Test lexical norms preparation for the Unified State Exam. Autobiographical and memoir literature

Autobiographies and memoirs are often separate, full-fledged literary works, so they constitute a special genre. Autobiographical literature is based on the personality of its author, who tries to portray his life and his thoughts through the use of an artistic form.

Memoir literature is memories of the past that are created based on the life experiences of the author. In this case, the author talks about his life and what he managed to survive due to certain political and historical changes, and for this he uses letters, diaries and various documentation.

The personality of the author and its disclosure in literature

Main difference between autobiography and memoirs is that autobiographical literature is devoted exclusively to the personality of the author and what is connected with it, and memoir literature can tell about important historical eras and events and show them through the eyes of one or more people.

Therefore, it can include the memories of many people. There are outstanding literary works of this genre - these are “Confession” by J. Rousseau and “Past and Thoughts” by A. Herzen. These memoirs fully reveal the author's personality, showing what he had to endure in different, difficult circumstances.

Herzen's memoirs had a great influence on the development of Russian literature as a whole, as they delighted the reader not only with the author's interesting thoughts about life and historical events, but also with high verbal skill and artistic expressiveness.

Memoirs are also used for ideological and political struggle; examples of such works are “Thoughts and Memoirs” by O. Bismarck and “Memoirs” by S. Witte. And despite the fact that memoirs often become historical sources, many authors resort to distortion of the truth due to their personal ideological views.

The historical significance of the memoirs lies in the fact that the author, revealing his life, also reveals a picture of life of that period, political events, its cultural component, the life and customs of people of different classes.

Traditions of autobiographical literature

The emergence of autobiographical and memoir literature dates back to the Renaissance, when awareness of the historical value of the human personality and unique individual experience came.

And by the 18th century, literature of various forms had developed, both autobiographies and memoirs. It was during this period that the main traditions of autobiographical literature were formed, since the most important historical events pushed people to write literary works in this genre.

The main traditions of this genre are truthfulness from the author, accuracy and exceptional clarity of class assessments. A car should justify and explain its personal view, but not present it for granted.

A large number of autobiographies and memoirs are devoted to the Great October Revolution, the Civil War and the Great Patriotic War. A series of memoirs were published in the USSR - these are “About Life and About Myself”, “War Memoirs” and “Literary Memoirs”.

Option 9

Read the text and complete tasks 1 -3

(1) A language at any moment in the history of its development is a system that is naturally connected with the previous one and is the basis for the future. (2) Just as one and the same character clarifies his character for the viewer in different scenes of the play, so language, having been adjusted for centuries to the different needs of different eras, reaches each generation with a treasury of the entire previous life of the people. (3) the enduring and primary value of language is that it preserves and transmits into the future the people’s original view of the world and life, as well as all the amendments and clarifications made to it by subsequent generations.

1. Indicate two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) Natural language is a multi-level sign system that serves primarily to transmit information during communication.

2) The language system continuously changes depending on the goals that the era sets for it.

3) The significance of language as a system that changes over time is that it preserves the foundations of the people’s worldview, supplementing them with the views of subsequent generations.

4) At every moment of its development, the language system is always the basis, the basis for those changes that sooner or later will be reflected in works of art, in particular in various plays.

5) Language, being a continuously developing system, conveys not only the original view of our ancestors on the world, but also all the amendments made by descendants, and this is its special value.

2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should appear in the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

If you need to write out a word with a comma, you do not need to enter it in the answer.


For example,


3. Read the dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word SYSTEM. Determine in what meaning this word is used in sentence 1. Write the number corresponding to this meaning in the dictionary entry.

SYSTEM, -s; and.

1) A certain order in the arrangement and connection of actions. Bring your observations into the system. Work according to a strict system.

2) The form of organization of something. Electoral village S. agriculture.

