What schoolchildren read in literature lessons in Europe, the USA and Japan. What did Soviet schoolchildren read?

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Having been relegated to the second row as unnecessary, with the advent of the “presidential” essay, literature returned to the ranks of the most important subjects in the Russian school. But parents and students are still concerned about the extent to which our education in this area can compete with foreign ones.

Let's see how and what works students of foreign schools study. In each list we included the 10 main authors of the school curriculum.


There is no division into two different subjects, “French language” and “French literature”, for schoolchildren. In literature lessons, young French people pay practically no attention to plots, images, or the development of characters in works. The main thing is style! And the style of authors before the 19th century is considered ideal. Schoolchildren often complete tasks to write an excerpt on a given topic in the style of Moliere (Racine, Corneille, etc.). Ancient Greek and Roman authors are seriously studied.

In the compulsory program

  1. Chretien de Troyes. "Lancelot".
  2. Jean Baptiste Moliere. "Stingy".
  3. Pierre Corneille. "Sid."
  4. Pedro Calderon. "Life is a dream."
  5. Victor Hugo. "Les Miserables".
  6. Emile Zola. "Germinal".
  7. Gustave Flaubert. "Madame Bovary."
  8. Honore de Balzac. "Human Comedy".
  9. Antoine de Saint-Exupery. "A little prince".
  10. Albert Camus. "A fall".


As such, there is no single school curriculum in literature in the United States. In English lessons, they read and discuss the works chosen by the teacher. The main selection criteria are: the artistic value of the text, fascinating content, and the ability to learn moral lessons from it. Today it is common to include more books about war, the Holocaust, US history, and democratic values ​​in the list of works studied.

In the compulsory program

  1. Theodore Dreiser. "American Tragedy", "Financier".
  2. William Faulkner. "The Sound and the Fury"
  3. Robert Louis Stevenson. "Treasure Island".
  4. Joseph Conrad. "Heart of Darkness".
  5. George Orwell. "Barnyard".
  6. Terry Pratchett. "Flat world".
  7. Edith Wharton. "The Age of Innocence."
  8. Herman Melville. "Moby Dick".
  9. Daniel Keyes. "Flowers for Algernon."
  10. Edgar Poe. Poems and poems.

Great Britain

The British read at school what is considered to be the classics of English literature. Each class often chooses the form of studying large topics by voting. For example, "19th-Century English Literature" is a topic that students may want to explore through discussion, essay writing, individual study, group project preparation, and so on. Some program works are familiar to Russian graduates from childhood, and the names of many authors are one way or another well-known due to frequent mentions.

In the compulsory program

  1. J. Chaucer. "The Canterbury Tales".
  2. K. Marlowe. "The Tragic Story of Doctor Faustus."
  3. D. Defoe. "Robinson Crusoe".
  4. J. Swift. "Gulliver's Travels", "Letters from a Clothmaker".
  5. S. Richardson. "Clarissa, or the Story of a Young Lady", "Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded".
  6. G. Fielding. "The Story of Tom Jones, Foundling."
  7. Charles Dickens. "The Adventures of Oliver Twist", "Dombey and Son".
  8. William Thackeray. "Vanity Fair".
  9. George Eliot. "Mill on the Floss".
  10. S. Coleridge. "The Old Sailor"


Different types of schools teach literature differently. In ordinary schools, they mainly teach works by German authors. There are many gymnasiums in the country with a humanitarian focus, where works from ancient authors to the most modern are studied in detail. In some educational institutions, the literature course is divided according to the topics raised in the works. For example, “Law and Justice”, “Motherland and Foreign Land”, “Science and Responsibility” and others. Thus, F. Schiller’s drama “The Robbers” belongs to the topic “Law and Justice”, his “Mary Stuart” is studied in the section “The Conflict of Man and History”, and “Cunning and Love” naturally falls into the section “Love Stories”.

