Solar eclipse on September 1st. Deliverance Meditation for Solar Eclipse

The annular solar eclipse on September 1, 2016 occurs at 9 degrees of the zodiac sign Virgo. It can be observed in Africa, Madagascar, Antarctica, and the Indian and Atlantic oceans. It will not be visible on Russian territory.

Maximum phase at 09:01 UTC or 12:01 Moscow time

Ends at 10:55 UTC or 13:55 Moscow time

Impact of a solar eclipse

During solar eclipses, the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, temporarily blocking (eclipsing) the sunlight for us. These celestial phenomena mark new beginnings, which can be realized on an external level, in the form of events, or on an internal level, expressed in personal growth.

The impact of the eclipse on September 1, 2016 will be felt more than others by representatives of the mutable zodiac signs: Virgo, Pisces, Gemini and Sagittarius. It will noticeably affect those whose birth dates fall on August 26 - September 6 (Virgo), February 23 - March 5 (Pisces), May 25 - June 4 (Gemini), November 26 - December 6 (Sagittarius). Those who have personal planets and important points (Asc, MC) in their natal chart between 4 and 14 degrees of mutable signs will also experience big changes.

Pay attention to the events happening on this day, even if they seem insignificant to you. They will hint at the nature of the changes or what will be your focus in the coming months. Anything new or unusual that you hear or see should not be ignored because it may be a harbinger of the future.

The meaning of an eclipse from an astrological point of view

The eclipse on September 1, 2016 occurs in Virgo, the sign of work, service, order and health. In astrology, this zodiac sign is associated with prudence, the desire for perfection and order. Being a sign of the earth element, it welcomes a practical approach to life, a lot of attention is paid to work and everyday affairs. From the Virgo point of view, caring for one's neighbor and attention to detail is practical service to the Divine.

The symbolism of the eclipse hints that it is time to “separate the wheat from the chaff.” This may concern ideas, plans, personal beliefs, relationships, or anything else. You need to be especially picky in order to choose among them the truly valuable ones. Virgo is a very practical sign, inviting us to figure out what we really want and then take responsibility for implementing our plans. If you don't, someone else will step in to fill the void, but then the results won't be what you want. Virgo encourages purity of mind, body and spirit, suggesting weeding out toxic people, places and things from your life. Another theme of the eclipse is health and the environment. Perhaps many will think about how to lead a healthier lifestyle.

Under the influence of this celestial phenomenon, the spheres of life mentioned above are activated. It can become a catalyst for the healing process, both on the physical and spiritual plane. Maybe your health will prompt you to change your lifestyle. Perhaps circumstances will arise that will force you to become more organized. Or something else will happen that will make you more practical, insightful and sensible.

The planetary configurations of the eclipse on September 1, 2016 are quite intense. The Sun and Moon conjunction in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces, which speaks to the importance of healing on an emotional level. To overcome internal conflict, you need to find balance in your soul, mind and body. Moreover, there is a negative aspect of Mars and Saturn in Sagittarius with Neptune in Pisces, which indicates a conflict between the ideal and the real, or between the impulses of the heart and the dictates of the mind. To get what you want, you need to get rid of fantasies and illusions, and analyzing situations will help dispel uncertainty.

Neptune's strong position brings inspiration and big dreams, but all this energy is sharply focused on Saturn, which tends to create obstacles. On the other hand, Saturn serves as a necessary anchor that does not allow you to fly too far in your fantasies. It helps you clearly define boundaries, know your limitations, and take responsibility. Ultimately, it is better to give up on pipe dreams and work on what is realistic, then you will get tangible results. The Virgo Sun Moon trine with Pluto in Capricorn has a softening effect. Pluto is the planet of transformation, and the more faith you have in yourself, the easier the transformation process will be.

This solar eclipse occurs on September 1 and coincides with the Day of Knowledge in Russia, which is quite symbolic. In an astrological sense it does relate to knowledge, as Mercury (information, learning) is conjunct Jupiter (ideas, higher knowledge), emphasizing the role of knowledge on various levels. This gives impetus to comprehend the truth. Mercury, the dispositor of the eclipse, is retrograde, i.e. moves in the opposite direction, hinting at a return to themes of the past. Maybe you will return to past ideas and find something worthwhile in them.

The Solar Eclipse in Virgo highlights the theme of health, so it's good to take time for wellness practices or meditation to help relieve physical tension and stress. Don't plan too much for this day, because eclipses often bring unexpected things that require urgent attention. Try not to do anything important (important events, meetings, trips, etc.), it is better to do your usual things.

