Board game guess the word. Classic board game Alias

The classic board game Alias ​​is also known as Say Otherwise or, in the home version, The Hat. For family gatherings and parties, Alias ​​is the most suitable game and one of the most popular

Game "Alias": understand me, understand!

What is "Alias"?

The point of the game "Alias" is to guess words. The words written on the cards need to be explained to other participants. The team is given points for correct answers. Dynamic and fun.

There are many variations: the board game “Elias for the whole family”, and a fun game for any company “alias party”, and “alias for kids” (“alias junior”) and many others.

Packaging, design and localization

The game was developed in the 90s in Finland. "Alias" in English means "otherwise called". Over the past time, cards with words have conquered many countries around the world and “multiplied” into a bunch of different versions.

The design of the boxes changes regularly, and even more so from addition to addition. The quality of the cards also “floats” slightly, depending on what kind of alias the printing house printed today. You can recognize the original edition by the “Tactic” logo and the word “Alias” written in a proprietary font. In any case, the board game “Alias” and “Say Otherwise” and “Party” and “For Children” will delight you with its content.

The “alias party” and “alias party 2” sets have an additional field with a rotating arrow. “Alias ​​the crazy version” will entertain you with an incredible number of ways of explanation, and “Alias ​​the brilliant version” will force you to completely invent words yourself based on the dropped letters.

In Russia, the game is released in Russian or in two languages ​​with Russian rules.

The point of the game "Alias" is to guess words.

Complete set of the classic "Alias"

In the box you will find:

  • a playing field with a counter for guessed words;
  • cards for the game “Alias”, made in high-quality printing – 300 pieces;
  • figurine chips of different colors - 6 pieces;
  • hourglass (so you don't relax).


Each card has 8 different words - a total of 2400. In some editions, for example "Alias ​​3", instead of a back on the cards, words are written in English, that is, in fact, you get two sets - Russian and English.

Playing field

Pay attention to the numbering on the game board - every 8 steps it starts anew, and the number in the circle means the serial number of the hidden word. But, for example, in “alias junior” there are no numbers at all - only start and finish points.

Equipment for the game Alias

Number of players

What’s good about “Alias” is that it can be played by an almost unlimited number of people. Although 4 to 12 participants are recommended, you can gather a larger group and play with two people, or even alone if you take the online version. Emotions are guaranteed in any case, and the complexity of the game depends on the level of erudition of those present.

The game Alias ​​can be played by an almost unlimited number of people.

Rules of the game

The basic rules of the word game are simple and apply to all sets from “alias family” and “alias junior” to “alias party”. Anyone who has played at least once will not forget them.

How to correctly explain words

  • The explanation of the word hidden on the map should occur without mentioning it itself and without using cognate words (for example, “airplane” and “flying” are cognates).
  • You cannot explain a word in parts, in a foreign language.
  • If a phrase is given and part of it is guessed, then what was guessed can be further used in the explanation.
  • You can use synonyms and antonyms.
  • The team must guess the word only in a limited time.

    Teams must guess the word in a limited time.

    Progress of the game

    Participants are divided into several teams (up to six), each with at least 2 people. The team takes a chip and places it on the field, determining the order of moves by drawing lots, counting, tossing a coin, or otherwise. The entire deck of cards is shuffled and divided equally between the teams.

    The team determines who will guess and who will guess. Usually the roles change during the game. The guesser takes the entire deck in his hands, turns the clock over and begins to explain the words. He does not take them in a row or at random - the number of the word must correspond to the number on which their team chip is located.

    For example: the chip is on the field with the number “3”, which means it explains the word number 3. As soon as the correct answer is given, this card is put aside and the explanation for the third word is announced on the next one, and so on for as long as possible.

    Important: the words must be guessed exactly in the form in which they are indicated. The singular number instead of the plural, synonyms, simply the same root are not counted.

    While the sand is pouring in the hourglass, you need to have time to explain as many words as possible. For each correct answer, the team is awarded 1 point, and the chip takes a step forward.

    As soon as the clock runs out of sand, the other team shouts “Stop!” If the explanation is interrupted in the middle, then all teams can race to guess it and earn 1 extra point.

    Afterwards, the used cards are removed to the bottom of the pile, and the turn is transferred to the next team.

    For the game, private players are divided into several teams.


    There are circles on the field marked with a thief figure. If a team passes by this, then on the next turn they act according to the following scheme:

    • do not use hourglasses;
    • guess words from only five cards;
    • and most importantly, any team can give answers and receive points for them.

    There is no such clause in the “alias for kids” - so as not to complicate the rules and not cause offense among the participants.


