What does the Greek name Eugene mean for a girl? Evgeniy name meaning - character and destiny

Meaning and origin: noble (Greek).

Energy and Karma:

In general, the energy of the name is quite calm, it clearly shows a tendency towards good nature and balanced mobility.

It’s unlikely that little Zhenya will be too restless, but you can’t call him quiet either. Most often, this balance between mobility and calmness remains with him throughout his life. Despite the softness of the name, there is still a certain impulsiveness, the ability to respond to any irritation, but in combination with other qualities, this will most likely find its manifestation in Evgeniy’s irony. He is not a supporter of forceful methods of resolving disputes, and he often sees inner intelligence as the ideal of human qualities. Meanwhile, sometimes he becomes capable of a decisive act, even a feat, but having accomplished it, he himself can subsequently be surprised for a long time by this fact. Secrets of communication:

Often, Eugene’s poise allows those around him to easily win him over to their side, which can be falsely perceived as weak-willed. This is far from the case, and such an illusion quickly dissipates when Eugene’s interests are affected. Having entered into a confrontation with him, first of all one should be wary not of any decisive actions, but of his significant reserves of irony.

  • Zodiac sign: Taurus.
  • Planet: Mercury.
  • Name colors: white, sometimes silver and blue.
  • Talisman stone: ruby, jasper.

Meaning of the name Evgeniy option 2

1.Personality. Living in two worlds.

2. Character. 89%.

3. Radiation. 80%.

4. Vibration. 69,000 vibrations/s.

5. Color. Blue.

6. Main features. Excitability - receptivity - intuition.

7. Totem plant. Digitalis.

8. Totem animal. Sea Horse.

9. Sign. Aquarius.

10. Type. These men are sometimes nervous and sentimental. Their psyche is reminiscent of their totem - a seahorse, which seems to be sleeping in the water, and then suddenly wakes up.

11. Psyche. They are psychopathic, although they hide it. Their sex life has two aspects: impressionability leads to the idealization of the object of love, followed by severe disappointment, and aggressive sexuality often creates unpleasant situations. They are passive, but at the same time they can acquire a tendency towards masochism.

12. Will. Rather, weak. Indecisive.

13. Excitability. Average. However, it should be remembered that often they are simply biding their time so that they can overtake you later.

14. Reaction speed. It seems that they are dozing, immersed in their inner world, but in fact they perfectly notice what is happening around them.

15. Activity. Average. Before getting down to business, they weigh and calculate their strengths and capabilities.

16. Intuition. Highly developed.

17. Intelligence. Their interests are strictly selective, they delve into trifles and pass by truly significant phenomena without deigning to pay attention to them.

18. Receptivity. Evgeniy often succumbs to influence. Not too confident in themselves, rather indecisive, timid.

19. Morality. They know how to adapt to circumstances. Their system of moral values ​​is never clear and precise.

20. Health. Good, but these people get tired quickly. They need long sleep and a calm, measured lifestyle. Susceptible to infectious diseases. The weak parts of the body are the eyes and bronchi.

21. Sexuality. The sex life of such men is subordinated to feelings. It takes them a long time to identify their desires, but then everything happens very quickly...

22. Field of activity. They become excellent technicians in the field of electronics, engineers in the field of aircraft construction, good researchers who can manage several areas of work at once.

23. Sociability. They are very sociable, especially when they are in a good mood, which does not happen too often. Evgeniy does not like to give up old attachments.

24. Conclusion. Don't let people like this isolate themselves. Sometimes they are very active and active, sometimes they just sit back and are not always able to control the situation.

Meaning of the name Evgeniy option 3

Comes from an ancient Greek word meaning noble.

Little Zhenya will amaze those around him with his ingenuity. He will learn to read and write very early. Big dreamer. At school he is among the best, writes essays well, and easily learns a foreign language.

He is friends with his classmates, they respect him for his kindness and generosity. He treats girls with consideration, in a chivalrous manner, and often idealizes them.

Evgeniy is hardworking and shows great promise. He is fond of sports and shows a special interest in various types of martial arts. Obstacles in achieving his goal unsettle him in life; he does not know how to concentrate and overcome them. He reaches average heights in his chosen specialty; his element is exact sciences and electronics. In his free time he can write poetry.

“Spring” Evgenia is more specific and purposeful. More often than those born at other times of the year, they are repeatedly married. Among their friends there are journalists, artists, and writers.

In a woman, he values, first of all, spiritual purity, subconsciously looking for some mystery. Evgeniy was created for family life. He sees nothing wrong with cleaning the floor, going to the market, or doing other household work. Organically cannot stand scandals, avoids quarrels and everything that could lead to them. Because of the eternal dispute about who should be the head of the family, he will not violate the atmosphere of mutual understanding and love that he so values. Unfortunately, wives often mistake such tolerance for lack of character. With all the consequences that follow from this, by the way.

Eugene is sensitive to the suffering of loved ones, but in extreme situations they show indecisiveness. They willingly walk with children; you can always see a flock of boys and girls around them. Many Eugenes are very jealous. Evgeniy will never initiate a divorce.

