Features of the verb that the participle has. Verb signs of participles

The topic is studied according to the school curriculum in the sixth and seventh grades. We’ll tell you in more detail about how not to get confused when analyzing the participle.

Difficult part of speech

First you need to understand what a sacrament is. There is no consensus on this matter. Linguists' opinions are divided. Some believe that this is a verb form, since action is its main meaning. But one cannot deny its external similarity to an adjective. They answer the same question, have a common declension system, and are similar. Therefore, we can safely say that participles have the characteristics of a verb and an adjective.

Other linguists say that the presence of a number of features gives it the right to be called an independent part of speech. Both are right in their own way. causes a lot of controversy. For example, the ability to join speaks of his independence. But at the same time, direct dependence on the verb does not allow it to be called fully independent.

Signs of verb and adjective in participle

The rule regulating what features this form has taken from other parts of speech is simple.

The first thing worth knowing is the origin of the sacrament. Historically, it goes back to the verb and has a number of common features with it. They are very closely interconnected. For example, from imperfective verbs we can only form participles of the same type (read (sov.v.) - read (sov.v.).

The verb form itself does not have a conjugation category. However, she is very dependent on him. For example, the spelling of participle suffixes directly depends on it. Verbs of the first conjugation give the suffixes -ush and -yush:) run (1 ref.- running, building (2 references) - building.

As for passive participles, it will be written here - om (em) from 1 sp. : attract - attracted, occupy - occupied. From verbs 2 sp. The suffix -im is formed: depend - dependent.

As we see, the connection between these two parts of speech is inextricable, and therefore the participle is considered as a special form of the verb.

It’s also impossible not to notice. Firstly, there is external similarity. The most common mistake made by schoolchildren is the inability to distinguish one from another by appearance. The main thing is to remember that participles are always formed only from verbs, but take the outer shell from adj.

Secondly, they both answer the question “which?” and have almost identical endings. For example: beautiful - read, yellow - printed.

Thirdly, they have a common syntactic role - both are definitions in most cases.


We managed to find out what are the signs of a verb and an adjective in a participle. It is worth dwelling on each of them in more detail.

Participles enter into aspectual relations in the same way as verbs.

In Russian there are two varieties of them: perfect and imperfect. It is not difficult to identify them. One has only to ask a question to the participle itself or to the verb from which they are formed.

For example: swim - what to do? (non.v.) - floating - what is he doing? (non.v.); talk - what to do? (sov.v.) - who talked - what did he do? (Soviet)

In fact, you need to remember one simple trick: if the question for a verb or participle begins with the letter “S”, then the aspect will be perfect.


The next feature that the participle takes from the verb is reflexivity. It is not difficult to determine. If a word contains the suffix -sya or its variant -sya, then this form will be called reflexive. For example: laughing - return, floating - non-return.

Now that we remember that the participle has the characteristics of a verb and an adjective, it is worth saying that this category also changes according to the general rule. If the verb is reflexive, then its form will certainly retain this feature. If it does not have the suffix -sya, then it will not appear in the participle. If this rule is not followed, then the result will be an incorrectly formed form. Agree, words twirling And spinning have completely different meanings. In the first case, an addition is required to the participle, for example: twirling someone (something)). In the second, the action is returned to itself, so the face performs it independently.

Remember that -sya historically comes from the pronoun self. Therefore, all participles with this meaning are called reflexive.


We were able to analyze in detail some of the features of the verb and adjective of the participle, but that’s not all. Next we will look at the category of time.

A participle, like a verb, has several forms. Present and past tense can be determined not only by meaning and question, but also by suffix.

If we have a participle with the suffixes -ush, -yush, -ashch, -yash, -om, -em, -im, then it conveys the action taking place at the moment. For example: singing, speaking, attracted, repeated, persecuted. You can substitute the auxiliary word “now” for each of them.

When we see participles with the suffixes -vsh, -sh, -enn, -t, nn, then in this case they have the category of past tense. For example: played, grown, brought, ground.

This is where the constant (that is, those that cannot be changed) signs of the verb and adjective of the participle end. Let's move on to the rest.

Variable signs

We have considered everything that the verb “gave” to its form - the participle. Now it’s worth talking about those that he got on behalf of the adjective. These categories are gender, number and case. These signs are not constant and may change.

