Literary evening on the theme “The Star He Believed in” (script of a literary evening dedicated to the work of A. Vampilov)

Lesson objectives: familiarity with drama theory, skills in working with reference material, expressive reading skills.

Literature for the lesson: Vampilov A. House with windows in the field. Irkutsk, 1982 (Section of memories and reflections).

Literary theory: drama, conflict, author's remark.

Vocabulary work: handicraftsman, handsome, boots

Equipment: exhibition of books by playwrights, portrait of A. Vampilov.

During the classes

I. Getting to know the text.

Handicraftsman- an artisan engaged in handicraft (non-factory) labor.

Noble- pleasant in appearance, inspiring respect with his appearance.

Intelligence- from “intelligent” - belonging to the intelligentsia, as well as having a great internal culture.

“Skinned trousers in the workshop” - in the era described by Vampilov (late 50s - early 60s), skinny trousers were in fashion. But the industry did not produce them, and fashionistas sharpened their trousers in workshops. In addition, following the “edgy” fashion in those days was assessed negatively by many people, as a sign of imitation of the West. “Hipsters” (as fashionistas were called) were ridiculed in newspapers and condemned in work collectives. In this play, Vampilov portrays a hero who is far from perfect, but follows the latest fashion in clothing, thereby emphasizing the ironic attitude towards him.

II. Students read the scene by role.

III. Working on theory

What type of literary work does this scene belong to? Read the article “drama, dramatic work, dialogue” in the theoretical section of the textbook.

What are the peculiarities of constructing dramatic works?

Indicate in this text the elements of dialogue, monologue, and author's remarks.

What is the main means of depicting life in drama? ( Dialogue.)

What shows up in the dialogues?

(Struggle, intense interaction of heroes - conflict.)

Conflict 1 - a clash, a struggle, on which the development of the plot in a work of art is built.

The definition of conflict is recorded in the dictionary.

What dramatic genre does this scene belong to: comedy, drama or tragedy?

What is the viewer laughing at here?

Is it only the author who strives to evoke laughter in the viewer and reader?

IV. Working on the text.

Pay attention to the title: “A Scene from Unknightly Times.” A. S. Pushkin has a dramatic work “Scenes from Knightly Times”, where the action takes place in the Middle Ages, the main characters are knights. What does the author want to say using the modified Pushkin title?

If necessary, use a more detailed analysis.

Determine the meaning of the word “knight” in a dictionary

Knight- 1. In medieval Europe: a feudal lord, a heavily armed mounted warrior who was in vassal dependence on his overlord.

2. Selfless noble person.

The use of the second meaning of the word often emphasizes the noble attitude towards women as an echo of the medieval cult of the Beautiful Lady.

In what sense is this word used by Pushkin, and in what sense by Vampilov?

(Vampilov uses the polysemy of the word to emphasize the “unchivalrous”, ignoble behavior of the young man. The comedy of the situation is that the young man, rushing to one “Beautiful Lady,” is impolite and even rude to another, and she turns out to be his supposed chosen one.)

Pay attention to the speech and behavior of the characters. Why are they interesting?

V. Creative tasks.

1. Describe the same scene, but the characters are kind to everyone, not just those they like.

2. Reflect (written or verbally) on how life would be different if this were true.


1. Read a scene from A. Volodin’s film story “The Elder Sister.” (Manual “Read, Think, Argue...” P. 205.) Write a short review of this passage.

2. Prepare an expressive reading of “Scenes from Unknightly Times” by role.

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Alexander Vampilov
A scene from non-knightly times

May day. Quiet city street. In the shadow of a two-story house sits a shoemaker, the last of the solitary artisans. He is a bearded, handsome old man with the makings of intelligence, sober, and in a good mood. In front of him is a stool, tools - everything is in perfect order. A young man in a gray jacket and trousers tapered in the workshop approaches him.


SHOEMAKER. Good afternoon

STUDENT. Are you languishing without work?

SHOEMAKER. Hiding from the heat. My shoes don't have that luxury of ventilation...

STUDENT (sitting down on a stool and taking off his shoes). An unfortunate accident. The habit of walking without looking at your feet... These boots must live at all costs.

SHOEMAKER. You mean: no matter what it costs you? (Examines the boots.) The operation is risky...

SHOEMAKER. How many?

STUDENT. Ten. And then out of compassion for unemployed surgeons.

SHOEMAKER. Thirty rubles. Out of sympathy for the urban order.

STUDENT. Only ten.

SHOEMAKER. Then give your boots powder - three times a day... And then, it seems to me, I repaired these boots for someone else.

STUDENT. But-but!

SHOEMAKER. Sew, hem, put on heels - thirty rubles!

STUDENT. Well, okay... The arithmetic mean between ten and thirty is twenty rubles. Fix it, to hell with you! But the condition: as quickly as possible. Delay is deadly.

SHOEMAKER. Well, come on. I was brought up the old way.

STUDENT. Somehow it seems to me that you, dad, are sitting in someone else’s place.

