Mysterious portraits on the Cheops pyramid. How to draw a pyramid with a pencil step by step Ancient Egyptian drawings on the walls

The ancient Egyptians are well known for their phenomenal architecture, works of art, and large pantheon of exotic gods. It was the belief in the afterlife and all aspects of its manifestation that made the Egyptians famous throughout the world. When viewing many works of art of those years, you will notice that all people and gods are depicted in profile (from the side). The drawings do not use perspective; there is no “depth” to the image.

What or why was this style used?

Funeral portrait of a young man. Egypt, 2nd century AD | Photo:

One would think that the point was simply that this was the only way they knew how to draw in Ancient Egypt. This was a very, very long time ago. Remember, for example, rock paintings in caves - it looks like it. In fact, they knew how to paint realistic pictures in Egypt. The most famous example of ancient painting is the Fayum portraits of the 1st-3rd centuries AD. Many historians and art critics are scratching their heads over the issues of artificial primitivism in Egyptian painting.

And here are the ideas offered...

1. At that time, the “three-dimensionality” of the image had not yet been invented

Egyptian gods on the walls of Nefertari's tomb. Photo:

All drawings of Ancient Egypt are made “flat”, but with small details. Perhaps most artists were simply incapable of creating complex compositions with people in realistic poses. Therefore, standard canons were adopted: the heads and legs of all people and gods are depicted in profile. The shoulders, on the contrary, are turned straight. The hands of those sitting always rest on their knees.

2. Deliberate simplification as a social aspect

An official during a bird hunt. | Photo:

The Egyptians invented a great way to get rid of the third dimension and used it to represent the social role of the people depicted. As they imagined in those years, the picture could not depict a pharaoh, god and a simple man side by side, because this exalted the latter. Therefore, all the figures were made of different sizes: pharaohs were the largest, dignitaries were smaller, workers and slaves were the smallest. But then, realistically drawing two people of different status side by side, one of them would look like a child. It’s better to depict people schematically.

3. A direct gaze is considered a challenge.

In the animal kingdom: animals avoid looking each other in the eyes. A direct gaze is considered a challenge. Look how the dogs fight. Weak - facing a strong opponent in profile, or exposing his neck. The gods are so lofty and sacred that a person, even an artist, has the right to only sideways observe the life of the omnipotent. Only Death, an equally angry god, looks straight into your eyes. Therefore, a person can only observe, and certainly not participate in the sacraments of the divine liturgies.

The second answer might explain the imaging technology.
Painted or carved figures in stone are very similar to daguerreotypes, and even shadow theater, which has survived to this day since ancient times.

Let us remember how, since childhood, we all loved to play with the shadows of our hands. Daguerreotypes are easier to perceive in profile. Ancient craftsmen used shadows cast on the walls of the pyramids from a torch or the setting sun for templates. This technology made it much easier for them to depict majestic giant figures. Therefore, the artists were exclusively priests, Egyptians of elite circles. Shouldn’t we use the shadows of a despicable slave for the outlines of the deity?

Having mastered the daguerreotype technique, the Egyptians may have gone further. How beautifully and naturally the movement is depicted in the frescoes. Where does the ability to convey step and direction come from? Were there not strong analogies in the past with today's film distribution, cartoons, or even Shadow Theater? Perhaps we do not know everything about the pastime of the young pharaohs, their holidays of veneration of deities and initiations. It is symbolic that the gods of Egypt do not look us in the face. Or we don't look at their faces.

4. Religious version

The afterlife of Ancient Egypt. | Photo:

According to another version, the Egyptians deliberately made drawings of people two-dimensional, “flat”. This is especially noticeable in paintings where animals are present. The ancient masters painted them colorfully, giving realistic and elegant poses.

The ancient Egyptians, with their worship of the afterlife, believed that the human soul could travel. And since the drawings were mainly carried out in tombs and burial vaults, they could “revive” a three-dimensional pictorial image of a deceased person. To avoid this, human figures were drawn flat and in profile. This way the human face is more expressive and easier to portray as similar.

In order not to revive the image, the Jews went even further. They generally banned human images and therefore subsequently many Jewish artists (not all) painted people with distorted proportions. An example of a Chagall painting. Subsequently, Muslims borrowed this prohibition from the Jews.

Some versions certainly overlap, but which one seems most likely to you? Or do you know another version?