In the compulsory program

  1. Gotthold Ephraim Lessing. "Nathan the Wise."
  2. Friedrich Schiller. "The Robbers", "Mary Stuart", "Cunning and Love".
  3. Johann Wolfgang Goethe. "The Sorrows of Young Werther."
  4. Heinrich Heine. "Journey through the Harz."
  5. Thomas Mann. "Buddenbrooks", "Magic Mountain".
  6. Heinrich von Kleist. "Marquise d'O".
  7. Friedrich Durrenmatt. "The Old Lady's Visit", "Physicists".
  8. Amadeus Hoffman. “Little Tsakhes”, “Everyday views of the cat Murra”.
  9. Eduard Mörike. “The Artist Nolten”, “Mozart on the way to Prague”.
  10. Georg Buchner. "The Death of Danton"


In high school in Japanese schools, literature is studied in more or less detail, depending on the chosen direction; textbooks on literature are also very different - there is no single standard. Just as in Russia, Germany and Great Britain, the main attention is paid to the study of domestic literature. The greatest interest for the Japanese - including Japanese schoolchildren - are those works where one can observe and analyze the process of developing the character of the hero.

  1. Murasaki Shikibu. "The Tale of Genji".
  2. Sei-Shonagon. “Notes at the headboard.”
  3. Higuchi Ichiyo. "Peers".
  4. Yukio Mishima. "Golden Temple".
  5. Kobo Abe. "Woman in the Sands"
  6. Soseki Natsume. "Heart".
  7. Ryunosuke Akutagawa. "Rashomon".
  8. Ogai Mori. "Dancer".
  9. Haruki Murakami. "Sheep Hunting"
  10. Shiki Masaoka. Poetry.

Everyone is reading this

Of course, domestic literature always comes first. But there are works of world literature that are included in the advanced school course for high school students from almost all countries. So, the “world ten”:

  1. Homer. "Iliad", "Odyssey".
  2. William Shakespeare. "Hamlet", "Romeo and Juliet".
  3. Harper Lee. "To Kill a Mockingbird".
  4. William Golding. "Lord of the Flies".
  5. Charles Dickens. "Big hopes".
  6. Mary Shelley. "Frankenstein".
  7. Johann Wolfgang Goethe. "Faust".
  8. Franz Kafka. "Transformation."
  9. Lev Tolstoy. "Anna Karenina".
  10. Fedor Dostoevsky. "Crime and Punishment".

None of the countries examined attaches much importance to the main principle by which literature is studied in the senior classes of Russian schools - the historical and artistic method: classicism, romanticism, realism, etc. Meanwhile, it is precisely this approach that is closest to the scientific view of literature - it can be considered an advantage of our education system.

It requires systemic theoretical knowledge. And if school teachers are forced to sacrifice literature lessons while preparing graduates for the Unified State Exam, then a good tutor can fill in the gaps and form in the student’s mind a coherent picture of the entire history of the literary process. After all, this is precisely the knowledge of the subject that will be required during entrance tests in literature at prestigious universities.

Fairy tales (Battle on Kalinov Bridge, White Duck, Porridge from an Ax, Cat and the Fox).
“Folk wisdom” (Fables, Riddles, Proverbs and sayings).
People's Puppet Theater (Petrushka Uksukov).
Myths and legends - Myths of Ancient Greece (Olympus, Apollo and the Muses, Pygmalion, Labors of Hercules), Slavic myths and legends (About the city of Kitezh, Ataman Kudeyar, About Nikitushka Lomov)
Author's fairy tales - A.S. Pushkin (The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights, Ruslan and Lyudmila), H.K. Andersen (The Snow Queen, The True Truth), P.P. Bazhov (Stone Flower),
S.Ya.Marshak (Twelve months).
Fables - I.A. Krylov, Aesop, S.V. Mikhalkov.
Literature of the 19th century - M.Yu. Lermontov (Borodino), A.V. Koltsov (Mower, Forest), I.S. Turgenev (Mumu), N.A. Nekrasov (Peasant Children, Schoolboy), F.I. Tyutchen (poems), A.A. Fet (poems), A.N. Maikov (poems), L.N. Tolstoy (Prisoner of the Caucasus), V.M. Garshin (Signal).
Literature of the 20th century - L.N. Andreev (Kusaka), A.I. Kuprin (White Poodle), D. London (The Tale of Kish), A.N. Tolstoy (Nikita's Childhood).
“Native Land” - N.A. Nekrasov (All the rye is all around...), N.I. Rylenkov (Everything in a melting haze), K.G. Paustovsky (Meshcherskaya side).
“The military law called us to battle” - K. Simonov (The Major brought the boy on a gun carriage...), N. Rylenkov (The battle went on all night, and at dawn...), A. Surkov (The fire beats in a cramped stove),
A. Tvardovsky (Tankman's Tale, According to an Old Lady), Y.P. Kazakov (Quiet Morning), V.A. Soloukhin (Avenger), E.I. Nosov (Thirty Grains, Trickster, Kingfisher, How a Crow Got Lost on the Roof) .