SHOEMAKER (getting to work). Why is this on someone else's? The place is mine. Where else should a sixty-five-year-old pensioner, languishing from the boredom of life, sit? The sun is shining here, people are walking... Look, girls, girls, sew like that, sew like that!

A girl passing by, with short hair and fashionably dressed, suddenly screams and crouches on the sidewalk.

GIRL (with despair). Heel! (Looks around.) Shoemaker! How lucky!

SHOEMAKER (kindly). Very successful!

GIRL (approaching, looking at her watch). The heel has come off, please sew it on.

STUDENT. You see, the master is busy.

YOUNG WOMAN. But I hope you will give in. I'm terribly pressed for time.

STUDENT. I don't have time either.

YOUNG WOMAN. But get into the situation.

SHOEMAKER (to the girl). Allow your model...

STUDENT. In no case! I am late.

YOUNG WOMAN. You have no right... The master agrees.

STUDENT. But I don't agree. Sit down... meaning you have to stand.

YOUNG WOMAN. Thank you... Understand, they are waiting for me...

STUDENT. I’m very happy for you... (Looks at his watch.) Hurry up, patriarch.

GIRL (looks at her watch, nervous). I'm not talking about nobility, but basic politeness, decency...

STUDENT. The one you are in a hurry to see will be polite and attentive to you. Him and no one else. I don't see any point in this. It would be another matter if I liked you...

YOUNG WOMAN. Well, you know! You, you... (He gets nervous, wrings his hands. Quietly.) Well, okay... I ask you, you understand, I ask... I even confess to you... I can’t be late. Fate is decided, happiness depends on these minutes...

STUDENT. Do not be nervous. My happiness, perhaps, also depends on this nail. Why do you think that your happiness is better than mine? (To the shoemaker.) Tell me, patriarch, how old are you? You have probably already noticed that the relationship between the sexes consists of prejudices and misconceptions. Because some idiot a thousand years ago took the habit of strumming a guitar under the windows of a capricious person, putting his hand to his heart, and so on, I must now give in to every woman in everything. And, mind you, women no longer wait for the manifestation of sensitivity, languidly rolling their eyes, but demand, scream and threaten to sue. Don’t give up your seat on the bus and you will be called ignorant, boorish, or whatever. (Looks at his watch.) Let's say you. You pester me with an absurd demand: “Give me your happiness!” Why on earth? I can’t, I don’t have the opportunity to be sensitive and gentle with all the girls who repair shoes for private owners. Do not be nervous. A feudal lord with a guitar is waiting for you. I think he'll like you even without heels. Hurry up - weave ropes out of it, bend it into a ram's horn. But what does this have to do with me?

GIRL (to the shoemaker). Nail this young man's tongue.

STUDENT. You will have nothing to pay for it. (Looks at his watch.) Hurry up, patriarch! One minute left!

SHOEMAKER. Children, is it really possible to go this far from the very beginning?

YOUNG WOMAN. For such impudent people there is no beginning.

STUDENT. You are being rude before our eyes...

GIRL (flushing). No, you are the boor! (To the shoemaker.) How many minutes walk to the monument to Krylov?

STUDENT (with horror). Krylov?

SHOEMAKER. Five, no more.

GIRL (looks at her watch). I'm late! (Sobs). You... You are the most arrogant boor...

STUDENT (turning pale). Are you... Are you Lilya?..

GIRL (nervously). What! So it’s you... Ha ha ha! Wonderful! Ha-ha-ha!... Goodbye! Don't you dare call. (Quickly leaves.)

SHOEMAKER. What's the matter? Put on your shoes, run after her...

SHOEMAKER (blushing with curiosity). What's the matter?

STUDENT (shouting). What's the matter! What's the matter! The point is that the date took place. First date! For three months I reveled in this voice, afraid to breathe into the telephone receiver. Almost confessed my love! idolized... Proud and mysterious. I barely begged for a date...

SHOEMAKER. Hehe... The feudal lord breaks the strings...

STUDENT. Shut up, old pirate! The devil put you here! Private shops are allowed.

