Expression number - numerology for a conscious life. How to determine the expression number


The Expression Number allows you to determine a person’s talents, his calling and spiritual inclinations. This number allows us to judge a person’s innate talents, which, in turn, depend on the experience of previous reincarnations.

There is also a number of low expression - the definition of the number is exactly the same, but in this case we are not considering the full (or official) name coupled with the patronymic and surname, but the name by which a person is called by friends or close people. In this case, the decoding will correspond to the idea of ​​this person specifically of the group of people who use this name.

A name is more than a date of birth, an individual characteristic, so its decoding is specific and gives a fairly complete picture of the character and personality traits. The most important thing to remember is that even if your friends, for example, see you as an Eight, that is, a rude materialist, and you actually are not one, then this is a good reason to think about it. Why are you so closed to your friends and do not at all show the character traits that are truly inherent to you?

The Expression Number is the numerological sum of a person's full name given to him at birth. We use numerical correspondences of letters of the alphabet. Let me remind you of them again:

We proceed in the following sequence:

We determine the numerical correspondence of each letter;

We add up the numbers for each part of the name (separately for the first name, separately for the patronymic, separately for the last name) and perform their numerological collapse, without forgetting about the master numbers;

We add together the resulting numbers for the parts of the name and collapse to the base number.

Let's give an example.

3 + 4 + 1 + 5 + 1 + 5 + 1+ 9 = 28 = 2 + 8 = 10 =1

1 + 6 + 5 + 7 + 6 + 7 + 3 + 1 + 7 = 43 = 4 + 3 = 7

3 + 2 + 1 + 7 + 6 + 3 + 1+ 2 = 25 = 2 + 5 = 7 Let’s sum it all up:

1 + 7 + 7 =15 = 1 + 5 = 6

That is, for this example, the Expression Number will be six.

And now - about decoding.

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The Expression Number is the numerological sum of the name given to us at birth. . This refers to the full, official form of the name. There are also small expression numbers for those names that differ from the full official name.

To determine the Expression Number, we replace each letter of the name with the corresponding number, and then add the numbers for each part of the name separately until we get the base number or master number. Finally, we add together the sums for the parts of the name and roll them up until we get the base number or master number that characterizes the name as a whole.

Numerical correspondences for letters of the Russian and English alphabet can be found in Table 4.1 and Table 4.2.

You can easily obtain such correspondences for any other language. According to Pythagorean Numerology, which we are studying, to do this, it is enough to sequentially number all the letters of the official version of the alphabet from 1 to 9.

Now let's see how the Expression Number is determined in practice.

Emmanuil Gedionovich Vitorgan, one of our most famous artists. I chose him because in one of his interviews Vitorgan said that relatives and close friends call him Emma - so we have the opportunity to compare the Expression Number and the low expression number. By the way, his patronymic, as far as I was able to find out, is written with an “i”, Gedionovich.

Let's replace the letters of the full name with the corresponding numbers (see Table 4.3).

Let's add up the numbers for the first name, middle name and last name separately.

Name: 4 + 5 + 5 + 1 + 6 + 3+1+4 = 29->11

Middle name: 4 + 6 + 5 + 1 + 7 + 6 + 7 + 3+1 + 7 = 47->11

Last name: 3+1+2 + 7 + 9 + 4+1+6 = 33

As you like - three master numbers! With a name like that, Vitorgan simply has to be famous. Even when he is simply called by his first name and patronymic, the sum gives the number 22. However, we continue, it remains to add the numbers for the first name, patronymic and last name.

11 + 11 + 33 = 55

Perhaps some numerologists will consider 55 a master number, but I have not yet reached such heights of perception, so I will continue the addition:

55 ->5 + 5= 10-> 1.

Thus, Vitorgan’s Expression Number is 1. We will discuss what this means a little later, but now let’s see on what basis he builds relationships with loved ones. Let's determine a small expression number for the name Emma (see Table 4.4).

Table 4.4. Numerical correspondences of the letters of the name Emma

Let's sum up the numbers given in the table: 4 + 5 + 5+1 = 15-> 6.

You are already familiar enough with the characteristics of numbers to understand why the low Expression Number of the name Emma is liked more by close friends than the Expression Number 1.

By the way, regarding the different parts of the name. And the first name, patronymic, and last name give their own numerological amounts. In principle, with a more refined analysis, they can be studied separately. In this case the sum of your own name shows your individual characteristics that best suit you personally. The middle name sum often contains some hidden abilities that you do not strive to purposefully develop (maybe because you don’t like them). Well, the sum of the surname indicates the characteristics common to all members of your family. If the Birthday Number, and even the Life Path Number, can be calculated in the mind, then calculations associated with the name require pencil and paper. And just by researching the name, you will be able to appreciate the undeniable help of the Numerology Calculator.

Determining your Expression Number using a Numerology Calculator

Actually, no fancy instructions are expected here. Everything is very simple:

In the First Name, Middle Name and Last Name input fields, enter the first name, middle name and last name of the person you are interested in, respectively.

On the left side of the program window, read the Expression Number value. Let's check our previous calculations for E.G using the Numerology Calculator. Vitorgan. You can see what happens as a result in Fig. 4.1. The results of our previous calculations were confirmed.

Rice. 4.1. Calculation results for E.G. Vitorgan. Pay attention to Expression Number 1.

However, it is time to give detailed interpretations of Expression Numbers.

Interpretation of Expression Numbers

Expression Number 1

Such a person is self-sufficient. He prefers to do everything himself - it’s much easier than messing around with assistants and explaining to them how and what needs to be done. The new, unknown does not frighten him, but, on the contrary, attracts him and causes pleasant excitement. Consciously or unconsciously, he strives to be the first, the best, an expert in his field, and if he listens to someone’s opinion, then only in those cases when he considers his interlocutor to be an expert.

The owner of Expression Number 1 may find himself in the role of a leader, a leader, but in fact, the last thing he would like to do is be responsible for others and look after them. It’s just that the leader’s position allows him to act as he sees fit, and that’s what’s important to him. The optimal role for such a person is that of an adviser, consultant, or soloist who is valued, listened to, given freedom of action and does not impose anyone’s opinion.

Expression of the Unit gives the innate ability to concentrate efforts in one direction, the desire for simplicity and straightforwardness, courage and the ability not to give up. Thanks to these qualities, a person can achieve a lot even without anyone's support.

In relationships, it is easier for him to deal with strong personalities, bright individuals, because this person will unwittingly suppress a modest, inconspicuous partner and cause him a lot of complexes.

Examples: Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky, Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky, Nikolai Alexandrovich Semashko, Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky, Rudolf Khametovich Nuriev, Vera Ignatievna Mukhina, Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov, Joseph Davydovich Kobzon, Nikolai Ivanovich Kibalchich, Mstislav Vsevolodovich Keldysh, Anatoly Evgenievich Kar pov, Mikhail Mikhailovich Zoshchenko, Oleg Nikolaevich Efremov, Isaac Osipovich Dunaevsky, Alexander Sergeevich Dargomyzhsky, Emmanuil Gedionovich Vitorgan, Mikhail Sergeevich Boyarsky, Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev, Anna Andreevna Akhmatova.

It is interesting that Chernyshevsky sought to reduce the best movements of the human soul to “reasonable” egoism - but this “egoism” is very peculiar. According to Chernyshevsky, a person, acting nobly, acts so not for others, but exclusively for himself (Unit). He does well because doing well gives him pleasure.

Expression Number 2

A person has an innate talent for building relationships with other people, understanding their motivations, and sometimes literally reading their thoughts. He distinguishes details and nuances well, understands the language of emotions and is able to extract significant benefits in a situation where, say, a representative of a Unit will not notice or understand anything at all.

The owner of the Expression of Two manifests himself best in cases where he acts with someone in a pair, especially if the partner has qualities that are not characteristic of a two. If such a person finds himself in the position of sole leader, usually next to him you can see someone else: a partner, a spouse, a secret adviser - an open or secret partner who helps the two feel whole.

The expression of a Two very often produces artistic, musical or artistic talent, although the person may never develop it if he does not see how to put this talent to good use. In most cases, there is a subtle aesthetic taste, an understanding of harmony, and the ability to balance unstable situations (however, sometimes, if he needs it, he can introduce fluctuations and strife into a seemingly stable situation).