The following list was given for extracurricular reading: A.S. Pushkin (The Tale of the Golden Cockerel, Shot), S.T. Aksakov (Stories about nature), I.A. Bunin (poems), N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky (Childhood Themes), N.V. Gogol (Viy, Sorochinskaya Fair, May Night), I.A. Kuprin (Moscow dear), M.Yu. Lermontov (Fugitive, Panorama of Moscow), K.M. Stanyukovich (Antoshka), I.S. Turgenev (Knocking), A.P. Chekhov (Horse name, Surgery, Burbot)

RUSSIAN LITERATURE OF THE 18TH CENTURY M.V. Lomonosov “Ode on the day of the accession to the All-Russian throne of Her Majesty Empress Elisaveta Petrovna, 1747” (fragments).

DI. Fonvizin Comedy "Undergrown".

G.R. Derzhavin Poems: “Monument”, “The River of Times in its Aspiration...”, as well as 2 works of your choice.

A.N. Radishchev “Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow” (fragments).

N.M. Karamzin Tale "Poor Liza". In a school with a native (non-Russian) language of instruction, literature of the 18th century is studied in overview with reading fragments of the above works.

RUSSIAN LITERATURE OF THE 19TH CENTURY I.A. Krylov 5 fables to choose from.

V.A. Zhukovsky Ballad “Svetlana”, as well as 2 works of your choice.

A.S. Griboyedov Comedy “Woe from Wit” (in a school with a native (non-Russian) language of instruction - separate scenes).

I.A. Goncharov Article “A Million Torments”* (fragments).

A.S. Pushkin Poems: “To Chaadaev”, “Song of the prophetic Oleg”, “To the sea”, “K*” (“I remember a wonderful moment...”), “October 19” (“The forest is dropping its crimson headdress...”), “ Prophet”, “Winter Road”, “Anchar”, “On the hills of Georgia lies the darkness of the night...”, “I loved you: love still, perhaps...”, “Winter morning”, “Demons”, “Cloud”, “I He erected a monument to himself, not made by hands...”, as well as 3 poems of your choice. Poem “Poltava” (fragments) “Belkin’s Tales” (one of the optional stories). Novels: “Dubrovsky”, “The Captain’s Daughter” (in schools with native (non-Russian) language of instruction, both novels are studied in abbreviation). The novel in verse “Eugene Onegin” (in a school with a native (non-Russian) language of instruction - fragments). V.G. Belinsky Cycle of articles “Works of Alexander Pushkin”. Articles: 8, 9 (fragments). M.Yu. Lermontov Poems: “Sail”, “Death of the Poet”, “Borodino”, “When the yellowing field is agitated...”, “Duma”, “Poet”, “Three Palms”, “Prayer” (“In a difficult moment of life...”), “Both boring and sad”, “No, it’s not you I love so passionately...”, “Motherland”, “Prophet”, as well as 3 poems of your choice. Poems: “Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, the young guardsman and the daring merchant Kalashnikov”, “Mtsyri”. The novel “A Hero of Our Time” (in a school where the native (non-Russian) language of instruction is the story “Bela”). A.V. Koltsov 3 poems of your choice. N.V. Gogol Stories: “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka” (1 story of choice), “Taras Bulba”, “The Overcoat” (in a school with a native (non-Russian) language of instruction, these stories are studied in abbreviation). Comedy “The Inspector General” (in a school with a native (non-Russian) language of instruction - separate scenes). The poem “Dead Souls” (Volume I) (in schools with native (non-Russian) language of instruction - separate chapters). A.N. Ostrovsky Comedy “Our own people - we will be numbered” (in a school with a native (non-Russian) language of instruction - separate scenes). I.S. Turgenev “Notes of a Hunter” (2 stories to choose from). The story "Mumu". The story "Asya"*. Novel “Fathers and Sons” (fragments). “Poems in prose” (3 poems of your choice).

F.I. Tyutchev Poems: “Spring Waters”, “There is in the original autumn...”, “Russia cannot be understood with the mind...”, as well as 3 poems of your choice.

A.A. Fet Poems: “Evening”, “This morning, this joy...”, “Learn from them - from the oak, from the birch...”, as well as 3 poems of your choice.

