Twenty thousand spectators will come to the parade of cadets on Poklonnaya Hill. The capital's cadets will parade along Poklonnaya Hill. The capital's cadet movement is growing every year.

Parade of cadets entitled “The connection between generations will not be interrupted!” will be held on May 6 on Poklonnaya Hill. The initiator of organizing the celebration was the capital's Department of Education. It will be dedicated to the seventy-third anniversary of the Great Victory. Members of the capital's Cadet Movement will take part in it.

It is planned that forty-five cadet squads, which consist of two and a half thousand young guys, will participate in the celebration. They were given the honor of carrying a copy of the Victory Banner, received from veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Also, the key event of the Cadet Movement parade will be the performance of the anthem of the capital of the Russian Federation by all participants and spectators.

A parade of cadets will be held on Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow on May 6

The event is scheduled for noon. The cadets, in addition to the Victory Banner, will carry the flags of the Russian Federation, the flag of Moscow, as well as the banner of the Moscow Cadet Movement to the square on Poklonnaya Hill. But, before the ceremonial part, a lesson will be held for school cadets entitled “The History of Victory.”

Everyone will be able to watch the action and take part in the mass event. This kind of cadet procession in the capital will be held for the fourth time this year. In particular, teachers, schoolchildren, and parents of the main participants in the procession will come to watch the parade. Also invited to see the young heirs of the winners are veterans of the Great Patriotic War, Heroes of the Fatherland, representatives of law enforcement agencies, city authorities, as well as representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church. It is expected that about twenty thousand people will be able to participate in the event. As you know, May 6 is the Day of the Flag and Coat of Arms of Moscow.

The founder of the capital's cadet movement is the Moscow Department of Education

The capital's Cadet movement is developing thanks to the city project of pre-professional education. Classes for future cadets were organized in 2015. Since its founding, the movement has been actively developing. Moscow schools strongly support the Cadet movement. At the time it began, about seventy classes were created, but by 2018, their number exceeded 170. This indicates its great popularity among young people.

The organizers say that the parade “The connection between generations will not be interrupted” should be primarily educational and educational in nature for its participants. The cadets also count on the support of the audience. During the celebration, it is planned to sing the Moscow anthem by all those present. That is, if twenty thousand people start singing at the same time, it will become a truly grandiose event in the capital. According to tradition, they plan to end the parade with the launch of doves, and, of course, laying flowers at the “Fire of Memory and Glory”

The capital's cadet movement is growing every year

Today there are about fifteen thousand cadets in the capital. Most of them study in special classes. It is quite difficult to get there, as a very careful selection is carried out. At the appointment, not only physical fitness and health are taken into account. In addition to good physical characteristics, the cadet must excel in learning. Also important is the child’s clear professional orientation.

In the future, cadets will be able to devote themselves to a military career or work in government enterprises. Recruitment is carried out starting from the seventh grade. In the current academic year, the competition for cadet classes was very large. Three and a half thousand people applied for one place. Every year, young defenders of the Motherland confirm their high status. For example, the winners of the federal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren were the participants of the capital’s cadet classes. And according to the GTO standards, 4,600 cadets received gold and silver insignia. Thanks to such high achievements, the size of the cadet corps increases every year.

The parade of the cadet movement “The connection between generations will not be interrupted!”, dedicated to the 73rd anniversary of the Great Victory, began exactly at noon. Before this, its participants attended the interactive lesson “History of Victory” at the Victory Museum.

More than 2.5 thousand cadets marched in parade formation along the paving stones of Poklonnaya Hill. The State Flag of Russia, the flag of Moscow and the flag of the Moscow cadet movement, presented to the cadets by the Mayor of Moscow and illuminated by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill, were brought to the square. For the first time at the parade, cadets carried a copy of the Victory Banner, presented to them on February 19, 2018 by veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

Participants of the parade “The connection between generations will not be interrupted” were welcomed by the Mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin:

“Holding a parade of Moscow cadets on the eve of Victory Day has become a good tradition. Where the cadets are, there is victory! You express yourself brightly in studies, sports, and creativity. You actively participate in the public life of the city, stand guard of honor at the Fire of Memory and Glory on Poklonnaya Hill. Cadet parade crews print a step on the paving stones of Red Square at the ceremonial march on November 7, dedicated to the legendary parade. Moscow cadets represent courage and dignity, discipline and bearing, a healthy and active lifestyle, honesty and patriotism.”

Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill:

“It is with special feeling that I address you on the Day of the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious. By gathering together on this day, you express your readiness not only to love your Motherland, but also your readiness to defend your Motherland, to follow the paths taken by your fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, who accomplished great feats and defeated a terrible enemy. By becoming cadets, you have already won an important victory - over yourself. You have chosen service to your Motherland as your ideal. I wish you success in this difficult and noble task.”

Chairman of the Moscow City Council of Veterans, Honorary Citizen of the City of Moscow:

“Our generation has gone through a difficult path; we have had to experience both the bitterness of heavy losses and the joy of the Great Victory. We deserved it honestly, we went to it without thinking about the fact that we were in danger of death. We must not forget what a huge price was paid for this Victory. Today, the memory of her unites us all, regardless of age, profession, or political leanings. And your sacred duty is to preserve this memory. It is the main strength of our country.”

The cadet parade on May 6, 2018 was marked by a particularly bright and large-scale event - 24,500 people sang the Moscow anthem in chorus, setting a record in Russia and Europe. At the ceremonial presentation of the “Book of Records of Russia” diploma to the parade participants, the Chairman of the Moscow City Duma, the “UNITED RUSSIA” faction, delivered a welcoming speech:

“Promotions like today bring generations together. The cadet parade brings together young men and women who plan to connect their destiny with serving the Fatherland. And the most significant guests of the event are our veterans, whose lives are an inspiring example of selfless and selfless love for the Motherland. I am confident that the students of cadet classes, schools, and colleges will become a worthy successor to the generation of winners, the pride and support of our state, and will sacredly preserve military traditions. Including songs with which our country has won before and with which we will definitely achieve new victories.”

The solemn event ended with the laying of flowers at the “Fire of Memory and Glory.”

05/06/2018. IV Moscow Cadet Parade “The connection between generations will not be interrupted!” .

Chairman of the Moscow City Duma Commission on Social Policy and Labor Relations, Chairman of the Moscow Federation of Trade Unions, "UNITED RUSSIA" faction:

Currently, 15 thousand schoolchildren are enrolled in cadet education in Moscow. Of these, 12.5 thousand are studying in cadet classes of 168 schools of the Moscow Department of Education system and 2.5 thousand people in 5 cadet educational organizations of other departmental subordination.

In 2014, the Moscow Government commissioned new educational and sports buildings of the First Moscow Cadet Corps with a total area of ​​more than 20 thousand square meters. The corps has become the most modern cadet educational organization, which has no analogues in Russia.

Cadet classes carry out educational activities on a full-time basis from grades 7 to 11. The selection of children is carried out taking into account academic success, the state of physical development and health, and the degree of orientation towards further choice of a profession as a military or civil servant. The competition for enrollment in cadet classes in the 2017-2018 academic year was 3.5 people per place.

Over 90% of graduates enter universities in the Russian Federation, including more than 65% into universities of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and other law enforcement ministries and departments. Every year, Moscow cadets take part in all major city patriotic events.

Today, May 6, in Moscow and other regions of Russia, Volunteer Day was held for the third time - an annual tradition established by the Union of Donbass Volunteers.

In Moscow, Volunteer Day began with a gathering on Poklonnaya Hill, at the monument to the Heroes of the First World War. After the formation, the Head of the Union of Donbass Volunteers, Alexander Borodai, addressed all those gathered with a welcoming speech:
“On this day we gather together and remember those who fell in the fight for Russia and for Russian interests, for our Motherland. Those who fell in Transnistria, Abkhazia, Chechnya and other hot spots, and, of course, above all, those who died in Donbass. We also remember those who are still continuing to fulfill their duty there, our volunteers - and they are there. This is not just memory, but also readiness for action. On this day we confirm it. Russian volunteers will still be very, very useful to our Motherland. Great historical events lie ahead, and Russian volunteers will in the very near future play a big role in the destinies of our Motherland, our country. To put it simply, I want to tell you: “Friends, it smells like a big war.” Our country is in a difficult situation: there is a threat from almost all sides. If we fail to do anything, if we fail to shoot, then who will be able to do something? Since the times of Minin and Pozharsky, Russia has rested not only on state institutions, not only on the strength of power, but also on the spirit of the Russian people, who were and are now ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of their homeland. I am sure that such people are now standing in this ranks. You all are like that. We are all like that. So let’s gather our strength and be ready to act at any moment,” said the Head of the Union of Donbass Volunteers, Alexander Borodai.

