Charlie Hunnam: personal life, wife, children, family. Charlie Hunnam is one of the sexiest actors in the world

Charles Matthew Hunnam is a famous foreign actor. The blue-eyed handsome man often stars in various projects in the UK and USA. He is best known for his role in the TV series Sons of Anarchy. This project still remains one of the most successful projects of the FX channel.

Family and life choice

Charlie Hunnam, whose biography is not particularly advertised, was born in Great Britain. The guy's nationality is English, although he often appears in Hollywood projects. When the boy was little, his parents divorced, and then his mother remarried. That’s why the guy has a big family, with 3 more brothers besides him.

A handsome and tall guy (height and weight 185 cm and 80 kg) from his youth attracted the attention of agents offering work in the modeling business. But the guy chose an acting career. One day, a 17-year-old Englishman was accidentally met on the street by the producers of the television series “Biker Grove”. Such a chance meeting gave the Englishman his first job. Then the guy starred in another British television series. Determined to become a professional actor, Charlie leaves the foggy island and moves to Hollywood.

Attitude to work

Charlie Hunnam, even in his youth, was distinguished by a thoughtfulness that is rarely seen among representatives of his profession. The Briton immediately decided that he would have many more years to earn money, so he should only choose roles that would contribute to his development. Therefore, Hunnam often refused lucrative offers for personal reasons. Charlie didn't want to be held hostage by one image. Even now, the actor tries to take breaks between filming in order to have time to take a break from one role and tune in to a new image. So we can say that his entire filmography is work that was of great importance to him.

Actor career

Such films with the participation of Charlie Hunnam are known as “Hooligans”, “The Color of Passion” and “Crimson Peak”. But he gained particular fame thanks to his leading role in the TV series “Sons of Anarchy.” For the role of Jackson Teller, the young man gained impressive muscle mass and maintained this shape for 7 seasons. And after the end of the project, Hunnam did not lose his attractive muscles. Instagram users could at times enjoy photos of Charlie's toned body. Unfortunately, after his account was hacked by hackers, the handsome man stopped posting personal photos online.

Casting in "50 shades of gray"

The selection of actors for the filming of the bestseller “50 Shades of Gray” caused a lot of noise. In an online poll, where fans were asked to determine from a photo which of the handsome men they considered most suitable for the image of a millionaire, Charlie Hunnam beat out all the other contenders. The auditions also passed at a high level, so the Briton was approved for the role. But after some time, Charlie abandoned this project. Perhaps the reason was the obsessive attention of the press, or the actor did not want to become a hostage to the image of an attractive handsome man. The real reasons were not given, but Hunnam lost the role to another contender.

Over the past few years, Charlie has starred in several very interesting projects. This is the film “The Lost City of Z”, where his partners on the set were Robert Pattinson and Sienna Miller. In 2017, the film “The Sword of King Arthur” was released, where Hunnam plays the main role of the king. So far, critics have responded very favorably to the film and the level of acting by the blue-eyed Briton.

About personal things in life

Charles Matthew Hunnam is a British actor who became famous for his roles in the TV series “Sons of Anarchy”, the feature films “Pacific Rim”, “Hooligans”, “The Lost City of Z”, “The Sword of King Arthur”.

Charlie Hunnam's childhood and family

Charlie Hunnam was born on April 10, 1980 in the English city of Newcastle, in the family of entrepreneurs William "Billy" Hunnam (1952-2013) and Jane (Bell) Hunnam. His maternal grandmother was a famous portrait artist, his mother was also interested in painting, but his father was far from creativity in the usual sense - he collected metal from landfills and handed it over. Charlie's parents, natures too different for a happy family life, separated when he was very young.

The actor grew up in a neighborhood where all issues were resolved with fists. The constant threat of danger strengthened the future actor, and in his adult life, Charlie always used the experience acquired in his youth for the roles of “tough guys.” The actor still remembers his time at school as lessons in survival.

Charlie is the second child in the family; the actor has an older brother, William "Billy". When Hannam was 12 years old, his mother remarried and the family moved to the village of Melmerby in Cumbria, England. In her second marriage, Jane gave birth to two more brothers, Oliver and Christian.