The opinion of other people, even strangers, is always of great importance to this person, and he will try to make sure that this opinion is favorable. And he knows well how to make a good impression.

When faced with a problem, a person with Expression of Two prefers not to attack it head-on, but to achieve his goal through compromises, waiting for the right moment, hints, behind-the-scenes games or hidden persuasion.

Examples: Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky, Gennady Andreevich Zyuganov, Mikhail Efimovich Fradkov, Andrei Andreevich Gromyko, Antonio Lucio Vivaldi, Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka, Ivan Petrovich Kulibin, Lev Valeryanovich Leshchenko, Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov, Alexandra Nikolaevna Pakhmutova, Pablo Picasso, Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov, Ronald Reagan, Ivan Andreevich Krylov, Mikhail Aleksandrovich Vrubel, Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky, Alexander Danilovich Menshikov, Irina Aleksandrovna Allegrova, Alexander Gavrilovich Abdulov, Iya Sergeevna Savvina, Tatyana Vasilievna Doronina.

V.V. Zhirinovsky uses his Two in a rather unique, but very effective way. And yet, politics is politics, and the artistic needs of the Deuce make themselves felt, and Zhirinovsky tries himself as a singer - his songs can be found on the Internet if desired.

Expression Number 3

The expression of the Three gives a person innate creative abilities. He easily improvises, finds the right words and images in order to express the idea that has visited him or the feeling that has gripped him. And if you take into account the source of optimism, joy, and interest in life that is constantly operating in the soul of such a person, then you can understand why he makes such an irresistible impression on those around him, and how he manages to improve people’s mood. Troika often manifests itself as a penchant for learning foreign languages.

Such a person best demonstrates his abilities in a relaxed atmosphere, when he is not required to do anything specific and is not burdened with any responsibilities, but is given the opportunity to act at his own discretion. Among the talents, the ability to deftly handle words most often manifests itself, although a representative of the Expression Troika rarely has only one bright talent - such a person, as a rule, can shine in several areas.

Thanks to a non-standard and unpredictable approach, the owner of Expression Three can find original solutions to the most confusing problems. Sometimes his decisions are so unexpected that it seems as if they were prompted by someone from above.

Loving nature, combined with an aversion to discipline and responsibility, can become a source of problems for this person, especially in close, trusting relationships. However, he is so sincerely sorry for his sins that he is usually easily forgiven, like a child, and continues to be loved and appreciated.

Practicality, the ability to put things in order and get things done are by no means among the strong qualities of a Three, and if this person does not have a Four or Eight among other numerological parameters, there is no need to demand the impossible from him and spoil his mood. It is much easier to entrust putting things in order and completing the work to another, more diligent person.

Examples: Garry Kimovich Kasparov, Honore de Balsac, Evgeniy Bagrationovich Vakhtangov, Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilev, Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Evstigneev, Leonid Vyacheslavovich Kuravlev, Lev Davidovich Landau, Alexander Stepanovich Popov, Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninov, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, Mikhail Vasilievich Frunze, Nikita Ser Geevich Khrushchev, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, Galina Sergeevna Ulanova, Svyatoslav Teofilovich Richter, Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky, Mikhail Alexandrovich Bakunin, Pyotr Leonidovich Kapitsa, Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov, Valery Yakovlevich Bryusov, Grigory Alekseevich Yavlinsky, Kristina Edmundovna Orbakaite, Nikolai Viktorovich Baskov.

The abilities of the Three are so abundant that they often manifest themselves at a very early age. This is how Garry Kasparov learned to play chess at the age of five, watching adults play, S.V. Rachmaninov showed interest in music at the age of 4, and at the age of 9 he already entered the conservatory; Svyatoslav Richter began playing at the age of 8, and did not play scales, but immediately began to learn Chopin’s nocturne.

Expression Number 4

The expression of the Four gives a person an innate sense of duty, honesty, responsibility, a desire for discipline and order, and the ability to work long and hard to achieve practically important results.

Such people are the basis of any enterprise. They can be good organizers, but they are not the type to give others tasks and sit on the sidelines - they themselves get involved in activities and work harder than anyone else.

A person with Expression 4 is not afraid of difficulties. Moreover, sometimes it seems that he deliberately finds difficulties for himself. Of the two different approaches to the matter, he will most likely choose the most labor-intensive one. The weakness of such a person is that he prefers to attack an obstacle head-on, regardless of the expenditure of time and effort. He does not look for a workaround, even if it exists and is quite obvious. By listening to the advice of a more flexible person, a representative of the Four could make his activities much more effective, but the problem is that the Four are characterized by perseverance, the desire to stand on their own at all costs.

Owners of Expression Four like to act according to plan, relying in their work on a well-thought-out scheme, a reliably working structure. If the situation around becomes uncertain, if there is neither a clearly defined goal nor a specific algorithm for achieving it, representatives of the Four feel insecure and uncomfortable, and the effectiveness of their work may decrease. For the same reason, the Four does not like everything new and unusual, preferring what is reliable, thorough, and time-tested.

The ability to theorize is not one of the Expression Four's strengths. For such people, practice is the most important criterion of truth.

Examples: Alfred Nobel, Evgeniy Dmitrievich Doga, Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin, Lyudmila Georgievna Zykina, Vladimir Viktorovich Vasiliev, Valery Yakovlevich Leontiev, Genrikh Gustavovich Neuhaus, Sergei Sergeevich Prokofiev, Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin, Andrei Aleksandrovich Mironov, Grigory Aleksandrovich Potemkin, Ivan Alekseevich Bunin, Leonid Mikhailovich Mlechin, Valentin Abramovich Yudashkin, Leonid Ivanovich Abalkin, Arkady Aleksandrovich Weiner.

It is interesting that famous people with Four Expression often begin their journey, so to speak, from the lower strata of society, from the working environment. Yeltsin was a foreman, Zykina was a turner, Leontyev studied at a mining institute, worked as a postman and electrician. And the artist Shishkin was involved in archaeological excavations by his father, a great lover of antiquity, as a child - also an activity quite in the spirit of the Four.

Expression Number 5

The support of those who are given Expression Number 5 is versatility, a broad outlook, the ability to understand a wide variety of people and adapt to any circumstances. Such a person loves freedom, space, he likes adventure and change, and numerous trips not only do not burden him, but are perceived as an integral and far from the worst part of life.

When faced with an obstacle, a person with Five Expression will not “hit one point”, but will try many different methods: those that he knows, those that he read about somewhere, and even those that he once heard about. He is extremely versatile, has many talents and copes equally well with a variety of things, sometimes with several at the same time.

Real problems begin when they try to force a Five person to do only one thing for a long time, to obey a strict schedule, to act strictly in accordance with instructions. In such conditions, this person becomes evasive, unreliable and will use any means to evade the burden that has fallen on him.

The expression of the Five gives a love for distant countries, because where else can you find so many new sensations and exciting impressions? Even in cases where a person does not have the opportunity to travel, his personality may be characterized by a certain touch of exoticism. He treats guests to exotic cocktails, unprecedented cigars, dresses unlike everyone else, or in some other way hints that he stopped here for a minute, passing from Montevideo to Kota Kinabalu, or that he arrived in a time machine from a completely different era.

Such a person does not recognize boundaries, he is interested in everything in the world, therefore the weakness of the Five is, firstly, not to exhaust himself and not overspend his resources in pursuit of fresh impressions, and secondly, to achieve significant success in one thing, instead of scattering yourself among many small hobbies. People with Five expression express themselves best in those activities that involve many different topics, communication with a large number of people, and frequent travel. That is, the professions of a politician, journalist or artist turn out to be an excellent choice for them.

Examples: Carl Gustav Jung, Andrei Arsenievich Tarkovsky, Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, Oleg Valeryanovich Basilashvili, Vasily Semenovich Lanovoy, Georgy Mikhailovich Vitsin, Vladimir Nikolaevich Voinovich, Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin, Evgeny Pavlovich Leonov, Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov, Bulat Shalvovich Okudzhava, Igor Fedorovich Stra Vinsky, Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, Fyodor Ivanovich Shalyapin, Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky, Fyodor Nikiforovich Plevako, Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin, Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev, Nonna Viktorovna Mordyukova, Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin, Egor Timurovich Gaidar, Alexander Vladimirovich Rutskoi, Leonid Gennadievich Parfenov.