Let's remember something else interesting about Egypt: here are the Mysterious Technologies of Ancient Egypt, and here are the little-known Pyramids of Nubia. See the Singing Colossi of Memnon and the White Desert in Egypt

Canons of painting in Ancient Egypt

The basis for painting was most often walls with bas-reliefs. Paints were applied to plastered walls. The placement of paintings was subject to strict norms dictated by the priests. Principles such as the correctness of geometric shapes and contemplation of nature were strictly observed. The paintings of Ancient Egypt were always accompanied by hieroglyphs explaining the meaning of what was depicted.

Space and composition. In Egyptian painting, all elements of the composition look flat. When it is necessary to represent figures in depth, artists superimpose them on top of each other. The drawings are distributed in horizontal stripes, which are separated by lines. The most important scenes are always located in the center.

Image of a human figure. Egyptian drawings of people include features in front and profile equally. To maintain proportions, the artists drew a grid on the wall. Older examples consist of 18 squares (4 cubits), while newer ones have 21 squares. Women were depicted with pale yellow or pink skin. To create a masculine image, brown or dark red was used. It was customary to depict people in the prime of life.

Egyptian painting is characterized by a so-called “hierarchical” view. For example, the higher the social status of the person depicted, the larger the size of the figure. Therefore, in battle scenes, the pharaoh often looks like a giant. Images of people can be divided into archetypes: pharaoh, scribe, artisan, etc. Figures of lower social strata are always more realistic and dynamic.

Application of color. The artists followed a pre-established program, which means each color had a specific symbolism. It is believed that the origins of the meaning of colors in Egyptian painting were in the contemplation of the color tints of the Nile. Let us highlight the meaning of the main colors used by artists:

  • blue - promise of new life;
  • green - an expression of life's hopes, rebirth and youth;
  • red is a symbol of evil and barren land;
  • white is a sign of victory and joy;
  • black is a symbol of death and return to life in the other world;
  • yellow is an expression of eternity and incorruptible divine flesh.

The tone of the background depends on the era. The Old Kingdom has a gray background, while the New Kingdom has a pale yellow background.

Painting of the Old Kingdom

The Old Kingdom covers the period from the 27th to the 22nd centuries BC. It was then that the construction of the Great Pyramids took place. At this time, bas-relief and painting were not yet distinguished from each other. Both means of expression were used to decorate the tombs of pharaohs, members of the royal family and officials. During the Old Kingdom, a uniform style of painting was formed throughout the country.


The first wall paintings are distinguished by a rather narrow range of colors, mainly black, brown, white, red and green shades. The depiction of people is subject to a strict canon, the stricter of which is the higher, the higher the status of the person depicted. Dynamism and expression are characteristic of the figures depicting minor characters.

Mostly scenes from the life of gods and pharaohs were depicted. Colorful frescoes and reliefs recreate the environment that should surround the deceased, no matter what world he is in. The painting reaches high filigree, both in the images of characters and in the silhouettes of hieroglyphs.


Sculptures of Prince Rahotep and his wife Nofret (27th century BC) are considered one of the most significant monuments of the Old Kingdom. The male figure is painted brick red, while the female figure is painted yellow. The figures' hair is black and their clothes are white. There are no halftones.

Painting of the Middle Kingdom

We will talk about the period that lasted from the 22nd to the 18th century BC. During this era, wall paintings exhibited structure and orderliness that was absent during the Old Kingdom. A special place is occupied by the painted multi-colored relief.


In cave tombs one can see complex scenes that are more dynamic than in previous eras. Additional attention is paid to contemplation of nature. Paintings are increasingly decorated with floral patterns. Attention is paid not only to the ruling class, but also to ordinary Egyptians, for example, you can see farmers at work. At the same time, the integral features of painting are perfect order and clarity of what is depicted.


Most of all, the paintings of the tomb of the nomarch Khnumhotep II stand out against the background of other monuments. Particularly noteworthy are the hunting scenes, where animal figures are rendered using halftones. The paintings of the tombs in Thebes are no less impressive.

New Kingdom Painting

Scientists call the period from the 16th to the 11th centuries BC the New Kingdom. This era is distinguished by the best examples of Egyptian art. At this time, painting reached its greatest flowering. The proliferation of tombs encourages the development of painting on walls covered with plaster. Freedom of expression is most evident in the tombs of private individuals.


