Problems with desecration of graves. Vandalism at the cemetery


  • Arrest up to three minutes.

Acts recorded in Part 1 of Art. 244 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the following may be committed:

Desecration of graves article

At the same time, an undoubted advantage of Art.

229 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR compared to Art. 244 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation was the presence in it of the sign of “theft from graves”. Firstly, the title of the article does not correspond to the content, i.e. the title is narrower than the meaning of the article, the title only indicates the concept of desecration, and the objective side is also represented by other actions: destruction, damage, desecration. Commentary on Article 244 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Art. 2282; 2002. N 30. Art. 3033; N 50.

Art. 4931; 2003. N 2. Art. 160, art.

167; N 27 (part 1). Art. 2700. Desecration of the bodies of the dead and their burial places (Article 244 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) 4 of the Federal Law of January 12, 1996 N 8-FZ (ed.

dated July 28, 2012, as amended. dated 06/04/2014) “On burial and funeral business”). 2. The subject of the crime is the bodies of the dead, burial places, gravestones and cemetery buildings where ceremonies are performed in connection with the burial of the dead or their commemoration (see Subsequently, a dense forest grew in this place, evidence of the tragedy disappeared, but the secret always becomes apparent.

When the process of rehabilitation of victims of totalitarianism began in the country, Kurapaty was spoken about loudly. The only pity is that later the mournful place became an arena for the struggle of political opinions, sometimes reaching the point of speculative provocations.

Today the tract is revered in the country as a burial place. The methods of committing abuse are not defined in the laws. This could be: desecration, incl. by applying obscene inscriptions, drawings, pouring out sewage; destruction of grave structures; digging up a burial site, dismembering a corpse or destroying it, tearing off clothes. Desecration is characterized by both an objective moment - the commission of certain actions regarding the ashes or burial place, and a subjective one - the desire to insult the memory of the deceased (emphasis added - by the author - approx.

Article 244

Article 244 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

Desecration of the bodies of the dead and their burial places New edition of Art.

244 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation 1. Desecration of the bodies of the dead or destruction, damage or desecration of burial places, gravestones or cemetery buildings intended for ceremonies in connection with the burial of the dead or their commemoration - 2.

The same acts committed: a) by a group of persons, a group of persons by prior conspiracy or an organized group; c) with the use of violence or the threat of its use - is punishable by restriction of freedom for a term of up to three years, or forced labor for a term of up to five years, or arrest for a term of three to six months, or imprisonment for a term of up to five years. 1. The object of the criminal attack is public morality, which requires respectful treatment of the deceased.

Vandalism in a cemetery, desecration of a grave, article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

244 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: punishment Punishment For what is specified in the first part of Art. 244 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation the subject faces the following corpus delicti:

  • Arrest up to three minutes.
  • No more than 360 hours of compulsory work.
  • Correctional labor for up to 12 months.
  • Fine up to 40 thousand rubles. or equal to income for 3 months.

The acts recorded in Part.

1 tbsp. 244 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the following may be committed:

  • A group of citizens, including those who have previously agreed, as well as an organized community of individuals.
  • Accompanied by violent actions or under the threat of their use.
  • Based on racial, political, national, ideological, religious hostility, hatred towards a particular social association or towards an architectural, sculptural structure that is dedicated to the victims of fascism or the fight against Nazism, as well as burial sites of participants in such confrontation.

Vandalism at the cemetery

Vandalism in modern legislation is understood as desecration of buildings and various structures, damage to property in public transport and other public places. Vandalism is punishable under Article 214 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Important! If you are dealing with your own case of vandalism in a cemetery, then you should remember that:

  1. The possibility of a positive outcome depends on many factors.
  2. All cases are unique and individual.
  3. Understanding the basics of the law is useful, but does not guarantee results.

However, if the bodies of the deceased or their burial places become the object of vandalism, then criminal actions are qualified under Article 244 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The danger of this act lies in the insult to public morality, the feelings of the living towards the deceased, the memory of the deceased, as well as religious or folk customs and burial rituals.

Article 244 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

Desecration of the bodies of the dead and their burial places New edition of Art. 244 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation 1. Desecration of the bodies of the dead or destruction, damage or desecration of burial places, gravestones or cemetery buildings intended for ceremonies in connection with the burial of the dead or their commemoration - 2.

