Art gallery in Prague famous artists. National Gallery

Prague is a city with a high concentration of interesting places, works of art and historical attractions. Almost every house, every lane, every square in the historical center has a rich history and its own collection of “interesting things”. But if you want to get to know the Czech capital even better and get acquainted with its masterpieces, visit the museums of Prague. There are plenty of them in Prague. Art connoisseurs, history buffs, and those looking for unusual sights will all be able to find something interesting for themselves. We have collected the most popular and interesting museums in Prague - choose and travel with benefit and pleasure!

Art galleries: where to get involved with art in Prague

National Gallery in Prague (Národní galerie v Praze)

The National Gallery in Prague is the second oldest gallery in Europe (only the Louvre is older than it!) The collection of works of fine art is extensive and is located in several ancient palaces in different parts of Prague. In fact, this is a whole complex of museums, and in each of them, not only the exhibition, but also the building itself is of interest. This is where the exhibition halls of the National Gallery in Prague are located: Kinsky Palace, St. Anezka Czech, Salmovsky Palace, Schwarzenberg Palace, Sternberg Palace, Wallenstein Manege, Exhibition Palace. Let's talk about some of these places separately.

Goltz-Kinsky Palace

The exquisite building in the Rococo style stands out with its intricate design, elegant pink facade and unusual location (the building is slightly “pushed forward” compared to neighboring buildings). We talk more about it in. The Golts-Kinsky Palace hosts exhibitions of drawings and graphics. There is also a National Gallery Information Centre, a café and a museum shop.

Address: Staroměstské náměstí 12, Prague 1 – Staré Město, 110 00
Operating mode: Tue.-Sun. 10.00-18.00

Monastery of St. Anezka Czech, National Gallery in Prague (Klášter sv. Anežky České)

The Gothic architectural complex was built in the 13th century for the monastery founded by Saint Anezka of Bohemia, who came from the princely family of Přemyslids. We also talk about the history of the monastery and the knightly order created under it in the story about the Square of the Crusaders in. Today, the monastery buildings house the exhibition of the National Gallery of Prague, which presents Czech and European art of the Middle Ages.

Operating mode: Tue.-Sun. 10.00-12.00
Address: Anežská 12, Prague 1 – Stare Město, 110 00

Sternberg Palace in Hradcany (Šternberský palác)

The beautiful Sternberg Palace also houses an exhibition at the National Gallery. This is quite natural, because the wealthy Sternberg family, which owned the palace from the end of the 16th century until the end of World War II, always patronized art. Josef Sternberg collected an excellent collection of paintings by famous artists. And today in the museum’s exhibition you can see works by Rembrandt, Goya, Rubens, El Greco and other masters.

Sternberg Palace is located on Hradcany Square, but is well “hidden” - to get inside, you need to go through the left wing of the Archbishop's Palace.

Operating mode


Salmovsky Palace

Another palace that houses the exhibitions of the National Gallery of Prague is Salmovsky. It is also located on Hradcanska Square. And it was also once owned by representatives of the Sternberg family - the large Latin letter S and the coat of arms in the form of a crown still remind of the family. Later, the palace changed several owners. Well, today this building hosts art exhibitions of the National Gallery.

Operating mode: Tue.-Sun. 10.00 – 18.00 (closed on Monday).
Children under 18 years old, as well as students under 26 years old, admission is free. Adult ticket – 300 CZK, reduced ticket – 150 CZK.
Address: Hradčanské náměstí 1, Prague 1 – Hradčany, 110 00

Schwarzenberg Palace (National Gallery, Schwarzenberský palác)

Another beautiful palace on Hradcany Square, and again the National Gallery of Prague! An amazing Renaissance building, completely covered with sgraffito paintings, is the Schwarzenberg Palace. It is unique in that it has largely retained its original appearance, characteristic of the Renaissance. The building was created in the middle of the 16th century, and originally it belonged to the Lobkowitsky family. And in the 18th century, the palace came into the possession of the wealthy Schwarzenberg family, who gave it its current name.