The gender of a participle is easy to determine by its ending. If it is -th, then the word is masculine: falling, split.

When a word ends in -aya, it is feminine: coming.

Accordingly, with inflection the -th participle will be neuter: brought.

The case of a participle, like that of adj., must be determined by the word with which it is used.

For example: flying ball - im.p., burning flame - creative.p.

Sample parsing

Now that the morphological features of the adjective and verb of the participle have been studied, we will show how to parse it.

We approach a house under construction.

  1. Initial form - under construction (sign by action)
  2. Derived from the verb be built by adding the suffix -box.
  3. Constant signs:
  • Nesov.view
  • Present tense (suf.-box)
  • Returnable (suf.-sya).

4. Variable signs:

  • Male gender
  • Units
  • Date case

5. In a sentence it is a definition.

You will need

  • Text with participles and adjectives;
  • Knowledge of the rules for forming participles;
  • Knowledge of the similarities and differences in both parts of speech;
  • Knowledge of formations of adjectival adjectives;
  • Knowing the exceptions to the rules.


A part of speech that denotes a property, accessory or attribute of another part of speech - a noun, but is not connected with it by any process. An adjective is a part of speech dependent on a noun, therefore it inherits all its characteristics. This means that it has three genders: masculine, feminine and neuter, numbers: singular and plural, and also changes according to the noun to which it refers. The adjective answers the question “which?” or “whose?”

“Oil paint” (R.p.)

“An oiled pancake” (TV.p.)
4. Also, a participle can have a short form like an adjective. For example: “made” (from “made”) – participle, “light” from “light”.
5. As members of a sentence, participle and adjective are .

Differences between participles and adjectives
Now, using an example, let’s look at participles from adjectives, which characterize the presence of verb features in them (participles):
1. The perfect form is “running”, “running” is the imperfect form.
2. Reflexive form – “rotating”, “rotating” – non-reversible form.
3. Time – “running” (present time), “running” (past time).
4. Active or passive meaning tearing a shirt, tearing a shirt.
5. Transitivity: a reading person reading a book.
There are adjectives formed from participles. They are called verbal adjectives or adjectival adjectives.

Such adjectives are formed for the following reasons:
The emergence of a new meaning for the subject of action, for example, “driving force”;

The occurrence of a figurative meaning in a word that is a participle, for example, “brilliant performance”;

If the participle denoted the intended purpose of performing some action and became a constant accompanying word for a noun, for example, “condensed milk.” Please note that in this example even the spelling of the word changes, because... in the case of a participle, it would be correct to write “condensed”;

If the participle is the ability of an object to be subject to any influence, for example, “indeclinable adjective.”

You can distinguish a participle from an adjective in a fairly simple way. Try inserting a word in a sentence after the intended participle or adjective that matches its meaning. For example, in the sentence “We saw birds flying,” you can insert the word “across the sky” that has the appropriate meaning. “We saw birds flying across the sky.” The word “flying” in this case is a participle.
In the sentence “She approached us with a flying gait,” we cannot insert a suitable word for the word “flying,” because this is an adjective and is directly dependent on the noun “gait”

The second way to distinguish an adjective from a participle is quite difficult, because is based on knowledge of the formation of participles and adjectives. In most cases, participles have a double "n" in their suffix, unlike adjectives, but there are exceptions to both of these rules that you need to know.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

Currently, there are many software products in the form of grammatical dictionaries that allow you to check your spelling, as well as parse a sentence into parts of speech and identify both participles and adjectives.

In order to find participle among other parts of speech, you need to know what distinguishes it from them. Firstly, this is a special form of the verb, denoting the attribute of an object by action. Secondly, it has the characteristics of a verb and an adjective.

You will need

  • 1. Words
  • 2. Participles


Look at the meaning of this word. If these are real present participles, then you will encounter –ush-, -yush-, -ash-, -yash. For example, issuing. If these are present passive participles, then these are the suffixes -em-, -im-. For example, produced.

Correctly identify active past participles. They are characterized by the suffixes –vsh-, -sh-. For example, the one who read, who brought. For past passives, the characters are the suffixes –nn-, -t-, -enn-. For example, drawn, offended, sung.


  • “Modern Russian language”, Beloshapkova V.A. 1989.