The same acts committed: a) by a group of persons, a group of persons by prior conspiracy or an organized group; c) with the use of violence or the threat of its use - is punishable by restriction of freedom for a term of up to three years, or forced labor for a term of up to five years, or arrest for a term of three to six months, or imprisonment for a term of up to five years.

1. The object of the criminal attack is public morality, which requires respectful treatment of the deceased.

Article 244

Desecration of the bodies of the dead and their burial places 1.

Desecration of the bodies of the dead or destruction, damage or desecration of burial places, gravestones or cemetery buildings intended for ceremonies in connection with the burial of the dead or their commemoration - 2. The same acts committed: a) by a group of persons, a group of persons by prior conspiracy or an organized group; c) with the use of violence or with the threat of its use - is punishable by restriction of freedom for a term of up to three years, or forced labor for a term of up to five years, or arrest for a term of three to six months, or imprisonment for a term of up to five years.

1. The social danger of this crime lies in the insult to the memory of the deceased, the feelings of the living towards the deceased, and folk customs of honoring the dead. Crimes under Part.

Criminal Code, N 63-FZ, Art. 244 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

Criminal Code, N 63-FZ | Article 244 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation 1.

Desecration of the bodies of the dead or destruction, damage or desecration of burial places, gravestones or cemetery buildings intended for ceremonies in connection with the burial of the dead or their commemoration - 2.

