Seven levels of worlds. Fourth Mansion World

and speculation about where else the WoW universe could expand inspired an evening of surfing the net in search of information. Besides the Emerald Dream, the Whirlpool and other places specific to Azeroth, what is there in the Blizzard universe? I found an interesting article on the topic of further expansion.

It makes no sense to translate everything, but some points seem very interesting. Perhaps this is a button accordion for experts, but I didn’t know about it. For example, at Blizzcon 2005, Chris Metzen, the WoW lore lead for Blizzard, said that there are plans for at least seven worlds that players will have the opportunity to visit. Portals to them were opened in Draenor by Ner'zhul. After the destruction of the world, they continued to exist, but in the end they were covered by Illidan's comrades in order to prevent the Legion from entering Outland. There are currently three portals in the game - in Zangarmarsh, Blade's Edge Mountains and Nagrand. As far as one could understand, these portals led to worlds where the Legion had seized power and potentially there we could fight with it on the side of “people of good will,” i.e. races enslaved by the Legion. What worlds can await us on the “other side”?

Argus, the world of the Eredar, appears in the TBC lore. Ruled by a triumvirate of the most powerful leaders, Kil'Jaeden, Archimonde and Velen. We know what happened to the first two. Sargeras made of them his closest assistants. The third did not succumb to the promises and took away part of the people. As a result, we got the draenei. Another world, Xoroth, is believed to be the homeland of the nathrezim, including Mal'Ganis. We also know that worgen are aliens from another world, summoned into the world through the not-so-careful use of some powerful artifact. Also in the wowwiki, K’aresh is mentioned, the homeland of the Ethereals, astral travelers (I think everyone has encountered the Consortium).

Potentially we have these three worlds, plus Draenor and Azeroth. Do you still have two left? Why do we continue to think so? Despite the fact that Metzen did not mention anything else about the seven worlds in the Ulduar Planetary Hall, we can just see seven holographic images of the planets. So there are certain reasons to say that there will be more worlds. Moreover, it is not yet clear where Sargeras’ headquarters is located.

As you can see, in terms of lore, the Blizzard universe has no special problems with expansion. The Emerald Dream, the Whirlpool and as many as seven planets, coupled with the imagination of Metzen and the team’s designers, will potentially provide a ton of new content. At least for a couple more expansions after the Cataclysm.

There are other problems that are already seriously affecting the development of the game. The number of subscribers has not increased over the past year, the audience has stabilized. Recently there was information that 70% of those who try to play in the trial do not reach beyond the 10th level. Maybe that's why the developers paid a lot of attention to developing new tutorials for Cataclysm? Another interesting question is the level cap. 85, 90, 95, 100? Yes, for old people, even casual ones, gaining five levels will not be so difficult. But for new players? Even with the triple experience rate system?

Maybe the locals will finally start paying some attention to updating not only the endgame content, but also what lies between 1 and the levelcap?

(The Seven Mansion Worlds)

THE Creator Son, when on Urantia, spoke of the “many mansions in the Father’s universe.” In a certain sense, all fifty-six of the encircling worlds of Jerusem are devoted to the transitional culture of ascending mortals, but the seven satellites of world number one are more specifically known as the mansion worlds.
WHILE on Urantia, the Creator Son spoke of "many abodes in the Father's universe." In a sense, all fifty-six worlds surrounding Jerusem are dedicated to the transitional culture of ascending mortals, but it is the seven satellites of the first world that are better known as the mansion worlds.
Transition world number one itself is quite exclusively devoted to ascendant activities, being the headquarters of the finaliter corps assigned to Satania. This world now serves as the headquarters for more than one hundred thousand companies of finaliters, and there are one thousand glorified beings in each of these groups.
Transitional world number one is almost exclusively devoted to ascendant activities, being the capital of the Satania-assigned corps of finaliters. Currently, this world is the center for more than one hundred thousand finaliter groups, and each such group contains a thousand illustrious beings.
When a system is settled in light and life, and as the mansion worlds one by one cease to serve as mortal-training stations, they are taken over by the increasing finaliter population which accumulates in these older and more highly perfected systems.
When the system is established in light and life, the mansion worlds, one after another, cease to serve as centers of training for mortals; This is where more and more new finaliters are located, who gather in such older and more advanced systems.
The seven mansion worlds are in charge of the morontia supervisors and the Melchizedeks. There is an acting governor on each world who is directly responsible to the Jerusem rulers. The Uversa conciliators maintain headquarters on each of the mansion worlds, while adjoining is the local rendezvous of the Technical Advisers. The reversion directors and celestial artisans maintain group headquarters on each of these worlds. The spironga function from mansion world number two onward, while all seven, in common with the other transitional-culture planets and the headquarters world, are abundantly provided with spornagia of standard creation.
The seven mansion worlds are administered by the morontia observers and Melchizedeks. Each world has a temporary governor who reports directly to the rulers of Jerusem. Each of the mansion worlds has a center for Uversa peacekeepers, adjacent to which there is a meeting place for Technical Advisors. In all these worlds there are centers of restoration leaders and celestial artisans. The activity of the spirongs begins with the second monastic world, while all seven, as well as the rest of the planets of the transitional culture, as well as the capital world, abound in spornagas of the standard type.



Although only finaliters and certain groups of salvaged children and their caretakers are resident on transitional world number one, provision is made for the entertainment of all classes of spirit beings, transition mortals, and student visitors. The spornagia, who function on all of these worlds, are hospitable hosts to all beings whom they can recognize. They have a vague feeling concerning the finaliters but cannot visualize them. They must regard them much as you do the angels in your present physical state.
Although the first transition world is inhabited only by finaliters and select groups of rescued children and their guardians, it is equipped to accommodate all classes of spirit beings, transitional mortals, and student visitors. The spornagai that function on these worlds offer hospitality to all beings they can recognize. They vaguely sense finaliters, but cannot imagine them. They must perceive finaliters in much the same way as you, in your current physical state, perceive angels.
Though the finaliter world is a sphere of exquisite physical beauty and extraordinary morontia embellishment, the great spirit abode located at the center of activities, the temple of the finaliters, is not visible to the unaided material or early morontia vision. But the energy transformers are able to visualize many of these realities to ascending mortals, and from time to time they do thus function, as on the occasions of the class assemblies of the mansion world students on this cultural sphere.
Although the finaliter world is a realm of exquisite physical beauty and extraordinary morontia decoration, the vast spiritual abode at the center of finaliter activity—the finaliter temple—is inaccessible to the naked material and early morontia vision. However, thanks to energy transducers, many of these realities become visible to ascending mortals from time to time - for example, when students of the mansion worlds gather on this cultural sphere.
All through the mansion world experience you are in a way spiritually aware of the presence of your glorified brethren of Paradise attainment, but it is very refreshing, now and then, actually to perceive them as they function in their headquarters abodes. You will not spontaneously visualize finaliters until you acquire true spirit vision.
Throughout your morontia experience you will, in some way, feel spiritually the presence of your heavenly exalted brethren, but to periodically perceive them directly operating in their central abodes is extremely beneficial. Without outside help, you will see finaliters only after you have gained true spiritual vision.

On the first mansion world all survivors must pass the requirements of the parental commission from their native planets. The present Urantia commission consists of twelve parental couples, recently arrived, who had mortal experience in rearing three or more children to the pubescent age. Service on this commission is rotational and is for only ten years as a rule. All who fail to satisfy these commissioners as to their parental experience must further qualify by service in the homes of the Material Sons on Jerusem or in part in the probationary nursery on the finaliters’ world.
On the first mansion world, all surviving creatures must undergo the parental commission of their home planet. The present Urantia commission consists of twelve newly arrived parent couples with mortal experience raising three or more children to puberty. Commission members rotate and typically serve for no more than ten years. All those who do not satisfy the commission's requirements for parental experience must undergo additional training in the form of service in the houses of the Material Sons on Jerusem or, partly, in a probationary home on the finaliter world.
But irrespective of parental experience, mansion world parents who have growing children in the probation nursery are given every opportunity to collaborate with the morontia custodians of such children regarding their instruction and training. These parents are permitted to travel there for visits as often as four times a year. And it is one of the most touchingly beautiful scenes of all the ascending career to observe the mansion world parents embrace their material offspring on the occasions of their periodic pilgrimages to the finaliter world. While one or both parents may leave a mansion world ahead of the child, they are quite often contemporary for a season.
However, regardless of the relevant experience, those parents of the mansion world whose children are growing up in the probationary home are given ample opportunity to cooperate with the morontia guardians of such children in matters of their training and education. Such parents have the right to visit their children up to four times a year. One of the most touchingly beautiful pictures throughout the entire ascending path can be observed at the moment when parents from the mansion world embrace their material descendants during regular pilgrimages to the world of finaliters. Although one or both parents may leave the mansion world before their child, it is quite common for them to spend some time together.
No ascending mortal can escape the experience of rearing children – their own or others – either on the material worlds or subsequently on the finaliter world or on Jerusem. Fathers must pass through this essential experience just as certainly as mothers. It is an unfortunate and mistaken notion of modern peoples on Urantia that child culture is largely the task of mothers. Children need fathers as well as mothers, and fathers need this parental experience as much as do mothers.
No ascending mortal can escape the experience of raising a child - his own or the child of other parents - whether in the material worlds or later, in the world of finaliters or on Jerusem. Fathers must go through this mandatory experience just as much as mothers. U modern peoples There is a regrettable and erroneous idea on Urantia that raising a child is primarily the job of the mother. Children need fathers just as much as mothers, and fathers need this parenting experience no less than mothers.