The era of the New Kingdom was characterized by a hitherto unknown color gradation and light transmission. Contact with the peoples of Asia brought a fascination with detail and ornamented forms. The impression of movement is enhanced. Dyes are no longer applied in an even matte layer; artists try to show soft tonal tints.

Through painting, the pharaohs demonstrated their strength to the border peoples. Therefore, depictions of scenes reproducing military episodes were common. Separately, it is worth mentioning the theme of the pharaoh in a drawn war chariot, the latter was introduced by the Hyksos. Images of a historical nature appear. Art increasingly resonates with national pride. Rulers transform temple walls into "canvases" that focus on the pharaoh's role as protector.


Tomb of Nefertari. This is a perfect ensemble of painting and architecture. Currently this is the most beautiful tomb in the Valley of the Queens. The paintings cover an area of ​​520 m². On the walls you can see some chapters from the Book of the Dead, as well as the queen’s path to the afterlife.

  • The first surviving ancient Egyptian monumental painting was discovered in a 4000 BC funerary crypt located at Hierakonpolis. She depicts people and animals.
  • The ancient Egyptians painted with mineral paints. Black paint was extracted from soot, white from limestone, green from malachite, red from ocher, blue from cobalt.
  • In ancient Egyptian culture, the image played the role of a double of reality. The painting of the tombs guaranteed the deceased that the same benefits awaited them in the afterlife as in the human world.
  • In Ancient Egypt, images were believed to have magical properties. Moreover, their strength directly depended on the quality of the painting, which explains the special care with which the Egyptians treated painting.

Despite numerous studies devoted to the painting of Ancient Egypt, not all the secrets of this art have yet been solved. To understand the true meaning of each drawing and each sculpture, scientists will have to work for centuries.

The investigation was conducted by a blogger.

Many claim that this is an image of an attacking helicopter and what resembles fuel containers located one below the other. Also on the bas-relief you can clearly see the hemisphere of an eagle standing on it and looking at the “armored tank”. Here two more types of aircraft were found, and judging by their direction, the “enemy” is precisely the “tank”. One retired officer even identified the helicopter as a specific US-made model and wrote that the entire set of hieroglyphs matched the picture of the military operation Desert Storm. This was the only war in which such a helicopter and tanks participated simultaneously.

It is difficult to argue after this that the Egyptians did not see the future by carving hieroglyphs thousands of years before helicopters were invented. Many people around the world have studied this photo. And we will conduct an independent investigation.

So, the details. Next to the helicopter, enthusiasts look out for a squat tank with a long gun. Below it is either a cargo plane or a submarine. Particularly impressionable people see a radar installation with an antenna dish in the right corner. A highly developed imagination allows some to assume that next to the helicopter is not a tank at all, but a “flying saucer”.
The fourth object is interpreted both as an airship, and as a typical UFO, and as an airplane with a large fuselage:

The technology, which clearly does not correspond to the time, does not even give rise to, but rather reinforces, the hypothesis that the ancient Egyptians inherited something valuable from some advanced civilization that existed before. For example, from the Atlanteans. Or from aliens from outer space, in connection with which the pharaohs have always been suspected.

The mystery of the “ancient Egyptian helicopter” was solved by archaeologists from the Munich Institute of Egyptology in 1992. After studying the picture, scientists came to the conclusion that it was completed by time. Cracks, traces of plaster, chips added details - for example, the main rotor of the “helicopter”, the cannon of the “tank”, the tail of the “plane”. And the “technology” acquired modern features. In fact, all these “constructions” were previously just hieroglyphs.

In addition to the time, it was also influenced by the fact that the text is essentially a “palimpsest”, that is, at different times different hieroglyphs were carved on the same stone. The text of Pharaoh Seti was “corrected” by his successor Ramses II. The title "who repelled the nine enemies of Egypt (nine bows)" was replaced by the title of Ramses "who defends Egypt and conquers foreign countries." Such cases of usurpation (appropriation) of the monuments of their predecessors are not isolated.

Over time, the coloring of the hieroglyphs faded, part of the plaster covering the old inscription fell off, and this strange combination turned out.

It is difficult to escape the impression that these signs are similar to modern technology. This is how our perception works: in the incomprehensible, we tend to recognize first of all what is familiar to us.

Main features of the style

Any interior style has characteristic features that make it possible to recognize it from many room design options. This also applies to the style of Egypt. Niches, arches, tall Egyptian columns and half-columns are required to be used directly inside the premises. The walls are most often decorated with frescoes and paintings, and any decor should be stylistically designed in an Egyptian theme, for example, with the image of a scarab beetle, sphinx or pyramid.

