The role of a fairy tale in the life of the reader and its moral values. The meaning of fairy tales in human life

A large number of images of fairy tales developed in ancient times, in the very era when man’s first ideas and concepts about the world arose. Of course, this does not mean that every magical fantasy originates from the depths of centuries. Many images of fairy tales developed in the relatively recent past. In each new era, a fairy tale had certain fantastic material, which generations passed on from old people, preserving and developing previous oral and poetic traditions.

The Russian people have created about one hundred and fifty original fairy tales, but there is no strict classification of them yet.

Fairy tales are specific artistic works of folk art. Each of them has its own idea, which is clearly expressed in all versions of the same fairy tale plot.

Fairy tales as individual phenomena of art can be compared only according to significant historical, folklore, ideological and figurative characteristics.

The people understood that they do not achieve justice through miracles, that real action is necessary, but the question is - what kind? Fairy tales do not answer this question. Storytellers wanted to support the very desire of the people for justice with magical storytelling. The successful outcome of fairy tales is undoubtedly utopian in nature. He testified to the time when the people were painfully searching for a way out of tragic social conditions.

The fairy tale also established its own poetic forms, a certain composition, and style. The aesthetics of beauty and the pathos of social truth determined the stylistic character of the fairy tale.

There are no developing characters in a fairy tale. It reproduces, first of all, the actions of the heroes and only through them the characters. The static nature of the characters portrayed is striking: a coward is always a coward, a brave man is brave everywhere, an insidious wife is constantly engaged in insidious plans. The hero appears in a fairy tale with certain virtues. He remains like this until the end of the story.

Russian beauty and elegance distinguish the language of fairy tales. These are not halftones, these are deep, dense colors, emphatically defined and sharp. The fairy tale talks about a dark night, a white light, a red sun, a blue sea, white swans, a black raven, and green meadows. Things in fairy tales smell, taste, have bright colors, distinct shapes, and the material from which they are made is known. The armor on the hero seemed to be burning with heat, he took out, as the fairy tale says, his sharp sword, and pulled a tight bow.

A fairy tale is an example of national Russian art. It has its deepest roots in the psyche, in the perception, culture and language of the people.

The fantasy of fairy tales was created by the collective creative efforts of the people. Like a mirror, it reflected the life of the people, their character. Through a fairy tale, its thousand-year history is revealed to us.

Fairytale fiction had a real basis. Any change in the life of the people inevitably led to a change in the content of fantastic images and their forms. Once having arisen, fairy tale fiction developed in connection with the entire set of existing folk ideas and concepts, undergoing new processing. Genesis and changes over the centuries explain the features and properties of fiction in folk tales.

Having developed over centuries in close connection with the everyday life and life of the people, fairy-tale fiction is original and unique. This originality and uniqueness are explained by the qualities of the people to whom the fiction belongs, the circumstances of its origin and the role that the fairy tale plays in people's life.

Views: 36464

(1) Let's, dear reader, think about whether a fairy tale is something far from us and how much we need it. (2) We make a kind of pilgrimage to magical, desired and beautiful lands, reading or listening to fairy tales. (3) What do people bring from these regions? (4) What draws them there? (5) What does a person ask a fairy tale about and what exactly does it answer him? (6) Man always asked a fairy tale about what all people, from century to century, will always ask about, about what is important and necessary for all of us. (7) First of all, about happiness. (8) Does it come on its own in life or does it have to be obtained? (9) Are labors, trials, dangers and exploits really necessary? (10) What is a person’s happiness? (11) Are you rich? (12) Or, perhaps, in kindness and righteousness?

(13) What is fate? (14) Is it really impossible to overcome it and a person can only sit obediently and wait for the weather by the sea? (15) And the fairy tale generously suggests how a person should be at the crossroads of life and in the depths of life’s forest, in trouble and misfortune.

(16) What is more important - the outer shell or invisible beauty? (17) How to recognize, how to smell the beautiful soul of a monster and the ugly soul of a beauty?

