pinchuk who won this fight.

Roman, having been eliminated at the very first stage, stated that he had long wanted to leave the famous television set and was only looking for a worthy reason. And so he allegedly turned up. Gritsenko loudly declared that he was leaving forever. And left. True, there are rumors that the former “legend” of the TV show is already dreaming of returning.

Apparently, he realized that he definitely couldn’t build a career there, in the wild. And who actually needs it? Here at least you can hype on Buzovaya... In general, the first to qualify for the second round of the competition was Irina Pinchuk.

Representatives of different teams, friends Maya Dontsova and Marina Afrikantova, sat next on opposite chairs. Marina's victory was completely predictable, although Maya constantly showed aggression and tried to lobby for her interests and candidacy.

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Dontsova flew out of the competition with scandal and resentment and joined the ranks of those offended at the show. After all, whatever one may say, it is Maya who is not loved both on the project and outside it for her anger and hatred of people. Many rejoiced at her defeat. Except, of course, her mother, an equally scandalous person. So, second in the second round of the “Person of the Year” Competition is Marina Afrikantova.

The next “pair” of nominees were former friends, and then rivals, Nikita Shelyukov and Simon Mardanshin. Nikita won by a small margin of three percent. Nikita Shelyukov advances to the next round to participate in the competition.

It was interesting to watch the fight between, let's say, the best of the worst members of the opposing teams. We are talking about Alexander Cherno and Ilya Yabbarov, who met in a kind of ring in the qualifying round.

How difficult it was to choose between a boor and a boor, an egoist and an egoist, a lazy person and a lazy person... One could go on for a very long time listing the “advantages” of both candidates for participation in the “Person of the Year” competition.

And how difficult it was for the poor participants in the reality show “Dom-2” to choose! How I wanted to vote against everyone. It is very difficult to choose between Cherno and Yabbarov. However, the choice was made and to my surprise... Why, Sasha Cherno won! 57 percent of the residents of the clearing voted for her.

Ilya is still trying to “restore” justice and proves to the presenters, first of all, that he is the main contender for victory! That we need to reset that round and hold the vote again, only now with the participation of the Seychelles guys...

Ksyusha Borodina put an end to the dispute, who clearly indicated that a man who does not pay child support for some children and leaves his pregnant girlfriend definitely cannot become the person of the year. Alexandra Cherno definitely made it to the second round.

It was funny and incomprehensible why, in contrast to the next one, who had long since become a top participant, they put in Zakhar Salenko, who had just joined the project, almost a newcomer.

Alexey Kupin, looking down on everyone, declared that he was not just an ideal, but a Grand Prix! Yes. He won. Salenko received only 14 percent of the vote. Still would! This percentage could have been even lower if the leaders had been placed against Alexey Kupin, for example, Zhenya Romashov or Seryoga Traktorist, for example.

It’s surprising and incomprehensible why they didn’t put his worthy friend, Roman Kapakly, as his opponent. It would be an interesting battle! This is when the outcome is completely unpredictable! However, everything turned out the way it turned out... As a result, Alexey Kupin advanced to the next round.

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As for Roman Kapakly, he clashed with Joseph Oganesyan in the qualifying round. Spineless and cowardly, crushed under Sasha Cherno. Naturally, Roman Kapakly won almost easily and advanced to the next round in the “Person of the Year” competition.

The qualifying round continues. According to preliminary data, in the coming episodes it will be shown that one of the clear leaders for victory, Alena Savkina will unexpectedly be eliminated in the first round and lose to... Margarita Larchenko! The girl with whom Alena Savkina’s ex-husband is now building a relationship - Ilya Yabbarov. How this could happen is unclear! Indeed, Alena, again, due to her pregnancy and martyrdom, was clearly in the lead.

All the guys supported her in every possible way. How did it happen that their opinion changed? There is talk on the Internet that her dear and vindictive sister Olga Rapunzel helped reduce her popularity and the love of TV viewers and participants for her.

While on vacation with the whole family, in everyone’s hometown of Vladivostok, she continued to lead an active life on social networks, where she reminded in every possible way that Alenka has her own personal apartment. Diligently and repeatedly exhibiting photographs. Most likely, this also influenced the guys’ decision to write off a strong player – pregnant Alena.