Egyptian style in the interior allows the use of a large number of textiles and carpets that cover the floor. At the same time, they should contain strict geometric patterns and ancient Egyptian symbols.

In this country, the interior spaces have always been decorated quite strictly. A special border was installed under the ceiling, which was decorated with various ornaments, such as lotus or papyrus leaves.

Color spectrum

The use of color in the Egyptian style is strictly limited. Since this country is located in the desert, the color scheme is appropriate. It is recommended to use neutral colors such as ivory, pale yellow, sand or beige. They are ideal for finishing ceilings and walls. You can choose materials of all shades of orange, since it also reflects the sunshine of Egypt, its sandiness. This has its advantages, especially when decorating a hallway or bathroom. Interior design in Egyptian style will give them a special coziness.

Various color combinations are acceptable. Egyptian style in the interior is characterized by a combination of gold with black, chocolate, green, and blue. As an option, choose a shade of yellow for the walls, and decorate the ceiling in blue with imitation stars. This will create a special impression as if you are in an Egyptian temple.

The color gram is determined by the climate in Egypt. Due to the constant heat, the walls were most often painted simply white in order to somehow neutralize the effects of temperature. Limitations in color also appeared due to the fact that natural dyes were used in their pure form to decorate the premises, without mixing with anything.

Features of interior decoration

Having chosen the color of the room, you need to carefully select materials for finishing the walls, floor and ceiling. And for this you need to take into account certain requirements:

  1. Egyptian style in the interior is characterized by special wall decoration. Most often, they are simply plastered or lined with rectangular slabs made of sandstone, granite or marble. The upper part of the walls is decorated with borders in the form of lotus flowers or papyrus stems. As wall decor, you can use frescoes, pictograms, bas-reliefs, or simply colored stripes, or ordinary hieroglyphs on the walls. There may be other decoration options. For example, you should think about where and how to draw a pharaoh.
  2. The ceiling should be decorated in the same color scheme as the wall, but be a little darker or lighter. In some cases, you can take a bright contrasting color, for example blue, which will be associated with the Nile, the main waterway of Egypt. Decor in the form of gold stars or Egyptian patterns looks very impressive.
  3. Floor finishing depends on the climatic conditions in which the apartment is located. In our conditions, it is better to equip a warm floor, which is covered with ceramic tiles in the Egyptian style. A monochromatic covering with a mat made of reeds or animal skins looks original. Particular elegance can be achieved if you use bedspreads or stylized carpets. Cork flooring, laminate or piece parquet with a characteristic pattern are allowed.

Decoration of windows and doorways

Both doorways and window openings can be decorated stylistically. It is best to choose an arch shape for them. If possible, then Egyptian columns look good inside the room itself, or false ones can also be used, which can later be painted according to the style theme. To make these decorative structures, you can use absolutely any building material, such as drywall.

Rules for selecting furniture

To decorate the interior in Egyptian style, it is not necessary to make all the elements of the room so. It’s enough just to choose a light neutral color for the walls, and embody the whole Egyptian spirit with the help of furniture and textiles. This will give the room a special richness and luxury, which is why it will be the most significant expense item, and you are unlikely to be able to save on it.

The furniture must be made of wood, and only expensive and valuable species, such as cedar or yew. Particular attention is paid to details and the overall design of the furniture. The form is very original. First of all, this concerns the legs. As a rule, they are made in the form of animal paws. The armrests have a similar shape. Most often they are made in the form of a tiger or panther. There are Egyptian patterns on the facades.

Wooden furniture is decorated with special Egyptian-themed carvings, but not only that. Special combined designs look advantageous when elements made of ivory or precious stones are inlaid into the wood. Don’t be afraid to select upholstered furniture for your apartment, but you shouldn’t overdo it. Still, it is wooden furniture that should prevail. If the renovation is carried out in the bedroom, then you can choose a bed with a canopy; for the living room, a throne chair or a low sofa is suitable. In the latter case, the color of the upholstery should be combined with the overall color scheme, for example the color of unbleached linen.

Egyptian textiles

An Egyptian-style apartment must accommodate a large amount of textiles. You need to approach his choice with all responsibility. In particular, this concerns the selection of a special stylistic pattern, and texture is also important. Rich natural silk or satin will fit perfectly into such an interior. This will only emphasize the atmosphere of wealth and luxury. The monotony of curtains and bedspreads can be diluted by the presence of a geometric pattern, but it must be in harmony with the overall concept of the renovation.

