Shadow figures. How does shadow theater work? Scene from a shadow puppet theater

Shadow theater is magic that can live in your home. You can create it for your child with your own hands.

What we need:

Thick cardboard
White paper
PVA glue
brushes for glue and paint
steel wire 2 mm
wire cutters and pliers for working with wire
wooden slats approximately 1.5 X 1 cm
Fibreboard approximately 14 X 30 X 40 cm
wallpaper nails
white fabric (cotton) without pattern
cocktail straw
insulating tape
slide projector (lantern, table lamp)
templates (you can take ready-made ones, or you can draw them yourself)

Draw or print templates for puppets and decorations.

Puppets for shadow theater can be small in size - about 5-10 cm, and during the performance the height of the characters can be changed by bringing the figure closer to the screen or, conversely, moving it away.

Glue the template sheets onto cardboard. Try to lubricate the template with glue without gaps, but not too much - the part should fit tightly and not warp the cardboard base.

Press dry the dolls and cover them with a layer of PVA glue for strength. The brush should be semi-dry so that the figures do not warp.

Cardboard dolls are not easy to cut, especially in areas where there are internal or external corners. Instead of scissors, it is convenient to use a stationery knife.

If you have golden hands and a lot of patience, you can use a stationery knife to cut out the kennels of the face, eyes and small parts inside the dolls. If you glue transparent tracing paper onto the figures, they will sparkle with different shades of black and gray. You can also use transparent color film to add color.

To make movable dolls, you need to separately draw and cut out arms, legs and other parts that can move. Dynamic parts rotate on screws or wire, and a wire holder is attached to each of them for control.

If the dolls are still warped, put them under a press for several days.

Holders for dolls and decorations can be made removable for convenience. Glue paper pockets on the back of the dolls. They should be slightly bent outward so that the holder loop fits in easily.

The most suitable material is wire. Make rings on both sides of a piece of wire - one for the pocket on the “back” of the doll, the other so that the holder does not rotate in your hands. We got holders 13 cm long for dolls. The decoration holders turned out to be 5 cm long and with rings on only one side. The diameter of the rings is 1 cm.

If you don't have wire, gluing on popsicle sticks is a quick option for doll holders. But it has a drawback - the sticks roughen and spoil the silhouette of the dolls during the performance.

You can make standard dolls (grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, animals) and use them in different performances. If you want to stage a new performance, all you have to do is make the missing heroes. It is advisable to put the sets of heroes for different fairy tales in signed envelopes.

The screen for the performance can be wooden or cardboard. You can even use a picture frame instead of a screen.

Cardboard screens are easier to make and decorate, but are less durable.

It is not at all necessary to make the screen traditionally rectangular. If you are seriously interested in shadow theater, then you can make a whole set of screen-scenery in the form of a castle, a forest, a hut...

Our screen is made of wooden slats. Its dimensions are:

total height – 45 cm
height of “camouflage” fiberboard – 15 cm
screen height – 30 cm
frame width – 50 cm
the length of the stands (legs) for the frame is 25 cm.

The frame needs to be painted, and the lower part of the frame can be decorated with a story picture.

A favorite theme for screen design is the starry sky. For our theater, we played up the plot of the fairy tale about the golden key. We made decorations from silver insulating tape.

For strength, parts can be coated with PVA glue or varnish.

The screen is covered with fabric. To measure the fabric correctly, trace the frame directly onto the fabric and cut out a rectangle, slightly away from the edge (about 1 cm around the entire perimeter).

On the back side of the bottom rail of the screen, grooves for decoration holders are glued. We used a cocktail straw, cut into pieces about 3 cm long.

We stretch the fabric and attach it with wallpaper nails. The smoother the canvas is stretched, the clearer the contours of the figures will be.

Behind the screen, at a distance of about 25 cm, a light source is installed - a flashlight, a slide projector or a table lamp.

The direction of light is from above and behind, so the puppeteer’s hands will be invisible, and the shadows will be the clearest. The puppeteer's hands are located between the screen and the light source, and the puppeteer himself is located behind the light.

Tips for a puppeteer

For the first performances, choose simple stories from folk tales.
Rehearse well and learn the secrets of shadow theater before performing.
If you want a puppet or decoration to disappear or appear unnoticeably, turn it so that its edge is facing the screen and move it.
Arrange the dolls in order, and then during the performance the audience will not have to wait long for the “artist” to come out.
During the performance, play appropriate music.
Voice each doll with “her” voice.
By moving the light source, you will achieve different effects - depict wind, storm or snow.
Shadow theater can be played anywhere there is bright light and a flat wall. Instead of dolls there are finger figurines.

