Eduard Borisovich Abdullin: biography. Chapter II The state of general pedagogical training of teachers in a modern higher pedagogical school

E. B. Abdullin, E. V. Nikolaeva

Music Education Theory

Approved by the Educational and Methodological Association for Education in the field of teacher training as a textbook for students of higher educational institutions studying in the field of training 050100 - “Pedagogical education”, profile “Music”; 050100.62 – “Pedagogical education”, profiles “Music” and “Additional education”


L. A. Rapatskaya, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Candidate of Art History, Professor

A. V. Malinkovskaya, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Candidate of Art History, Professor

© E. B. Abdullin, E. V. Nikolaeva, 2013

© Prometheus Publishing House, 2013


In the proposed textbook, the theory of music education is presented as an independent university academic subject, which has its own subject area, categorical apparatus, range of problems, etc. At the same time, the task is set to reveal the picture of the current state of the theory of music education as a science through the prism of generalizing the collective experience of outstanding domestic ( first of all, D. B. Kabalevsky, and in the theory of art education - B. M. Nemensky) and foreign music teachers - researchers and practitioners.

To scientifically substantiate the theory of music education as an independent discipline, the fundamental principles of philosophy, cultural studies, art history, musicology, the theory of musical performance, music psychology and the psychology of music education, general pedagogy and psychology, and computer science are actively involved.

The theoretical problems discussed in the textbook cover various aspects of the content and process of music education. At the same time, the focus is on the personality and activities of the student, the music teacher and their interaction with the art of music.

The general theory of pedagogy contains very important and necessary theoretical principles for every teacher, applicable to all academic disciplines. At the same time, the theory of music education has its own specifics, its own laws, the knowledge of which is necessary for a musician for successful practical pedagogical work.

The content of the textbook presents the characteristics of various scientific positions in relation to the same problem under consideration. This approach contributes to the development of theoretical thinking and a reflexive critical (in the broad sense of this concept) attitude towards the problems of the theory and practice of music education, and the formation of one’s own professional position.

Each section of the textbook is accompanied by a set of questions and practical tasks, aimed both at identifying the quality of acquired knowledge and at an independent theoretical analysis of various, sometimes opposing, scientific positions of music teachers. Moreover, many of them involve an in-depth examination of one or another concept and their comparative analysis. Some tasks involve the study of specific musical pedagogical situations and possible ways to resolve them.

The appendices to the textbook present fragments from fundamental works in which various issues of the theory of music education are discussed.

Chapter 1. Theory of music education as an academic subject

To raise to a new, theoretically more conscious and practically more effective level the entire life of a comprehensive school and the entire system of training music pedagogical personnel.

D. B. Kabalevsky

1.1. The essence of music education theory

The problem of improving the professional level of specialists is becoming increasingly acute. Amateurism, the antithesis of professionalism, destroys the quality of any work, and this is especially dangerous and therefore unacceptable in pedagogical activities, since we are talking about the formation of a child’s personality and his education.

A future teacher-musician who wants to become a professional in his field must master theory of music education, without which achieving professional excellence is almost impossible.

The theory of music education considers the following aspects:

Provisions and patterns that reveal the possibilities of art and pedagogy in musical education, training and development of students;

The idea of ​​a child as a subject of music education;

Priority professional qualities of the personality of a teacher-musician;

A holistic model of the components of music education;

The essence, types and features of the professional activity of a music teacher.

In this textbook, the theory of music education is considered as an independent university subject. It reflects the current state of music education pedagogy, which, in turn, covers various aspects of theory and practice. At the same time, the authors set the task of characterizing the theory of music education based on a generalization of the collective experience of music teachers - researchers, outstanding masters of performing musical art, and practicing music teachers.

“Pedagogy of music education” as a scientific term

Currently, the term is widespread among music teachers music pedagogy. However, many scientists object to such terminology. Thus, the famous methodologist V.V. Kraevsky notes that “dozens of new “pedagogics” have appeared recently, among them: “theater pedagogy”, “museum pedagogy”, etc. The process began a long time ago, and now it has taken on a landslide character. "New pedagogies breed like rabbits, then scatter like cockroaches. If there are too many pedagogies, the meaning of the term itself, its categorical nature, is lost."