3) Something whole, which is a unity of parts that are regularly located and interconnected. Grammar p. language. Periodic s. elements(D.I. Mendeleev). S. views. Philosophical village(teaching). Pedagogical village Ushinsky. S. channels.

4) Social system, form of social structure. Social s. Capitalist village

5) A set of organizations that are homogeneous in their tasks, or an institution that is organizationally united into one whole. Work in the system of the Academy of Sciences.

4. In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly. Write this word down.



5. One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word incorrectly. Correct the mistake and write this word correctly.

The stranger's eyes were colorless, like RAIN water.

In order to turn the situation around, the niece took a rather EFFECTIVE and traditional move for such cases.

“Don’t get in the way,” muttered Popov, a very intelligent man, but rude and ignorant.

By morning, a storm came and destroyed almost the entire ENEMY fleet - the main part of the besieging army.

As soon as Natalya Arsenovna left, Arkady Viktorovich began to tell her for some reason in a CONFIDENT tone that this lady was by no means simple.

6. In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

TO BOTH students


GO straight

five tomatoes


7. Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and the sentences in which they were made: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



A) incorrect construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application

B) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate

C) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases

D) incorrect construction of a sentence with a participial phrase

D) violation in the construction of sentences with homogeneous members

1) The impossibility of returning to the old order after the War of 1812 was widely felt in a society that had experienced a national upsurge.

2) Each weapon brings the greatest benefit in the hands of those who have studied it as deeply as possible.

3) Today’s day in Ch. Aitmatov’s novel “And the day lasts longer than a century” carries the deep weight of memory, since “the human mind is a clot of eternity that has absorbed our past, present and future.”

4) Nature heals not only the human soul, but can also be blind and cruel to him.

5) In the last novel of his epic “Katorga” Pikul talks about convicts on Sakhalin.

6) Upon returning to the capital, Vostryakov firmly decided to propose marriage to Marya Alekseevna.

7) Having finished reading, something turned upside down in my soul.

8) The crowd of listeners, as soon as the performance was over, jumped up from their seats and began shouting loudly.

9) It seemed to me that everyone looked at me with condemnation.

8. Identify the word in which the unstressed alternating vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.


conquered (the world)




9. Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.

under..yachy, out..yat

(not) ..strong, no..paid

from..warm, pos..yesterday

pr..high, pr..ly

b..tasty, ra..wing






11. Write down the word in which the letter E is written in the blank.





regional (mongrel)

12. Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

The action of V. Nabokov’s novel “Under the Sign of the Illegitimate” takes place in an (UN) NAMED police state led by the dictator Paduk.

In the story “Cut”, Shukshin showed a villager in a completely (UN)CHARACTER role.

Our trains stood side by side, like twin brothers who (DID NOT) RECOGNIZE each other, and separated forever.

(NOT) LOOKING at his comrades, Kirill walked quickly down the corridor.

In life, he was overly diplomatic and tried to act (NOT) DIRECTLY, as his father would have done, but indirectly, with hints.

13. Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

The house opposite was (HALF) in the woods, and the open part of the brick facade was overgrown with ivy, so that (HALF) DARKNESS always reigned inside.

WHATEVER my father decided then, I was ready to accept it, BECAUSE I respected his opinion.

The sun disappeared behind an aspen grove (IN) NEAR the garden, its shadow stretched (WITHOUT) END across the motionless fields.

A cloud, black, with a (WHITE) SNOW edge, froze in the east, and on the western side (BETWEEN) the sun was shining.

(NOT) DESPITE the fact that most of the story is devoted to the experiences of Timofey Ivanovich, the author still pays enough attention to describing the morals and way of life of his heroes.

14. Indicate all the numbers in whose place NN is written.

Pushkin easily left the walls of his home and never mentioned either his father or mother in his poems, but at the same time his heart was not deprived of (1) kinship (2) feelings: he loved his brother and sister dearly all his life, selflessly (3 )he helped them, even being in cramped (4) material circumstances.