After the welcoming speech, volunteers in a column, with the flags of the young Republics, began to move from the Monument to the Heroes of the First World War to the Monument “We were together in the fight against fascism.” Visitors to the Park greeted the heroes of Donbass, smiled, took photographs, and told their children who the volunteers were.

Volunteer Day is not only a holiday, but also a day of remembrance for all fallen volunteer soldiers who fought and defended the interests of their Motherland, defenders of civilians. Day of remembrance of all those who fought with us in the same ranks, who covered our backs, who ate with us from the same pot, bandaged us on the battlefield, and carried us to the hospital under fire. All those who were cared for in hospitals and clinics, provided with medicines and food, provided units with everything they needed, and helped remove civilians from shelling. All those who died, were wounded and maimed, those who still remain in service.

At the monument with the symbolic name “We were together in the fight against fascism,” an honorary presentation of “Donbass Volunteer Cross” badges to soldiers who took part in the defense of the Russian people in the South-East of the former Ukraine took place. At the end, the defenders of the civilian population of the young Republics laid flowers.

After the official part, a festive banquet was held in a friendly atmosphere, where comrades in arms were able to communicate informally.

Despite the cloudy day, the holiday turned out to be very bright and warm. There will be a Volunteer Day!

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The parade of the Cadet Movement “The connection of generations will not be interrupted!”, dedicated to the 73rd anniversary of the Great Victory, will be held on Poklonnaya Hill on May 6, the Day of St. George the Victorious, the Day of the Coat of Arms and Flag of the city of Moscow. During the Parade, 15 thousand people will simultaneously sing the Moscow Anthem.

The parade of the Moscow Cadet Movement will begin exactly at noon, and from 9:00 Moscow high school students will take part in an interactive lesson “History of Victory” in the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. More than 2.5 thousand cadets. A ceremonial passage is planned in the main part of the Parade 45 parade crew cadets . The Flag of Russia, the Flag of Moscow and the Flag of the Cadet Movement of Moscow, which was presented to the cadets by the Mayor of Moscow and illuminated by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill, will be brought to Poklonnaya Gora Square. For the first time at the Parade, cadets - the heirs of the winners - will carry a copy of the Victory Banner, presented to Moscow cadets on February 19, 2018 by veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

The event will traditionally end with the launching of doves and the laying of flowers at the “Fire of Memory and Glory”.

Veterans, Heroes of the Fatherland, representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church, legislative and executive authorities, law enforcement agencies and public organizations, teachers, schoolchildren, their parents and grandparents are invited to the event.

In total, more than 20 thousand people are planned to participate in the ceremony.

Parade date and location:

Poklonnaya Hill, Pobediteley Square in front of the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

8-499-369-75-25, 8-495-365-04-52, 8-916-665-13-93

/ Thursday, April 26, 2018 /

Topics: Church Day of the Coat of Arms and Flag of Moscow

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Date and location of the Parade: May 6, 2018 at 11.00, Poklonnaya Gora, Pobediteley Square in front of the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

More than 2.5 thousand cadets will march solemnly at the parade, which will take place on May 6 on Poklonnaya Hill next to the Victory Museum. This was reported by the press service of the museum.

. . . . . The parade will begin exactly at noon, and before that, Moscow high school students will attend an interactive lesson “History of Victory” in the museum ", the message says.

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In total, more than 20 thousand people will take part in the solemn event, including veterans of the Great Patriotic War, representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church, legislative and executive authorities, law enforcement agencies and public organizations, teachers, schoolchildren and their parents.

More than 2.5 thousand cadets will take part in the parade of the cadet movement “The connection between generations will not be interrupted!”, which will take place on May 6 on Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow. . . . . . The parade of the Moscow cadet movement will begin exactly at noon. . . . . .