In love, Fives also value freedom and diversity. Here is an interesting excerpt from the memoirs of Bulat Okudzhava, written with the humor characteristic of the Five: “In my early youth I was amazingly in love. And when I looked at the object of my love, wings grew, and I realized that from now on it would be forever. And all this until another appeared.”

Expression Number 6

A person with Six Expression usually also has some kind of artistic or artistic talent, and has a keen sense of harmony and beauty. Often creative abilities are manifested in such a person from childhood. The Six is ​​characterized by talents associated with visually perceived images - that is, for example, painting, but it can also manifest itself in any other areas of art. The other side of the Six is ​​an interest in relationships between people, an understanding of the “mechanism” of close family relationships, natural laws governing the interaction of people in society. Possessing the Expression of Six, a person often turns out to be a favorite in the family, and he himself responds with love and care to loved ones, maintaining emotional, trusting relationships with them for many years. Growing up and entering society, he either finds in it the continuation of a loving family, because he knows how to build harmonious relationships, or he is outraged by the injustice of society and makes efforts to make it better. A Six person loves to organize the life of a group, including coming up with rules that would make relationships between people fair and harmonious. One of the talents characteristic of the Six is ​​the ability to find a common language with children - perhaps, thanks to memories of their own happy childhood, thanks to this talent, a person can either choose the profession of a teacher, or take on the role of a mentor, a kind of guardian over youth . He is especially good as an adviser in matters of the heart, since he is well versed in them and has considerable personal experience.

Another talent often found among owners of Expression Number 6 is the ability to find compromise solutions in difficult situations, so successful that both conflicting parties remain satisfied. As a result, such a person often plays the role of a peacemaker or arbitrator in society.

Examples: George Gordon Byron, Konstantin Dmitrievich Balmont, Leonid Sergeevich Bronevoy, Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov, Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov, Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko, Fazil Abdulovich Iskander, Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky, Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin, Ilya Efimovich Repin, Mstislav Leopoldovich Ro Stropovich, Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich, Raisa Maksimovna Gorbacheva, Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov, Arkady Isaakovich Raikin, Boris Abramovich Berezovsky, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, Boris Efimovich Nemtsov, Anatoly Borisovich Chubais.

According to contemporaries, Griboedov had an amazing ability to make those around him fall in love with him. We can say that everyone who was around him loved him. And here is what A.D. remembers about his childhood. Sakharov: “My childhood was spent in a large communal apartment, where, however, most of the rooms were occupied by the families of our relatives and only a part by strangers. The traditional spirit of a large strong family was preserved in the house - constant active diligence and respect for work skills, mutual family support, love of literature and science.”

Expression Number 7

A person has at his disposal innate insight, the ability to solve riddles, to find hidden and lost things. He is not afraid of the complex and confusing, because he is confident that the power of his mind will allow him to figure it out. On the other hand, he may express his thoughts in a somewhat intricate manner that is not very clear to others. For this reason, it is easier for him to communicate with those who have related interests.

Accustomed to the fact that the truth never lies on the surface, such a person can be quite suspicious. When he hears a generally accepted answer to a question, he thinks, “Okay, but what is it really like?”

Excessive communication and an overly active social life are tiring for the owner of Expression Seven. He needs periods of silence and solitude so that he can accumulate psychological energy, as if to restore his center of gravity.

He experiences antipathy towards superficial, ordinary things, and may be surprised at the lack of depth of understanding in other people. As a result, such a person may be considered an eccentric, a loner. On the other hand, if those around him once understand how deeply he penetrates into the essence of the problem, they will regularly resort to his help, as a result of which the Seven person will become a respected expert, albeit a little eccentric.

The expression of a Seven allows a person to see so deeply the whole truth of life, often quite unsightly, that he can get tired of pain and dirt, become a cynic, or become embittered with all people taken together and stop trusting them. To restore mental strength and internally cleanse, it is useful for such a person to be alone, listen to classical music, maybe meditate. Consulting a good psychologist may also be helpful.

Examples: Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky, George Gershwin, Anton Antonovich Delvig, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, Vakhtang Konstantinovich Kikabidze, Sofya Vasilievna Kovalevskaya, Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov, Kazimir Severinovich Malevich, Yuri Vladimirovich Nikulin, Isaac Newton, Niccolo Paganini, Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky, Alexander Leonidovich Chizhevsky , Osip Emilievich Mandelstam, Mark Zakharovich Chagall, Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva, Alexander Alexandrovich Blok, Vasily Makarovich Shukshin, Galina Pavlovna Vishnevskaya, Alexander Alexandrovich Kalyagin, Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum, Vladimir Alexandrovich Ryzhkov.

They write about Newton that he was a deeply religious Christian who was engaged not only in science, but also in theology. For him, one was inseparable from the other. And at the same time, Newton, if not alone in his understanding of Christianity, then belonged to an insignificant group of people who agreed with him. He accepted one God and considered Christ only a man. In addition, he was seriously involved in alchemy, and his scientific works were poorly understood by his contemporaries.

Expression Number 8

The expression of the Eight gives a person the ability to influence other people - but not with words, but with something difficult to explain, not very understandable, but at the same time quite effective. This “something” can manifest itself as personal charm, strength of personality, mysterious psychological energy... In a word, magic.

One of the characteristic features of the Eight is the desire for perfection, the desire to be the best in the business in which a person is engaged. And being the Number of Expression, it makes this quality an innate human need. Such a person is not afraid of competition, he uses his significant influence on others and spares no effort to ensure that the results of his work are truly impressive. The conviction that the work was done conscientiously and that he is the best brings deep satisfaction to the owner of Expression Eight.

Such a person understands well what efficiency is and strives to distribute his resources so that they bring the greatest benefit. Having a good idea of ​​the general scheme of the project, he would prefer to leave the work on small details to others - and he himself would cope very well with the direction of the assistants' activities. The problem is that the Eight person is rarely satisfied with his assistants, since people comparable to him in efficiency do not come across very often.

Many Expression Eight holders strive to gain power, and in our world, power is usually associated with money. As a result, these people have to find themselves in situations that are poorly compatible with their highest principles, and often a choice arises: what to prefer, higher principles or power with money?

The balance between material and spiritual, between receiving and giving, between control and trust is very important for the Eight. There is a great temptation to become isolated on one’s own needs, and then a person becomes overly ambitious, greedy, intolerant of other people, and each new obstacle only worsens his isolation on oneself. On the other hand, if balance can be maintained, each new problem gives a person invaluable insight and increases his abilities.

Examples: Joseph Alexandrovich Brodsky, Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky, Elena Petrovna Blavatsky, Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi, Igor Vasilyevich Kurchatov, Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov, Karl Marx, Immanuel Kant, Vaslav Fomich Nijinsky, Luciano Pavarotti, Ivan Petrovich Pavlov, Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich, Mikhail Mikhailovich Zhvanetsky , Ernst Iosifovich Neizvestny, Vladimir Ivanovich Dal, Andrey Vadimovich Makarevich, Natalya Eduardovna Andreichenko, Philip Bedrosovich Kirkorov, Nikolai Petrovich Karachentsov, Eduard Veniaminovich Limonov.

I.P. From early childhood, Pavlov showed persistence in achieving goals and a constant desire for self-improvement. And subsequently he was considered a pedant among some of his colleagues and students, because he was extremely tenacious and persistent in achieving his goal.

Expression Number 9

In order to learn that the world is big and the Universe is infinite, a person with Nine Expression does not necessarily need to go to school. It seems that many large-scale concepts were originally embedded in his mind and soul. While still a child, such a person sometimes shows childish wisdom.

Very often, especially in his youth, he is guided through life by certain global ideas, high idealistic aspirations. He wants to make humanity happy, find a universal cure for all diseases, or in some other way make sure there is less suffering in the world. After all, a person who has the Expression of Nine really acutely feels the suffering of people, even those who are in the most remote corners of the Earth.

Such a person has an innate generosity, he feels satisfaction when he gives to people much more than he receives in return. And if he does this from the bottom of his heart, Fate will certainly compensate for his costs, but from sources that no one even suspects. Everything looks like extraordinary luck that fell out of the blue. If a person begins to expect something in return, and immediately, he experiences disappointment - after all, those around him do not have his generosity and limitless creative potential.