During his school years, the future actor was fond of playing rugby. He was expelled from high school due to dyslexia, so he was forced to graduate as an external student, after which he entered the Cumbria College of Art and Design, where he graduated in theory and film history.

Charlie Hunnam's career

Hunnam's acting career began in an unusual way: film studio agents noticed a 17-year-old boy in a shoe store in Newcastle. The young man was invited to play the role of model Jason in the BBC series Byker's Grove. His character appeared in three episodes.

In 1999, two episodic serial roles later, Hunnam was cast in the lead role in the TV series Queer as Folk about the lives of gay men. The series became so popular that Charlie, who brilliantly played 15-year-old gay Nathan Maloney, was considered knowledgeable enough to take part in a parliamentary debate on the discriminatory law that set the age of sexual consent in the UK at 16.

After success at home, the young man tried his hand at Hollywood. But at first, no one wanted to invite the actor, who moved to Los Angeles, to play the role of “cool heroes,” justifying the refusals by saying that Charlie was “too nice and polite.” Hunnam began to work out intensely and began the habit of showing up to auditions unshaven.

At the beginning of his career, the desperate actor even wrote a script for a film about Vlad III the Impaler, known as Vlad Dracula. In 2002, while filming the war drama Cold Mountain in Romania, in which Charlie played a small role, he collected stories about the bloody prince from local residents. Hunnam said that after that he had no work for almost a year and a half, and if he had not sold the script to the film studio Summit Entertainment, he would have had to return to his mother in England. Hunnam's script was bought by Brad Pitt's studio.

Charlie Hunnam in the movie "Hooligans"

But in 2004, he was approved for a role in the film “Hooligans”: Charlie played the tough leader of a group of fans of the London club West Ham United. The film with the participation of Elijah Wood and Hunnam received high marks from critics and viewers, and Charlie began to be inundated with interesting job offers. This was the young actor's first breakthrough in big cinema.

Now in Charlie Hunnam's filmography there is a variety of genres - from cute comedies (Undecided, 2001-2003; Frankie Makes a Rustling, 2011) and stories about incredible love (The Price of Passion, 2011; Nicholas Nickleby, 2002) to films in the genre of adventure and fantasy (Crimson Peak, 2015; The Lost City of Z, 2016) and crime stories (Sons of Anarchy, 2008-2014; Blackbird, 2011).

Here's Why Charlie Hunnam Wasn't At Comic Con

In 2013, Universal Pictures studio announced Hunnam for the lead role in the film adaptation of the scandalous novel “Fifty Shades of Grey,” but some time later Charlie refused to participate in the project, citing being busy with other projects. Hunnam became the third actor to turn down the role of handsome billionaire Christian Grey, who was eventually played by model Jamie Dornan.

In September 2016, filming began on a remake of The Moth, starring Hunnam and Mr. Robot star Rami Malek. The director's chair was taken by Danish director Michael Noer.

Charlie Hunnam in The Legend of King Arthur

In May 2017, Guy Ritchie's new film The Sword of King Arthur was released in Russia, in which Hunnam played the main role of Arthur. Interpretation from the scandalous director of “Snatch” and the film “Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels” One should not expect a classic interpretation of the legend. And so it happened - in the film, Arthur appeared as the leader of a youth gang fighting for power.

Personal life of Charlie Hunnam

In 1999, while casting for the TV series Dawson's Creek, Charlie met actress Catherine Towne. Neither she nor he were approved for the role, but a spark broke out between the young people, and a month after they met, the actors got married in Las Vegas. In 2002, the family broke up.

In 2005, Hunnam began dating artist and jewelry designer Morgana McNelis. The couple settled in the suburbs of Los Angeles and started a small farm with chickens and ducks. The actor has admitted more than once that he does not like clubs and the glamorous Hollywood party, and his girlfriend fully supports him in this.

Hunnam has two cats - George and Mavis. In one of his interviews, Charlie admitted that of all the scents in the world, he likes the smell of his cats' fur the most.