(18) And finally, is it true that only the possible is possible, and the impossible is really impossible? (19) Aren’t there possibilities hidden in the things and souls around us that not everyone dares to talk about?

(20) This is what a person, and especially a Russian person, asks about in his fairy tale. (21) And the fairy tale answers not about what is not and does not happen, but about what now exists and will always be. (22) After all, a fairy tale is the answer of an antiquity that has experienced everything to the questions of a child’s soul entering the world. (23) Here, wise antiquity blesses Russian infancy for the difficult life it has not yet experienced, contemplating from the depths of its national experience the difficulties of life’s path.

(24) All people are divided into people living with a fairy tale and people living without a fairy tale. (25) And people living with a fairy tale have the gift and happiness... to ask their people about the first and last wisdom of life and with an open soul to listen to the answers of its original, prehistoric philosophy. (26) Such people live as if in harmony with their national fairy tale. (27) And it is good for us if we preserve an eternal child in our souls, that is, we know how to both ask and listen to the voice of our fairy tale.

(according to I.A. Ilyin*)

*Ivan Aleksandrovich Ilyin (1883–1954) – Russian philosopher, writer and publicist.

Fairy tale. What is its role in people's lives? It is this problem that I.A. raises. Ilyin in the text proposed for analysis.

Reflecting on the question posed, the publicist notices that a person, reading a fairy tale, asks her about “what is important and necessary for all of us,” for example, about happiness. The author of the text with undisguised confidence says that a fairy tale helps a person understand difficult life situations and answer many difficult questions, as stated in sentence 15. The philosopher draws the readers' attention to the fact that people are divided into two types: those living with a fairy tale and living without a fairy tale, and the former are undoubtedly much happier, which is clear from the following statement: “People living with a fairy tale have the gift and happiness ... to ask their people about the first and last wisdom of life and with an open soul to listen to the answers of its original, prehistoric philosophy " The author of the text concludes his reasoning with the fair conclusion that “it is good for us if we keep an eternal child in our souls, that is, we know how to both ask and listen to the voice of our fairy tale.”

My agreement with the author’s position can be substantiated by the following literary example. Let us remember the fairy tale by G.Kh. Andersen's "The Snow Queen". In this work, a boy named Kai found himself in trouble: a fragment of a devilish mirror got into his eye, because of which everything good seems evil, and everything evil is more striking. The boy’s heart became callous and “icy.” Soon he was kidnapped by the Snow Queen. The girl Gerda, who loved Kai like her own brother, did not know where he had disappeared, but, in spite of everything, she decided to go in search of him. She had to overcome many difficult trials, but she did not break: her love for Kai gave her strength. In the end, Gerda found him and sang their favorite psalm, thanks to which Kai remembered her and became kind again. The named brother and sister return home, and it turns out that they are already adults. A wonderful fairy tale that teaches people that love and kindness will overcome everything, and only by following the path of goodness can a person find happiness. Thus, a fairy tale gives a person wisdom, helping him answer important questions and understand how to become happy.

I will give another literary example that shows: a fairy tale, by helping a person find answers to serious questions and bringing happiness to a person, makes him wise. Let us remember the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish". In this story, an old man caught a goldfish, which turned out to be magical. The fish asked the fisherman to let her go in exchange for fulfilling her wish, but the old man refused and let her go just like that. Returning home, he told his old woman about what had happened. She got angry and forced her husband to call the goldfish and ask her for a new trough, which the old man did. The fish granted her wish, but this was not enough for the old woman. The old man repeatedly returned to the fish so that it would fulfill the old woman’s wishes. In the end, the old woman demanded that the fish make her the mistress of the sea, and that she, the fish, be on her errands. But the fish did not answer and swam away. When the old man returned, he saw that the old woman was again sitting on the threshold of the dilapidated dugout near the broken trough. This fairy tale teaches people that there is no need to be greedy, because greed will not lead a person to anything good, but, on the contrary, will bring him misfortune. Consequently, a fairy tale gives the reader wisdom, because it helps him understand important things and protects him from misfortunes.