Using Accessories

In many ways, it is the accessories that help to recreate a full picture of the Egyptian style in the interior. Everything matters here, so you need to think through every detail. When choosing textiles with patterns, you should pay attention to whether the strict lines are combined with the decoration of the borders.

Each room should have its own highlight, for example, a decoration on the curtains in the form of a scarab beetle or the head of a sphinx. Floor vases in which you can place reeds or papyrus will complete the interior. The presence of a large number of figurines that personify the culture of Ancient Egypt is acceptable.

If you decide to decorate your apartment in Egyptian style, you should not use all the details at once. You can choose only a few that you like the most and you consider their presence appropriate.

Knowing some of the tricks of the Egyptian style in the interior, you can quickly recreate the spirit of the land of the pharaohs in your apartment:

  1. To “dress up” an apartment in Egyptian “decorations,” you definitely need to purchase luxurious and exquisite building materials. This is the only way to recreate an environment worthy of the rulers of Egypt. Luxury and wealth should reign in the room, so you are unlikely to be able to save money. The main color can be gold, which is associated with prosperity.
  2. A few accessories will not be enough for a fully stylized design. The elements should be on the walls, the floor, and the ceiling, and at the same time be in harmony with each other, attracting the attention of guests and every family member. Therefore, you need to think through everything, right down to the pattern on the curtains and the shape of the lamps.
  3. When choosing symbolic figurines, you must be clearly sure that you know their true purpose, especially if you believe in omens. The Egyptians are famous for their love of the afterlife, so they often used this theme in the design of their homes.
  4. Egyptian style in the interior does not tolerate the presence of cabinets and bedside tables. It is better to choose elegant small wooden tables or rectangular chests.
  5. There are two options for decorating a room in Egyptian style. The first of them is associated with the home of the true pharaohs, while the second is only an imitation in the spirit of Egyptian antiquity. They differ primarily in colors. In the first case they are brighter and more saturated, in the second they are dull, there is an antiquity effect. It’s impossible to say which one is better and more refined; they all have fans.
  6. Each room has its own highlight. If your bedroom is decorated in the style of Egyptian pharaohs, then you can safely use shaded spaces, such as niches with mysterious lighting. Columns and arches are welcome.

A little history

Egypt is famous for its science and development in general. At a time when the Stone Age still reigned throughout the world, mathematical calculation in construction reigned with might and main in this country. That is why the decor must contain strict lines of ornament. However, attention was also paid to art. Sculptors, craftsmen, and artists had incredible skill and were constantly thinking about how to draw a pharaoh or a beautiful ornament. The dwelling had an abundance of different figurines and columns. In general, everything that gave luxury.

The ancient Egyptians are well known for their phenomenal architecture, works of art, and large pantheon of exotic gods. It was the belief in the afterlife and all aspects of its manifestation that made the Egyptians famous throughout the world. When viewing many works of art of those years, you will notice that all people and gods are depicted in profile (from the side). The drawings do not use perspective; there is no “depth” to the image. Why this style was used, read in this review.

They knew how to paint realistic pictures in Egypt. The most famous example of ancient painting is the Fayum portraits of the 1st-3rd centuries AD. Many historians and art critics are scratching their heads over the issues of artificial primitivism in Egyptian painting. And they have interesting explanations.

1. At that time, the “three-dimensionality” of the image had not yet been invented

All drawings of Ancient Egypt are made “flat”, but with small details. Perhaps most artists were simply incapable of creating complex compositions with people in realistic poses. Therefore, standard canons were adopted: the heads and legs of all people and gods are depicted in profile. The shoulders, on the contrary, are turned straight. The hands of those sitting always rest on their knees.

2. Deliberate simplification as a social aspect

The Egyptians invented a great way to get rid of the third dimension and used it to represent the social role of the people depicted. As they imagined in those years, the picture could not depict a pharaoh, god and a simple man side by side, because this exalted the latter. Therefore, all the figures were made of different sizes: pharaohs were the largest, dignitaries were smaller, workers and slaves were the smallest. But then, realistically drawing two people of different status side by side, one of them would look like a child. It’s better to depict people schematically.