Their marriages are most successful with Alina, Anna, Bogdana, Valentina, Valeria, Vera, Daria, Juliet, Ksenia, Leah, Lilia, Lyudmila, Natalya, Nellie, Nina, Raisa, Christina, Yulia. Less luck with Ada, Alevtina, Varvara, Elena, Zoya, Claudia, Lydia, Marina, Yana.

Meaning of the name Evgeniy option 4

Eugene - “noble” (Greek)

His health is good, but he gets tired quickly. He needs long sleep, peace and a measured lifestyle. He is susceptible to infectious diseases. Particular attention should be paid to the eyes and bronchi.

Evgeny is a nervous and sentimental, psychologically unstable type of character, but he skillfully hides it. His will is rather weak. He is quick-tempered and even aggressive. This is due to indecision and self-doubt. Excitability is average, but you can expect an undesirable reaction from him to the most ordinary things. His true feelings are always hidden deep in his soul, but on occasion a surge of emotions can occur. His behavior is not entirely usual if he is guilty of something. He is capable of acting on the sly and blaming anyone, so long as he is not punished himself. Parents need to pay attention to this, since Evgeniy lies skillfully, with wide-open and honest eyes, that it is difficult not to believe him.

Sometimes it seems that he is dozing somewhere in the depths of his inner world; he is an introvert by nature, but at the same time he perfectly notices everything that happens around him. Its activity is average, but not weak. Before getting down to business, he weighs and calculates his strengths and capabilities. He successfully uses his intuition, which he has developed. The degree of intelligence is quite high, but interest is strictly selective. He gets caught up in the little things and can pass by something truly significant without even giving it a cursory glance. Parents should ensure that their son develops diversified, and not by his own choice; they must be given the opportunity to fully realize themselves.

For Evgeny, his own world is more important than anything in the world, and this makes him a superficial person. It is necessary to cultivate in him determination and self-confidence, then he will truly be noble and complacent, because this is inherent in his very name. Evgeniy adapts perfectly to any circumstances and situations; he is a good diplomat. His system of moral values ​​is never clear and precise.

He is quite sexy, but his life is governed by feelings. It takes him a long time to understand his desires, and then everything happens very quickly. Impressionability leads him to idealization and subsequently to severe disappointment. Then Evgeny can be aggressive, which leads to undesirable situations.

He is passive by nature. The choice of professions for him is very wide: technician, electronics engineer, programmer, aircraft designer, he knows how and can manage several areas of work at once.

He is very sociable, but sometimes he is overcome by melancholy. You must not allow him to relax and succumb to the blues. Don't let him be alone with his thoughts. Sometimes Evgeniy is very active and in a good mood, it is a real pleasure to be with him at such moments. He dances well and is cheerful in company. Be attentive to him, and you will not find a better companion in life.

“Winter” Evgeniy is less likely to be in a bad mood, more confident in himself, and what’s more, he knows how to instill hope in others.

“Autumn” is a reliable comrade, a strategist in any matter. First of all, he is an excellent programmer. For such Evgeniy, the best combination would be patronymics: Danilovich, Mikhailovich, Alekseevich, Vladimirovich, Pavlovich, Dmitrievich.

“Summer” - weak-willed, prone to alcoholism, subject to the influence of others.

“Spring” - with an unbalanced nervous system, unstable. It is difficult to give up small unpleasant habits. The best middle names for him would be: Artemovich, Alfredovich, Voldemarovich, Oskarovich, Lazarevich, Olegovich.

Meaning of the name Evgeniy option 5

They are persistent, stubborn, and cook deliciously.

These men are kind, affectionate, independent, and achieve success in the field of electronics and mathematics. They enter college on their own, even with connections, and the same goes for work.

Meaning of the name Evgeniy option 6

Eugene - from Greek. noble, colloquial Evgen; vernacular Evdeniy and Vedenoy.

Derivatives: Evgenyushka, Evgenya, Genya, Gena, Zhenya, Zhenyura, Zhenyusha, Zhekha, Zheka, Evgekha, Evgesha, Gesha, Enya, Enyuta, Enyukha, Enyusha, Enyakha, Enyasha.

Folk signs.

From December 26, they observe the weather for 12 days, believing that each day will show the weather of one month of the next year: December 26 corresponds to January, February 27, March 28, etc. until Christmas (January 7), which will indicate weather in December of the new year.


Evgeniy may seem like a phlegmatic lump until something hits him to the quick. This is where Evgeniy will show what he is capable of. “I will prove what I have, I will not give up what I have” - this is the hidden engine that will help him achieve a lot in life, if, of course, this engine is used for good purposes. And if there are no obstacles on the way of movement, which - alas! - Evgenia is not always able to overcome. He has many wonderful inclinations, which are prevented from being revealed by his certain absent-mindedness and inability to concentrate. Evgeny is amorous, he is attracted to unusual, mysterious women, he is ready to open his soul to them, and if he finds a sensitive, attentive listener in his chosen one, then this, perhaps, will decide his fate

Meaning of the name Evgeniy option 7

EUGENE - noble (Greek).

Name day: March 4 - Rev. Eugene the Confessor, was a presbyter in Antioch; for denouncing Emperor Julian the Apostate of atheism, after suffering he was exiled to Mauritania, where he died.

  • Zodiac sign - Pisces.
  • Planet - Venus.
  • Color - pale blue.
  • Auspicious tree - linden.
  • The treasured plant is the forget-me-not.
  • The patron of the name is pearl barley.
  • The talisman stone is pearls.