Researcher in the field of theory and methodology of musical training and education T. G. Mariupolskaya also believes that the term music pedagogy, like the terms art pedagogy, artistic and creative pedagogy, Strictly speaking, they are not correct from a scientific point of view. At the same time, the author believes that due to their widespread use among specialists involved in teaching music (painting, etc.), in some cases such terminological “symbioses” can be used.

This position in relation to the term music psychology G. M. Tsypin also shares this, noting that such a term “is not entirely correct. However, the widespread, one might say, traditional use in mass use (even textbooks with this name are published) to a certain extent justifies its use.”

In this textbook, in relation to music pedagogical science, as fundamental the term will be used pedagogy of music education.

Studying the theory of music education is impossible without revealing and assimilating the most important concepts, definitions, provisions, included in some mandatory musician teacher's thesaurus (terminological dictionary related to this science, subject of study).

Mastery for future music teachers professional a thesaurus of pedagogy related to the field of music education is one of the indicators of professionalism (in theoretical terms) of a teacher-musician, because it ensures the correctness (i.e. accuracy, correctness) of the use of special terminology, helps to analyze special literature on music education from a professional perspective , actively participate in the discussion of its pressing problems.

When starting to study the university academic discipline “Theory of Music Education”, you should pay special attention to the term musical education. In the modern interpretation, this term is considered as integrative, uniting musical education, training, and development.

Term musical education used in two meanings. IN in the narrow sense Musical education is understood as the cultivation, first of all, of certain personality traits of students - that is, this term is used primarily in the psychological aspect. IN in a broad sense – This is moral, aesthetic, artistic education.

Term music training also used in two meanings. IN in the narrow sense The words “musical education” mean the development of musical knowledge, skills and abilities by students. IN wide – this term, in addition to musical knowledge, abilities and skills, includes the experience of students’ emotional and value-based attitude to music and their musical and creative activities. This idea of ​​the content of training, as we see, is fundamentally different from the first one - it is much more complete and deeper.

Graduate of the Faculty of Music of Moscow State University. Soviet and Russian musicologist, methodologist. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor. Postgraduate and doctoral student of composer and teacher D.B. Kabalevsky. Advisor to the Secretary (Head) of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. Laureate of the Government of the Russian Federation Prize in the field of education, member of the New York Academy of Sciences, member of the Union of Composers of Russia, chairman of the dissertation council D212.154.13.

Abdullin Eduard Borisovich is one of the first graduates of the future music faculty of Moscow Pedagogical University named after V.I. Lenin (1964). He was recommended by the Department of Choral Singing and Conducting for full-time postgraduate studies at the university and accepted into it. In the same year, he was drafted into the army and became a choirmaster and conductor of the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Moscow Military District, led by People's Artist of the RSFSR, Colonel S.I. Babloev. This ensemble functioned as the only symphony orchestra in the world, mainly consisting of graduates of the Moscow Conservatory and the Gnessin Institute. With this orchestra E.B. Abdullin had the opportunity to conduct, including “Poem about Ukraine” by A. Alexandrov. The orchestral scores for many of the works performed were composed by private soldier, future author of the song “Victory Day,” David Tukhmanov.

After serving in the army, Abdullin returned to graduate school and at the same time created a children's choral studio "Melody" in Podolsk near Moscow, which a few years later became a laureate of the All-Union Arts Festival, a participant in the World Conference on Music Education, recorded more than 50 songs on records at the company “Melody” for school music lessons for children, performs with concerts in the Dome Cathedral in Riga, in the main Kiev Church in Kiev, in the Cathedral of St. Paul and Peter in the city of Kutna Hora and in the opera house in the city of Caslav (Czech Republic).

After defending his PhD thesis under the guidance of D.B. Kabalevsky, E.B. Abdullin became an assistant, senior teacher, associate professor of the department of singing and choral conducting at MPGI.

From 1974 to 1981, he took an active part in the creation of a new music program for secondary schools under the leadership of D.B. Kabalevsky, who headed the music laboratory of the Research Institute of Schools of the RSFSR MP, becomes deputy. the head responsible for experimental work on the program.

From 1977 to 1981 he hosted television programs “Music Lessons for the Teacher” on the All-Union Channel Four.

After completing his doctoral studies at MPGI E.B. Abdullin defended his doctoral dissertation in 1990, and in the same year, on the instructions of the rector of the institute V.L. Matrosova creates and until recently heads the country's first Department of Methodology and Methods of Teaching Music (now the Department of Methodology and Music-Pedagogical Technologies of Moscow State Pedagogical University).