3. Religious version

According to another version, the Egyptians deliberately made drawings of people two-dimensional, “flat”. This is especially noticeable in paintings where animals are present. The ancient masters painted them colorfully, giving realistic and elegant poses.

The ancient Egyptians, with their worship of the afterlife, believed that the human soul could travel. And since the drawings were mainly carried out in tombs and burial vaults, they could “revive” a three-dimensional pictorial image of a deceased person. To avoid this, human figures were drawn flat and in profile. This way the human face is more expressive and easier to portray as similar.

In order not to enliven the drawing, the Jews do not depict people at all. Although the famous Russian one.

The style was formed in Ancient Egypt (4000 BC), then it received further development.

The main differences of the Egyptian style were the luxury of decoration and the unique forms inherent to the pharaohs.

Distinctive features of the style of ancient Egypt

To create an Egyptian style in the interior, certain tones are required: golden, as well as beige shades or the color of sand.

The color blue is often present - a symbol of the Nile; it is better to combine it with green colors for overall harmony.

The interior chambers were often white due to the hot climate, and entire walls were yellow-orange with multi-colored niches and decorations.

All shades of orange tones are used for decoration: from light to terracotta.

Gold harmonizes well with the blue-black finish, the color of chocolate.

Characteristics of the Egyptian style

  • sand-colored (or orange) walls with Egyptian content;
  • columns (half-columns) with ancient paintings;
  • niches with luxurious frescoes and paintings;
  • dark blue tone of the ceiling;
  • lancet, arched doorways;
  • beautiful borders under the ceiling (one shade is possible with the ceiling and walls);
  • stucco molding made of polyurethane (corners, cornices);
  • “golden” heavy furniture with animal paws is one of the attributes of the style;
  • floor carpet with yellow and white stripes (tiger skin, etc.);
  • the presence of large chests with hieroglyphs and drawings.

Nuances of Egyptian style finishing

The walls have light plaster or marble (granite) slabs. Borders under the ceiling with frescoes or stripes are another attribute of the style.

Photo wallpapers and spectacular bas-reliefs, floral patterns on the walls (lotuses, grape leaves, palm branches) will decorate the room.

You can decorate the walls from stone: porcelain stoneware or artificial stone. Mosaic of yellow and blue tones is also an attribute of Egypt

The tone of the ceiling can be the same as the walls or a rich tone. Shades should be darker than the walls - these are the rules of style.

You can cover the floor with ceramics (stone). For greater pomp and chic, add accessories: style-themed bedspreads, curtains, animal skins and reed mats.

Furniture made from natural wood in dark tones is required, and the surrounding surfaces are glossy. This design will add luxury to the Egyptian-style design.

Advice! A gilded or ivory finish is desirable. The carving should depict animals and birds. A replacement could be photo wallpaper on this topic.

An Egyptian-style room needs as little upholstered furniture as possible. Use zigzags, yellow-black stripes and other patterns in the upholstery.

The interior assumes the presence of arches and columns with thematic designs, small podiums. Figurines dedicated to Egyptian civilization (from miniature to huge sphinxes, lions, cats, birds, pharaohs, bas-reliefs of Cleopatra, etc.) will ideally fit into the overall composition.

Instead of cabinets and cabinets, chests with original paintings are used.

Blue-sand (red-sand) interiors look impressive.

Egyptian motifs in design

There are many options for decorating an apartment in Egyptian style. There are two directions that are still used:

  • imitation of the chambers of the pharaohs;
  • creation of the spirit of Egypt, a touch of antiquity.

The difference is in the color scheme; in the first option, rich shades are needed, in the second, “antique” ones. But photo wallpaper can go perfectly in any direction. Everyone chooses what they like.

Wallpaper in the Egyptian style is a great way to fill your apartment with ancient Egyptian motifs. Dark blue upholstery of the chairs, a blue floor lamp and (or) table will complete the look.

You should carefully select decorative jewelry in the Egyptian style: vases, watches, paintings, pyramids, lotuses and other Egyptian-themed items. The Egyptian style of the Gods of that time is advantageously emphasized: Amon, Ra, Anubis, Inpu, Atum, Isis, Osiris and others.

Columns (half-columns) are replaced with false columns made of polyurethane, covered in sand or dark color with the decoration of Gods, signs, and geometric designs.

Three main rules of Egyptian style: luxury, sophistication and wealth.

