What kind of man does a rat woman need? Rat man - Rat woman: compatibility, relationships

A woman born in the year of the Rat has a pleasant appearance and a sentimental character. If she loves someone, it will be for real. Compatibility of Rat women with different signs can be both good and bad. A girl born this year is distinguished by her gullibility and emotionality. The Rat's mood can change abruptly, without obvious reasons.

That is why, in a conversation with such a woman, before speaking, you need to think a hundred times. Also, do not forget that a woman born in the year of the Rat can hide self-interest and prudence behind her beauty. When meeting a Rat for the first time, you need to be careful. The fiery characteristic of this zodiac sign helps people born in the year of the Rat to achieve considerable heights both at work and in family life.

General characteristics of the Rat woman

If you carefully read and study what characteristics a Rat girl has, it becomes clear that people born this year are distinguished by their kindness, balanced character and desire for life. Such people rarely come into conflict, both at work and with their chosen one, but they expect similar qualities from their partner. Compatibility in sex, love, friendship or at work among representatives of the sign is not successful with all people.

When meeting a person for the first time, the Rat girl first looks at who suits her best in terms of type and character, and then she lets her chosen one get closer.

This is where the prudence and self-interest of such a sign manifests itself. If you find an approach to a representative of the sign, the Rat will thank you and will be happy and in a great mood all the time. Rat people do not tolerate ignorance, since they themselves are educated and well-mannered people.

Rat Woman in Love

Women born in the year of the Rat are ready in love for any reckless actions for the sake of their chosen one. The Rat girl has a very romantic nature and does not hide it. Sexual relationships with your partner remain for many years. The rat is immersed in the family. In marriage, such women prefer monetary well-being. She is a housewife, it is difficult to take her by surprise, because she is always clean and tidy.

Rats value family ties very much and constantly take part in all family matters. Rats try to give themselves to their family, children, and husband. However, the Rat woman monitors the career growth of her husband and helps him in every possible way to advance his career.

Compatibility of the Rat woman according to the horoscope

Successful compatibility for a Rat woman will be with a man born under the following zodiac signs:

  • Sagittarius

Compatibility in sex, love and friendship with different horoscope signs largely depends on what element controls them. Men born under the sign of the elements of earth and air are perfect for the Rat woman. A representative of this sign should not connect her relationships with people who are secretive, melancholic and do not know what they want from life. Rat girls love it when their future partner is open to the world, enjoys everything around him and gives this positive energy to his companion.

Compatibility of the Rat woman according to the eastern horoscope with other signs


The compatibility of the Rat man and woman according to the eastern horoscope is quite successful than with other signs. Long-term relationships can begin between Rats. Both partners prefer a strong family and stable relationships. They also have a good character, which makes it possible to understand their partner and cope with all matters together.


The marriage of an Ox and a Rat can be called quite strong and happy. Compared to other signs, the Ox and Rat often live to see their golden wedding. They have a common energy, which allows them to get along well with each other. Spouses can always count on each other's support.


Such a couple has practically nothing in common, this also applies to the intimate part of family life. The representative of the sign needs a completely opposite attitude from her companion. The Tiger husband will accuse his wife of commercialism and the fact that she fetters him and does not allow him to breathe peacefully. The spouse in such a union will also not be able to achieve her goals and the Tiger will suppress her.

Rat-Cat (Rabbit)

A marriage between a Rat and a Cat (Rabbit) will be happy only if both partners want it. Usually such unions are unsuccessful, since they have completely different views on life and characters. If, after all, such a couple lives together for a long time, it will be the merit of both spouses. This means the partners managed to find a compromise.


Among all men, the Dragon is distinguished by its majesty, beautiful appearance, assertiveness, and at first glance, an alliance with an intelligent and sensible Rat is not possible. But despite this, they have a wonderful relationship and are comfortable being together. Throughout their entire life together, such unions are characterized by: a happy marriage, a profitable business, friendship, the sexual side of their life is full of novelty and delightful moments.


It is very difficult to imagine an ideal union with a Snake. Rather, these relationships resemble a kind of competition and test of strength. Such a union cannot be harmonious, since envy and jealousy will simply strangle the partners. A woman and her future companion, Ophiuchus, do not pay attention to each other even at the first meeting. It seems that on a subconscious level they are afraid to get closer.


Great emotional experiences, pitfalls and obstacles await an alliance with a Horse man. It is very difficult for them to be together due to the fact that they do not have complete mutual understanding and there is a huge difference in temperament. In this couple, the spouse needs spiritual and physical freedom of action, while the wife, on the contrary, needs peace, stability and security.

Rat-Goat (Sheep)

Judging by the eastern horoscope, it becomes clear that the relationship between the Rat and the Goat is ambivalent and rarely long-lasting and successful. They have completely opposite life views. The Goat (Sheep) handles all life's troubles with ease and absolute calm, and this becomes a problem for the spouse, because for him, order in relationships and the financial side are very important.


Referring to the Eastern horoscope, it becomes clear that the Rat and the Monkey are the happiest and most durable union. Which of these signs will rule in the house is not important to them, because they are so harmonious that they can agree on everything in the world. They have the same interests and habits. They also share a sense of purpose and incredible intelligence. In society, both partners are always the center of attention due to their sociability.


