What to do if the mobile Internet does not work. What to do if mobile internet is lost on your Android phone

Problems connecting to the Internet are common operating system failures. However, in some cases the cause may be a malfunction of the gadget itself, as well as communication problems. Our article will help you understand the causes of such problems, and will also tell you the main ways to eliminate them.

When diagnosing possible problems, you should start with the most common reasons for lack of communication. They may not be at all related to the operation of the device itself, but may directly reflect system or software problems with the smartphone.

Why there is no connection:

  1. The period for replenishing the mobile Internet, or bonus megabytes and other services has expired. Even if the time to top up your balance has not yet come, there is always the risk of an unexpected change in tariff, in which wireless Internet services have become more expensive (and “eaten up” the money remaining in the account), or the period for providing these services has expired.
  2. Lack of mobile phone coverage. There are still remote places or “anomalous zones” in which the signal is very weak or absent altogether. Of course, if you are not in the mountains or on a trip, this reason disappears by itself.
  3. Cellular connection problems. In general, signal transmission may be weak during heavy rainfall and other weather events. Breakdowns or replacement of wired connection equipment, as well as possible failures in the system - all this can lead to a lack of Internet.
  4. Incorrect network settings. You should definitely check the correctness of the entered data: login and password when connecting to a new point or when using a trusted router. In some cases, the password may be changed without your notice (by overly greedy neighbors), or accidentally reset from the settings of the smartphone itself.

All of the above reasons can be attributed to communication problems, and not to the smartphone itself. It is not always possible to eliminate such errors, unless you can complain to the operator about a poor connection or quality of communication.

Internet does not work on Android: common problems and errors

To do this, it is advisable to carry out a series of “tests”, the result of which will indicate a possible problem.

What to do if you cannot connect:

  • Check your data service connection. To do this, you can call your operator or establish a connection through your personal account.
  • Check the Internet connection indicator. If less than two bars are displayed on the screen, the problem is with the connection quality, not with the device.
  • For non-critical system errors, rebooting the phone helps. It also doesn’t hurt to check your device for viruses and malware, the effects of which can slow down reception.

An outdated phone can also cause unstable connections. In this case, updates or flashing the system can partially solve the problem. At the same time, the physical and moral wear and tear of the device will not allow you to fully take advantage of the Internet connection, so for some purposes it is preferable to use more modern gadgets.

Why the Internet does not turn on on Android: on the phone

If everything is fine with the connection and connection, you should definitely exclude possible damage to the device. Systematic connection problems require contacting a specialist, as well as diagnosing the device. In some cases, flashing or resetting the user settings helps. It should be noted that connection problems may occur periodically, for example, on weekends or holidays when the number of users increases. In this case, problems with mobile communications will remain unresolved, and the only possible option will be to connect to the nearest Wi-Fi network.

The reason for the lack of communication may be falls or mechanical damage to the gadget, shocks, and even overheating of the battery. In case of such troubles, it would be more advisable to take your phone (tablet) for repair rather than try to fix the problem yourself, which can lead to even more serious consequences.

Mobile Internet does not work on an Android tablet

If a similar problem occurs with your tablet, the above methods may not help. In this case, you can use some tricks, which, according to experts, often work with this type of device.

What actions will help restore the connection:

  1. Turn off the device for a while and remove the battery from the case.
  2. After some time, install the battery in its original place.
  3. Turn on the tablet and try to find a connection.

If it is impossible to find the cause of the system failure, a radical solution to the problem may be to reset the settings to factory settings. This will delete all data and settings entered by the user, as well as system updates. In fact, the tablet will be exactly the same as the day it was purchased, so all the necessary applications will need to be installed again. A big plus will be the acceleration of the device, as well as clearing the memory of “traces” of previously running applications. The downside is the loss of all information and achievements in games, saved applications and other acquired information “baggage”.

Internet does not work on Android: how to set it up

The connection is carried out according to your mobile network service package. Such actions are also called online registration. In some cases, these settings may be reset automatically, for example, if there are viruses in the device or the signal is weak. To eliminate such situations, it is enough to check some of the previously entered parameters.

In the main phone settings you also need to check your data connection. You should look for the required section in the menu item “Wireless networks” - “Advanced”. Then you need to go to the “wireless networks” category, where you activate the data service.