The actor collects Nike sneakers. His collection includes more than 85 pairs of models from the 90s. “You know, as a child I couldn’t afford such shoes and was envious of my peers who sported Nikes. And guess what now? Yes, I can buy every pair in this world!” Charlie once opened up.

Charlie Hunnam now

The film “The Moth,” directed by Michael Noer, a film adaptation of the autobiographical novel of the same name by former prisoner Henri Charrière, was shown in Russia only a year after the world premiere in 2017; due to the lack of an advertising campaign, the box office was significantly lower than expected. However, critics appreciated the performance of Charlie, who received the main role, noting that the film can be compared with the greatest film, “The Shawshank Redemption.”

The actor starred for the April Men's Health and in his interview spoke about numerous body transformations for the sake of roles, as well as about life before Hollywood and hobbies

Photo: DR

Charlie played the biker from the Sons of Anarchy project for seven years. To play his character, he studied Brazilian jiu-jitsu for about a year, watched all the matches and practiced wrestling in his backyard. This spring, two large-scale projects with his participation will be released at once - “The Sword of King Arthur” (premiere in May) and “The Lost City of Z” (in April), in which he needed to be in excellent physical shape. In addition, he recently completed filming in the drama “The Moth” (the plot of this film, as well as its release date, are still unknown).

However, it’s not just filming that motivates him to keep himself in good shape.

“I'm interested in being at a high level in all forms of fitness,” he says. “Running, swimming, jumping, lasso, hiking, jiu-jutsu - I do it all. I also try to have sex as often as possible. This is an important part of a fitness program. I want to be active at seventy. I want to run in the mountains at this age.”

For his role in the film "The Sword of King Arthur" he gained about 10 kilograms. Then he dropped 20 for the role of British Colonel Percival Fossett in The Lost City of Z. He ate practically nothing. Filming took place in the deadly heat of the Colombian jungle. But the hardest thing, according to Hunnam, was being isolated - he deliberately did not talk to anyone on set and did not even call his girlfriend for four months.

“I had to play this man [hungry, suffering] every day, so I just decided to live in it. I felt fear and loneliness." He says the scenes were shot in sequence, so that by the end of the period everyone on the crew went a little crazy, even director James Gray.

To film The Moth, he again had to transform his body. First, he gained weight (after working in The Lost City of Z), and then lost it again - already about 25 kilograms. “The second time my body was reluctant to do it,” says the actor. He went on a vegan diet again, and also... started smoking. And he smoked like crazy, diluting it with liters of coffee for three months. “My body became a dump,” says Charlie. “And then it was hard to quit smoking.”

Charlie Hunnam, now 36 years old, was born in Newcastle, England. He says it was a violent place where children were constantly picking on each other, and he was often the target of bullies - he had to fight. But he had many friends and interesting hobbies: drawing, photography, rugby.

When he was 12, his mother moved him and his brother to a small town in Wales, and everything changed: he became an outsider. He spent all his free time alone and watched movies. Although the boys' parents divorced when Charlie was 2, he remained close to his father, a metal trader who died four years ago. But Charlie says that he feels him nearby:

“My father was one of the most difficult rebels I have ever met. It seems to me that in my work I often embody his image.”

Charlie arrived in Los Angeles when he was 18. He had no education, but only an abstract dream of becoming an actor. He began a career in modeling and television, which eventually led to Sons of Anarchy. He is always passionate about something: he wants to speak Spanish fluently - he takes lessons; loves to cook - learns from tutorials. And Hunnam wants to get a black belt in jiu-jitsu by age 45.

He says that he is not close to a luxurious lifestyle. He drives a beat-up Cadillac that is already 14 years old, he doesn’t care much about fame, and he doesn’t like social networks - it seems to him that they divide people. He has been living with his girlfriend Morgana McNeils for 11 years, and his dream is to roam the world with her.

One of the hundred sexiest men in the world according to Elle magazine, a favorite of girls and simply a talented actor - all this is Charlie Hunnam. His career in film and television began quite early, and every year his popularity is growing more and more.