When vandals attacked the cemetery three years ago, our patience and that of the townspeople came to an end. Instead of once again explaining to the newspapers that the mayor’s office does not have funds in the budget to combat vandalism, they decided to fight this evil on their own. To begin with, they created a headquarters of proactive and determined opponents of the vandals. We found like-minded people in youth associations, the police, the FSB, branches of political parties, and the veterans' council. Some of them, veterans, suggested using front-line experience in the fight against vandals. As you know, in the initial period of the Great Patriotic War, our soldiers had a hard time. The shortage of weapons and personnel affected. The soldiers made up for this lack with resourcefulness and ingenuity. For example, false towers with a scarecrow instead of a sentry were often used. Another example. When it was necessary to create an impression on the enemy of our numerical superiority, one of the soldiers with a powerful voice shouted commands like “first battalion, go around on the right, second battalion, prepare to attack!”, although no more than a company was located in the positions. Sometimes this trick worked, allowing us to gain time, or even completely decide the outcome of the battle in favor of our soldiers. In general, we decided to resort to the same trick, agreeing to keep our plans secret, primarily from the press: some journalists, as we know, can ruin a good deed in a matter of hours.
At first, every night we dressed up the stuffed sentry, changed its position and place on the tower. Someone suggested hanging a scarf that would flutter in the wind, creating the illusion of movement. An announcement was made to the press that the cemetery was now guarded, dogs were brought in, and notices were posted. They also used a sound effect. Through a loudspeaker mounted on a pole, a tape recording of the guard's warning commands was played.
The effect exceeded all expectations. The vandals did not appear in the first week or the first month. For three years now, there has been no more desecration of monuments. If we had money, we probably would have taken a different path, using foreign experience. There, the cemeteries have powerful lighting throughout the entire territory, and video surveillance is conducted. In many countries - Portugal, Spain, Italy, England - the police drive around the entire cemetery every hour at night. A high fence, automatically closing gates, a loud radio announcement about the closure of the cemetery, and walking with dogs are required. Of course, such security systems are not used everywhere. There are cemeteries in Germany, Finland, and Sweden that are not guarded at all. But there, a lot of money and public efforts are directed towards explaining why it is necessary to preserve and develop cemetery culture. Undoubtedly, the educational approach is more civilized in nature. For example, I prefer this approach when they talk about cemetery culture as a national treasure, heritage. I think the key word here is - "HERITAGE".
In Russia, apparently due to World War II, Bolshevism and communism, the word "heritage" was almost never used in this context. We are accustomed to another word - Memory. Memory of those killed. And less - Memory of deeds, achievements, conquests. The concept of a chronicle has practically disappeared. There are many biographies, but there is little true chronicle of the history of science and technology, and almost no descriptions of progress. It seems to me that our teachers made a mistake somewhere when they relied on education and training on the basis of heroic deeds and the lives of outstanding, famous people in the spirit of patriotism. All this, of course, should be present in pedagogy. But our life passes in the era of scientific and technological progress. People create it
many of which lie in cemeteries. Young people should know about these creators, and I have no doubt that any of my colleagues will support me. In our cemeteries there are many monuments to outstanding surgeons, famous scientists, famous cultural figures... The monuments stand on their own, only occasionally attracting the attention of casual visitors. It is not right. Excursions and collective visits on memorial days should be organized to such burials. Professional descriptions of monuments are required. At best, specialists come to the cemetery to clarify the location of the monument and what it is made of. People also need other information. In the cemeteries in Rostov there are many burial places of our outstanding contemporaries. But I, the head of the cemetery, do not have such information. When delegations arrive, I show the cemetery, but I cannot always answer the guests’ numerous questions. We have to limit ourselves to telling idle stories: the minister’s mother is buried here, he comes regularly. And this is the father of a famous politician. He completely forgot his father. True, he calls from Moscow, asking to put the grave in order. But the gang of “thieves”, everything seems to be a selection. I often feel embarrassed because I don’t have serious information.
My colleagues abroad, I know for sure, feel much more comfortable. Because historians constantly work in cemeteries, adding to the information stock of cemetery specialists. There, excursions to cemeteries are the norm. There is even a competition - the ten most visited cemeteries. When will we have it?
I am sure that if our schoolchildren were taken on excursions to cemeteries, introduced to the life and achievements of their deceased fellow countrymen, it is unlikely that these excursionists would raise their hand to the monument in the future. After all, every monument is our heritage.
In some countries, cemeteries acquired the status of museums, in others - cemeteries-reserves. There are cemeteries and parks where people are used to walking. People come there with children in strollers, with friends, classmates. There are kiosks and small cafes at the cemeteries. They have living cemeteries. They help the living. The very structure of the cemetery educates young people, teaches them to honor the memory of the dead, and helps them gain the basis of patriotic pride. Booklets about cemeteries and guides are published there, and routes for visitors have been developed. The graves of famous fellow citizens are something that people are proud of abroad in every city, in every locality. They have their own idea, developed over centuries, of what a cemetery should be like. Therefore, the pathfinders there set themselves slightly different tasks than ours. Although the strategic goal is the same - education of patriotism. The difference is in tactics - choosing examples that the younger generation can look up to. If we have heroism in defending the Fatherland, then they have the creative activity of individuals who glorified the village, city, country. They are proud of such fellow countrymen, remember them, honor their memory. Patriotism is brought up on this basis.
Unfortunately, not a single country in the world has escaped the cemetery typhoon of vandalism. This problem is planetary in nature. Vandalism has been recorded on different continents and in different countries, both in the West and in the East.
Reports of acts of vandalism in cemeteries appear every now and then on the pages of foreign media. In Europe, for example, a case will long be remembered when the President of the French Republic was forced to send a letter of apology to the Queen of Great Britain for an act of vandalism at the cemetery of British soldiers who died in northern France during the First World War. As the letter states, “these unacceptable and shameful actions are unanimously condemned by the French people. On behalf of France and on my own behalf, I ask you to accept my deepest regret for what happened.”
I don’t remember that the Russian authorities responded to at least one case of cemetery vandalism recorded on the territory of our Fatherland. The protesting voice of the Church is heard much more often. According to Archbishop Vincent of Yekaterinburg and Verkhoturye, people who decide to commit the sacrilege of desecrating graves, not only themselves, but also their descendants fall under a terrible curse.
I wanted to end the article with these words about a curse, but the idea came to look in the dictionary. According to the dictionary definition, vandalism is the senseless destruction of objects of material culture, works of art, and historical monuments. In the criminal law of the Russian Federation, this act is qualified as a crime against public safety, consisting of desecration of buildings or other structures and damage to property in public places. Based on this definition
division, then cemetery vandalism is nothing more than the desecration or destruction of graves and gravestones. But my article convinces me that this would be too narrow a definition of vandalism in a cemetery. This is not just about mechanical destruction. Cemetery vandalism is a desecration of the memory of the dead, an outrage against our spiritual heritage.
Needless to say, the final resting place of the dead on earth is worthy of our most reverent attitude. After all, in cemeteries we bury parents, children, relatives, benefactors and friends dear to our hearts. Therefore, a feeling of love, respect, and gratitude for the deceased should involuntarily arise in us. Death does not stop, but only outwardly changes our direct relationships with people close and dear to us who have passed on to another world. And is it possible to find any justification for an indifferent or unworthy attitude towards the graves of those who lived before us?