The infant-receiving schools of Satania are located on the finaliter world, the first of the Jerusem transition-cultural spheres. These infant-receiving schools are enterprises devoted to the nurture and training of the children of time, including those who have died on the evolutionary worlds of space before the skill of individual status on the universe records. In the event of the survival of either or both of such a child's parents, the guardian of destiny deputizes her associated cherubim as the custodian of the child's potential identity, charging the cherubim with the responsibility of delivering this undeveloped soul into the hands of the Mansion World Teachers in the probationary nurses of the morontia worlds.
Satan's schools for receiving infants are located in the world of finaliters - the first of the Jerusem spheres of transitional culture. Such infant schools are organizations dedicated to the education and training of the children of time, including those who died on the evolutionary worlds of space before individual status was achieved and registered in the universe. In the event of continuation of life in the afterlife by one or both parents of the child, the guardian of fate appoints the cherub associated with her as the trustee of his potential individuality, responsible for delivering such an undeveloped soul personally to the Teachers of the Mansion Worlds in the testing shelters of the morontia worlds.

It is these same deserted cherubim who, as Mansion World Teachers, under the supervision of the Melchizedeks, maintain such extensive educational facilities for the training of the probationary wards of the finaliters. These wards of the finaliters, these infants of ascending mortals, are always personalized as of their exact physical status at the time of death except for reproductive potential. This awakening occurs at the exact time of the parental arrival on the first mansion world. And then there are these children every given opportunity, as they are, to choose the heavenly way just as they would have made such a choice on the worlds where death so untimely terminated their careers.
It is these abandoned cherubim - as Teachers of the Mansion Worlds, acting under the command of the Melchizedeks - who maintain such extensive educational institutions for the education of wards under the probationary care of finaliters. The personalization of such infants - the children of ascending mortals - is always carried out with the preservation of the exact physical condition at the time of death, with the exception of reproductive function. Such an awakening occurs strictly at the moment of the parents’ arrival in the first mansion world. In the future, such children in their current state are given every opportunity to choose the heavenly path - to make the choice that they had to make in the worlds where their path was interrupted by such an untimely death.
On the nursery world, probationary creatures are grouped according to whether or not they have Adjusters, for the Adjusters come to indwell these material children just as on the worlds of time. Children of pre-Adjuster ages are cared for in families of five, ranging in ages from one year and under up to approximately five years, or that age when the Adjuster arrives.
In the asylum world, test subjects are divided into groups - those with and without Adjusters, for Adjusters indwell such material children just as they do in the worlds of time. The child, at an age before he has an Adjuster, is brought up in a family of five children ranging in age from one to about five years, that is, until the age of the arrival of the Adjuster.
All children on the evolving worlds who have Thought Adjusters, but who before death had not made a choice concerning the Paradise career, are also repersonalized on the finaliter world of the system, where they likewise grew up in the families of the Material Sons and their associates as do those little ones who arrived without Adjusters, but who will subsequently receive the Mystery Monitors after achieving the requisite age of moral choice.
On the evolutionary worlds, all children who have Thought Adjusters, but who did not make a choice regarding the Paradise path before death, also undergo re-creation on the systemic world of finaliters, where they receive the same education in the families of Material Sons and their partners as those little ones who arrived without Adjusters, but receive Mysterious Mentors upon reaching the age of moral choice.
The Adjuster-indwelt children and youths on the final world are also reared in families of five, ranging in ages from six to fourteen; approximately, these families consist of children whose ages are six, eight, ten, twelve, and fourteen. Any time after sixteen, if final choice has been made, they translate to the first mansion world and begin their Paradise ascent. Some make a choice before this age and go on to the ascension spheres, but very few children under sixteen years of age, as reckoned by Urantia standards, will be found on the mansion worlds.
All children and adolescents of the finaliter world who have Adjusters are also raised in families of five, and the age of the children ranges from six to fourteen years; On average, these children are six, eight, ten, twelve and fourteen years old. At any age over sixteen - if the final choice is made - they are transferred to the first mansion world and begin their ascent to Paradise. Some make their choice even earlier and go to the spheres of ascension, but on the mansion worlds it is rare to find children under sixteen years of age, if age is determined by Urantia standards.
The guardian seraphim attend these youths in the probationary nursery on the finaliter world just as they spiritually minister to mortals on the evolutionary planets, while the faithful spornagia minister to their physical necessities. And so do these children grow up on the transition world until such time as they make their final choice.
Guardian seraphim care for such adolescents on the finaliter world's probationary home in the same way they assist mortals on evolutionary planets, while devoted spornagas tend to their physical needs. So these children grow up in a transitional world until the time of the final choice.
When material life has run its course, if no choice has been made for the ascendant life, or if these children of time definitely decide against the Havona adventure, death automatically terminates their probationary careers. There is no adjudication of such cases; there is no resurrection from such a second death. They simply become as though they had not been.
If, at the end of material life, the choice is not made in favor of ascension, or if such children of time unequivocally reject Havona, then death automatically interrupts their probationary path. Such cases are not considered by the court; no one is resurrected after dying again. They simply cease to exist, as if they had never existed at all.
But if they choose the Paradise path of perfection, they are immediately made ready for translation to the first mansion world, where many of them arrive in time to join their parents in the Havona ascent. After passing through Havona and achieving the Deities, these salvaged souls of mortal origin constitute the permanent ascendant citizenship of Paradise. These children who have been deprived of the valuable and essential evolutionary experience on the worlds of mortal nativity are not mustered into the Corps of the Finality.
If they choose the path of Paradise perfection, they are immediately prepared for transfer to the first mansion world, where many of them manage to reunite with their parents, who have taken the path of ascent to Havona. Having passed through Havona and attained the Deities, such saved souls of mortal origin become permanent ascendants of Paradise. Deprived of valuable and necessary evolutionary experience on the worlds of their mortal origin, such children are not accepted into the Finalite Corps.



On the mansion worlds the resurrected mortal survivors resume their lives just where they left off when overtaken by death. When you go from Urantia to the first mansion world, you will notice significant change, but if you had come from a more normal and progressive sphere of time, you would hardly notice the difference except for the fact that you were in possession of a different body; the tabernacle of flesh and blood has been left behind on the world of nativity.
On mansion worlds, resurrected mortals resume their lives from the moment they died. When you leave Urantia and arrive on the first mansion world, you will notice a significant change, but if you had come from a more normal and progressive sphere of time, you would hardly notice the difference, except for the fact that you have a different body: a vessel of flesh and blood left behind, in the world of your origin.
The very center of all activities on the first mansion world is the resurrection hall, the enormous temple of personality assembly. This gigantic structure consists of the central rendezvous of the seraphic destiny guardians, the Thought Adjusters, and the archangels of the resurrection. The Life Carriers also function with these celestial beings in the resurrection of the dead.
The very center of all activities of the first monastic world is the resurrection hall - a huge temple of personal restoration. This gigantic structure contains the main meeting places of the seraphic destiny guardians, Thought Adjusters, and resurrection archangels. Along with these celestial beings, the Carriers of Life also take part in the resurrection of the dead.
The mortal-mind transcripts and the active creature-memory patterns as transformed from the material levels to the spiritual are the individual possession of the detached Thought Adjusters; these spiritized factors of mind, memory, and creature personality are forever a part of such Adjusters. The creature mind-matrix and the passive potentials of identity are present in the morontia soul intrusted to the keeping of the seraphic destiny guardians. And it is the reuniting of the morontia-soul trust of the seraphim and the spirit-mind trust of the Adjuster that reassembles creature personality and constitutes resurrection of a sleeping survivor.
The copies of the mortal mind and the active memory patterns of creation, transferred from the material plane to the spiritual plane, are in the personal possession of the separated Thought Adjusters; such soulful factors of the creature's mind, memory, and personality become forever a part of the Adjusters. The mind matrices of creatures and the passive potentials of individuality are contained within the morontia soul, entrusted to the seraphic guardians of destiny. It is the reunion of the morontia soul entrusted to the seraphim with the spirit-mind entrusted to the Adjuster that recreates the personality of the creature and is the resurrection of the sleeper in the afterlife.
If a transitory personality of mortal origin should never be thus reassembled, the spirit elements of the nonsurviving mortal creature would forever continue as an integral part of the individual experiential endowment of the onetime indwelling Adjuster.
If a transitional personality of mortal origin is not destined to undergo re-creation in this manner, the spiritual elements of the non-living mortal creature will forever remain an integral part of the individual experiential experience of the Adjuster who once resided in such a being.
From the Temple of New Life there extend seven radial wings, the resurrection halls of the mortal races. Each of these structures is devoted to the assembly of one of the seven races of time. There are one hundred thousand personal resurrection chambers in each of these seven wings terminating in the circular class assembly halls, which serve as the awakening chambers for as many as one million individuals. These halls are surrounded by the personality assembly chambers of the blended races of the normal post-Adamic worlds. Regardless of the technique which may be employed on the individual worlds of time in connection with special or dispensational resurrections, the real and conscious reassembly of actual and complete personality takes place in the resurrection halls of mansonia number one. Throughout all eternity you will recall the profound memory impressions of your first witnessing of these resurrection mornings.
Seven radial wings extend from the Temple of New Life - the halls of the resurrection of mortal races. Each of these structures is dedicated to the recreation of one of the seven races of time. Each of the seven wings contains one hundred thousand separate resurrection rooms. These wings end in circular halls of mass re-creation, which serve as rooms for the awakening of up to a million individuals at a time. Such halls are surrounded by rooms for recreating the mixed-race personalities of ordinary post-Adamic worlds. Regardless of the method that may be employed on the individual worlds of time in connection with special or periodic resurrections, the actual re-creation of the actual and complete conscious personality takes place in the resurrection halls of the first mansion world. Throughout eternity you will remember your vivid impressions of the first moments of the resurrection.