Operating mode: Tue.-Sun. 10.00 – 18.00 (closed on Monday).
Children under 18 years old, as well as students under 26 years old, admission is free. Adult ticket – 300 CZK, reduced ticket – 150 CZK.
Address: Hradčanske náměstí 2, Prague 1 – Hradčany, 110 00

Exhibition Palace (Museum of Modern Art, Fair Palace, Veletržní palác)

In ancient Prague there is a place (and even more than one!) in which contemporary art is also presented. The unusual name of this building is due to the fact that it once hosted fairs of product samples. The building in the functionalist style was erected in the 30s of the 20th century, then reconstructed after a big fire in 1974. Today it houses an exhibition of contemporary art from the Prague National Gallery.

Address: Dukelských hrdinů 47, Prague 7 – Holešovice, 170 00.
Operating mode: Tue.-Sun. 10.00 – 18.00; Mon. day off.
Ticket price: 300 CZK, preferential 150 CZK.

Alphonse Mucha Museum (Muchovo muzeum)

A real gift for fans of the Art Nouveau style in art. The museum's exhibition will help you become more familiar with the work of the legendary modernist, whose works decorate many of Prague's sights. In the museum you can not only view Mucha’s creations, but also “look” into his workshop, which was recreated using photographs and original furniture.

Address: Panská 7, Prague 1 – Nové Město, 11000

Prague Castle Picture Gallery (Obrazárna Pražského hradu, Rudolfova galerie)

The art gallery, created by Emperor Rudolf II at the end of the 16th century, is located in the northern part of the second courtyard of Prague Castle. The emperor was a passionate admirer and connoisseur of art and collected a unique collection of paintings and sculptures. True, only a small part of that collection has survived to our time - the Swedish troops, who plundered Prague Castle in the mid-17th century, took away most of these valuables, and the other part was transported to Vienna when the Habsburgs began to rule the country. And yet today there is something to see in the Prague Castle gallery. Today here you can see paintings by Titian, Rubens, Veronese and many other famous European artists.

Lapidarium of the National Museum (Lapidárium Národního muzea)

The name Lapidaria comes from the Latin lapis, meaning “stone”. The fact is that here are collected sculptural masterpieces that once adorned the streets and squares of Prague. Here the original monuments and sculptures are protected from the influence of nature. And the city itself today is decorated with their skillful copies. In particular, it is here that the originals of many Charles Bridge sculptures are kept.

House of the Black Madonna – Czech Cubist Museum

In the heart of the Old Town there is a building that stands out both for its appearance and content. In the house “At the Black Madonna” there is a Museum of Cubism, where you can see exhibitions of cubic paintings, statues, dishes and furniture. The delightful spiral staircase inside the house also deserves special attention. Well, the unusual name of the house is associated with a small sculpture of the Virgin Mary located outside. This house, by the way, is part of ours.

Opening hours: Thursday 10.00 – 19.00, Wednesday to Sunday – 10.00 – 18.00.
Address: No. 19, Ovocny trh, Prague 1

Kampa Museum (Museum of Contemporary Art)

History on the island of Kampa closely coexists with modernity. Once upon a time, the so-called Sova mills were located in this building (their owner was Vaclav, whose last name was Sova). And now in the picturesque park there is the Kampa Museum - a museum of modern art. The exhibits that you will see there may seem incomprehensible and contradictory, but they will definitely be remembered and will hardly leave you indifferent. The exhibition begins in the museum courtyard: for example, it is difficult not to notice the huge 6-meter “Chair on the Vltava”. Nearby, by the river, there is a remarkable sculptural composition “March of the Penguins across the Vltava River”. True, small yellow figures “march” not through, but along the river and, moreover, glow in the dark. There, in the park near the museum, you will not be able to pass by the huge faceless babies cast in bronze. These are the creations of the sculptor David Cherny, which at one time caused a lot of noise, like almost all the works of this author.

Address: U Sovových mlýnů 2, Prague 1 – Malá Strana, 118 00
Operating mode: 10.00 – 18.00.
Ticket price: 220 CZK, preferential – 110 CZK, family – 340 CZK.