The day has strong energy, because at this time the program for the future is laid. You, too, can lay down your personal program, and the forces of the Universe will support it. For example, you can set an intention and state it out loud, or better yet, write it down on paper or illustrate it with images that show your dream. To attract the positive energies of Virgo, you can use stones of this zodiac sign (agate, jade, carnelian), wear them in jewelry or meditate with them.

The best way to work with the energies of the Virgo Sun eclipse is to form a clear goal and back it up with a thoughtful plan of action. Devote time to thinking about the past and future, developing plans. However, before taking drastic steps, it is better to wait a week or two for the energies to settle.

A solar eclipse is a particularly powerful new moon and is conducive to new beginnings. On such a day it is good to carry out a new moon ritual to fulfill a wish. It can relate to love, money, work, business, real estate and anything else you want to attract into your life.

“...The most energetically tense period of 2016 continues and after a slight shake-up of the conjunction of Mars and Saturn and a trip on the “Dinosaur Train”, we transfer to the new attraction “Emotional Coaster” and enter the September corridor of eclipses - from the 1st to the 16th September.

We are watching stories with our illusions - you could again be faced with the need to realize what is preventing clarity of vision, the manifestation of old patterns that “undermine” the soil under your feet or “spoil the weather” of your magnificent life.

Solar eclipses are associated with conscious change and the masculine principle. Therefore, we can part with a certain masculine element, experience tense situations with our father, brother, boss, husband, etc.

The effects of eclipses can appear as early as a week before and after. And you need to go through this period as consciously as possible - try not to overexert yourself, especially emotionally, if possible, spend the days of eclipses (and if possible the days around the eclipse) in peace and quiet, solitude, fasting and prayer, immersion in oneself. Free will is reduced and fatality takes effect, so we simply ACCEPT everything that happens.

We try not to make important decisions, everything will change.

Solar eclipses are associated with external events, while lunar eclipses are more associated with internal ones.

At the hour of the eclipse - September 1 at 12:02 Moscow time - perform a classic eclipse ritual, where we metaphorically “stage” the death of our old self and the birth of a new one, through the visualization of letting go of our shadow sides and negative aspects and replacing them with more working and harmonious qualities.

Write down in your diary what is happening in your life during this period around the eclipse, especially events that stand out from the general context. Everything that is happening now is karmically conditioned and this is an opportunity to adjust your personal program.

The sun is a masculine principle, so somewhere you need to show more will and determination, active behavior, and express yourself more actively.

You can write on paper those qualities that you would like to get rid of and ritually burn at the hour of the eclipse.

Eclipse and New Moon Chart in Virgo

The end of August and the first two decades of September are very cleansing and healing in nature. Effective layers of astro influences are superimposed on one another: now the mutable tauquadrat is active and it’s really difficult for us to adjust and be in the flow, and this really looks like a “Roller Coaster” ride, which I renamed “Emotional” - only we manage to level out a little like us again throws up or throws down sharply.

Emotional swings

An eclipse occurs at the base of this tausquare with the participation of Neptune and Saturn with Mars in Sagittarius at the apex - the 10-15th degrees of Pisces, Virgo and Sagittarius are active (the degree of the eclipse is the 10th Virgo). And Pluto supports the necessary transformations (and surgical extraditions) with its powerful energy and strength.

There's a big emphasis on the sign of Virgo and it's all about getting the details of your lives in order.

The time of Virgo has come and this season is associated with taking care of your health and daily affairs. Our daily work consists of many different responsibilities, so it is important to be able to prioritize and organize your day in the most productive way.

Virgo is a master of details, and its highest manifestation is to distribute, organize, and carry out any work professionally and efficiently. This is the Cinderella of the Zodiac and her main features are modest service and humble fulfillment of her duties.

But now we are going a little deeper - Mercury, the owner of Virgo, having reached the last degree of this sign, turns into a reverse movement on August 30 and will move back until September 22. During the reversal, it connects with Jupiter, which is also in the last degrees of the sign of Virgo and is preparing to leave it on September 9. And we are called to return retrospectively to the past and pull out the very garbage swept under the rugs of our subconscious, for the sake of cleansing and healing past traumas.

What else prevents us from moving forward and creating the reality we desire?

What old patterns need to be broken, released and replaced?

“This series by Saros talks about realism, about trying to get down to earth. A person begins to realize the old situation and see it as it is, and not as he thought it was. This can be a constructive time to discover the truth." Bernadette Brady "Predictive Astrology"

We have almost a whole month to do homework on past mistakes…..”