Nine gives a person significant creative potential, and often brilliant talent that manifests itself from a very early age. Often this talent is associated with verbal creativity, but it can also manifest itself in artistic abilities and in many other areas. A Nine person usually has a lot of ideas and, more importantly, a lot of energy to bring these ideas to life.

The bright personality of a person with Expression Nine attracts many, but significant problems are possible in his close emotional relationships. The fact is that such a person loves humanity too much as a whole, is too inclined to global perception and is sometimes unable to feel the emotional nuances of a particular soul.

A Nine person usually prefers to say what he feels, without burdening himself with diplomatic tricks. He is characterized by a pronounced sense of humor, which, however, is sometimes somewhat rude.

Examples: Frederick Chopin, Albert Einstein, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, Ivan Khristoforovich Bagramyan, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Roman Grigorievich Viktyuk, Valentin Iosifovich Gaft, Yuri Nikolaevich Grigorovich, Gavrila Romanovich Derzhavin, Evgeniy Alexandrovich Evtushenko, Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin, Nikolai Egorovich Zhukovsky Dmitry Borisovich Kab Alevsky , Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky, Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky, Elena Ivanovna Roerich, Aram Ilyich Khachaturyan, Kliment Arkadyevich Timiryazev, Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin, Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, Mikhail Borisovich Khodorkovsky, Mikhail Efimovich Shvydkoy, Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov, Alla Borisovna Pugacheva.

Pushkin was exiled to the south of Russia for "flooding Russia with outrageous poetry." In this “flood” the creative fertility and unambiguous directness of the Nine are clearly felt. And Mayakovsky, at the age of 15, became interested in the ideas of the Social Democrats and began campaigning. For this he was arrested several times, and he began writing poetry while in prison.

Expression Number 11

A person with the Expression of Number 11 is like a sensitive antenna, because thanks to his intuition and heightened receptivity, he attracts unusual ideas, original solutions to complex problems, and intuitive insights. Even if he does not suspect it, his mere presence has a significant influence on those around him, thanks to that mysterious personal energy that has not yet been learned to be measured with instruments.

However, in order not to create problems either for himself or for others, such a person must learn to control his energy. The power of the unconscious that feeds it is extremely great; human consciousness is simply not able to contain it. And if a person does not learn to regulate the flow of unconscious energy drop by drop, he risks becoming a prisoner of emotional storms and nervous breakdowns.

A person who has received Expression 11 along with the name feels that he is not like everyone else, and this feeling manifests itself especially clearly in childhood. He acutely perceives all conflict situations in the world around him and, being unable to find an adequate emotional outlet, accumulates tension within himself, like a time bomb. And one day, at the most inopportune moment, this bomb may go off, manifesting itself in the form of a powerful emotional release that can destroy many relationships.

Representatives of Number 11 are often idealistic, impractical and create considerable chaos in the lives around them. But even if a small fraction of their fantasies are realized, what ordinary people call a miracle will happen. Expression 11s depend to a very large extent on close emotional relationships, and if these relationships are successful, they can achieve a lot in life. Otherwise, they spend a significant part of their enormous mental energy trying to find a satisfying relationship.

Examples: Pavel Pavlovich Globa, Kirill Yuryevich Lavrov, Andrey Sergeevich Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky, Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev, Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov, Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov, Vladimir Teodorovich Spivakov, Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov, Vera Vitalievna Glagoleva, Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov, Sergey Petrovich Botkin, Anna Pavlov on Pavlova, Irina Mutsuovna Khakamada, Vladimir Borisovich Rushailo, Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko.

An interesting and characteristic excerpt from Alexander Blok’s letter to Mendeleev’s daughter Lyubov: “Your dad is like this: he has long known everything that happens in the world. Penetrated everything. Nothing is hidden from him. His knowledge is the most complete. It comes from genius, this doesn’t happen with ordinary people... It’s not scary at all with him, but it’s always restless, this is because he knows everything for a long time, without stories, without hints. that Mendeleev discovered the periodic table in a dream.

Expression Number 22

Those who have received an Expression Number of 22 along with their name have the ability to make large-scale plans, as well as organize the forces and resources of other people to carry out these plans. It usually turns out that the Master Builder's plans are too large-scale for real life - after all, he wants his creation to be eternal and to serve all of humanity. However, some still manage to achieve their plans, and you can see this by looking at the list of celebrities with Expression 22.

The life of a person who devotes himself to Number 22 is not easy, because this number is based on Four. In order to achieve the realization of his plans, this person must be a selfless worker, completely devote his life to his own plan and work, work, work... Otherwise, instead of large-scale achievements, only decorations will appear, and they will be blown away by the first gust of wind.

Typically, the owner of Expression 22 suspects of his unusual abilities even in childhood. He manages to grasp much more with his mind than his peers, and sees significant practical opportunities where others do not see them. However, childhood and adolescence are not the best time to unlock the potential of a Master Builder: there are too many doubts and emotional distractions.

But in adulthood, the magic number 22 provides a person with access to a certain special space, where there are not 24 hours in a day, but several times more, where human capabilities and influence on other people are enhanced many times over. But there is only one pass to this magical space: persistent, unyielding work, without taking into account the time and effort spent.

Examples: Viktor Stepanovich Chernomyrdin, Johann Sebastian Bach, Napoleon Bonaparte, Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov, Alexander Vladimirovich Men, Maya Mikhailovna Plisetskaya, Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn, Mark Anatolyevich Zakharov, Eldar Alexandrovich Ryazanov, Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov (satirist). Svetlana Vasilievna Khorkina, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Zaitsev.

This is what Pushkin wrote about Lomonosov: “combining extraordinary willpower with the extraordinary power of concept, Lomonosov embraced all branches of education. The thirst for science was the strongest passion of this soul, filled with passions.”

Expression Number 33

In numerological science, this number allows you to determine a person’s talents, his calling and spiritual inclinations. This number allows us to judge a person’s innate talents, which, in turn, depend on the experience of previous reincarnations.

Expression Number

There is also a number of low expression - the definition of the number is exactly the same, but in this case we are not considering the full (or official) name coupled with the patronymic and surname, but the name by which a person is called by friends or close people. In this case, the decoding will correspond to the idea of ​​this person specifically of the group of people who use this name.

A name is more than a date of birth, an individual characteristic, so its decoding is specific and gives a fairly complete picture of the character and personality traits. The most important thing to remember is that even if your friends, for example, see you as an Eight, that is, a rude materialist, and you actually are not one, then this is a good reason to think about it. Why are you so closed to your friends and do not at all show the character traits that are truly inherent to you?

The Expression Number is the numerological sum of a person's full name given to him at birth. We use numerical correspondences of letters of the alphabet. Let me remind you of them again:

We proceed in the following sequence:

● determine the numerical correspondence of each letter;

● we add up the numbers for each part of the name (separately for the first name, separately for the patronymic, separately for the surname) and perform their numerological collapse, without forgetting about the master numbers;

● add together the resulting numbers for parts of the name and collapse to the base number.

Let's give an example.

3 + 4 + 1 + 5 + 1 + 5 + 1 + 9 = 28 = 2 + 8 = 10 = 1

1 + 6 + 5 + 7 + 6 + 7 + 3 + 1 + 7 = 43 = 4 + 3 = 7

3 + 2 + 1 + 7 + 6 + 3 + 1 + 2 = 25 = 2 + 5 = 7

Let's sum it all up:

1 + 7 + 7 =15 = 1 + 5 = 6

That is, for this example, the Expression Number will be six.

And now - about decoding.

Decoding the Expression Number


The main features of the number of this name are strength, pronounced individuality, and creativity. People with the number of this name are born leaders.

Three A's have a great influence on the personality of Units: activity, aggressiveness, and ambition. If these qualities are present in reasonable quantities, then they can ensure a successful career and the achievement of any, even the most difficult goal. Some problems for a Unit may arise due to their inflexible character. Such people do not know how to bend at all, and therefore can break. But this happens extremely rarely, since they are made of amazingly durable material and it is difficult for life storms, no matter how strong they are, to “destroy” them. Perseverance, perseverance and the ability not to give up in any, even the most hopeless situation. An internal compass that allows you to take the shortest route to your goal without being distracted by trifles or wasting your time on trifles.

The other side of the coin is an overreaction to the most minor failures. A high degree of self-demandingness is complicated by a side effect: equally high self-criticism. If you don't learn some self-indulgence, you can get bogged down in uncertainty and dissatisfaction with yourself.

