“Bayan Mix” celebrated the tenth anniversary of the cheerful event. Video duet bayan mix Duet bayan mix biography

The "Bayan Mix" duet are mischievous, talented, promising musicians who can lift your spirits from the first note.

Absolute world champions in button accordion Sergei Voitenko and Dmitry Khramkov. The duo has already managed to captivate a huge number of listeners with their artistry, extraordinary energy, as well as a completely new sound of button accordions in modern pop arrangements. The musicians present a program of popular classical and pop compositions, remixes of popular melodies in the techno-pop style.

The guys are not afraid to experiment; each of their concerts becomes a wonderful, memorable show, a new line in the history of modern music. And this is not surprising! The inexhaustible source of enthusiasm, sincerity, kindness, enthusiasm, faith and love, which bubbles up at the concerts of the absolute world champions in button accordion Sergei Voitenko and Dmitry Khramkov, is amazing. Today, not a single significant concert in Moscow is complete without the participation of the duet.

"Bayan Mix" is the perfect combination of talent, temperament and instruments.

Dmitry Khramkov is a multiple winner of international competitions, a laureate of prestigious competitions, and a participant in honorary events. He is one of the best accordion players in Russia.

Sergei Voitenko is an equally talented musician and composer. He also won prizes and awards more than once, and was a laureate of world-class competitions. Sergei is one of the best accordion players of our time. He won 11 victories at various international competitions.
Original musicians were able to find their own, unique style and today have no competitors in their field. They are recognized from the first chords and are always greeted warmly.

The masterly performance of world hits on two button accordions delights audiences with different preferences and tastes. This music is understandable to people of all ages, professions and incomes. Dmitry and Sergey do their work so honestly that you get the feeling that these are exactly the guys from the neighboring yard with whom you can happily walk until the morning and not be afraid of anything.

The duet “Bayan Mix” evokes applause in France, Holland, Germany and, of course, in Russia. They want to see great accordion players at holidays, festivals, and concerts.

Bayan Mix Bremen Town Musicians

Bayan Mix Smuglyanka


Bayan-mix Tango

And I'm walking around Moscow

Bora Bora


Flight of the Bumblebee

Dmitry Khramkov was born April 9, 1979 in the city of Samara. Since childhood, he loved listening to music, and his grandfather, who played the button accordion well, instilled in him a love for the instrument and taught him to play it. His parents, noticing their son’s talent, sent him to study at a music school.

After graduation, Dmitry successfully enters the Samara State Pedagogical University and ends up with the famous music teacher Alla Mikhailovna Kats. During his studies, Dmitry repeatedly became a laureate of international competitions.

After graduating from university, Dmitry dreams of starting a solo career, but for this he needed start-up capital, which he did not have at that time. Getting a job as a security guard to one of the city restaurants, Khramkov begins his career.

Having earned the required amount, he records many soundtracks for his solo concert program, with which he begins performing in the same restaurant. His performances were a success, he became popular and in demand.

In 2005, Dmitry Khramkov met with his old and good friend Sergei Voitenko, who invited him to team up to create music in a new style. Dmitry liked this proposal, and the guys began working together.

This is how the duet “Bayan Mix” was born. With their original performance, the group quickly won the love of the audience. Their audience includes children, youth, and the older generation of listeners. The duo's repertoire includes world-famous classical works (such as "Flight of the Bumblebee"), pop hits, melodies from favorite movies, folk tunes (“Czardash”, “Lezginka”), dance compositions (“Tango”), as well as our own original works.

The conquest of Moscow began with the participation of the Bayan Mix duet in a concert for the G8 Summit. Ekaterina Shavrina advised the concert director to turn his attention to young, charming and talented guys who masterfully and passionately perform their works on button accordions.

With her “light hand” they became participants in various holiday concerts and television programs broadcast on leading federal channels(Channel One, TRC "Russia", STS, TVC), such as "Full House", "Funny People", "Izmailovsky Park", "You Are Allowed to Laugh", "Life is Beautiful" and others.

The duo was invited to international festivals: “Slavic Bazaar” in Vitebsk, “Yurmalina”, “Southern Nights of Kuban” in Krasnodar.