Children immediately fall in love with the shadow theater. First, they enthusiastically watch the performances, and then begin to invent the plot themselves. Let, regardless of whether the child has directorial abilities or not, an ovation always awaits him at home.

DIY shadow theater in kindergarten

DIY shadow theater. Master class with step-by-step photos

Master Class. Making a manual with your own hands

Lesson topic: Master Class. Shadow theater
Author: Sukhovetskaya Oksana Aleksandrovna, teacher of the speech therapy group of the Child Development Center - kindergarten No. 300 “Ryabinushka”, Novosibirsk.

Description of material: In this master class you will learn how to make a shadow theater. Shadow theater will help children get acquainted with the theater in a fun way, show their imagination, and develop speech activity. This methodological guide will be useful for children of primary and senior preschool age, as well as for school-age children, teachers and parents. The manual can be used both in individual work and in group work. A master class will help prepare this manual.

Material: to create a theater we will need:
- the screen is ready-made (or you can make it yourself, I won’t dwell on this in detail);
- fabric: white (tracing paper can be used), colored for the scenes;
- threads to match the fabric;
- Wilcro tape (linden)
- cocktail straws;
- barbecue sticks (large);
- holniten (rivets);
- fastenings for electrical wires;
- sewing hooks.

Tools for work
- hammer;
- nails;
- stationery knife (cutter);
- hole punch for belt;
- scissors;
- press for eyelets;
- awl;
- glue gun;
- ruler;
- pencil pen;
- super glue “Moment”;
- sewing machine.
The result of the master class helps:
Stimulate children and their initiative in theatrical activities.
Develop imagination, creative abilities, develop the articulatory apparatus. To form in children a persistent interest in theatrical activities, a desire to participate in a common action, to encourage children to actively interact and communicate, teaches them to be able to communicate with peers and adults in various situations, to develop speech and the ability to actively build dialogue. Develop play behavior, aesthetic feelings, and the ability to be creative in any task.

“The theater is a magical world.
He gives lessons in beauty, morality
and morality.
And the richer they are, the more successful they are.
the spiritual world is developing
(B.M. Teplov)

"Magic land!" - this is what the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin once called the theater. The feelings of the great poet are shared by both adults and children who have come into contact with this amazing form of art.

A special role belongs to the theater in solving problems related to the upbringing and development of a preschool child. Through theatrical and playful creativity, we can develop children’s emotional responsiveness, intellectuality, and develop children’s communication skills, artistry, and speech activity.

In the daily life of a kindergarten, teachers use various types of theaters: bibabo, finger theater, tabletop, planar (flannelgraph or magnetic board), puppet theater, book theater, mask theater, etc.

I want to tell and show how to make a complex and at the same time very interesting shadow theater.

Shadow theater is an ancient theater. Since time immemorial, shadow paintings have been shown in India, China, Java and Turkey on the street at night under the light of an oil lamp.

Props, which is required for this theater: a light source (for example, a headlamp, a table lamp, a filmoscope), a screen with a white screen, silhouette puppets on sticks.

At the first stage of work, to make silhouettes, we need the following: a stationery knife (cutter), scissors, a hole punch for a belt, a press for eyelets, rivets (rivets)

Silhouettes can be prepared on the computer or drawn yourself. I found ideas for silhouettes on the Internet, printed them on regular A4 sheets

Then we paste the printed silhouettes onto black paper. I immediately prepared silhouettes of the characters and scenery.

Now these silhouettes need to be cut out. We cut out small internal details using a stationery knife, and cut out the silhouettes themselves with scissors.

To prevent the silhouettes from bending, I laminated them. If this is not possible, you can use thick cardboard to stiffen the figures.

The next step is to cut out the already laminated double-sided silhouettes.

Since I really wanted the characters (silhouettes) to have movable elements (for example, they could walk), I made separate elements for the silhouettes: arms, paws, legs.
To set them in motion, the parts must be fastened in a certain way. Both wire and threads with knots at the ends are suitable for fastening. But I wanted some grace, or something. Therefore, I connected the parts using a belt hole punch and rivets.