15. Punctuate. Specify two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) Information from contemporaries about the character of Prince Ivan Dolgoruky is contradictory, and this is not only a contradiction in the points of view of memoirists, but also the inconsistency of the character of Prince Ivan Alekseevich himself.

2) Pushkin was physically strong and resilient, had strength and good health.

3) The blue sky shines coldly and brightly above the heavy clouds, and from behind these clouds ridges of snow clouds slowly emerge.

4) Long lakes and swamps stretched in rows along the seashore and parallel to it.

5) Lev Vladimirovich Shcherba spoke leisurely, thoughtfully looking either at those listening or as if inside himself.

16. Place all punctuation marks:

But she still would not have seen his face if the lightning (1) that hid the stars (2) had not illuminated him again. In the light of lightning, she saw his entire face and (3) seeing calmness and joy on him (4) she smiled at him.

17. Place all the missing punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

Hm! hmm! Noble reader (1)

Is (2) all your relatives healthy?

Allow: maybe (3) anything (4)

Now you learn from me,

What exactly does relatives mean?

These are the native people:

We must caress them

Love, sincerely respect

And (5) according to the custom of the people (6)

About Christmas to visit them...

18. Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

Near a picturesque old house (1) not far from (2) from which (3) there was an orchard (4) I stopped (5) to make a sketch on paper.

19. Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s) in the sentence.

The legend says (1) that (2) when Yesenin saw Isadora Duncan (3) he was captivated by her plasticity (4) he wanted to scream about his instant love (5) but Sergei did not know English.

20. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, excluding unnecessary word. Write this word down.

Often works of art are autobiographical. It is known that, while creating the story “Escape to America,” Alexander Green was writing his autobiography.

Read the text and complete tasks 21 -26

(1) Let's, dear reader, think about whether a fairy tale is something far from us and how much we need it. (2) We make a kind of pilgrimage to magical, desired and beautiful lands, reading or listening to fairy tales. (3) What do people bring from these regions? (4) What draws them there? (5) What does a person ask a fairy tale about and what exactly does it answer him? (6) Man always asked a fairy tale about what all people, from century to century, will always ask about, about what is important and necessary for all of us. (7) First of all, about happiness. (8) Does it come on its own in life or does it have to be obtained? (9) Are labors, trials, dangers and exploits really necessary? (10) What is a person’s happiness? (11) Are you rich? (12) Or, perhaps, in kindness and righteousness?

(13) What is fate? (14) Is it really impossible to overcome it and a person can only sit obediently and wait for the weather by the sea? (15) And the fairy tale generously suggests how a person should be at the crossroads of life and in the depths of life’s forest, in trouble and misfortune.

(16) What is more important - the outer shell or invisible beauty? (17) How to recognize, how to smell the beautiful soul of a monster and the ugly soul of a beauty?

(18) And finally, is it true that only the possible is possible, and the impossible is really impossible? (19) Aren’t there possibilities hidden in the things and souls around us that not everyone dares to talk about?

(20) This is what a person, and especially a Russian person, asks about in his fairy tale. (21) And the fairy tale answers not about what is not and does not happen, but about what now exists and will always be. (22) After all, a fairy tale is the answer of an antiquity that has experienced everything to the questions of a child’s soul entering the world. (23) Here, wise antiquity blesses Russian infancy for the difficult life it has not yet experienced, contemplating from the depths of its national experience the difficulties of life’s path.

(24) All people are divided into people living with a fairy tale and people living without a fairy tale. (25) And people living with a fairy tale have the gift and happiness... to ask their people about the first and last wisdom of life and with an open soul to listen to the answers of its original, prehistoric philosophy. (26) Such people live as if in harmony with their national fairy tale. (27) And it is good for us if we preserve an eternal child in our souls, that is, we know how to both ask and listen to the voice of our fairy tale.

(according to I.A. Ilyin*)

*Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin(1883–1954) – Russian philosopher, writer and publicist.

21. Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Please provide answer numbers.

1) Reading fairy tales, a person is immersed in a world of fantasies that have no relation to reality.

2) A fairy tale gives a person answers to many important questions: about happiness, about fate, about true beauty.

3) Fairy tales are useful for children, because this folk wisdom prepares the child for adult life, but adults no longer need to read fairy tales.

4) A fairy tale speaks about what is and will always be, and not about what is not and does not happen in life.

5) To awaken children's interest in a fairy tale, you need to introduce the child to it through theatrical performances, feature films, and national music.

22. Which of the following statements are faithful? Please provide answer numbers.

Enter the numbers in ascending order.

1) Sentences 1–5 present the reasoning.

2) Sentences 8–12 provide a description.

3) Proposition 23 explains and complements the content of sentence 22.

4) Sentences 13–17 present the reasoning.

5) Sentences 26–27 present the narrative.

23. Write out the phraseological unit from sentences 3–6.

24. Among sentences 22–26, find one(s) that is related to the previous one using a coordinating conjunction and lexical repetitions.

Write the number(s) of this sentence(s).

25. “Conducting a conversation with the reader about the fairy tale, I.A. Ilyin creates a text that is very laconic in terms of form, but at the same time saturates it with emotion and imagery, competently using a whole range of means of expressive speech. In an effort to involve the reader in his thoughts, the author actively uses such a syntactic device as (A)________ (for example, sentences 3, 4, 13). Often there is such a technique as (B)________ (for example, sentences 16, 17), which helps to understand how difficult it is to find an answer to the questions a person faces. A special pathos to the text is given by such a trope as (B)_______ (sentence 23), as well as such a lexical means of expressiveness as (D)_________ (“question”, “listen” in sentence 25).”

List of terms

1) personification

2) outdated words

3) parcellation

4) hyperbole

5) epiphora

6) interrogative sentences

7) lexical repetition

9) antithesis

26. Write an essay based on the text you read. Formulate one of the problems posed by the author of the text.

Comment on the formulated problem. Include in your comment two illustrative examples from the text you read that you think are important for understanding the problem in the source text (avoid excessive quoting).

Formulate the position of the author (storyteller). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the text you read. Explain why. Argue your opinion, relying primarily on reading experience, as well as knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

1. Answer: 35|53.

2. Answer: In this way|in this way

3. Answer: 3.

4. Answer: sent

5. Answer: ignorant

6. Answer: go.

7. Answer: 58714

8. Answer: upstart

9. Answer: sduzhilfree

10. Answer: padlock

11. Answer: offended

12. Answer: unnamed

13. Answer: half-dark | half-dark and half

14. Answer: 234

15. Answer: 23|32

16. Answer: 1234

17. Answer: 1356

18. Answer: 145

19. Answer: 12345

20. Answer: yours

21. Answer: 24|42

22. Answer: 134

23. Answer: 25

25. Answer: 6912

Approximate range of problems

1. The problem of the role of fairy tales in human life. (What role does a fairy tale play in a person’s life?)

1. A fairy tale is the wisdom of national experience, which has experienced everything in antiquity; she is able to give a person answers to all the questions that interest him: moral, ethical, philosophical.

2. The problem of preserving the “eternal child” in the human soul. (Do you need to preserve the features of a child in your soul?)

2. Even in adult life, it is very important and necessary to be able to ask and listen to the voice of our fairy tale. It is easier for people who have retained the eternal child within them to live: they are in harmony with the national fairy tale, which means with national wisdom; from the depths of prehistoric philosophy they can draw answers to many eternal questions.

3. The problem of understanding the concept of “fairy tale”, the problem of the relationship between fairy tales and national consciousness. (Is a fairy tale just a fantasy, a beautiful dreamland, or is it something more, important and necessary? Is a fairy tale connected with the national consciousness, the wisdom of the nation?)