The guys managed to film and in an episode of the feature film “Carnival Night – 2” famous director Eldar Ryazanov.

The touring life of Dmitry and Sergei was quite eventful. With a busy touring schedule, they toured with concerts not only throughout Russia, but throughout Europe. Foreign spectators warmly received the artists, giving them prolonged applause.

However, relatively recently, Dmitry Khramkov started thinking about a solo career and gave up his place as the leading accordion player in a duet Sergei Kotkov. As Sergei Voitenko states, Dmitry continues to participate in the life of Bayan Mix, but gives priority to his new projects.

Currently he performs solo at various festivals and television shows, periodically collaborates with other performers, creating joint performances. One of his last collaborations was a performance with the duet “Lyubanya”.

Personal life

About the personal life of Dmitry Khramkov doesn't like to spread the word, preferring to keep their relationship secret from the public. However, according to a source close to the artist, Dmitry Khramkov is not married and has no children, which means, most likely, the enviable bachelor’s heart is still free.

Awards and orders

Dmitry Khramkov has the title "World champion in button accordion", is a multiple winner and laureate of prestigious international music competitions and a holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland in the field of culture.

Social media

Dmitry Khramkov is an active user of the Internet, he often publishes footage from his life, announces upcoming concerts with his participation, and also uploads excerpts of virtuoso playing the button accordion and finished works for the attention of subscribers.

You can find his official pages on the following social networks:

In addition, Dmitry Khramkov has its own official website(http://bayan-mix.com/), where you can not only learn about his current projects, but also contact the artist’s team to organize performances or creative collaboration.

Organization of concert performances

The duet "Bayan Mix" - a joint project of Sergei and Dmitry - is a musical event of 2006!

The "Bayan Mix" duet are mischievous, talented, promising musicians who can lift your spirits from the first note.

"Bayan Mix" is the perfect combination of talent, temperament and instruments.
If you want to invite the Bayan Mix duet to a concert, then contact a professional agency. We are organizing performances of the Bayan Mix duet, accepting applications on the website and by phone numbers posted on the website. With us you can order a performance of the Bayan Mix duet for a party, birthday, or organize a concert of the Bayan Mix duet.
Dmitry Khramkov is a multiple winner of international competitions, a laureate of prestigious competitions, and a participant in honorary events. He is one of the best accordion players in Russia.
Sergei Voitenko is the founder and leader of the Bayan Mix group. He has repeatedly won prizes and awards and was a laureate of world-class competitions. Sergei is one of the best accordion players of our time. He won 11 victories at various international competitions.
Another musician of the duo, Sergei Kotkov, is a young and talented accordion player who has already achieved incredible heights in performing skills. His work has been awarded many awards, including the medal “For Faith and Goodness” from the governor of the Kemerovo region.
Original musicians were able to find their own, unique style and today have no competitors in their field. They are recognized from the first chords and are always greeted warmly.

The masterly performance of world hits on two button accordions delights audiences with different preferences and tastes. This music is understandable to people of all ages, professions and incomes. Dmitry and Sergey do their work so honestly that you get the feeling that these are exactly the guys from the neighboring yard with whom you can happily walk until the morning and not be afraid of anything.
The official website of the Bayan Mix duet talks about the biography of the artists, their plans for the future, and the history of the formation of the tandem. The site presents photos of the Bayan Mix duet and catchy tracks and videos of the Bayan Mix duet. All interested parties call the manager's contacts listed on our official website.

The duet “Bayan Mix” evokes applause in France, Holland, Germany and, of course, in Russia. They want to see great accordion players at holidays, festivals, and concerts.
To invite the Bayan Mix duet to a concert, you must fill out and send an application with an exact indication of the time, date, and nature of the upcoming event. The rider of the household and technical duet “Bayan Mix” is negotiated individually in each case.You can also order a performance of the Bayan Mix duet by telephone.

Sergei Voitenko is one of the members of the popular duet “Bayan Mix”. A cheerful pair of talented accordion players invariably wins over the audience.

Such success is created by inimitable enthusiasm and originality of accordion players' performance. Passionate about their art, the musicians discovered their own unique style. Today they have practically no worthy competitors in this category.

