Patricia kaas wiki. Patricia Kaas - biography, information, personal life

She became a chanson star in the 90s. Her fame was deafening, and her personal life was filled with events and novels.

Patricia Kaas: family

The famous singer was born on December 5, 1966. The biography of Patricia Kaas begins in the small town of Forbak, on the border of France and Germany. She was the sixth child in the family. Patricia's parents were infinitely in love with each other, so their daughter grew up in love and care.

An unusual and beautiful name for the girl was chosen by her mother (Irmgard). She was an avid fan of actress Grace Patricia Kelly. Even before the birth of her daughter, Irmgard decided that if there was a girl, she would be called Patricia.

The daughter did not look like a famous actress. The boy's character and appearance distinguished her from her peers. The girl's main hobby was singing. Irmgard was very happy about her daughter’s talent, believing in her bright and successful future.

First victory

Irmgard Kaas found out about the city competition of young talents by chance, and immediately got the idea to enroll her daughter in the list of participants. Several weeks flew by unnoticed. All days the girls were busy with rehearsals. The noisy family tried not to disturb the young singer; her relatives supported her in her quest for victory. The family was worried and nervous, only Patricia remained calm. Before the competition, she told her mother that she was confident of victory and that all the struggle had not been in vain.

The competition was held in its usual manner. Teenagers sang, danced and showed competitions. Everything changed when a 10-year-old girl wearing boyish trousers and a huge hat appeared on stage. She performed a popular song, and the audience was captivated by her talent. The young talent himself, not paying attention to the reaction of the audience, rushed into the arms of his mother backstage.

After everyone learned about the girl’s talent, they began to invite her to perform. She sang repeatedly at beer festivals, at city events and in cafes. Young Patricia did not like this kind of work. She saw that the public was not interested in her talent; singing was only the background of the events. She became the main breadwinner in the family, and soon the girl had to leave school.

When Patricia Kaas was 13 years old, a German group came to her hometown on tour. Having seen the performance of the young talent, the musicians were amazed by her voice and talent. They offered the girl to sign a contract for several performances. The girl didn’t doubt it for a minute, she was so tired of singing at events in her hometown. The trip with the group became a springboard for further advancement, and Patricia understood this.

Soon fate brought the girl together with a producer who accidentally heard her perform at a club. She performed the famous single by Liza Minnelli, and no worse than the famous performer. He immediately offered her cooperation.

First song

The creative biography of Patricia Kaas developed rapidly, and at the age of 19 the singer recorded her first song. It was called "Jealous". A famous actor helped record it. Despite her magnificent voice and performance, “Jealous” did not bring Patricia fame.


How did the biography of Patricia Kaas develop further? Success came to her after a tragic event in her life. The young singer’s mother died of cancer. The girl was very worried, but decided to achieve success in memory of her.

During this period, the singer’s second single, “Mademoiselle Sings the Blues,” was released. It became a hit and everyone is finally talking about Patricia. She is becoming popular.

Patricia Kaas: biography, personal life

Desperate, the girl decided to drown out her resentment and disappointment by riding a motorcycle quickly. In the company of their faithful admirer Christophe, they raced along the track. The risk did not pay off, and the young people got into an accident. Christophe was badly injured, and Patricia broke her nose and was forced to undergo plastic surgery.

After leaving the hospital, the girl decided to change her life. She terminated the contract with the producer who rejected her love. Bernard tried for a long time to persuade Patricia to change her decision, but she wanted revenge. After the collaboration with Kaas ended, Schwartz went broke and was forced to do something completely different, far from the stars and their lives. The main thing for the singer was her career, and it was in creativity that she plunged headlong.

Changes in life

French singer Patricia Kaas, whose biography began very modestly, soon buys a home in the most popular area of ​​​​Paris. The most famous and wealthy residents of the city lived here. The changes also affected the appearance of the singer. She outgrew the image of a teenage boy and finally decided to become a woman. Having transformed her appearance, Patricia became a symbol of femininity for men of that time. Not a single fan could take his eyes off her.

Patricia Kaas, whose songs were heard at every turn, enjoyed the success that surrounded her. Her discs went platinum, but the singer’s personal life was still just as empty.

Alain Delon

One fine evening, Alain Delon decided to attend Patricia Kaas’ concert. He had long been intrigued by stories about a wonderful beauty with a beautiful voice, but the reality exceeded all expectations. He fell in love at first sight and immediately invited the singer to dinner. Patricia was very pleased with the attention of such a famous handsome man. Their romance quickly developed. The singer did not count on a long-term relationship, trying to enjoy the moment. The fame of the young Don Juan followed Delon on his heels. Despite this, their relationship continued. The only stumbling block was the extravagance of Delon, who tried by all means to prove his feelings to his beloved.

The decisive moment came during the television show “An Evening of Patricia Kaas,” hosted by Alain Delon. Right during the broadcast, he confessed his love to the singer throughout the country, despite the fact that he was officially in a relationship with a famous model who was expecting a child from him. Fearing a scandal surrounding her person and the shadow that could fall on her reputation, Patricia Kaas (photo above) decides to end the relationship. She does not accept Delon's attentions, refuses to meet him...

