Why TV presenters are fleeing Channel One. Why Malakhov is leaving the First: just insider information for now

Timur Kizyakov may be expelled from the leadership of United Russia

There are shocks on Channel One -one for others are leaving TV presenters. The biggest loss of the “first button” is, of course, Andrey MALAKHOV. Then it became known about the dismissal of Alexander OLESHKO, Timur KIZYAKOV - and the list doesn't end there.

About care Malakhova what versions have not been put forward! The cutest thing is that he was not allowed to go on maternity leave. The most delusional - because Marina Anisina, which threatens to sue for insults and slander, and because of the transition to the structure of the Zenit football club. The real reason for the TV star’s departure is a conflict with the producer. "Persecutor" Malakhov - Natalia Nikonova. A man with a complex character and dictatorial habits. Previously, she headed the special projects studio of Channel One, produced “Let Them Talk,” “Malakhov +,” and the “Lolita” program. He is a two-time TEFI laureate. Then Natalya Petrovna left her native land for several years for the sake of “Live broadcast” on “Russia 1”. Having returned, Nikonova set a condition: through her head, none of her subordinates Konstantin Ernst will not communicate. This is what they say stung the country's most popular presenter. When asked about Nikonova, Malakhov said meaningfully: “I’d better keep quiet...”

Timur KIZYAKOV does not agree that he behaved like a pig

Malakhov takes risks

Now Andrey will use his own money to produce his own talk show on Rossiya 1 and sell it to the channel, and not receive a bare salary, as before, making up for lost profits at corporate events. More freedom, money, but more risk. That's exactly how it works Timur Kizyakov, who for many years created the program “While everyone is at home.” Or rather, he worked. It was assumed that he and his show would move to “Russia 1”, like Malakhov. Kizyakov claims that he wrote a letter about his desire to leave back in May. But whether he will succeed now is a big question. The scandal over the fact that he took 100 thousand rubles for an orphan’s “video passport” from the Ministry of Education, despite the fact that competing companies did the same work for 3 thousand, broke out on the eve of the new television season. Now it’s not a fact that Kizyakov will be taken. Moreover, according to our data, within the bowels of United Russia the issue of removing him from the Supreme Council of the party, which he joined in February last year, is being considered.

“There is no reason to formally exclude him completely,” a source at United Russia told us. - The ugly story about the orphans was investigated within Channel One, but no criminal case was opened. But they want to ask Kizyakov to leave the Supreme Council in an amicable way, without a scandal.”

Fatal Natalya NIKONOVA

Who else will leave the “main button”? We were the first to report that the program had ceased to exist Yulia Menshova“Alone with everyone,” but Julia herself will not disappear from the air - a new project is being started for her. Was under gunpoint Larisa Guzeeva, a lady with a difficult character, but she also denies her departure. Also, Channel One did not confirm the closure of “Test Purchase”, “First Studio” with Artem Sheinin and the “Fashionable Verdict,” which has been the subject of much discussion over the past two weeks.

And here is “Looking at the Night” Boris Berman And Ildara Zhendareva We most likely won't see. “Wait a minute,” the meticulous reader will say, “you wrote about this a couple of years ago!” That's right, they wrote. The TV world is very dynamic. Recently Dmitry Shepelev considered successor Boris Korchevnikov live". He even began to receive a salary as a presenter on “Russia 1” without going on air! But Natalya Nikonova returned to Channel One from Rossiya 1, and now Dmitry is already the frontman of Konstantin Ernst’s fiefdom.

So it is with the “Looking at Night” program. They tried to cut it down several times under the spine, but they left it, not knowing what to put in its place. Now, it seems, the fate of the presenters, who “did not want to offend anyone,” has been finally decided. They themselves were offended.