From the resurrection halls you proceed to the Melchizedek sector, where you are assigned permanent residence. Then you enter upon ten days of personal liberty. You are free to explore the immediate vicinity of your new home and to familiarize yourself with the program which lies immediately ahead. You also have time to gratify your desire to consult the registry and call upon your loved ones and other earth friends who may have preceded you to these worlds. At the end of your ten-day period of leisure you begin the second step in the Paradise journey, for the mansion worlds are actual training spheres, not merely detention planets.
From the resurrection halls you proceed to the Melchizedek sector, where you are given a permanent residence. After this you get ten free days. You will be able to freely explore the surroundings of your new home and get acquainted with the program for the near future. You will also have time to satisfy your desire and, after consulting the archives, visit your loved ones and other earthly friends who may have been in these worlds before you. At the end of the ten-day period of free time you begin the second stage of the journey to Paradise, for the mansion worlds are real preparatory spheres, and not just quarantine planets.

On mansion world number one (or another in case of advanced status) you will resume your intellectual training and spiritual development at the exact level whereon they were interrupted by death. Between the time of planetary death or translation and resurrection on the mansion world, mortal man gains absolutely nothing aside from experiencing the fact of survival. You begin over there right where you leave off down here.
On the first mansion world (or another, in the case of a higher status) you will resume your intellectual training and spiritual development exactly at the level at which they were interrupted by death. Between the time of planetary death, or transformation, and resurrection in the mansion world, mortal man gains absolutely nothing, except the awareness of the fact of the continuation of life. There you pick up where you left off here.
Almost the entire experience of mansion world number one pertains to deficiency ministry. Survivors arriving on this first of the detention spheres present so many and such varied defects of creature character and deficiencies of mortal experience that the major activities of the realm are occupied with the correction and cure of these manifold legacies of the life in the flesh on the material evolutionary worlds of time and space.
Almost the entire experience of mansion world number one is about correcting shortcomings. The surviving mortals who arrive on this first of the quarantine spheres exhibit such a number and variety of character defects and shortcomings of mortal creation experience that the main activity of this world is aimed at correcting and eliminating the various consequences of life in the flesh on the material evolutionary worlds of time and space.
The sojourn on mansion world number one is designed to develop mortal survivors at least up to the status of the post-Adamic dispensation on the normal evolutionary worlds. Spiritually, of course, the mansion world students are far in advance of such a state of mere human development.
The stay on the first mansion world is aimed at developing the surviving mortals to at least the status of the post-Adamic dispensation period on normal evolutionary worlds. Of course, in spiritual terms, the disciples of the monastic world far surpass this purely human level of development.
If you are not to be detained on mansion world number one, at the end of ten days you will enter the translation sleep and proceed to world number two, and every ten days thereafter you will thus advance until you arrive on the world of your assignment .
If you are not left on the first mansion world, then at the end of ten days you will enter the transference sleep and proceed to world number two, and every ten days you will move further and further until you arrive at the world of your destination.

The center of the seven major circles of the first mansion world administration is occupied by the temple of the Morontia Companions, the personal guides assigned to ascending mortals. These companions are the offspring of the local universe Mother Spirit, and there are several million of them on the morontia worlds of Satania. Aside from those assigned as group companions, you will have much to do with the interpreters and translators, the building custodians, and the excursion supervisors. And all of these companions are most co-operative with those who have to do with developing your personality factors of mind and spirit within the morontia body.
The center of the seven major circles of administration of the first mansion world is occupied by the temple of the Morontia Companions - the personal guides of ascending mortals. Such satellites are descendants of the Mother Spirit of the local universe and there are several million of them in the morontia worlds of Satania. In addition to group companions, you will frequently interact with interpreters and translators, building curators and excursion leaders. And all of these satellites are in close cooperation with those who are developing the personality factors of mind and spirit in your morontia body.
As you start out on the first mansion world, one Morontia Companion is assigned to each company of one thousand ascending mortals, but you will encounter larger numbers as you progress through the seven mansion spheres. These beautiful and versatile beings are companionable associates and charming guides. They are free to accompany individuals or selected groups to any of the transition-cultural spheres, including their satellite worlds. They are the excursion guides and leisure associates of all ascending mortals. They often accompany survivor groups on periodic visits to Jerusem, and on any day you are there, you can go to the registry sector of the system capital and meet ascending mortals from all seven of the mansion worlds since they freely travel back and forth between them residential abodes and the system headquarters.
When you begin your journey on the first mansion world, one Morontia Companion is assigned to each group of one thousand ascending mortals, but their numbers will increase as you progress through the seven mansion spheres. These beautiful and versatile creatures are friendly companions and charming guides. They have the right to accompany individuals or selected groups to any of the spheres of transitional culture, including satellites of such spheres. They serve as tour guides for all ascending mortals and participate in their leisure activities. They often accompany groups of surviving mortals on periodic visits to Jerusem, and while there, on any day you can go to the registration sector of the system capital and meet with ascending mortals from all seven mansion worlds who move freely between their abodes and the system's central world.



It is on this sphere that you are more fully inducted into the mansonia life. The groupings of the morontia life begin to take form; working groups and social organizations start to function, communities take on formal proportions, and the advancing mortals inaugurate new social orders and governmental arrangements.
It is on this sphere that you truly become acquainted with the life of the mansion worlds. A more distinct distribution of levels of morontia life occurs, work groups and social organizations begin to function, established community proportions are acquired, and progressive mortals initiate new social norms and governing structures.
Spirit-fused survivors occupy the mansion worlds in common with the Adjuster-fused ascending mortals. While the various orders of celestial life differ, they are all friendly and fraternal. In all the worlds of ascension you will find nothing comparable to human intolerance and the discriminations of inconsiderate caste systems.
Surviving Spirit-fused creatures are stationed on the same mansion worlds as Adjuster-fused mortals. Despite the differences between the various categories of heavenly life, friendly and brotherly relations exist between them. On no world on your path of ascension will you encounter anything resembling the human intolerance and discrimination inherent in reckless caste systems.
As you ascend the mansion worlds one by one, they become more crowded with the morontia activities of advanced survivors. As you go forward, you will recognize more and more of the Jerusem features added to the mansion worlds. The sea of ​​glass makes its appearance on the second mansonia.
As they ascend from one mansion world to another, they will become increasingly filled with the morontia activity of surviving and progressing creatures. As you move forward, you will recognize more and more new features of Jerusem in the mansion worlds. The glass sea appears in the second mansion world.
A newly developed and suitably adjusted morontia body is acquired at the time of each advance from one mansion world to another. You go to sleep with the seraphic transport and awake with the new but undeveloped body in the resurrection halls, much as when you first arrived on mansion world number one except that the Thought Adjuster does not leave you during these transit sleeps between the mansion worlds. Your personality remains intact after you once pass from the evolutionary worlds to the initial mansion world.
Each successive advancement from one mansion world to another is associated with the acquisition of a newly created and appropriately configured morontia body. You fall asleep in the seraphic transference and awaken in the resurrection halls with a new but undeveloped body. This resembles your initial arrival on the first mansion world, except that the Thought Adjuster does not leave you during the transfer sleep between mansion worlds. After the transition from the evolutionary worlds to the initial mansion world, your personality remains intact.
Your Adjuster memory remains fully intact as you ascend the morontia life. Those mental associations that were purely animalistic and wholly material naturally perished with the physical brain, but everything in your mental life which was worth while, and which had survival value, was counterparted by the Adjuster and is retained as a part of personal memory all the way through the ascendant career. You will be conscious of all your worth-while experiences as you advance from one mansion world to another and from one section of the universe to another – even to Paradise.
As you ascend into the morontia life, the memory of your Adjuster is not impaired. Those mental associations which were purely animal in origin and wholly material perish naturally with the physical brain, but everything of value in your intellectual life, as well as everything of value in the afterlife, becomes an integral part of the Adjuster and is preserved in the personal memory throughout the entire ascent. You will be aware of all the valuable experiences as you move from one mansion world to another and from one part of the universe to another - right up to Paradise.
Though you have morontia bodies, you continue, through all seven of these worlds, to eat, drink, and rest. You partake of the morontia order of food, a kingdom of living energy unknown on the material worlds. Both food and water are fully utilized in the morontia body; there is no residual waste. Pause to consider: Mansonia number one is a very material sphere, presenting the early beginnings of the morontia regime. You are still a near human and not far removed from the limited viewpoints of mortal life, but each world discloses definite progress. From sphere to sphere you grow less material, more intellectual, and slightly more spiritual. The spiritual progress is greatest on the last three of these seven progressive worlds.
Although you have morontia bodies, in all the seven worlds you continue to eat, drink and rest. You are taking the morontia type of food from the realm of living energy unknown in the material worlds. Both food and water are completely absorbed by the morontia body without excretion of waste. Think about it: mansion number one is largely a material realm, representing only the initial stages of the morontia regime. You are still almost human and not far removed from the limited views of mortal life, but in each world you make some progress. From sphere to sphere you become less material, more intellectual and a little more spiritual. The greatest spiritual progress is made in the last three of these seven successive worlds.
Biological deficiencies were largely made up on the first mansion world. There defects in planetary experiences pertaining to sex life, family association, and parental function were either corrected or were projected for future rectification among the Material Son families on Jerusem.
Biological deficiencies were mostly corrected in the first mansion world. The defects of planetary experience relating to sexuality, family relationships and parenthood are either corrected or put aside for future correction in the families of the Material Sons on Jerusem.
Mansonia number two more specifically provides for the removal of all phases of intellectual conflict and for the cure of all varieties of mental disharmony. The effort to master the significance of morontia mota, begun on the first mansion world, is here more earnestly continued. The development on mansonia number two compares with the intellectual status of the post-Magisterial Son culture of the ideal evolutionary worlds.
The specificity of the second mansion world is the elimination of all aspects of intellectual contradictions and the healing of any manifestations of mental disharmony. Here the in-depth study of the significance of the morontia mota, begun on the first mansion world, continues. The level of development of the creature in the second mansion world is comparable to the intellectual status of the ideal evolutionary worlds in the era after the advent of the Judge Son.