By the way, for some reason all the eliminated participants immediately have a desire to leave the reality show “Dom-2”. So Savkina, offended by the results of the first round, started talking about her departure from the television project... and Margarita Larchenko, who did not believe in her success, entered the second round.

The qualifying rounds continue. Scandals and unpredictable results await us ahead. We will definitely inform our readers about their results. Read in the following articles!

TV grannies called Ilya Yabbarov and Artem Soroka the main outsiders of the “Person of the Year” competition, and also suggested that Alena Rapunzel, who had been eliminated from the race, would still be returned and she would continue to fight for the apartment.

Alena Rapunzel
Photo: Instagram

The “Person of the Year” competition awakened the spirit of struggle in many participants. Both singles and those who have already built love are competing for the honorary title and the main prize in the form of an apartment in Moscow. Each of the heroes wants to win and hit the coveted jackpot. The mothers of the stars of “DOMA-2” expressed their opinion about which of the guys is worthy of the big title. The final is just around the corner, and it is possible that the participants who were eliminated from the competition will still compete for the main prize. Moreover, according to the TV grandmothers, Alena Rapunzel can take the keys to the apartment.


Irina Aleksandrovna Agibalova
Photo: Instagram

In my opinion, the favorites are Rapunzel's family with little Vasilisa and Alena with her pregnancy. I think the audience will split their votes between them. I would vote for Olya and Dima. I was very sorry when Dmitrenko told the story of how he was taken from an orphanage; I think he suffered psychological trauma. Somewhere they do not do the right thing, but at the same time they get along well with each other and are very touching towards their child. But Ilya Yabbarov is absolutely unworthy of this title! He's just behaving horribly.


Irina Mikhailovna Dontsova
​Photo: Instagram

I think Maya deserves the top prize. She has done a tremendous amount of work on her mistakes and has changed a lot both internally and externally. In addition, Maya and Lyosha are now raising money for joint housing.

To say that the Dmitrenko family deserved the prize only because Vasilisa was born to them is absurd. All project participants must be on equal terms. So children are not immunity and not a bonus for victory. It is necessary to reconsider the requirements for selecting participants, otherwise again the viewer will be forced to vote out of pity, then the competition itself is not interesting and the winnings are obvious. I think “Person of the Year” will open our eyes to many couples.


Olga Vasilievna Gobozova
Photo: Program frame

At DOM-2, it is important who has gone through the most sorrows and trials, who has been annoyed the most by provocations, and whom the audience feels sorry for. Some, like Yabbarov, make premeditated sacrifices. It’s a pity for Alena in this situation; she will most likely win and then forgive Ilya. Moreover, he is good at hanging noodles on his ears.

I think that Roma and Marina also deserve to win. True, it is more likely that the battle will take place between sisters, since we love victims. Despite Olya’s efforts, I think Alena will win.

I sympathize with her very much, but I feel even more sorry for little Vasilisa. Dima said that he and Rapunzel want a second child on the project. They say they are counting on having a separate house built for them. However, this family will not be able to be the second Pynzars; their reputation is not the same.

The most insincere for me is Yabbarov. All he thinks about is how to grab the most. I also don’t sympathize with Artyom Soroka, who thinks through everything a thousand steps ahead.


Whoever is worthy will become the winner. But the whole country is talking about the fact that Alena Rapunzel will win. I believe that we should judge by broadcasts and competitions, and not by the opinions of others. Tatu and Valera were just hired as a background for the project; I knew very well that they wouldn’t win anything.

Let's remember everyone.

The "Person of the Year" competition at Dom-2 has been held since 2009. To receive this title and the main prize, the participant needs to reach the final and interest TV viewers so that they cast their votes for him. Sometimes this title was given undeservedly, but most often the audience's sympathy went to the brightest and most worthy participant.

Here are all the winners of the competition:

The first winner of the “Person of the Year” competition was Rimma Pendzhieva. In the finals she fought against Gleb Zhemchugov and Natalya Varvina. However, viewers gave the majority of votes to Rimma (66%). At the last stage of the competition, she sang the song “Give the Woman a Man.” It was not possible to find a man on the project, but the girl became the owner of her own car.