Problematic and very complex is the union between the representative of the sign and the Rooster man. The woman in this union does not show any desire to support her companion in his aspirations. Therefore, it is very difficult for them to find a common language and understand each other. There is no diplomatic relations or delicacy between the partners. In case of failure, they both shift the blame onto each other.

Rat-Pig (Boar)

Horoscope compatibility with the Pig is very good. In comparison with other signs of the eastern calendar, the Rat-Pig union is considered happy. This is a great tandem. The husband and his companion will try to understand each other and unite their interests. There are practically no scandals in this union.

A person born in the year of the Rat is endowed with a developed imagination and can sometimes be a creator, but more often he is an excellent critic, and listening to his advice is very useful.

When is the year of the Rat?

Years of the Rat: 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008.

The rat is considered the active guardian of the gene pool of humanity; she is a symbol of constant concern hidden under the mask of external calm.

One of the main reasons for the success in life of people born in the year of the Rat lies in their ability to keep both their own and other people’s business secrets and personal secrets.

In addition, living in the present and its possibilities, they never forget to think about the future and make any reserves for future use.

In the year of the Rat, save for the future; read good books that will be published; expect political surprises.

A good year for Rats, Oxen, Dragons, Monkeys and Pigs; bad year for Tigers, Rabbits, Horses, Goats and Roosters; neutral year for Snakes and Dogs.

Rat according to the horoscope: what kind of person is she?

As a rule, a person of the year of the Rat has a pleasant appearance, she is endowed with charm and charm, attractive, purposeful, hardworking and neat to the point of pedantry.

At the same time, the Rat is aggressive, and although at first glance it seems calm, balanced and cheerful, do not believe it.

In fact, the person of the year of the Rat is in constant excitement, she is nervous and restless, and easily gets angry. She can rightfully be called the creator of chaos and confusion, in any case, she is a brawler.

The Rat is honest and open, but at the same time willingly gossips in warm company. She loves gatherings, never trusts anyone, and does not talk about her worries. He strives to extract benefit and profit from everything.

The Rat constantly uses his charm, and often abuses it.

Rats can succeed in financial affairs, in politics, and become popular artists. They are more willing to do mental work than physical work. They usually achieve a lot in life.

The rat is adorable. This is the first and most important fact to remember, and it is partly for this reason that it is so easy to fall in love with this particularly energetic and active person born in the year of the rat.

His love is deep, it is addictive and it gives everything - at least for a while.

However, to say that a rat is not capable of being a little fickle is to admit the same inaccuracy that will slip into the words of a rat from time to time.

Meanwhile, it is very difficult not to react to the compliments that the Rat is inclined to lavish.

Those born in the year of the Rat can charm more easily than others, their words are like warm, flowing honey: as sweet and as powerful as the strongest wine.

If a person born in the year of the Rat wants to give his attention, it is impossible to resist, so at least you will not doubt the feelings of your potential partner.

Nor does the rat tend to insist on formality, no matter what you think, so if you are too modest, you may find yourself under a little pressure from the very beginning.

The Rat will dominate everything for you, but don't be surprised if it wants to win you in everything.

The point is not that this person is not able to recognize your individuality, it’s just that the fighting instinct is inherent in his nature and forces him to always be the first.

You will succeed if you make your feelings clear from the very beginning. At least after this the rat will never be able to say that you didn’t do it.

The second part of the Rat's life is usually stormy, but old age is as calm as one could wish for. But it all depends on whether the Rat was born in summer or winter. If in the summer, then she will be forced to search for food.

Character of the Rat according to the horoscope

This person has a lot of vital energy, although most of it is spent on the more routine aspects of life, and only a small amount is spent on those necessary little things that make relationships stronger.

According to the horoscope, the Rat is capable of great success, although it is just as likely to fail. Even a collapse will not break the eternally optimistic rat, which will simply start all over again, most likely as confident as before.

Understanding what makes a rat nervous is not that difficult, nor is it difficult to love it if its qualities match your personal preferences.

According to the horoscope, the Rat is capable of kindling the fire of love in almost any other sign, and, of course, it is very romantic.

At the same time, a rat can forget you quite quickly, since a lot depends on what is happening in other areas of its life, because for it there are always too few hours in the day.

It is very important for her to get along with her neighbors, but only in order to compare herself with them and judge the level of success achieved.

People around them often consider people of the Year of the Rat to be overly loving.

However, if there are no purely karmic debts regarding love, the behavior of such people in intimate life is always practical and never goes to the detriment of their own interests.

The worst representatives of this year (both men and women) are often ready to ruin someone else’s life for their own pleasure and, alas, do not hesitate to build their own happiness on someone else’s misfortune.

The Rat quickly gets tired of a measured and traditional life and prefers change and variety wherever possible, including in bed.

Of course, we all know how dangerous this can be today, and this lifestyle does have a number of disadvantages compared to more stable and permanent relationships.

Then, if you direct your gaze in the direction of someone born in the year of the rat, you are on the right path, because in this case changes will constantly occur around you that will lead to nothing.