Sidorova Olga Yurievna,
teacher of Russian language and literature
MBOU Irkutsk Secondary School No. 31
Competition Nomination: Best Methodological Development
03/1/2017 Scenario of extracurricular activities in grades 9-11.
Literary quest. “Theater of A. Vampilov “His words will shine for people...””
Objectives of the event:
intensifying interest in the personality and creativity of A.V. Vampilov, writer, playwright;
development of dramatic and creative abilities of students;
aesthetic education of students.
Objectives of the event:
1. awaken the desire to read the works of A.V. Vampilova;
2. show that literature is very closely connected with life, makes you think about human relationships;
3. develop speech and memory;
4. cultivate a love for the word and the work of a playwright.
Equipment: portrait of A.V. Vampilov, an exhibition of the playwright’s books, a multimedia projector, team emblems, theater posters, task cards, (puzzles on which the words of V. Rasputin’s phrases are written (2 identical sets.)
This event is intended for high school students studying Vampilov’s dramaturgy or for elective classes in the Literature of Siberia. Can be done as a final lesson. A literary quest involves testing students' attentiveness and observation while reading. The tasks are based on knowledge and understanding of the text of the work. 2-3 teams of 6-10 people each participate.
Progress of the event
He was doubly talented -
both as a person and as a writer.
V. Rasputin
Teacher's word: In 2017, there is a significant date in literature - the 80th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Vampilov. The great writer and playwright left a wonderful literary legacy.
His works are amazingly rich and multifaceted in their emotional expression, sincerity of feelings and picturesque images.
Today our task is to pass all the stations of the literary quest with dignity and earn as many puzzles as possible in order to put them together at the end.
The teams come out to greet. Emblems are shown in an organized manner and mottos are pronounced.
Introduction of the main quest controllers.
1 Station “Biography of A. Vampilov”
Music. P. I. Tchaikovsky “August”.
Leading. We all come from childhood. And this truth is doubly true in relation to Alexander Vampilov.
The first competition asks questions about the life and work of the playwright. The one who first raised their hand or signal flag answers, and that team receives a puzzle for the correct answer.
1. What are the years of A. Vampilov’s life? (1937-1972)
2.Why was Vampilov given the name Alexander? (The boy was named Alexander in honor of A.S. Pushkin).
3. State the last name, first name, patronymic of A. Vampilov’s mother. (Anastasia Prokopyevna Kopylova).
4. How many children were there in the Vampilov family? (4: eldest, Misha, twins, Galya and Volodya, Sasha)
5. Where did A. Vampilov spend his childhood and school years? (village Kutulik)
6. What musical instruments did Sasha play? (On mandolin, domra, guitar)
7. What sports game was A. Vampilov fond of as a child? (Football)
8. Why was A. Vampilov unable to enter ISU in 1954? (Failed the German language exam)
9. In what year did Vampilov enter the Faculty of History and Philology at ISU? (1955)
10. Who was the leader of the student literary association in the 1950s, in which Vampilov also participated? (V.P. Trushkin)
11. In 1958, ten stories by a young author appeared in print. All of them were signed with a pseudonym. Which one? (A. Sanin, state university student)
12. What was the name of A. Vampilov’s first book, which appeared in 1961 in Irkutsk? ("Coincidence")
13. In what year did A. Vampilov the playwright make his debut? (In 1964, the play “House with Windows on a Field”)
14. Where and when was the first production of the play “Farewell in June” held? (In 1966 in the Drama Theater of Klaipeda)
The team with the most correct answers gets a puzzle.
2. Station “Creativity of the Playwright”
Presenter. Vampilov’s dramaturgy marked a phenomenon called “Vampilov’s Theater,” about which V. Rasputin said: “The viewer, coming to Vampilov’s theater, involuntarily falls under a difficult moral test, a kind of confession - of him, the viewer, a confession into which he, alone, had previously , another later, one way or another became involved during the performance and, which continues for a long time after the performance - this is the irreplaceable, but amazing strength and quiet passion of his talent ... "
Exercise. 1. Based on the author’s remarks, participants must recognize the play, write its name on pieces of paper and hand it over to the jury.
“... a large, neat room - a stove, a table, a bench. On the table there is a bouquet of June flowers, a thermos, on the wall there is a carpet with a picture of deer, on the other wall hangs a large canvas, and here are several color photographs from the Ogonyok magazine. (“House with windows on a field”)
“City apartment in a new standard building. Entrance door to the kitchen, door to another room. One window... On the windowsill is a large plush cat with a bow around its neck. Mess.
In the foreground there is an ottoman...At the head of the table there is a table with a telephone...” (“Duck Hunt”)
“An old wooden house with a high porch, veranda and mezzanine. Behind the house rises a lonely birch tree, further on you can see a hill covered with spruce below, pine and larch above. Three windows and a door with a sign nailed onto the veranda of the house open out... Here, on the veranda, there are several brand new metal tables and chairs.” (“Last summer in Chulimsk”)
2. In this competition, participants are asked to match lost objects (you can draw them) and plays in which they appear.

Knife, cartridge belt, several wooden birds “Eldest Son”
Silver snuff box, wreath “Duck Hunt”
Gun, magpie, clarinet, guitar “House with windows on a field”
Flowerbed with peonies, gladioli, galanthus. Door key. "Farewell in June"