1 August 2017, 12:07

This program most clearly demonstrates to us that, it turns out, putting up for sale someone else’s pain, tears, troubles, digging through dirty laundry in full view of the whole country without any moral right today is called the simple word “format”. Or rather, a format that brings good money. The degree of cynicism simply boggles the mind... What do you want?! Of course this will be in demand! Toilet paper, for example, will always be in greater demand than Dostoevsky's manuscripts! And stupid reality shows, in which participants endlessly sort things out and sleep with everyone, will a priori have a higher rating than a Tarkovsky film.”

Alexey Serebryakov

For almost a day now, the Internet has been buzzing with reports that the country’s main TV channel, First, will soon be left without a face, or rather, without its most famous presenter, Andrei Malakhov. Since Malakhov goes to work for VGTRK - according to some sources, due to a conflict with the team of the talk show “Let Them Talk”, according to others - due to the return to Channel One of Dmitry Shepelev, the ex-husband of the deceased singer Zhanna Friske, who allegedly occupied Malakhov’s studio

The first more or less clear and informative explanation has appeared why Malakhov left Channel One.

History of events from one of the employees of Russia 1 (cannot be quoted directly, so it’s very short):

Malakhov is being dragged to Russia 1 out of a sense of revenge.

Recently, Russia 1 producer Natalya Nikonova left for Channel One.

And so, she developed a vigorous activity, decided to direct Malakhov’s program, while simultaneously offering the management ideas for new projects, including the recently launched show of Dmitry Shepelev.

And Malakhov didn’t like it.

He has been running “Let Them Talk” for many years and believes that he does not need a boss. And for “Russia 1” his candidacy is very beneficial: the ratings of “Let Them Talk” have always been higher than those of “Live Broadcast”. And who will miss the opportunity to beautifully wipe the nose of both Nikonova and Channel One in general. And it just so happened that he was offered more favorable conditions.

Natalya Nikonova, twice winner of TEFI-2007, was the head of the Studio of Special Projects of Channel One, without any irony, the founding mother of the genre of Russian talk shows for housewives.

At one time, it was Nikonova who launched Andrei Malakhov’s show “Let Them Talk”, “Malakhov+”, “Lolita. Without Complexes”, “Judge for Yourself”, etc.

Judging by the leaked information, Natalya Nikonova left Russia 1 after a financial audit was carried out.

Alexander MITROSHENKOV, president of the Transcontinental Media Company, which includes the New Company, the producer of this program, discovered financial irregularities. As it turned out, presenter Dmitry SHEPELEV was paid a salary for six months, but he never went on air. When they were looking for a replacement for Boris Korchevnikov, Shepelev was proposed, as we all remember.

Shepelev never went on air on Rossiya 1, the talk show was still hosted by Korchevnikov, but for more than six months Dmitry received money for nothing.

When the results of the financial audit were reported to Mitroshenkov, he suggested that the leaders of “Live Broadcast” Nikonova and Petritskaya resign.

Natalya Nikonova and Marina Petritskaya once came to “Live” from Channel One.

They managed the show for several years: they decided on creative and financial issues, what topics to air, and which participants should be paid how much.

These are the passions that go on on our television.

What Malakhov can bargain about, reports the Methodichka telegram channel: “The real reason Malakhov left for VGTRK is that for several years he asked Ernst to allow him to produce his own programs. But Konstantin Lvovich sent him to f..., motivating the refusal by the fact that “I made you a TV star - you will earn your money at corporate events.”

Well, a completely fantastic version, however, which has the right to exist, that no departure was planned, and all the noise was created deliberately with the aim of pumping up ratings during the summer off season. The fact that Channel One has not yet played such dirty games is not in favor of the version.

With Malakhov's departure, the First would have lost a lot. Malakhov is the channel’s key media personality, the goose that lays the golden eggs of the ratings; despite all the immoral distortions, his talk show is the best in its genre. Dmitry Shepelev, who, although younger, is also quite a professional, as they say, has less charisma. Pug against elephant.

The aesthetics of scandalous shows, which is promoted by producer Natalya Nikonova, is somewhat traditional: endless Alexey Panin, DNA tests, staging, etc., without unnecessary reflection.