Mansonia the third is the headquarters of the Mansion World Teachers. Though they function on all seven of the mansion spheres, they maintain their group headquarters at the center of the school circles of world number three. There are millions of these instructors on the mansion and higher morontia worlds. These advanced and glorified cherubim serve as morontia teachers all the way up from the mansion worlds to the last sphere of local universe ascendant training. They will be among the last to bid you an affectionate adieu when the farewell time draws near, the time when you bid good-bye – at least for a few ages – to the universe of your origin, when you enseraphim for transit to the receiving worlds of the minor sector of the superuniverse.
The Third World is the center of the Teachers of the Mansion Worlds. Although they operate in all seven mansion spheres, in the third world, in the center of school circles, is their group capital. There are millions of such mentors on the higher level mansion and morontia worlds. These highly evolved and illustrious cherubim serve as morontia teachers all the way from the mansion worlds down to the final realm of training of ascending creatures in the local universe. They will be among the last to bid you a tender farewell when the time comes to part, at least for a few eons, from your home universe, and you are ready for your seraphic transfer to the host worlds of the minor sector of the superuniverse.
When sojourning on the first mansion world, you have permission to visit the first of the transition worlds, the headquarters of the finaliters and the system probationary nursery for the nurture of undeveloped evolutionary children. When you arrive on mansonia number two, you receive permission periodically to visit transition world number two, where are located the morontia supervisor headquarters for all Satania and the training schools for the various morontia orders. When you reach mansion world number three, you are immediately granted a permit to visit the third transition sphere, the headquarters of the angelic orders and the home of their various system training schools. Visits to Jerusem from this world are increasingly profitable and are of ever-heightening interest to the advancing mortals.
While on the first mansion world, you enjoy the right to visit the first transitional world - the finaliter center and testing home of the system, in which undeveloped evolutionary children are raised. Having arrived at the second mansion world, you receive permission to periodically visit transitional world number two, where the center of morontia observers serving all of Satania is located and training schools for various morontia categories are located. Having reached the third mansion world, you immediately receive permission to visit the third transitional sphere - the center of the angelic categories and the location of their various systemic preparatory schools. Visits to Jerusem from this world are of increasing benefit and interest to evolving mortals.
Mansonia the third is a world of great personal and social achievement for all who have not made the equivalent of these circles of culture prior to release from the flesh on the mortal nativity worlds. On this sphere more positive educational work is begun. The training of the first two mansion worlds is mostly of a deficiency nature – negative – in that it has to do with supplementing the experience of the life in the flesh. On this third mansion world the survivors really begin their progressive morontia culture. The chief purpose of this training is to enhance the understanding of the correlation of morontia mota and mortal logic, the co-ordination of morontia mota and human philosophy. Surviving mortals now gain practical insight into true metaphysics. This is the real introduction to the intelligent comprehension of cosmic meanings and universe interrelationships. The culture of the third mansion world partakes of the nature of the postbestowal Son age of a normal inhabited planet.
The third mansion world is a realm of great personal and social achievement for all who did not reach such circles of culture before liberation from the flesh on the mortal origin worlds. More positive educational work begins in this area. In the first two mansion worlds, preparation is mainly related to the correction of shortcomings, that is, it is negative in the sense that it is aimed at replenishing the experience of life in the flesh. Here on the third mansion world, the surviving creatures are truly beginning to assimilate the progressive morontia culture. The main purpose of such training is to improve understanding of the relationship between the morontia motah and mortal logic, and the reconciliation of the morontia motah and human philosophy. Mortals who have survived begin to comprehend true metaphysics in practice. Such training is a real introduction to the intelligent comprehension of cosmic meanings and universal relationships. The culture of the third mansion world corresponds to the era that begins on the normal inhabited planet after the coming of the bestowal Son.



When you arrive on the fourth mansion world, you have well entered upon the morontia career; you have progressed a long way from the initial material existence. Now are you given permission to make visits to transition world number four, there to become familiar with the headquarters and training schools of the superangels, including the Brilliant Evening Stars. Through the good offices of these superangels of the fourth transition world the morontia visitors are enabled to draw very close to the various orders of the Sons of God during the periodic visits to Jerusem, for new sectors of the system capital are gradually opening up to the advancing mortals as they make these repeated visits to the headquarters world. New grandeurs are progressively unfolding to the expanding minds of these ascenders.
Arriving on the fourth mansion world, you are already confidently walking along the morontia path; the original material existence is left far behind. You are now permitted to visit the fourth transition world, where you are introduced to the center and preparatory schools of the superangels, including the Blazing Evening Stars. Through the kind assistance of these superangels of the fourth transitional world, morontia visitors are enabled to become intimate with the various orders of Sons of God on periodic visits to Jerusem, as new sectors of the capital are opened up to progressive mortals who repeatedly visit the capital world; a new splendor is revealed more and more fully to the expanding minds of such climbers.
On the fourth mansonia the individual ascender more fittingly finds his place in the group working and class functions of the morontia life. Ascenders here develop increased appreciation of the broadcasts and other phases of local universe culture and progress.
On the fourth mansion world each ascender finds a more proper place for himself in group studies and in the activities of his class of morontia life. Here, climbers begin to appreciate broadcasts and other aspects of the culture and progress of the local universe.
It is during the period of training on world number four that the ascending mortals are really first introduced to the demands and delights of the true social life of morontia creatures. And it is indeed a new experience for evolutionary creatures to participate in social activities which are predicated neither on personal aggrandizement nor on self-seeking conquest. A new social order is being introduced, one based on the understanding sympathy of mutual appreciation, the unselfish love of mutual service, and the overmastering motivation of the realization of a common and supreme destiny – the Paradise goal of worshipful and divine perfection. Ascenders are all becoming self-conscious of God-knowing, God-revealing, God-seeking, and God-finding.
It is in the process of preparation on world number four that ascending mortals first become truly acquainted with the demands and joys of the true social life of morontia creatures. Such an experience is indeed new to evolutionary beings, for they participate in group activities aimed neither at personal aggrandizement nor at the selfish subjugation of others. Here a new social order awaits them, based on the sensitivity of mutual gratitude, the selfless love of mutual service and the all-consuming desire for a common and highest destiny - the idolizing and divine perfection of Paradise. All climbers begin to realize in themselves the desire for knowledge, discovery, search and acquisition of God.
The intellectual and social culture of this fourth mansion world is comparable to the mental and social life of the post-Teacher Son age on the planets of normal evolution. The spiritual status is much in advance of such a mortal dispensation.
The intellectual and social culture of the fourth mansion world is comparable to the intellectual and social life of the era following the advent of the Teacher Son on planets with normal evolutionary development. The spiritual status of this world is significantly ahead of the corresponding mortal judgment period.