Eugene has a contradictory combination of strength and weakness, with strength going to his appearance, and weakness to his character. The strongest thing in his weakness is stubbornness, which sometimes allows Eugene to reach considerable heights in life. He is hardworking, but any obstacles in achieving his goal throw him off track. He is sensitive to the suffering of loved ones, but will not rush to help - he will sympathize, and that’s all. He is very amorous and Evgeniy suffers a lot of troubles from this.

Meaning of the name Evgeniy option 8

Evgeny is an affectionate, non-aggressive, unforgiving person. Shows great promise from childhood; It’s not surprising to see five-year-old Zhenya playing with construction toys.

In his youth, he was hardworking and purposeful. He has a flexible mind. His element is exact sciences and electronics. But everything that Evgeniy achieves, he achieves in the first half of his life. Later he becomes somewhat lazy and works according to his mood. This man is of a family nature; housewife's assistant; he does not consider it shameful for a man to go to the market, to the store, to wash clothes, wash the floors, or do home canning; He often considers cleaning the apartment one of his responsibilities. It is all for the home, for the family.

Evgeniy loves sports. If he does it, he achieves good results; if not, it turns out to be an active fan.

Meaning of the name Evgeniy: The name for a boy means “high-born”, “noble”. Another meaning of the name Eugene is “noble descendant.” This affects the character and fate of Eugene.

Origin of the name Evgeniy: Ancient Greek.

Diminutive form of name: Evgesha, Gesha, Zhenya, Zheka, Zhesha, Zhenyura, Enyuta, Enyukha, Yeshosha.

What does the name Evgeniy mean? The name Eugene comes from the ancient Greek name Eugenios. Eugene is translated as “noble”, “descendant of a noble family”). He declares himself only in adulthood. For a long time he cannot find something he likes, so he does the work carelessly. People around him cannot put pressure on him, because in this case Zheka withdraws into himself and becomes lazy. He devotes himself entirely to what he loves when he finds it, behaves gallantly with women, and has creative inclinations.

Patronymic name Evgeniy: Evgenievich, Evgenievna, Evgenievna.

Angel Day and patron saints named: The name Evgeniy celebrates his name day twice a year:

  • March 4 (February 19) - The Monk Eugene the Confessor was a presbyter in Antioch; for denouncing Emperor Julian the Apostate of atheism, after suffering he was exiled to Mauritania, where he died.
  • December 26 (13) - St. Martyr Eugene the warrior during the persecution of Christians in the 3rd century. declared himself a follower of Christ and died a martyr in the name of this.

Signs: From Eugene, December 26th, they observe the weather for 12 days, believing that each day will show the weather of one month of the next year: December 26th corresponds to January, the 27th to February, the 28th to March, etc. until Christmas (January 7), which will indicate the weather in December of the new year.


  • Zodiac - Pisces
  • Planet - Venus
  • Color: pale blue
  • Auspicious tree - linden
  • Treasured plant - forget-me-not
  • Patron - pearl barley
  • The talisman stone is pearls.

Characteristics of the name Evgeniy

Positive features: The name Evgeniy gives good nature, balance, peacefulness, nobility. Evgeniy has highly developed intuition. A guy with this name knows how to adapt to circumstances. Sometimes he is very active and active, and can ignite others with his ideas.

Negative features: The difficulties that Zhenya encounters along the way take him out of his calm state and make him nervous. His interests are selective. He can delve into the little things and pass by truly significant phenomena without paying attention to them. A man with this name is not too confident in himself, sometimes lazy, sometimes just idle, and is not always able to control the situation.

Character of the name Evgeniy: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Eugene? Like all men whose name also has a feminine form, in Zhenya we sometimes find a contradictory combination of strength and weakness, and, as a rule, strength goes to his appearance, and weakness to his character. The most powerful thing about weakness is stubbornness; it is the driving force behind Zhenya’s character and allows this spiritual bumpkin to sometimes reach considerable heights in life. A man with this name is hardworking, but deep down in his soul he is just waiting for this work to end as soon as possible.

A guy with this name is very amorous and suffers from this a lot of troubles. A man named Eugene is kept close to him by that woman, the riddle of whose attractiveness he will never be able to solve (what he values ​​most in women is mystery); besides, she must be a good psychoanalyst, because don’t feed Evgeniy bread - let him open his misunderstood soul to someone! Generally speaking, he is a sweet, kind, pleasant person to talk to.

Affectionate, hardworking, unforgiving, non-aggressive person. The guy has a flexible mind, but does not know how to overcome obstacles that arise on the way to his goal. These obstacles knock the meaning of the name Evgeniy out of the usual rut and make you nervous.

Born in spring, Zhenya is able to achieve success only in the first half of his life. Then he becomes lazy and works according to his mood. He is especially lucky in the fields of literature, exact sciences, electronics, and aviation. He gravitates toward technology. In work that requires a lot of concentration and attention, achievements are average.

Already in childhood, Zhenya’s own world is more important than anything else. This makes him a superficial person. Parents need to instill in him determination and self-confidence. At school, Evgeniy studies well, writes essays easily, quickly masters a foreign language, and treats girls politely, even chivalrously. Zhenya may lie so as not to be punished, even if he himself is to blame. Parents need to pay special attention to this, because at this time he speaks extremely sincerely and looks with wide open honest eyes.