Sex for people of the year of the Rat. First, remember that those born in the year of the Rat are great lovers of variety and can create it very easily.

This alone should spice up your sex life no end, although don't expect the rat's many activities to be limited to the bedroom - far from it.

If your rat partner is somewhat typical, you can expect sex both indoors and outdoors, at every possible hour of the day or night, and probably when you least expect it.

You will have all this, but the real difficulties will begin not when the rat demands your sexual attention, but when it stops doing so.

If this happens, an alarm bell should ring in your head, in response to which you must do something tempting to prevent the rat from leaving your cage for another.

All rats, male and female, have a good sexual appetite, although since this is an intellectual sign, you must remember that the rat's appetite can be both mental and physical.

Therefore, fantasy plays an important role in the life of a rat, which is true both in sex and in any other area of ​​​​life.

Years of the Rat and their elements

Time of domination

Yang or yin

Rat element Water

Quite a pleasant person, because the natural friendliness of the Rat is enhanced by the presence of Water.

The rat of the water element knows exactly what he wants from life, which cannot always be said about other brothers in the element.

If the object of her desire is you, then you will soon be surrounded by pleasant and slightly old-fashioned attention, roses and all the riches of the rat’s heart will come into your life.

The Rat of the Water element is brave and honest (as honest as a person born in the year of the Rat can be).

She will certainly try to make such a strong impression that you will lose ground under your feet and will soon find yourself in a position that most suits the rat with its rather ardent character.

Although the Water Rat demands attention, it is probably the easiest to fall in love with, as it has so many positive characteristics that sometimes they seem too good to be true.

In this case, we say that this is a person who is definitely capable of achieving success, although not to the same extent as some other Rats. But as compensation, he received charm and a sense of humor, which made life with him extremely interesting.

Never underestimate the strong intuition of the Water Rat and its poetic nature, which is more developed than that of ordinary rats.

It would be fair to say that the rat has a healthy temperament and does not tolerate fools. If you are ready to offer yourself to her without reserve, then you are unlikely to lose anything except your inhibitions. This person is worth getting to know better.

Rat element Wood

  • It should be said that the Rat is one of the cutest liars in the entire Chinese zoo.
  • All rats are charming and quite capable of coaxing a crow to drop the cheese from its beak.
  • But what can sometimes be questionable is the sincerity of their efforts, because after you turn your back on them, they may well start saying the same words to other people.
  • If there are exceptions to this rule, then this is the Rat of the Wood element, who is more inclined than others to remain faithful to one partner (at least not to have a second one). Overall, she is much more reliable than most other Rats.
  • All Rats are generous, and this is especially true when the character is ruled by Wood.
  • However, it is worth taking a closer look at the Wood Rat’s generosity, since she is also capable of achieving success in the financial sphere. It's not that she wants to deceive anyone.
  • The Rat of the Wood element chooses very carefully, and in exchange for money or effort wants to get a good price. This means that at the beginning of a relationship she may be attracted to hunting, but since this is only half of what she wants, there are usually no complaints about her behavior.
  • Perhaps in this case the Rat has a slightly less actively developed imagination, but, on the other hand, this is compensated by greater constancy.
  • For many potential partners, this exchange may seem quite reasonable. But I won't mislead you. The Wood Rat is active, enterprising, always ready to be romantic and has a never-ending supply of energy.

Rat element Earth

  • It is necessary to understand that all Rats are active, sociable and always on the way to something more. However, if there are exceptions to this rule in the Rat family, then they are among the Earth Rats, who by their nature are more cautious and constant.
  • Of course, they are not deprived of the ability to achieve their own in life, characteristic of all representatives of the rat clan, although the earth rat will have to work longer and harder to achieve the desired goal.
  • In addition, the Rat of the Earth element will enjoy the fruits of the success achieved longer.
  • As for deeper relationships, they can only arise if you see the Rat often, and she is so busy with her work that she instantly disappears from this scene.
  • Earth Rats are capable of sincerity and are less likely to betray you than other rats.
  • They will be good parents, ready to happily create a happy family. Of course, none of this matters if you don't get to know the Earth Rat better, so I advise you not only to live, but also to work with her.
  • This way, at least you will have the opportunity to talk to her from time to time, and she will understand you better. In general, this is a very positive person who will most likely be pleasant to have around.

Rat element Metal

  • Regardless of whether we are dealing with a man or a woman, their character will have to be taken into account. All rats know how to achieve what they want, but the Metal Rat does it even better than other varieties of the rat kingdom.
  • She has a very good tongue, and she won’t get lost on the first date.
  • However, inducing her to do something other than flirting or a short romance will not be so easy, since the Rat of the Metal element loves independence and prefers to be at the helm in any situation.
  • She has a huge sense of self-importance, so from early morning until late evening, the Metal Rat is busy, she always has another “big project” that needs to be dealt with.
  • At the same time, the rat is capable of achieving material success even after a rather unimpressive start.
  • Some will say that the rat lacks integrity and moral core, although this is not entirely true about it.
  • She has magnetism, so it will be difficult to dislike her, and the ability to live at the forefront of what is happening, which is not suitable for every potential partner.
  • It is doubtful that you will ever be able to understand the Metal Rat as deeply as you would like, because the character of a given person constantly changes depending on circumstances.
  • The Rat of the Metal element is a good lover, although deep down she is usually worried about something more important, so it will be difficult to tie her to one thing.
  • It is always important for her to make an impression, to make a good joke, because rats are famous for their sense of humor. Metal Rats are usually very good looking and sexy. They are charming and active.