Photo of Egyptian style

Egyptian culture is one of the first, most highly developed and progressive cultures in the world. It is her research that allows us to talk about a developed, clearly formed style.

To this day, the aesthetics of this mysterious civilization attracts attention, and it is not surprising that many people, even in the twenty-first century, want to use the Egyptian style in the interior of their homes.

Egyptian style and its main features

Egyptian interiors are characterized by various architectural elements - an abundance of stucco molding, columns, arches, niches, half-columns. Window and door openings can be lancet or arched. The walls are decorated with paintings and frescoes, of course, with images of hieroglyphs, signs and symbols of Ancient Egypt. Also, other elements of this great culture must certainly be present in the decor - camels, pharaohs, pyramids, lotus, Ankh, and so on.

An important feature of Egyptian interiors is the abundance of textiles. These include carpets on the floor, richly decorated curtains, bright sofa pillows with patterns. Furniture must be massive, heavy, preferably made of natural wood. A four-poster bed would be appropriate in the bedroom, and tables and chairs with carved legs in the living room.

Interior color schemes in Egyptian style

Egypt is an African, sunny country, which is why the color scheme of the interior in the Egyptian style, as a rule, is designed to create a warm, sunny atmosphere in the rooms, with bold splashes of bright accents. The color range is quite limited, colors are never mixed. The interior design palette is presented in colors such as yellow, beige, sand, and ivory.

Egyptian style means the walls of rooms are usually neutral tones, more often white or beige (shades of stone or papyrus). It is known that in the temples of Ancient Egypt the walls were covered with a continuous pattern of hieroglyphs, but this technique is hardly suitable for modern houses and apartments. Now it would be appropriate to decorate light walls with a contrasting border with active gold, bright blue and green accents, a pattern of the same hieroglyphs, lotus leaves and palm trees.

If we talk about color combinations, they are quite bold - gold is combined with chocolate, black, blue, green. By the way, ceilings are traditionally painted blue in Egyptian and Moroccan houses.

Egyptian symbols in the interior

Of course, very few people are ready to make drastic changes in the interior and completely renovate the interior in accordance with the Egyptian style. However, if the exotic aesthetics of this ancient country attracts you, then you can add an Egyptian touch to the room with little effort: after all, you can hang images in the Egyptian style or even real papyri on the walls, you can decorate the furniture with appropriate images.

There are a number of symbols that unmistakably refer us to Egyptian culture: Egyptian gods, the eye of Horus, lotuses and scarabs - several of these elements in the interior immediately create the desired mood.


Egyptian signs and symbols play a huge role in the interior. One of the most important symbols of Egypt is the lotus. This flower is mentioned in the ancient myth about the creation of our world. The ancient Egyptians believed that the sun god Ra was born in the core of a lotus, and the flower itself was the throne of the goddess Isis. Even today, Egyptians treat the lotus with special respect; they decorate walls, textiles, and carved furniture with lotus patterns.


The ibis bird was sacred in Ancient Egypt; it meant strength, striving for a goal, perseverance, and is identified with the Egyptian god of wisdom, Thoth. He lived among the Egyptians in the form of the sacred ibis bird and taught them a variety of sciences. In interiors, ibis are most often used in the form of wooden figurines; they decorate shelves with books and desks.


Everyone knows that the Egyptians considered cats to be sacred animals. They always depicted the goddess of beauty, love and femininity Bastet in the form of a one-color, slender cat with an elongated muzzle. The Egyptian cat is an integral element of the Egyptian-style interior; it is most appropriate to decorate bedrooms, living rooms, and recreation areas with cat figures.


The scarab was especially revered by the ancient Egyptians, because this beetle is the personification of the Egyptian god Khepri, a symbol of the spontaneous generation of all things, the rising sun, a deity with the head of a scarab. The Egyptians gladly decorated many things in their interiors with the image of this beetle, because they believed that its symbol would give them strength and energy.

Egyptian hieroglyphs

Egyptian signs in the form of hieroglyphs are one of the first writing systems in human history; they were used as much as 3.5 thousand years ago. Hieroglyphs were actually drawings, supplemented with various phonetic symbols, they were carved on stone, papyrus, and wood.

Egyptian hieroglyphs are very original and picturesque; an Egyptian theme in the interior is unthinkable without them. Hieroglyphs, or rather, a typical ornament made from them, can decorate the ceiling and walls, wooden furniture, textile elements in rooms, vases, carpets and much more.