A.K. Tolstoy Poems: “In the midst of a noisy ball, by chance...”, “You are my land, my native land...”. Ballad “Vasily Shibanov”, as well as 3 works of your choice. ON THE. Nekrasov

Poems: “Reflections at the Main Entrance”, “Peasant Children”, “Railroad”. 3 works of your choice*. Poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” (fragments) . N.S. Leskov Stories: “Lefty”*, “Cadet Monastery”(abbreviated). M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin Fairy tales: “The story of how one man fed two generals”, “The Wise Minnow”, as well as 1 fairy tale of your choice.

F.M. Dostoevsky Stories: “Poor People”* or “White Nights”*. Novel “Crime and Punishment” (fragments) . L.N. Tolstoy Stories: “Prisoner of the Caucasus”, “After the Ball”*. Epic novel “War and Peace” (fragments) , the story "Hadji Murat". V.M. Garshin 1 story of your choice. A.P. Chekhov Stories: “Death of an Official”, “Chameleon”, “Gooseberry”, as well as 2 stories of your choice. Stories: “The Intruder”*, “The Man in the Case”*. V.G. Korolenko 1 piece of your choice. RUSSIAN LITERATURE OF THE XX CENTURY I.A. Bunin 2 stories of your choice. 2 poems of your choice. M. Gorky Story “Childhood” (fragments). “Song of the Falcon”, as well as 1 story of your choice. A.A. Block Poems: “Russia”, “Oh, I want to live madly...”, “About valor, about exploits, about glory...”, as well as 3 poems of your choice. V.V. Mayakovsky Poems: “Listen!”, “Good attitude towards horses”, “An extraordinary adventure that happened with Vladimir Mayakovsky in the summer at the dacha”, as well as 3 poems of your choice. S.A. Yesenin Poems: “Go you, Rus', my dear...”, “Song of the Dog”, “The golden grove dissuaded...”, as well as 3 poems of your choice. A.A. Akhmatova Poems: “...I had a voice. He called comfortingly…”, “Courage”, “Native Land”, as well as 3 poems of your choice. M.I. Tsvetaeva Poems: “To my poems, written so early...”, “With a red brush...”, “Seven hills, like seven bells...”, “Moscow”, as well as 2 poems of your choice. O.E. Mandelstam 3 poems of your choice. B.L. Pasternak 3 poems of your choice. M.A. Bulgakov Tale “Heart of a Dog” (in a school with a native (non-Russian) language of instruction - fragments). MM. Zoshchenko 1 story chosen by A.P. Platonov 1 work of choice. K.G. Paustovsky1 story of choice. MM. Prishvin 1 piece of your choice. ON THE. Zabolotsky 3 poems of your choice. A.T. Tvardovsky Poem “Vasily Terkin” (chapters). M.A. Sholokhov Story “The Fate of a Man” (in a school with a native (non-Russian) language of instruction - fragments). LITERATURE OF THE SECOND HALF OF THE XX CENTURY F.A.Abramov, Ch.T.Aitmatov, V.P.Astafiev, V.I.Belov, A.A.Voznesensky, E.A.Evtushenko, F.A.Iskander, Yu.P .Kazakov, V.L.Kondratiev, E.I.Nosov, B.Sh.Okudzhava, V.G.Rasputin, N.M.Rubtsov A.I.Solzhenitsyn, V.F.Tendryakov, V.T.Shalamov, V.M.Shukshin. 4 works of your choice. LITERATURE OF THE PEOPLES OF RUSSIA Heroic epic of the peoples of Russia: “Geser”, “Dzhangar”, “Kalevala”, “Maadai-Kara”, “Möge Bayan-Toolai”, “Narty”, “Olonkho”, “Ural-batyr” (1 work according to selection in fragments). R. Gamzatov, M. Karim, G. Tukay, Y. Rytkheu, K. Khetagurov (1 piece of choice). FOREIGN LITERATURE Homer “Odyssey” (fragments). Antique lyrics 2 poems of your choice. O. Khayyam Cycle “Rubaiyat” (3 rubai of your choice). Dante's "Divine Comedy" (fragments). M. Cervantes Roman “Don Quixote” (fragments). W. Shakespeare Tragedies: “Romeo and Juliet” (at a school with a native (non-Russian) language of instruction - fragments) or “Hamlet” (at a school with a native (non-Russian) language of instruction - fragments). 2 sonnets of your choice.