Adult Evgeniy is nervous and sentimental, with a weak will and a quick temper. He is indecisive and unsure of himself, but he carefully tries to hide it, trying to seem cheeky and indifferent. He most often hides his true feelings in his soul. Attaches great importance to intuition. It seems that Zhenya is dozing, immersed in his inner world, but notices everything around him.

In communication, the name Evgeniy is friendly and not without a sense of humor. Sometimes, in the heat of the moment, he can undeservedly offend a person, even his friend. Usually he doesn’t get along very well with people, but with women he always behaves correctly, gallantly, and enjoys great success. He is cheerful in company and dances well.

Evgeniy and his personal life

Compatibility with female names: Successful marriage with Valentina, Valeria, Kira, Larisa, Raisa. The name Evgeniy also goes with Yulia. Difficult relationships are likely with Alice, Bella, Wanda, Inna, Stella, Flora, Yana.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Eugene promise happiness in love? A man with this name values ​​spiritual sensitivity most of all in a woman. He is an exemplary family man, helps with the housework, avoids quarrels and conflicts. A guy will never decide to divorce first. His sex life has two aspects: impressionability leads to the idealization of the object of love, followed by severe disappointment.

Zhenya treats women with some disdain, but is not a misogynist. Mistakenly, he equates the beauty and charm of a woman with her sexuality and is often punished for this. He believes that sex is an activity for young people, and in adulthood a person should take care of the material well-being of the family. By the age of forty, sex is reduced to a minimum.

In a woman, Zhenya values ​​spiritual purity most of all and looks for some kind of secret in her. He is a family man and helps his wife with housework. He does not strive for leadership in the family; he tries to avoid quarrels and conflicts with loved ones. This behavior is explained by his tolerance, and not at all by his lack of character. Zhenya loves to play with children. Family is of particular importance to him. Never initiates a divorce.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Evgeniy has a rich imagination, ingenuity, and a penchant for technology and exact sciences. Among the Zhen there are scientists, writers, pilots, researchers, and managers of large enterprises.

Business and career: Before getting down to business, Zheka needs to learn to calculate her capabilities. He is an economical person, but at the same time he rarely wins big, he is able to invest a large sum in a dubious business.

He works honestly, but the work does not completely capture him, and in the depths of his soul he is waiting for it to end quickly. Zhenya is irritated by any obstacles to achieving his goal; he does not know how and does not want to overcome them. Zhenya is not devoid of ambition and will not miss an opportunity to advance in his career, especially if it increases his well-being. His choice in the field of technology and electronics is more successful; he is a good engineer, radio designer, and programmer.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Evgeniy: The meaning of the name Evgeniy from a medical point of view. A child with this name is susceptible to infectious diseases. Weak points are the eyes and bronchi.

Evgeniy in different languages ​​of the world

The translation of the name in different languages ​​has a slightly different meaning and sounds slightly different. In English, the name Evgeniy is translated as Eugene (Eugene), in Belarusian: Yaўgen (Yaugen), in Bulgarian: Evgeniy, in Hungarian: Jen (Enyo), in Spanish: Eugenio (Eugenio), in Italian: Eugenio (Eugenio).

The fate of Eugene in history

What does the name Evgeniy mean for a man’s destiny?

  1. Eugene of Württemberg (1788 - 1857) - Russian infantry general, nephew of Empress Maria Feodorovna. Brought as a child to the Russian court, he was secretly destined by Emperor Paul to occupy the throne. Having entered the Russian service, he participated in the wars with Napoleon. In 1813, the Duke played a major role in the battles of Lutzen, Bautzen and Dresden; during the retreat of our army to Bohemia, with a detachment of 10,000 he withstood the onslaught of the triple forces of Vendôme, and in the Battle of Kulm he defended the village of Pristen. In 1814 he was at the capture of Paris. In 1828, he commanded a corps operating in European Turkey, and was wounded during an attack on a fortified camp on the heights of Kurtepe. After the conquest of Varna, the Duke left the army and went abroad.
  2. The poet Evgeny Baratynsky, the author of the poems “Finland”, “Waterfall”, etc., as well as the beautiful poem “Eda”, was deeply read by A.S. Pushkin, who called him the most subtle thinker in Russian poetry. The poet in exile fell in love with the harsh nature of Finland, there he wrote the poem “Eda”, which A.S. Pushkin considered "a model of grace, excess and feeling." In the last decade of his life, Baratynsky created psychologically subtle, most significant poems, which made him a poet-philosopher in the eyes of his descendants. Evgeny Baratynsky's collection "Twilight", published in 1842, is a tragic and profound example of Russian poetry.
  3. Evgeny M. Kungurtsev - twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Major General of Aviation. During World War II he commanded a squadron of attack aircraft; flew 210 combat missions.
  4. And, of course, when this name is mentioned, Eugene Onegin immediately comes to mind - an example of everything that is most indecisive, cynical, dispassionate and sophisticated, charming that is in a man. Thanks to A.S. Pushkin, this name has long held the hearts of young girls!
  5. Evgeny Zamyatin - writer.
  6. Evgeny Mironov is a theater and film actor, People's Artist of Russia.
  7. Evgeny Yevtushenko - Russian, Soviet poet, prose writer, publicist, screenwriter, film director.
  8. Evgeni Plushenko is a figure skater, Olympic champion in 2006.
  9. Evgeny Morgunov is a theater and film actor.
  10. Evgeny Schwartz - writer, playwright.
  11. Evgeny Petrov is a writer, co-author of Ilya Ilf.
  12. Evgeny Klyachkin - bard, singer-songwriter.
  13. Evgeniy Vuchetich is a monumental sculptor.
  14. Flavius ​​Eugenius - usurper emperor of the Western Roman Empire (392-394).
  15. Eugene I - (d.657), Pope.