Historical museums of Prague: traveling back in time

Prague Castle

Prague Castle is a unique castle complex, created back in the 9th century, the cultural, spiritual and political center of the Czech Republic. Prague Castle is included in the UNESCO list - the entire complex is a kind of museum and is of enormous historical and cultural value. In addition, inside Prague Castle there are several different museums and interesting exhibitions:

  • Prague Castle Picture Gallery(we have already mentioned it above);
  • Exposition “Svyatovitsky Treasures” in the Chapel of the Holy Cross(a unique treasury with valuable jewelry, relics, unique antique textiles and other artifacts from);
  • Exhibition "History of Prague Castle" in the Old Royal Palace;
  • Historical exhibitions in gunpowder Migulka Tower;
  • Reconstructed interiors Rozhemberg Palace;
  • Historical displays in the houses on the charming Golden Lane;
  • Exhibition of torture instruments in Daliborka Tower;
  • Toy Museum;
  • Art collection in Lobkowitz Palace.

Detailed information about opening hours, Prague Castle facilities, ticket prices, as well as tips for visiting the complex can be found on the description page.

Prague Tower Museum –Jindřišská věž Tower

The ancient Gothic tower is part of the Church of St. Hendrich. This is the tallest bell tower in Prague, which also houses Prague Towers Museum and a restaurant. While inside the Jindřiš Tower, you can listen to the amazing chimes - they play a beautiful melody every hour. The repertoire of these watches is so large that they say that no one has ever heard two identical compositions from them.

Address: Jindřišská, Prague 1 – Nové Město, 110 00
Opening hours: from November to March 10.00 – 18.00; from April to October 10.00 – 19.00.
Ticket price: 120 CZK, reduced price – 80 CZK, family ticket – 290 CZK.

Powder Tower (Prašná brána)

Inside the Gothic Powder Tower there is also a small museum where you can learn about the history of Prague and the life of the 14th century royal court. In addition, you can climb a spiral staircase of 186 steps to the observation deck of the tower, which offers a beautiful view of the Old Town.

Operating mode: from November to February 10.00 – 18.00; in March and October 10.00 – 20.00; from April to September 10.00 – 22.00. Entry closes 30 minutes before closing.

Our fascinating audio walk with the excursion “” begins from the Powder Tower - in it we tell a lot of interesting things about the tower and many other attractions of the Old Town.

Strahov Monastery

On the territory of the ancient Strahov Monastery there is Literary Museum and Strahov Art Gallery, which exhibits more than 1,500 paintings. In addition, on the territory of the monastery, the churches of St. Roch and the Ascension of the Virgin Mary, as well as the famous monastery library, whose history goes back 800 years!

Operating mode:

Art Gallery: 9.30 – 17.00, lunch break 11.30 – 12.00. Ticket price: 120 CZK, discount ticket: 60 CZK, family ticket: 200 CZK. Children under 6 years old have free admission.

Library: 9.00 – 17.00, lunch break 12.00 – 13.00. Ticket price is 100 CZK. Students under 27 years old – 50 CZK.

Address: Strahovské nádvoří 1/132, Prague 1 – Hradčany, 118 00

Our story ends at the Strahov Monastery - in it we tell many interesting stories and interesting facts about this and many other places in Prague.

Charles Bridge Museum (Muzeum Karlova mostu)

A museum on Crusader Square, entirely dedicated to one of the main attractions of Prague. The museum's exposition offers a look into the history of construction, examine the layout of the structure, and learn many interesting facts about its construction, as well as about its predecessor, the Judith Bridge. The building also houses a pleasant coffee shop.

If you travel with an iPhone, we invite you to! In it you can hear a lot of interesting things about the history of the bridge, the amazing bridge towers and statues that decorate it.

Military Museum in Prague (Army Museum, Armádní muzeum Žižkov)

The exhibition of the Army Museum illustrates the military history of the Czech Republic in the 20th century, starting from the period of the First World War. There is a collection of weapons, military medals and orders, military uniforms, as well as historical photographs, letters and many other exhibits that preserve the memory of the history of the Czech state.

Address: U Památníku 2, Prague 3 – Žižkov, 130 05

Jewish Museum (Židovské muzeum)

A museum complex telling about the history, culture, traditions and customs of the Jewish community of the Czech Republic. One of the oldest Jewish museums in the world with an extensive collection of 100,000 books and 40,000 religious objects. The exhibition is based on cult objects and artifacts collected by the Nazis during World War II with the aim of creating a “Museum of Non-Existent Peoples.” The museum periodically hosts concerts and thematic exhibitions.