Carier start

The actor is originally from Great Britain - it was there in Newcastle upon Tyne that he was born on April 10, 1980. I came across TV screens by pure chance, having stumbled upon casting agents in a store. He was invited to play a cameo role in the TV series “Biker Grove.” And already in 1999, at the age of 19, he starred in the rather scandalous project “Close Friends” as a teenager with a non-traditional sexual orientation. The series caused a lot of noise in the audience and was discussed for a long time, which probably “threw” the guy onto the wave of popularity, and since 2000, Charlie Hunnam has already begun to conquer America and Hollywood. His first work on television was the series “Young Americans” (2002), and then “Undecided,” which, however, was not successful with viewers. In 2003, he participated together with already famous Hollywood stars (N. Kidman, R. Zellweger) in the film “Cold Mountain”.

Charlie once said that he did not want to grab the first role that came along solely for the sake of money; he said he had at least 60 years of earning time ahead of him, and that his career would be determined by the next five. No sooner said than done. Now he is filming with famous directors in the most rated projects.

Charlie Hunnam: personal life

The new stage of life in the United States was marked not only by a promising job, but also by a quick marriage. They met while auditioning for the TV series “Dawson’s Creek” and both did not get there, but their family life lasted three years. Charlie Hunnam has never kept his personal life a secret, and in frank interviews with journalists he admits that he has “scars all over his heart.”

Over the past seven years, the actor has settled down and is in a relationship with Morgana McNelis (pictured). The girl designs jewelry and, by the way, also starred in several films, albeit short ones. Despite the idyll reigning in their relationship, the actor is in no hurry to tie the knot.

Charlie Hunnam, whose filmography is not so large (quality is still better than quantity), has established himself as a versatile and talented actor. We offer you some of his most interesting works in film and television.


Returning home from Hollywood, Charlie immediately starred in one of the most successful films of the year together with Elijah Wood. The plot of the film revolves around teenage maximalism and the shapes it can sometimes take. A Harvard student who could have become a journalist is expelled for a crime that is not his fault. A promising future and a good career are going downhill. In search of solace and refuge, he goes to his sister. There, with the light hand of her husband's brother, he discovers the world of football and blind fanaticism. He finds new friends and new troubles...

TV series "Sons of Anarchy"

One of the successful TV series in America, which lasted seven seasons (2008-2014) and earned not only the love of the audience, but also good reviews from critics, as well as awards. One of the main roles is played by Charlie Hunnam. This time the actor’s filmography has been expanded with a project in the crime drama genre. He appears before the viewer as the young leader of a biker club. They are trying with all their might to protect and protect their hometown from drugs and any harmful influence from the outside, but at the same time they themselves are selling weapons. C. Hunnam's hero doubts the correctness of the chosen path and makes attempts to change something in his life, but not everyone is happy about it.

"The Price of Passion"

In 2011, Charlie Hunnam tried his hand at a dramatic thriller, where his co-star was Liv Tyler. In the story, Officer H. Luchetti has been working in the police for many years and has saved more than one life. He persuades suicides to abandon the jump at the last moment. However, this time everything initially did not go as usual. He will have to learn not only the story of a mind-blowing love, but also the price at which everyone will pay for it.

"Pacific Rim"

A deadly threat hangs over the future of humanity: from the very abyss of the ocean, armies of monsters called kaiju are emerging onto land. They bring with them destruction and millions of casualties. To combat them, scientists have invented special robots controlled from the inside by people. The interaction between a living organism and a machine is based on a subtle neural connection. It is they who will have to defend humanity’s right to life.

Charlie Hunnam (photo in the article) can rightfully be proud of working with one of the most famous directors of this genre, Guillermo del Toro, and among fans there are already rumors about a continuation of the fantastic action film. However, the collaboration between Toro and Hunnam did not end there, and in 2015 the actor starred in the new thriller “Crimson Peak.” Well, in July 2016, all fans can expect the release of the film “Knights of the Round Table: King Arthur” on wide screens, where he plays the future ruler of England.