The lucky day of the week for the Unit is Sunday.


Number two people are usually gentle, artistic and charming, easily adapting to circumstances. They are often characterized by passivity and detachment. They are more inclined to think than to act. They are characterized by ingenuity and intuition, but they do not often succeed in implementing their plans. These people are sometimes prone to depression. They establish very good relationships with people of number one. Although, perhaps, representatives of this number are on good terms with all numbers. Establishing good and pleasant relationships with other people for this number is almost a profession, and only after achieving this does the Two feel comfortable and calm. It’s easier for Two to get along with One than for everyone else, because the degree of conformism (in the good sense of the word) for Two is immeasurably higher than for other numbers.

The picture is somewhat darkened only by excessive lack of independence. People of number two may not get what they want only because the moment of making a decision is worse than a bitter radish for them and representatives of this number delay taking decisive action in the hope that everything will somehow work itself out. Number two people often do not force events where necessary, which also prevents them from achieving their goals.

The lucky day of the week for the Two is Monday.


Three is a number that is to some extent associated in the public consciousness with divine manifestations. One of the largest church holidays is called exactly that - Trinity. But this number is usually deified not only in the Orthodox faith and in the Christian faith in general. Since ancient pre-Christian times, this number has often been associated with higher powers. Perhaps this is why in numerology the characteristics of the number three look like parents’ stories about a favorite child, who is a subject of secret (or obvious) pride. Everything here is superlative: luck, talent, a high degree of spirituality, and significant creative abilities. Yes, that's how it is. People with number three are initially allocated a little more than representatives of other numbers. Very bright and attractive personalities are people of number three. This is almost always noticed and appreciated by others.

But, like any child who feels that he has a little more power over his parents than his siblings, Troika can be overly picky, a little capricious and unnecessarily demanding of the world around him. Slightly greater opportunities and abilities than others can become a reason to turn one's nose up and thereby arouse in others (especially the less fortunate) not worship and adoration, but completely unsightly feelings like envy and jealousy.

They have the best relationships with those whose number is 3, 6 or 9.

Troika's lucky day of the week is Thursday.


The number four is a symbol of a square. And a square is, in fact, a circle that has had a hard time in life. Speaking seriously, the number four is, as it were, “imprinted” into the material world. Four seasons, four cardinal directions, four human biological cycles (childhood, youth, maturity, old age)... In essence, we can say that the number four is the antipode of the Three. Everything that is given to people number three from birth, the Four has to obtain on their own, often through hard work and in an exhausting struggle with the outside world. But this is wonderful, since a person with number four has a tempered character and increased resistance to external influences. This man is difficult to knock down even with the heaviest blow. Its material essence is manifested in common sense and a sober assessment of the situation. Panic and cowardice are not characteristic of representatives of this number. But they are characterized by sincerity and reliability, and in our purely material world these qualities are worth their weight in gold.

The only drawback that a Four may exhibit is a certain gloominess and prickliness towards other people. Representatives of this number are quite distrustful; they perceive a trick or intrigue in everything. They underestimate themselves so much that they don’t even take the idea of ​​being attractive to other people seriously. Because of this, there is a risk of being left alone.

They have the best relationships with people of numbers 1, 2, 7 and 8.

The lucky day of the week for a Four is Sunday.


A person of number five in his actions is guided by feelings and impulses. Impulsive natures, people of this number, as a rule, act first and only then think. And even then not always. Five gives a person a kind of eternal anxiety and constant dissatisfaction with his position, no matter how attractive it may seem from the outside. Like the shadow of Giselle, doubts come and invite behind them that an object (or event) that they have not yet learned about will turn out to be better, more surprising and more attractive than the one that exists. Fives, as a rule, are not burdened with a large number of strong attachments; they generally do not like to depend on external factors. Representatives of this number are a little easier than others to part with people and objects and rarely become overgrown with various household rubbish. The number five person has abilities that are usually attributed only to cats - falling, landing on all four paws and having nine lives. The moral regeneration of these people is like that of a lizard. The severed “tail” of attachment or failure grows right before our eyes. Because of their inner, unquenchable thirst for life, representatives of this number often find themselves in difficult and even risky situations, but you can safely bet all your cash on them - they will come out unscathed.

But the people around us feel such inner independence, and not everyone likes this feeling. Number five people are quite vulnerable due to their openness and can inadvertently fall into the power of someone’s not very positive will. Another important point that can ruin the life of a Five can be their insatiable curiosity and the manner of always being aware of everything. Well, here we can only remind you of the common truth: “The less you know, the better your sleep.”

Fives have the best relationships with those with the same number.

The lucky day of the week for Five is Wednesday.


Harmony and balance are inherent in this number from the inside, since six is ​​the sum of its divisors: 6 = 1 + 2 + 3. Since several other driving forces are more important in business, representatives of the number six can be most fully realized in marriage or make a dizzying career in the diplomatic field. One of the most amazing talents of the Six is ​​the ability to inspire trust in even the most distrustful people. Often, a representative of another number cannot even coherently express why the location of the number six person is so important to him. It seems like there is no benefit or other reasonable explanation, but you want to be liked - that’s all. The placement of the Six seems to elevate a person of a different number in his own eyes. Obviously, this is due to the Six's innate ability to be objective and fair. But at the same time, it is difficult to demand everyday adaptability from a person number six. He tends to see not external manifestations, but the inner essence of the situation, so he may be sincerely perplexed about the need to comply with some far-fetched (as it seems to him) rules of society. Sixes are romantic, amorous and selfless, which can sometimes cause problems created by more selfish and calculating people.

A representative of the number six can make a wonderful husband - a deaf-blind, mute sea captain. But will it be good for a person number six? Or will others benefit again?

The lucky day of the week for a Six is ​​Friday.


The number seven is a symbol of occult sciences and mystical knowledge. This could not but leave a certain imprint on the representatives of this number. The number seven person is not content with explanations imposed on him and does not accept common clichés at face value. It is generally difficult to fool him. Thanks to their penchant for analysis, number seven people do not make hasty conclusions. The Seven has the ability to build original cause-and-effect relationships, which allows her to succeed in the field of science, surprising her colleagues with paradoxical conclusions drawn from well-known facts. Number seven people are often isolated from the world around them and prefer solitude as a way to find peace of mind. They do not need comforters and know how to correct their mistakes on their own. Passionate readers, people of number seven, caught between the opportunity to talk with an intelligent person and read an interesting book, will without hesitation prefer the book. Philosopher, thinker and analyst is the most suitable field of activity for these people. But, since in life they rarely choose such exotic professions, they most often limit themselves to bringing an element of a scientific approach to any activity.

In relation to other people, Seven is rather inert. Yes - yes, no - I didn’t really want to. Such indifference will not line up potential friends and partners, but those who remain and decide to compete for the right to be called a person close to the Seven will be very, very faithful and devoted companions. Seven will not tolerate random people next to them.

The lucky day of the week for a Seven is Monday.


The number is quite controversial. On the one hand, in numerology it is customary to consider Eight as a more than mundane number, incapable of significant spiritual achievements. On the other hand, albeit with some disdain, the Eight recognizes a very great potential for achievements in the material world. Well, people still argue what is more important - a pie in the sky or a bird in the hand. One thing is certain: Eight is a very strong number, which rewards its owner with considerable fortitude and almost iron will. The inconsistency of this number is mainly seen only by outsiders. Under the external manifestations of coldness and detachment, a warm and impetuous heart may be hidden, and a person of a different age who discovers this will be quite surprised. Another feature that greatly distinguishes representatives of number eight from other people: when faced with obstacles on the path of life or problems of any nature, a person of number eight mobilizes his capabilities and abilities to the limit, sometimes reaching such heights that he himself is surprised. A measured existence can completely demoralize him, and, living a quiet life, a representative of number eight will not use even a tenth of his talents. Eights, as a rule, know how to organize their lives well and do not experience any special material needs. They are very practical and do not demand more from the world around them than it can actually give them.

Some inhibition of number eight representatives in terms of expressing their feelings can serve them badly. Even close people can sincerely believe that a cracker and even an egoist lives next to them. True, this will remain so until these loved ones, God forbid, find themselves in an unpleasant situation. Then they will be convinced that the number eight person, with all his practicality and warm heart, will easily sacrifice his interests for them. And this is the best proof of devotion and love.