At the same time, Malakhov in recent years, despite the fact that he works in an identical vein, is drawn to journalistic generalizations and monologues full of morality. Probably, the conflict, if there was one, really arose somewhere here. They tried to cut off the wings of an artist claiming to be a demiurge and put him in a cage; the management did not listen and... The dramaturgy came out completely in line with the talk show “Let Them Talk.”

Don't switch.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones.

TV presenter Andrei Malakhov wrote an open letter to Konstantin Ernst and all employees of Channel One, in which he said goodbye to the colleagues with whom he had worked for 25 long years.

“In our digital era, the epistolary genre is used extremely rarely, but I came to Channel One in the last century, when people still wrote letters to each other, not text messages. So forgive me for such a long message. I dare to hope that you know the true reasons for my unexpected transfer to “Russia 1”, where I will host the new program “Andrei Malakhov. Live broadcast,” to work on the Saturday show and other projects,” the site quotes the text of the letter.

The “Let Them Talk” host thanked his colleagues for their kind attitude and support, named those who treated him better than others, noting the professionalism of the channel’s team, and wished success to his successor, Dmitry Borisov.

“Dima, all my hope is in you! The other day I saw fragments of “Let Them Talk” with your participation. I’m sure you will succeed!” Malakhov wrote.

“I did not comment on your recent video against the backdrop of the castle, because if money had come first in this story, my transfer, as you guessed, would have happened nine years ago,” Malakhov noted in particular.

And in an interview with his wife Natalya’s website, he openly spoke about why he left Channel One. Andrei Malakhov admitted: after he turned 45, he realized that “it’s time to get out of the tight confines.”

“I have always been subservient. A human soldier following orders. “But I wanted independence,” said the “king of ratings.”

An additional “blow,” the presenter admitted, was the move of the “Let Them Talk” program from Ostankino, where Malakhov and his team spent a quarter of a century, to another studio.

Therefore, he agreed when he received a call from Russia 1 and was offered to become the producer of his own program in order to “decide for himself what to do and what topics to cover.”

In addition, the presenter announced the name of his new program: “Andrey Malakhov. Live.”


Boris Korchevnikov: In a sense, Andrei Malakhov and I have a common life

“The main intrigue of the summer” is no longer there: the talk show “Live” on the “Russia 1” channel has indeed undergone a replacement. Presenter Boris Korchevnikov, having received a promotion from the leadership line, handed over his post to Andrei Malakhov, who quit Channel One for this purpose. Filming will begin this week

Andrey Malakhov will become the host of “New Wave 2017”

The passions around Andrei Malakhov do not subside. They only dissuaded him on the topic of “Let them talk” and Andrey’s scandalous transition to the Rossiya channel, they were only glad that Malakhov and his wife Natalya would become parents. Suddenly - a new story. As the organizers of the competition told us, Andrey will become the host of one of the concerts, which will be held as part of the “New Wave” ().


“Let them talk” with a new presenter: They saw off Malakhov - they broke two button accordions


In the first episode of the “Let Them Talk” program, with the new presenter, they made a decisive break with the dark past ().

On the eve of the new television season, Channel One managed to significantly stir up public interest with rumors about the departure of old-time TV presenters and the closure of popular programs. Let's try to figure out what turned out to be true and what was an exaggeration.

They left and didn't promise to return

The fact that Andrei Malakhov left the main federal channel is no longer a secret to anyone. Not long ago, the presenter was officially introduced to the “Live Broadcast” team on “Russia 1”, where he will replace Boris Korchevnikov. It is expected that along with Malakhov, the heroes of his programs, in particular Diana Shurygina and Dana Borisova, went to “Russia 1”. New episodes of the show with a new host will be available at the end of August.
Another defector is Alexander Oleshko. We will no longer see him in “Minute of Fame” and “Exactly the Same”, because the artist “moved” to NTV and will host the show “You are Super. Dancing". The project starts on September 2.