Using a hole punch for the belt, I punched even holes in the fastening points, choosing a diameter such that the rivets would not fly out and would move freely. Previously, in the places of fastening, I marked out points with an awl, aligning the paws so that in the future they would not warp. Then I used a grommet press to connect the rivets (this press was the right size for the rivets).

Now you need to attach the sticks to the figures, by which the puppeteers will hold them. It is important to me that the theater is compact. Therefore, my sticks will be removable. The sticks that the silhouettes will use are barbecue sticks. Wooden, round in shape.. We match these sticks to the size of corrugated cocktail tubes. It is very important that the sticks in the tubes do not dangle, but sit very tightly. And we need a glue gun to secure it.

Using scissors, cut off the part with the corrugation (accordion) from the tube, leaving 1.5 cm uncorrugated ends

Using a glue gun I will attach the tubes to the silhouettes. There are two mounting options: horizontal (with corrugation) see on the wolf; vertical (just a piece of tube 2 cm) see on a pig.

To understand in the future which fastenings will be convenient for you, insert the sticks into the tubes.

Try to move the silhouettes, play with them. In principle, I liked both mounts. At the same time, I realized for which silhouettes I would use only vertical fastening, and for which I would use horizontal fastening.

The silhouette figures are ready. Now let's do the decorations. We had already prepared the base when we glued the silhouettes of the scenery onto black paper, cut it out, laminated it and cut it out again. Now we need to strengthen the silhouettes and at the same time make a system for attaching to the screen. We glue barbecue sticks to the silhouettes using a glue gun with the pointed end down.

In order to fully take advantage of our prepared silhouettes, let’s prepare the screen. Luckily for me, our group had such a screen.

We will make the main design changes inside the screen

We need simple tools:

On the bottom strip of the window we will mark places for plastic fasteners.

Let's fasten the plastic fasteners with nails (these fasteners are usually used by electricians to secure wires to the walls), and at the same time we'll try on how the decoration sticks will fit in. The fasteners must be firmly fixed and not loose, otherwise all our decorations will not be positioned correctly.

We attach sewing hooks to the top strip of the window using Moment super glue. We need them to place on them such decorations as clouds, sun, moon, birds. We attach Vilcro tape (linden) under the hooks. It is better to attach it to a furniture stapler so that it does not come off.

On the bottom bar above the fastenings for decorations, we also fix the Vilcro tape.

From the outside it all even looks interesting. The versatility of the manipulations is that all these fasteners can be used not only for shadow theater, but also for performing any other puppet show.

We will attach the white screen to the Vilcro tape. We will make the screen from a piece of white calico. Using a measuring tape, measure the width and height of the window. (instead of fabric, you can use tracing paper, unfortunately, it is less reliable)

Cut out a rectangular piece and carefully trim the edges. We will sew vilcro tape on the top and bottom - its second half.

Now the screen can be placed on the screen. It will be held taut by the Vilcro tape.

Outwardly, the screen now seemed boring to me. So I decided to transform it. Curtain curtains will decorate our theater.

Let's sew a lambrequin from a narrow rectangular strip of fabric. The lambrequin will cover the top crossbar of the window.

From rectangles with processed edges you will get a curtain in two parts. Both sides can be assembled. You can make a removable fibula so that the curtain can completely cover the window or be open without obstruction.
I covered the bottom of the screen with self-adhesive film to match our curtain.

For comparison: what was and what has become

Once upon a time, in ancient times, there lived an emperor in China. This Chinese emperor had a beloved wife. It so happened that she fell ill and died. The emperor was inconsolable. He retired from all business, went to his chambers, covered the windows with heavy curtains, closed all the doors and stopped talking. His courtiers did not know what to do. The affairs of the empire began to decline, and the emperor was in grief for his dead wife.
One day, the chief palace courtier called the emperor to his wife's chambers, and when the emperor entered, he saw the silhouette of his dead wife behind the curtain. She got up and walked away, her beautiful profile silhouetted behind the curtain against the background of the sun. The Emperor was shocked. So the chief courtier showed the emperor the wonders of the Shadow Theater and cured him of his melancholy. The emperor began to ask the courtier to show him performances every evening with a doll that was a copy of his wife. He began to invite other courtiers to the viewings. He watched the shadow of his wife move behind the curtain: walk, play musical instruments, sit by the window. She is so similar to his beloved wife, only she is behind the thinnest fabric. And it suddenly became clear to the emperor that this fabric was not an eternal barrier between them, and his beloved continued to live somewhere, just not here, and he and his wife would meet again someday. It just takes time. Since then, he became more cheerful and began to engage in government affairs.