The lucky day of the week for the Eight is Saturday.


The number Nine is considered in numerology to be a number with a sacred meaning. This is due to the fact that when multiplied by any number, Nine reproduces itself. For example, 9  4 = 36  3 + 6 = 9. This situation leads to the fact that Nine is almost always a very integral nature, it is difficult not to take her seriously. Sometimes people of this number are mistaken for maximalists. But this is absolutely not true. It’s just that the life beliefs of Nines are so firm, and their ideas about honor are partly even similar to the medieval ones, that people of this number involuntarily cause annoyance among people with a less defined position in life. The extraordinary breadth of soul in Nines is strangely combined with respect for material wealth, which gives others the impression that they have their own favorites. That is, for some - everything, and for others - nothing. And this is a mistake, Nine simply will not share with those who do not need it, that’s all. The Nine cannot waste either her feelings or her material assets aimlessly, she has to constantly control herself, because if you give her free rein, she will give away everything and be left with nothing, and this will ultimately harm everyone (both the giver and the taker) . People of this number are fearless to the point of absurdity, and if we are talking about protecting the weak or infirm, it is better to immediately get out of the way of Nine. It will sweep away and not notice. Considerations of justice always come first for a person with the number nine.

It is this blind fearlessness, coupled with a craving for justice, that often “leads the Nine to the monastery.” Rushing to defend the weak, a person of this number rarely realistically assesses his chances of winning. As a result, having become involved in a battle with an unequal opponent, Nine may suffer significant losses. But losses can be exclusively of a material nature. The strength of the Nine's spirit will remain at its best in any case.

The lucky day of the week for Nines is Tuesday.

Expression number "1"

You are a natural leader, independent and individual. Extremely ambitious, extraordinary and fearless. You use new, unconventional methods. You are a researcher and innovator. Responsiveness to multiple side influences limits and frustrates you. You are self-confident, self-reliant and active.

You have executive abilities and are most successful in your own business or in managing a business. You need the freedom to make your own decisions based on your personal ideas. You can be a shrewd politician. You have the ability to influence the opinions of those around you. The number "1" symbolizes the leader, pioneer, warrior, risk-taker and daredevil. Generals, major politicians, successful businessmen, self-made millionaires, religious leaders, avant-garde artists, activists often have the expression number “1”. Strength and perseverance are the main components of your success. You want to be at the forefront of life, avoiding defeat. You have a huge reserve of willpower aimed at achieving your goal. You don’t give up, but move inexorably towards your cherished goal.

You are very headstrong. Your strong personality either attracts or repels people. You have a tremendous ability to concentrate and see a goal, thereby making the goal more accessible. You defend your own beliefs, stand firmly on your own. All of these abilities increase your chance of success. You have a tendency towards selfishness. You can be decisive, and in extreme cases very stubborn. You easily criticize others, complaining that they do not have your determination. A lack of understanding can alienate friends and family members. You should control these qualities to maintain a harmonious relationship.

Once you are convinced of the correctness of your ideas, you persistently, even stubbornly defend and promote them. Avoid antagonism and stubbornness. You must cultivate balance, tolerance and calm. You take action when there is a need for a leader.

Pride can become a vice. You are able to identify with your goals and desires so much that you sometimes fail to notice the weak points in your plans. You have the strength and determination that allows you to achieve great success in any endeavor.

Expression number "2"

You have a talent for working with people. You have tact and sophistication. Your intuition is highly developed, it allows you to see through people. Nevertheless, you act with tact and persistence. You have a certain radar that allows you not to blow up the mines laid in other people, but to establish good will and peace. This makes it possible to become an excellent diplomat.

Your abilities are best expressed when you work with people rather than alone. At the same time, you feel better as a partner than as a leader. People with an expression number of 2 usually find themselves in politics, medicine, teaching, scientific work, secret services, multi-level marketing and entertainment (despite the fact that they do not really like the spotlight).

You seek balance and peace in all relationships and situations. The key to your personality is sensitivity, although this coin has two sides: you have the ability to understand people's feelings and emotions while at the same time calmly working with others towards common goals. These qualities are valuable in any situation.

However, being sensitive makes you vulnerable. You can be thrown off balance by an unkind word or a conflict situation at work. You get upset much more than people who don't have your sensitivity. While some go through difficult times with only a small amount of turmoil, you suffer through the whirlwinds of life as if everything is at stake every time. By persistently overcoming resistance, you achieve your goal. You are like a weak wind that wears away stones.

You are friendly and open. You are excellent at supporting people and are able to get the best out of them. You are the power behind the throne. Leaders need you to provide them with the insight and advice they need. Although your services are invaluable, they are sometimes not paid or recognized as they should be. This can be depressing. It brings you satisfaction and pleasure to know that you are needed, despite your natural modesty. Close relationships are essential for your happiness. If you are single, then you dream of meeting someone after your heart. If you are married, then you share all your concerns, feelings and thoughts with your spouse. You are a wonderful marriage partner, caring and attentive to the needs of your loved one. Provide strong support to your partner for career advancement. You are a passionate lover.

The role of a parent is not easy for you, perhaps because you do not like to fight for discipline and need balance, delicacy and harmony with others.

Musically gifted, you have a good sense of rhythm and harmony. You are a good adviser with an innate talent as a psychologist and well-developed intuition.

Expression number "3"

You are an optimist, inspired and expressive. People feel your positive attitude, cheerfulness and charm. There is a certain liveliness and mobility inherent in your personality that so powerfully influences others and easily inspires them. All this increased energy is a symptom of enormous creative performance. Your mental abilities are suitable for being a writer, comedian, musician and actor. Your expression number indicates that you have expression, a rich imagination and spiritual qualities. Be careful not to waste your talents. The lack of discipline and order in life is destructive for you. Don't become a mindless waster of energy who runs away from responsibilities and obligations. You need to learn to concentrate and focus, this is your key to success. Great ability to engage in art and activities requiring ingenuity. You are characterized by flights of imagination, leading to unexpected decisions, as if sent from above. Hard work and focus are the foundation of your future well-being.

Despite your extraordinary mental abilities, you perceive the world better through images rather than through words. At the same time, you can think abstractly. Ingenuity is a sensory quality that is often suppressed in childhood. If you lack the confidence to realize your goals, you may turn your abilities into a handful of trivial routines.

To deal with this problem, make a choice. Limit hobbies, direct your energy in a narrow direction. Focus your life, choose the area you enjoy best, and take action! Then you will achieve success and happiness.

Love, romance and money are available to you. You are surrounded by friends and fans. Sometimes people appear out of nowhere to help you in a difficult situation. You must learn to use their interference in your personal life. You are not a loner, but you are not a completely dependent person either. You are social, you need the attention and support of others to realize your abilities.

Your negative sides: you can be superficial, gloomy and intolerant. Emotional and sensitive, sometimes you pay attention to criticism where there is none in reality. You can be jealous and talkative. Avoid cynicism and sarcasm. These qualities suppress your natural ingenuity.

Aim for a specific goal. This is a practical, gradual path leading to the fulfillment of desires. You are capable of achieving greater excellence.

Expression number "4"

You are the rock of society and the foundation of any enterprise; organizer and manager. You solve life problems methodically and systematically. You are a performer and organizer; making your dreams come true.

A highly developed sense of order. You are attracted to management systems and can follow a complex plan. You are not the kind of person who can embark on any journey without a map. You are taking on serious responsibilities. Reliable and responsible. You enjoy seeing projects through from start to finish, but don't get caught up in a narrow focus. You can get caught between the millstones and become a robot.

You despise everything that is unstable, fragile and unpredictable. You don’t like inconvenience, preferring something reliable and proven, but these properties greatly slow down the execution of your plans and cause disappointment, especially if your resources are at their limit. Caring for them will make you more careful and protect you from possible failures, but it prevents constructive suggestions coming from more determined people.

It is important that you assess the difficulties correctly. Leading forces test you and guide you towards your goal.

Your task is to use your imagination more often and attract more inventive people to your work who can help you with advice.

You are a moralist, pure and honest, but can be firm and unyielding. Don't let strong desires control your sense of common sense and balance, and be more accepting of the shortcomings of others. Trying to focus on details can cause you to go off the rails and become boring and too serious. Often people born with the expression number “4” need to approach life more easily and have a greater sense of humor.