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Ecology of life: In 2016 we will observe another eclipse - the Annular Solar Eclipse, which will take place on September 1, 2016 at 13:06:53 Moscow time. It will be possible to see it in the territories of the Atlantic Ocean, Central Africa, Madagascar; the partial phase of the eclipse can be observed in some countries of southern Africa and the southwestern part of the Indian Ocean.

In 2016 we will observe another eclipse - Annular Solar Eclipse, to be held September 1, 2016 at 13:06:53 Moscow time. It will be possible to see it in the territories of the Atlantic Ocean, Central Africa, Madagascar; the partial phase of the eclipse can be observed in some countries of southern Africa and the southwestern part of the Indian Ocean.

Now it’s worth understanding what an annular eclipse means. So, this name is due to the actions of celestial mechanics. Simply put, since the shadow of the Moon cannot completely cover the celestial body, a thin ring of the photosphere can be seen around it.

How does a solar eclipse affect a person?

Often, astrologers are against making any decisions during eclipses. This is due to the fact that often due to an emotional outburst, people cannot think objectively and practically. All actions are performed under emotions, which leads to bad consequences.

However, not today, everything will be exactly the opposite. You will finally be able to look at many things from a practical perspective, objectively judge what is really important to you and what is not. This is a good day to implement your plans and tasks.

In addition, it is worth drawing your attention to the fact that all the plans and changes that you implement will be of a fateful nature and it will not be possible to change anything. Therefore, before you do anything, calculate everything to the smallest detail, so as not to regret it later.

Also, according to experts in this field, all changes, whether they are in your control or not, carry only positive characteristics. But not everything is so simple; initially you will have to try hard to get into the groove of your new life. If you don’t make any effort, then everything will remain the same.

This day can be called an ideal period to understand yourself, your plans for the future, analyze your value system and generally delve into yourself. In this way, you simply put things in order in your soul, get rid of unnecessary attitudes and thoughts.

And remember that everything that surrounds us is a reflection of our inner “I”. If everything seems so gray, boring, dull to you, then this is a reason to think, maybe this blues is only inside you and if you change your way of thinking, the world will sparkle with new colors.

The energy of this solar eclipse is significantly different from the previous one, since, among other things, it carries healing potential. Don’t miss the moment, since all procedures aimed at your health will be most effective, and you don’t have to go to a sanatorium or specialized center for this. It is enough to carry out such procedures at home - this can be gymnastics, a healing bath with essential oils, therapeutic massage, and so on.

This might interest you:

Despite all the practicality and grounding of this day, there will also be conflicts, and it is better to avoid them and try to solve the problem peacefully. If not, then most likely an ordinary quarrel can escalate into war. And since all changes are fateful in nature, such a conflict will not bring anything good, not only will it drain all your strength, but you may also lose what is important and necessary for you - work, family, and so on. Agree about it, only everyone will lose and you will not receive anything in return. published

Traditionally, the eclipses of this series of saros (19, With the North Node, in the sign of Virgo) speak of realism. This is the beginning of a new awareness of the old situation, the opportunity to see it as it is. A pause is always a constructive moment for the affirmation of true understanding (let’s remember this old song - “Let’s pause in words”). A hangover is always not easy, to survive the destruction of illusions, because in a state of absorption, in the flow, there is simply no time to think about it.. And if you look at it, all activities carried out in an unconscious state are simply a wasted resource and a vanity of vanities.

But every pause has a certain subtext, it is always a kind of hint for us, which leads to the revelation of the meaning.

The line of these eclipses has already appeared in 1908, 1926, 1944, 1962, 1980, 1998

The eclipse occurs at 10 degrees Virgo: * 10th degree
A bag of money on the table. Near him is a black-eyed woman in a fancy dress. Degree of SEDUCTIVE LUCK. Passion and money slip through your fingers. Greater role of women.

The abstract challenge this eclipse poses is to discover where your place is in the larger scheme of things and then live it. Instead of trying to find a place where you fit in, wait to see what people or communities invite you.
The moment categorically insists on justice. If the agreements and relationships that will be made in the aura of this Eclipse are not established clearly and openly, they will be destroyed. The currency of this moment is not money, but affection, love, respect, a sense of belonging and support.
And this is what is directly related to Will, the sense of one’s own Ego. Therefore, all questions and topics that appear now will have a personal, personal connotation. Especially like what this person has done for the community, what can he do? How useful can he (I) be?