3. 3. A fairy tale is the wisdom of antiquity, passed through time, illuminating real, not fictitious, difficulties of life’s path and helping to cope with them. Fairy tale

is inextricably linked with national identity, therefore it is very important and necessary.

* To formulate a problem, the examinee may use vocabulary that differs from that presented in the table. The issue may also be cited from the original text or indicated by reference to sentence numbers

Task 20
Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by eliminating the extra word. Write this word down.

1. We can talk about different types of youth theaters, among them - traditional realistic theater (gravitating towards psychological drama), theater based on folklore, playful festive theater, theater of the absurd.

2. Cold snow packed into the wrinkles of the bark, and the thick, three-girth trunk seemed stitched with silver threads.
3. When the cannonade subsided and they finally entered the house, they found a completely dead man on the floor.
4. It was useless to hide the true truth, and Serpilin did not consider himself entitled to do so.
5. Either the steppe opened up, distant and silent, then low clouds, stained with blood, and then people, the steam engine, and the thresher all at once sank in the blackening darkness.
6. The newcomer probably did not get along well with people: he did not participate in general tea parties, he always worked silently, without words.
7. The hazel tree has almost dusted off, and the birch tree is still timid to turn green, not trusting the coming warmth, and the forest is completely transparent, without shadows, as if it is squinting awake after sleep.
8. They seemed calm and brave; however, at my approach, both lowered their heads and covered themselves with their tattered veils.
9. Often works of art are autobiographical. It is known that, while creating the story “Escape to America,” Alexander Green was writing his autobiography.
10. The play is still a great success, despite the fact that it has been in the repertoire for more than one year: the first premiere of the play took place in the fall of 2000.
11. The deadlines for the delivery of the military facility were missed because many of the units for the complex were imported from abroad, and because of the sanctions, the problem of import substitution had to be urgently solved.
12. These processes are also supported by the unusual phenomenon of selective memorization, when individuals better remember those messages that correspond to their ideas.
13. Squire Trelawney, Doctor Livesey and other gentlemen asked me to write everything I know about Treasure Island. They want me to tell the whole story, from beginning to end.
14. There is no significant difference in the moral priorities of the world's religions.
15. For dinner, Marya Sergeevna baked apple charlotte and invited the neighbors to tea.
16. Even very popular newspapers abound in these speech masterpieces: “As of today, rice harvesting has been completed in all rice-growing farms in the region.”
17. Finally we see a forest, a gloomy sky in shaggy clouds, between which only here and there a blackening darkness is visible.
18. Through the yellowish wet water, a sandy bottom was visible, which went deeper, and the lake water became black.
19. The growing hot heat was already beginning to be felt in the air, and in the remote spruce forest it was so cool.
20. The rich luxury of nature did not touch the old man, but many things delighted Sergei, who was here for the first time.
21. The commander was killed to death, and command was taken over by a young lieutenant who arrived at the unit a week ago.
22. The little kids were sitting at the table with their heads bowed and, uttering words in a whisper, they were apparently discussing some important problem, in their opinion, so I tried not to disturb them.
23. There was a torrential downpour, so it was impossible to go out onto the porch.
24. The table resembled a garden: so many blooming flowers were placed on it that the dishes with snacks were lost in their mysterious thicket.
25. It became clear that we had incorrectly defined the main essence of the experiment - now we will have to conduct the study all over again.
26. We did not find in the price list the goods that we needed to complete the repairs.
27. There is a vacancy for a manager in a large company selling office equipment.
28. When you commit an act for which you may later be ashamed, you need to remember that someday you will get a reverse boomerang effect.
29. The expedition was successful until an icy iceberg blocked the ship’s path.
30. The opinion that sore throat occurs due to cold ice cream is erroneous - Danish scientists have proven this.
31. The fair-haired blonde approached the man, and they started talking as if they had known each other for a long time.
32. The director found and reflected the line between eras, which is why, it seems to me, the film looks like a breeze, despite its considerable time span.