Charlie Hunnam's talent is multifaceted, and this is confirmed by the professionalism with which he plays the most diverse roles.

The role of Percy Fossett in the film "The Lost City of Z", which is currently in theaters, Charlie Hunnam considers it the best in his career. For her sake, he lost weight, abandoned his personal life and became a lone wolf. What else can the 37-year-old British actor surprise?

From raspberries to fashion models

Charlie grew up in a poor family and was the eldest of four boys. So before I started getting paid to impersonate someone in front of a camera, I tried a lot of less glamorous professions. For example, I was picking raspberries. Or he picked up sheep's wool from the ground after those who sheared it.

“Then it seemed to me that there was no worse job in life,” the actor recalls. “It seems like you’re just picking raspberries... But they choke in your hands, wasps flock to the sweet smell and sting you as hard as they can.” And collecting shorn sheep’s wool from the ground—sticky with fat or blood, if the animal has been slightly injured—is also not much fun.”

This nightmare ended when walking through a shoe store Hannam noticed by the acting agent. The guy was offered to star in a small role as a fashion model in the TV series “Biker Grove”, then in another one. He really showed himself in the mini-series “Close Friends,” where he portrayed a teenager with a non-traditional sexual orientation.

Head over heels in sneakers

As a souvenir of the difficult period of his life, he still has... 85 pairs of different models of Nike sneakers released in the 90s.

“It’s the poor boy syndrome of not being able to buy the shoes that all the kids wore at school,” he explains. “Sneakers cost £100 back then and my family couldn’t afford that luxury.” When I turned 25, I said to myself: “I can buy the sneakers I want!” - and did it. Naturally, I never put on the larger half. At some point I realized that you have to be a complete idiot to keep such a collection, and gave part of it to a charity auction.”

I will love you forever

In personal life Charlie pretty constant. With his wife, actress Catherine Town, met at the casting of “Dawson’s Creek.” They never made it into the series, but, as it seemed to them, they found each other and three weeks later they got married in Las Vegas.

“We would not have been in such a hurry if not for one circumstance,” he later recalled Hunnam. “I had just arrived in America, and it was completely unclear whether my career would work out there. What if nothing works out and you have to return home? So Katherine and I came up with an idea: if we get married, nothing will separate us. I was 19 years old then, I fell in love for the first time - what should I take from me?

He did not have to return to England, but this did not save the marriage - three years later the couple separated. After this, there were rumors about his affairs with actresses Liv Tyler And Rashida Jones. Last 10 years Hunnam lives in a civil marriage with a jewelry designer Morgana McNelis and wears a ring she gave her, engraved with the words “I will love you forever.”

The kindest and most beautiful

Fans are jealous of the actor for his chosen one and constantly criticize her appearance on the Internet. Charlie I found out about this by accident (he is not a supporter of communication on social networks) and immediately spoke out in defense Morgans, recording a video message to fans:

“It seemed to me that social media was created for people to make new friends and share ideas, not to mock others. If you knew Morgana, your comments would make you feel terribly stupid. My friend is one of the kindest and most beautiful girls I have ever met. She was very patient and supported me long before I became successful and started making money. So stop attacking her and throwing mud at her! If you have something to say, say it to me."

McNalis responded to the statement Charlie on Instagram and Facebook:

“I appreciate everything you have said in my defense and am eternally grateful for your support in both relationships and business. I was deeply touched by what you put into every word. It helps you stay strong and invulnerable.”

Friendship with chickens

Many years Charlie cherished the dream of settling on a farm. Four years ago it was realized. They With Morgana They bought a ranch in a secluded place near Los Angeles and lead an absolutely non-Hollywood lifestyle there: they garden, keep ducks, chickens and a couple of donkeys.

“Imagine, I learned to be friends with chickens! - laughs Charlie. “But I’m not going to eat them.”

Last year, the couple decided to buy another property for a change, which corresponds to star status Hannam, is a Renaissance-style mansion located in Hollywood. The two-story building with 4 bedrooms and the same number of bathrooms, a swimming pool and a fountain in the yard cost $2.8 million.