Igor MORDUKHOVICH, Director of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise of Specialized Utilities, Rostov-on-Don

All peoples of the world honor the memory of deceased relatives and relatives. Graves are a place of worship and remembrance for every person. Relatives and friends come here, lay flowers and wreaths, carefully look after the burial site, bring their children and talk about their ancestors. Any religion considers encroachment on graves, crosses and monuments to be sacrilege. All civilized countries protect the peace of the deceased by law. In Russia, burial sites are also protected by law. However, cemetery vandalism cannot be stopped.

Why are graves desecrated?

Problems with cemetery vandalism and desecration of graves are associated with education and the loss of moral values. Sometimes this is done by people who are heavily intoxicated, or drug addicts who have lost their human form. Amusing themselves by destroying crosses and gravestones, hooligans are trying to throw out their hatred of the foundations and traditions of decent people.

Sometimes teenagers do this. Often they cannot even explain their actions. Breaking and destroying monuments and crosses, they don’t even think about the fact that one day they themselves might come to the grave of their parents and see a picture horrifying to any person - the desecration of the most holy thing. Teenagers often do not think about how much pain their actions bring to people. Here, of course, the parents are to blame for not teaching their children to respect the past.

It is much worse when such actions are committed consciously. For example, when desecration occurs due to national or tribal hatred. It’s hard to believe that in our age, when civilization has reached global heights by creating a mini-copy of the universe - an android collider, someone is trying to divide people by faith, skin color or place of birth. It’s a shame when tombstones and monuments to those killed during the Second World War are desecrated. What kind of hatred motivates vandals who paint swastikas? What can the black sign of massacre mean for our generation, which lost millions of grandparents in that war?

Grave desecration often occurs for religious reasons. The gravestones of Jews, Orthodox Christians or Muslims are destroyed. No religion encourages such actions. On the contrary, if you look at the cemeteries of Moscow and the Moscow region, you can see how Christian, Muslim and Jewish sites have been adjacent to each other for centuries. Not a single decent person, passing by ancestral graves of another faith, will allow himself to grin, speak rudely, or in any way offend someone else’s burial. Moreover, no matter who is buried, any of us will sympathize with the bitter tears of relatives, without asking what nationality or faith the deceased belonged to.

Unfortunately, the split that occurred at the top of society in past years, the intolerance of the authorities towards shrines and their destruction during the years of Soviet power left its dirty mark on the future. For many years to come we will struggle with people who do not want to honor the graves of our parents. To eradicate evil, every family needs to raise their children in a new faith - a faith where there is no place for prejudice, anger and hatred.

Punishment for vandalism

Until 1996, in Russia, actions to desecrate and destroy graves were classified as hooliganism. Due to the large number of crimes, they were separated into a separate group. In the criminal code, vandalism (Article 214 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) is actions of a hidden nature, desecrating structures, buildings or causing damage to property with any background - political, ideological or other. Criminals whose guilt is proven can be convicted for their offense starting at age 14. The criminal penalty is up to three years in prison.

The main feature of vandalism is a crime against moral standards. In addition to this, crimes can be convicted for hooliganism in a cemetery (in the presence of witnesses), desecration of graves, intentional destruction of cultural monuments, damage or complete destruction of property.

Motives mean the impetus that prompts a person to commit immoral acts. It is not possible to identify clear motives for vandalism, since they are different for each criminal. However, the act of vandalism itself is always committed when a person wants to restore, regain control over a situation or people.

Vandalism at the cemetery

Law enforcement and judicial practice suggests that measures taken by the state are mainly aimed at eliminating the consequences of vandalism and bringing the perpetrators to justice, while practically no measures are taken to prevent and eradicate vandalism, especially teenage vandalism. This is due to such features of teenage vandalism at burial sites as speed of action, thoughtlessness, high latency and suddenness.

Vandals desecrated the Red Cemetery in St. Petersburg

The Kirovsky district police are already searching for vandals. A criminal case was opened under Part 1 of Article 244 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which includes the line about “damage or desecration of burial places, gravestones or cemetery buildings.” Under Article 244, a criminal may be punished from a fine to imprisonment for five years.

Vandalism at the cemetery

My colleagues abroad, I know for sure, feel much more comfortable. Because historians constantly work in cemeteries, adding to the information stock of cemetery specialists. There, excursions to cemeteries are the norm. There is even a competition - the ten most visited cemeteries. When will we have it?