I would like to believe that readers will think about the problem raised by I.A. Ilyin, and will understand what an important role a fairy tale can play in a person’s life, endowing him with wisdom and helping to answer vital questions.

“The importance of fairy tales in human life”

In every fairy tale we read, we can find a complete list of human problems, as well as ways and means of solving them. The subconscious choice of a fairy tale reflects the problems of personal moments in a person’s life, their aspirations and beliefs. The famous American psychologist Eric Berne argued back in the mid-twentieth century that with the help of fairy tales it is even possible to program a child’s future.

Fairy tales are not as simple as they seem at first glance - they are like a multi-layered cake. In childhood, we see the first layer, it is the most understandable, and with age, the deeper meaning of the embedded plan in the fairy tale is revealed to us. And the shorter the fairy tale, the greater the volume of information embedded in it. And in this case, parents need fairy tales no less than their children.

As an example, I propose to analyze the fairy tale “Kolobok”. Everyone, you remember well how the bun runs away from home to see the world. Of course, he has a great sense of adventure. According to characterological characteristics, he is energetic, sociable, quite active, agile, lively, has a good character and a boundless desire to learn something interesting and unknown. Temperament type - rather sanguine.

On his way to unknown adventures, he meets several characters who become a hindrance to him. But Kolobok knows how to negotiate with everyone - he was able to convince even the most negative hero from a fairy tale to let him go. Over time, already confident in himself, as a mature personality, the traveler loses his vigilance, his self-confidence and insolence suppresses such psychological processes as attentiveness and observation - and, with the help of deception, he is eaten by the Fox.

This fairy tale plot is found in fairy tales of many peoples of the world. It is instructive because it carries the wisdom of the people, which is passed down through generations from ancestors to future descendants.

What lessons can be learned from this fairy tale and what can a child be taught by telling it:

1) Do not lose your sense of self-control. You can always find a way out of the situation and confront the one who insults you: call your friends for help, show cunning. After all, Kolobok could have been eaten by the Hare if our hero had not cheated: “Come on, I’ll sing you a song!” Or, just run away - that’s what Kolobok did every time, singing a song.

2) Do not trust the first person you meet. In life you meet different people, both friendly and vice versa. Just in case, you always need to be ready for anything, because bad people do not always directly and openly make it clear: “I will eat you!” Most, in relation to you, can act like the cunning Fox, lulling your vigilance with flattery and skillfully played kindness; Therefore, you should be very careful here to guess people's intentions.

3) Choose the right path in life. You should talk about this with your child at the very end. After all, Kolobok was baked for a corresponding purpose, Grandfather and Grandmother pinned their hopes on it, and our naughty hero ruined the lives of both himself and them. Each person has his own abilities, this is a sign of the purpose of everyone in this world. According to these signs and the vocation of the soul, people, as a rule, try to choose a profession, type of activity, occupation. And, of course, having made the right choice of profession, a person will be able to realize his talents in life, and with his successes bring great benefit to himself, his family and society, and also receive pleasure from his professional activities. Self-assertion.

As a result:

Don't rush to refuse. When you are asked to “scrape the bottom of the barrel,” and you know that there is nothing there, scratch it anyway. Grandmother had enough flour for Kolobok...

Do not leave children unattended. After all, Kolobok is none other than a baby who, as soon as Grandma turned away, jumped off the windowsill and went into the forest!

Don't forget about your childhood. Why did the main character of the fairy tale decide to go on an adventure so recklessly? Probably because he felt rather sad lying on the windowsill alone. Therefore, you should not rush to scold your child for disobedience, but rather remember how you yourself once in childhood wanted to feel “adult and independent,” saying, at the mother’s request to help: “I myself!”

Don't try to replace reading a fairy tale with watching cartoons. Even when you're busy, find time to read with your family or before bed. 15 minutes a day is not enough for a lively, emotional display of a fairy tale by you for your child, but it is very important for its psychological development.