Who was closed and who was left

Timur Kizyakov, who created “While Everyone is Home” and worked on TV for 25 years, left Channel One along with his program. Alas, his departure was surrounded by all sorts of unpleasant rumors. The “Alone with Everyone” program has also closed, but everything is calm here. As its presenter Yulia Menshova admitted, the format has exhausted itself, and she is already preparing for a new project.

The channel’s press service assures that the projects “Let’s Get Married”, “Fashionable Sentence” and “First Studio” will remain on the air. Press secretary of Channel One Larisa Krymova said that rumors about the mass closure of programs are exaggerated.

Who's new?

Of course, the upcoming TV season will not be left without new products. The most anticipated of them is Maxim Galkin’s project “Hypnosis”, which, however, can hardly be called a new product, since it is an analogue of the show “Stars sous hypnose”, which appeared on French television in 2014, and the 2016 Ukrainian show “Stars under Hypnosis”. However, the invited celebrities will have to enter a state of hypnotic trance and answer questions. However, the producers of the show warn: the project is serious and there is no need to expect any “yellow” revelations from the stars.

Following the children who participated in “The Best of All!”, the older people who will take part in the “Olest of All!” program will have to demonstrate their talents.
The project “Kings of Plywood” will also appear on air - a Russian adaptation of the legendary Lip Sync Battle, where various celebrities compete with each other in singing to the soundtrack, and the audience chooses the winner. It is expected that in our version, Alexander Revva will try himself in the role of Lady Gaga, and Nikolai Fomenko - Stas Mikhailov. The show will be hosted by actors Pavel Priluchny and Yana Koshkina.

And yet, the fate of most of Channel One’s projects will be decided on August 25, when a meeting will be held at which possible changes to the broadcast schedule will be discussed.

Recently, many rumors have appeared related to the “disappearance” of the famous TV presenter Ekaterina Andreeva from the air of Channel One. Some connect this with another conflict on the channel, others believe that this is “somehow” connected with the upcoming elections. There were even critics who said that it was time for Andreeva to leave her television career due to her age. However, none of these versions has found official confirmation. Both “sides” – the TV presenter and the channel’s management – ​​put everything in its place.

Where does the presenter go?

TV viewers have known Ekaterina Andreeva for a long time. She became the symbol of the television program “Time,” which first aired on January 1, 1968. She has been working as a presenter since 1997.

The TV presenter herself assured that she is not leaving Channel One. She remains in the company and retains the “leader’s chair”, but will work in a program that is designed for other time zones. Commenting and refuting rumors on her Instagram, she wrote: “My “Time” cannot end - from the Volga to the Yenisei - I am taking “Time” to the whole country. And Moscow, as you know, is not all of Russia. All of Russia is much larger than Moscow!”

The fact that Andreeva will no longer host the “Time” program for Central Russia on weekdays is also stated in the message of Channel One. “The presenters of the program Ekaterina Andreeva and Vitaly Eliseev will try out the new studio on air in other time zones,” the channel’s press service reports. In addition, Andreeva and Eliseev will go on air with the Saturday editions of Vremya in all broadcast areas of the channel.

New program format

It is possible that Andreeva will still return to the “Time” program in the European part of Russia, the press service also noted. However, this will happen after the new interactive format is adapted. As channel representative Larisa Krymova said, this may take several weeks.

The BBC, citing its sources, reports that Kirill Kleimenov will be in the presenter's chair at least until the presidential elections - until March 18, 2018. “The press service of BBC Channel One confirmed that such a replacement did indeed take place, but it is temporary and limited in nature,” the report says. It is clarified that the change of presenter actually has something to do with the new news format.

At the same time, as the source clarifies, they decided to replace Andreeva due to the difficulties that arose in working within the frame of the new studio. Plus, as another BBC interlocutor said, there is another reason for Andreeva’s departure - “complicated relations with the general director of the TV channel, Konstantin Ernst.” However, in a conversation with RBC, a representative of Channel One categorically rejected this version, saying that these were rumors.