King of the roads

Since childhood, he loved to ride a bicycle. But after seven years of filming in “Sons of Anarchy,” where he played a biker, he got so used to a motorcycle that now he can’t live without it:

“All this time I didn’t take off my plaid shirts, didn’t get off my motorcycle and constantly hung out with real bikers. When the project was closed, I got rid of everything that reminded me of it, and first of all, I changed my entire wardrobe. But I couldn’t give up motorcycles. So I ride around the city on a Harley-Davidson Dyna Super Glide, feeling like the king of the roads.”

Wrong piece of the pie

A little over a month Hunnam was listed as the leading actor in one of the most resonant projects of the third millennium - “50 Shades of Gray”. He talked about how excited he was that it was his candidacy that was approved by the producers and the author of the novel E.L. James. And suddenly he refused to act... The film bosses were shocked: between Charlie and his partner Dakota Johnson Already during the tests, such chemistry arose that it was impossible to take your eyes off them.

However, they failed to persuade the actor to play Christian Gray. When asked what made him break the contract, Hunnam each time he answered differently. He said that he is afraid of germs, so he avoids kissing his film partners so as not to infect them with something. He once mentioned that the woman he loved would not be delighted with so many sex scenes with his participation. Fans of the actor like this version better:

“At some point I realized that I had bitten off a piece of the pie that I couldn’t chew. It's incredibly difficult to switch from Jackson Teller in Sons of Anarchy to Christian Gray in the space of 48 hours. I would either fail at such a large project or go crazy.”

Emeralds of Reconciliation

<Съемки «Затерянного города Z» стали для Charlie a serious test. Firstly, the climate of the Colombian jungle was very exhausting. Secondly, in order to get into the character of a British explorer traveling through the Amazon in terrible conditions, he deliberately avoided people. I didn’t even communicate with my common-law wife for four months. To make amends, he brought her emeralds as a gift from Colombia. She appreciated the present. Serious conversation though Hunnam could not be avoided.

Do not offer Green Arrow!

He says he hardly turns on the TV at home and watches movies on the computer. In general, this is what most actors do. What's really strange is his preferences. Favorite series Charlie— “Deadwood” is an adventure series with western elements. He also likes... Downton Abbey. But this muscular handsome man can’t stand heroic pictures based on comic books.

“Even as a kid, I wasn’t a comic book fan and I hadn’t seen any of the Marvel movies. They're not my type."

That is why Charlie refused the role of Green Arrow, for which producers had been wooing him for years.

I only dream about Shaolin

“Directors and photographers like to shoot me in unbuttoned shirts and leave me no choice - I have to look good,” says the actor. — I have to do fitness, running, swimming, jiu-jitsu, and walk a lot. Of course, I would like to be in such physical shape that even at 70 years old I could run in the mountains. I’ll say more: when I lead an active lifestyle, my mood even improves. However, spending all my free time in the gym was not at all what I wanted. I'm terribly tired. Sometimes I dream of just relaxing and eating hamburgers.”

Whether you want to or not, you have to train... Before filming Sons of Anarchy, the producers set him a condition: to gain muscle mass. AND Charlie I carried pieces of iron four days a week. This continued the entire time I was working on the series. When he signed a contract for a role in the film The Legend of King Arthur, he was required to become more impressive, and he gained 10 kg. And then I immediately lost 20 kg for the sake of “The Lost City of Z.” With a height of 185 cm, he began to weigh... 65 kg! But what won’t you do for the sake of art!

By the way, recently Charlie He mentioned that he would like to learn kung fu. And I’m ready to take lessons from not just anyone, but from the best masters. To do this, I even agree to live in the Shaolin Monastery for some time. Well, when he has that time...

Dracula for Brad Pitt

Besides that Charlie is being filmed, it turns out he also writes film scripts. One of them is the story of Count Dracula, the second is about the American drug lord Edgar Valdez. By the way, the first one is rumored to be of interest Brad Pitta: His production company Plan B Entertainment is ready to finance the project.