Many users are interested in the question of why the Internet does not work on Android when it is connected, but does not go online. You can deal with all possible situations only by diagnosing the device at a service center. Minor problems, settings failures and other troubles can be easily corrected on your own using the tips in our article.

Articles and Lifehacks

The purchase of such a high-tech mobile device usually raises a lot of questions for the new owner. So, many people are interested in what to do if Internet stopped working on Galaxy s3. Of course, the reasons can be the most trivial - for example, the money in your account has run out or the Wi-Fi router is not working.

But what if the user knows exactly what the network should be? Let's try to understand the reasons why the Internet disappeared and search for the simplest ways to troubleshoot problems. If the described actions do not help, it is recommended to contact a specialist.

What to do if the Internet stops working on Galaxy s3

It happens that the Internet disappears on a device purchased relatively recently. If its owner has already used the Internet, and after some time encounters a problem (for example, during the warranty period), he can again request the appropriate settings from his cellular operator, and then go to the service provider’s office (or service center). You should first move the SIM card to another device in order to figure out where exactly the problem exists, and also check the account balance.

You can try the following steps. We go to the device settings, there we look for the wireless networks menu and select the “Mobile network” item. Check the data transfer option. Next, go to “APN access points” and check the correctness of how this point was registered. The exact data depends on which telecom operator the device owner uses. In addition, some also require a username and password (Beeline, MTS).

Note that problems with the mobile Internet are solved in this way. Sometimes resetting a previously installed access point helps (via “Settings” > “Advanced” > “Mobile networks” > “Access points”).

Persons who complain that the Internet has stopped working on the Galaxy s3 should know that the owners of the predecessor of this device, that is, s2, periodically encountered a similar problem. It happens that the reason lies in software incompatibility. You can try uninstalling Google Chrome, Twitter and Facebook, and then simply reboot the device. Sometimes it helps. The reason may lie in other browsers or applications, for example, VKontakte, Opera or Instagram.

Setting up the Internet on Android in Galaxy s3

Sometimes the problem may lie in the system itself. For example, the mobile Internet always worked properly, was configured correctly, and there was money in the account. After rebooting, the device still does not allow access to the Internet; sometimes it is not even possible to re-check the balance. You should be aware that Android itself may freeze. To solve the problem, go to the device settings through the menu, look for the wireless networks option there and activate the offline mode. The fact that it is enabled will be indicated by the appearance of an airplane icon, as well as the inaccessibility of all other networks. Wait a few seconds and turn off offline mode. The Internet can be up and running in just a few minutes.

As already mentioned, it would be a good idea to check the correctness of the APN point. If it has not yet been registered, it needs to be created. Most often it is written like this: internet.operator name.ru (for example, internet.mts.ru or internet.tele2.ru). This access point is suitable for Tele2, Smarts, Utel, MTS, Beeline. For operators such as MegaFon and HCC, all you need to do is write the word internet.

The username is entered only for Beeline and MTS (beeline or mts, respectively). For everyone else, this item remains empty. The same applies to the password (beeline or mts; for other operators it is not entered).

It's rare that someone hasn't encountered a similar problem. It seems that everything should be in order: the phone is working, the SIM card is inserted, the contract with the provider has been concluded - but there is no access to the Internet. Moreover, one moment he was still there, but a minute later he was gone. A familiar situation, isn't it? If the Internet does not work on your phone, then do not despair and rush headlong to the service center.

With very little effort, you can actually cope with the problem without the help of others. The Internet on a phone is configured slightly differently than on a regular personal computer, and this often causes difficulties for users. Which interface elements are responsible for setting up the connection? What are the possible reasons for network access being denied? We will consider all these questions in our article. The most banal reasons are the ones that get the least attention. And completely in vain. Here is a short list of them:

  • The Internet on the phone is disconnected for non-payment. That is, you have a negative balance in your account.
  • The phone does not connect to the Internet because you are outside the network coverage area.
  • The data transfer option has failed.
  • In all other respects, a normally working mobile phone did not go through the automatic registration procedure.

The likelihood of the above is quite high. It is by checking these options and eliminating these problems that we will begin our fight against the disappeared network.