Rat element Fire

  • The main area of ​​Fire, in this case, seems to be in the tail of the Rat, because its speed and agility are almost beyond comprehension.
  • She is a born car salesman, and is ready, if necessary, to persuade people to buy her product in any environment.
  • If the Rat of the Fire element is busy looking for a partner to live together or just to flirt with and her gaze is fixed on you, get ready to hear declarations of unearthly love that no mortal could dream of.
  • Whether you fall in love with it or not depends largely on whether you plan to buy a new car in the near future!
  • As our grandmothers often say, “you can’t spread words on bread,” and this is exactly the advice that is worth listening to in this case.
  • However, you should not immediately believe that the Fire Rat is superficial. All Rats are capable of sincere and strong love and are usually successful enough to get what they want.
  • Mr. Fire Rat can be quite jealous by nature, but will not be prepared for you to show the same feelings.
  • Miss Fire Rat's attention will be drawn to almost any socially significant event, and, frankly, she needs constant supervision.
  • In life, it is always good to know in advance what you will get in the future, but in the case of the Fire Rat, it is so difficult to look beyond the barrier of words and numerous bouquets of roses that you need to think carefully before deciding on a serious relationship with her.
  • It is best to stall for time and not succumb to her charm from the very first minute. At least this way you will have the opportunity to get to know the fire rat better and make an informed decision.
  • The worst fire rats are not the ones that appear in front of you regularly. Such people do not play with your emotions, they mold them like clay!

The mouse leads the Chinese zodiac. The Rat Woman is a domineering nature. This is its common feature with the Monkey and the Dragon. Not distinguished by natural beauty, he attracts the gaze of others with his demeanor, clothing, speech and ability to present himself to his interlocutor.

Rat woman personality characteristics

In the East, the Mouse belongs to a masculine sign, therefore women born in the year of the Mouse have a nature with masculine qualities. They are energetic, courageous in making decisions, do not sit still, have great activity and potential to achieve goals. The girl loves to demonstrate her own wealth and independence. A terrible opponent - ready for a long and brutal fight.

A woman born in the year of the Rat attracts men with her inner charm and sweet appearance. An interesting conversationalist with a vivid imagination. In communication he cannot stand lies, he speaks the truth, but manages not to offend anyone.

Maintaining her appearance is important to her, so Mouse's closet is filled with clothes. In his actions he achieves the final result, leaving no unfinished business. You can cooperate with her, because the lady does not make premature conclusions and will not affect the interests of the person with whom she is connected. Every acquaintance is beneficial in some way; quarreling is not in her interests.

She doesn’t waste money, but she’s ready to spend everything for those she likes. You should not fall for the girl’s gaiety and external calm. Anyone who talks longer will see her from the other side: a restless, aggressive, tense Rat.

A woman personifies the zodiac sign to the fullest. Dangerous things stand in her way. He has rational thinking and frightens those around him with an aura of unlimited power. Men are attracted to such an atmosphere, the lady seems sexy to them, and openness completes the deal.

Close friends are a rarity in life, because the rodent is prone to criticism. Unlike many other signs, she is quick in making decisions, so she has a hard time withstanding the slowness of others. Dating for the sake of dating is also not part of the plans of the practical Mouse. The desire to get married is very strong, since the girl highly values ​​family life, which provides security. An excellent housewife, mother, wife - that's all the Rat. A woman will easily support her husband and become a muse, but constant mood swings can drive any spouse crazy.

Ladies of this sign create coziness and comfort in the home, they are caring and diligent. She loves to cook, sew and knit, and arrange her nest. The only negative is frequent forgetfulness. They don’t even know what kind of clothes are hanging on the hangers, and they constantly buy new things that continue to hang unused. He buys everything indiscriminately and tries to take it to his nest. Things are bought inexpensively, often at sales, satisfying the needs of the Rat born in the year.

The woman’s characteristics indicate stupid things that are often committed in youth. Because of this, her personal life is not going well, but she does not lose heart. He calms down and starts again. He easily falls into a trap, despite his excellent intuition and ability to understand people.

The Rat woman, whose characteristics are multifaceted, in life is divided into two types: extroverts - those who like to communicate, and introverts - closed, unsociable individuals. It is difficult to predict the steps of a rodent, since even the most open-looking lady will never talk about her affairs. She also hides her emotions, but if you touch a sore spot, you will immediately find out about her problems. He treats other women with distrust, especially after marriage.

How to win a rat woman

Such a woman is a rare dreamer; it is better to arrange a first date in a fantasy style. The best place would be a restaurant stylized as an old castle, a horror movie, or a Halloween-themed party.

The girl pays attention to the manners of her gentleman; he must impress the zodiac sign with his neat appearance and achievements. The Rat woman is romantic and mysterious, but don’t be surprised that after the first date you find yourself in her bed.