Transport to the fifth mansion world represents a tremendous forward step in the life of a morontia progressor. The experience on this world is a real foretaste of Jerusem life. Here you begin to realize the high destiny of the loyal evolutionary worlds since they may normally progress to this stage during their natural planetary development. The culture of this mansion world corresponds in general to that of the early era of light and life on the planets of normal evolutionary progress. And from this you can understand why it is so arranged that the highly cultured and progressive types of beings who sometimes inhabit these advanced evolutionary worlds are exempt from passing through one or more, or even all, of the mansion spheres.
The move to the fifth mansion world represents a huge step forward in the life of the morontia progressor. The experience gained in this world is a real foretaste of life on Jerusem. Here you begin to realize the high purpose of the loyal evolutionary worlds that reach this stage of development in the course of natural planetary evolution. The culture of this monastic world in general outline corresponds to the early period of the era of light and life on planets with normal evolutionary development. It should therefore be clear why highly cultured and developed types of beings, sometimes found on such advanced evolutionary worlds, are exempt from passing through one or more - and sometimes all - mansion spheres.
Having mastered the local universe language before leaving the fourth mansion world, you now devote more time to the perfection of the tongue of Uversa to the end that you may be proficient in both languages ​​before arriving on Jerusem with residential status. All ascending mortals are bilingual from the system headquarters up to Havona. And then it is only necessary to enlarge the superuniverse vocabulary, still additional enlargement being required for residence on Paradise.
Having mastered the language of the local universe on the fourth mansion world, you now devote more time to perfecting the language of Uversa so that by the time you arrive on Jerusem and receive permanent citizenship status, you will be proficient in both languages. Already in the capital of the system, all ascending mortals speak two languages, which they use throughout the entire journey up to Havona. All that is needed in the future is the expansion of one’s vocabulary in the language of the superuniverse, and to settle in Paradise a new addition is required.
Upon arrival on mansonia number five the pilgrim is given permission to visit the transition world of corresponding number, the Sons’ headquarters. Here the ascendant mortal becomes personally familiar with the various groups of divine sonship. He has heard of these superb beings and has already met them on Jerusem, but now he comes really to know them.
Upon arrival at mansion world number five, the pilgrim receives permission to visit the corresponding transition world - the residence of the Sons. Here the ascending mortal becomes intimately acquainted with the various groups of divine sonship. He has already heard about these exalted beings and met them on Jerusem, but he truly gets to know them only now.
On the fifth mansonia you begin to learn of the constellation study worlds. Here you meet the first of the instructors who begin to prepare you for the subsequent constellation sojourn. More of this preparation continues on worlds six and seven, while the finishing touches are supplied in the sector of the ascending mortals on Jerusem.
In the fifth mansion world you begin to become acquainted with the educational worlds of the constellation. Here you meet the first teachers who begin to prepare you for your upcoming stay in the constellation. Such preparations continue on the sixth and seventh worlds, with final details being finalized in the sector of ascending mortals on Jerusem.
A real birth of cosmic consciousness takes place on mansonia number five. You are becoming universe minded. This is indeed a time of expanding horizons. It is beginning to dawn upon the enlarging minds of the ascending mortals that some stupendous and magnificent, some supernal and divine, destiny awaits all who complete the progressive Paradise ascension, which has been so laboriously but so joyfully and auspiciously begun. At about this point the average mortal ascender begins to manifest bona fide experiential enthusiasm for the Havona ascent. Study is becoming voluntary, unselfish service natural, and worship spontaneous. A real morontia character is budding; a real morontia creature is evolving.
In mansion world number five, the birth of true cosmic consciousness takes place. You gain perspective on the universe. This is truly a time when horizons expand. The expanding minds of ascending mortals begin to discover the grand, majestic, heavenly and divine destiny that awaits all those who make the gradual ascent to Paradise - an ascent as laborious as it is joyful and auspicious. About this point, the average mortal aspirant begins to strive towards Havona with true experiential enthusiasm. Learning becomes voluntary, altruistic service natural, worship spontaneous. A true morontia character is being formed, a true morontia creature is being formed.



Sojourners on this sphere are permitted to visit transition world number six, where they learn more about the high spirits of the superuniverse, although they are not able to visualize many of these celestial beings. Here they also receive their first lessons in the prospective spirit career which so immediately follows graduation from the morontia training of the local universe.
Those on this world are allowed to visit transitional world number six, where they gain new knowledge of the high spirits of the superuniverse, although many of these celestial beings cannot be visually imagined. Here also they receive their first lessons in anticipation of the coming spiritual path, which begins immediately after the completion of morontia preparation in the local universe.
The assistant System Sovereign makes frequent visits to this world, and the initial instruction is here begun in the technique of universe administration. The first lessons embracing the affairs of a whole universe are now imparted.
The System Lord's assistant often visits this world; Here we give an initial course in managing the universe. The first classes are held, covering the affairs of the entire universe.

This is a brilliant age for ascending mortals and usually witnesses the perfect fusion of the human mind and the divine Adjuster. In potential, this fusion may have occurred previously, but the actual working identity many times is not achieved until the time of the sojourn on the fifth mansion world or even the sixth.
This is a glorious age for ascending creatures, during which there usually occurs a complete fusion of the human mind and the divine Adjuster. Potentially, such a merger could have occurred earlier, but it often happens that real, functioning identity is achieved only during a stay in the fifth or even sixth mansion world.

The union of the evolving immortal soul with the eternal and divine Adjuster is signalized by the seraphic summoning of the supervising superangel for resurrected survivors and of the archangel of record for those going to judgment on the third day; and then, in the presence of such a survivor’s morontia associates, these messengers of confirmation speak: “This is a beloved son in whom I am well pleased.” This simple ceremony marks the entrance of an ascending mortal upon the eternal career of Paradise service.
The union of the evolving immortal soul with the eternal and divine Adjuster is marked by the seraphim calling upon her the guiding superangel during the resurrection of mortals and the registering archangel during those who are judged on the third day. And after this, in the presence of the morontia partners of the surviving mortal, these messengers of communion pronounce their words: “Behold my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased.” This simple ceremony marks the entry of the ascending mortal onto the eternal path of Paradise service.
Immediately upon the confirmation of Adjuster fusion the new morontia being is introduced to his fellows for the first time by his new name and is granted the forty days of spiritual retirement from all routine activities wherein to commune with himself and to choose some one of the optional routes to Havona and to select from the differential techniques of Paradise attainment.
Immediately after confirmation of fusion with the Adjuster, the new morontia being appears for the first time before his fellows with a new name and receives forty days of spiritual rest from all daily worries in order to choose, alone with himself, one of the possible paths of ascension to Havona and settle on one of the methods of achieving Paradise. .

But still are these brilliant beings more or less material; they are far from being true spirits; they are more like supermortals, spiritually speaking, still a little lower than the angels. But they are truly becoming marvelous creatures.
However, such brilliant beings still remain more or less material creatures; they are far from the level of true spirit. From a spiritual point of view, they are more like super-mortal beings and are still somewhat lower than the angels. But they truly become wonderful creatures.
During the sojourn on world number six the mansion world students achieve a status which is comparable with the exalted development characterizing those evolutionary worlds which have normally progressed beyond the initial stage of light and life. The organization of society on this mansonia is of a high order. The shadow of the mortal nature grows less and less as these worlds are ascended one by one. You are becoming more and more adorable as you leave behind the coarse vestiges of planetary animal origin. “Coming up through great tribulation” serves to make glorified mortals very kind and understanding, very sympathetic and tolerant.
The status attained by the students of the mansion worlds in the sixth world is comparable to the exalted state characteristic of those evolutionary worlds which have naturally passed through the initial stage of light and life. In this monastic world, a high level of social development is achieved. As you ascend through the mansion worlds, your material shadow becomes shorter and shorter. You are evolving into an ever more delightful being, leaving behind the crude vestiges of planetary animal origin. "Going through great suffering" makes illustrious mortals very kind, sympathetic, compassionate and tolerant.



The experience on this sphere is the crowning achievement of the immediate postmortal career. During your sojourn here you will receive the instruction of many teachers, all of whom will co-operate in the task of preparing you for residence on Jerusem. Any discernible differences between those mortals hailing from the isolated and retarded worlds and those survivors from the more advanced and enlightened spheres are virtually obliterated during the sojourn on the seventh mansion world. Here you will be purged of all the remnants of unfortunate heredity, unwholesome environment, and unspiritual planetary tendencies. The last remnants of the “mark of the beast” are here eradicated.
The experience gained in this sphere is the pinnacle of achievement on the initial path of afterlife. Here you receive the instruction of many teachers, each of whom prepares you for life on Jerusem. All discernible differences between mortals who arrived from isolated worlds lagging behind in their development and the surviving creatures from more progressive and enlightened worlds are almost completely erased during their stay in the seventh mansion world. Here you will be cleansed of all residual manifestations of unfavorable heredity, unhealthy environment and unspiritual planetary tendencies. The last traces of the “animal mark” will be erased.
While sojourning on mansonia number seven, permission is granted to visit transition world number seven, the world of the Universal Father. Here you begin a new and more spiritual worship of the unseen Father, a habit you will increasingly pursue all the way up through your long ascending career. You find the Father’s temple on this world of transitional culture, but you do not see the Father.
While in the seventh mansion world, you enjoy the right to visit transitional world number seven - the world of the Universal Father. From here begins a new and more spiritual worship of the invisible Father - a custom that you will increasingly follow throughout your long upward journey. In this world of transitional culture you will find the temple of the Father, but you will not see the Father himself.
Now begins the formation of classes for graduation to Jerusem. You have gone from world to world as individuals, but now you prepare to depart for Jerusem in groups, although, within certain limits, an ascender may elect to tarry on the seventh mansion world for the purpose of enabling a tardy member of his earthly or mansonia working group to catch up with him.
Now the formation of classes begins to complete their education and transfer to Jerusem. From world to world you moved as individuals; now you are preparing to go to Jerusem in groups, although within certain limits each ascender has the right to linger on the seventh mansion world to allow a lagging member of the earthly or mansion working group to go with him.
The personnel of the seventh mansonia assemble on the sea of ​​glass to witness your departure for Jerusem with residential status. Hundreds or thousands of times you may have visited Jerusem, but always as a guest; never before have you proceeded toward the system capital in the company of a group of your fellows who were bidding an eternal farewell to the whole mansonia career as ascending mortals. You will soon be welcomed on the receiving field of the headquarters world as Jerusem citizens.
The seventh world personnel gather on the sea of ​​glass to attend your departure to Jerusem as permanent residents. You may have visited Jerusem hundreds or thousands of times before as a guest, but never before have you traveled to the system capital as part of a group of your brethren who bid an eternal farewell to the monastic stage of the path of ascending mortals. Soon you will be welcomed to the welcome field of the capital world as residents of Jerusem.