Her new album entitled “I call you on you...” will be released soon. So she put the finishing touches on their romance. The couple was not going through the breakup easily, but Kaas’s decision was irrevocable.

Patricia Kaas: albums, photos, biography, new relationships

Patricia Kaas plunges headlong into creativity. During this period, a series of concerts takes place in the main hall of Paris. Before the star's appearance, the talented composer Philip Bergman was scheduled to perform.

The couple met backstage. It happened by accident and simply. After the concert they went for a walk and did not leave each other for two weeks. Philip had to leave in order to return forever to the woman he loved. He abandoned absolutely everything that surrounded him in Belgium, abandoned his creativity and became Patricia's producer. They became inseparable. Bergman was able to understand Kaas's nature and give her what she was missing. He filled the singer’s spiritual emptiness and became her closest person after the death of her mother. Their relationship developed rapidly, and Bergman dreamed of children and a family, but the singer kept postponing this moment. Patricia Kaas, who cared little about her children, saw her meaning in life in her career. One fine day, Philip Bergman realized that Patricia would never trade her career for her family, and left her.

However, the love story did not end so simply. Philip Bergman lost a lot when he moved to Paris. He no longer pursued his career, immersing himself in Patricia's life. At the time of their breakup, he did not have a regular income to support the lifestyle to which he had become accustomed. The man decided to sue for the division of property that belonged to Kaas. After the incident, the singer again becomes disillusioned with love and men.

During this relationship, an English-language album, Black Coffee, was recorded but never released. The albums Dans ma chair and Let mode passe were more successful.

Autobiography "Shadow of My Voice"

In 2012, the heroine of our article published an autobiographical book. Patricia Kaas, whose short biography was known to many, this time told everything about herself. She openly talks about her creativity, success, romances and disappointments.

Here the singer admits that she cannot have children. She was in love many times and became pregnant several times, but each time the event took her by surprise and it all ended in abortion. As a result, doctors said that she would never be able to have children.


Patricia Kaas managed to try herself as an actress, starring in Claudie Lelouch's film “And Now... Ladies and Gentlemen.” This picture did not bring success to the singer. During the filming of the film, Kaas began an affair with her co-star, but the relationship did not go any further. Jeremy Irons was married with children and did not want to lose everything for the sake of a new affair.

The singer's life today

Patricia Kaas, whose personal life never worked out, celebrated her 50th birthday this year.

As the singer herself admits, relationships are difficult for her. If you have a difficult character, it is always difficult for a woman to find a common language with her partner. Kaas is used to being on her own, and she decides questions on her own, even about whether the couple should be together or not. “Men don’t like it,” she admitted in her interview.

Kaas has many friends, among whom are supporters of same-sex love. This led to rumors that the singer prefers women. In her interview, Patricia Kaas neither confirmed nor refuted this statement. “I’ll let the legend live and die,” she said.

The creative biography of Patricia Kaas developed rapidly. Today she is still single. Her evenings are brightened up by her faithful friend - the snow-white lapdog Tequila, which was given to the singer by the director. The singer adores and spoils her faithful little friend. During tours, she even books a separate room for Tequila.

Patricia Kaas is a French singer of jazz and pop songs, the owner of an inimitable, mesmerizingly deep voice, who has released several gold and platinum albums during her career, and is a favorite of the Russian public.

This petite, graceful woman literally blew up audiences around the world with her romantic, sensual compositions, and films with her participation repeatedly won prizes at the Cannes Film Festival. Patricia Kaas has long been the face of the L'Etoile brand, one of the largest cosmetic chains in Russia. Mademoiselle Kaas's impeccable taste evokes admiration not only among fashion designers and critics, but also among ordinary people.

The singer's childhood and youth

Patricia Kaas, whose biography is full of various events, was born on December 5, 1966 into a French family with German roots in a town called Forbak. The family lived quite poorly, because Patricia was the seventh child, and the earnings of her miner father were meager.

The singer's mother was a very talented woman. Noticing her daughter’s craving for singing, she began to encourage her daughter to study music from early childhood. The children in the family treated Patricia with respect, because from the age of five she participated in singing competitions and local fashion shows.

From birth, Patricia Kaas dreamed of the stage, but her singing career did not work out at first: the producers did not need a second Mireille Mathieu. When the girl turned nine, she was noticed by an agent of the group “Black Flowers” ​​and signed a long-term contract with the young talent. Patricia traveled half the country on tour, her fees became the main source of income for the family. Four years later, the singer enters into a contract with the cabaret club “Rumpelkammer”, which will become her next step to world success.

In an interview with a famous French journalist, the singer said: “Childhood ended early for me. All I could think about when I was young was how to make money. Although this is not bad at all, because I knew what hard work was, and that is what did not allow me to break down, give up or go off the chosen path.”

The most difficult year for the singer came when she was invited to work at a modeling agency. As Patricia Kaas recalls, in her youth she always wanted to sleep, and also to eat, because shows on fashion catwalks exhausted her to the point of complete loss of strength.