E.B. Abdullin is the author of the scientific school “Methodology of Pedagogy of Music Education”; six doctoral and twenty-five candidate dissertations were defended under his leadership. Author of more than a hundred scientific works, including monographs, textbooks, articles in Higher Attestation Commission domestic and foreign publications. Laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of education, Member of the Union of Composers of Russia (department of musicology).

E.B. Abdullin is the head of the world’s only (since 2013) UNESCO department at Moscow State Pedagogical University “Musical art and lifelong education.” With his assistance, the following were created at the department: the UNESCO magazine “Musical Art and Education” (editor-in-chief, Prof. E.V. Nikolaeva) and the Scientific and Methodological Center “Psychology of Art in Education” (headed by Prof. A.V. Toropova) ; created and led for many years by D.B. was revived at the Russian level. Kabalevsky Russian national section of ISME (International Society for Music Education) ROSISME, currently headed by A.V. Toropova; heads the Educational and Methodological Commission on Music of the UMO for training personnel of pedagogical educational institutions at MPGU, member of the Academic Council of MPGU, Academician-Secretary of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Music Education of the International Academy of Sciences of Teacher Education, member of the New York Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Yakut national project “Music for All”. Since 2014, he has been leading the work of teachers of the UNESCO Department of Musical Art and Lifelong Education to create a new Music program for secondary schools in Yakutia.

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Eduard Borisovich Abdullin
basic information
Date of Birth
A country

Russia, Russia


Eduard Borisovich Abdullin(born August 12, 1940, Ufa) - Soviet and Russian methodologist, choirmaster, teacher. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor.


Postgraduate and doctoral student of composer and teacher D.B. Kabalevsky at Moscow Pedagogical State University (MPGU), majoring in Music Education. Since 1968 – teacher at Moscow State Pedagogical University. From 1974 to 1983, together with D. B. Kabalevsky, he created a music program for schoolchildren. Vice-President of the Russian National Section of the International Society for Music Education under the UNESCO Music Council (ROSISME).

Major works

  • Methodological analysis of the problems of music pedagogy in the higher education system.- M.: Prometheus, 1990.
  • Edward B. Abdullin. Music Education in the General School and the Preparation of Music Teachers in Russia. - Moscow, 1996.
  • Music Education Theory(together with E. V. Nikolaeva). - M.: Academy, 2004. ISBN 5-7695-1671-2
  • Eduard Abdullin, Elena Nikolaeva. Music Pedagogical Education in Russia between 20th and 21st Centuries.- Moscow, 2005.
  • Methods of music education(together with E. V. Nikolaeva). - M.: Music, 2006. ISBN 5-7140-0648-8
  • Methodology of music education pedagogy. Scientific school of E. B. Abdullin.(Ed.) - M., 2008. ISBN 5-7695-3659-4
  • Methodology of music education pedagogy. Ed. 3rd, rev. and additional - M., 2010.


  • Who is Who in Russia. - Who is who Verlag für Personenzyklopädien AG, Schweiz.

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An excerpt characterizing Abdullin, Eduard Borisovich

Prince Andrei suddenly felt pain from something. The day was so good, the sun was so bright, everything around was so cheerful; and this thin and pretty girl did not know and did not want to know about his existence and was content and happy with some kind of separate, certainly stupid, but cheerful and happy life. “Why is she so happy? what is she thinking about! Not about the military regulations, not about the structure of the Ryazan quitrents. What is she thinking about? And what makes her happy?” Prince Andrei involuntarily asked himself with curiosity.
Count Ilya Andreich in 1809 lived in Otradnoye still as before, that is, hosting almost the entire province, with hunts, theaters, dinners and musicians. He, like any new guest, was glad to see Prince Andrei, and almost forcibly left him to spend the night.
Throughout the boring day, during which Prince Andrei was occupied by the senior hosts and the most honorable of the guests, with whom the old count's house was full on the occasion of the approaching name day, Bolkonsky, looking several times at Natasha, who was laughing and having fun among the other young half of the company, kept asking himself: “What is she thinking about? Why is she so happy!”
In the evening, left alone in a new place, he could not fall asleep for a long time. He read, then put out the candle and lit it again. It was hot in the room with the shutters closed from the inside. He was annoyed with this stupid old man (as he called Rostov), ​​who detained him, assuring him that the necessary papers in the city had not yet been delivered, and he was annoyed with himself for staying.
Prince Andrei stood up and went to the window to open it. As soon as he opened the shutters, moonlight, as if he had been on guard at the window for a long time waiting for it, rushed into the room. He opened the window. The night was fresh and still bright. Just in front of the window there was a row of trimmed trees, black on one side and silvery lit on the other. Under the trees there was some kind of lush, wet, curly vegetation with silvery leaves and stems here and there. Further behind the black trees there was some kind of roof shining with dew, to the right a large curly tree, with a bright white trunk and branches, and above it was an almost full moon in a bright, almost starless spring sky. Prince Andrei leaned his elbows on the window and his eyes stopped at this sky.
Eduard Borisovich Abdullin
basic information
Birth name