The simplest tests

First, we check the balance status. Each provider offers its own method. Read the instructions or dig through your contacts list - usually there is a corresponding number there. To obtain account information, dial *, then a certain three-digit code (unique for each operator), followed by the # symbol and press the call button. In response, the display shows the amount available to pay for calls. If the wallet is empty or there is an overspending of cash, top up your account and the Internet will appear.

We will assume that everything is OK with the balance. What to do next? We look at the network connection indicator. If it is deactivated, it means you are out of range. There is only one cure for this - get away from this place.

All modern smartphone models have a special option. It's called "Data Transfer". To get to this parameter, you need to do the following:

  • Go to the connection settings menu.
  • Click on the “More” item.
  • Click on the “Mobile network” item.
  • On the screen that opens, check the “Mobile data transfer” checkbox. The picture below will serve as a good illustration:

What to do if there is still no Internet? You can try turning off your smartphone and turning it on again. Sometimes it helps. The fact is that 3G networks often stop pinging after leaving the subway and in other cases entering the access zone from places where there is no network. In this case, the machine is unable to connect to the network without rebooting.

Restore settings automatically

It happens that the device’s network settings have been lost. Restoring them is not difficult and can be done in two different ways: obtain the settings from the operator or perform the configuration manually. Of course, the first method is preferable. Simply because it is simpler. There is no need to bother yourself with all sorts of technical details. For some time now, this service has become available from every mobile operator. To download settings from the provider's server, you need to call a specific number or send an SMS to the number. For Beeline this is a call to number 06503, for MTS - an SMS to number 1234, Megafon receives SMS to number 5049, and Tele2 is waiting for your call to 679.

In response, the operator will send a settings package to your phone, which will be automatically registered in your phone’s operating system - that is, you won’t have to do anything manually. If you don’t know the “magic” number of your operator, then go to their website - this information should be there.

Restoring settings manually

Theoretically, anyone can set parameters manually, but not those who are not at all familiar with the OS of their smartphone. Here is a brief guide (it should be sufficient for more or less experienced users):

  • We get to the APN access point settings. Usually through the items “More” => “Mobile network” => “APN access point”.
  • Create a new access point by clicking on the plus sign. A form will open with fields to fill out. Here you will need to set the connection name, user name, APN parameters and password to log into the network.
  • We take the field values ​​from the following table, which contains data for each operator:

Enter the values ​​in the fields, save and reboot the phone. If after switching on the network is still absent, it means that things are bad and you will have to visit a specialist.

That’s basically all you need to know about why the Internet doesn’t work on your phone.

It is difficult to immediately say why the Internet does not work on the phone. There are quite a few reasons that can affect the quality of the Internet. The problem may be related to the equipment itself, poor network signal, lack of necessary settings, etc. Of course, there is no universal way to solve the problem. Before fixing the problem, you need to find out why there is no Internet, that is, determine the specific reason.

As part of this review, we will tell you why there may be no Internet and how to establish a connection to the network. The instructions will be relevant regardless of the services of which operator you use. It doesn’t matter if the Internet does not work on MTS, Beeline, MegaFon, Tele2 or Yota, we will try to help you fix the problem, of course, if possible.

Reasons for lack of Internet and ways to solve the problem

Modern people are dependent on the Internet, and many people find it difficult to cope when their phone does not want to connect to the network or loads pages too slowly. Don’t rush to panic, the problem can probably be quickly fixed and everything will return to its place. We have prepared a list of the most common reasons why the Internet may not work. For each reason, separate instructions have been prepared, following which you can solve the problem.

  • The Internet may be unavailable for the following reasons:
  • The settings are lost;
  • The subscriber is outside the network coverage area;
  • Technical work is underway on the operator’s side;
  • The device has failed;
  • There is no money on the phone balance;
  • The Internet traffic available within your tariff has run out;
  • Data transfer is disabled on the phone;

As you can see, there are many reasons for the lack of Internet, and we will consider each of them in detail. Of course, other reasons are possible; we have listed the most common ones. If it is difficult for you to determine why the Internet does not work on your phone in your case, then read the entire article and check all the reasons.