J.-B. Moliere Comedy “The Bourgeois in the Nobility” (at a school with a native (non-Russian) language of instruction - fragments). I.-V. Goethe "Faust" (fragments). F. Schiller 1 piece of your choice. J. G. Byron 1 piece of choice. H.K. Andersen 1 fairy tale of choice. P.-J. Beranger, R. Burns, R. Bradbury, J. Verne, G. Heine, V. Hugo, D. Defoe, A.K. Doyle, R. Kipling, A. Lindgren, M. Reed, L. Carroll, F. Cooper, D. London, S. Perrot, J. Rodari, J. Swift, A. Saint-Exu-Pery, J. Salinger, W. Scott, R. L. Stevenson, M. Twain, G. Wells. 2 works of your choice.

RUSSIAN LITERATURE OF THE 19TH CENTURY A.S. Pushkin Poems: “Liberty”, “The daylight has gone out...”, “I have outlived my desires...”, “Demon”, “Desert sower of freedom...”, “Conversation between a bookseller and a poet”, “Imitations of the Koran” (III, V, IX ), “If life deceives you...”, “Am I wandering along the noisy streets...”, “To the Poet”, “Elegy” (“Crazy years of faded fun...”), “Autumn”, “It’s time, my friend, it’s time! the heart asks for peace...”, “...Once again I visited...”, “Desert Fathers and blameless wives...”, “From Pindemonti”, as well as 4 poems of your choice. The poem “The Bronze Horseman” The story “The Queen of Spades”. "Little Tragedies" (Mozart and Solebury). The tragedy “Boris Godunov” (in a school with a native (non-Russian) language of instruction - review with analysis of fragments). F.M. Dostoevsky, essay “Pushkin”. Poets of Pushkin's time K.N. Batyushkov, E.A. Baratynsky, A.A. Dahlweg, D.V. Davydov. 4 poems of your choice. M.Yu. Lermontov Poems: “K*” (“I will not humiliate myself before you...”), “Prayer” (“I, the Mother of God, now with prayer...”), “How often, surrounded by a motley crowd...”, “There are speeches - meaning ...”, “Gratitude”, “Testament” (“Alone with you, brother ...”), “Valerik”, “Dream” (In the midday heat in the valley of Dagestan ...), “I go out alone on the road ...”, and also 4 poems of your choice. Poem “Demon” by N.V. Gogol Stories: “Portrait”, “Nevsky Prospekt”. A.N. Ostrovsky Plays: “The Thunderstorm”, “Forest”. ON THE. Dobrolyubov, “A Ray of Light in the Dark Kingdom” (fragments). A.A. Grigoriev, “After Ostrovsky’s “The Thunderstorm”. Letters to I.S. Turgenev" (fragments). I.A. Goncharov Essay “Frigate “Pallada”” (fragments). The novel “Oblomov” by N.A. Dobrolyubov “What is Oblomovism?” (fragments). A.V. Druzhinin “Oblomov”, Goncharov’s novel” (fragments). I.S. Turgenev Roman “Fathers and Sons” D.I. Pisarev “Bazarov” (fragments). F.I. Tyutchev Poems: “Noon”, “Silentium!”, “Cicero”, “Autumn Evening”, “Not what you think, nature...”, “Grey shadows mixed...”, “Day and Night”, “Human Tears, oh human tears...", "Oh, how murderously we love...", "Last love", "These poor villages...", "It is not given to us to predict...", "Nature is a sphinx. And the more true it is...", "K. B." (“I met you - and all the past ...”), as well as 4 poems of your choice. A.A. Fet Poems: “The cat sings, squinting his eyes...”, “With a wavy cloud...”, “Whisper, timid breathing...”, “Pine trees”, “It’s still a May night...”, “The dawn bids farewell to the earth...”, “The night shone. The garden was full of moonlight. They were lying...", "Another forgettable word...", "How poor our language is! “I want and I can’t…”, “With one push I can drive away a living boat…”, “On a swing”, as well as 4 poems of your choice. A.K. Tolstoy Poems: “Me, in the darkness and in the dust...”, “If you love, so without reason...”, “Do not believe me, friend, when, in an excess of grief...”, “Two camps are not a fighter, but only a random guest... ", "A tear trembles in your jealous gaze...", "Against the tide", "I bless you, forests..." (from the poem "John of Damascus"), "History of the Russian State from Gostomysl to Timashev", as well as 4 works of your choice. ON THE. Nekrasov Poems: “On the Road”, “Modern Ode”, “Troika”, “Am I Driving Down a Dark Street at Night...”, “You and I are stupid people...”, “Celebration of life - years of youth...”, “Forgotten Village”, “The Poet and the Citizen”, “Under the Cruel Hand of Man...” (“About the Weather”), “I Will Die Soon. A pitiful inheritance...", "Elegy" ("Let changing fashion tell us..."), "To the Sowers", "O Muse! I’m at the door of the tomb…”, as well as 4 poems of your choice. The poem “Who lives well in Rus'” (in a school with a native (non-Russian) language of instruction - review with analysis of fragments). N.G. Chernyshevsky's novel “What to do?” (review). N.S. Leskov The story “The Enchanted Wanderer” or the story “Odnodum”. M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin “The History of a City” F.M. Dostoevsky Novel “Crime and Punishment” N.N. Strakhov, Essay on “Crime and Punishment” (fragments). L.N. Tolstoy's epic novel “War and Peace” by A.P. Chekhov Stories: “Jumping”, “Ward No. 6”, “Student”, “House with a Mezzanine”, “Ionych”, “Darling”, “Lady with a Dog”, as well as 2 stories of your choice. Play "The Cherry Orchard". RUSSIAN LITERATURE OF THE XX CENTURY I.A. Bunin Stories: “Antonov Apples”, “Mr. from San Francisco”, “Dark Alleys” (story), “Clean Monday”, as well as 2 stories