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Full name

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Date of Birth
Date of death

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A place of death

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Years of activity

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A country

USSR 22x20px USSR
Russia 22x20px Russia

Singing voice

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Eduard Borisovich Abdullin(genus. 12th of August 1940 , Ufa) - Soviet and Russian methodologist, choirmaster, teacher. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences , Professor.


Graduate student And doctoral student composer and teacher D.B. Kabalevsky V Moscow Pedagogical State University (MPGU) by specialty Musical education. Since 1968 – teacher at Moscow State Pedagogical University. From 1974 to 1983, together with D. B. Kabalevsky, he created a music program for schoolchildren. Vice-President of the Russian National Section International Society for Music Education under the UNESCO Music Council(ROSISME).

Major works

  • Methodological analysis of the problems of music pedagogy in the higher education system.- M.: Prometheus, 1990.
  • Edward B. Abdullin. Music Education in the General School and the Preparation of Music Teachers in Russia. - Moscow, 1996.
  • Music Education Theory(together with E. V. Nikolaeva). - M.: Academy, 2004. ISBN 5-7695-1671-2
  • Eduard Abdullin, Elena Nikolaeva. Music Pedagogical Education in Russia between 20th and 21st Centuries.- Moscow, 2005.
  • Methods of music education(together with E. V. Nikolaeva). - M.: Music, 2006. ISBN 5-7140-0648-8
  • Methodology of music education pedagogy. Scientific school of E. B. Abdullin.(Ed.) - M., 2008. ISBN 5-7695-3659-4
  • Methodology of music education pedagogy. Ed. 3rd, rev. and additional - M., 2010.


  • Who is Who in Russia. - Who is who Verlag für Personenzyklopädien AG, Schweiz.

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An excerpt characterizing Abdullin, Eduard Borisovich

– Lies, murder, betrayal... Don’t you have such words?..
– It was a long time ago... no one remembers anymore. Just me. But we know what it was. This is embedded in our “ancient memory” so that we never forget. Have you come from where evil lives?
I nodded sadly. I was very upset for my native Earth, and for the fact that life on it was so wildly imperfect that it forced me to ask such questions... But, at the same time, I really wanted Evil to leave our Home forever, because that I loved this house with all my heart, and very often dreamed that someday such a wonderful day would come when:
a person will smile with joy, knowing that people can only bring him good...
when a lonely girl will not be afraid to walk through the darkest street in the evening, without fear that someone will offend her...
when you can joyfully open your heart without fear that your best friend will betray you...
when you can leave something very expensive right on the street, without fear that if you turn your back, it will be stolen right away...
And I sincerely, with all my heart, believed that somewhere there really was such a wonderful world, where there is no evil and fear, but there is a simple joy of life and beauty... That is why, following my naive dream, I took the slightest opportunity to at least learn something about how it is possible to destroy this same, so tenacious and so indestructible, our earthly Evil... And also - so that I will never be ashamed to say to someone somewhere that I am a Man. ..
Of course, these were naive childhood dreams... But then I was still just a child.
– My name is Atis, Man-Svetlana. I have lived here from the very beginning, I have seen Evil... A lot of evil...
- How did you get rid of him, wise Atis?! Did someone help you?.. – I asked hopefully. – Can you help us?.. Give me at least some advice?
- We found the reason... And killed her. But your evil is beyond our control. It is different... Just like others and you. And the good of others may not always be good for you. You must find your own reason. And destroy it,” he gently put his hand on my head and a wonderful peace flowed into me... “Farewell, Man-Svetlana... You will find the answer to your question.” May you rest...