Names: origin and forms

Eugene- (from Greek) noble.

Spoken: Evgen.
Vernacular: Evdeniy, Vedeney.
Derivatives: Evgenyushka, Evgenya, Genya, Gena, Zhenya, Zhenyura, Zhenyusha, Zhekha, Zheka, Evgekha, Evgesha, Gesha, Enya, Enyuta, Enyukha, Enyusha, Enyakha, Enyasha.

Directory of Russian names

Noble(from Greek).

As a rule, independent and strong-willed. Maximalist. Tends to organize life. Too demanding of himself and others. Capable of achieving a lot in society. Active. Persistent in everything. They curse them, but they cannot leave them. With his mother he is soft, affectionate, gentle.

The mystery of the name oculus.ru

Eugene- noble (ancient Greek).
The name is quite popular; in the 19th and half of the 20th centuries it was urban, but recently it is more often given in rural areas. Men's names are more common than women's names.
Zodiac name: Fish.
Planet: Venus.
Name color: pale blue.
Talisman stone: pearls.
Auspicious plant: linden, forget-me-not.
Patron name: pearl barley.
Happy day: Thursday.
Happy time of year: winter.
Main features: hot temper, developed intuition.


Evgeny Vifinsky, Rev., February 25 (12).
Evgeny Melitinsky, martyr, November 20 (7).
Evgeny Trebizondsky, martyr, February 3 (January 21).
Evgeniy Khersonessky, bishop, martyr, March 20 (7).
Eugene of Antioch, Mauritanian, presbyter, martyr, March 4 (February 19). For denouncing the atheism of Emperor Julian the Apostate, after suffering, he was exiled to Mauritania from Antioch, where he died.
Evgeniy Sevastiysky, martyr, December 26 (13). The warrior, during the persecution of Christians in the 3rd century, declared himself a follower of Christ and in the name of faith endured terrible torture: his tongue was torn out, his arms and legs were cut off, and his head was cut off.


From Eugene, December 26, they observe the weather for 12 days, believing that each day will show the weather of one month of the next year: December 26 corresponds to January, the 27th to February, the 28th to March, etc. until Christmas, January 7, which will indicate the weather in December of the new year.


Already in childhood, Zhenya’s own world is more important than anything else. This makes him a superficial person. Parents need to instill in him determination and self-confidence. He studies well at school, writes essays easily, quickly masters a foreign language, and treats girls politely and even chivalrously. He may lie so as not to be punished, even if he himself is to blame. Parents need to pay special attention to this, because at this time he speaks extremely sincerely and looks with wide open honest eyes.

Adult Evgeniy is nervous and sentimental, with a weak will and a quick temper. He is indecisive and unsure of himself, but he carefully tries to hide it, trying to seem cheeky and indifferent. He most often hides his true feelings in his soul. He has a highly developed intuition, and he uses it. He seems to be dozing, immersed in his inner world, but notices everything around him.

Evgeniy works honestly, but the work does not completely captivate him, and in the depths of his soul he is waiting for it to end quickly. Evgeniy is irritated by any obstacles to achieving his goal; he does not know how and does not want to overcome them. Evgeny is not devoid of ambition and will not miss an opportunity to advance in his career, especially if it increases his well-being. His choice in the field of technology and electronics is more successful; he is a good engineer, radio designer, and programmer.

In communication, Evgeniy is friendly and not without a sense of humor. Sometimes, in the heat of the moment, he can undeservedly offend a person, even his friend. Usually he doesn’t get along very well with people, but with women he always behaves correctly, gallantly, and enjoys great success. He is cheerful in company and dances well.

In a woman, Evgeniy values ​​spiritual purity and subtlety of feelings. He idealizes a woman, looking for some secret in her. Sometimes he gets disappointed, but he will never initiate a divorce: he hates quarrels and scandals, he is passive, “Spring” Evgeniy is more fickle and can change his marriage. Marital fidelity is violated by Eugene, born at any time of the year, and he considers this natural. He himself is very jealous. The most successful marriage of Evgeniy is with Anna, Valentina, Valeria, Vera, Daria, Ksenia, Lyudmila, Natalya, Nina, Raisa.

A wonderful image of a man named Eugene is presented by A.S. Pushkin in the novel "Eugene Onegin" - friendliness and cynicism, sophistication and dispassion, risk-taking and indecisiveness.

Surname: Evgenievich, Evgenievna.