This wonderful legend is associated with the beginning of the emergence of the Shadow Theater - an art that came to us in 200 BC, during the era of Emperor Han Wu Qi. Then the Shadow Theater began its triumphal march across the earth, it appeared in India, Turkey, passed throughout Asia, with the troops of Genghis Khan reached Europe, conquered it, reached Russia, conquered the whole of St. Petersburg, then Moscow.

Performances of the Shadow Theater in ancient times, as a rule, took place at night, right on the street by the light of an oil lamp, and the puppets of one performance could number up to 1000 figures, not counting the scenery.

Dolls for such performances were made from skins, the skin was tanned to a transparent thinness, and then a doll figure was cut out of it, patterns were cut out on it and painted. Most often, dolls were made from donkey skin. And that’s why people also call shadow theater “donkey skin puppet theater.”

The height of the doll for the Shadow Theater was most often made 30 centimeters high. The figures were made movable, they consisted of interconnected parts. A person behind the screen controlled the doll using special long rods,
(bamboo, steel, wood), and the audience saw only the shadows of the puppets, which were projected on the illuminated screen, saw movement, an exciting plot, heard music, singing, but did not see the puppeteer himself, since the light from behind the screen was directed towards it at an angle, which made the puppeteer invisible.

The most famous Shadow Theater now is the Javanese Theater, Wayang Kuli: the puppets of which are still made from buffalo skin, the skin being thinned so that it becomes thin and transparent, like paper. These dolls are called Wayang Kuli paper dolls. These dolls are very durable. For example, the dolls that are kept in a German museum have not yet lost their color. Although they are already 1200 years old!
In the West, shadow theater is considered one of the most elegant and elite arts; special festivals are even held in Europe.

or Psychocorrection of fears

Along with finger puppets and marionette dolls, which are easy to make with your own hands, shadow puppets are also used in psychotherapy.

Shadow dolls are special dolls. There is nothing difficult or unique about making a shadow puppet.

All the power lies in the scenario that you, the Presenter, will lead.

To make a shadow puppet, you need basically three items: sheets of black cardboard, strong thread, and a screen.

How to make a Screen for a shadow puppet

To make the Screen, a very large box is taken. Its bottom is removed (cut out) and instead of the bottom, thin, translucent white paper, for example, tracing paper, is glued in.

Now place the box so that its screen is facing the audience. And behind the screen, on the back of the box, place a light source - a burning candle or lamp.

How to make a shadow puppet + script

All participants take a black-black sheet of cardboard in their hands and listen to the voice of the Leader, who tells them the following:

“In front of you is not just a sheet of cardboard. Before you is Darkness Itself. Actually, the darkness is scary, but on a holiday we managed to tame her, make her obedient and tame.

You can take the darkness into your own hands. Today and only today we will see who is hiding in this darkness and we will catch them all one by one.

With our own hands we will bring our worst fears out of the darkness.”

Now each participant must cut out their “Fear” from black cardboard. Here are some observations:

  • There may be several fears, or there may be only one,
  • Fears can have a clear form (they can be fairy-tale characters), or they can simply be ugly, aggressively cut out shapes without meaning,

Working with fears. What must be discussed during psychotherapy:

  • It is important for all of us to take each of our fears “outside”, for example, by making a doll.
  • After finishing work with the shadow doll, fear is overcome.

After the shadow puppet is cut out of black cardboard, a thick thread is attached to the back - a leash. Some fairy tale therapist psychologists call this thread a “chain” on which we plant our fears.

This thread is an important nuance of psychotherapy. It is very reassuring to those who work with their fear.

We will “drive” the fear doll using the same thread, carrying it in front of the screen in a suspended state.

Driving a shadow puppet in front of a glowing screen

The presentation of a fear doll is no different from the presentation of any other self-made psychotherapeutic doll.

At the same time, naming your fear is not at all necessary. You can come up with a fabulous name for him, a pseudonym, or encrypt it.

However, the Leader must constantly emphasize that each participant in puppet psychotherapy CONTROLS his shadow doll, and therefore controls his own fear.

Working with fears. End of scenario

How is work completed with fear dolls?