  • Attention
  • In some cases, the subscriber cannot influence the solution to the problem associated with the lack of Internet. For example, if the reason is in the device itself or caused by technical work on the operator’s side.

Internet settings missing

It is likely that the Internet is not working due to the lack of necessary settings. Do not rush to write off this reason, even if you previously accessed the Internet from your device, but at a certain moment connecting to the network became impossible. The settings could simply be lost. In any case, we recommend that you check the Internet settings on your phone. If you do not have the necessary knowledge, your operator will help you. Contact the help center or order the settings yourself using a special command or SMS.

Request for Internet settings for the most popular operators:

  • Beeline. Call 06503 ;
  • MTS. Send an empty SMS to 1234;
  • Megaphone. Send an SMS with the text 1 to number 5049;
  • Tele 2. Call 679 ;
  • Yota. Order settings via .

If you use the services of another cellular operator, then call the help center to order settings. Ask a specialist to send you automatic Internet settings. Still no internet after updating your settings? Move on to the next reason!

The Internet is disabled at the initiative of the operator

Have no idea why the Internet doesn’t work on your phone? Perhaps you simply ran out of traffic and your operator has cut off your Internet access until the end of the billing period. Many will consider this reason too trivial, but believe me, this is often the reason for the lack of Internet.

It probably doesn’t make sense to explain how to correct the situation in this case. You need to wait for the next traffic package to be credited or order an additional Internet package from your operator. If you don’t know how much traffic is available to you, get this information using your personal account or a special team.

Request information about the remaining traffic for the most popular operators:

  • Beeline. Call 06745 ;
  • MTS. Dial USSD command * 111 * 217 # ;
  • Megaphone. Dial USSD command * 158 #
  • Tele 2. Use the command * 155 # .

If, after requesting information about the remaining traffic, it turns out that you have already used up the Internet available until the end of the billing period, connect an additional package. A description of additional Internet traffic packages and commands for connecting them can be found on our website or the official resource of your operator.

Other reasons for lack of internet

Still haven’t been able to figure out why the Internet doesn’t work on your phone? Perhaps the reason is so trivial that you cannot even think about it, for example, you have a negative balance or data transfer is disabled. Below are possible reasons for the lack of internet.

  1. Data transmission is disabled. Check to see if data is enabled on your phone. Depending on your phone model, the path to this function may differ. On most devices running on the Android operating system, data transfer is enabled in a special menu that can be called up by swiping your finger from the top of the screen to the bottom.
  2. There is no money on the balance sheet. Internet and cell phone service not working? In such a situation, the first thing you need to do is check the balance. A planned debit may have occurred (due to the presence of some kind of paid subscription). If the balance is negative, then to restore access to the network you just need to top up your account.
  3. Poor network signal. If you can’t get a connection, don’t be surprised by the lack of Internet. Unfortunately, cellular communications have not yet covered all corners of the country, so this is the reason.
  4. Technical work on the operator’s side or high load on the network. Quite often, the lack of Internet is caused by some actions of the operator himself. For example, technical work may be ongoing, and therefore the Internet will not work. Also, do not forget about such a nuance as network congestion. These reasons cannot be determined independently based on any signs. Call the support center and find out what is causing the lack of internet.
  5. There is a problem with the device. Technology does not last forever and sooner or later it breaks down. You may not be able to access the Internet because your phone no longer supports it. It is difficult to determine this reason without certain knowledge of the phone’s structure, so you first need to check all the reasons listed above. If all else fails, it makes sense to check the device by contacting an appropriate specialist.

We hope you found out why the Internet does not work on your phone and solved the problem. Of course, there are other possible reasons for the lack of Internet, but it is not possible to consider them all in one review.

Good time everyone!

Today it is no longer possible to imagine a phone without an Internet connection. (at least for most): some functionality will simply be cut off (no checking the weather, no responding to messages on social networks, no looking at the latest news...).

In general, the reasons for the lack of Internet on a mobile gadget are not so few. In this article I want to highlight the most basic of them (the most popular ones that almost all users encounter). I think the note will be very useful and will help you out in difficult times...

And so, closer to the topic.