Address: U Staré školy 1, Prague 1 – Josefov, 110 00

The museum's exhibitions are also located in the following facilities:

  • Robert Guttman Gallery (Praha 1, U Staré školy 3),
  • Information and reservation center (Praha 1, Maiselova 15),
  • Klaus Synagogue (Praha 1, U Starého hřbitova 3a),
  • Maiselova Synagogue (Praha 1, Maiselova 10),
  • Ceremonial Hall (Praha 1, U Starého hřbitova 3a),
  • Pinkas Synagogue (Praha 1, Široká 3),
  • Spanish Synagogue (Praha 1, Vězeňská 1),
  • Ancient Jewish cemetery (Praha 1, Široká 3).

Museum of Communism (Muzeum komunismu)

The museum's exposition will allow you to plunge into the era of the totalitarian regime, vividly recalling communist propaganda, the army, censorship and other aspects of life.

Opening hours: 9.00-21.00
Ticket price: 190 CZK, preferential 150 CZK.
Address: Na Příkopě 10, Prague 1 – Nové Město, 110 00

Prague museums that help expand your horizons

National Technical Museum (Národní technický muzeum)

The National Technical Museum of Prague has a rich history - it was founded back in 1908. Since then, over the course of many decades, he has accumulated his treasures - an interesting collection of exhibits that reveal developments in the engineering and technical fields, as well as in the fields of astronomy, transport, a wide variety of technologies, natural and exact sciences.

Address: Kostelní 42, Prague 7 – Holesovice, 170 00
Operating mode: Tue.-Fri. 9.00-17.30; Sat.-Sun. 10.00-18.00; Mon. day off.
Ticket price: 190 CZK, preferential 90 CZK, family 420 CZK.

National Museum (Národni muzeum)

Dominating Wenceslas Square, this beautiful late 19th-century neo-Renaissance structure is the main building of the National Museum of Prague. Until 2018, the building is undergoing a comprehensive reconstruction.

The National Museum is the main state museum of the Czech Republic, which owns five scientific institutes and museum complexes located in different parts of the city:

  • Museum of Natural History;
  • Historical Museum;
  • Naprstek Museum of Asian, African and American Cultures;
  • Museum of Czech Music;
  • Library of the National Museum with the exhibition of the Museum of Books.

The largest National Museum in the Czech Republic presents a variety of collections telling about the history of Bohemia and neighboring countries, as well as those related to paleontology, zoology, ethnography, numismatics, culture and other areas.

Main building of the Museum(under reconstruction until 2018): Václavské náměstí 68, Prague 1 – Nové Město, 110

Naprstek Museum – Museum of Asian, African and American Cultures (Náprstkovo muzeum asijských, afrických a amerických kultur)

The exhibition of the museum, located on Bethlehem Square (Betlémské náměstí) in the Old Town, is an interesting ethnographic collection collected by the traveler Vojta Naprstek (after whom the museum is named). In addition, the museum regularly hosts lectures and educational programs. The exhibition is part of the National Museum.

Address: Betlémské nám. 1, Prague 1 – Stare Město, 110 00

Operating mode: Tue.-Sun. 10.00 – 18.00, closed on Monday.

Czech Museum of Music – Museum of Musical Instruments (České muzeum hudby – Muzeum hudebních nástrojů)

The Museum of Music in Prague is located in the baroque building of the former Church of St. Mary Magdalene. The museum's collection includes about 400 unique musical instruments, each of which is of great value. In addition, concerts and thematic exhibitions are regularly held here. The Music Museum is part of the National Museum.

Address: Karmelitská 4, Prague 1 – Malá Strana, 118 00

Prague museums dedicated to famous personalities

Franz Kafka Museum

The Franz Kafka Museum is located in a brick building of a former factory. This is one of many places associated with the name of the famous 20th century writer, who was born, raised in Prague and spent most of his life here, the author of the works “The Trial”, “The Castle” and many others. In the halls of the museum you will see manuscripts of famous works, the writer’s diaries, photographs related to his life. As well as bright audiovisual works based on the plots of Kafka’s works.

Address: Cihelná 2b, Prague 1 – Malá Strana, 118 00
Opening hours: 10.00 – 18.00.
Ticket price is 200 CZK, discount ticket – 120 CZK, family ticket – 540 CZK.