Evgeny Abramovich Baratynsky (1800-1844), Russian poet, friend of A.S. Pushkin and A.A. Delviga. He became friends with Delvig, they even rented an apartment together in 1819, when Baratynsky joined the Life Guards Jaeger Regiment stationed in St. Petersburg. Delvig introduced Baratynsky to Pushkin and the entire Pushkin circle of writers. But Pushkin was exiled, and Baratynsky in 1820 was sent to the Nashlet regiment in Finland. The poet fell in love with the harsh nature of Finland, where he wrote the poem “Eda”, which A.S. Pushkin considered "a model of grace, excess and feeling." Pushkin was especially fascinated by his descriptions of nature:

A harsh land, its beauty
Frightened, eyes amazed;
There are stone mountains there
The stone mountains fell;
Blue, rising to heaven
Their wayward communities.
The pine forest rustles at them;
Waterfalls flow violently from them...

But the hardships of a forced position and the inability to control his own destiny turned Baratynsky away from military service; in January 1826 he retired.

This decision was also influenced by the December uprising, which ended in the death and imprisonment of people close to Baratynsky:

I knew the brothers, but my dreams are young
They connected us for a moment.
Far away others are in poverty,
And there are no others in the world...

When A.S. Pushkin returned from exile, their relationship, as Baratynsky said, became “shorter than before.” Pushkin was almost the first to give Baratynsky a book with works written during the golden time of the Boldino autumn to read. "Belkin's Tales" and "Boris Godunov" delighted Baratynsky. On April 7, 1829, Pushkin presented Baratynsky with “Poltava,” a copy of which with a dedicatory inscription has survived. A draft of the work has also been preserved, in which in the second song we can easily recognize the profile of Yevgeny Baratynsky brilliantly captured by Pushkin.

Having married in 1826, Baratynsky built a house for his family on the Muranovo estate near Moscow, which is now a museum. A house associated with another wonderful Russian poet - F.I. Tyutchev - visited by everyone who holds our past dear.

In 1831, Delvig died, whose death shocked Baratynsky, no less than the death of Pushkin in 1831. His natural tendency towards melancholy and isolation began to manifest itself more sharply both in poetry and in life. However, in the last decade of his life, Baratynsky created psychologically subtle, most significant poems, which made him a poet-philosopher in the eyes of his descendants. Evgeniy Baratynsky's collection "Twilight", published in 1842, is a tragic and profound example of Russian poetry.

Now the poems of Evgeny Baratynsky are published quite often and are loved by readers. The poet’s prediction, expressed in modest and proud lines, came true:

My gift is poor, and my voice is not loud,
But I live and the earth is mine
Existence is kind to someone:
My distant descendant will find it
In my poems, who knows? my soul
Will find himself in intercourse with his soul
And how I found a friend in a generation.
I will find a reader in posterity.

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.

Eugene's main qualities are balance, intuition and curiosity, aspiration - peace and security.

Eugene, translated from Greek, means “noble.”

Origin of the name Evgeniy:

The name Eugene came to us from Ancient Greece. This name is often found among the names of ancient scientists.

Character and interpretation of the name Eugene:

Since childhood, Evgenia has strived for balance and balance. They are rarely naughty and mischievous, but you can’t call them quiet either. Sometimes they lack external self-confidence, but their inner world is deep, complex and hidden from prying eyes. Eugene is good at studying, they easily handle words and concepts, and it is not difficult for them to trace logical connections.

Parents notice that Evgeniy is impressionable, vulnerable and irritable; he is often called the “little knight.” He carries these qualities from childhood into adulthood. Many Eugenes compensate for their natural sensitivity and sentimentality with cynicism, although this does not detract from their childish curiosity and subtle intuition.

It’s not easy for Evgeniy to get along with people. Although he is friendly and eager to communicate, he is almost devoid of wit and a sense of humor. It’s easier for him to be around technology. He achieves great success in the technical and engineering professions, but does not tolerate systematized rational work and, under any pretext, strives for diversity. He is interested in many things, without focusing on anything, it is always difficult for him to decide on a profession.

Eugenes are indecisive and unhurried, they prefer to consider all aspects of a matter before starting it, but even if they start working late, due to thoughtful analysis and intuition they can often get ahead of their colleagues. Eugenes are touchy and can undeservedly offend someone. At the same time, they can show tolerance and understanding, their motto is “Live and let others live.”

Apologizing is always difficult for them, although they strive for peace and non-conflict. They are often called weak-willed, confusing high sensitivity with uncertainty and mental weakness, but inside the Evgenies there is an iron core of character that stubbornly guides them along the chosen path. Convinced that he is right, Evgeniy is playful and inclined to take risks. In the heat of the moment, he can commit actions that he will later regret.

With the chosen ones of his heart, Evgeny is emphatically gallant, unobtrusive and sincerely chivalrous. Capable of love at first sight. In a relationship, he first creates an invented, idealized image that he deeply respects. She is very worried if the imaginary dream does not correspond to the real character of the chosen one. Has difficulty giving up desires and aspirations, does not like changes in love. He never insults women, but if he was offended by his beloved, he withdraws into himself, experiencing the collapse of his ideals.

Sexual relationships are very important to him in his youth, as an opportunity to balance mental and spiritual aspirations. In adulthood, Eugene no longer considers carnal relationships so important and focuses on his career and family, but his respect for his wife does not decrease.