    At the end of each turn, points are counted. For each word guessed, 1 point is awarded, allowing you to take a step forward. For each word that is not guessed or missed (if the player cannot explain the word, it can be skipped) - 1 penalty point. “Penalty” cards are placed in a separate pile. It’s easy to get a fine if you name the word itself or the same root when explaining it. For the amount of fines, the team moves back along the field.


    The winning conditions are even simpler than the rules. You just need to be the first to reach the finish line. Therefore it is required:

    Purpose of the game

    The far-reaching goal of “Alias, or Say Otherwise” is the development of vocabulary and intelligence. A list of words may be completely unexpected and open up gaps in your knowledge.

    If in editions for adults the main reason why they sit down to play is the desire to have a fun and crazy time, then the children's analogue, Elias Junior, is even more educational than entertaining.

    The goal of the game “Alias, or Say Otherwise” is to develop vocabulary and intelligence.

    Major Additions

    As already mentioned, the game has many versions - both stand-alone and compatible with the basic set. These are “alias for kids”, and “alias party”, and travel kits, and completely crazy and unusual ones.

    "Elias Compact"

    A very, very compact version that is easy to take with you. Only 800 words on 50 double-sided cards and a small playing field. A group of Elias fans will love the ability to simply throw the pack into their bag and enjoy the game anytime, anywhere.

    Board game "Alias ​​junior"

    The “alias for children” set is the simplest “guessing game” in the entire series. It is suitable even for those kids who do not yet know how to read, because there is only one word on the cards, and each is accompanied by a picture. You can explain not only with phrases, but also with singing or just sounds. If you guess right, you step forward; if you don’t guess right, you step back. There are no unnecessary complications in “alias junior”.

    The Elias Junior Compact game differs from it only in a small box that you can put in your pocket and then entertain the kids on the road. And for a children's party, an “Elias party for children” is suitable - with additional tasks that make the process more fun.

    Set of "alias for children".

    Board game "Alias ​​party"

    The board game "Elias Party" will be an indispensable addition to a fun party. Simple basic rules diversify the new ways of explanation found on the field, and roulette introduces an element of surprise. There are as many as 400 cards, among them not only ordinary words, but also lists of celebrities and emotions.

    An indispensable addition to a fun party.

    The “Party 2” set also includes forfeits, which can further entertain the party in the process of guessing the mystery. “Elias Party Compact” is a small box with fifty double-sided cards and a notepad instead of a playing field.

    For “Elias Party” the “Crazy Version” (“alias crazy”) will be an excellent competitor, which will blow everyone’s mind with as many as two hundred ways of explanation. Of course, you can refuse to participate in this madness and explain, as usual, but then you will have to move across the field not forward, but backward, which is somewhat offensive.

    “Elias the Crazy Version” will blow your mind with as many as two hundred ways of explanation.

    "Elias genius version" especially for scholars.

    Super-trainer for erudites! The cards have not words, but letters, and from the letters you get, you first need to come up with something, and only then explain it. If it’s really difficult, you can pay with points to replace the letters.

    "Elias for the whole family"

    “Alias ​​Family” is a kind chamber edition that can be played by groups of three or more people. The teams are formed anew every turn. The cards have two levels of difficulty - “family” and “adults”. The goal is not to tear apart your rivals, but to have a fun evening with your family.

    "Elias Who am I?"

    200 cards with celebrities that players become during their turn. The explainer’s task is to describe the person whose card is attached to the guesser’s forehead. At speed, of course.

    Another great party version. Girls go to one team, boys to another. Ladies have a deck with various “masculine” concepts, for example, “tool belt,” while gentlemen have a deck with “feminine” ones, like “studs” or “eye cream.” And try to explain!

    In this version it's girls versus boys.

    By and large, all games, except for “alias for kids,” can be combined with the base game and with each other.

    The board game Alias ​​or Say Otherwise is one of the most popular in Russia today. Colorful packaging, a convenient playing field and simple rules are the first half of its obvious advantages. The second half is, in fact, the gameplay itself.

    It's great that as your child grows up, you can choose versions for his age, thereby increasing the level of difficulty. So there is a game for the little ones, a game suitable for children aged 5 years and older.

    If you are planning to throw a party, then this is for you, which is suitable not only for children, but also for adults! This board game will be a hit in any company! When traveling or visiting, your undoubted helpers will be compact ones - , . They will definitely not let your children get bored and will undoubtedly leave pleasant memories and create a sincere atmosphere!