Antonin Dvorak Museum (Muzeum Antonina Dvořáka)

The museum dedicated to the famous Czech composer Antonin Dvořák is located in the Michný Summer Palace (Michnův letohrádek). It is part of the National Museum. The exhibition tells about the life of the composer and his many travels, which Dvorak loved very much.

Address: Ke Karlovu 20, Prague 2 – Nové Město, 120 00

Bedřicha Smetany Museum

The museum, dedicated to the life and work of the great Czech composer Bedřich Smetana, is located in a beautiful location on the banks of the Vltava, not far from Charles Bridge, in a neo-Renaissance building.

Address: Novotneho lávka 1, Prague 1 – Staré Město, 110 00

Museum of W. A. ​​Mozart and the Dushekovs (Bertramka)

The great Mozart loved Prague very much, and Prague loved him. A grateful audience was always waiting for him here; he loved to visit and create here. The museum's exhibition will be of interest to anyone interested in the life and work of the composer - his personal belongings, manuscripts, posters, documents, and even part of the musician's hair are presented here. Concerts are regularly held within the walls of the museum, allowing you not only to remember the author, but also to enjoy his music. A visit to the museum will allow you not only to learn about Mozart’s life, but also to immerse yourself in his era. After all, the museum is located in an old estate with a beautiful park. It once belonged to the Dušek couple, with whom the composer often stayed when he came to Prague. By the way, it was here that he completed the famous opera “Don Giovanni”. And the world premiere of the opera took place at the Estates Theater in Prague (we talk more about it in a tour of the Old Town with an audio guide).

Address: Mozartova 169, Prague 5 – Smíchov, 150 00

The history of the National Gallery began its record in February 1796, when Prague was created Society of Patriotic Friends of Art. At its origins were the Kolovrats, Sternberks and Nostice as patriots from the ranks of the Czech nobility, as well as enlightened townspeople. This organization then established two important institutions: the Academy of Arts and the first public art gallery in Prague.

The National Gallery currently houses permanent exhibitions and organizes numerous exhibitions and cultural events.

Where are the main Prague exhibitions?

  • IN Sternberg Palace on Hradcany located collection of European art from antiquity to baroque. It features works by Tintoretto, Ribera, El Greco, Rubens, Van Dyck and Rembrandt, as well as one of Albrecht Dürer's most famous paintings, Feast of the Rose Wreaths (Feast of the Rosary).
  • IN monastery of St. Agnes of Bohemia V Old Town located exhibition of art of the Middle Ages and early Renaissance from the Czech Republic and Central Europe. In the authentic setting of the first Clara monastery in the Czech Republic, which was probably founded in 1231 by St. Agnes Bohemskaya, for example, unique panels from the workshop of Master Theodoric are presented, as well as the painting “Madonna and Child” by Lucas Cranach.
  • At the Schwarzenberg Palace on Hradcanska Square presented baroque art, for example, paintings by Hans von Aachen, Karl Skreta, Petr Brandl and Jan Kupecki. Pay your attention to the graphic cabinet with a unique collection of works by Vaclav Gollar and exhibition of applied art of the Baroque era from the collection Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts.
  • IN Exhibition Palace, in the first building in Prague built in the functionalist style, in 1928 the general public first saw "Slavic epic" Alphonse Mucha, which is still here today . Also presented here paintings, sculptures and applied art by Czech and foreign artists of the 20th and 21st centuries. You will discover works by the French Impressionists, Gustav Klimt, Oskar Kokoscht, Edvard Munch, Egon Schiele and Joan Miró.
  • On Old Town Square in Kinsky Palace, in the most beautiful Rococo building in Prague, presented art of Asia and the ancient Mediterranean.

...and two exhibitions outside Prague

The National Gallery has also prepared two expositions outside Prague. IN castle in Zdiar nad Sazavou there is a collection of Baroque art, and in Frištát Castle presented in Karvina Czech art of the 19th century.

The National Gallery organizes temporary exhibitions not only as accompanying events to permanent exhibitions, but also as Wallenstein arena on Malaya Strana. The Manege is located in the park of the early Baroque palace, which was built for Albrecht of Wallenstein by Italian architects Andrea Spezza and Nicolo Sebregondi.

It was opened to visitors in 1965. It occupies restored premises in the northern wing of the New Royal Palace, where the court stables were previously located.