You will greatly enjoy your progress through the seven dematerializing worlds; they are really demoralizing spheres. You are mostly human on the first mansion world, just a mortal being minus a material body, a human mind housed in a morontia form – a material body of the morontia world but not a mortal house of flesh and blood. You really pass from the mortal state to the immortal status at the time of Adjuster fusion, and by the time you have finished the Jerusem career, you will be full-fledged Morontians.
You will experience with great pleasure the seven worlds of dematerialization - the real spheres of liberation from the mortal state. On the first mansion world you are still very much a human being, a mortal being without a material body, a human mind enclosed in a morontia form—a material body of the morontia world instead of a mortal mansion of flesh and blood. You finally pass from the mortal to the immortal state when you merge with the Adjuster, and by the time you complete the Jerusem path you will become a full-fledged morontia being.



The reception of a new class of mansion world graduates is the signal for all Jerusem to assemble as a committee of welcome. Even the spornagia enjoy the arrival of these triumphant ascenders of evolutionary origin, those who have run the planetary race and finished the mansion world progression. Only the physical controllers and Morontia Power Supervisors are absent from these occasions of rejoicing.
The reception of the new class of graduates from the mansion worlds serves as a sign for all of Jerusem: all its inhabitants gather to welcome the new inhabitants. Even the spornagas rejoice at the arrival of such triumphant ascenders of evolutionary origin - those who have completed their planetary path and completed their ascent on the mansion worlds. Only the physical regulators and Directors of Morontia Power are absent from such celebrations.

John the Revelator saw a vision of the arrival of a class of advancing mortals from the seventh mansion world to their first heaven, the glories of Jerusem. He recorded: “And I saw as it were a sea of ​​glass mingled with fire; and those who had gained the victory over the beast that was originally in them and over the image that persisted through the mansion worlds and finally over the last mark and trace, standing on the sea of ​​glass, having the harps of God, and singing the song of delivery from mortal fear and death." (Perfected space communication is to be had on all these worlds; and your anywhere reception of such communications is made possible by carrying the “harp of God,” a morontia contrivance compensating for the disability to directly adjust the immature morontia sensory mechanism to the reception of space communications.)
John the Evangelist spoke of his vision of the arrival of a class of progressive mortals from the seventh mansion world to their first heaven, the delightful Jerusem. He wrote: “And I saw something like a sea of ​​glass engulfed in fire; and I saw those who had won the victory over the beast that was originally in them, and over its image, which was preserved in all the mansion worlds, and, finally, over the last mark and trace; they stood on this sea of ​​glass, holding the “harps of God,” and sang a song of liberation from mortal fear and death.” (In all these worlds there is an improved spatial communication; the ability to universally receive such messages is provided by the "harp of God" - a morontia device that compensates for the inability of the undeveloped morontia sensory mechanism to directly tune in to receive spatial messages.)
Paul also had a view of the ascendant-citizen corps of perfecting mortals on Jerusem, for he wrote: “But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, to the grand assembly of Michael, and to the spirits of just men being made perfect."
Paul, too, had an idea of ​​the corps of ascending inhabitants—the perfecting mortals of Jerusem—for he wrote: “But ye have come to Mount Zion, to the city of the living God, to the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable multitude of angels, to the great assembly of Michael, and to the spirits of the righteous made perfect.”

After mortals have achieved residence on the system headquarters, no more literal resurrections will be experienced. The morontia form granted you on departure from the mansion world career is such as will see you through to the end of the local universe experience. Changes will be made from time to time, but you will retain this same form until you bid it farewell when you emerge as first-stage spirits preparatory for transit to the superuniverse worlds of ascending culture and spirit training.
After gaining permanent residence status in the system capital, mortals do not experience any further literal resurrections. The morontia form provided at the completion of the mansion path is such that it allows you to go through the entire local universe experience. From time to time some changes will be made, but you will retain the same form until you leave the local universe, when, having become spirits of the first stage, you are ready to be transferred to the superuniverse worlds of ascending culture and spiritual training.
Seven times do those mortals who pass through the entire mansonia career experience the adjustment sleep and the resurrection awakening. But the last resurrection hall, the final awakening chamber, was left behind on the seventh mansion world. No more will a form-change necessitate the lapse of consciousness or a break in the continuity of personal memory.
Seven times those mortals who pass through all the mansion worlds are plunged into a transformative sleep and awaken at resurrection. However, the last resurrection hall - the final chambers of awakening - remains in the past, in the seventh mansion world. From now on, changing the form will not lead to a blackout or disrupt the continuity of personal memory.

The mortal personality initiated on the evolutionary worlds and tabernacled in the flesh – indwelt by the Mystery Monitors and invested by the Spirit of Truth – is not fully mobilized, realized, and unified until that day when such a Jerusem citizen is given clearance for Edentia and proclaimed a true member of the morontia corps of Nebadon – an immortal survivor of Adjuster association, a Paradise ascender, a personality of morontia status, and a true child of the Most Highs.
The mortal personality, originated in the evolutionary worlds and placed in a vessel of flesh, endowed with a Mystic Master and clothed with the Spirit of Truth, becomes fully mobilized, realized and united only after such an inhabitant of Jerusem has received permission to go to Edentia and is proclaimed a true member of the morontia corps of Nebadon - an immortal, Adjuster-fused, Paradise-ascending being, a personality of morontia status, a true child of the Supremes.

Mortal death is a technique of escape from the material life in the flesh; and the mansonia experience of progressive life through seven worlds of remedial training and cultural education represents the introduction of mortal survivors to the morontia career, the transition life which intervenes between the evolutionary material existence and the higher spirit attainment of the ascenders of time who are destined to achieve the portals of eternity.
Material death is a method of liberation from life in the flesh; and the mansion experience of successively evolving life in the seven worlds of corrective training and cultural education brings continuing mortals into the morontia path—the transitional life separating evolutionary material existence from the higher spiritual achievements of the ascenders of time who are destined to reach the portals of eternity.

[Prepared by the Blazing Evening Star.]

There are seven levels of worlds, seven cosmos created by the power of the Word, music and sound.

The First Cosmos is immersed in the Uncreated Light of the Absolute.

The second level of worlds consists of all worlds of infinite space.

The third level of worlds is the total sum of all the suns of stellar space.

The fourth level of worlds is the Sun, illuminating us with all its laws and dimensions.

The fifth level of worlds consists of all the planets of the solar system.

The sixth level of worlds is the Earth itself, with all its seven dimensions and regions inhabited by countless beings.

The seventh level of worlds is formed by the seven concentric spheres of the Hellish Worlds of the submerged Mineral Kingdom under the earth's crust.

Music, the Word, placed by the Logos in seven musical octaves, maintains in its march the orderliness of the universe.

First level of worlds, note C. Second level of worlds, note C. Third level of worlds, note A. The fourth level of worlds, the note Salt. Fifth level of worlds, note Fa. Sixth level of worlds, note Mi. Seventh level of worlds, note D. Then, everything returns to the Absolute with the note C. Without music, without the Verb, without the Great Word, the wonderful existence of the Seven Cosmos would be impossible.

Do-Re-Mi-Fa-Sol-La-Si. Si-La-Sol-Fa-Mi-Re-Do. The seven notes of the Great Scale of the Creative Word sound throughout creation, since in the beginning there was the Word.

The first level of worlds is wisely governed by a single law, a great law. The second level of worlds is governed by three laws, the Third level of worlds is governed by six laws. The fourth level of worlds is governed by twelve laws. The fifth level of worlds is governed by 24 laws. The sixth level of worlds is governed by 48 laws. The seventh level of worlds is governed by 96 laws...

When one talks about the Word, he also talks about sound, about music, Rhythms, Fire, with its three beats Mahavan and Chotavan, which keep the Universe sounding.

Pseudo-occultists and pseudo-zotericists mention only Microcosmos and Macrocosmos; they mention only two levels of worlds, whereas in reality there are Seven Cosmoses, seven levels of worlds supported by the Word, music, spermatic and Shining Fiat of the first moment.

Each of the Seven Cosmos is, without any doubt, a living organism that breathes, feels and lives.

From an esoteric point of view, we can affirm that every upward progress is the result of a downward progress. It is impossible to go up without going down. First you need to go down and then go up.

If we want to know the cosmos, then first we should know the two adjacent ones, the one above and the one below, because both of them determine all the circumstances and life phenomena of the space that we want to study and know.

Example: In this era, when scientists are struggling to conquer space, huge, unfortunately, incorrect advances are being made in the field of the infinitely small, in the atomic world.

The creation of the Seven Cosmos was possible only through the Word, through music.

The three forces, Father-Son-Holy Spirit, make up the Sacred Triamazikamno. These are Holy Affirmation, Holy Denial and Holy Reconciliation; Holy God, Holy Indestructible, Holy Immortal.

Electricity has three poles: positive, negative and neutral. Without the presence of these three poles, the entire creation becomes impossible.