3 Station "Afisha".
Leading. Let's imagine that we are in the theater, 9th grade students are actors, and you are spectators. They prepared a presentation (view the presentation). And, of course, there is a work that will be staged on the stage of our theater.
We learn from the poster which work this is and whose.
Reading the poster (presentation of the performance)
Slide 1. Alexander Valentinovich Vampilov (1937-1972)
Slide 2. “In Memories”
Slide 3. In the circle of comrades - friends.
Slide 4. Poster
Theater for Young Spectators named after. A. Vampilova.
Play "Date".
The play "The Incomparable Tips"
Author – A.V. Vampilov.
Artists - authors of posters - defend their projects (homework) and receive puzzles.
4. Theatricalization station.
Presenter. Preparing a dramatization of the play (homework).
Staging of the play "Date".
Young woman
Roles performed by:
Voice behind the stage – Daria Losyuk
Girl – Zaboeva Alina
Student – ​​Polyansky Vladislav
Shoemaker – Moiseev Kirill
Leading. Good manners must be constant, otherwise manners can leave a person at a crucial moment.
“Date” makes you think about many things: how we relate to our parents, acquaintances and strangers.
Presenter. The times of chivalry may have passed, but decency and conscientiousness should be the inner essence of a person. They are evidence of a living soul.
Leading. Human behavior is a kind of moral test. This is the choice that we mentally make, putting ourselves in the situation of Vampilov’s heroes. In this choice, our assessment and our ideas and our beliefs.
Dramatization of “The Incomparable Tips”
(Act one. Scene two.)
Nakonechnikov – hairdresser Polina Matveevna – mother-in-law
Capitalina - wife.
Roles performed by:
Tips (hairdresser) - Abdulaev Kirill
Polina Matveevna (mother-in-law) – Gladysheva Alexandra
Capitalina (wife) - Outko Alexandra.
What main idea does the author want to convey to the reader (viewer)?
Answer: You must always remain human, in any circumstances.
Teams receive puzzles for their performance.
5. Kino station.
Leading. The playwright turns to sharp, complex, responsible material - to the destinies of the young. “The environment is ourselves, which means if each of us becomes better, the environment will become better” (Vampilov).
A. Vampilov’s plays are gaining a “second wind” in cinema.
-Name the works of A. Vampilov that were filmed.
"House with windows on the field"
"Farewell in June."
"Eldest Son"
"Duck Hunt"
“Last summer in Chulimsk”
"Provincial jokes"
"Date in the Suburbs"
Teams receive puzzles for the correct answer.
(A fragment of the video film “Valentine” is shown.)
6. “Guess the melody” station.
Presenter. In his youth, A. Vampilov read N.V. Gogol and V.G. Belinsky, loved to quietly play on the guitar the melody of Yakovlev’s romance to the words of A. Delvig “When I had not yet drunk tears from the cup of existence...”
(A romance audio recording sounds).
Exercise. Listen to the romance and answer the questions asked. (Music sounds without words, A.V. Vampilov’s favorite romance “Shine, Shine, My Star” - audio recording, 1st verse).
Burn, burn, my star,
Shine, welcome star.
You are my only treasured one;
There will never be others.
Answer the questions:
-Name the name of the romance.
- Explain the choice of this particular romance.
Teams receive puzzles for the correct answer.
7. Station “Creative Workshop”.
Leading. “A person must walk on earth proudly and easily” - this is Vampilov’s motto. On August 17, two days before his thirty-fifth birthday, Alexander Vampilov died on Lake Baikal. Life was cut short at its very peak, in its prime. A life that seemed to have no end and to which, it seemed, he himself was accustomed to dictating terms. There were two of them in the boat, which capsized after hitting the driftwood. One clung to the bottom, hoping that the boat would be noticed faster than him, and Sanya swam to the shore. He swam and already felt the bottom under his feet, but his heart could not stand it.
Vladimir Skif
The century stumbled, suffocated
From sharp, knife pain,
When Vampilov did not return
From Baikal to your sad city
When a fast boat
Brought him to immortality,
The wave squeezed tightly in its arms,
Not letting anyone in.
The winds swirled like kites,
Lightning struck in the blood.
He didn't swim four meters
To life, fame and love.
And in the office the chair was freezing,
The whole city drowned in lead.
And they sang plays in the house,
Like children about their own father.
With what incredible power
We wanted you to come to us again
Vampilov would return alive
By land or by waves.
Not in a portrait or in a frame,
Ordinary, on the board.
And here he is again in front of us -
Great, bronze, alive.
Exercise. Write a syncwine about A. Vampilov. (Assessment - one puzzle)
8. Terminus station.
True fame came to Vampilov when he was no longer alive.
The student reads the poem expressively.
“Remember me cheerfully” P. Reutsky (1972)
From the earned puzzles, put together and assemble V. Rasputin’s statement about A. Vampilov, try to restore the missing fragments in meaning. The team that completes the proposal more accurately wins.
“...Together with Vampilov, sincerity and kindness came to the theater - ancient feelings, like bread, and, like bread, necessary for our existence and for art...” (V. Rasputin)
Reflection. Reception “Newspaper of Opinions”. The free-form poster (in the form of a picture, word or phrase) invites all participants to express their impressions of the event.
For example, “He was doubly talented - as a person and as a writer.” (V. Rasputin)
Used Books:
Vampilov A.V. Notebooks. – Irkutsk: Irkutsk University Publishing House, 1996.
Vampilov A.V. House with windows in the field: Plays, essays and articles, feuilletons, stories and scenes; Introductory article V. Lakshina. – Irkutsk: East Siberian Book Publishing House, 1981.
Wreath to Vampilov: Sat. / Comp. L.V. Ioffe. – Irkutsk: Irkutsk University Publishing House, 1997.
The World of Alexander Vampilov: Life. Creation. Fate: Materials for the guide / Comp. L.V. Ioffe, S.R. Smirnov, V.V. Sherstov; Introductory article V.Ya.Kurbatova. – Irkutsk: Publishing house. State Enterprise “Ikutsk Regional Printing House No. 1”, 2000.
Tenditnik N.S. In the face of truth: Essays on the life and work of Alexander Vampilov. – Irkutsk: Publishing house of the magazine “Siberia”, 1997.