If he loves you, it will be obvious right away. As soon as the beloved asks for something, she will instantly fulfill it. In response, he expects passion and madness. Will be faithful until there is a reason to change. This is what the eastern horoscope says. The female rat will reproach herself for a long time and will eventually confess. Cheating on the part of a partner is fatal - the zodiac sign will remember this all its life. In the event of a breakup, the furry animal will arrange everything as if it was the other half who was to blame for everything.

A gift for a magical girl should be unusual. The practical value is not important, the main thing is the antiquity and uniqueness that emanates from the present. To easily break up with the Rat, just invite her to a banal place.

Rat woman career horoscope

A woman born in the year of the Rat achieves heights in society. She has a sharp mind and quickly navigates in any situation. Smart and creative, if you want it, you will succeed. She likes intellectual work, where she can demonstrate a brilliant mind.

The rat who became the boss is a gift for his subordinates. Honest and impartial, always protects employees. She's not someone who works for free. The lady of this sign will take responsibility only after calculating everything. Unjustified risk is not typical for her.

She will never become a housewife, even if her husband earns enough. A multifaceted nature allows you to realize yourself even in politics. Creative individuals can benefit even from a hobby.

Rat woman in love and family

What she is like in family life can best be told by her admiring husband and loving children. She takes care of her husband and children, creating an impeccable family nest. Things are always washed and ironed, lunch is two or three courses, children are collected, a clear schedule - cleanliness and order everywhere. However, she is not Cinderella. Among the family routine, he will find time to reveal his creative abilities.

Men are attracted by the kind, sexy, open, sociable Rat. A woman will not be with someone for long who will not tolerate such attention to her. A woman’s independence does not affect everyday life. She expects support from her partner, likes to put all the chores on him and go away to have fun. After walking, she crawls home happy and ready to be the perfect housewife again.

Practical and romantic at the same time - this is the rat. According to the horoscope, the characteristic, the woman herself knows, is quite original: capable of platonic love without return. Strong and sexy, cares about her family. Looking for a serious relationship because it will give him a feeling of security.

An open lady does not hide her life principles from the first meeting. Makes it clear: if the fan is not serious, then there is no need to take up her time. An unmarried 30-40 year old woman is dangerous. She can easily take away a married man.

The Rat girl grows up early. She does not idealize the man next to her. She loves children to death, and does not intend to tolerate the shortcomings of men for long.

Gravitating towards coziness, comfort and prosperity, a woman tries to provide a comfortable future for her children. He saves by running around on sales, but children are sacred. He will spend any money on them. Thanks to his creativity and thriftiness, the rat repurposes old clothes, toys, and furniture, turning them into interesting things.

years of birth: 1900 1912 1924 1936 1948 1960 1972 1984 1996 2008

The rat belongs to the Yin group of animals. The first sign of the Chinese horoscope, the Rat rules from 23 to 1 hour of the day. The season that brings luck to the Rat is winter and its apogee period is December. Its fixed element is Water. According to the European Zodiac, the Rat corresponds to the sign of Sagittarius. The colors that bring them happiness and good luck are red and black. Flowers and plants that bring them good luck and health are orchid, night hyacinth, sand grass and absinite. The most favorable countries for the Rat to live are China, Japan, Tibet. South Africa, Congo, Albania, Yugoslavia, Greece, Bulgaria and Turkey.

Rats are very happy when they are born on a midsummer night, then they get everything from life. Born in winter, they fall into a certain prostration. After all, in winter the bins are already empty, and in order to survive, they need to work hard.

The Rat lives through childhood and adolescence without noticeable outbursts. For them, this is the most carefree and joyful time, following the laws, determining their life rhythm and scale of actions. Each of its components is a soft, plastic image subject to rapid and gentle transformation. It does not have strong frameworks and conventions. It is very difficult to squeeze into ready-made forms or clear structures.

The Asian symbol does not close in on itself, but represents a gift from the gods, time and mystery. But this gift can be charming or poisonous. There is no need to be afraid of the Rat; everything that this sign bestows must be accepted with reverence, since there is no smarter animal in nature than the Rat. Everyone knows that the most delicious dish can be prepared even from poisonous berries. So are character traits: they develop depending on life circumstances.


The Rat is a sign of charm and aggressiveness. She is always kind and has a mysterious charm. These people are endowed with a kind of soft skin and an interesting face. Beneath their calm exterior lies an unbridled activity that drives Rats to constant movement. But sometimes their sense of artistry fails them, since they are not always natural. Rats are very calculating and always know how to make an impression. That is why they are so amazingly good at seducing. They are not capable of compromise, but do everything to ingratiate themselves with the seal. These people strive for power, and even more for personal well-being. And the more you depend on the Rat, the more confident she feels. Stay near the Rat for a certain amount of time, and you will feel its nervousness. This constant anxiety leads them to bursts of irritability.

Often the Rat creates unpleasant situations, since its goal is to protect itself from the tracking and aggressiveness of others. This is a creature of the underworld that does not like to give itself away, so it jealously guards its secrets. But at the same time it can be terribly unhappy. Rats want to be open, but as soon as a stranger appears on their territory, they instantly become insidious and vindictive. But let's hope that the one who gets into their kingdom and studies them will not be afraid of the Rat. After all, those born under this sign want to be unraveled; they always look for understanding in people. Therefore, they are often very closed in life, even if they try to relax. And it turns out that the Rat’s aggressiveness is directed opposite to itself.