The duo always chooses for programs world hits, which unconditionally delights grateful listeners. Moreover, the program is so diverse that each melody always has its fans in the hall. So the audience of different ages remains completely satisfied.

The second member of the duet is Sergey Kotkov. Colleagues are so organic, passionate and energetic on stage that they even seem similar in appearance. Not only Russian viewers love them. Brave performers are recognized from the first chords in concert halls in France, Belgium, Germany and other countries near and far abroad.

Voitenko Sergei Ivanovich in 2018 turned 45 years old. His native land, the village of Bogdanovka, is located in the Samara region. The boy's acquaintance with the button accordion began at the age of 7, when the child was enrolled in the Bogdanov Music School.

Successful training created the prerequisites for entering a music school, and Sergei continued his education in Samara in the accordion class. From the age of ten, the young musician takes part in various music competitions. Already at this time, Seryozha received many prizes and awards.

Then there was training at Samara University. His skill grew, and Sergei more than once became a laureate of major competitions. At the same time, they won first prizes twice - first in 1992 in Ulyanovsk, and two years later in Voronezh.

The talent did not dry up, by 2000 the guy completed his postgraduate studies at the Academy of Music, after which he was hired as a junior researcher at the department of musical instruments at his alma mater Samara.

Author's works of Sergei Voitenko

Sergei became interested in selflessly composing his own compositions while working within the walls of his native university. His "February Sketches" were met with unanimous approval from the musical circle of critics, and the accordion-orchestral elegy “Revelation” generally became famous in Europe and was published in several countries. This work is still played by many famous musicians.

Sergei most often performed with a button accordion to orchestral accompaniment. And already in 2000 he created a wonderful quartet "Non-stop", where his friends entered. The quartet became a successful creative team, becoming a laureate of many domestic and international competitions.

Two years later, the restless musician himself organizes a creative festival of button accordion players with international status. The love for the instrument gave rise to the pompous name of the competition - “Vivat, Bayan!”

They also added an impromptu addition to the title "Sergei Voitenko and his friends". The festival initially started in 2003 in Samara. And the brainchild has already gained international status in Moscow, where in 2009 the competition earned a stage Kremlin Palace. Then many Russian pop stars performed there.

Sergei also repeatedly wrote music for songs that later became famous. Yes, the song is performed Denis Maidanov and based on the words of Evgeniy Muravyov, she won the “Chanson of the Year 2015”, and later won the “Road Radio” award and even received an invitation to the “Golden Gramophone”.

The creative impulses of Sergei Voitenko are multifaceted. He has already created several creative groups, and the most touching thing is that he happily conducts master classes for musical children.

The history and creative rise of the Bayan Mix duet

Initially, Sergei created this duet with Dmitry Khramkov. The friends developed successfully, becoming laureates of numerous music festivals. Is it true, concert costumes The guys were very funny, their jackets were decorated with huge patch pockets, and they had huge caps on their heads.

She was the first to advise the guys to change their outfits Ekaterina Shavrina. She kindly criticized the ridiculous clothes, and immediately invited him to perform in her upcoming solo program.

Sergei later often recalled this moment with laughter. Apparently, also because a colossal takeoff began with him. The duet “Bayan Mix” began to thunder throughout the country, and soon reached the international level.

The composition changed, Sergei Kotkov began working with Sergei. “Bayan Mix” is still loved, recognized, and looked forward to meeting. Everyone has their own secret of popularity, and in many ways it is just plain luck.

In the case of the story of the creative duo “Bayan Mix”, one cannot fail to mention the enormous capacity for work, determination and, of course, talent of Sergei Voitenko! The desire to create and improve oneself has borne fruit.

Sergei Voitenko
accordion player, singer-songwriter, member of the duet “Bayan MIX” :
“Stubbornness and strong character helped me get out into the world”

On Tuesday, January 19, the site hosted an online conference of the famous Samara musician Sergei Voitenko.

Sergei Voitenko is an accordion player, composer, ideological inspirer and organizer of large-scale projects. For 14 years now he has been the artistic director and producer of the international festival and all-Russian competition “Vivat, button accordion!”

In 2016, these events coincided with the celebration of the 165th anniversary of the Samara province and the 430th anniversary of the city of Samara.