Assignment No. Answer Assignment No. Answer
1 Narodnogo 17 Blackening
2 cold 18 wet
3 absolutely 19 Hot
4 true 20 Rich
5 blackening 21 To death
6 Without words 22 Small
7 Sleepy 23 Prolivny
8 Drooping 24 Blooming
9 Own 25 Main
10 First 26 Prices
11 From abroad 27 Free
12 Unusual 28 Reverse
13 All 29 Ice
14 Essential 30 Cold
15 Apple 31 Blonde
16 this 32 Time

Attached files

The works are written “in the first person” (for example, the trilogy “Childhood”, “Adolescence”, “Youth”; Turgenev’s story “First Love”; chronicle novels “Family Chronicle” and “Childhood of Bagrov the Grandson”; novel “The Life of Arsenyev "; stories by M. Gorky from the collection "Across Russia" and his trilogy "Childhood", "In People", "My Universities"; - Mikhailovsky "Childhood of the Theme"; "Summer of the Lord"; "Childhood of Nikita"; "Asya", “First Love”, “Spring Waters”).

In autobiographical works, the main thing is always the author himself, and all the events described are conveyed directly through his perception. And yet, these books are, first of all, works of fiction, and the information contained in them cannot be perceived as the real story of the author’s life.

Let us turn to the works of Mikhailovsky. What unites them?

All the heroes of the stories told are children.

The authors took the image of pictures of the spiritual growth of a little man as the basis for the plot. By telling about the past of their hero not in chronological order, but by drawing pictures of the most powerful impressions left in the child’s mind, the artists show how a real person of that time perceived these events, what he thought about, how he felt the world. The author makes readers feel the “living breath” of history.

The main thing for writers is not the events of the era, but their refraction in the soul of a growing person; the psychology of the characters, their attitude to life, the difficulty of finding oneself.

All writers argue in their works that the basis of a child’s life is the love that he needs from others and which he is ready to generously give to people, including loved ones.

The lessons of childhood are comprehended by the heroes throughout their lives. They remain with him as guidelines that live in their conscience.

The plot and composition of the works are based on the life-affirming worldview of the authors, which they convey to their characters.

All works have enormous moral strength, which is necessary for a growing person today as an antidote to the lack of spirituality, violence, and cruelty that have overwhelmed our society.

What is depicted in the works is seen simultaneously through the eyes of a child, the main character, who is in the thick of things, and through the eyes of a wise person, assessing everything from the perspective of great life experience.

What distinguishes these autobiographical works?

In the works of Mikhailovsky, the authors talk not only about the childhood of the heroes, but also about how their independent life develops.

And they reveal to the reader the childhood impressions of their heroes.

The life of little heroes develops and is covered by writers in different ways.

Gorky's work differs from other stories of an autobiographical nature in that the child is in a different social environment. Childhood, depicted by Gorky, is far from a wonderful period of life. Gorky’s artistic task was to show the “leaden abominations of life” of the entire social stratum to which he belonged. On the one hand, it was important for the writer to show the “close, stuffy circle of terrible impressions” in which Alyosha lived in the Kashirin family. On the other hand, to talk about the enormous influence on Alyosha of those “beautiful souls” whom he met in his grandfather’s house and in the world around him and who instilled “hope for rebirth... to a bright, human life.”

The hero of “Childhood” peers into this life, at the people around him, tries to understand the origins of evil and hostility, reaches for the bright, defends his beliefs and moral principles.

The story “My Universities” has a strong journalistic beginning, which helps the reader to better understand Gorky’s personality, his thoughts and feelings. The main lesson of this story is the writer’s idea that a person is created by his resistance to the environment.

The childhood of the characters of other writers is warmed by the affection and love of their relatives. The light and warmth of family life, the poetry of a happy childhood are carefully recreated by the authors of the works.