    Alias ​​rules are easy to remember, but impossible to forget (just as it is impossible to forget how to ride a bike), the number of players is practically unlimited - whatever suits your company! And finally, the game Say Otherwise doesn’t get boring: you can’t play it twice and still play exactly the same!

    Rules of the board game Alias

    The players are divided into teams (from two people), solve the issue of order, agree within the team who will be the explainer and who will be the perceiver, determine the numbers of words on the cards, set an hourglass and try to understand each other for a minute.

    In the board game Elias, we say “NO!” to cognate constructions. We consider pointing at surrounding objects with a finger in order to explain a word to be a weakness! Circling your hand in the air and mooing, you see, have little in common with word games.

    The Alias ​​or Say Otherwise process itself looks something like this: the explaining player gathers his linguistic courage, pulls out any card, finds a word with a certain number, and tries to explain its meaning to the other player so that he names the hidden word. If there are more than two players, all allied (team) participants can guess the word.

    You can place an order and buy the Alias ​​game in our store today. Don't wait, a sea of ​​impressions awaits you!

    In this review, you will learn about the most interesting word games that will come in handy more than once: at a party, at a party, with a group of friends. Stormy laughter, tense train of thoughts and general excitement are guaranteed to you. In addition, these games have a number of advantages:

    • The number of participants in them, as a rule, is easily replicated from 2-3 to a very large group of participants, which means you can play it with your family and friends.
    • They expand their horizons and vocabulary, teach them to think, fantasize, invent and create.
    • Many games in this direction are suitable for foreign language learners to remember words and remove the language barrier. For beginners, you can take games where words need to be explained with gestures or drawings, and for advanced ones, where you need to explain words. Expansion of vocabulary in a foreign language is guaranteed)).
    • and of course it’s great leisure time with bright positive emotions!


    The simplest game that does not require props, although there is “Crocodile” in a printed version with ready-made tasks. You can play as a team against a team, or have one player explain the word to everyone playing.

    • In the team version, the first team thinks of a word and tells it to the opponents' representative. He must depict the word using gestures and facial expressions to his team; words and sounds cannot be used. But you can nod or shake your head in response to your team’s versions. As a rule, the team that guessed the word bursts out laughing at this time, seeing the fruitless efforts of their opponents. If the word is guessed, the teams change roles. Each time a new player comes out to demonstrate.
    • In the case of a “single game”, the word is guessed by the previous driver, and the next one explains it. Whoever guessed right goes out to drive.

    Secret Keeper

    Another game that does not require props, but is designed for older ages. Carefully! A very exciting and extremely mind-blowing game! The presenter thinks of a well-known phrase, slogan or quote. Indicates the number of words in a phrase, after which players ask the “keeper” any questions. Each answer must contain a word from the hidden phrase. The answer must be contained in one sentence. By analyzing the presenter's answers, the players give out their version of the "secret".


    Alias ​​is a classic! In the game “Alias” or “Say Otherwise” you need to explain the hidden word in other words. The game is played against time; while explaining words, you can use synonyms and antonyms, but you cannot use words with the same root. The classic game has a lot to offer - 2,400 words and phrases to solve.

    In addition to the classic one, Alias ​​is available in several versions:

    • Alias ​​for parties - here you need not only to explain the words, but also to compose stories, portray emotions, and also parody famous people.
    • Alias ​​for kids with drawings on cards for children who cannot yet read.
    • Alias ​​for the whole family - players of any age can participate: for this purpose, the cards are divided into “family” and “adults”. This is not a team version of the game, everyone plays for themselves.
    • Alias ​​is a brilliant version - before you start explaining a word, you need to come up with it.
    • Alias ​​on dice is an interesting version of the game in which words are formed from letters on dice.


    This is a similar series of board games to explain words and phrases. Depending on the version of the game, you need to explain it in other words, show it in pantomime, or draw it. The classic version of the game has more than 2500 words, recommended from 12 years of age.

    But you can also take a special series for children: “Activities for children” from 8 years old and “Activities for kids”. The latter differs from the classic version of Activity in its “tiny” design (two cute wooden elephants on a winding path) and simple rules. If you guessed the word - the elephant is moving forward. The game has both cards with words and pictures for those who do not yet know how to read. Words can be explained in words, drawings, pantomime.


    Several talented authors from Japan have come up with an exciting game called Imagine, in which you have to explain words to each other. And you will have to explain in an unusual way: with the help of transparent cards, without a single sound or gesture. The set contains 60 transparent cards with drawings. Cards can be combined, rotated, and overlapped. It looks very unusual and, on the one hand, seems quite simple, but on the other hand, it requires good imagination in order to explain the word as clearly as possible.