Because you are conservative and careful, you handle money wisely. Take care of the balance between income and expenses. You can limit expenses; the process of saving money is important to you.

You are an exceptionally good parent and love spending time with your children. You have little perception of children's naivety, perhaps because you try to see your inherent qualities in children. You are an idealist and respect the innocence of children.

Many accountants, librarians, government officials, managers and lawyers are born with the expression number "4". You may be attracted to art and music, but you will undoubtedly bring order to any artistic activity. You especially like classical music and opera. You have a keen eye for detail. With a strong foundation, you can work consciously and intensely towards your goals. You will undoubtedly achieve success and a stable position in society.

Expression number "5"

You are a free soul. Love change, adventure and fun. You value your freedom and, like a bird without wings, you cannot exist without it. By using freedom correctly, you can develop and use all your many talents. We would like to communicate with different people and travel.

You can do almost everything, but not always well. Only by escaping the captivity of illusory security can you use your capabilities.

Unusually adaptable. Change is bliss for you, any delay is a disaster. You are unhappy when you are pulled back or down.

The taste and color of life attracts you. Since childhood, you have dreamed of distant countries, new sensations and exotic things. You would like to try everything in life at least once.

Your whole life is a playground for you. This could get you into trouble. You may run out of resources, biological or social. Any kind of restrictions is anathema to you; it can veil the true natural boundaries of resources. As a result, you are prone to abuse of food, sweets, alcohol, sex and drugs. You have the gift of communication. You operate with words without difficulty. You can choose the profession of a salesman, politician, lawyer, social worker or minister. You have a talent for generating new ideas; skillful hands. You love the new and unknown. You operate on the edge of the unknown. A bit of a gambler, you often place large bets. All this gives you a youthful enthusiasm that infects and attracts others.

You love working with people, but you try to complete your task without difficulties or restrictions from other people. Smart and easy to grasp, but your thought process, like your whole life, is disorganized and scattered. Be more thorough and focused if you want to succeed. You often fall in love and quickly cool down, especially in your youth. Sensual and have a strong sex drive. These qualities will give you a vibrant and delightful love life, but avoid superficial feelings in relationships. Your attitude is the desire for mature and long-term relationships. Self-discipline and a healthy lifestyle will lead you to success in any field. Oddly enough, you will understand this when you learn to set the right limits for yourself. Then you will achieve mastery and gain even greater freedom. This statement is especially true when it comes to completing a project. There is a tendency to give up what you started or let the process get out of control; you quickly become bored. You begin to dream of a new task or a reward for your great achievements long before the end of the work.

People with the expression number “5” want to conquer the whole world. You are confident in your talents and can achieve great success, but this success depends on the desire to choose a specific area in which to focus and achieve excellence.

Expression number "6"

You are a loving and caring person. You have the ability to put the interests of others above your own. Responsible and reliable, strive for justice and honesty. Responsibilities follow you throughout your life, and sometimes they will weigh on you. You are artistic, giving preference to harmony and beauty. You have musical ability, but creative talents are sometimes underdeveloped or suppressed as a result of the desire to serve others. You are a creative person in all areas of life, especially those related to visual perception; a talented businessman and can methodically achieve your goals. Love flowers and animals. Your love for children, according to numerologists, is associated with the desire to serve the Cosmic Mother or Father. Even the shape of the number “6” symbolizes “pregnancy with love.”

You are a natural counselor and healer, but be careful not to limit the freedom of others. You are considered an idealist who needs marriage, friendship and humanity.

"Six" is the most balanced of all numbers, but contains the greatest paradoxes. It resembles two weakly stable opposite directions. “Six” has the gift of balancing these opposites, hence the resolution of its internal contradictions. You can find yourself in the role of a healer and doctor; you can easily resolve your internal conflicts.

Perhaps you are too idealistic. You are characterized by the temptation to achieve wonderful goals by any means necessary. You should be wary of importunity, domestic tyranny and the desire to always be right in family disputes. Try to understand other people's problems and find compromise solutions. Your natural ability to bring comfort and warmth allows you to pour balm on people's wounded feelings. You enjoy the love and appreciation of others, and rightly so, because you are able to return the favor. You could be an extraordinary teacher, especially for young children, a healer, a counselor, a social worker, an artist, a designer, a gardener, and a farmer. You will be successful in business, especially in areas that require working with people.

Expression number "7"

You have an analytical mind and a boundless desire to seek answers to life's hidden mysteries. You have an interest in science, philosophy and even mysticism. You have clarity of thought and persistence in seeking the truth. They could become a scientist, teacher and philosopher. You are driven by the desire for knowledge and justice. You should learn to draw the line between the illusory world and reality; you are well equipped to perform these tasks. A sharp mind helps you understand the mysteries of life. You are the source of true light. Sometimes you know where there is an inner peaceful place that you can return to during difficult times. You need time to become yourself. Too much communication causes you stress. What is needed is a quiet personal life and a place to get away from the hustle and bustle of life. You are usually secretive and keep your thoughts to yourself. If your 7 is not balanced by the qualities of an extrovert (usually expressed by the numbers 1, 3, 5 and 8), your self-absorption can become deeply absorbing and thereby cut you off from the world around you. You have a strong dislike for the superficial and mundane. You are often surprised how other, serious people like you, cannot comprehend the depths of knowledge.

This causes your critical attitude towards people and even cynicism. The further you move away from others, the more secretive your actions become. If you want to develop an understanding of life, your advice and suggestions will be noticed by those around you who need your wisdom.

Love to learn, pedantic. It is better to complete your education at a young age and not worry too much about success. Let everything happen naturally, but remember that achievements and rewards come from a higher source.

You may be reserved and aloof. If the dark forces of personality dominate, you can be dishonest and cruel. Contemplation and meditation, the soft, subtle vibrations of life will maintain your sense of harmony and guide you along the path of peace and balance. You have logic. The analytical mind allows you to solve problems in a special, surgical way. Researcher, analyst, inventor, laboratory assistant, teacher, lawyer, banker, watchmaker, priest, philosopher, theologian and administrator - this is an incomplete list of professions suitable for you.

Number of expression "8"

You are powerful and can achieve great things. Your calling and natural gift is the ability to dominate a small piece of land. Whatever you undertake, you strive for excellence and achieve success. You are competitive and will not back down until you are sure that all opportunities have been taken advantage of. You enjoy challenges and competition.

You are a realist and have a fantastic ability to plan. Money and power are available to you. If you want to be disciplined, especially if you have the natural talent of not giving up until the last moment. You are dynamic and productive, have a large-scale vision, you see global changes, you know how to use mental resources and can direct them to solve problems. Responsible, but it is better if you entrust the details to others. You are a leader and have a good sense of people's character. You are demanding of those who work for you, often guided by the principle: “Do as I tell you, or don’t do it at all!” At the same time, you try to reward dedicated and persistent workers. You are not a very tough leader; too tough relationships disturb your peace. You move towards your goal with courage and purpose.

You know how to handle money, power and strength well. Able to persistently strive to achieve goals, and power does not come to you by chance. You have an inner balance between the sublime and the base in a person. Your task is to find a balance between high ideals and harsh reality.

It takes a lot of effort and ups and downs before you achieve the success you want. Life tests you repeatedly, you find yourself in seemingly hopeless situations, but in fact this is a good opportunity to use your power and strength. By overcoming difficulties, you can learn to use the power that lies within you.

For success, a balance between material and spiritual is important. You have chosen a path that requires a match between what you take and what you give; between reward and punishment; action and reaction to it. Regardless of the specifics of the path, you are a real winner. By focusing on the desire to succeed, you can become stubborn and impatient, ambitious. All these qualities deprive you of a possible future.

Be careful with drinking alcohol, this is a danger zone. You can become an alcoholic if you mix up a dangerous cocktail and interfere with business and pleasure. Since you are an excellent manager, organizer and administrator, you can realize yourself in many fields, choosing the profession of an entrepreneur, banker, broker, coach, player, collector, director of an institute, builder, dealer, manufacturer, impresario, army officer, detective, smuggler , engineer, pilot or ship captain.

You have a special gift, the use of which, right or wrong, has a physical effect on you and those around you. Use this gift for the benefit of society and accept your fate with gratitude, as a certain stage of development. It will be harvest time in your life.