In Gnostic esoteric science, three independent forces have the following Names: Surp-Otheos, Surp-Skyros, Surp-Athonotos; Driving Affirmative, Positive Force; Negative Force, the force of negation, the Force of Counteraction; Reconciling Power, Liberating Power, Neutralizing Power. These three forces in the Ray of Creation represent three wills, three consciousnesses, three unions. Each of these three forces contains within itself all the possibilities of the three. But, at the point of their intersection, each of them manifests only its own principle: positive, negative or neutral.

It is very interesting to see these three forces in action. They separate, move away from each other and then come together again to form new trinities creating new worlds, a new creation.

In the Absolute, these three forces are the One Logos, the Army of the Word, within the Great Union of life, free in its movement.

The process of Creation of the Sacred Cosmic Triamazikamno began with the sexual union of the word, because in the beginning there was the Word, and the Word was with God and the word was God. Because everything began to be through him, and without him nothing began to be that began to be.

In accordance with the Holy Law of Heptaparaparshinok (Law of Seven), seven temples were erected in Chaos to create the Solar System.

In accordance with the sacred law of Triamazikamno (Law of Three), Elohim. Divided into three groups inside each church to sing in harmony with the Liturgy of Fire.
The work of fertilizing Prakriti, in other words Chaos, the Cosmic Mother, the Great Womb, is always the work of the incredibly sacred Theomertmalogos, the Third Force.

Three groups organized themselves within each temple as follows: First, the Priest. Second, Priestess. The third, neutral group of Elohim. If we take into account the androgyny of the Elohim, it becomes clear that they had to polarize themselves into will in Masculine, Feminine and Neutral form, in accordance with the Sacred Cosmic Law of Triamazikamno.

The Priest and Priestess were in front of the altar, and below on the floor of the temple, the Androgynous Choir of the Elohim. The Rituals of Fire were chanted, and the sexual union of the word fertilized the Great Womb of Chaos, and the Universe was born. Angels create with the power of words. The larynx is the womb in which the word is born.

We should Awaken Consciousness in the Word, in the Creative Larynx, in order to one day become able to pronounce the Spermatic and Luminous Fiat of the first moment. Consciousness sleeps in our larynx; we are unconscious of the word; we need to become completely Word Conscious. They say that silence is golden. We say that there is a criminal silence. It is equally bad to speak when one should remain silent, and to remain silent when one should speak.

There are times when it is sinful to speak. There are times when remaining silent is also a sin. Words are sweet, but empty; those whose actions are contrary to their words are like a beautiful flower. full color, but lacking aroma. But like a beautiful flower, full of color and fragrance, are the beautiful and fruitful words of one who acts according to his words.

There is an urgent need to put an end to mechanicalness in words. It is necessary to speak with precision, in a conscious and timely manner. We need to become word conscious.

There is responsibility in words, playing with words is sacrilege. No one has the right to judge anyone; It is absurd to slander your neighbor. It's stupid to whisper about the lives of others.

Words of condemnation sooner or later fall on us like a punishing ray. Slanderous, bad words always return to the one who uttered them, turned into striking stones.

From the book “Hermetic Astrology” by Samael Aun Weor


About the mystery of the number 7

All the peoples of the world at all times have paid attention to magical, mysterious numbers. Special attention. Of all their diversity, the number seven was and is the most popular.

This number is the most mysterious, magical number of the Universe and means the completeness and totality of the world. This number embodies the main secret of the universe: “The secret behind seven seals.” These are the seven days of Divine creation, and the seven notes of harmony, the seven-day phases of the Moon and the seven planets known in ancient times, etc.

Whatever it is considered: magical, magical, and sacred (sacred is sacred, dedicated to God). Seven is a number that personifies wisdom, holiness and secret knowledge; it is a sign of ancient man’s interest in understanding nature... In the traditions of various peoples of antiquity, any drawing, including letters or numbers, any sculptural image, had a sacred, even mystical meaning.

There is an opinion that the magic of numbers is usually linked either to the features of the calendar or to the concepts of cosmogony. The number 7 occupies a special place among these numbers. It is interesting that seven does not have any special geometric correctness, is not very convenient for calculations, but from time immemorial it has been revered and continues to be revered. Its magic has penetrated into all spheres of human life; its frequency, compared to other magic numbers, is very high.

Reasons for the emergence of the cult of the number 7

There are several versions of the origin of the mystery of the number 7. As man understands the universe, the status of the sevenfold nature of this world rises. The cult of worship of the number 7 dates back to 4-5 thousand years ago. The cult of the number seven first appeared among the Sumerians.

One version of its appearance is the number of seven celestial bodies known at that time: the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, visible to the naked eye. In addition, the Sumerians had a belief that the life cycle on Earth depended on the increase and decrease in the size of the Moon. According to the lunar calendar of this people, each month consists of four weeks, each of which has 7 days. Days are added to the end of the cycles to fill the time when the Moon is not visible in the sky.

Another version is connected with the Moon. In Babylon, every seventh day, marking the completion of a certain stage of the lunar cycle, was considered dangerous, bringing misfortune. Therefore, the seventh day of the week was intended for rest and, in order to avoid facing danger, no one worked. The mysticism of this number was used two and a half thousand years BC in the calculation and construction of the Cheops pyramid.

Here, with an error of no more than 0.15% (quite acceptable for ancient times), sizes that are multiples of the number 7 are often found. So its height is 147 meters, and the length of the base is 231 meters. This is the entrance to the pyramid, located at a height of 15.61 meters from the ground. These are corridors 105 and 35 meters long, and the length of one of the burial chambers is 14 meters, and their heights are 3.5, 1.75 meters and the lining of one of them is 5.74 meters, this is a narrow hole 0.7 meters in cross section etc.

Some scientists associate the worship of the number 7 with Egyptian and Babylonian philosophy, where this number was considered as the sum of two “life” numbers: three and four. Three people - father, mother, child - form the basis of life, and four are the number of cardinal directions. In addition, the number seven is the six directions of the world: north-south, west-east, up-down and the Creator of all this is God. The version that the number 7 is heaven and earth, water and fire, birth and death, and man in the middle of this universe takes its place.

It is also proposed that a person perceives the world around him (light, sounds, smells, taste) through seven “holes” in the head (two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, mouth). In addition, there is an opinion that ancient people considered seven to be the number of luck. This is associated with a farmer who relied on the powers of: 2 arms (plowman), 4 legs (horse) and God (angel).

According to Pythagoras, the sum of the numbers 3 and 4 (triangle and square) was considered a manifestation of completeness and perfection. So in one (1) square, two (2) diagonals form four (4) equal triangles (the sum of 1, 2, 4 is 7). If the sides of the triangle are equal to 3,4, 5, then the so-called Greek (Pythagorean) triangle is obtained, in which sides 3 and 4 (their sum is 7) form legs, and the angle between them will necessarily be right, which is very important during construction and marking of land plots.

Some sages of the East saw the sevenfold nature of the world in the fact that the human body is renewed every 7 years, i.e. his life consists of stages divisible by seven years. These are 7 years - infancy, 14 years - adolescence, 21 years - adolescence, 28 years - youth, 35 years - maturity, 42 - fullness of vitality, 49 - wisdom, 56 - the beginning of autumn, 63 - loss of strength, 70 - return to childhood, 77 - return to infancy.

There is no doubt that these and similar facts are not accidental; obviously, they indicate the existence of some extremely important secret for humanity associated with the Creator of the universe, and the key to revealing this secret is the number 7. Frequent mention of this number in the Scriptures of different religions according to the most various occasions once again confirms the sacredness of this mysterious number 7.

Apparently, these versions gave rise to the idea of ​​​​the creation of the world in 7 days, which is repeated many times in the Holy Scriptures of different peoples, which emphasizes its magical power in the eyes of ancient people. The seven celestial bodies, days of the week and seven known metals in those days gave rise to astrology and alchemy, complementing each other and convincing people of the sevenfold nature of the world: gold - Sun - Sunday; silver - Moon - Monday; iron - Mars - Tuesday; mercury - Mercury - environment; tin - Jupiter - Thursday; copper - Venus - Friday; lead - Saturn - Saturday.

Which of these versions of the origin of the cult of the sevenfold world is correct is not known, but they all have the right to exist, and each of them made its contribution and reason to the birth of magic and the magical power of this number 7. But, regardless of which version is correct, the worship of this symbol has survived to this day.

Thus, in later centuries it was determined that white light is the totality of the seven colors of the rainbow, the musical octave consists of notes, the number of cervical vertebrae in humans and almost all mammals (even the giraffe) has seven vertebrae.

Seven in the world's religions

According to religious beliefs, the number 7 rules time and space. According to popular belief, the seventh son of the seventh son is endowed with incredible magical powers.

In Ancient Egypt, seven was the number of the God Osiris, ruler of the kingdom of the dead. On the winter solstice, the Egyptians lead a cow seven times around the Sun Temple in search of Osiris. At the seventh hour of the night, the serpent Apep (fiend of the underworld) attacks the boat of the heavenly sun god Ra, the dead man passes through the seven halls and seven doors of the underworld. But at the same time, among the Egyptians, the sacred number 7 traditionally correlated not only with the kingdom of the dead, but also with the earth.