Participles and participles, as well as participial and participial phrases, perform different functions in a sentence, play different roles. They also have pronounced morphological differences.


Participle(turnover) necessarily refers to the word being defined - a noun or pronoun, depends on it, changes in numbers, genders and, has a full and - some - short form.
For example: smiling person; us, who have signed this document, ...
Other nominal parts of speech can also act as a defined word if they are in the meaning of a noun.
For example: tidy dining room; “154th”, who asked for boarding, ... (o). The participle or participial phrase refers only to the predicate verb and denotes an additional action with the main action expressed by the verb. Unlike the participle, the gerund is an unchangeable word form.
For example: lying motionless; froze standing in the wind.

Participle and the functions of definition - single or widespread, agreed or inconsistent, isolated or not isolated.
For example: Those who had calmed down silently and obediently dropped the yellow ones.
Participles in short form are used only as a nominal part of a compound predicate.
For example: The hair is silvered with early gray hair. The participle and participial phrase act as different circumstances.
Paler, the dawn subsides (I. Nikitin).

Formal features distinguishing participles and participles, are suffixes.
In school classes, all information about suffixes is summarized in tables that are posted on. For convenience, they can be written down, for example, on the cover of a notebook.
Derivational suffixes of active participles: -ush-(-yush-), -ash-(-yash); -vsh-, -sh-; passive: - om-(-eat-), -im-; -enn-, -nn-, -t-.
Derivational suffixes of imperfect and perfect gerunds: -a-, -ya-, -uchi-, -yuchi-, -v-, -louse-, -shi-.

A participle is a special verb form that has both the properties of a verb and an adjective. From the verb, the participle has aspect, transitivity, reflexivity and voice, and from the adjective - change in cases, numbers and genders, as well as agreement with the noun. A participle, like an adjective, denotes a characteristic of an object.

noun and agrees with it in gender, number and case. For example: “boiling stream - boiling stream - boiling stream - boiling streams; boiling lava, boiling milk."

Types and methods of forming participles

Lexical meaning - a sign of an object by action - consists of the grammatical features of this part of speech. For example: “singing birds” (those that are singing now), “singing birds” (those that sang in the past), “the issue under discussion” (the one that someone is discussing now), “the issue under discussion” (the one which has already been discussed).

Accordingly, there are 4 forms of participles: active present and past tense, passive present and past tense.

The first group of participles (actual present tense) are formed from the present tense stem using the suffixes -ush- (-yush-), -ash- (-yash-). The choice of suffix depends on the verb. For example: “cry-ut - cry-ush-y”, “kol-yut - kol-yush-y” - I conjugation; “lech-at – lech-ash-y”, “kle-yat – kle-yash-y” – II conjugation.

Active participles in the past tense are formed from the infinitive by replacing the suffixes –т, -ти with the suffixes –вш-, -ш-. For example: “run - run - run”, “carry - carry”.

Present passive participles are formed from verbs in the present tense using the suffixes –em- (I conjugation) and –im- (II conjugation): “cherish-em – cherish-em-yy”, “kran-im – stored” -im."

Passive past participles are formed from the stem of the indefinite form of the verb using the suffix –nn-, if the verbs end in –att, -et. Verbs ending in –it receive the suffix –enn-, just like verbs ending in –ti, -ch, and verbs ending in –ot, -ut-, -ity- receive the suffix –t-. For example: “write - write-nn-y”, “capture - captured-nn-y”, “save - save-y”, “forget- forget-y”.

Short participles, like short adjectives, are the nominal part of a compound nominal predicate in a sentence.

Passive participles have a short form with truncated ones: -а, -о, -ы. For example: “sent, sent-a, sent-o, sent-s.”

Isolating participles as a special form of a verb often causes difficulties. Sometimes this form is mistaken by schoolchildren for an adjective or a separate part of speech. Recognizing participles will help students avoid mistakes in their spelling and punctuation. You can find out about other issues related to the Russian language on the website, the purpose of which is to talk about complex things in simple words. The portal will help schoolchildren and students in solving complex issues in education.

A participle is a verb form that answers the questions: which? what is he doing? what did he do? The participle combines the characteristics of a verb and an adjective. The initial form of a participle is a verb. For example: played - to play, writing - to write, made - to do.