But sharp social motives immediately arise: the unsightly sides of landowner and aristocratic-secular life are depicted clearly and without embellishment.

“Childhood” and “Adolescence” is a story about Nikolenka Irteniev, whose thoughts, feelings and mistakes are depicted by the writer with complete and sincere sympathy.

Nikolenka Irtenyev, the hero of the work, is a boy with a sensitive soul. He longs for harmony between all people and strives to help them. He perceives life events more acutely, sees what others do not notice. The child does not think about himself and suffers when he sees human injustice. The boy poses the most difficult life questions to himself. What is love in a person's life? What is good? What is evil? What is suffering, and is it possible to live a life without suffering? What is happiness (and unhappiness)? What is death? What is God? And in the end: what is life, why live?

A distinctive feature of Nikolenka’s character is the desire for introspection, strict judgment of her thoughts, motives and actions. He blames and punishes himself not only for unworthy actions, but even words and thoughts. But this is the torment of a sensitive child’s conscience.

The story about the hero’s youth is a different picture. He retained his old aspirations and noble spiritual qualities. But he was brought up in the false prejudices of an aristocratic society, from which he frees himself only towards the end of the story, and then only after going through doubts and serious reflection and meeting other people - not aristocrats.

"Youth" is a tale of mistakes and rebirth.

Books about childhood and youth were created before Tolstoy. But Tolstoy was the first to introduce into the history of the formation of the human personality the theme of acute internal struggle, moral self-control, revealing the “dialectics of the soul” of the hero.

Tyoma Kartashev (“Tyoma’s Childhood”) lives in a family where the father is a retired general and gives a very definite direction to the upbringing of children. Tyoma’s actions and pranks become the subject of the closest attention of the father, who resists the “sentimental” upbringing of his son, “making” him a “nasty slobber.” However, Tyoma's mother, an intelligent and well-educated woman, has a different view on raising her own son. In her opinion, any educational measures should not destroy human dignity in a child, turning him into a “feared little animal” intimidated by the threat of corporal punishment.

The bad memory of executions for misdeeds will remain with Tyoma for many years. So, almost twenty years later, accidentally finding himself in his home, he remembers the place where he was flogged, and his own feeling towards his father, “hostile, never reconciled.”

– Mikhailovsky takes his hero, a kind, impressionable, hot boy, through all the crucibles of life. More than once his hero ends up, like the Bug, “into a stinking well.” (The image of the Bug and the well is repeatedly repeated in the tetralogy as a symbol of the dead-end state of the heroes.) However, the hero is capable of being reborn. The plot and composition of the family chronicle are structured as a search for a way out of crises.

“My compass is my honor. You can worship two things - genius and kindness,” Kartashev says to his friend. The fulcrum in life for the hero will be work, in which the hero’s talents, spiritual and physical strengths will be revealed.

There are no incidents in “The Childhood Years of Bagrov - Grandson.” This is the story of a peaceful, eventless childhood, surprising only by the child’s extraordinary sensitivity, which is facilitated by an unusually compassionate upbringing. The special strength of the book lies in its depiction of a beautiful family: “The family allows a person of any era to remain more stable in society... limiting the animal in a person,” wrote A. Platonov. He also emphasized that the family in Aksakov’s portrayal fosters a sense of homeland and patriotism.

Seryozha Bagrov had a normal childhood, covered with parental love, tenderness and care. However, he sometimes noticed a lack of harmony between father and mother due to the fact that “on the one hand, there was exactingness, and on the other, an inability to satisfy subtle demands.” Seryozha noted with surprise that his beloved mother was indifferent to nature and arrogant towards the peasants. All this darkened the life of the boy, who understood that some of the blame lay with her.

I. Shmelev’s story “The Summer of the Lord” is based on childhood impressions and a reflection of the world of a child’s soul. Home, father, people, Russia - all this is given through children's perception.