Sergei Voitenko is also a member of the famous creative tandem - the duet "Bayan MIX", created in Samara together with Dmitry Khramkov ten years ago. Accordion virtuosos perform modern dance arrangements from classical to modern, remixes of popular melodies in the techno-pop style and world-famous hits, as well as original compositions, which have managed to win the hearts of a large audience. Recently, the artists' repertoire has been expanded with vocal compositions.

In the coming year, the musicians will begin their tour of Russian cities with the anniversary concert program “10 Years” at the opening of the XIV International Festival “Vivat, Bayan!”, which will take place at the Samara Philharmonic on February 10, 2016. Starts at 19:00.

What surprises await the audience at the festival? How is your musician career going? What new projects are in the works? Read the answers to these and other questions below.

Photo by Marine Chilingaryan

Reader questions:

Total questions: 27 Total answers: 27

Semyon Semenov 14:58 01/19/2016

Hello Sergey. Tell us how you started your concert activity. After all, it is very difficult for a beginning artist to gather an audience for his concert in a city where no one knows him or knows his repertoire.

Hello! There will be many surprises. One of them is guests from Moscow, our friends - singer Utah and comedian Yuri Askarov. But that's not all... Our Samara artist friends will also be there, but who exactly is still a secret.

Good afternoon Sergey, Please tell us about the beginning of your creative activity. Who believed in you? And tell us about a spontaneous concert or performance at the Grushinsky Festival; this happened a long time ago. And one more question: is the song about a guy from the outback somewhat autobiographical?

Good afternoon, Maria! First of all, my grandmother believed in me, then my teacher Alla Mikhailovna Kats and my mother and father believed in me. I am grateful to them for my fate.
There were no spontaneous concerts at the Grushinsky Festival. I came there specifically to perform, but, of course, all the concerts were improvisational in nature. I really like the atmosphere of the Grushinsky festival, the spirit itself. Come in the summer, I will perform again.
Regarding the song about a guy from the outback, I don’t understand which one you mean. But in essence, it is so. Most famous people in our country are people from the provinces.

Oksana 13:07 01/19/2016

Hello, Sergey! Who was your first accordion teacher and do you communicate now?

Hello! The first teacher at the music school was Yuri Konstantinovich Sorokin. He's alive and well! And I wish him long life. You can see him on February 10 at our anniversary concert at the Samara Philharmonic. Starts at 19:00. Tickets are already on sale. Phone number for inquiries in Samara: 207-07-13 (14)

Ekaterina 12:59 01/19/2016

I know that you starred in different films. Which ones exactly, and how difficult is it for a musician to also be an actor? Do you like it?

Good afternoon Of course I like it. After all, many artists star in films and TV series. This reveals another facet of their talent. I starred in Eldar Aleksandrovich Ryazanov’s film “Carnival Night-2”. It was a great honor to work with such a master. It was a pleasure to work with him. He is a professional with a capital P and a person with an even greater letter. It’s a pity that such people leave early. We also starred with Dima in the series “Brother and Sister” with the famous director Alexander Baranov, who shot the series “Plot” with Sergei Bezrukov, “Rodnya”. The series is still waiting its turn. Perhaps he will soon appear on Channel One.

Margarita 12:32 01/19/2016

We are planning to send our child to a music school. My husband really wants his son to take accordion class. How does an accordion differ from a button accordion? Are these different classes at a music school? And don't you teach yourself? Maybe you hold some master classes for beginners or give private lessons?

Good afternoon I can’t say that the button accordion and the accordion are fundamentally different; they are related instruments. But I always recommend more accordion, because it is faster and more convenient for a small child to learn. And the button accordion has more possibilities, in my opinion. I provide private lessons and master classes for professionals and beginners (both in person and via Skype). My Skype: sergeyvoytenko. Link to the page on VKontakte - vk.com/sergeyvoytenko. Contact me, I will help you.

Do you play at corporate events? I would like to take you to my Sister’s wedding and a work holiday, how much will it cost?

Guest 12:19 01/19/2016

Why do so few girls play the accordion?

Good afternoon It’s just that the accordion looks more familiar on fragile women’s shoulders, although it is just as heavy, and sometimes heavier, than the button accordion. Just a tradition.