And what is very important for us to understand in this context is that the Ego, the Will, can never work continuously. Willpower can be exercised for quite a long time in certain circumstances, but then it must give up its efforts. In the same way, the heart needs a pulse. It cannot be kept in tension all the time. There must be the right moment for action, effort, expression of will. And it’s very natural to wait to recognize the right moment, the context that will be right for you.

The eclipse occurs during Mercury retrograde - which will require you to sort through tools, ideas, rules and methods in search of working and effective ones. Something necessary here and now contains past experience.

There is confrontation and unsatisfactory external conditions, competition between mutually exclusive programs leads to conflict (Saturn and Mars in Sagittarius), as a result of which the spark of a new understanding is struck.

Mars is faced with the need to choose, being at 15 degrees of Sagittarius, changing moods and fluctuations - “Flying arrow”. Theme: DIRECTIONS. Potentially, this is an opportunity to do the best possible under existing conditions, to accurately express a personal position.

The astrological picture that emerges at the time of the Eclipse is a mutable tau square. The opposition of the Eclipse point (Sun, Moon and Rahu) with Neptune, and the planet that is the focus of this opposition is Saturn. Frustration and frustration are something that will have to be dealt with and must be corrected. The key to change lies in the details and proper focus.

The exact square of Saturn and Neptune remains throughout September, and is activated by transits. (situations of confusion, lack of abilities, energy, lack of the necessary attunement make the circumstances of this period subject to disappointments and frustrations. You can feel a lack of energy and resources, difficulties in practical implementation. Complex mental states) All this can be compared as if you were in an alien stream people and circumstances. And this is not to punish, but so that everything foreign and alien to you will be carried away in this stream.

The picture of reality formed on the previous cycle of nodes (over 19 years) finally dissolves. Inconsistencies may be visible to the naked eye.

Transit situations for September:

From the beginning of the month until the 22nd, Mercury is in retrograde motion, bringing order to its sign Virgo.

On September 2-3, the Moon passes through the planetary stellium, Jupiter, retro Mercury, Venus, which gives a lot of meetings and impressions, exchange of opinions, changes in perspectives.

September 6-7 – trine of the Sun and Pluto, accentuated by the nodes. New conditions are established for the transformation of certain aspects of life, greater concentration (of effort, tension) leads to a result (renewal). New rules and conditions may be introduced, especially with regard to financial affairs and institutions, regulatory authorities, banks, and big businesses.

September 9 is a disharmonious situation that reveals hidden tensions, weaknesses and shortcomings. Square of the Sun and Mars, transit of the Moon on Mars. Jupiter enters Libra

September 12-13 – conjunction of retro Mercury with the Sun. Important and resonant information, decisions that change the rules of the game.

September 14 – Sun/Mars square, “bisextile” configuration Mars/Uranus/Moon, Venus/Moon/Mars, sets a strong incentive and motivation for change

September 22-23 – Grand square Saturn/Neptune/Mercury/Moon. The sun moves into the sign of Libra. Turning and cardinal moments. Mercury turns direct. Three Mercury and Pluto.

Based on the name, each of us has questions such as: why an annular solar eclipse and what it is in general, how it will affect a person and the world as a whole. But first things first. Let's start by telling you about what an Annular Solar Eclipse is. This name is explained quite simply - due to its diameter, the Moon cannot completely cover the Sun and, as a result, a bright luminous disk is formed around the night star.

Any eclipse, both solar and lunar, has a huge impact on a person, and on the planet as a whole. The moon in our lives is responsible for the spiritual, intuition, and subconscious. But the Sun is for vital energy, will and fortitude, creativity and invention. Therefore, it is logical that it is precisely these areas of life that will be infringed and people themselves will be in a state of some kind of eclipse.

If the Lunar Eclipse symbolizes a period of rethinking past events, then the Solar Eclipse, on the contrary, says that it is time to wait for global changes and prepare for them. But how to properly prepare for them and is it necessary to do it at all? How will this event affect our lives? Read about it below.

The impact of the eclipse of September 1, 2016 on the world

  • Countries affected by the eclipse: Gulf of Guinea, Africa (Gabon, Congo, DRC, Tanzania and Mozambique), Madagascar, Indian Ocean, South Asia. Brazil, Crete, Kurdistan, Croatia.

If we talk about the impact of an eclipse on the world as a whole, then this is a period of revolutions and fundamental changes. And we cannot say that they will be positive or negative. A real conflict may flare up somewhere, while another country will experience economic growth. During a solar eclipse, it is important to adapt to a new way and be able to withstand, only then fate will give you bonuses.