Before reading an unfamiliar fairy tale to your son or daughter, skim through it quickly. In modern interpretations you can find, for example: “... and tore him into a thousand small pieces.” This is too much. Therefore, in this case, you can replace this fairy tale with another, or replace some of the actions of the main characters with softer ones that do not reflect manifestations of aggression and various negativism, because the child may form the opinion that only evil and cruelty can be strong and reasonable.

Children should know and understand that in life there is, in addition to the “external”, an “internal” side (the main educational meaning of the fairy tale). Talk about this with your child, choosing the moment subtly and carefully. Purely for educational purposes, raising the child to what the right thing to do in such situations. And even better, if the child has recently done something wrong, then choose an appropriate fairy tale according to this situation, highlighting the instructive and educational moment.

Social teacher: Serebryakova Yu.A.

Lidia Nikolaevna Belaya

Essay-reasoning based on the text by I.A. Ilyin about the role of fairy tales in human life.



(issue to be resolved)

Option No. 1.A fairy tale is one of the most interesting phenomena of folk culture. Among all the works of oral folk art, the fairy tale occupies a special place. Works of this genre are capable of truly enchanting us; they captivate both children and adults, who, after many years, return to their favorite fairy tales of their childhood, remember familiar characters and go with them on an exciting journey.I.A. makes his readers think about these difficult philosophical questions. Ilyin in the text proposed for analysis.

Option No. 2. I have a text in front of meoutstandingRussian philosopher, writer, publicist, withsupporter of the White movement,criticism of communist power in Russia,book author« ", "The Path to Evidence", "Axioms of Religious Experience" by Ivan Aleksandrovich Ilyin, where it risesimportant problem.What role does a fairy tale play in a person’s life?It makes its readers think about these difficult philosophical questions.authorin the text proposed for analysis.

A comment

(reasonings, explanations)

From the first sentences, the philosopher makes readers think about an interesting problem, drawing attention to what a fairy tale is for a person,“how much people need it.”I.A. Ilyin asks eternal questions:“What is a person’s happiness? Are you rich? In kindness and righteousness?Further, the author especially emphasizes that“the fairy tale generously suggests” to a person who finds himself “in the depths of the forest of life,”way to overcome troubles and misfortunes.Continuing to build a system of arguments relevant to this problem, the thinkergives answers to pressing questions that trouble children's hearts and souls. In addition, I.A. Ilyin focuses readers’ attention on the fact that people “living with a fairy tale”, “have the gift and happiness,” they know how to keep an “eternal child” in their soul.

(this is the conclusion that the author comes to when discussing a particular problem)

According to the author,A fairy tale is the wisdom of national experience, which ancient times have experienced everything; it is capable of giving a person answers to all the questions that interest him: moral, ethical, philosophical.I.A.Ilyinstrive to convey to the reader the idea thatA fairy tale is associated with national identity, so it is very important and necessary for people at any age.

My position

(built according to the scheme: thesis (position that needs to be proven) - argumentation (evidence provided) - conclusion (overall result).

It is difficult to disagree with the author's position. It is unlikely that anyone will deny the fact that all children love fairy tales. A fairy tale enters a child’s life from a very early age, accompanies him throughout adolescence and remains with him for life. His acquaintance with the world of literature, the world of human relationships and the surrounding world in general begins with a fairy tale. The role of fairy tales in raising children is great. The world of fairy-tale heroes is a world of good and evil, therefore, by following the fates of the characters, the child begins to better understand what actions are considered good and what actions should absolutely not be done.Fairy tales develop imagination, encourage fantasy, and develop correct speech.and even help overcome small fears and weaknesses.

Argument No. 1


Convincing arguments supporting this thesis can be found in Russian classical literature.V.A. Zhukovsky was interested in everything ancient and unusual, he was a very dreamy person, so he read and listened to fairy tales, legends, ancient stories, and traditions with special interest. They excited his imagination and suggested poetry to him. More than half of V.A. Zhukovsky’s literary works are translations from German and English, but these translations rightfully compete with the originals. He said: “A translator in prose is a slave, a translator in verse is a rival.” And in fact, V.A. Zhukovsky became a worthy rival to the best poets of the world: Goethe and F. Schiller, V. Skop and Byron.