This is where her excessive sensitivity is born, bordering on a feeling of self-blame and helplessness.

These people cannot stand a mediocre life. They prefer to walk over hot coals or along the edge of an abyss. Danger simply intoxicates them, but they never mindlessly take risks. Rats often violate their mental balance by crossing the boundaries of what is permitted. It is at such moments that they feel like they are living fully. Completely bogged down in routine, Rats begin to provoke danger and seek adventure, otherwise they will die of boredom.

Rats are very active, irritable and nervous. Their brain should always work only actively, extracting concrete benefit from everything. When they have nothing to do. Rats immediately begin to shower themselves with reproaches, criticizing everyone and causing universal hatred towards themselves. Unable to find something to do, they begin to fight with people who do not allow them to live their own way. This only demonstrates theirs. gambling, sometimes reaching the point of gluttony. Rats do not like to deny themselves anything. At the same time, they are afraid of disappointment and poverty.

Another vice of theirs is that they love to spend money. This gives rise to another contradiction in them: to spend money or continue to save it for old age. But, to their own misfortune, they immediately waste everything. Rats often fill their bins with large reserves of all sorts of things, which they quickly deal with. Rats can be found at garage sales, where they buy unwanted items and think they are getting a good deal.

They do not know how to live without passion. They are attracted to everything unusual and mysterious, especially mysterious sciences.

Rats dream of castles, as they have a subconscious craving for everything mysterious. They believe in ghosts and vampires, so it is better for them to settle in a remote area entwined with secrets and riddles. Surely Count Dracula was born in the year of the Rat. They get along well in this environment, but must periodically go out into the fresh air. Rats cannot tolerate centuries-old dust at all.

Rat women make excellent housewives. Their entire house is in perfect order, with rare jewelry, art objects, a magnificent library and modern electronic equipment. It is possible that this house will contain some secrets.


Rats have ambivalent feelings towards money, and therefore they are very afraid of being left without it. They always save for a rainy day, and not only for themselves, but also for their descendants. And Rats know how to save money, even if they have to fence it off with a stone wall. But after that, they open their wallet and start spending it thoughtlessly. Rats are natural players, which is why they like to indulge themselves in everything. They are not characterized by economy. They can rather be called greedy than reasonable people. If they are rich today, they may be poor tomorrow. In addition, they are very selfish: if they give you some kind of gift, they consider it as a preliminary deposit, and in the future everything will come back a hundredfold.

The only advice we could give to those who are dealing with a Rat: if you want to remain friends with her, do not borrow from her.


As we already know, Rats are too independent. They are absolutely not designed for teamwork. They do not know how to obey, so they can rarely be seen in the role of a clerk or laboratory assistant. If they sit at a desk, it means that in some way they are trying to protect themselves. Always and at any opportunity, Rats begin to criticize their superiors and speak out against mediocre subordinates. These are natural-born intriguers and you don’t need to fall for their tongue.

But they know how to create interesting things; Rats have an incredibly creative spirit. Everything they do is worked out to the smallest detail, and when Rats do something, they try to do it better than anyone else. Thus, they always push less capable colleagues out of their professional circle. Rats are cunning and always rely only on their dexterity. That's why they are the first to reach the finish line. But it cannot be said that these people work for the sake of enthusiasm; they always derive material benefits, even forcing those around them to work for them. The greatest success for Rats comes from intellectual work. Among them there are often artists, businessmen and writers.

As a rule, among the professions they choose the role of a seller, sales representative, traveling salesman, accountant, legal or financial advisor, businessman, businessman, critic, journalist, writer, musician, artist, politician, extreme politician, but in no case liberal. They can also be found in the role of a volcanologist, anesthesiologist, pathologist, criminologist, detective and, of course, a spy. In the worst case - in the role of a prostitute, moneylender, spendthrift, swindler or drunkard.


It's never boring with Rats. They are emotional and know how to evoke passion in others. The emotional life of Rats is very difficult; they have incredible attractive power. They are usually confused by passionate connections and strong feelings. Rats hate everyday life, so sometimes they chase two birds with one stone. And, as everyone knows, this often leads to hopeless situations, as a result of which they remain alone. At such moments, they feel misunderstood, but never strive to take the first step towards.

In essence, they are great egoists, but in love they show boundless generosity. They have the ability to get into extremely difficult situations, where they often move from the role of victim to the role of attacker. We can say that they are a kind of sadomasochists who can endure anything, but not the lack of passion.

When they are understood, Rats show boundless loyalty. But under no circumstances should they be disappointed, because in case of any misunderstanding they will begin to look for happiness on the side. But if you point out all the shortcomings to them, they will definitely offer their point of view. Rats are difficult to beat in any game, they are not imaginative in this regard. In life they are always serious, but this seriousness instantly disappears when they are faced with a real feeling. This is always an interesting and seeking partner.


Rats men are very romantic and know how to take a person away from real thoughts into the world of mysterious dreams. But after that, they will definitely directly invite you to their bed.