The Ankh cross, with a ray at the top in the form of a loop, is the most mysterious sign known to mankind. This is a symbol of eternal life and youth; in Ancient Egypt it could be found everywhere. It was believed that amulets in the form of this sign prolong life, give health, and after death, a long afterlife. This symbol in hieroglyphic writing was part of the words “happiness”, “life”, “well-being”.

Pyramids and camels

For modern people, it is the pyramids and camels that are the main symbols of Egypt, both ancient and modern. Thinking about this country, many literally see in their minds a fascinating picture - a caravan of camels slowly walking through the desert, against the backdrop of huge pyramids.

The Egyptian pyramids, majestic and mysterious, are one of the great wonders of this world, their age is as much as 4.5 thousand years. The camel, the ship of the desert, is the main animal in Egypt, a symbol of vitality, endurance and unpretentiousness. When creating an interior in the Egyptian style, it is important to use images of both camels and pyramids. They can be depicted in Egyptian-themed paintings or textiles, or stand in the form of figurines.

Cleopatra and Nefertiti

It is difficult to imagine Egyptian history without the main queens of Ancient Egypt - Nefertiti and Cleopatra. Numerous images of them have survived to this day. The appearance of these women is mesmerizing - shining gold clothes and massive jewelry, tall wigs and complex makeup, subtle grace and elegance of poses, all this seems to take us to the era of Egypt, pharaohs, gods and pyramids.

You can decorate any room in the house with paintings and dishes with images of queens; their characteristic appearance, like nothing else, will help to recreate the true atmosphere of the mysterious Ancient Egypt.

Egyptian gods and goddesses

The ancient Egyptians had a very complex religious system, there were a huge number of Egyptian deities, literally every city and village had their own deities. The rulers of the country, the Egyptian pharaohs, were also considered gods, because after death they ascended to the stars, taking their place among other gods.

Now they appear before us, including in Egyptian interiors, in the form of statues and images in paintings, in the guise of animals, or people with animal heads.

The most famous gods are Anubis, the patron of the dead, a man with the head of a dog (his image is hardly appropriate in interiors), Apis, the god of fertility, a bull with the disk of the sun; his image in the interior can bring well-being, wealth and prosperity to the house. The god of the sun and sky, Horus, a man with the head of a falcon, brings good luck; his image, as well as the eye of Horus (the all-seeing eye), is also found in ornaments.

You can see examples of interiors decorated in ancient Egyptian style in the following video.

27-01-2017, 19:07 |

As you know, one of the most ancient civilizations in the world is ancient Egypt. It was here that the first statehood was born. Ancient Egypt was located on the southern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. Its inhabitants settled along the banks of the Nile River. The Egyptians had developed agriculture. Moreover, they grew crops based on territorial conditions. Once a year the Nile flooded. To use this natural phenomenon, the Egyptians came up with irrigation structures. Thus, they provided excellent watering for their crops. Below we will look at where the territory of Ancient Egypt was located. And then we’ll take a closer look at Ancient Egypt pictures.

In Ancient Egypt from pictures

The state in Ancient Egypt was ruled by a pharaoh. According to religion, he was considered the son of the Sun God - Amon Ra. His power was limitless. After death, the pharaoh was placed in a sarcophagus, which was taken to the pyramid. The pyramid was built for the pharaoh during his lifetime. And on his final journey, his personal belongings, sometimes his wives, servants and animals, were sent along with the pharaoh. According to the religion of the Egyptians, they believed in an afterlife, and considered it necessary to send with the dead things that would be useful to him.

At first the Egyptian kingdom was not united. There were two states on the territory - Upper and Lower Egypt. Each kingdom was ruled by its own pharaohs. But after some time the two kingdoms became one. In a unified Egypt there were several social strata of society:

  1. Nobles;
  2. Warriors;
  3. Craftsmen;
  4. Farmers.

The most privileged group were the nobles. In the same group were scribes - people who collected taxes, the most literate group of the population. The most honorable position for a nobleman was the opportunity to wear the sandals of the pharaoh - this was very honorable. Warriors usually accompanied scribes during tax collections. If a resident of Ancient Egypt could not pay a tax, then he was subject to lashes. In general, the people of Egypt were peaceful; there were no strong social unrest in this ancient country. The most famous rulers were Tutankhamun, Thutmose, Ramses, Djoser.

Below are pictures on the history of Ancient Egypt, a very interesting selection.