His poetic adaptations of famous fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm and Charles Perrault are widely known. One of these adaptations is the fairy tale “The Sleeping Princess,” which appeared in the summer of 1831 as a result of a kind of poetic “competition” between two wonderful Russian poets - A.S. Pushkin and V.A. Zhukovsky. “How many delights have come from the pens of these men!” - exclaims N.V. Gogol. That year V.A. Zhukovsky created “The Tale of Tsar Berendey” and “The Sleeping Princess”, A.S. Pushkin - “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”. And in 1833, Pushkin, perhaps remembering the poetry tournament and his rival’s fairy tale “The Sleeping Princess,” wrote “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights.”

Argument No. 2


(what work of classical literature can be taken as proof that you are right?)

My agreement with the author’s position can be justified by another argument fromRussian classical literature. Extremely vivid images come to mind “Tales of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” by A.S. Pushkin, where the poet, based on the traditional fairy-tale plot about an evil stepmother and a beautiful, kind stepdaughter, uses folk tales: Russian - “Morozko”, “Vasilisa the Beautiful”, “Little Khavroshechka”, German - “Mistress Blizzard” and “Snow Maiden”, French "Cinderella". But A.S. Pushkin managed to fill the traditional plot with special depth, permeated with the light of goodness. Pushkin's tale reveals its treasures to any reader, whether he is ten or fifty years old - if only he had the desire to open it. But the young reader is led by an adult: mother, father, grandmother, grandfather...Children like the fairy tale because good triumphs over evil. The image of the young princess attracts children with kindness and loyalty. With great pleasure they talk about the wonderful mirror: something magical is always close to a child’s heart. They especially like the episodes of Prince Elisha’s journey in search of a bride, the princess’s return to life, and the matchmaking of heroes. They feel sorry for the devoted Sokolko. Children also admire the melodic poems.

Conclusion(What conclusion can be drawn that is relevant to this problem?)

Consequently, fairy tales play a huge role in developing children’s ear for music, taste for poetry, and love for nature and their native land. This is the most popular and most beloved genre of children. Everything that happens in fairy tales is fantastic and wonderful in its purpose: the heroes of fairy tales, finding themselves from one dangerous situation to another, save their friends, punish their enemies - they fight and fight to the death.Understanding simple truths, a child feels more confident and courageous, and perceives life’s adversities as something natural that only strengthens his character and fortitude.


« The meaning of fairy tales in human life"

A fairy tale, or kazka, tale, fable (its oldest name comes from the word “bayat”, “talk”) is an oral story about fictitious events, an idea about something that does not happen.

Fairy tales are collectively created and traditionally preserved by the people oral prose artistic narratives of such real content, which necessarily require the use of techniques of implausible depiction of reality. They are not repeated in any other genre of folklore.

The difference between fairy-tale fiction and the fiction found in other folklore works is primordial, genetic. The difference is expressed in the special function and extent of the use of fiction. The originality of fiction in fairy tales of any type is rooted in their special content. The dependence of artistic forms on life content is the main thing for understanding any poetic genre. The originality of a fairy tale cannot be grasped if you pay attention only to its formal properties.

Folk tales have never been baseless fantasy. Reality was presented in the fairy tale as a complex system of connections and relationships. The reproduction of reality is combined in a fairy tale with the thoughts of its creators. The world of reality is always subject to the will and imagination of the storyteller, and it is this strong-willed, active principle that is most attractive in a fairy tale. And now, in an age that has crossed the threshold of our wildest dreams, the ancient thousand-year-old fairy tale has not lost its power over people. The human soul, as before in the past, is open to poetic charms. The more amazing the technical discoveries, the stronger the feelings that affirm people in the sense of the greatness of life, the infinity of its eternal beauty. Accompanied by a string of fairy-tale heroes, man will enter the coming centuries. And then people will admire the art of fairy tales about the fox and the wolf, the bear and the hare, the bun, geese-swans, Koshchei, fire-breathing snakes, Ivan the Fool, the tricky soldier and many other heroes who became the eternal companions of the people.