Rats women are very passionate and do not know how to control themselves, therefore, they often release their claws. These women have a wonderful, soft and gentle shell, but do not forget that underneath there is a calculating person hiding.

If the Rat loves you, you will know about it. If you ask them to do something for you, they will definitely do it. Madness is expected from a Rat lover. And he will do anything to keep you. The rat will make the lover experience unforgettable moments. If the Rat cheated on you, then she has a good reason for this. But she will definitely immediately regret it, reproach herself and, after much torment, ask for forgiveness. But if a partner deceives the Rat, she will definitely respond to the deception with terror. If things take an undesirable turn, Rats will provoke a breakup and will certainly blame the partner.

If you need to give Rats a gift, give them something unusual. However, it is not necessary that this item be a useful thing. It is desirable that it be an exotic piece of jewelry or an antique item. And it doesn’t matter how you presented this gift, the main thing is that they appreciate it.

To attract the Rat's attention, bring mud and some abandoned house, let him rummage through an old library, or have an impromptu candlelit dinner. But if you are tired of Rats and... the time has come to part, invite them to dinner at inappropriate places: mine, for example, and guests to your boring relatives.


Konrad Adenauer, Raymond Barr, Lucrezia Borgia, Brantome Wernher von Braun, James Carter, Pablo Casals, Maurice Chevalier, Carl Clausewitz, Charlotte Corday, Delcasse, Decardier, Galileo Galilei, Julien Marlborough, Franz. Joseph Haydn, Heinrich Himmler, Louis Jean Lumiere, Mata Hari, Claude Monet, Amadeus Mozart, Peter the Great, Paranesi, Gioachino Rossini, Jules Renard, Johann Strauss, Chiang Kai-Shek, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Lolita Thores, Paolo Veronese, George Washington , Antoine Watteau, Charles Aznavour, George Bush, Gino Carter, Clark Gable, Thomas Hardy, Yves Saint Laurent, Ivan Lendl, Richard Nixon, Prince Charles, Louis Armstrong, Winston Churchill, Toulouse - Lautrec, Lawrence Darell, Herluf Bidstrup, Frederick Joliot-Curie, Urho Kekkonen, Ivan Kozlovsky, Richard Kuhn, Semyon Lavochkin, Marina Raskova, Mikhail Romm, Boris Spassky, Beaumarchais, Beranger, Boileau, Charlotte Brontë, Chateaubriand, Ibsen, William Shakespeare, George Sand, Daniel Defoe, Leo Tolstoy, Jules Berne, Alphonse Daudet, Antoine do Sept-Exupéry, Jorge Amado, Anna Meguere, Margaret Mitchell, Vadim Sobko.


Rats strive for physical contact, but if something goes wrong with them in sex, they become aggressive and experience it too deeply. In this regard, they have excellent success with the opposite sex, whom Rats are drawn into a noisy emotional game. They are insatiable in sex and can leave a loving partner without thinking about his feelings.

When choosing a new lover, they do not think much about the consequences.

Rats are very easy to win over with nothing more than enthusiasm and a sense of humor. Usually they easily move from one sexual hobby to another, and at the same time, Rats try to maintain friendly relations with all their previous lovers. They are probably not quite capable of deep emotional attachment.

Those born under the sign of the Rat need a constant audience and sexual stimulation. They desire to have sex with a promising partner. Sometimes Rats show persistence, so it is completely unclear to others whether they are looking for a permanent partner or just entertainment. These people cannot be kept in one place.


Rats cannot stand interference in their own affairs, just as they do not like to interfere in the affairs of others. If they were born into a difficult family, they sometimes go off the beaten path. Words: What will people say? can easily throw them off balance. It is better for them to live in their own family, in which they establish a clear, organization intertwined with fantasy. Of course, it may seem to others that there is chaos in this family, but this is only at first glance. But in fact, everything goes according to a strictly planned schedule, and the children are washed, and the steak is not burnt... Rats are excellent parents and are respected. They closely monitor what happens to the children, always setting a positive example for them. They know how to feed a child deliciously and understand his thoughts.

If their children were born in the year of the Boar, Sheep, Ox, Hare or Rat, they feel great. But it is very difficult for Rat parents to cope with children born in the year of the Monkey; such a child easily eludes them. The Snake child does not want to obey them, and the Horse and Tiger are too independent. As for the Dragon, he can subjugate his parents. It is also difficult for Rats to cope with Dogs, because with their misunderstanding they can simply cause horror in each other.


Rat and Rat

This is a very difficult combination. Their relationship begins very romantically, they are very similar, as if they see a mirror image in their partner. They are very passionate, sometimes to the point of madness, and therefore the duration of their union remains a big question. But it’s not at all bad if Rats try to taste love with their own sign. This connection will help them understand the complexity of their own world of feelings. Even friendship between them is difficult, since in many ways they are accomplices, and therefore cannot share laurels.

