Ballet ensemble of Igor Moiseev. State Academic Folk Dance Ensemble named after Igor Moiseev Moiseev Ensemble in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior

A grandiose event will take place in the cultural life of the capital - concert of the “Igor Moiseev Dance Ensemble” in Moscow. Admirers of the art of dance will be able to enjoy the magnificent show created by the illustrious group. Back in 1937, a legendary ensemble was born, which still has no analogues in the whole world. A talented choreographer and dancer literally “from scratch” created a completely new genre of dance art and raised it to a high professional level. The ensemble's limitless repertoire includes: Russian, Ukrainian, Finnish, Greek, Korean, Spanish, Chinese and Mexican dances, as well as many colorful folklore sketches.

You can see all this if you buy tickets to the “Igor Moiseev Dance Ensemble”, which sell out literally instantly. The beauty of the choreographic performances, the precision and coherence of the dancers’ movements captivate the audience from the first minutes of the dancers’ performance. A special place in the ensemble’s concert program is occupied by one-act ballets, choreographic

Miniatures and dance paintings to the music of famous composers.

Each number concert of the Igor Moiseev Dance Ensemble is unique and is assessed by critics as a masterpiece of choreographic art. Throughout its creative career, Moiseev's Ballet has enjoyed overwhelming success with audiences. They tour a lot in Russia and abroad, and everywhere the artists are long-awaited guests. And this is no coincidence, because they preserved and enriched with their activities the dance folklore heritage of different peoples. Any of their performances is original, unique and is a triumph of high art. The symbiosis of real folk traditions with ballet gives the dances a special brightness and color. Anyone who wants to touch the cultural heritage of the peoples of the Earth and see unique performances performed by the legendary choreographic group, purchase tickets to the concert of the “Igor Moiseev Dance Ensemble” in Moscow. Don't miss your chance to spend a pleasant evening and enjoy the “Moiseevskaya School of Dance”.

The concert of the Igor Moiseev Ensemble is always a significant and noticeable event for all those who love the art of Russian folk dance. It gives them an amazing meeting with a true internationally recognized legend of this genre.

Indeed, the work and name of this group has long been well known throughout the world. And this should not be surprising at all, since it is famous for its long-term and unique success story. It began in Moscow back in 1937. The founder of this project was the famous figure of Russian choreographic art and a brilliant expert on folklore, Igor Moiseev. From the moment it began its activities to this day, this group has consisted of exclusively experienced and well-trained dancers. Also, over time, his own professional orchestra began to work with him. The famous choreographer prepared many unique miniatures and productions based on the dance folklore of our country. Also, not only well-known, but also very rare folk dances began to be staged here. Often the artists turned to some other genres of choreographic art. That is why the team very quickly became very famous and in demand in our country. And already in the 50s of the twentieth century, many foreign spectators were able to order tickets for the concert of the Igor Moiseev Ensemble. This project became the first of the domestic groups of this type who began to actively tour around the world and received worthy international recognition. Over time, many of his numbers have become true classics of the genre. And the team organized a school in which anyone who has passed a strict selection can practice folk dancing.

Today this ensemble is one of the most titled and famous national folk dance groups. After the death of its founder, the work of Moses was continued by his students and followers. Therefore, today the project continues to perform a lot and constantly delights its fans with new and equally spectacular and interesting works. But you can also often see his legendary numbers at concerts.

The State Academic Folk Dance Ensemble named after Igor Moiseev is the world's first and only professional choreographic group engaged in the artistic interpretation and promotion of dance folklore of the peoples of the world.

The ensemble was organized on February 10, 1937, and since then the main artistic principles of its development have been continuity and creative interaction of traditions and innovation. The main task, which the founder of the ensemble Igor Moiseev (1906-2007) first set for the artists, was the creative processing of folklore samples existing in the USSR at that time. For this purpose, the ensemble's artists went on folklore expeditions around the country, where they found and recorded disappearing dances, songs, and rituals. As a result, the ensemble's first programs appeared: “Dances of the Peoples of the USSR” (1937-1938), “Dances of the Baltic Peoples” (1939). In the ensemble's repertoire, folklore samples received a new stage life and were preserved for several generations of spectators around the world. For this purpose, Igor Moiseev used all the means of stage culture: all types and types of dances, symphonic music, drama, scenography, acting.

An important stage was the development and creative interpretation of European folklore. The program “Dances of Slavic Peoples” (1945) was created in unique conditions: not being able to travel abroad, Igor Moiseev recreated living examples of dance creativity, consulting with musicians, folklorists, historians, and musicologists. On tour in 1946 in Poland, Hungary, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, the audience was amazed at the accuracy of the productions and the true artistic meaning of the ensemble's stage works. From that time until now, the ensemble has been a school and creative laboratory for choreographers from different countries, and its repertoire serves as a kind of choreographic encyclopedia of the dance culture of the peoples of the world. With the direct participation of famous experts in folklore, choreographers Miklos Rabai (Hungary), Lubusha Ginkova (Czechoslovakia), Ahn Song Hee (Korea), whom Igor Moiseev involved in their work, the program “Peace and Friendship” (1953) was created, where for the first time samples of European and Asian dance folklore from eleven countries.