There are three main types of Russian folk tales: fairy tales, everyday tales and children's tales about animals.

Fairy tale. A large number of images of fairy tales developed in ancient times, in the very era when man’s first ideas and concepts about the world arose. Of course, this does not mean that every magical fantasy originates from the depths of centuries. Many images of fairy tales developed in the relatively recent past. In each new era, a fairy tale had certain fantastic material, which generations passed on from old people, preserving and developing previous oral and poetic traditions.

The Russian people have created about one hundred and fifty original fairy tales, but there is no strict classification of them yet. Fairy tales are specific artistic works of folk art. Each of them has its own idea, which is clearly expressed in all versions of the same fairy tale plot. The fairy tale also established its own poetic forms, a certain composition, and style. The aesthetics of beauty and the pathos of social truth determined the stylistic character of the fairy tale. There are no developing characters in a fairy tale. It reproduces, first of all, the actions of the heroes and only through them - the characters. The static nature of the characters portrayed is striking: a coward is always a coward, a brave man is brave everywhere, an insidious wife is constantly engaged in insidious plans. The hero appears in a fairy tale with certain virtues. He remains like this until the end of the story.

Russian beauty and elegance distinguish the language of fairy tales. These are not halftones, these are deep, dense colors, emphatically defined and sharp. The fairy tale talks about a dark night, a white light, a red sun, a blue sea, white swans, a black raven, and green meadows. Things in fairy tales smell, taste, have bright colors, distinct shapes, and the material from which they are made is known. The armor on the hero seemed to be burning with heat, he took out, as the fairy tale says, his sharp sword, and pulled a tight bow.

A fairy tale is an example of national Russian art. It has its deepest roots in the psyche, in the perception, culture and language of the people. The fantasy of fairy tales was created by the collective creative efforts of the people. Like a mirror, it reflected the life of the people, their character. Through a fairy tale, its thousand-year history is revealed to us. Fairytale fiction had a real basis. Any change in the life of the people inevitably led to a change in the content of fantastic images and their forms. Once having arisen, fairy tale fiction developed in connection with the entire set of existing folk ideas and concepts, undergoing new processing. Genesis and changes over the centuries explain the features and properties of fiction in folk tales. Having developed over centuries in close connection with the everyday life and life of the people, fairy-tale fiction is original and unique. This originality and uniqueness are explained by the qualities of the people to whom the fiction belongs, the circumstances of its origin and the role that the fairy tale plays in people's life.

In a fairy tale, a person communicates with creatures that you will never meet in life: Koshchei the Immortal, Baba Yaga, the many-headed Serpent, giants, dwarf sorcerers. Here are also unprecedented animals: the Golden Antlers Deer, the Golden Bristle Pig, the Burka Sivka, the Firebird. Often wonderful objects fall into the hands of a person: a ball, a self-shaking wallet, a self-assembled tablecloth, a self-assembled baton. In such a fairy tale, everything is possible! A fairy tale begins with the fact that the main character, for one reason or another, leaves his home, and then from the ordinary world. Everything that a character in a fairy tale does, most often, happens in a strange, strange world: in the kingdom of copper, silver, gold, or in the far distant kingdom of the thirtieth state. There are almost no signs of Russian life in the fairy tale. Unless the people themselves are Russian. Returning to the human world. The hero moves from one kingdom to another and becomes a king. However, the same people live everywhere. Other peoples are located somewhere far away, overseas (overseas merchants, overseas wines).

The world of a fairy tale is a world of polytheism, i.e. paganism. The ancient rulers of the elements and natural forces help or try to hinder a person: the Sun, the Moon, the Wind, Frost, the water king, the sea king. You won’t find a priest in a fairy tale - everyone is a sorcerer and a witch.

The main character of the fairy tale is always young. According to the ideas of primitive man, wisdom could only be obtained from ancestors. But the ancestors are in another world. This is where all these trips to different kingdoms come from.