Unhappy or disappointed in marriage, Eugene will prefer a secret constant mistress to divorce. He is touching and gentle towards children, especially small ones.

It is good for Eugene to marry Valentins, Darias, Julias and Annas. Elena, Marina and Claudia are less suitable for him.

“Summer” and “spring” Eugenes are especially sensitive and vulnerable, “winter” ones are smart, while “autumn” ones are prone to melancholy and cynicism.

According to Mendelev

A paired name with male and female options; Diminutive forms are the same for male and female names.

A reliable name, hot, gentle and beautiful.

Evgenia is a passionate, irrepressible nature, with a rich imagination and almost no protective mechanisms of self-restraint, without a sense of approaching danger; once she starts, she will no longer be able to stop, even if the road may lead her into the abyss. She tends to subjugate people and enjoy it, but this same Evgenia will be able to come to the rescue in the most difficult situation and will do this without sparing herself - but also without stinting on resources. This woman is a bright, wild, ambitious person; her actions cannot always be explained from the point of view of ordinary logic.

Zhenya is brave and angry, rude, dark and dangerous. In both the male and female versions, Zhenya does not get along with people, is impulsive and unpredictable. Not all of Zhenya’s qualities will be transferred to Evgenia or Evgeniy, but the motives for the actions of adults will become clearer when analyzing the characteristics of diminutive names.

Character and color of the name "Evgeniy, Evgeniya"

Evgeniy is prone to risk, and he himself creates the problems that cause him to take risks. Often acts simply irresponsibly, without thinking about the consequences of his actions; can offend a person for no reason, even his friend. At the same time, he is brave to the point of recklessness, hot-tempered, often excessively. He doesn’t get along well with people, but he is forgiving and is quite sincerely surprised by the reactions of others to his behavior.

Eugenes of both sexes are non-standard people, unstable and restless - “tumbleweed” people. They easily change their place of work, city, sometimes family - and all this without any special regrets. Fate carries them, but they do not resist. Men's names are much more common than women's names.

The color of the name is bluish-green.

According to Higir

Comes from an ancient Greek word meaning noble.

Little Zhenya will amaze those around him with his ingenuity. He will learn to read and write very early. Big dreamer. At school he is among the best, writes essays well, and easily learns a foreign language. He is friends with his classmates, they respect him for his kindness and generosity. He treats girls with consideration, in a chivalrous manner, and often idealizes them. Evgeniy is hardworking and shows great promise. He is fond of sports and shows a special interest in various types of martial arts. Obstacles in achieving his goal unsettle him in life; he does not know how to concentrate and overcome them. He reaches average heights in his chosen specialty; his element is exact sciences and electronics. In his free time he can write poetry.

“Spring” Evgenia is more specific and purposeful. More often than those born at other times of the year, they are repeatedly married. Among their friends there are journalists, artists, and writers.

In a woman, he values, first of all, spiritual purity, subconsciously looking for some mystery. Evgeniy was created for family life. He sees nothing wrong with cleaning the floor, going to the market, or doing other household work. Organically cannot stand scandals, avoids quarrels and everything that could lead to them. Because of the eternal dispute about who should be the head of the family, he will not violate the atmosphere of mutual understanding and love that he so values. Unfortunately, wives often mistake such tolerance for lack of character. With all the consequences that follow from this, by the way.

Family and marriage named after "Eugene"

Eugene is sensitive to the suffering of loved ones, but in extreme situations they show indecisiveness. They willingly walk with children; you can always see a flock of boys and girls around them. Many Eugenes are very jealous. Evgeniy will never initiate a divorce.

Their marriages are most successful with Alina, Anna, Bogdana, Valentina, Valeria, Vera, Daria, Juliet, Ksenia, Leah, Lilia, Lyudmila, Natalya, Nellie, Nina, Raisa, Christina, Yulia. Less luck with Ada, Alevtina, Varvara, Elena, Zoya, Claudia, Lydia, Marina, Yana.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: "Noble" (Greek)

Energy of the name and character: In general, the energy of the name is quite calm, it clearly shows a tendency towards good nature and balanced mobility. It’s unlikely that little Zhenya will be too restless, but you can’t call him quiet either. Most often, this balance between mobility and calmness remains with him throughout his life. Despite the softness of the name, a certain impulsiveness is still noticeable in it, the ability to respond to any irritation, however, in combination with other qualities, this will most likely find its manifestation in Eugene’s irony. He is not a supporter of forceful methods of resolving disputes, and he often sees inner intelligence as the ideal of human qualities. Meanwhile, sometimes he becomes capable of a decisive act, even a feat, however, having accomplished it, he himself can subsequently be surprised for a long time by this fact.

The name is not without a certain charge of ambition, although even here there is a balance between the desire for fame and material wealth, and where there is balance, much begins to depend on upbringing. However, Eugene often chooses his path in life taking into account both of his needs, especially since career advancement is usually combined with improved well-being. He is unlikely to go out of his way at work, but he will try not to miss the chance to advance. He may try to start his own business, although most often his plans for independence remain at the dream level. The only exceptions are those cases when the benefits of this step are obvious or in childhood they were able to instill in him a craving for independence.