of your choice. A.I. Kuprin The story “Garnet Bracelet”, as well as 1 work of your choice. L.N. Andreev 1 piece of your choice. M. Gorky Story “Old Woman Izergil”. The play "At the Bottom". Poetry of the late XIX–early XX centuries. I.F. Annensky, K.D. Balmont, V.Ya. Bryusov, Z.N. Gippius, A. Bely, N.S. Gumilev, N.A. Klyuev, V.V. Khlebnikov, I. Severyanin. Poems by 4 poets to choose from. A.A. Block of Poems: “I have a feeling about you. Years pass by...", "I enter dark temples...", "We met you at sunset...", "A girl sang in the church choir...", "Stranger", "Night, street, lantern, pharmacy...", " Factory”, “She came from the cold...”, “When you stand in my way...”, cycle “On the Kulikovo Field”, “In a restaurant”, “Artist”, “Oh, I want to live like crazy...”, “Before the trial ", "On the Railroad", "Scythians", as well as 4 poems of your choice. Poems: “The Nightingale Garden”, “The Twelve”. V.V. Mayakovsky Poems: “Could you?”, “Here!”, “The violin and a little nervously”, “Lilichka!”, “About rubbish”, “Sessed over”, “Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris about the essence of love”, “Anniversary ", "Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva", as well as 4 poems of your choice. Poems: “Cloud in Pants”, “Love”. The first introduction to the poem “At the top of my voice.” The play "The Bedbug". S.A. Yesenin Poems: “The Lord went to torture people in love...”, “Rus”, “Sorokoust” (“Did you see...”), “Do not wander, do not crush in the crimson bushes...”, “I remember, beloved, I remember...” , “The road was thinking about the red evening...”, “Letter to mother”, “Soviet Russia”, “Now we are leaving little by little...”, “You are my Shagane, Shagane...”, “In the Caucasus”, “I don’t regret, I don’t call, I don’t I’m crying...", "Letter to a woman", "The feather grass is sleeping. Dear plain...”, “Bless every work, good luck...”, as well as 4 poems of your choice. Poem "Anna Snegina". M.I. Tsvetaeva Poems: “Poems to Blok” (“Your name is a bird in the hand...”), “Poems grow like stars and like roses...”, “I am happy to live exemplary and simple...”, “Who is created from stone, who is created made of clay...", the cycle "Apprentice", "Frivolity is a sweet sin...", "Mayakovsky" ("Soviet nobles..."), "I conjure you from gold...", "Don" ("White Guard, your path is high..." ), “Homesickness! A long time ago...", as well as 4 poems of your choice. O.E. Mandelstam Poems: “A body has been given to me - what should I do with it ...”, “Inexpressible sadness ...”, “Notre Dame”, “I don’t know since when ...”, “Insomnia. Homer. Tight sails...”, “I hate the light...”, “Oh, how we love to be hypocrites...”, “Don’t ask: you know...”, “Your image, painful and unsteady...”, “For the explosive valor of the coming centuries...”, “Century”, “I returned to my city, familiar to tears...”, as well as 4 poems of your choice. A.A. Akhmatova Poems: “Song of the Last Meeting”, “Clenched her hands under a dark veil...”, “The Gray-Eyed King”, “Confusion”, “Love”, “Twenty-first. Night. Monday...", "I learned to live simply, wisely...", "I don't need odic armies...", "We have freshness of words and feelings of simplicity...", "Seaside Sonnet", "Prayer", "Muse", and also 4 poems of your choice. Poems: “Poem without a Hero”, “Requiem”. B.L. Pasternak Poems: “February. Get some ink and cry!..”, “About these poems”, “Being famous is ugly...”, “Definition of poetry”, “When things get going”, “I want to achieve everything...”, “Hamlet”, “Miracle”, “ August”, “Garden of Gethsemane”, “Night”, “Only Days”, as well as 4 poems of your choice. M.A. Bulgakov Novels: “The White Guard” or “The Master and Margarita”. I.E. Babel 2 stories of your choice. A.A. Fadeev Roman “Destruction” A.P. Platonov's Tale "The Hidden Man". M.A. Sholokhov Novel-epic “Quiet Don” V.V. Nabokov 1 work of choice. ON THE. Zabolotsky Poems: “The signs of the Zodiac are fading…”, “Testament”, “Reading poetry”, “On the beauty of human faces”, “September”, as well as 3 poems of your choice. A.T. Tvardovsky Poems: “I was killed near Rzhev...”, “The whole essence is in one single covenant...”, “In memory of the mother”, “I know: it’s not my fault...”, “To the bitter grievances of one’s own person...”, as well as 4 poems optionally. A.I. Solzhenitsyn's story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich", the story "Matrenin's Dvor". Prose of the second half of the 20th century by F.A. Abramov, Ch.T. Aitmatov, V.P. Astafiev, V.I. Belov, A.G. Bitov, V.V. Bykov, V.S. Grossman, V.L. Kondratyev, V. P. Nekrasov, E.I. Nosov, V.G. Rasputin, V.F. Tendryakov, Yu.V. Trifonov, V.T.Shalamov, V.M.Shukshin. 4 works of choice; one of them is on the theme of the Great Patriotic War. Poetry of the second half of the 20th century B.A. Akhmadulina, I.A. Brodsky, A.A. Voznesensky, V.S. Vysotsky, E.A. Evtushenko, Yu.P. Kuznetsov, L.N. Martynov, B.Sh. Okudzhava, N.M. Rubtsov, D.S. Samoilov, A.A. Tarkovsky. Poems by 4 poets to choose from. Dramaturgy of the 20th century A.N. Arbuzov, A.V. Vampilov, A.M. Volodin, V.S. Rozov, M.M. Roshchin, E.L. Schwartz. 2 works of your choice.