Many fairy tales tell about military feats. But fairy-tale heroes do not fight for Rus', not for the Russian land. They obtain for the king some wondrous, wonderful object.

Fairy tales have been passed down orally for centuries. Sometimes consciously, sometimes accidentally, the narrator changed something, added something. This is how works were created that were similar to each other, but not exactly the same.

Household fairy tale . An everyday fairy tale is also called social, satirical or novelistic - from the word short story. She appeared much later than the magic one.

The novelistic fairy tale accurately conveys the everyday life and circumstances of people's life. Truth coexists with fiction, with events and actions that cannot actually happen. For example, a cruel queen is corrected by changing places with the wife of a brawling shoemaker for several days. In a fairy tale there are two worlds, in an everyday one there is one. Everything here is ordinary, everything happens in everyday life. In everyday fairy tales, the weak and the strong, the rich and the poor are contrasted. The tale respects good, skillful workers, and ridicules incompetent, lazy people. In an everyday fairy tale (it is not without reason that it is also called a picaresque), theft is quite acceptable. In all the oldest legends and myths about heroes who brought some kind of knowledge and crafts to humanity, this or that discovery, this knowledge and discoveries were stolen from higher beings, gods. The most beloved hero of a fairy tale is a soldier. Dexterous, resourceful both in word and in deed, brave, knowing everything, able to do everything, cheerful, cheerful. A soldier usually returns home after 25 years of service (so he is always an old soldier!). Along the way, amazing stories happen to him. In fairy tales, failures haunt everyone who in real life dominated the people, robbed them, and offended them. The peasant gains the upper hand over the master, the worker over the priest, the soldier over the general, and the younger one, offended in the family, over the tyrant old men. The beginning of the fairy tale corresponds to the actual, unfair state of affairs, and the end necessarily destroys this injustice. In fairy tales, the hero often achieves victory in battle with the help of a wonderful weapon. In everyday life, the positive hero does not use force and does not perform military feats. There are no miracles here. There is, as it were, a competition of wits: who will outwit whom, who will be smarter.

Animal Tales. Tales about animals, like fairy tales, arose in ancient times; they reflect forgotten beliefs, rituals, and ideas. Here is the memory of ancestral totems, and the centuries-old experience of communication between primitive hunters and cattle breeders and animals. In ancient times, such tales were told before the start of a hunt, and it had a magical meaning. Nowadays they tell it to children. And they talk about the habits, tricks and ordinary adventures of wild and domestic animals, about birds and fish, the relationships between which are very similar to the relationships between people. And the character of the animals is similar to that of humans: the bear is stupid, the hare is cowardly, the wolf is greedy, and Lisa Patrikeevna is more cunning than the cunning, she will deceive anyone you want.

There are several types of tales about animals.

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman, and they had a hen called the Ryaba - a wonderful fairy tale! Short, nothing extra. Such tales are intended for the little ones. Listening to them, the baby learns a lot, develops his mind and imagination.

About 50 plots of fairy tales about animals are known. Their heroes are the fox and the bear, the fox and the rooster. It is especially often said about the relationship between a fox and a wolf. The fox deceived the man, pretended to be dead, and then threw all the fish from the sleigh onto the road. Such tales are for older children - those who have already begun to explore the world beyond the walls of their home. And the fairy tale about how a man and a bear shared the harvest (“tops for you, roots for me”) teaches ingenuity and gives the child basic knowledge about the plants that feed humans.

In fairy tales for the little ones there are often inserts of poetry and songs - this makes memorization easier, develops hearing, and entertains. And long, endless fairy tales are both a game and an exercise in speech and logical thinking. Particularly useful are the so-called chain fairy tales, where you need to very carefully monitor the order of the episodes and their logic.

There are fairy tales and animals for teenagers and adults. The fairy tale "The Fox Confessor" parodies church confession. When reading a fairy tale, a person gets excited, worried, and when everything finally ends well, he feels pleasure, like from any other good book. A fairy tale today is not a dilapidated monument of the distant past, but a bright, living part of our national culture.