Since the Solar Eclipse is a time of learning the truth, some protracted conflicts on the world stage may be resolved. Countries that could not come together for a long time will suddenly, at some point, find a common language and compromise. However, not all states will be able to hold out in this state for long and maintain peace among themselves; as a result, some of them will return to past squabbles.

Also be prepared for new reforms that the governments of different countries suddenly decide to actively implement. The new bills will not be to the liking of the people, which is why various rallies, demonstrations and protests expressing the discontent of citizens may be observed for several more days. However, due to the strong influence of Pluto, these reforms will be useful and even bear fruit. But not all, some bills introduced by the government will simply be useless.

If we talk about nature, then it will be harsh, since the Solar Eclipse brings with it various global cataclysms. It is during the period of eclipses that many different earthquakes, hurricanes, floods and so on are observed. All this will bring devastating consequences. So, for example, in 2010, three days before the Solar Eclipse, an earthquake occurred in Haiti, which claimed thousands of lives.

According to astrologers, the successes of many politicians will come to naught, while others will have serious problems. Whatever they think will collapse and many of their plans will remain only in their heads. Because of this, new conflicts and squabbles may arise with the rulers of other countries, which will affect the well-being of each state. All because of Uranus, which will have a fatal effect on people seeking power.

How will the solar eclipse of September 1, 2016 affect people?

During the period of influence of the Solar Eclipse, astrologers do not advise starting a new business, radically changing something in your company or organization, introducing something new or investing money somewhere. Despite the fact that during this period your intuition will work with redoubled force and you are able to make the right decision, the success of such an endeavor will not last long and everything will be destroyed by factors that do not depend on you. During a Solar Eclipse, it is best to think about what awaits you in the future, plan and draw up business plans. But it’s better to wait at least a week to bring your ideas to life.

A solar eclipse affects a person in such a way that many truths that he could not resolve before will suddenly become clear and understandable. Because of the influence of Virgo, many of us will be able to look at a difficult situation in our lives soberly and realistically. Some will understand how to move on, what to do and what to do, but others, on the contrary, will fall into a prolonged depression and aggravate the situation. All this depends on the person himself, and therefore do not let yourself be overcome by melancholy and panic, try to maintain composure and do not give in to emotions.

If we talk about the emotional sphere, then a certain tension will be felt, people will feel weak, their vital energy will decline, which will make it difficult to keep emotions within themselves. On the streets, in public transport, in cafes and restaurants, at work and in other places where people gather, there will be a lot of quarrels and conflicts, people will “let off steam” at the first one they come across. And for lovers and married couples, it may suddenly seem that feelings have weakened and there is no passion that was before. Many will begin to lash out at their significant other due to problems at work and in communicating with people around them. If you encounter this, then you should think about changing things. It’s better to channel this negative energy in the right direction and, in order to throw out your emotions, talk to your significant other and speak out about your problems. And to relax, have a romantic dinner by candlelight or go to the cinema; if this is not possible, then watch movies at home.

In spiritual terms, this is a time of “spring cleaning”, when you need to take a sober look at your actions and decisions. Reevaluate your value system, understand what you want to strive for and achieve in your life. And all because during this period you will not build castles in the air and blindly follow your dreams. Especially the influence of Virgo will make you look at many things more rationally and cynically. Also, this is a good time to get rid of far-fetched complexes and “cockroaches” in your head, look at yourself and highlight your shortcomings and strengths, which will subsequently help you be more confident in yourself. If you have long wanted to develop some quality in yourself, for example, the ability to say “no” or willpower, then this is the most favorable time.

Despite the fact that during the eclipse many people will feel unwell and a decrease in life potential, at this time our body is cleansed and gets rid of unnecessary things. After this event, each of us will be able to feel improved health, vigor, strength and increased life potential. But don’t rush to implement everything and actively spend your life energy, learn how to properly distribute your forces. Otherwise, you will fizzle out halfway and will not be able to achieve what you want.

Be prepared for the fact that everything secret always becomes clear, this tendency is especially observed during periods of Solar Eclipses. If you are hiding something, then it is better to reveal this secret in time, otherwise serious problems may arise. If you suspect someone of deception, then do not worry, fate itself will reveal all its cards to you. And if not, then this means that you are cheating yourself and the people who are around you are honest and sincere.

As we see, the impact of the Solar Eclipse on September 1, 2016 will be ambiguous. On the one hand, changes await us; each of us will be able to rethink our lives and understand what we want from it in general. However, on the other hand, it brings problems, conflicts and losses, but life’s obstacles temper us, make us stronger and more confident.