LITERATURE OF THE PEOPLES OF RUSSIA G. Aigi. Poems. R. Gamzatov. The book “My Dagestan”, the legend “The Return of Hadji Murad”, the poem “Mountain Woman”. M. Jalil. The cycle of poems “Moabit Notebook”. M. Karim. Poems of your choice; tragedy "Don't throw fire, Prometheus." D. Kugultinov. Poems. K. Kuliev. Poems. Yu. Rytkheu. Novel “A Dream at the Beginning of the Fog” (the legend of the white Female Progenitor). G. Tukay. Poems of your choice. Poem "Shurale". K. Khetagurov. Poems. Poem "Fatima". Yu. Shestalov. Pagan poem. Two works of your choice. FOREIGN LITERATURE G. Apollinaire, O. Balzac, G. Böll, C. Baudelaire, P. Verlaine, O. Henry, G. Hesse, W. Golding, E. T. A. Hoffmann, V. Hugo, C. Dickens, G. Ibsen, A. Camus, F. Kafka, T. Mann, G. Marquez, P. Merimee, M. Maeterlinck, G. Maupassant, D. Orwell, E. A. Poe, E. M. Remarque, A. Rimbaud, J. Salinger, O. Wilde, G. Flaubert, W. Faulkner, A. France, E. Hemingway, B. Shaw, W. Eco. 3 works of your choice.