The creation of the Art Gallery owes much to the passion of the Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II for collecting works of art. His interest in painting was formed under the influence of his closest relatives: his grandfather Ferdinand I, his father Maximilian II and his uncle, the Tyrolean Archduke Ferdinand II.

He hired professional agents and dealers who searched and acquired works of art throughout Europe, and made numerous orders abroad and to his court artists. For the rapidly growing collection, the Emperor commissioned the Italian architect D. Giardgioli to design a specially designed room.

Construction work began in 1585 and was completely completed by 1606. Along with paintings and graphics, the new halls housed an oriental collection, furniture and sculptures. The total number of works of art by Italian, Dutch and German masters was about 3,000 copies.

After the death of Rudolf II, the fate of the collection was tragic. His successor, Emperor Matthias, moved a significant part of the collection to Vienna. During the Thirty Years' War, part of the royal collection was appropriated by Maximilian of Bavaria, and the other part was captured by the Swedish army and sent to Stockholm.

The revival of the collection began in the second half of the 17th century. during the reign of Ferdinand III, who acquired the collections of Lord Buckingham and L. Ville. In the 18th century, many works of art left Prague Castle again: some of them were transferred to the Belvedere Palace in Vienna, while others were secretly sold to Dresden due to financial difficulties. But by the end of the century, Czech “patriotic friends of art” managed to achieve the return of some works of painting to Prague Castle on a lease basis.

The cultural losses of the gallery temporarily ceased only after the declaration of independence of the Czechoslovak Republic at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1930, new acquisitions of paintings by masters of the Czech Baroque and artists of the 19th-20th centuries were made at the expense of the Masaryk Foundation. In 1962, many valuable paintings again left Prague Castle: this time they joined the collection of the National Gallery. The final decision to create an independent art museum in Prague Castle was made only in 1965.

The modern exhibition of the oldest art gallery in the Czech Republic displays only 107 paintings and a few sculptures, selected from 4,000 works of art of Prague Castle. From the original collection, only a few works by masters of painting have survived. After the restoration of the hall according to the design of the architect B. Šipek, the paintings were placed in it according to the principle of art schools in different countries.

Visitors to the gallery have the opportunity, under its arches, to get acquainted with the history of painting, sculpture and the work of artists from the 14th century. At the beginning of the tour, they are greeted by a copy of the bust of the gallery’s founder, Rudolf II, by A. de Vries. In its halls are presented the paintings “The Dressing Room of a Young Lady” by Tiziano Vecellio, “The Centaur Nessus Abducts Deianira” by G. Reni, “The Assembly of the Olympian Gods” by P. Rubens, works by Theodoric of Prague, L. Cranach and P. Veronese. A significant place is occupied by the works of Czech Baroque artists J. Kupetsky, P. Brandl and some other masters.

Many wonderful works of graphics and painting. Decorative and applied arts and sculpture are concentrated in numerous architectural monuments of the Czech capital, which are part of the National Gallery in Prague.

As part of the National Gallery:

A single ticket is valid for all objects:

  • Standard - 300 CZK
  • Preferential - 150 CZK

Formation and development of the gallery

The history of the country's largest collection of works of fine art goes back more than two centuries. It began on February 5, 1796, when a group of art lovers organized the Patriotic Society of Friends of Art, the purpose of which was to preserve ancient examples of paintings, graphics and sculpture and to select the best modern works of art.

One of the declared main goals of the Society was artistic and aesthetic education and familiarization with art to the widest possible segments of the population. For this purpose, the direct predecessor of the modern largest national collection was created - the Czech-Moravian County Gallery. Since 1918, it has become the country's main art museum.

In 1902, the society created a second gallery - Contemporary Art of the Czech Kingdom, which included the personal collection of artistic works of Emperor Franz Joseph I. In 1942, the collections of these two galleries were combined into one. After the addition of the graphic collections of the National Museum and the University Library to it, the modern National Gallery was created by law in 1949.

Gallery exhibition structure

The extensive collection of paintings, drawings and sculpture is now housed in ten buildings located in Prague and beyond. In the halls of each branch, collections of works of art are exhibited, united by geography, genre, chronological or style and author.

The former complex exhibits medieval art from Central Europe and Bohemia. Interior of the monastery of the Clarices of the 14th century. fits perfectly with the exhibition unfolding here. Among the many interesting exhibits here are the Trebon and Vyšebrod altars, and works by Theodoric. A. Altdorfer, L. Cranach the Elder.