The beginning of a singing career

Patricia Kaas had to combine cabaret performances with modeling work, but the dream of becoming a professional singer did not leave her. When she turned nineteen, she accidentally met a very famous architect, Bernard Schwartz, who became not just a friend for her, but a “bridge” to the French stage.

Having moved to Paris at the invitation of Schwartz, the singer meets Bernheim, a famous songwriter who has written more than one hit. A sexy, slightly hoarse voice captivates and inspires the poet, and their collaboration begins.

The first single with which Patricia debuts on French radio, “Jealous,” does not bring her success. Perhaps the reason for this was the singer’s young age and lack of proper experience, or perhaps the text was too sweet. Upon returning home, Patricia experienced some difficult moments in her life, but her depression did not last long - the singer decided to make another attempt and a few months later returned to Paris again.

1986 was a significant year for her: she met Didier Barbelivien, who would write the famous “Mademoiselle chante le blues” for her. Exactly one year later, the video will appear on all TV channels and will firmly establish itself in the leading positions in the world song charts.

1988 was a triumphant year for the singer: she released her first album, which would bring her real success and become first gold and then platinum in several European countries. According to information posted on Wikipedia, the circulation was over three million, and the income exceeded even the wildest dreams of the young singer.

However, all this did not please Patricia at all, since her beloved mother became seriously ill, and a year later, despite all the efforts of the doctors, she died. A new stage in the singer’s career begins: to take her mind off the worries associated with her mother’s death, she works hard and achieves stunning success in just two years:

  • After lengthy negotiations, she enters into a lucrative contract with CBS Records, which opens the way for her not only to the European, but also to the American musical Olympus.
  • Receives the prestigious World Music Awards for his first composition.
  • On a world tour, he travels to thirteen countries, including Japan, the USSR, and European countries.
  • Receives bronze in the “Best Debutante” category at the prestigious American ceremony.

Further career

Patricia always felt that she did not want to limit herself to just singing, because her artistic nature demanded more. A happy accident was not long in coming: the famous director Claude Lelouch invites her to star in the film “And Now, Ladies and Gentlemen.”

The role brought Kaas success and even greater love from fans, and the triumphant procession along the red carpet, accompanied by the director, added piquant rumors about her affairs with men. Fans were waiting for the next films with the participation of the singer to come out, but after breaking up with Claude, Patricia decided not to act in any more films.

Next, the singer releases another album called “Kabaret”, which will bring her not only success, but also world recognition. Kaas decides to go on tour again; during the tour she visits Russia and performs at a concert in the Kremlin. Mademoiselle soulfully and sensually performs several romances, the audience gives a standing ovation, calling her several times to the stage. From this moment, according to the singer, her love for the Russian public and Russian culture begins.

Kaas does not give up trying to break into the English-language market, and this is how her most mysterious album, “Black Coffee,” appears. It is known for certain that the singer worked on it, but the album never officially went on sale. The singer still refuses to comment on why the recording studio did not release this work. This was followed by six more Kaas albums, which were a huge success with the public.

Personal life

As Patricia Kaas herself says, her personal life did not turn out the way she would like. The example of her parents became an ideal for her, because they lived together for many years and never quarreled, trying to give the best to their children. Even in her youth, after suffering an illness, the singer learned from doctors that she would not be able to have children. Patricia has said more than once that this is a real slap in the face from fate, which she simply cannot bear.

In the program “Alone with Everyone,” she said that she could become a mother to adopted children, but she could not decide to do so because she was extremely busy. In many ways, this circumstance complicated her relationships with men, especially when they realized that Kaas was a strong personality. Among Patricia's men there were many famous and talented people - for example, producer Cyril Priyer, who supported her in the most difficult moments of her life.

Many journalists talk about Patricia’s affair with the famous film actor Alain Delon, but how many years they dated is still unknown. The star denies this fact, claiming that she and Delon were united only by friendly feelings, despite romantic dates and luxurious bouquets of red roses.

The famous Frenchwoman's relationship with the Belgian composer Philippe Bergman ended in a big scandal, and their separation was accompanied by litigation. Kaas was shocked by the property claims of her former friend, because they were not even officially married.

Then there was a passionate and frantic affair with the famous chef Yannick Alleno, which also ended in a breakup. The singer openly admits that she has no luck with men, so she prefers to focus on work. Patricia looks great at fifty years old, she actively tours, appears in commercials, writes songs and writes her own autobiography. Author: Natalya Ivanova

Childhood of Patricia Kaas

Patricia Kaas (in Russia her name is often written Patricia Kaas) became the seventh child in a large family. Father, Joseph Cass, was French by nationality and worked as a miner. Mother, Imgrad, was German and was a housewife.
From an early age, Patricia was interested in music and singing. Already at the age of nine, she performed as part of the group Black Flowers on dance floors in local clubs and at festivals. At the age of 13, Patricia signed a contract with the Rumpelkammer cabaret club in the German city of Saarbrücken and performed there every Saturday for seven years under the pseudonym “Pady Pax.”
→ Patricia Kaas in her youth
Her fees became the main source of income for a large family. In addition to performing in clubs, at the age of 16, Patricia began working in a modeling agency in the city of Metz in northeastern France. So her childhood ended very quickly.