Based on the model of the folk dance ensemble of Igor Moiseev, choreographic groups were created in all republics of the USSR (now the CIS countries), as well as in many European countries.

The folk dance ensemble was the first Soviet group to go on tour during the Iron Curtain period. In 1955, the ensemble's artists performed for the first time in Paris and London. The triumph of the Soviet dance troupe served as the first step towards international détente. In 1958, Igor Moiseev's ensemble was also the first Russian ensemble to perform in the USA. The successful tour, the American press admitted, melted the ice of mistrust in the USSR and became the basis for establishing new, constructive relations between our countries.

Another important achievement of the Folk Dance Ensemble is the creation of the unique, the only Moiseev School of Dance in the world (1943). Its distinctive features are high professionalism, virtuosic technical equipment, and the ability to convey the improvisational nature of folk performance. Actor-dancers trained by Igor Moiseev are widely educated, universal artists, fluent in all types of dance, capable of embodying national character in an artistic image. A dancer from the Moiseev school is the best recommendation anywhere on the planet, in a choreographic group of any direction. The ensemble's artists were awarded the titles of Honored and People's Artists of the USSR and Russia.

A clear expression of the creative principles of training actor-dancers is the “Road to Dance” program (“Class Concert”), which clearly shows the creative path of the group from mastering individual elements to creating full-scale stage canvases. For the program “The Road to Dance” (1965), the group was the first of the folk dance ensembles to be awarded the title “Academic”, and Igor Moiseev was awarded the Lenin Prize.

For its concert activity, which has lasted more than 70 years, the group was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples. The ensemble has rightfully been and remains the calling card of our country abroad.

On different continents, audiences of different generations fell in love with the Ensemble’s “crown” numbers, which became the “calling cards” of the group: the legendary “Partisans”, the naval suite “Yablochko”, the ancient city Quadrille, the Moldavian Jock, the Ukrainian Hopak, the Russian dance “Summer”, the incendiary Tarantella. The Ensemble gained great success with its bright one-act performances staged by Igor Moiseev using the means and techniques of world folk and theatrical culture - “Vesnyanka”, “Tsam”, “Sanchakou”, “Polovtsian Dances” to the music of A. Borodin, “At the Skating Rink” on music by I. Strauss, “Night on Bald Mountain” to music by M. Mussorgsky, “Spanish Ballad” to music by Pablo di Luna, “Evening in a Tavern” to music by Argentine composers, etc.

And now, after the death of the permanent leader of the ensemble, Igor Moiseev, the choreographic level of the group still serves as an unsurpassed standard, and the title of “Moiseev” is synonymous with high professionalism.

On October 29, 2017, a performance of Igor Moiseev’s ballet will take place in the Hall of Church Councils. The performance will be timed to celebrate the ensemble's eightieth anniversary. This evening the group will present to its viewers one of the most popular programs of its repertoire - “Dances of the Peoples of the World”. It includes ancient and traditional dances from Russia, Greece, Korea, the Baltic countries and the Balkan Peninsula. It will be a bright extravaganza of images and traditions, colorful colors of different nationalities and, undoubtedly, impressive choreography.

Organizational information
Those wishing to buy tickets for the concert of the Igor Moiseev Ensemble in Moscow can choose seats in the Hall:

Seats in the stalls cost from 2500 to 4000 rubles;
You can sit on the right or central balconies for an amount from 1200 to 2500 rubles;
The price of seats on the left balcony ranges from 1000 to 2500 rubles.

Starting time of the group's performance: 19.00. Spectators over 6 years old are recommended to attend the dance performance.

More about the performers
Igor Moiseev's ballet was created in 1937 and gave its first concert in the same year. He became the first group that began to popularize the dance folklore of different countries at such a professional level.

In the course of folklore expeditions and artistic interpretation of the material found, the ensemble's repertoire grew. Now it includes over 300 dance works. These include choreographic miniatures and full-fledged national dance films, suites and even one-act ballets. Numbers with similar themes were combined into cycles and programs: “Pictures of the Past”, “Suite of Russian Dances”, “Across the Countries of the World”, “A Day on a Ship”, “Soviet Pictures”, etc.

Igor Moiseev's ballet actively tours throughout our country and abroad. He is considered an unofficial ambassador of peace, because with his creativity he promotes friendship among peoples.

Theatrical performance “Folk Dance Ensemble named after. I. Moiseev" was held in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior on October 29, 2017.