In the plot, the boy is given a middle position, a kind of center between his father, seething with business and worries, and the calm, balanced Gorkin, whom the pilgrims take for a priest. And the novelty of each chapter is in the world of Beauty that opens to the child’s gaze.

The image of Beauty in the story has many faces. These are, of course, pictures of nature. Light, joy - this motif constantly sounds in the boy’s perception of nature. The landscape is like a kingdom of light. Nature spiritualizes the life of a child, connects it with invisible threads with the eternal and beautiful.

With the image of Heaven, the thought of God also enters the narrative. The most poetic pages of the story are those depicting Orthodox holidays and religious rituals. They show the beauty of spiritual communication: “Everyone was connected to me, and I was connected to everyone,” the boy thinks joyfully.

The whole story is like a filial bow and a monument to the father, created in the word. A very busy father, he always finds time for his son, for home, for people.

One of his contemporaries writes about him: “... Great is the power of talent, but even stronger, deeper and more irresistible is the tragedy and truth of a shocked and passionately loving soul... No one else has been given such a gift to hear and divine the suffering of others as he has.”

"Nikita's childhood" Unlike other works, in Tolstoy's story each chapter represents a complete story about some event from Nikita's life and even has its own name.

From childhood, A. Tolstoy fell in love with the magical Russian nature, learned the rich, figurative folk speech, treated the people with respect, and endowed Nikita with all these qualities.

Poetry is poured into everything that surrounds this boy - gentle, observant and very serious. In the most ordinary events of Nikita's life, the author finds inexplicable charm. He strives to poeticize the world around him and infects others with this desire.

In this work, told with a playful smile, the big world and deep feelings of adults and children are revealed.

As can be seen from the analysis of the works, the life of some heroes develops serenely and calmly in a happy family (Seryozha Bagrov, Nikita).

Other characters play pranks, suffer, fall in love, suffer, lose parents, struggle, pose difficult philosophical questions that a thinking person wrestles with from birth to death.

Biographical work as a type of literature. Biographical works of fiction, with all their genre differences, have a lot in common. There are absolutely no journalistic elements in them, artistic fiction is given greater freedom, and the plot is significantly more complicated.

Tsarik 1979 107 The biography of the hero always appears as a reconstruction of the history of personal individuality, the structure of which includes five components 1. Action and situation 2. Biographical fact. 3. Biographical explanation 4. Ethical obligations 5. Narrative depiction. Valevsky 1995 50 It is necessary to dwell in more detail on the definition of the above elements. By action and situation we will understand a certain action of heroes and characters, reflected in the narrative.

By biographical fact we will understand a certain statement that fixes the empirical level of knowledge and is an answer to the questions of who, what, when, i.e. denoting the spatiotemporal level of character identity. Valevsky 1995 53 In a work, a biographical fact takes a place among other facts, forming a complete chain with them, and thereby receiving a unique semantic coloring. When creating an artistic image, facts are melted in the fire of fiction, a complex alloy of real and fictional is created. And the higher the skill of the writer, the deeper and more versatile his erudition, the less we can decompose this alloy into its component parts.

Only with special knowledge can we separate historical fact from the artist's creation. Yanskaya Cardin 1981 243 Biographical explanation usually comes down to the author’s attempt to understand the motivation for the behavior of the characters. Ethical obligations are expressed in the moral assessment made by the author.

Finally, through a certain lexical and syntactic organization of the text, the author gives it the necessary narrative imagery. However, only that literary work in which artistic authenticity is in direct connection with the reliability of facts becomes truly biographical. 5.2

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Romanticism in Paustovsky’s biographical novels

The brevity of the narrative, the compactness of the composition, and the directness of the plot lines characteristic of this genre contributed in the best possible way to its disclosure. It should be noted that Paustovsky’s work, although it was quite good.. The existing critical literature of Soviet authors on this issue is mainly of a review nature.

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