Early success of Patricia Kaas

One day, during a performance at a club, the architect Bernard Schwartz drew attention to her; after meeting her, he invited the young singer to Paris and introduced her to songwriter Francois Bernheim from Phonogram Records. He was given a demo recording of her songs, which he really liked. Berheim convinced his friend Gerard Depardieu to sponsor the recording of Kaas's single entitled "Jalouse". In 1985, the single was published by EMI, the lyrics were written by Berheim and Depardieu's wife, Elizabeth. The song turned out to be a failure.
In 1987, Patricia Kaas signed a contract with the recording company PolyGram Records. In the same year, the famous single Mademoiselle chante le blues ("Mademoiselle Sings the Blues") was released, the author of the song's lyrics was the French poet and composer Didier Barbelivien. The song took 14th place in the French charts and sold about four hundred thousand copies. On her birthday, December 5, 1987, Patricia Kaas performed on the stage of the Paris Olympia, the most prestigious hall in France.
UMA2RMAH & Patricia Kaas - You Won't Call

World famous Patricia Kaas

On January 18, 1988, Kaas released her first album, “Mademoiselle chante le blues,” which took 2nd place in the charts. Within three months, the album went platinum (more than 350,000 copies) in France, and later in Belgium and Switzerland. In the same year, the singer won France's most important music award, the Victoire de la Music, in the Discovery of the Year category. In 1989, Kaas gave several concerts in Europe and the USSR, and in 1990 she went on her first tour of 12 countries, which lasted 16 months.
In April 1990, Kaas changed her record label to CBS Records and released her second album, Scène de vie. The songs on this album stayed at the top of the charts for ten weeks. After the release of the album, the singer went on tour, visited 13 countries and gave 210 concerts. She became one of the most popular performers in the world. In 1991, the singer received the world famous music awards World Music Awards and “Bambi”.
In April 1993, the third album “Je te dis vous” was released, which was recorded at the London Eel Pie Studio with the famous producer Robin Miller. “Je te dis vous” is considered the singer’s most successful album; it sold two million copies. On tour with this album, the singer gave 150 concerts in 19 countries.

→ Patricia Kaas with her beloved dog Tequila
The fourth album was “Dans ma chair” (“Inside me”) in 1997, recorded in New York with the famous American producer Phil Ramone. The album includes 50 songs by different authors. The singer dedicated it to her parents. The circulation of this album was 750,000 copies. After its release, Kaas went on another tour of 23 countries, during which she gave 120 concerts.
In 1999, Patricia released her next album, “Le mot de passe,” created under the guidance of producer Pascal Obispo. In November of the same year, the singer went on a world tour again.

Kaas currently

In October 2001, a collection of songs by Patricia Kaas Best Of was released, which included her best compositions.
In 2002, Patricia Kaas made her acting debut in Claude Lelouch's film "And Now, Ladies and Gentlemen", in which she played the main female role - Jane Lester. Patricia recorded the soundtrack “Piano Bar” for this film, and an album with the same name was subsequently released. In 2003, the singer went on tour to Europe, Scandinavia, Finland, Canada, the USA, Russia and Japan. Two concerts took place at the Theater Royal, Covent Garden, London.
On December 1, 2003, the album “Sexe Fort” (“Strong Sex”) was released. In it, Patricia radically changed her performance style to a more solid one, with elements of rock. In June 2004, the singer began her next tour, which lasted until October 2005 and covered 25 countries. At the end of the tour, Patricia announced that she intended to take a two-year break.
Patricia Caass Les Hommes Qui Passent.
In the summer of 2007, Patricia began work on the new album “Kabaret”, and in February 2008 she recorded her first Russian-language song “You Will Not Call” in a duet with the famous Russian group UMA2RMAN. This song remained at the top of the Russian charts for a long time. In November, work on the album “Kabaret” was completed. The name is misspelled for a reason (in French it is written “Сabaret”), the letter “K” is an allusion to the surname Kaas. In support of the album, Patricia gave concerts in Moscow and Khabarovsk, as well as in 11 different countries.
During the same period, the singer participated in an advertising campaign for Russia’s largest chain of perfume and cosmetics stores “L’Etoile”, becoming its “face”.
In May 2009, Patricia Kaas performed at the Eurovision 2009 music competition in Moscow, representing her home country, France. She performed the song “Et s`il fallait le faire” from the new album “Kabaret”. During the voting, she scored 107 points and took 8th place.
On February 26 and 27, Kaas performed in Moscow, at the State Concert Hall of the Kremlin, along with other Russian performers.
The latest album to date, “Kaas chante Piaf” (Kaas sings Piaf), was released on November 5, 2012. On December 6, 2012, Patricia performed the program of this album in Moscow, at the Operetta Theater, and on December 9 at the National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater in Kiev.
In 2012, Kaas played the main role in the film “Assassine” directed by Thierry Binisti.
The singer often visits Russia and gives concerts in Moscow several times a year.

Personal life of Patricia Kaas

Patricia Cass's personal life was not as successful as her career. In her youth, she confessed her love to Bernard Schwartz, but he did not reciprocate her feelings, refusing her proposal to marry. She experienced a severe shock and even got into a motorcycle accident due to her worries. After which she focused on her career.