Expression number "9"

You are a humanitarian. You are attracted to the opportunity to stimulate others to strive for the best. You are extremely idealistic, to the point of naivety in your assessments of people and methods. You have great patience and try to build a more humane society. You are drawn to those who are experiencing physical suffering or have become victims of justice. You are the defender of the offended. Your deepest desire is to remake the world.

We would like to suffer for the idea. This can become the meaning of your life. From time to time you are involved in activities, the success of which depends significantly on the desire to satisfy the ego. You are an idealist and have the ability to control masses of people. Being a deep nature, you enjoy the love and favor of many and achieve fame. Part of your desire for fame comes from a desire to assert yourself, although you are critical of yourself. You get the greatest satisfaction from activities that benefit society. Politics, law, environmentalism, teaching and healing are all areas in which you can excel.

You have a large stock of humanism, you are not bound by prejudices. Make friends and allies on any path in life, of all colors and religious beliefs. People enrich your inner world. A wide circle of acquaintances and experience develop qualities that, without which you fall into hibernation.

You have an excess of artistry. Many “nines” find themselves in the arts, especially in literature, painting and acting. “9” is an indicator of the completion of the cycle or the presence of obstacles to further learning. This number indicates that you have reached a certain point from which a breakthrough begins, and during this life you can use everything that you have acquired in the process of evolution and complete the main task of your emergence. Many geniuses have an expression number of "9". You can synthesize disparate information into a single whole. Your appearance is important. We are sure that others understand this too. Others perceive you as a person with strong control. You have God's gift. Despite the fact that you are somewhat cold and aloof, people are drawn to you.

Express your love somewhat impartially. You are too preoccupied with your own vision of the world, and sometimes you do not pay attention to the needs of those close to you. You should learn to express your love more animatedly and openly. You are a very loving and open person, but are often reluctant to show how you really feel. Avoid expressing deep feelings, saving emotional resources. You put off satisfying your personal needs in the name of a higher goal. Try to be more unpredictable and bolder in expressing your inner self, including vulnerability.

Your confidence in the triumph of humanism is unshakable. You look for the good in people, but they sometimes take advantage of your vulnerability. You are not very good at reading people. The best way to achieve personal satisfaction is to enter into some larger social system. Your purpose is to serve. You are happy when you serve for the benefit of humanity.

Image source: Internet.

“Why should the priest play an accordion if the priest is not an accordion player?” says one proverb. And these words have a deep meaning.

The Expression Number shows what kind of abilities a person has by nature. This is what a person knows best to do.

It is difficult to argue with the statement that each person is unique and has a unique set of qualities and abilities. Moreover, we are not talking about the fact that someone draws, but someone sings. The ability to organize a process, draw up a plan and implement it punctually is the same gift. Either the talent of a researcher or a discoverer. Of course, not everyone discovers America and reinvents the wheel every day. Life itself is a miracle, and there is room in it for small and sometimes big discoveries every day.

But what is a discovery if there is no solid foundation for it? Somewhere in something, in fact, there is a soap bubble. If the one-time production of bubbles is the goal and objective of the activity, then everything is in order. But, if the goal is a factory for their mass production, then it is almost impossible to implement this idea without a plan and schedule. And here new qualities are needed: carefully study the demand for bubbles in each region, be able to schematically describe the process, draw up a business plan, find funds for financing, and so on. And these are fundamentally different qualities, which are essentially opposite to the quality of an idea generator. Although, there are such unique people in whom these qualities are combined and work harmoniously. It can be assumed that they are most likely capable of achieving a lot in life.

Of course, this is a narrow example with which I wanted to show that every person is from birth strong in one of the areas of human activity. If he uses this natural gift of his and develops it, it will be easier and easier for him to move through life. A person born as a creator will not be able to engage in activities where it is necessary to perform the same type of mechanical, clearly regulated operations.

Here I will make a reservation that it is impossible to consider any of the qualities, taking them out of the context of the general picture of numerological calculations for a specific person. Life has an infinite combination of options.

Returning to the above example, when the creative streak is supported by significant perseverance and thoroughness, a person may well engage in painstaking work (for example, beadwork or creating and making jewelry). But at the same time, it is important for him that this is a process of creation.

Again, an essential condition is the strength of manifestation and direction of other personality qualities. After all, there may well be an option in which this thoroughness and down-to-earthness suppresses the creative impulse, considering it a trifle, unnecessary and of no interest to anyone. When something significant for the individual is suppressed, psychological discomfort arises. Something has been driven deep inside, but nothing disappears without a trace, and this repressed energy must go somewhere. If suppression occurs harshly and for a long time, then it is not far from neurosis. And, as you know: “all diseases come from nerves.” Those. a person can simply develop psychosomatic symptoms and start getting sick. This is a complex and extensive topic and is beyond the scope of this publication.

My goal is to show how important it is to realize your potential. This allows you to achieve the best results, live comfortably and not try to “put a tailcoat on an octopus.” In my consultations, I strive to show a person his strengths, what he can use for his realization, and what he just needs to come to terms with and not torment himself and others about what cannot be changed.

Also, based on the totality of numerological indicators, I can see exactly how this particular person will use it. Everyone is different, for some, opportunities are presented on a silver platter, while others need to work hard to achieve such a result. Both are the norm. It’s just that everyone has their own. The possibility and degree of ease of achieving your goals is also inherent in the name, and it really works.

In the context of the above, a very interesting situation is when a person changes his first name (or last name). Here again the effect of resonance or dissonance with the original name given at birth comes into play. After all, a new matrix of qualities may begin to conflict with what already exists in a person, or, on the contrary, it will fit in very comfortably. This kind of analysis is usually the topic of consultations before situations where this change is expected.

Here, too, everything is very individual, and it is inappropriate to give any general recommendations. By changing the name we mean any component of the full name: Last name, First name, Patronymic, even a letter in the name (for example, Natalya and Nataliya).

Sometimes, by changing a name, a person changes his destiny.

Now let's count. To obtain the value of the Expression number, it is necessary to calculate the numerological sum of the full name (full name). The calculations here are more cumbersome than when using a date, but they are also simple.

We use a table of correspondence between numbers and letters. We find the letters that are in the name in question, write down the corresponding number, then add it up and reduce it to a single digit number. This is a simplified version, without considering subtotals, but the material here is presented only to familiarize yourself with numerology and its capabilities. During the consultation, of course, a much more complete picture is considered in the complex.

1- ais


3- taste

4- glf

5- dmhyu



8- zhpsh

9- zrsch


Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich

(1+3+1+6+7+3) + (1+3+1+6) + (1+3+1+6+7+3+1+7) =21 +11 + 29=61,

6 + 1 = 7

Expression Number - 7.


1 – a person knows how to take on the first roles. He knows how to be independent, knows how to take responsibility on himself, and is not burdened by it. A born leader, strives for independence, sees himself more as a leader, and not as a performer.

2 – a person knows how to negotiate with others, strives for mutually beneficial cooperation, communicates easily, and is sociable.

3 - creative nature, innate artistry, sociability. Can easily be in the center of everyone's attention, is not burdened by this, but, on the contrary, even strives for this attention.

4 – the person is a workaholic. Knows how to work hard and diligently, knows how to be stubborn and persistent. Partly a pedant, he knows how and prefers to plan any process and monitor the implementation of this plan.

5 – a person easily perceives and accepts changes. Strives to constantly move forward, an innovator in any activity, proactive, mobile, easy-going, able to solve many different problems at the same time. Easily switches from one type of activity to another.

6 – knows how to create a family atmosphere, an innate sense of harmony and beauty, has artistic taste. Caring, knows how to create comfort and coziness. Inclined to collective types of creativity, joint with someone else.

7 – analyst. Able to independently collect, summarize scattered information and draw conclusions from it. He has a psychological sense and feels people subtly. Prefers to explore and think about everything alone, not a team player by nature, but can, if he deems it necessary, become one for a while.

8 – a person is a born organizer and leader. Knows how to organize any process in the best possible way. Strives to lead this process; it is difficult to tolerate a situation when it is necessary to obey others. In everything he does, he strives to achieve good results; it is important for him that others recognize his merits in terms of the quality of the process.

9 – a person knows how to look at everything from a global, universal human perspective. Capable of sacrifice in the name of an idea, selfless. Creative nature - and this is already creativity for many.

Best wishes!