Attached files

film quest
"Remember me cheerfully..."
dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the birth of A. Vampilov
MBOU Irkutsk Secondary School No. 5
13.0013.30 Interactive in the lobby
Video “Alexander Vampilov and Irkutsk”.
In the foyer there is an exhibition of books dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the birth of A. Vampilov
(school library). The head of library No. 14 conducts a quiz on any topic,
associated with the life and work of the playwright.
1. In what regional center of the Irkutsk region was Alexander Valentinovich born?
a) Tulun
b) Kuitun
c) Cutulik
e) Kultuk
Answer: c) Kutulik (bag in Buryat)
2. What was the name of Vampilov’s first collection of stories?
a) “Confluence of events”
b) “Coincidence of circumstances”
c) "Acceptance of obligations"
e) “Use of evidence”
Answer: b) “Coincidence of circumstances”
3. At a seminar of one-act playwrights, Vampilov once presented his play under
a) “Twenty minutes with the devil”
b) “Twenty minutes with the devil”
c) “Twenty minutes with God knows who”
e) “Twenty minutes with an angel”
Answer: e) “Twenty minutes with an angel”
4. Under what pseudonym did Vampilov publish his first stories and essays?
a) Vanin
b) Valin
c) Sanin
d) Tomin
Answer: c) Sanin
5. What is the name of an essay dedicated to your native village, native school, friends?
a) “How are our poplars?”
b) “How are our birch trees?”
c) “How are our acacias?”
d) “How are all our people doing?”
Answer: c) “How are our acacias?”
6. The main role in the film directed by Melnikov “Elder Son”, based on the same name
play, played by People's Artist of Russia:
a) Andrey Mironov
b) Vyacheslav Tikhonov

c) Evgeny Leonov
d) Yuri Nikulin
Answer: c) Evgeny Leonov
7. The heroine of the play “Last Summer in Chulimsk,” named Valentina, throughout
repairs actions:
a) fence
b) roof
c) gate
d) gate
Answer: e) a gate; when asked why she does this, Valentina replies: “So that
was intact"
8. Vampilov’s first one-act comedy was called
a) “House with windows on the field”
b) “House with windows to the forest”
c) “Field near the house”
e) “The roof of your house”
Answer: a) “House with windows in the field”
9. The famous artist Oleg Dal in Soviet cinema played in the film based on “Duck
hunting" Vampilov:
a) Waiter
b) Kuzakova
c) Sayanina
d) Zilova
Answer: e) Zilov, the main character of the play
The winner is awarded a prize at the end of the entire event (on the stage of the hall). The prize is presented by
head of the school library (or library No. 14).

Volunteers conduct testing among spectators based on the biography of A. Vampilov (out of three
options in each question, select the correct answer).
Test questions:
1. Year of birth of A. Vampilov
A. 1927
B. 1931
V. 1937
2. After whom A. Vampilov was named Alexander
A. Pushkin
B. Green
B. Blok
3. Which higher educational institution in Irkutsk did A. Vampilov study at?
A. Irkutsk State University
B. Baikal State University of Economics and Law
V. Irkutsk State University of Railways and Communications
4. Which film based on the works of A. Vampilov was released first?
A. "Eldest son"
B. “Farewell in June”
B. “Vacation in September”

5. Which theater in Irkutsk is named after A. Vampilov
A. musical
B. dramatic
V. Theater for Young Spectators
6. Where did Vampilov spend his childhood?
A. Irkutsk
B. Kutulik
V. Ust - Ilimsk
7. What did Vampilov’s parents teach at school?
A. Russian language and literature
B. History
V. Mathematics
8. What hobby did Vampilov have?
A. Hunting
B. Numismatics
B. Fishing
9.What did Vampilov dream of?
A. About ensuring that his plays are understood and staged on stage
B. Find the love of your life
B. To become famous
10. How many children were there in the Vampilov family?
A. One
B. Three
At four
11. Who did the father dream of seeing his son?
A. Poet
B. Writer
V. Scientists
12. Arrange Vampilov’s works chronologically:
A. “Duck Hunt”
B. “Provincial jokes”
V. "Eldest Son"
G. “Farewell in June”
D. “Last summer in Chulimsk”
E. “House with windows on the field”
13. Name Vampilov’s pseudonym, which he used to sign his first
A. Lyzhin
B. Konkov
V. Sanin
14. What faculty did Vampilov study at?
A. Historicophilological
B. Historical
V. Philological
15. Which Irkutsk writer did Vampilov study at the same faculty with?
A. B. Shugaev