→ Patricia Kaas's personal life is often in full swing - she had an affair with Alain Delon himself
At the age of 21, after the death of her mother, Patricia began dating her manager Cyril Prieur. Their relationship lasted three years. According to the singer, she had no luck with men; she had many affairs, but they never ended in marriage. For some time she dated the famous actor Alain Delon. Currently, the singer has been living with a man named Philip for more than 4 years, with whom they have complete mutual understanding, they plan to get married and have a child.

Patricia Kaas is the youngest child in the family. Has five brothers and one sister. The Kaas family lived near Vorbach, Moselle department, Lorraine region, France, near the German border. Her father is a miner Joseph (Josef) Kaas - a German-Lorraine with French citizenship, and her mother Irmgard is a German from the Saarland. Kaas grew up in Steering-Wendel, which is located between Vorbuck and Saarbrücken. Until the age of six she spoke only the German dialect Platt (Saarländischer Dialekt). Kaas's French-German heritage has led to her continued interest in improving relations between the two countries.

Kaas's passion for singing was encouraged by her mother from an early age. At the age of eight, Kaas was already singing songs by Sylvie Vartan, Dalida, Claude François and Mireille Mathieu, as well as English-language songs such as “New York, New York.” Her first big success came when she won a prize in a song competition. Already during these years, Kaas sang with her characteristic “husky” voice, which would later be compared with the voices of Edith Piaf and Marlene Dietrich.

Kaas took her first step into the professional music business at the age of 13, when, with the help of her brother Egon, she signed a contract with the Saarbrücken club Rumpelkammer. Kaas took the pseudonym "Pady Pax". At the age of 16, she accepted an invitation from a modeling agency in Metz. Kaas makes his first attempts to break into the music business, which, however, lead nowhere; the producers believed that the world did not need a second Mireille Mathieu. But a producer was found - it was the architect Bernard Schwotz. It is he who will lead Kaas to her first great successes.

Jalouse (1985-87)

In 1985, 19-year-old Kaas found a producer in the person of French actor Gerard Depardieu. He noticed the singer in the Saarbrücken “Rumpelkammer” and introduced her to the songwriter François Bernheim. Bernheim worked with her and, convinced of her talent, recommended Depardieu to sponsor her.

Depardieu sponsored Kaas's first single "Jalouse" (literally: "Jealous"), the lyrics to which were written by Bernheim and Depardieu's wife Elisabeth. The single was released by EMI but was a failure. However, working with Depardieu was one of the most important events in the beginning of Kaas's artistic career.

Mademoiselle chante le blues (1987-90)

After the release of "Jalouse", the French composer and poet Didier Barbelivien became the new author of Kaas' lyrics. His song “Mademoiselle chante le blues” (literally: “Mademoiselle sings the blues”) became the singer’s first major hit. The recording was released by Polydor in December 1987. The song took 14th place in the French hit parade. The following year, Kaas’s second single, “D’Allemagne” (literally: “From Germany”), was released. The lyrics were written by Barbelivien and Bernheim.

On January 18, 1988, Kaas’s first album “Mademoiselle chante...” was released. The album peaked at number 2 on the French Albums Chart and stayed there for two months, remaining in the top ten for 64 weeks and in the top 100 for 118 weeks. Soon after the album's release, it was certified gold in France (more than 100,000 copies sold), and three months later it was declared platinum (more than 350,000 copies sold). The album was also certified platinum in Belgium and Switzerland, and gold in Canada. More than 3 million copies have been sold worldwide. "Mademoiselle chante..." In the same year, Kaas, at the annual Victoire de la Music ceremony, won the most important music award in France in the Discovery of the Year category.

In 1989, Kaas suffered severe mental trauma - her mother died of cancer. The teddy bear, a gift from Kaas to her mother, accompanies Kaas everywhere today as a talisman.

Best of the day

In 1990, Kaas began her first world tour, which lasted 16 months. In 12 countries she gave 196 concerts to an audience of 750,000 spectators. Kaas' week-long concerts took place at Olympia and Zenith, prestigious Parisian concert halls. Tickets sold out four months before the performances began. Kaas also held successful concerts in New York and Washington, USA. By the end of the tour, the album “Mademoiselle chante...” had sold 1 million copies in France alone and received diamond status. Kaas was awarded the Golden Europa - one of the most significant music awards in Germany.

Scene de vie (1990-93)

In 1990, Kaas refused the services of the Polydor record company, choosing another - CBS Records. Cyril Prieur and Richard Walter, from the Parisian firm Talent Sorcier, replaced Bernard Schwotz as Kaas manager. Prieur and Walter made a significant contribution to the singer's success. Kaas even called them “her family.”

With a new record company, she created the album “Scène de vie” (literally: “Picture of Life”) in 1990. The songs reached the top of the French charts and remained there for 10 weeks. This album repeated the success of “Mademoiselle chante...”, becoming “diamond”. On the song “Kennedy Rose,” Kaas again worked with Elisabeth Depardieu and Francois Bernheim; this project was more successful than "Jalouse": it took 34th place in the French chart. The song was dedicated to Rose Kennedy, the mother of the American president.