In relationships with women, Zhenya’s qualities such as lightness, sociability and a sense of humor come to the fore; he is a gallant gentleman, usually behaves very intelligently and often becomes irresistible in the eyes of the fair sex. There are even cases when the charming Evgeniy, having married several times, manages to maintain excellent relationships with all his ex-wives. Nevertheless, this is not enough for a full-fledged family, which means that such a Zhenya can only be called happy in marriage from the outside; he himself probably thinks differently, although he doesn’t show it. Perhaps because from childhood Evgeniy attaches great importance to how he looks in the eyes of others, he is often characterized by well-developed artistry, which, along with intelligent charm, can ensure success in a creative career.

Secrets of communication: Often, Evgeniy’s poise allows those around him to easily win him over to their side, which can be falsely perceived as weak character. This is far from the case, and such an illusion quickly dissipates when Eugene’s interests are affected. Having entered into a confrontation with him, first of all one should be wary not of any decisive actions, but of his significant reserves of irony.

Famous people with the name "Eugene"

Evgeny Evstegneev

Perhaps all the most striking and characteristic features of this name found their manifestation in the life and work of the brilliant actor of Sovremennik and the Moscow Art Theater Evgeny Evstegneev (1926–1992), who knew how to convey all the subtleties of the character of his characters. He played many different roles in theater and cinema - the King in The Naked King, Firs (The Cherry Orchard), and Professor Preobrazhensky (Heart of a Dog). His unique irony can be called one of the most expressive features that gave Evstigneev an amazing charm not only in life, but also on stage.

They say that once, when Sovremennik gave the play “The Decembrists,” Oleg Efremov in the role of Tsar Nicholas I was supposed to utter the following phrase: “I am responsible for everything and everyone,” but he misspoke and said instead: “ I am responsible for everything and for the light."

“Well then, for both gas and water, Your Majesty,” picked up his partner Evgeny Evstigneev.

1. Personality: living in two worlds

2.Color: blue

3. Main features: excitability - receptivity - intuition

4. Totem plant: foxglove

5. Totem animal: seahorse

6. Sign: Aquarius

7. Type. These men are sometimes nervous and sentimental. Their psyche is reminiscent of their totem - a seahorse, which seems to be sleeping in the water, and then suddenly wakes up.

8. Psyche. They are psychopathic, although they hide it. Their sex life has two aspects: impressionability leads to the idealization of the object of love, followed by severe disappointment, and aggressive sexuality often creates unpleasant situations. They are passive, but at the same time they can acquire a tendency towards masochism.

9. Will. Rather, weak. Indecisive.

10. Excitability. Average. However, it should be remembered that often they are simply biding their time so that they can overtake you later.

11. Reaction speed. It seems that they are dozing, immersed in their inner world, but in fact they perfectly notice what is happening around them.

12. Activity. Average. Before getting down to business, they weigh and calculate their strengths and capabilities.

13. Intuition. Highly developed.

14. Intelligence. Their interests are strictly selective, they delve into trifles and pass by truly significant phenomena without deigning to pay attention to them.

15. Receptivity. Often susceptible to influence. Not too confident in themselves, rather indecisive, timid.

16. Morality. They know how to adapt to circumstances. Their system of moral values ​​is never clear and precise.

17. Health. Good, but these people get tired quickly. They need long sleep and a calm, measured lifestyle. Susceptible to infectious diseases. The weak parts of the body are the eyes and bronchi.

18. Sexuality. The sex life of such men is subordinated to feelings. It takes them a long time to identify their desires, but then everything happens very quickly...

19. Field of activity. They become excellent technicians in the field of electronics, engineers in the field of aircraft construction, good researchers who can manage several areas of work at once.

20. Sociability. They are very sociable, especially when they are in a good mood, which does not happen too often. They do not like to give up old attachments.

21. Conclusion. Don't let people like this isolate themselves. Sometimes they are very active and active, sometimes they just sit back and are not always able to control the situation.

Sexy portrait of a name (according to Higir)

He is very picky in choosing a partner, his temperament is average. He treats women with some disdain, considers them to be less worthy creatures than men, but he is by no means a misogynist. He most often associates girls with innocence, which he sincerely defends. Eugene may be mistaken and equate a woman’s beauty and charm with her sexuality and is often punished for this. He is inclined to believe that sex is a part of youth; later a person should take up more serious matters: earn money, start a family, children, take care of their well-being. It is not surprising that his wife, not receiving fully what she expects, feels constantly dissatisfied, left out, gets irritated at the slightest reason and becomes intrusive in her demands. But the most striking thing is that in such situations Evgeniy feels like the offended party.

Sexuality of the name "Eugene"

He does not imagine that his maximum achievements in the field of sex are comparable only with the average activity of other men. A variety of sexual partners can stimulate him, and he does not consider this shameful - Evgeniy takes a broad view of things. He is quite frank in expressing his sexual desires, has no inhibitions and wants to learn all forms of sexual communication. In sexual life, he needs to feel that he is not just quenching his partner’s thirst, but that he himself is receiving complete sexual satisfaction and restoring mental and physical balance. If Eugene is not satisfied with his wife, he rarely gets divorced, but looks for an opportunity to make up for lost time on the side. After forty years, he lowers his standards in choosing a sexual partner, as he reduces sex to a biological necessity.