In Hradčany, the museum collection includes works of art from Antiquity to the heyday of the Baroque period. On the ground floor are exhibited paintings by Tuscan masters (B. Daddi, L. Monaco), the Venetian school (B. Vivarini), masterpieces of Mannerism (A. Aliori, A. Bronzino). A collection of icons from Eastern European countries is also displayed here. Paintings by El Greco, Goya, Rubens, and other 16th-18th-century painters are exhibited on the second floor.

The (Little Schwarzenberg) exhibits the art of the Czech Republic, Austria and Germany from the period of classicism and romanticism of the 19th century. Among the exhibits are sculptures and paintings by A. Masek, J. Navratil, K. D. Friedrich, K. Rottmann and other masters.

The main Renaissance building houses the permanent exhibition “Baroque in the Czech Republic”. Its halls display engravings and paintings by B. Spranger, P. Brundle, J. Merchant, sculpture by B. Brown and F. M. Brokoff. In the basement of the building there is an exhibition dedicated to decorative and applied arts, as well as a collection of weapons.

Since 2010, it has housed more than 13.5 thousand exhibits that make up the collection of art of the peoples of the East. Islamic ceramics and metal, Japanese prints and books, Chinese archaic art, Tibetan Buddhist statues - these and many other valuable exhibits form the core of the collection. The second floor of the palace displays ancient art from Mesopotamia, Egypt, Nubia, Assyria and many other countries and regions.

The building of the former stables of the Kinsky Palace houses an extensive collection of engravings and drawings. The collection stock consists of more than 320 thousand copies of artistic works of European peoples of the Middle Ages to the present day.

Contemporary art of the XX-XXI centuries. exhibited at the Exhibition Palace on Dukelje Heroes Street. About 2,000 works of art are displayed on an area of ​​13,500 m2. Among them are paintings by P. Picasso, O. Renoir, J. Braque, N. Klimt and many other masterpieces.

The Gallery uses space to organize temporary exhibitions. Two of its buildings are located outside of Prague. The first is the Lottihaus on Masaryk Square in Karvina Frištát. There is a small exhibition of 50 paintings and sculptures dedicated to Czech art of the early 19th century. Zdiar Castle nad Sazavou houses a collection of Baroque art within its walls.

The National Gallery's many and varied educational programs help adults and children better understand and appreciate the enduring value of the world's fine arts.

During the years of Nazi occupation, the gallery officially became known as the “Gallery of the Czech-Moravian Land”. In 1949, the modern National Gallery was officially created by law #148/1949.

In 1995, the newly renovated Exhibition Palace building was transferred to the National Gallery. It houses a collection of contemporary art. We'll start with the Exhibition Palace.

Exhibition Palace

Subjects: International art of the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries.

How to get there: By metro to Vltavska station (Vltavska) on line C (red). For a map of the Prague metro, see our article “”.

After exiting the metro, turn right and walk along the park. At the next intersection turn left onto Hermanovo Street, follow this street for 300 meters to the Exhibition Palace building. See the photo of the building in the first photo in this article, the interior in the second photo, click on the photo to enlarge.

: Unfortunately, there is nothing important nearby, except for the Parkhotel Praha, a popular tourist hotel.

The Exhibition Palace displays works by German and Austrian modernists: Gustav Klimt, Egon Schiele, Oskar Kokoschka, Emil Orlik; Norwegian master Edvard Munch; Russian masters Aristarkh Lentulov and Robert Falk; Spaniards Joan Miró, Anthony Tapies, Anthony Clavet.

The National Gallery is especially proud of contemporary French painting; the collection was expanded through the efforts of Vinzenz Kramar and President Tomas Masaryk. The French collection contains paintings by the famous: Auguste Rodin, Eugene Delacroix, Jean Camille Corot, Camille Pissarro, Pierre Auguste Renoir, Paul Cezanne, Paul Gauguin, Vincent Van Gogh, Georges Seurat.

Also in the Exhibition Hall are works by famous cubists: Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, Marc Chagall, Pierre Bonnard, Maurice de Vlaminck.