Morphological characteristics of participles

Verbal signs:

Perfect/imperfect view.

The type of participle coincides with the type of infinitive from which it is formed. What to do? - a question for an imperfect species, what to do? - for the perfect. For example: caused(to the blackboard) - call(what to do?), therefore, this is a perfect participle. Writer student - write(what to do?) – imperfect form.

Reflexive/non-reflexive participles.


The category of time can be determined both by the meaning of the word and by its suffixes. For example: broken the table (the one that was broken) is the past tense. To date, participles with the following suffixes are included: -ushch, -yushch, -ashch, -yashch, -em, -im, -om. For example: washing, shouting, whistling, played, translated, driven. The suffixes that indicate the past tense are: -ш (carrying), -vsh (twisted), -enn (built), -T (stitched), -nn (played).


Participles are active and passive. The voice is determined by the suffixes: -ushch, -yushch, -ashch, -yashch, -sh, -vsh - active, and -em, -im, -enn, -om - passive. The pledge can be determined by the meaning of the participle. For example: fallen(leaves) is a real participle, since the action is performed on its own, without an intermediary. A played(draw game) is a passive participle, because the game was played by someone, and not by itself.


The participle itself has no conjugation, but the conjugation is determined by the verb from which it is derived and determines the vowel in the present participle suffix: writing(pen) - write(I conjugation), therefore the participle has the suffix -уж-; adhesive(envelope) - glue (II conjugation), the participle has the suffix -box-.

The remaining features do not correlate with the verb, but are directly related to the adjective.

The meaning of the participle, its morphological features and syntactic function

Participle - a special (unconjugated) form of the verb, which denotes the attribute of an object by action, answers the question which one? (what kind?) and combines the characteristics of a verb and an adjective. In a sentence participle can be a definition or a nominal part of a compound nominal predicate: Exhausted by the poisonous night, insomnia and wine, I stand, breathe in front of the brightening window opened into the fog (G. Ivanov); Nice started a glorious thing... (A. Akhmatova).(Together with dependent words, the participle forms participial, which in school practice is usually considered one member of a sentence: exhausted by the poisonous night; into the fog with a brightening window.)

Signs of verb and adjective in participle

Verb signs

Signs of an adjective

1.View (imperfect and perfect): burning(nesov.v.) forest(from burn)- burnt(Soviet) forest(from burn).

1. General meaning (like an adjective, a participle names attribute of an object and answers the question Which?).

2. Transitivity/intransitivity: singing(who?/what?) song- running.

2. Gender, number, case (like an adjective, the participle changes by gender, number and case, and the gender, number and case of the participle depend on the gender, number and case of the noun with which the participle is associated, i.e. participle agrees with a noun): ripened ear, ripened berry, ripened apple, ripened fruit.

3.Returnability/non-refundability: lifter- rising smoke.

3. Declension (participles are declined in the same way as adjectives), cf.: evening- burning, evening- burning, evening- burning etc.

4. Active and passive meaning (voice): attacking enemy battalion- battalion attacked by the enemy.

4. Syntactic function (both participles and adjectives in a sentence are definitions or the nominal part of a compound nominal predicate).

5. Time (present and past): reading(present tense) - read(past tense).

5. Short forms (a participle, like an adjective, can have short forms): built- built, closed- closed.

Note . Active/passive meaning and tense are expressed in participles using special suffixes.

Participle ranks

Participles are divided into active and passive.

Valid participles denote a sign of an object by the action that the object itself performs: running boy- sign boy by action run, which the boy himself does.

Passive participles denote the attribute of one object by the action performed by another object (i.e., the attribute of the object on which the action has been performed or is being performed): glass broken (by a boy)- sign glasses by action break, which commits boy.

AND valid, And passive participles can be present or past tense (participles have no future tense).

Formation of participles

1. Participles present tense (both active and passive) are formed only from imperfective verbs (verbs do not have perfective form participles present tense).

2. Passives participles are formed only from transitive verbs (intransitive verbs do not have passive participles).

3. Participles present tense (both active and passive) are formed from the base of the present tense.

4. Participles past tense (both active and passive) are formed from the stem of the infinitive.

5. Passives participles past tense are mainly formed from perfective verbs.

Valid participles present time -ush-/-yush-(from verbs of I conjugation), and -ash-/-box-(from verbs of II conjugation): pish-ut - writer, numaj- ym- reading(from verbs of I conjugation); shout - shouting, speak - speaking(from verbs of II conjugation).