B.V. Rasputin
V. P. Reutsky
16. Which building was visible from the windows of the hostel where Vampilov lived (now this is the street
A. Kindergarten
B. Church
B. Planetarium
17. In which city did Vampilov continue his studies?
A. Prague
B. Moscow
In Paris
18. What did literary scholars call Vampilov?
"Great Writer of the 20th Century"
"The Great Playwright of the 20th Century"
"Great actor of the 20th century"
19. In what year did A. Vampilov die?
13.3014.30 Cinema - quest based on the works of A. Vampilov in the school assembly hall.
13.30 – 13.32. The music of E. Krylatov from the film “And It’s All About Him” sounds, and at this time on
on the screen of a video of Vampilov sailing in a boat, at the same time it sounds
poem by Nikolai Rubtsov, dedicated to Alexander Vampilov (performed by
student of class 6A Yakutov Igor):
I'll sail away on a boat,
Then I'll go on a cart,
Then on something like
Then on horseback
Then on foot
I'll walk down the street with a bag
And I will live among my people...
Next on the screen is a slide show of photographs from different years.
At the end of the performance, the presenters (AlyoshinAnpilogov Fedor and Kardova
On the screen is a photograph of A. Vampilov
Leading. Good evening, dear listeners. We are pleased to welcome you to the assembly
hall of our school. And today we are participants in a very significant event.
for all residents of the Angara region. This year we are widely celebrating the 80th anniversary of the Irkutsk
region, the 80th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding writer Valentin Rasputin and more
one important anniversary - 80 years since the birth of another of our illustrious fellow countrymen
- playwright Alexander Vampilov.
And now with Bayar Zhigmatov’s poem “Let’s Stand on Angara Land”

student of class 5B Anastasia Shinkareva speaking.
Today's movie quest is dedicated to the work of Alexander Vampilov.
And I am pleased to inform you that today there are honored guests in the hall:
library no. 14
In the history of Russian literature, Vampilov rightfully occupies a place on a par with such
playwrights like Gogol, Ostrovsky and Chekhov.
Presenter. And today’s meeting with you will take place in the form of dialogue and the path to it is
chosen through quizzes, competitions, testing, so that as many as possible
It’s from you to hear about the life and work of our fellow countryman. In this regard, in the foyer there was
A book exhibition was organized by the school library. Anyone could
take part in the quiz and answer questions about Vampilov’s work.
Testing for knowledge of the main events in life and work also took place in the foyer.
Alexandra Vampilova. And we are pleased to announce that the winners of these competitions and
Further rounds will reward you.
And now we will watch an excerpt from a scene from the non-knightly times of A. Vampilov under
called "Date". Performed by students of grade 7B Zakharenko Petr, Karabutov
Kirill, Ovsyannikova Valeria.
Leading. And continuing the conversation about the work of Alexander Vampilov, I think you are all with
I agree that most of us first became acquainted with his work
thanks to film adaptations of his plays.
So. We present to your attention a movie - a quest in which you will become
direct participants in the game program on knowledge of the most famous films
and attention to the first question. Which play by Vampilov begins with the episode: “On the street, near
bus stop, Tanya, a 19-year-old girl, is standing waiting for transport, reading
posters A final year student, a young man, is persistently trying to get to know her.
man 24 years old. Soon he explains that he promised to appear at the wedding of a friend with a beautiful
girl. Tanya is intrigued, but still refuses to join Kolya.” Who
will he say the name of the film?.. Absolutely right. This play “Farewell in June”...
The dramatization of an episode based on this play is performed by students of Medvedev's class 10A
Victoria, Kolesov Yuri, AleshinAnpilogov Fedor, Michal Ekaterina.
I ask those who gave the correct answer to rise...
Participants of the first block of the film quest take the stage
The screen saver is a poster for the film “Farewell in June”
Presenter In 2003, based on the play “Farewell in June” by Alexander Vampilov
director Sergei Lomkin is making a film under the same name. The play itself was
written in 1964 and first published in 1966. The events of the film have been transferred from