In turn, Deputy Head of the Moscow Department of Education Igor Pavlov added that the key event of the parade will be the performance of the Moscow anthem by participants and spectators.

“This year, at the parade itself, it is planned that the Moscow anthem will be performed by everyone, not only the participants, but also the spectators. That is, we assume that this year at the parade 15 thousand people will simultaneously sing the anthem of the capital of our Motherland. And this should be one of the key events of this parade", - noted I. Pavlov.

The flags of Russia, Moscow and the Moscow cadet movement will be placed on Poklonnaya Gora Square. . . . . . In total, it is planned that about 20 thousand people will gather at the event.

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About the Parade of the Moscow Cadet Movement "The connection between generations will not be interrupted!" were told at a press conference organized by the capital’s Department of Education on Thursday, April 26. The parade of cadets on Poklonnaya Hill will take place this year for the 4th time.

More than 2.5 thousand cadets will take part in the event dedicated to the 73rd anniversary of the Great Victory, which will be held on Poklonnaya Hill on May 6.

It is symbolic that the parade of the cadet movement will take place on the Day of St. George the Victorious, the Day of the Coat of Arms and Flag of Moscow. Its key event will be the performance of the Moscow Anthem by parade participants and spectators.

. . . . . That is, 15 thousand people will simultaneously sing the anthem of the capital of our Motherland. And this should become one of the key events of this parade,” said Igor Pavlov, deputy head of the capital’s education department.

The event is scheduled for noon. In the main part of the parade, a ceremonial march of forty-five parade squads of cadets along the paving stones is planned.

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The main event of the Cadet Movement Parade “The connection between generations will not be interrupted!”, which will take place on Poklonnaya Hill on May 6, will be the performance of the Moscow Anthem. Deputy Head of the Moscow Department of Education Igor Pavlov announced this on April 26 at a press conference at the Information Center of the Moscow Government.
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A parade of the cadet movement “The connection between generations will not be interrupted!” will take place on Poklonnaya Hill.

At a press conference organized by the capital’s Department of Education, it was announced that the 4th Parade of the Moscow Cadet Movement “The connection of generations will not be interrupted!” will be held on Poklonnaya Hill. The event will be dedicated to the 73rd anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War. More than 2.5 thousand cadets will take part in the Parade, which will take place on May 6. The day of the Parade coincided with the Day of St. George the Victorious, the Day of the Coat of Arms and Flag of Moscow. . . . . . Stay up to date with the news, subscribe to our Telegram -

Parade of the capital's Cadet movement "The connection between generations will not be interrupted!" will take place on May 6. It will be dedicated to the 73rd anniversary of the Great Victory. Deputy Head of the Moscow Department of Education Igor Pavlov spoke about this at a press conference.

The ceremonial parade will begin at exactly noon, 45 cadet teams will take part in it, and two and a half thousand children will walk along the paving stones. For the first time this year, cadets will carry a copy of the Victory Banner, which was presented to them by veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

Parents, students, and teachers will be able to watch the parade. It is planned that in total about 20 thousand people will take part in the celebration. By the way, the Parade will take place on the Day of the Flag and Coat of Arms of Moscow. One of the key events of the holiday will be the performance of the capital's anthem.

- The development of the cadet movement in Moscow is being implemented within the framework of the city project of pre-professional education. Cadet classes were opened in 2015. It is gratifying that over the years the project of cadet classes at the Moscow school has been actively developing. If in 2015 there were 70 such classes, then in 2017-2018 there are already 168 organizations with cadet classes in their structure, - noted Igor Pavlov.- For the cadets, the parade is educational and educational in nature. This year, it is planned that the Moscow anthem will be performed by all those gathered: not only the participants, but also the spectators, that is, we assume that 15 thousand people will sing the anthem at the same time, and this should become one of the key events of this parade.

Today there are about 15 thousand cadets in the capital. 12.5 thousand of them study in cadet classes. They enroll children who plan to connect their lives with the profession of a military or civil servant. When applying for admission, the child’s academic performance and health status are important. This academic year, the competition for one place in the cadet class was approximately 3.5 people per place. You can become a cadet in a capital school starting from the 7th grade.