Valid participles past tense formed using suffixes -vsh-, -sh-: write- writing, shouting- shouting, carrying - carrying.

Passive participles present time formed using suffixes -eat-, -om-(from verbs of I conjugation) and -them-(from verbs of II conjugation): chita jut- readable (readable), ved-ut- driven, loved - beloved.

Some transitive imperfective passive verbs participles present tense do not form: wait, prick, take, crush, rub, dig, wash, pour, write, build, chop and etc.

Passive participles past tense formed using suffixes -nn-, -enn-, -t-: read- read, build - built, open- open.

Suffix -enn- joins stems with a consonant (P rines you- brought) or on -i (note - noticed).

Participles Verbs



Present tense

Past tense

Present tense

Past tense

-ushch (-yushch) from verbs of I conjugation; asch (box) from verbs II conjugation

-vsh ■ш

-om, -eat from verbs of I conjugation; -them from verbs of II conjugation

-nn, -enn, -t

Imperfective transitives


+ read


+ read

Perfective transitives



Imperfective intransitives




Perfective intransitives


Note. Most imperfective transitive verbs do not have a passive form. participles past tense.

Short form of participles

Passive participles can have short form: I am not loved by anyone! (G. Ivanov)

IN short form participles (like short adjectives) change only by number and in the singular by gender (short forms do not change by case).

Short form of participles, like the short form of adjectives, is formed from the base of the full participle forms using endings: zero - masculine form, A- female, o - average, s- plural: solved, solvable, solvable, solvable; built, built, built, built.

In a sentence short form of participle is the nominal part of a compound nominal predicate: And the sailing boat is lit up with a copper-red sunset (G. Ivanov).Short Communion can sometimes serve as a definition, but only isolated and only related to the subject: Pale as a shadow, dressed in the morning , Tatyana is waiting: when will the answer be? (A. Pushkin)

Participles and verbal adjectives

Participles differ from adjectives not only by the presence of morphological features of the verb, but also by their meaning. Adjectives denote permanent characteristics of objects, and participles- signs that develop over time. Wed, for example: red- blushing, flushed; old- aging, aged.

Participles may lose the meaning and characteristics of the verb and turn into adjectives. In this case participle denotes a permanent attribute of an object (loses the category of time), loses the ability to have subordinate (dependent) words, to control nouns: an out-of-tune piano, a defiant look, an aspiring poet, a brilliant answer. Wed: He also liked Titus Nikonich... beloved by everyone(participle) and loving everyone (I. Goncharov) And When she played the piano my favorite(adjective) plays... I listened with pleasure (A. Chekhov).

Passive adjectives are most easily converted to participles: reserved character, high spirits, strained relationships, confused appearance.

Participles They are used mainly in bookish speech styles and are almost never found in everyday speech.

Morphological analysis of the participle includes the identification of three constant features (real or passive, aspect, tense) and four non-constant ones (full or short form, gender, number and case). Participles, like the verbs from which they are formed, are characterized by transitivity - intransitivity, reflexivity - irrevocability. These constant signs are not included in the generally accepted analysis scheme, but can be noted.

Scheme of morphological analysis of the participle.

I. Part of speech (special form of a verb).

II. Morphological characteristics.

1. Initial form (nominative singular masculine).

2. Permanent signs:

1) active or passive;

3. Variable signs:

1) full or short form (for passive participles);

4) case (for participles in full form).

Sh. Syntactic function. The secluded monastery, illuminated by the rays of the sun, seemed to float in the air, carried by the clouds. (A. Pushkin)

A sample of morphological analysis of a participle.

I. Illuminated(monastery) - participle, a special form of the verb, denotes the attribute of an object by action, derived from the verb illuminate.

II. Morphological characteristics. 1. Initial form - illuminated -

2. Permanent signs:

1) passive participle;

2) past tense;

3) perfect appearance.

3. Variable signs:

1) full form;

2) singular;

3) masculine;

4) nominative case.

III. Syntactic function. In a sentence it is an agreed definition (or: it is part of a separate agreed definition, expressed by a participial phrase).