60s today, which indicates the relevance of the work. Film hero, young
the person whose name is... Please tell me:
A. Vasily Bukin
B. Nikolay Kolesov
V. Grigory Frolov
Presenter That's right, the main character's name is Nikolai Kolesov. According to the story, Nikolai,
faced with difficult life circumstances, must make a choice
whose fate and the fate of a loved one will depend.
And now the question:
What choice did the hero of the film have to make?
A. marry
b. get a divorce
V. abandon a loved one
Participants of the 1st round answer the question
Presenter And now turn your attention to the screen.
On the screen is a video from the film “Farewell in June” 3 min. 4 sec.
Presenter The correct answer is to abandon your loved one in the name of a career.
This film is about the ability to forgive, the ability to humble your selfishness and self-sacrifice. And to
to our deep satisfaction, the Hero makes the right choice.
Presentation of the prize to the winner of the 1st round
On the screen there is a quest poster
Presenter In the very heritage of the writer - his early stories, journalism, plays, one can
discover only an indirect connection with music - it manifests itself in stage directions, replicas,
quick notes or characteristics of some images and wears, at first glance,
formal, casual character. In the stage directions of the play “Duck Hunt”, where the mournful music
transforms into frivolous or whimsically alternates with it, a clear reflection
one of Vampilov’s famous and beloved works by Berlioz - his
“Fantastic Symphony”, more precisely – the main, cross-cutting theme, the theme of the beloved,
which appears first as a lyrical image, and in the finale acquires grotesque
traits. There are very few such examples that can be given.
A dramatization from A. Vampilov’s play “Duck Hunt” is performed by 11th grade students
Ilyin Andrey and Shishkina Ekaterina.
Screensaver – poster for the film “Vacation in September” based on the play “Duck Hunt”
Presenter By the way, the film “Vacation in September” based on the play by Alexander Vampilov “Duck
hunting" is one of the masterpieces of director Vitaly Melnikov. Filmed in 1979, it is eight
years, until perestroika it lay on the shelf. And I would like to note in the same way as for the actor
This was Oleg Dal’s best role and it’s a shame that the film was released after
death of the actor.
The image of the film's hero did not fit into the Soviet environment. Can there be a hero?
a cynic who drinks because of a “failed life” in quotes, regularly
cheating and throwing tantrums on his long-suffering meek wife Galina. Besides

Zilov decides to commit suicide. The truth is unknown: is he playing
this moment? After all, the phone rings and distracts Zilov from his ridiculous attempt.
Who among those present will say how this story begins?
In the hall they answer the question and are invited to the stage.
Presenter And now turn your attention to the screen.
Video from the film “Vacation in September” 3. 30
Presenter So, they bring a funeral wreath to Zilov. Who suggested sending Zilov a wreath?
A. Sayapin.
B. Kuzakov.
V. Kushak.
, to the one who answered the question correctly
a token is awarded.
The presenter Zilov is confused, he lies and sees neither purpose nor meaning in his existence.
He’s not happy about anything - not the child his wife is expecting, not the new apartment, not the creative
work. Accustomed to always making vile choices, guided by the immediate,
mercantile benefits, in the end, gradually loses that main moral
the basis of life, without which everything is nothing. What is this?
A. Alienation from real life and self-absorption.
B. Frank cynicism.
B. Repentance
Participants of the 2nd round answer
Presenter Heavenly Zilov is an immoral man who has lost his bearings and because of this
endlessly suffering, not understanding what is happening to him. Without being able to
to understand neither himself nor his life, tired of the burden of mistakes and lies, Zilov dreams
to finally be alone. Go duck hunting.
So what interests A Vampilov most in “Duck Hunt”?
A. Understanding the role of man in society.
B. The process of moral destruction of a person.
B. The spiritual idealism of the heroes.
Participants of the 2nd round answer the question. The winner of round 2 is awarded a prize.

Vampilov's leading repertoire of serious plays consisted mainly of adaptations for
guitars published in the popular “Guitar Player's Library” and other mass publications.
Among them, Spanish music occupied a special place. Many of Vampilov's fellow students
for the first time it was from him that they heard plays and the names of little-known composers in those years and
performers such as I. Albéniz, M. de Falla, P. Sarasate, F. Tárrega, A. Sigovia, E.
Granados.He dreamed of mastering at least some elements of the flamenco style
characteristic of Spanish music. In general, the Spanish theme is Vampilov’s riddle,
indeed, “where does the guy get his Spanish sadness?” Most likely its origins are in the early
youth, when for the first time a guitar came to life in his hands, and the musical lines of the self-instruction manual and
popular collections where plays by Spanish authors were published turned into
colorful melodies and fancy rhythms. The first creative experience not only brings
joy, but also creates addictions...

And now the romance “Wicket” will be performed, based on the poems of Alexander Vampilov. Performs
10th grade student Vladislav Vorobiev.
Presenter Before we continue the movie quest, I want to announce the winners of the test and
quizzes that took place in the lobby.
The winner of the school library prize competition was ___________________.
The winner of the Vampilov biography test was ______________________.

Presenter (reading a book). “The time of action is 1970. The action itself takes place in the taiga
district center early summer morning. Valentina, a slender, pretty girl
eighteen, heads to the tea shop where she works, and on the way inspects
the front garden in front of the house: again the boards of the fence were taken out, the gate was torn down. She inserts
boards, straightens the trampled grass and begins to repair the gate. Throughout
actions she does this several times, because for some reason passers-by prefer
walk straight along the lawn, bypassing the gate.” I'm sure many of you are familiar with the play.
This... Absolutely right - this is the play “Last Summer in Chulimsk”.
On the screen the screensaver is a poster from the film “Valentine” based on the play “Last Summer in
Presenter What did the heroine of the play answer when she was told that this was a futile exercise. What's on
did Valentina answer?
A. I still have nothing to do
B. My father punished me
B. Someday they will definitely understand and will walk on the sidewalk
Tour participants respond
Presenter Valentina is secretly in love and quite by accident confesses her feelings
to a person who couldn’t even imagine... What is there to assume! He's into it
hard to believe! But then suddenly she begins to feel something special for the girl: she
suddenly it becomes for him, as he says to the pharmacist who accidentally overheard their conversation
Kashkina, what she became for him, attention:
A. “a ray of light from behind the clouds”
B. “a ray of light in a dark kingdom”
V. "ray of hope"
Participants answer the question
Presenter And this leads to the next question. What was the name of the character for whom suddenly
Valentina became a “ray of light from behind the clouds”:
A. Pashka
B. Shamanov
V. Mechetkin
Participants answer the question
The presenter Pashka also has feelings for Valentina, it seems to him that he loves her and
wants to marry her. For him, Shamanov is a serious rival. Who appeared with
With threats, Shamanov advises Pashka to go and cool his head, and things start to get worse between them.