The presenter tells the participants that the shadow puppets have done their job. Namely, they showed us all how strong we are. Now these “horror stories” can be destroyed.

As a rule, there are two types of reactions from the participants.

Some people take pleasure in destroying the shadow puppets they make. Some people keep these shadow dolls because they no longer perceive them negatively, having managed to become friends with them and develop sympathy for them.

Some destroy their fears - selectively.

You yourself can come up with several options for ending the scenario - from the ceremonial burning of all the dolls at once, to renaming and remaking the “fear dolls” into “good-natured dolls.”

Well, save the screen until the next holidays.

Any theater is a mystery, and shadow theater is the most exquisite and poetic mystery. There is an opinion that this type of art appeared on the basis of the ritual of ancestor worship - according to legend, the souls of the dead were infused into special figurines. With the help of these figurines, the exploits of their ancestors were sung and their life was described. But there is another version of the origin of shadow theater, a more romantic one.

The Legend of the Shadow Theater

In ancient times, around 200 BC, the Chinese emperor lost his beloved wife. The inconsolable ruler was sad, abandoned state affairs, and stopped talking. The affairs of the empire were in decline. The courtiers invented a variety of methods, but any attempts to force the emperor to leave his chambers were unsuccessful.

But one day the chief courtier asked the ruler to go into the rooms of his wife, who had died of a serious illness. In the chambers, the emperor saw the silhouette of his beloved sitting behind the curtain. Suddenly she stood up, her profile clearly emerged against the background of the sun behind the thin fabric. So, with the help of shadow theater, the courtier was able to cure the ruler of melancholy.

The emperor liked the performance shown to the courtier so much that he asked to repeat it every evening. He even invited spectators. The doll, which was a unique copy of the wife, walked, played musical instruments, and sat by the window. Suddenly the emperor realized: the fabric was only a temporary barrier between them, and his beloved was waiting for him in another world. A little time will pass and they will be together again. Realizing this, the sovereign became cheerful and again took up state affairs. And shadow theater began its march across the earth, it spread to Asian countries: India, Turkey. Together with the army of Genghis Khan, this art reached Europe and Russia.

First performances

Initially, the shadow theater could only be seen at night. Usually performances took place right on the street. The productions could involve up to a thousand figures and no less scenery. Oil lamps were used as a light source.

Puppets for shadow theater

The material for the first dolls was animal skins. They were made so thinly that they were almost transparent. Figures were cut out of skins and paint was applied to them. Traditionally, the height of theater puppets did not exceed 30 centimeters. All figures were movable. With the help of thin long rods, the dolls were controlled by a person hiding behind the screen.

How to make a shadow theater?

Shadow theater does not require bright costumes and complex scenery. To create it, you can use any available materials. Therefore, it is not difficult to make a shadow theater with your own hands. It is worth noting that this type of creativity is extremely useful for children - after all, it combines music, literature, crafts and painting!

Cardboard screen for shadow theater

Any theater begins with a hanger. But shadow theater begins with the screen. You can do it in different ways.

The first (and easiest) way is to make a screen out of a box. To do this you will need a cardboard box, colored and parchment paper, glue and scissors:

  1. It is necessary to trim the high walls of the box and carefully cut out the bottom. This will create a base for the screen.
  2. The base must be covered with colored paper.
  3. Cut out a rectangle of suitable size from parchment paper. It needs to be glued to the inside of the base, thus covering the bottom.

The front side of the screen can be decorated - beads, colored stones, feathers and much more are suitable for this.

Wooden screen

A wooden screen is much more reliable than a cardboard screen. To make it you will need: chipboard, a jigsaw, a ruler or tape measure, a pencil, a drill, sandpaper, small canopies, a screwdriver, screws, white paint and a brush, thick fabric (preferably white), Velcro, four flashlights, loops for wiring, cardboard, black gouache.

How to make a shadow theater using these items? Very simple. You need to start with the screen. To do this, you need to draw a sheet of chipboard - leave small edges and mark the center, which will then be cut out. Using a drill, you need to drill holes in the corners of the future screen. You can cut out the “window” using a jigsaw. The next stage is the manufacture of the side parts of the screen. They should be the same height as the screen. It is important to sand all parts. Then you need to attach the awnings and paint all the parts.

The screen for such a screen is best made of fabric so that it can be removed and washed. Regular Velcro will help secure such a screen! It is sewn along the edges of the fabric and glued to the back of the screen.