The second possible reason for vandalism is the hunt for non-ferrous metals and other valuables. “Earlier, in the 2000s, mass vandalism occurred at Kovalevskoye, Yuzhny, Northern cemeteries, which, due to their vast territories, do not have fencing. There they broke out silumin fences and took them to non-ferrous metal collection points. The administration of the cemeteries and the committee ensured that these points were eliminated. After this, the number of acts of vandalism against non-ferrous metals sharply decreased,” shared Andrey Farkov, head of the service development department of the Committee for the Development of Entrepreneurship and the Consumer Market.

Russian Orthodox Church

On the night of September 1, dozens of graves were desecrated at the Khabarovsk city cemetery. Inverted crosses, split tombstones, monuments covered with cynical inscriptions and swastikas - such a picture can be seen almost every week in different parts of the country. Despite the fact that in May the punishment for these crimes was tightened, the vast majority of cemetery vandals avoid it, notes Mikhail Pozdnyaev in an article published on September 5 in the newspaper Novye Izvestia.

Criminal liability for vandalism - Article 214 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

The legislator specifically clarifies that vandalism can manifest itself in damage not only to real estate, but also to public transport. Thus, a striking example of vandalism can be the damage to seats in the subway, trolleybuses, deliberate damage to handrails, racks on trams, buses, damage to windows on trains, etc.

Vandalism in Riga cemeteries: why disturb the dead

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Cemetery barbarians The consequences of their actions are trying to liquidate the city

— The director of the cemetery does not have such powers. His responsibilities include only monitoring the work of the organization that provides ritual services at the cemetery; he is not responsible for the safety of monuments. If something is destroyed on its territory, then all the director of the cemetery can do is detain the violators and hand them over to the police. He has no right to demand money from them for restoration; he has no money to restore the tombstone on his own.

Vandalism at the cemetery

One of the most common offenses is hooliganism, which is often provoked by the commission of other, more serious criminal acts. The main object of hooliganism is considered to be public order. Additional objects include individual health, honor and personal dignity. The object of vandalism is public order.

Cemetery vandalism

“Everything, as they say, comes down to finances.” Although our economy is municipal, negligible money is allocated from the city budget for the maintenance of cemeteries. We have to switch to self-financing - earn money on our own: in the production and sale of coffins, wreaths, monuments, fences. All profits go to pay for services - to provide us with light, heat, water, garbage removal, snow removal. You won’t make much money, considering that private funeral agencies alternative to our MUP also produce monuments, wreaths and the like. But at the same time, private owners do not have to worry about maintaining cleanliness and order in burial places. They only “skim the cream” by making a profit from the sale of ritual accessories. And in order to help us, municipal workers, with something, none of them showed such a desire. But we often hear complaints from citizens: why do you only “lick” the “central” road, but inside the cemetery there is garbage and dirt? What should I answer them? We have several teams that clean up trash. This is clearly not enough, considering that the Zaeltsovskoe cemetery alone occupies 160 hectares and is located in a forest zone. We are, firstly, physically unable to look after each grave, and secondly, we are not obliged: according to all the rules, what is on the grave is private property, and the responsibility for the safety and cleanliness of the burial rests with its “owner” " - the one who carried out this burial. And, I must admit, some people understand this state of affairs. But again somehow. in my own way. He will come to the cemetery, clean up “his” grave, and throw all the garbage on the neighboring one. Isn't this vandalism?! Even at the entrance to the burial grounds, we offer everyone to purchase bags from us specifically for garbage - at their cost. However, this “product” is not in great demand.

Vandals damaged about fifty private graves at a cemetery in St. Petersburg

According to law enforcement agencies, unknown criminals committed an act of mass vandalism at the Kazan Cemetery in St. Petersburg, as a result of which about 50 tombstones of private graves were damaged. The incident was reported by the foreman of the site where everything happened. As it became known, the criminals destroyed the crosses on the graves and painted the tombstones with blue and red paint.

Vandalism in cemeteries in the northern capital

“Two facts of vandalism in cemeteries in St. Petersburg cause serious concern,” says Vladimir Gorelov, President of the NGO Verum. — Typically, such crimes are classified under Article 214 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which provides for liability for vandalism, that is, desecration of buildings or other structures, damage to property on public transport and in other public places and is punishable by a fine of up to 40,000 rubles, or correctional labor for a term up to 1 year, or arrest for up to 3 months.

Vandalism at the cemetery

The problem of vandalism is far from new; it has its roots in the history of ancient Rome, which was plundered by the East German tribe of Vandals. It should be noted that recently vandalism has become increasingly common among teenagers. Previously, the destruction of monuments in a cemetery was aimed at making money; now, more and more often, it is a manifestation of unmotivated aggression. Mostly, criminals get off with a fine for their crimes, and many cannot even be found.