argument. Shamanov clearly wants a scandal, he hands Pashka his pistol and deliberately
teases him, informing him that he and Valentina have a date at ten o’clock and that
She loves him, Shamanov, but she doesn’t need Pashka. Pashka pulls the trigger in a rage
pistol So what happens next?
A. Misfire
B. Pashka wounds Shamanov
V. Shamanov kills Pashka
Tour participants answer the question
Presenter And now we will find out the correct answer to the question. Attention to the screen.
Video from the film “Valentina” based on the play “Last Summer in Chulimsk” – 3
min. 28 sec.
Presenter This was a fragment from the film “Valentine” based on the play “Last Summer in
Chulimsk" directed by Gleb Panfilov, in the role of Shamanov - Radion Nahapetov and how are you
everyone already understood the correct answer misfire.
The winner of the 3rd round is awarded a prize.
Poem by the people's poet of Buryatia Andrey Rumyantsev “I’m riding a horse...”
read by 5B grade student Yudasheva Nargiza
Screensaver – poster of the film “Eldest Son”
Presenter The film "The Eldest Son" based on the play of the same name by A. Vampilov - became a masterpiece
world cinema, whoever sees this film for the first time will never forget
fantastic game by Evgeny Leonov. I think that's why, since 1975, no one
The film directors did not try to re-shoot the plot.
Tell me, please, is “Eldest Son” a genre?
A. Case,
B. Paradox.
B. Anecdote.
Questions are answered in the auditorium. Those who answered correctly rise to
Presenter Let me remind you why the situation is anecdotal.
Two unlucky young people - student Vladimir Busygin and his random
friend Semyon Sevostyanov, nicknamed Silva, seeing off two girls with whom
just met in a cafe, home in the suburbs, hoping to continue
relationships. Having been refused, they run back to the station - and are late for the last one.
train. Finding themselves in a strange town on a cold autumn night, they try
ask to stay with someone for the night, but to no avail. In one of the windows they see their father and
son, vigorously sorting things out. To Vladimir, who accidentally overheard the conversation,
an adventurous idea comes to mind - to call himself the illegitimate son of the owner of the apartment and,
thus, solving the problem with dinner and overnight accommodation.

And now attention - the question: who came up with the version that Andrei Grigorievich Sarafanov
Busygin's father?
A. Busygin.
B. Silva.
V. Sarafanov.
The participants of the round answer, the one who answered correctly gets a token
The presenter of Sarafanov is...
A. A person who has preserved a child’s soul.
B. Loser.
B. An accomplished musician.
Tour participants answer the question
Presenter Andrey Grigorievich Sarafanov, musician clarinetist (plays in the club at dances
and in the cinema before the show), a kind-hearted man who raised his
two children, recognizes his illegitimate son as an unexpected guest. His reaction is like this
sincere and touching, that conscience awakens in Vladimir. Moreover, he himself grew up
without a father, and Sarafanov’s attitude makes him involuntarily feel mutual
feelings. He cannot respond with deceit to such boundless trust and unexpectedly
understands that the problems of this family, the existence of which he had not yet
I suspected he was not indifferent.
But still, Vladimir is forced to confess everything. However, having sincerely loved his
“eldest son,” Andrei Grigorievich forgives the deception: “You are all my children, because I
love you. Whether I'm good or bad, I love you. And this is the main thing.” Farewell Andrey
Gavrilovich gives a gift to his “eldest son.” What kind of gift is this?
Participants respond
Presenter. Attention to the screen.
Video from the film “The Eldest Son” 5 min. 30 sec.
Presenter (on Sarafanov’s line “We need to open the windows”) The winner of the 4th round of cinema is
The quest was the participant who said the box.
Awarding the winner of the 4th round
Host Our evening dedicated to A. Vampilov’s 80th birthday is coming to an end. And we wanted
would summarize it with a poem by the author of many books about Irkutsk and Irkutsk
The poem by Pyotr Reutsky “Remember me cheerfully” is performed by student 7 B
class Zakharenko Petr.
Presenter We thank everyone who took part in our program. For invaluable
for assistance in creating a script for the event, we express special gratitude to
Philharmonic Society of Irkutsk. We also say “thank you” to our friends and helpers,
Library No. 14.
Presenter Read and re-read Alexander Vampilov... Goodbye, see you again

Awarding certificates to the participants of the evening.