Small lanterns that need to be attached to the sides of the screen will help make the screen mobile. Children's shadow theater is ready!

Large screen for shadow theater

The previous manufacturing options are suitable for small theaters, in which the roles are “performed” by small figures. What if the actors are people? We need to make a big screen! The most budget option is white raincoat fabric. Of course, its density varies. But choosing the right material is not so difficult - you just need to take a flashlight and check how the shadow is transmitted. Then you just need to stretch the fabric onto a frame made of metal or wood. You can start rehearsals.

Theater of hands

The simplest shadow theater is the theater of hands! With their help, you can show different characters, just by folding your fingers in a certain way. You just need to move your fingers - and the bunny will move its ears, the bird will fly, and the crocodile will close its jaw! In addition, you can teach your baby to depict animals using his hands - this will develop his motor skills and spatial thinking!

Paper "actors"

A large number of animal figures are extremely difficult to depict using hands. Shadow theater for children can be diversified with the help of “actors” made of paper. With such figures you can stage complex plays based on fairy tales, fables and short stories. The performance will work if several people read the text (by role), and several more show illustrations of the work on the screen.

To make puppets for a shadow theater, you will need thick cardboard. You can find ready-made templates, or you can use your imagination and creativity and make them yourself. The finished figures need to be painted with black gouache. A shadow theater in a kindergarten can quickly wear out, so you need to laminate all the figures. A wooden stick or drinking straw is glued to the finished characters. It is more convenient to do this with tape.

Be careful - if the doll needs to be guided from below, the stick must also be glued from below. If you want to lead the character from above, then you need to glue the stick on top. For birds and ships, it is better to use fishing line - this will give them special mobility.

Shadow People

Have you made templates of characters, have you played a large number of performances and want something new? Try being an actor yourself! Of course, taming your shadow is not so easy, but the result will exceed all expectations!

It is best to use tight-fitting clothes as a costume for shadow theater actors. For such a robe, it is enough to select one or two characteristic details to create an image. For example, a cardboard sword and crown combined with a fabric cape create the image of a king. And if you replace the crown with a fluffy hat, you will get a brave musketeer!

You have already made a shadow theater, the templates for the fairy tales are ready, the scenery is cut out. How to stage a performance that will not leave anyone indifferent?

Here are some helpful tips:

  1. To create a real theatrical atmosphere - mystical and mysterious, you need to dim the lights in the room and drape the seats for the audience with soft fabric. You can even make a real curtain, draw tickets and even have an intermission!
  2. In the first performances, it is better not to involve more than two or three characters. Only after having practiced properly should you proceed to more complex pieces.
  3. The most advanced puppeteers can use movable figures. You need to attach arms, legs, tails, wings and other movable parts to the body using thin wire. You will also need to glue sticks or straws for drinks to each part.
  4. Please note that the actor must be between the screen and the light sources, and the screen must be between the lamps and the audience. During production, lighting fixtures can become very hot, and therefore it is better not to touch them.
  5. In order for the shadow on the screen to be as clear as possible, the light should fall directly on the figures or people, and the lamp should not be placed next to the screen.
  6. The size of the figures can be adjusted: to make the image smaller, you need to bring the character closer to the screen. And, conversely, you can enlarge the image by placing the figure near the lamp.
  7. Making the scenery motionless is also quite simple. You just need to secure them to the screen using tape or buttons.
  8. Colored light bulbs or special filters will help you “colorize” the performance. For night scenes, blue is suitable, and for morning scenes, pink or red.

The most popular shadow theater

Shadow theaters are very common in Asia and the Middle East. Most often, epic and folklore scenes are shown on their stages. Shadow productions are popular in the USA, Greece and Czechoslovakia. In Russia, they have not gained much popularity; elements of shadow theater are used only as an addition to productions.

The most popular shadow theater is Javanese. Puppets for the Wayang Kuli theater are still made from buffalo skin. It is processed so that it becomes thinner than paper! Despite this, they are very durable and bright - the figures, stored in one of the German museums, are still in perfect condition, although they are over a thousand years old!

The performances of this theater have a mystical, sacred character. They are not shown for the sake of entertainment - they accompanied important events in the life of both society and the average person!

The performance is performed by a puppeteer called a dalang. His speech is accompanied by a unique orchestra - gamelan. By the way, not everyone can find harmony and beauty in Javanese music.