Tatyana 12:19 01/19/2016

Hello, which Russian pop star are you friends with?

Good afternoon A lot of them. Well, for example, Utah, Yuri Askarov, Yuri Galtsev, Gena Vetrov, Oleg Mikhailovich Gazmanov, Rodion Gazmanov, Denis Maidanov, Nikolai Rastorguev and so on. Why are you interested in this?

Semyon, Samara 12:18 01/19/2016

Hello! Why doesn’t the program “Play Harmony” come to us in Samara? Could you help with this?

Good afternoon Okay, I'll try to call Zakhar Zavolokin.

Ekaterina 11:23 01/19/2016

Sergey, good afternoon! We know that you have a wonderful family! Are you planning to create a dynasty of accordion players? :)

Hello! Thanks a lot! Man proposes, but God disposes. I never tried to force my children. How will it be! If they want, there will be a dynasty. How are you doing with this?

Good afternoon I won 11 international competitions. The idea to create a festival and competition “Vivat button accordion!” came because I myself attended a lot of competitions abroad. As a friendly person, I have a lot of friends who are musicians and button accordion players. I wanted to show their art to the audience of the Samara region. And this is how we have been for 14 years We introduce our listeners and spectators to the work of great performers. It is the festival that allows us to do this, because otherwise these artists would hardly come to us in Russia on tour. There is a group on VKontakte, come and follow the news of the festival - vk.com /vivatbayan There is also a competition website: vivatbayan.com

Anna 23:33 01/18/2016

Hello! Who is your idol? Who did you look up to on the path to success?

Good afternoon As an accordion player, I was guided by Alexander Sklyarov. As a composer and producer - Igor Matvienko. As an artist, I now focus on the famous foreign singer and showman Robbie Williams.

Veronica Ilyina 20:35 01/18/2016

Hello! Do you often visit Samara? or more and more in Moscow? don’t you forget your small homeland?))) what do you love about Samara?

Good afternoon I live in two cities. I have many friends both in Samara and Moscow. My mother, father and relatives live in Samara. I also have a lot of interesting things to do in Samara. That's why I don't leave her. Although I admit honestly, Moscow gives me much more opportunities as an artist.

Victor Toyushev 20:33 01/18/2016

Good afternoon Vivat, accordion has been held for many years in a row. what will surprise you this year? What kind of stars are you preparing?

Good afternoon This year we decided to invite for the second time the team that we already had. This is the Gelato quartet from Canada. These are driven guys who simply “blew up” the entire Samara region in 2012. Therefore, it was decided to invite them again. Their concert will take place in May.
In March there will be a concert by a young jazz performer from Moscow - Sergei Luran and his trio. Also, the finalist of the “Voice 2015” project will take part in this concert, but who exactly is still a secret.
On February 10, as part of the festival, the anniversary concert “Bayan MIX” will take place. All festival concerts will be held not only in Samara, but also in the cities of the Samara region.

Vladimir Viktorovich 20:31 01/18/2016

Greetings! Do you plan to promote young talent? Who are you currently producing and what projects are you preparing?

Good afternoon I am also producing, as before, three projects - “Bayan MIX”, “Matrekha” and “Bride”. And the young talent that I have now undertaken to produce is Sergei Voitenko, who began to compose songs and sing. These songs are now actively heard on the radio. You can follow the fate of the young talent: vk.com/sergeyvoytenko and on other social networks.

Marina 20:30 01/18/2016

Good afternoon As a child, I also studied at a music school, and in a regular school I was teased. Like, I'm a nerd. Have you encountered such bullies? Were you teased at school? And what do they say about your success now?

Good afternoon At school they didn’t tease me, but they didn’t take me seriously either, because when I was studying, musicians were also considered nerds. But because I was stubborn and had a fairly strong character, I became one of the people. And of course, now everyone with whom I studied respects me.

Semyon 20:28 01/18/2016

Hello! Have you dreamed of becoming a musician since childhood? Or did it come with time? Still, playing the button accordion is not the most popular in the world of music? Did you want to switch to pop guitar or drums?

Good afternoon, Semyon! You are right that the button accordion is not the most popular instrument. But since I am a stubborn person, and once I take on something, I will see it through to the end. This happened with the button accordion.