And, of course, works by the most famous Czechs: Alfons Mucha, Josef Vaclav Myslbek, Vojtěch Ginais, Maximillian Pirner, Frantisek Bilek.

In total, more than 2,000 works are presented in the Exhibition Hall. There is a separate exhibition of 21st century art.

The most interesting works: “Innocence” by Gustav Klimt, “Lovers” by Pierre Auguste Renoir, “Apple Trees” by Claude Monet. A particularly striking impression is made by Alphonse Mucha’s painting “The Slavic Epic,” assembled from 20 parts. See it in the photo above, click on the photo to enlarge.

Subjects: Art of Asia.

How to get there: By metro to Staromestska station, line A (green).

After exiting the metro, walk along Kaprova Street 250 meters in the direction opposite to car traffic. You will arrive at Old Town Square. The Kinski Palace is located to the left of the Tyn Church. Photo of the palace on the right, click to enlarge.

What attractions are nearby: Here on the Old Town Square there are also. If you follow the traffic from the Staromestska metro station and turn left at the first intersection, then after 300 meters you will come to.

The exhibition includes more than 13,000 works of art from China, Japan, Tibet, Korea and other countries of Southeast Asia, the Middle East and Africa.

Here you can see Chinese and Japanese ceramics, netsuke figurines, Tibetan tanka paintings, masks and sculptures, archaic art and much more.

This exhibition of the National Gallery is very similar to the Museum of Oriental Art in Moscow both in the size of the exhibition, and in composition, and in the style of the building and halls.

Subjects: Art in Bohemia from the Rudolf era to the Baroque.

How to get there: Located directly in front of the western gate of Prague Castle (Giant's Gate). Read more about the route here in our article “”.

What attractions are nearby: Prague Castle, .

The Schwarzenberg Palace houses 160 sculptures and 280 late Renaissance and Baroque paintings painted in Bohemia from the late 16th to the late 18th centuries.

Among others, we highlight the works of the Czechs Karel Skret and Petr Brandl, the Germans Hans von Aachen and Bartholomew Spranger.

Subjects: European art from antiquity to baroque.

How to get there: Located 50 meters north of the Schwarzenberg Palace. In front of the western gate (Giant's Gate) of Prague Castle. Read more about the route in our article “”.

What attractions are nearby: Prague Castle, .

The halls of the first floor of the Schwarzenberg Palace are dedicated to the collection of paintings from the 14th to 16th centuries from Konopiste Castle, which belonged to Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Here you can see paintings and icons by Tuscan artists Bernardo Daddi and Lorenzo Monaco; Venetians and Florentines Agnolo Bronzino and Alessandro Allori.

On the second floor, works by masters from the 16th to 18th centuries are exhibited. Here you will find works by Tintoretto, Jose de Ribera, Giovanni Tiepoloba, El Greco, Francisco Goya, Rubens, Anthony Van Dyck. Dutch painting is represented by Rembrandt, Frans Hals, Gerard Terborch, Salomon van Ruisdael, Jan van Goyen.

The office of Joseph Hoser, a famous collector and philanthropist who did a lot for the National Gallery, is open to visitors.

Anege Monastery (Convent of St. Agnes of Bohemia)

Subjects: Medieval art of Bohemia and Central Europe from 1200 to 1550.

How to get there: Take the Prague metro to Namesti Republiky station.

Next, we strongly recommend taking a taxi so as not to get lost in Prague’s many narrow streets. Tell the taxi driver the phrase “Anezka Czech Cluster”, he will understand the destination. The trip will cost about 50 Czech crowns. Read more in our article “”.

What attractions are nearby: There is nothing attractive for tourists nearby. Take a taxi and go to Old Town Square to see the Astronomical Clock, Tyn Church and other National Gallery exhibitions.

The exhibition on the ground floor shows the development of art in the Czech Republic, starting with icon painting and sculptures of the early 14th century. Icons, paintings, panels, and wood carvings are exhibited here. For many paintings, the author remains unknown; on the explanatory plate you can only see the approximate time and city of origin.

Don't try to see all the National Gallery exhibitions in one day or even two days. You will spend a lot of extra time on transport. Try to visit exhibitions together with other Prague attractions;

You can take photographs in the halls, but without flash;

Enjoy viewing the masterpieces in the National Gallery, and read our interesting articles about the Czech Republic ( links below).