While touring with Scène de vie, the singer performed 210 concerts in front of 650,000 spectators in 13 countries, such as Japan, Canada and the USSR, where she sang in Moscow and Leningrad. At the end of 1991, her first live album “Carnet de scène” (literally: “Stage Diary”) was released, which became very popular not only among her fans. 13 years later, Sony released the album on DVD.

In 1991, Kaas received two more internationally renowned awards - the World Music Awards and the Bambi. The following year, at the ECHO competition held in Cologne, she took 3rd place in the category “Best International Singer”. At the same time, she competed with such famous performers as Cher (took first place), Tina Turner, Madonna and Whitney Houston.

Je te dis vous (1993-95)

Kaas's album "Je te dis vous", released in 1993, became another major achievement of hers on the international music scene. It sold approximately 3 million copies in 47 countries. The album was recorded at Pete Townshend's Eel Pie Studio in London by Robin Miller, who had previously worked with Sade and Fine Young Cannibals. In the US and UK, the album was released under the title "Tour de charme" (not to be confused with the live album of the same name). Kaas's first song on the album was the German song "Ganz und gar", written by the German poet Marius Müller-Westernhagen. The album also included three songs in English, including a cover of James Brown's "It's a Man's World". British rock musician Chris Rea accompanies Kaas on guitar on the songs "Out Of The Rain" and "Ceux qui n'ont rien".

"Je te dis vous" is still considered Kaas's most successful album among the German-speaking world, spending 36 weeks in the top 100 of the German charts. In Switzerland the album took 2nd place, in France 1st. This was Kaas’s third “diamond” album; no French singer had ever achieved this before. Currently, “Je te dis vous” is considered one of the best albums among modern chanson, which presents the key features of this genre. With the song “Il me dit que je suis belle” (literally: “He tells me that I am beautiful”), Kaas entered the top ten singles in France. And the remix of “Reste sur moi” entered the top twenty of the American dance chart.

On her next world tour, Kaas visited 19 countries. She became the first Western singer to come to Hanoi (Vietnam) after the Vietnam War. Kaas also visited Korea, Japan, Cambodia and Thailand. During this tour, Kaas gave a concert to raise funds for the victims of the Chernobyl accident in front of an audience of 30,000 spectators. In total, 750,000 spectators saw her firsthand at 150 concerts. In 1994, her second live album “Tour de charme” was released. It was re-released on DVD in 2004.

Black Coffee (1995-97)

In the mid-90s, the album “Black Coffee” was recorded, a real mystery in Kaas’s career. In 1995, it was decided to create an album for the American market that would contain exclusively English lyrics, but rumor has it that it was never officially released. Sometimes the album appears in online auctions, but the authenticity of these recordings is questionable.

The album's title track is a cover version of a Billie Holiday song. With the same title, in 1997 it was included in the collection of demo recordings "Jazz à Saint-Germain". Other songs on the album include cover versions of classics such as Bill Withers' 1971 "Ain't No Sunshine" and Chicago's 1976 "If You Leave Me Now."

Dans ma chair (1997-99)

In 1997, the album “Dans ma chair” (literally: “In my body”) was released. It was created in New York by Kaas herself and Phil Ramone, who had previously worked with Ray Charles, Billy Joel and Paul Simon. This album was the second on which the singer officially worked with the French author Jean-Jacques Goldman (they began collaborating back in 1993, when creating the song “Il me dit que je suis belle”). The collaboration with Goldman, which continues to this day, is one of the most important moments in Kaas's career.

American poet Lyle Lovet contributed to the success of the album with the song “Chanson simple”

(literally: “Simple Song”) and James Taylor, with the song “Don’t Let Me Be Lonely Tonight,” in which he sang a duet with Kaas. The song "Quand j'ai peur de tout" (literally: "When I'm afraid of everything"), the lyrics to which were written by Diane Warren, was covered by the Sugababes in 2003. The song was called "Too Lost In You".

In 1998, after the "Dans ma chair" tour, a new live album and video (later DVD) entitled "Rendez-vous" were released. The album contains a song called "L'aigle noir" (literally: "The Black Eagle"). It was written by the famous French poet and singer Barbara, whom Kaas admired for a long time. Depardieu introduced Barbara Kaas even before she became famous.

In December 1998, Kaas sang with tenors Placido Domingo and Alejandro Fernandez at the Vienna City Hall, Austria. They were accompanied by the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. In 1999, this concert was recorded on CD and DVD under the title “Christmas In Vienna Vol. VI".

Le mot de passe (1999-2001)

In 1999, Patricia recorded another solo album entitled Le mot de passe, produced by Pascal Obispo. The album also included two compositions by Jean-Jacques Goldman entitled “Une fille de l’Est” and “Quand les chansons commencent”. The singer Zazi and Swiss tenor Erkan Aki, with whom Kaas recorded the duet Unter der Haut, also participated in the recording of the songs. The single topped the national charts in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Holland and Sweden.