How to increase the volume on Android (the sound is too quiet, I miss calls) -

Reasons why the Internet does not work on your phone (Android)

I think this article should be divided into two parts: in one, we will look at problems with the mobile Internet (the same 3G/4G), in the other, when the Internet does not work via a Wi-Fi network.

No mobile internet

Is the balance in place?

Perhaps this is the first place to start. Even if you just deposited 1000 rubles yesterday. to the account - they could “evaporate” from it (for example, if it’s yours, he could transfer funds to another number).

To check your balance, you can use your personal account on the operator’s website, or use the following USSD requests (see screenshot below):

  1. Megaphone: *100#
  2. Beeline: *102#
  3. Tele2: *105#
  4. MTS: *100#

Are you within network coverage?

If you are outside a large city, please note that 4G (or maybe even 3G) may not work in this area. The territories of our country are quite large, and there are places where there may not be even simple communication...

In order to find out the coverage area of ​​your operator, just go to the official website. website of your mobile operator and see the map. For example, MTS has it (see screenshot below).

By the way, in this regard it would also be a good idea to pay attention to the signal level. For Android devices, this can be seen by the network icon at the top of the window (see example below).

Is the limit enabled in the Android settings?

In the Android settings there is such a “trick” as limiting traffic when a certain limit is reached (i.e. the phone itself monitors the statistics, and so that your balance does not go negative, it turns off mobile data transmission in a timely manner). True, usually a notification appears on the screen, and you should be aware that this is the reason... (but you never know...).

You can view the established restriction and limit in the Android settings in the “Data transfer” section (see screenshot below). You can also set new parameters there.

Has your traffic run out (perhaps your tariff limit has been reached)

This is the most popular reason for lack of internet. Even a limit of several tens of gigabytes can be spent by watching several online films (for example).

You can find out the “remainders” of your tariff in your operator’s personal account (or by calling the call center). At Megafon, for example, all this is organized quite simply: just open the corresponding tab in your personal account.

Double check your internet settings

In some cases, the phone settings required to access the Internet are reset. The easiest way to get them again is by calling or sending a USSD request to the operator. Below is a small plate with 4 popular operators in our country...

By the way, you can set these parameters manually (but in my opinion, this is troublesome). To do this, you need to open the Android settings section "APN access points", and enter the following parameters from the table below (screen to help).

Table with parameters for large 4 operators.

SIM card problem

If you purchased a new phone, then installed an old SIM card and discovered that the Internet does not work, perhaps the whole point is that you just need to replace it with a new one (this may also be necessary if you accidentally damaged it). Fortunately, operators issue new SIM cards for free (at least for now...).

To double-check, you can remove the SIM card and insert it into another phone. Such a simple test can tell you what exactly the problem is: with the device itself, or with the card...

No internet via Wi-Fi

Problems with accessing the Internet via Wi-Fi stand out as a separate issue (that’s why I put them in a separate category).

Note! If you want to connect your phone (Android) to a Wi-Fi network, but it doesn’t see it, read these instructions:

Is the date and time wrong?

This is the first and very popular reason. Moreover, let me clarify, check not only the time itself, but also the time zone and date formats. Try setting them manually and then check the network operation.

Pay attention to security applications

It is not uncommon for antivirus software to block access to Wi-Fi (especially when the maximum protection level is enabled). Most often this applies to public Wi-Fi networks, somewhere in parks or airports (antiviruses strongly dislike them, considering them rather “leaky” through which personal data can leak).

During testing, you can disable the antivirus (or add your home network to the trusted list).

Try removing the Wi-Fi network in the settings and reconnect to it. This can be done in the section "Wi-Fi" .

ISP DNS servers have fallen off

To replace them, just open the settings of the Wi-Fi network you connected to and specify the DNS from Google (they will definitely be no worse than those from your Internet provider). In my example I specified and

Addition to the above!

If none of the above tips helped you, you might want to try resetting all your phone settings to factory settings (i.e., performing a Hard Reset). I note that in this case, all user data will be deleted (you need to back it up first), but at the same time, all parameters (including those responsible for Internet operation) will be reset (which usually solves the problem if it is not related to the phone's hardware...).


How to reset Android settings to factory settings (i.e. delete all data from your phone, tablet) -

That's all for now...

Alternative solutions in the comments are welcome!