    The game is recommended from the age of 10, but in our opinion, it is also suitable for younger children. The words on the cards are quite simple, but if they still seem difficult for the child, you can come up with your own. So even 5-year-olds can play the game! You can even play it together, so we would highly recommend having it in your arsenal of games.


    The task in this game remains the same: to explain the words, but doing this is much more difficult: when explaining, you cannot pronounce the taboo words indicated on the card, as well as words with the same root. This is not so easy to do!

    The number of players can be from 4 to 16. In our experience, you can play with children from about 8-9 years old (by default it is recommended from 13 years old) and if you come across an incomprehensible word, then skip it and take the next one. The game is played against time, so dynamism and a wide range of turbulent experiences are guaranteed to you :). And here are some examples of tasks:


    In our opinion, one of the most interesting games in this direction, however, you won’t be able to play it with small children. The game is recommended for ages 10 and up. The word and phrase cards have three levels of difficulty, ranging from easy to very difficult. Children can explain words of the first level, adults - second and third. Not only the person explaining it, but also the other participants will have to rack their brains. The word must be explained using a set of pictograms depicted on the playing field.

    The presenter places plastic concept markers on the general game field, trying to hint at the hidden word or phrase. Each pictogram can represent several similar meanings, the interpretation of which is given on additional cards. There are 4 of them (and in our opinion, not enough if there are many participants), but this does not detract from the pleasure of the game. The game is very dynamic, bright, with strong emotions, laughter and non-trivial solutions, perfectly developing imagination and intelligence!


    In the game, you must be the first to reach the finish line on the playing field by drawing cards from the deck and explaining the words written on them. There are several different ways to explain words: you need to sing, write poetry, draw... The more complex the explanation method the players choose, the more moves they move their piece. The explanation of the word is also limited by time (an hourglass is included), if the team guesses the word correctly, they move forward. There are also special places on the playing field that allow you to move forward or receive a special task. The game was released in two versions: from 11 years old and for children from 7 years old. In the nursery, the words are very simple and you can try playing with younger children.


    The gaming technique is very similar to Positivium: teams also advance across the playing field by guessing words. Methods of explanation will also require the use of a wide variety of skills: you will have to not only explain with words, but also play Danetki, sculpt a word from plasticine (included in the kit), draw it, or even sing a song with a hidden word. The way to explain the word is chosen by dice. If the team guesses correctly, it moves forward along the playing field by the number of points drawn.

    It must be said that the game is extremely unique in terms of the selection of words for explanation, so it is not suitable for children, unless from adolescence, and then it is a very big question. If you are thinking about purchasing, look online for examples of cards first. In proposal useful words for explanationsthere are many names of dishes, isto ric personalities, singers and actresses, names of films, television programs, and if you are not a TV fan and do not know popular TV programs, the game may turn out to be “missing”, as happened with us. In addition, there is vocabulary of a non-childish nature (zombie apocalypse, black demobilization, starburst), which we also did not like, but... “the taste and color of felt-tip pens are different.”


    If you draw a hedgehog and it looks like a saw with eyes, that means you draw well enough to play Pictomania! All players draw at the same time, I try to explain the hidden word, but at the same time trying to understand before others what the others are drawing. Once you have guessed what one of the “pictomaniac artists” is drawing, use your guess card. Bonus points are awarded for the speed of completing the task and correct guesses.

    But if you think that you will get away with a sketchy drawing “so that no one will guess”, this is completely in vain)). It is not profitable for players to draw poorly. The fewer opponents guess what you drew, the fewer points you earn. The game offers four levels of difficulty; children can handle the easiest ones, and adults will have to think about the most difficult ones. How, for example, do you draw “mistrust”? Or not to confuse “prince”, “prince” and “king” when guessing? The game has 99 double-sided cards with 1386 tasks. The game is very cute and arouses keen interest among children up to 99 years old inclusive).


    In contact with

    In Game Say otherwise play in teams of two or more people. The main idea of ​​the game is to explain words to your teammates in other words, using for example synonyms, antonyms and clues so that your team members can guess as many words as possible before time runs out. The more words a team guesses, the more steps it can take on the playing board. In the game Say Otherwise/Party, words can be explained in completely new and incredible ways. The team that reaches the finish line first wins the game.