Funeral services in Moscow and the Moscow region

Cemetery vandalism is not a new phenomenon for Russia. In recent years it has become widespread. If previously this happened mainly in large cities, now the destruction and desecration of graves also happens in provincial towns, villages and hamlets. When talking about vandalism in a cemetery, it is important to understand what motivates people, since often actions are committed with a slightly different purpose than simply mocking the past or someone’s moral principles.

The number of acts of vandalism in St. Petersburg cemeteries has noticeably decreased: if in 2008 103 applications were filed on this issue, then in this year only two cases have been recorded. This data was provided by the director of the city specialized service for funeral matters, Andrei Moldovanov. However, the last two incidents, unfortunately, cost a lot: on the territory of the oldest necropolises, dozens of monuments were damaged, some of them cannot be restored. What gives the hooligans a free hand, the RG correspondent found out.

Both incidents happened in April, just a few days apart. First, vandals desecrated the Gromovskoye Old Believer cemetery in the Moscow region: they set fire to wreaths and crosses and destroyed gravestones. In total, according to a necropolis employee, six tombstones were damaged. Before the law enforcement officers had time to begin the investigation, the next alarm signal arrived. A group of young people destroyed more than 30 monuments at the Smolensk cemetery, and after inspection it turned out that half of them were completely lost. Eight vandals (including minors and visitors) were detained almost immediately, and the case was brought to court.

The media immediately saw a national motive in the actions of the hooligans, but, as it turned out, they had neither that nor religious or political motives - the company just wanted to take a shortcut and, apparently, “for fun” they destroyed all the gravestones they came across along the road. At the same time, relatives of the deceased will now have to restore the tombstones: the maximum amount that the city can compensate in such cases is 9,784 rubles. For a monument made of granite (and they got the most) this, of course, is not enough.

Experts say that positive dynamics are evident: they managed to stop, for example, the breaking down of fences that just a few years ago hooligans carried en masse to non-ferrous metal collection points, but they agree that it is not yet possible to completely control order in the territories of cemeteries.

Of course, every city cemetery has security, but often the burial areas are huge. There are some that cover more than 50 hectares. You can't put a camera on every corner. And even if we wanted to, we couldn’t stretch the network through the green areas. Back in 1991, our police posts were removed; now there is no mobile group that would regularly check the territory,” Andrei Moldovanov formulates the problem.

But the desecration of resting places is not only the destruction of gravestones. At the historical Mitrofanyevskoye cemetery, for example, unknown people have become adept at storing garbage. The townspeople have been fighting for this necropolis, where more than 400 thousand St. Petersburg residents are buried, for many years now.

At first they wanted to build it up and lay a highway through it, but thanks to protests the decision was reversed. We also achieved its inclusion in the list of cultural heritage sites. However, the vast territory of the cemetery, almost destroyed during Soviet times, remains today accessible to all kinds of violators.

We found six garbage heaps, and those that can only be removed with the help of specialized vehicles. As long as there is no fence, this will continue. Two more plots in the very center of the cemetery are used for storage of ferrous scrap. Apparently, there were no other places for these purposes,” says Ilya Popov, deputy chairman of the St. Petersburg Mitrofanevsky Union.

Social activists do not hope to cope on their own and are very much counting on the support of officials. So far, we have only managed to demolish the illegal buildings and begin to evict the tenants who actually occupied the territory of the cemetery, but this work is progressing extremely slowly.

According to experts, the main problem is that today the state does not provide any measures to protect memorial tombstones. The cemetery is supposed to have security, and that's where it ends. In the current law “On Burial and Funeral Business,” the status of cemeteries as particularly important objects is not spelled out, and security and maintenance measures are mentioned in passing. This may be why some churchyards today are not even fenced around the perimeter. Moreover, sometimes it is not at all clear who owns the territory and whether anyone is watching it. Today, many St. Petersburg residents prefer to negotiate with caretakers - for a certain fee they agree to inspect the graves more often. Some insure granite crosses, which, if anything happens, covers the cost of installing a new monument. Law enforcement officers ask you to be vigilant and report if suspicious individuals are suddenly noticed - they may not destroy the tombstone, but cases of theft are also not isolated. Let us remind you that vandalism in burial places is punishable by up to five years in prison.