In the summer of 1999, Patricia takes part in Michael Jackson's charity concert program in Seoul and Munich. In addition to Kaas, other famous artists also took part in the concerts, including Mariah Carey and the group Status Quo.

In the fall of 1999, Patricia Kaas became third in the Marianne competition, where the national symbol of France is determined. Only the famous top models Laetitia Casta (first) and Estelle Halliday (second) were ahead of her. As a result of this competition, Kaas was recognized not only as the best singer in France, but also as the most attractive among them.

In November 1999, Patricia Kaas again went on her tour. At major concerts in France, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Poland, the famous singer was accompanied by the Vienna Symphony Orchestra. Kaas's performance with the orchestra can be heard on the concert disc Ce sera nous, which was released on September 10, 2000 and sold 700,000 copies.

In April 2001, Kaas took part in a concert dedicated to the Duke of Luxembourg. The performance of the popular French singer is supported by a classical orchestra.

In June 2001, Kaas released the disc “The Best of the Best,” which includes her most famous and best compositions. New arrangements were invented for some old songs.

Piano Bar (2001-2003)

In September 2001, Kaas took part in Claude Lelouch's film "And Now, Ladies and Gentlemen", with the participation of the famous English actor Jeremy Irens. Patricia gets the main role of the mysterious singer Jane, who comes to Morocco to perform at a prestigious resort hotel, where she finds love. After finishing filming in January 2002, Patricia began recording her 6th solo album, “Piano-Bar”. For the first time in his career, Kaas is recording an album in English. The first single, entitled “If you go away,” was released in early October 2002, and the album itself was released on December 4, 2002. The success of the album was also facilitated by the release of the film “And Now... Ladies and Gentlemen” in cinemas in France and around the world. Since the beginning of 2003, Kaas has been touring with the new album in Europe, Scandinavia, the USA, Canada, Russia, Finland and Japan. Two concerts in London - in the legendary Covent Garden hall - were sold out. At the same time, the Kaas team and its management moved from Paris to Zurich, where Kaas settled.

Sexe fort (2003-2005)

At the beginning of December 2003, Kaas released her 7th studio album, Sexe Fort. In this disc, Kaas radically changes his performance style, making it more solid, with elements of rock. In July 2004, Kaas went on his new tour “Toute la musique”. Despite the rather weak sales of the Sexe Fort album, the tour in support of it was sold out. Kaas performed 10 concerts in the United States, 5 concerts in Canada, 50 performances in Europe and more than 11 performances in Asia, which included countries such as China, Korea and Japan. After finishing the tour, Kaas announced a two-year break.

Kabaret (2008-2010)

In the summer of 2007, Patricia Kaas began recording a new solo album. At the beginning of February 2008, Patricia released her first Russian-language duet “You Will Not Call” together with the famous Russian group UMA2RMAN. The single topped the Russian national charts within 2 weeks and remained in the top five for a long time. In November 2008, a new, long-awaited album “Kabaret” was released in Russia. The title of the album “Kabaret” is misspelled (in French the word “Cabaret” is spelled with an “C” - “Cabaret”). The initial letter "K" is a small hint of "Kaas". The album will be Kaas's first studio work in the last 5 years. The first edition of the disc was not available to the general public and was released as part of the L'Etoile advertising campaign in Russia. The official release of the disc in Russia and many EU countries took place in March 2009. The German edition of the disc was released in February 2009 in Germany. In support of the album, from the end of 2008 to 2009, Kaas will hold solo performances in various cities around the world, including Moscow and Khabarovsk. In addition to Russia, Kaas will give concerts in Ukraine, France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Holland, Sweden, the Baltic states, Poland, Turkey, Israel and many other countries. In Russia, sales of the album “Kabaret” exceeded 90,000 copies. Over 200,000 copies were sold in France.

On February 26-27, 2010, Patricia Kaas performed in Moscow with Russian artists at the State Concert Hall of the Kremlin. The concert was recorded by Channel 1 of Russian TV and broadcast on March 8, 2010.

Kaas chante Piaf (2012-2013)

On November 5, 2012, Patricia Kaas will present a new album and concert program entitled Kaas chante Piaf (Kaas sings Piaf) on the stage of the Royal Albert Hall in London. In addition to London, Kaas will give concerts in Germany, France, Ukraine, Canada, USA, Korea and other countries. On December 6, 2012, Patricia Kaas will perform the Kaas chante Piaf program in Moscow, at the Operetta Theater, and on December 9, in Kyiv, at the National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater. T. G. Shevchenko. From February 26 to March 2, 2013, the singer will perform at the world-famous Paris concert hall - Olympia.

Eurovision 2009

On January 27, 2009, it became known that Patricia Kaas will represent France at the Eurovision 2009 music competition, the final of which took place on May 16, 2009 in Moscow. According to Kaas, the management of the French channel France 2 itself asked the singer to perform at this famous competition. As the Russian and French press claimed, Patricia performed the single “Et s`il fallait le faire” from her new disc “Kabaret”. In addition, Patricia stated that the performance on May 16th would be the most difficult for her in her entire musical career, since Kaas’s mother died on that day. Kaas had never given a concert on May 16 before. Having scored 107 points during the voting, Patricia Kaas only reached 8th place at Eurovision.