    Progress of the game

    1. Set the rotating arrow on the playing board.
    2. Place the Word cards face down in separate piles next to each team. Place the Position and Emoticon cards face down in the spaces marked for them on the game board.
    3. Each team takes a blank Celebrity card and writes 8 names on it, for example, the names of acquaintances and friends. Then mix these cards with the rest of the Celebrity cards, divide them into two piles and place them face down on the game board.
    4. Each team selects a playing piece and places it on the Start field.
    5. Teams take turns choosing a player to explain the words in the first round. This player takes a number of cards with words on the playing board (10-15 pieces). Each card has 8 words. Then the other teams choose a number from 1 to 8, for example - 4. The hourglass turns over and the player begins to explain the word number 4 (see Explanation of words). When the team guesses the correct answer, the explainer puts the card on the table and begins to explain word number 4 on the next card.
    6. When the clock runs out of sand, the other teams shout “Stop!” If the player then continues to explain the word, then all teams have the right to guess. The team that gives the correct answer the fastest wins and has the right to make one move forward on the playing board.
    7. The number of cards on the table shows how many moves forward a team can make (see Errors and Omissions).
    8. The right of turn passes to the next team. Used cards are returned to the bottom of the deck. Unused cards are passed on to the next explainer, who may also want to take some new cards from the board.
    9. The number fields on the playing board are numbered from 1 to 8 and now the number of the word that must be explained will be determined by the number on which the team piece is located. Team members take turns explaining the words.
    10. There are also Party fields on the playing board. When a team piece lands on one of these spaces at the start of its turn, a special explanation is applied (see Party Explanations). Successful completion of the "Party" tasks entitles the team to spin the bonus "spinning top" in the middle of the playing board and move forward faster!
    11. The team that reaches the finish line first wins the game!

    Errors and omissions

    If the explaining player makes a mistake, for example, he names part of the word indicated on the card, the word will not be accepted and the team must make one move back. Therefore, each team must listen carefully to the explanations of other teams. For example, if a team guessed 6 words, but the explainer made two mistakes, then the team moves 4 fields forward (6-2 = 4). If a word seems too heavy, you can skip it, but remember that this will cost you one move back. However, sometimes it's worth it because you can save time.

    Explanation of the "Party" field

    Every time a team manages to successfully complete the task of the “Party” field, they have the right to spin a top, which gives bonus points (1-3). This means that the team can advance the number of spaces they guessed, plus the number of steps indicated by the arrow. The hourglass is used in the same way as in normal explanations.

    Board games are not only interesting, but also useful. For example, many of them help expand vocabulary, develop imagination and improve ingenuity. One of these games was the game Alias ! Perhaps not everyone is familiar with this name, but we are sure that everyone knows this game! Some people are used to calling it “Say Otherwise.” The second name lifts the veil of secrecy and allows you to guess what the essence of the game is. The main task of the players is to explain the solved word in other words. In this case, participants can use synonyms or antonyms, help themselves with gestures and facial expressions. A game Alias very useful, because it helps to expand your vocabulary and learn to express your thoughts. Moreover, thanks to Alias You can learn a foreign language well, because you can play not only in your native language!

    Alias ​​board game includes:

    • folding field;
    • chips;
    • hourglass;
    • cards;

    First of all, participants need to divide into teams. Each team must have at least 2 people. Each team receives its own chip and places it at the starting position. Next, you need to select the language in which you will play. Once the choice is made, you can begin!

    Each move, one of the team members will explain the words to others, the others' task is to guess. We turn over the hourglass and one of the players reveals the first card! He needs to explain to his colleagues the word under the number on which the team chip is located. The player explains the word associatively, without naming it or using cognates. If colleagues guess the word, the explainer puts down the card and takes the next one. As soon as the time has expired, all the guessed cards are recounted and the team takes steps forward, the number of which is equal to the number of cards guessed.

    When a team makes a mistake, it receives a penalty minus point. In addition, the player may receive a minus on his decision if he does not know how to explain the word. If, as a result of the movement, a team’s piece lands on a black square or crosses it, on the next move, a representative of this team explains the words to everyone, and not just to the members of their group. In this case, the hourglass is not used; the player’s task is to explain 5 words.

    The winner is the team that is the first to complete one circle around the playing field.

    A game Alias simple and very exciting. There are many modifications of this game. For example, there is a family version, even a small number of people can play it. For this purpose, a special roulette was created, with the help of which each participant finds a partner and explains the word to him. In addition, the cards in this game are divided depending on the difficulty level, so both adults and children can play it. For the little ones, the creators came up with a special version called “Junior”. Children over the age of five can play it. Hand-drawn cards were created for the little ones, so even if the child cannot read yet, he will be able to play Alias ! Among other things, there is a genius version of the game, a crazy version and a party version!

    Alias - check how rich your vocabulary is!

    Danchishina Tatyana, 04/06/2015