The following year, three girls took part in the finals: Nelly Ermolaeva, Inna Volovicheva and again Natalya Varvina. This time Varvina did not want to give the victory to anyone and received the title of “Person of the Year” at “House-2”.

The third "ChG" competition was emotional and intense. Vlad Kadoni, Evgenia Feofilaktova and Inna Volovicheva reached the finals. One of the most discussed participants at that time was Vlad Kadoni, who opposed the Agibalov family and fiercely disliked Irina Alexandrovna. Against the backdrop of all the events taking place then, Kadoni looked like a bright participant, which is why the audience gave him their votes. Now Vlad Kadoni successfully continues to work on Dom-2 as a presenter.

And Irina Aleksandrovna, whom Vlad literally drove away from the project, won the title “Burd of the Year.” In her hearts, the woman threw away the certificate she had received and left the stage. Still would! After all, the winner was her worst enemy, and she turned out to be an outsider...

The title of "Person of the Year" was given to Liberzh Kpadonu. Viewers gave her 61% of votes. Fans of the project actively began to vote for the girl after her final song “Who Am I to You.” The performance was truly worthy. But Irina Aleksandrovna again became “Burdard of the Year”.

Liberj sold her prize and donated the money received to charity in an orphanage.

This year, passions flared up in earnest, because the three strongest participants of “House-2” reached the finals: Sergei Pynzar, Sergei Sichkar and Andrei Cherkasov. As a result, Sichkar became the owner of the red Mazda and the title of “Man of the Year”, and Sergei Pynzar became the “Burd of the Year”. It should be noted that his vote gap with Pynzar was very small - 1.2%.

Many participants and spectators reacted negatively to Sergei’s victory, since, in fact, he got this title thanks to his girlfriend Alexandra Skorodumova. This was the most beautiful and interesting couple at that time. According to fans of the show, on his own, without Skorodumova, Sichkar was nothing.

Apparently Sergei liked the beautiful cars so much that after the project he began selling stolen cars. For this he received a prison term, but was soon released and returned to the project again. However, this time he was disappointed in the reality show: he did not like the behavior of the participants.

Well, everything here is well deserved. Aliana Ustinenko received the title "ChG". In the final, Marina Afrikantova and Alexander Zadoynov fought with her. Of course, the viewer chose the brightest participant. At that time, it was Aliana because of constant quarrels with Gobozov and Olga Vasilievna. The girl received an apartment, and the finalists received a trip to the Seychelles.

The 2015 Person of the Year competition was truly exciting. Victoria Romanets, Evgeny Kuzin and Andrey Chuev fought for the title. There was a prize at stake - a fully furnished apartment in Moscow. To become a winner, Chuev used an old but effective technique - he pressed on pity. In his final speech, he spoke about his late mother, and with tears in his eyes he promised that he would sell the resulting apartment and build a residential complex for all the finalists completely free of charge!

According to the voting results, Chuev took 1st place and got an apartment. However, he did not start building houses for the participants of “House-2” for a long time. As a result, the residential complex was built, and one of the houses went to Olga Vasilievna for free (hardly). And from the rest, Chuev demanded 2.5 million rubles. This is charity!

They also wanted to challenge the results of the 2015 competition. Many wanted Kuzin to win, and knew that the majority would vote for him. But Chuev cheated: his rich friends from Stary Oskal sent votes for him in large numbers. The investigation into this case was hushed up.

Reality fans called the "CHG-2016" competition the most uninteresting in the entire history of the project: weak vocal numbers, lack of bright participants, boring competitions in the "eat a cockroach" style... The winner was Olga Veter. The audience apparently decided that the apartment should go to a young mother with a child, rather than to the phlegmatic Afrikantova or Cherkasov, who was too late on the project.

Last year they decided to rename the competition “Love of the Year”. According to the rules, only couples could participate in the new competition. The winners were Nikita Kuznetsov and Darina Markina. They got an apartment. However, outside the perimeter, the couple separated, and common housing was not needed.

We have yet to find out who will become “Person of the Year 2018” at “House-2”. Who are you rooting for?
/ sound reviewer/