Work in Russia

On the stage

In 2008, Patricia Kaas, together with the Russian group Uma2rmaH, performed the song “You Can’t Call” in Russian, but the first verse is in French - her first modern Russian-language song; Previously, at her concerts, she performed the ancient song “Black Eyes” in Russian. She sang in Russian “I like that you are not sick with me,” a song from the film “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath.”

In addition to her musical work, she was the face of the cosmetics company L’Etoile, signing a contract in March 2008 and advertising the products until the end of 2009.

Kaas also signed a contract with Unilever for 2009 and starred in a Lipton tea commercial that aired on television in late summer 2009.

Celebrity biographies


05.12.14 14:38

German by birth, she became a modern Piaf and one of the most beloved Western performers in Russia.

Biography of Patricia Kaas

Miner's youngest daughter

The family of miner Joseph and his wife Irmgard had seven children. The youngest (and second of the daughters) was named Patricia. She was born exactly 48 years ago. Then the family lived in the province, almost on the border with Germany. So the parents of the future star are Germans with French citizenship. Almost until school, the girl spoke German, which was not uncommon for Lorraine.

Since childhood, Patricia loved to sing, and her mother encouraged her daughter in every possible way. The schoolgirl's repertoire included songs by the unique Dalida and the magnificent Mireille Mathieu. Of the foreign hits, the little girl preferred Liza Minnelli's compositions.

"Under the Wing" by Depardieu

At the age of 13, the youngest Kaas signed a contract with one of the clubs, and at 16 she began working for a modeling agency in the city of Metz. At first, her attempts to conquer the musical heights were not successful: the producers had enough of one Mireille Mathieu, they did not want to promote the second.

When Patricia turned 19, she managed to reach Olympus - Gerard Depardieu himself took her under his protection. He saw a girl perform in that very club (it was called “Rumpelkammer”) and introduced her to the famous poet Francois Bernheim.

The first single (written by this songwriter and Elizabeth, Depardieu's wife) was called “Jalouse” (“Jealous”). Unfortunately, it did not arouse interest among listeners.

Hit #1

But the already legendary piece “Mademoiselle chante le blues”, written by Didier Barbelivien, turned out to be a real hit. It was released at the end of 1987 and immediately became No. 14 in the domestic hit parade. The album of the same name, released in January 1988, turned out to be more successful - it had 2nd position. It went gold and later platinum not only in the singer’s homeland, but also in Switzerland and Belgium. Almost 3 million discs were scattered around the world.

Success was not easy for the debutante: it was during this period that her mother suffered a serious illness, and in 1989 Irmgard passed away.

New chanson star

A year later, the French performer was awaiting a long (1 year 4 months) tour, including 12 countries. Kaas became a welcome guest in the Parisian halls, which applauded the legendary pop stars - Zenit and Olympia.

At the same time, the singer began collaborating with the new recording company CBS Records and released “Scène de vie”, which she presented in 13 countries, including the USSR and Japan.

The year 1991 brought Patricia the prestigious World Music Awards.

Together with Madonna, Whitney Houston, Tina Turner and Cher, the Frenchwoman claimed the title of “Best International Singer” and became a “bronze” medalist.

“Je te dis vous” is considered one of the star’s most successful albums (in the German-speaking world).

Tours, albums, movies...

The performer's fame was gaining momentum, her tour covered an increasing number of countries. She was the first (of Western singers) to visit Vietnam (after the bloody war). Patricia then traveled almost all of Asia, touring in Thailand, Korea, and Cambodia.

New albums, millions of fans, concerts and tours, third place in the national competition “Marianna” (in which a new symbol of the country is chosen), a joint performance with Placido Domingo and another famous tenor, Alejandro Fernandez. There was no time left for respite.

In 2001, she released a collection of her hits “The Best of the Best” and starred in the film “And Now, Ladies and Gentlemen” by the master of French cinema, Claude Lelouch.

Not everything was smooth - for example, the album “Sexe Fort” was not popular, and after the end of the tour that presented the disc, the singer took a time out for almost two years.

Favorite of the Russian public

In 2008, Kaas sang with “Uma2rman”, and at the end of the same year, the French woman’s album “Kabaret” was released in our country (the letter “K” in the word means “Kaas”, because cabaret in French begins with “C”) "). The tour in support of the disc was successful and included solo concerts in a dozen and a half countries.

At the end of February 2010, the divine Patricia successfully performed in the Kremlin (together with Russian stars). And in 2012, the new album (and program of the same name) “Kaas Sings Piaf” enjoyed great success in Europe, the USA, Canada and Japan.

Personal life of Patricia Kaas

There were many novels

Unlike her career, the star’s personal life was not always successful. In her youth she had an unrequited love for Bernard Schwartz.

After her mother’s death, she dated her own manager for three years, but did not become Cyril Prieur’s wife.

There were enough romances (including a relationship with Alain Delon), but it didn’t come to a wedding. Little is known about one of the singer’s last boyfriends, only the name is Philip and the fact that they have been together for more than 5 years.