The number 7 was also associated with the earth among the Anatolians back in the 7th millennium BC. The number seven is also mentioned many times among biblical Jews. Thus, in the era of the Temple of Jerusalem (first millennium BC), the onset of every seventh month was marked with additional sacrifices. This is also the national emblem of the statehood of the ancient Jews - the seven-branched candlestick.

This includes the creation of the world by God in seven days, the seven commandments of Noah, the seven patriarchs: the seven days of ordination of priests, the seven deadly sins, the seven heavens, etc. In the Old Testament, the number seven is mentioned 700 (!) times. In Christianity, as in Judaism, the number 7 is sacred - this is the creation of the world in 7 days. There are 7 sacraments in the Christian religion: - Holy Week of Great Lent - the seventh week; 7 - a sign of spiritual fullness and harmony, the “seven bowls” of God’s wrath, “seven deadly sins”, seven-branch, seven-branched candlestick; Great Lent has seven weeks, seven angelic ranks, etc.

The seven-branched candlestick symbolizes the seven sacraments Orthodox Church. In the Christian holy books, the number seven is mentioned many times: “Whoever kills Cain will be avenged sevenfold,” “... and seven years of plenty passed... and seven years of famine came,” “and count yourself seven Sabbath years, seven times seven years, so that in seven Sabbath years you may have forty-nine years,” etc. Lent for Christians has seven weeks. There are seven ranks of angels, seven deadly sins.

In many countries, there is a custom to place seven dishes on the Christmas table, the names of which begin with the same letter. In Islam, the place of “highest enlightenment” is considered to be the seventh heaven, where everyone pleasing to Allah goes. 7 gates of heaven, 7 steps of hell, the seventh day of commemoration for the deceased, since his soul spends seven days at the grave.

There are seven Prophets in the teachings of Islam: Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus, Muhammad. During the Hajj to Mecca, the pilgrim must circle the sacred stone of the Kaaba seven times. In the Holy Quran, the expression “seven heavens” is mentioned 7 times, the phrase “creation of the heavens” is also repeated 7 times. The first sura (chapter) of the Holy Quran consists of 7 verses (verses). In Indian (Vedic) numerology, the number seven is the number of fate; it enhances the qualities inherent in the number of the soul and the name of a person.

In Buddhism, the number 7 is a symbol of ascent, ascent to the highest, finding the center. The seven steps of the Buddha symbolize the ascension along the seven cosmic steps that transcend space and time. Buddha was sitting under a fig tree with seven fruits. From them came the custom of giving seven elephants - figurines made of bone, wood or other material - for good luck. In Hinduism the following are revered: 7 sages; 7 worlds; 7 sacred mountains ods; 7 sacred islands; 7 sacred seas; 7 sacred mountains; 7 sacred trees; 7 deserts; 7 chakras

For the Babylonians, the underworld was surrounded by seven walls. It is an interesting fact that in the numerology of the Mayan people, far from the Middle East, in South America, the number seven was also given due attention. There, the number seven is associated with death and completion. While one is the beginning, 7 is the end. Being born on the 7th day does not mean bad luck. 7 is midway between 1 and 13, so those born on the 7th day look both backward and forward. They may be indecisive, not knowing where to go. They see values ​​in both directions, which are equal for them.

Traditions, legends of the number 7

The magical number 7 was revered many centuries before our era, in the Middle Ages, and is still revered today. It appears in the traditions and legends of many peoples of the world. Thus, in ancient Indian legend, in particular, there are seven sages who survived the flood in order to preserve and pass on to future generations the wisdom of the antediluvian Earth.

Egyptian manuscripts also mention "seven wise men" who were the only divine beings who knew how to create temples. In Babylon, a seven-tiered temple was built in honor of the main gods. The priests of this city claimed that after death, people, passing through seven gates, find themselves in the underground kingdom, surrounded by seven walls.

In ancient Greece, the number 7 was the number and symbol of Apollo, one of the most important gods of Olympic mythology. He was born on the seventh day of the month, his lyre had seven strings. In legends you can find 7 Hesperides, 7 circles of hell, 7 gates, seven daughters of Astarte, 7 Cyclops, 7 children of Niobe, 7 pipes of the flute of Pan.

In the mythology of Ancient Greece, the inhabitants of Athens annually sent seven young men and seven young women as tribute to the bull-man Minotaur, who lived in the labyrinth on the island of Crete; Tantalus' daughter Niobe had seven sons and seven daughters; The nymph of the island of Ogygia Calypso held Odysseus captive for seven years...

In Egypt, the number seven is a symbol of eternal life, the number of the god Osiris. Ancient Rome also idolized the number seven. The city itself is built on seven hills; The river Styx, surrounding the underworld, flows seven times around hell, which Virgil divides into seven regions. The seven was very often used by healers, fortune tellers and sorcerers: “Take seven bags with seven different herbs, infusion of seven waters and drink for seven days in seven spoons...”.

In many Eastern countries, the festive table is decorated with seven dishes. Thus, on Novruz Bayram in Azerbaijan, 7 dishes starting with the letter C are placed on the table. The number 7 in folklore and literature The uniqueness of the number 7 is that it has grown into a person’s consciousness and has become part of his speech, helping to more voluminously, vividly express his thoughts, some expressions have turned into sayings, proverbs, riddles, and signs.

Number 7 in sayings

Too many cooks spoil the broth.
Seven troubles, one answer.
One with a bipod, seven with a spoon.
Seven spans in the forehead.
Seven Fridays a week.
Be in seventh heaven.
Seventh water on jelly.
Seven feet under the keel.
See the seventh dream.
On the seven winds.
Work until you sweat.
Know your ancestors up to the seventh generation.
Behind seven seals.
Seven deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided.
Seven do not wait for one.
A secret sealed with seven seals.
Seven wonders of the world.

Seven deadly sins: pride, laziness, anger, lust, greed, gluttony, envy.

Seven in fiction

“The Seven-Flower Flower” (fairy tale by V. Kataev), “Seven Simeons” (Russian folk tale), seven volumes of the novel “Harry Potter”, and in them - seven horcruxes. According to the books of Sergei Lukyanenko, “Their Seven” is a poem by K. Balmont. “Seven Beauties” (work of the Azerbaijani poet Nizami Ganjavi).

Seven Greek sages in the poem “Iskander-name” by Nizami Ganjavi. Seven volumes of “History of Religion” by Alexander Men. “Seventh Proof” is the third chapter of the novel by M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita." "Seven Underground Kings." “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.” “Number 7” is a poem by O. K. Aunovskaya.

The number 7 has firmly settled in fairy tales, and is not going to leave them: “Seven Kings and One Queen”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Seven Hundred and Seventy-Seven Masters”, “Seven Simeons”, “The Wise Maiden and the Seven Thieves”, “Ivan is a peasant son and a peasant himself with a mustache for seven miles”, “The Seven-Flower Flower” (V.P. Kataev), “Seven Underground Kings”, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”.

Number 7 in modern world

In the modern world, the number 7 can often be found in various areas of human activity and, unlike in ancient times, is not mystical in nature. The number 7 and the laws of nature - 7 colors of the rainbow, 7 notes in the musical scale, 7 vertebrae in the cervical spine of humans and almost all mammals.

Gestation period: in humans - 7x40=280 days, in mice - 7x3=21 days, in hares and rats - 7x4=28 days, in cats - 7x8=56 days, in dogs - 7x9=63 days, in lions - 7x14= 98 days, for a sheep - 7x21=147 days. In birds, the incubation period lasts: for an ordinary chicken - 7x3 = 21 days, for a duck - 7x4 = 28 days. The number 7 and science In physics, there are 7 basic units of physical quantities in the International System of Units (SI).

In chemistry there are 7 periods in the periodic table. 7 is the atomic number of nitrogen, the most common chemical element in the Earth's atmosphere - 77%. 7 of the main crystal systems in crystallography. Number 7 and architecture Seven Stalinist high-rise buildings were built in Moscow in the early 1950s: Hotel Ukraine, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Main Building of Moscow State University, Leningradskaya (hotel), Residential building on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment, Residential building on Kudrinskaya Square, High-rise building on Red Gate Square

Number 7 in cinematography

“The Seventh Seal”, “Seven Samurai”, “The Magnificent Seven”, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers”, “Seven Brides of Corporal Zbruev”, “Seven Old Men and One Girl”, “Seven Braves”, “Six Days, Seven Nights”, “Seven Days in May”, “Seven Years in Tibet”, “Seven Lives”, “Seven Days to Death”, “Seven Psychopaths”, “Agent 007”.

Number 7 in history

The G7 is the G7 of the largest Western countries. 7 Warsaw Pact countries, (1955-1991). 7 countries of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) since 08/16/2006. Seven Years' War 1756-1763. "Seven Boyars" in Russia in 1610-1612. “Seven Bankers” in Russia under Yeltsin in 1996-1998.

Number 7 in mathematics

Divisibility by 7 numbers of the form: ava, if a+b is divisible by 7. Example: 525. (5+-2=7). that means 525 is divisible by 7. (525:7=75) waa, if a + a + b is divisible by 7. Example: 322. (3+2+2=7), then 322 is divisible by 7. (322: 7=46) vaa, if a two-digit number and b+a+a is divisible by 7. Example: 4711. (47+1+1=49)/ means 4711 is divisible by 7. (4711:7 =673) aav, if a+a -b is divisible by 7. Example: 665. (6+6 -5 =7, which means 665 is divided by 7. (665: 7=95).