Rat and Ox

This is a very favorable union. These people are endowed with a bright personality and are able to understand each other. The Rat needs to be taken seriously, and it is the Ox who takes everything seriously. The Ox is not talkative and respects the secrets and shortcomings of the partner. It is much worse when the Rat cannot keep his mouth shut and begins to chatter about the intimate details of his relationship with the Ox. And there is nothing secret that does not become obvious. If Vol finds out something, it will act on him like a red rag, and he will definitely go crazy. But there are other difficulties, since the Ox cannot fully satisfy the sexual needs of the Rat. He is too precise, and his pedantry irritates the Rat a little, but he is always faithful and will never cheat on the sexy Rat. The Rat will be very pleased with this, and so will the Ox.

Rat and Tiger

The best way to gain the Rat's admiration is to show him courage and bravery. Although the Tiger is not interested in her, the connection between them is still extremely difficult. Of course, their passion is satisfied, but the Tiger is a born predator and is accustomed to freedom. Therefore, from time to time he leaves his cave and begins to scour in search of new prey, and it will be very difficult for the Rat to survive this. The Rat does not like to have her feelings played on; she knows that she is simply irresistible. True, the Rat knows that others also have shortcomings. She's not very vindictive. And when the Rat sees that the Tiger is returning, her heart calms down. The Tiger is a realist and completely unselfish, but the Rat is greedy, and her fear of the future makes the king of the jungle laugh very much. Maybe this is how they complement each other, because our eternally hungry predator will always be happy with a piece of meat hidden by the Rat for a rainy day.

Rat and Hare

Hares cannot stand tension. They are created for peace and security, and do not tolerate extreme situations at all. The Rat believes that the Hare wants to outsmart it. But she is mistaken in this, since their strengths are equal. Rather, they have deep internal contradictions. And the Hare does not see at all that the Rat is a doubting and unbalanced creature. This happens because the Rat is a wonderful actress, and deep down she laughs at the hapless Hare. Rats are created for risk, and Hares are afraid of losing their fur. Emotionally, it is very difficult for them to adapt to each other, but in friendship they have no equal.

Rat and Dragon

This is a good union. The Rat is very excited and gives her confidence by the delightful Dragon. She gives him everything because he is smart and insightful. Just to attract the Dragon, she can do incredible stupid things. But is the Dragon selflessly given to the humble rodent? Probably not always. The dragon is too amorous. And when a new passion flares up in him, he sometimes simply forgets about the old one. But the Dragon loves to be idolized and admired. The Rat's love is just a balm for his soul, so they are connected not only by a feeling of love, but also by a magnificent friendship, they complement each other perfectly. The Rat faithfully clears the way for its beloved, destroying everything in its path. She is happy with her secret role.

Rat and Snake

This is a rather strange union. They are both agile and able to adapt to each other. At first glance, their relationship looks unusual, because the Snake is used to disturbing her, but the Rat calms her down in time. They also have similar traits - this is a sense of acquisitiveness. For the Snake there is no sense of fidelity, but the Rat cannot be deceived. In such situations, a real war begins between them, where the Snake can win. This proves that they don't need each other, but they value each other and are just perfect for friendship. Together they know how to have fun and make fun of others. And if they enter into an alliance, then it is based only on tolerance and understanding. It is very easy for these people to unravel each other, and if the Rat begins to show its aggressiveness, the Snake turns into a boa constrictor and hypnotizes the unlucky mouse. But no one will ever see this relationship.

Rat and Horse

These people are similar to each other in some ways; in their love they can do a lot of stupid things. But the Rat is always guided by common sense and even in the midst of feelings, it listens to the voice of reason. But the Horse is not like that, it has no sense of proportion. She sees no boundaries in her love. The horse does not think about anything, throwing himself into the fire of desires. Deep down in her soul, the Rat condemns the Horse's excessiveness; she perceives it as frivolity, and the Horse perceives her reaction as misunderstanding. Probably, at first glance, both are right, but still it is better for them to refrain from close relationships.

Rat and Sheep

The next union is also extremely undesirable. The relationship between these two persons is impossible due to the differences in their characters. The Sheep is too carefree and dreamy to tolerate the excessive rationalism and criticism of the Rat. Although the Rat has a rich imagination, it is not so stupid as to follow cattle in search of beautiful love. This may disappoint the Sheep, but all evil turns out to be good. A real Rat must love security, although she is very careless and is accustomed to trusting flatterers, she still knows how to stand up for herself. But the Sheep is used to having its head in the clouds, it always needs a patron, and it is irritated by the attacks of the Rat. And in turn, the Rat is angered by the excessiveness of the Sheep. Therefore, they cannot find a common denominator.

Rat and Monkey

It is better for such people to avoid meeting each other. This would save them from trouble. This union will be too difficult for both of them, but they love complications and sometimes artificially create them. In many ways they are similar. They know how to have fun and quietly strive for power. Every; They believe that he is stronger than the enemy, but this is absolutely not the case. If they are friends, though. and is an unbalanced union, but it still stimulates. In love, the situation is different; the rationalist Monkey does not want to follow the Rat forever. She does not know how to surrender to the passion that the Rat so needs. In the best case, the Monkey will shower the Rat with compliments, and then turn out to be cold and... indifferent. The Rat cannot stand the Monkey's games, and this relationship can be fatal.

Rat and Rooster

With his attitude, the Rat instantly repels the motley Rooster. Because the Rat sees only the shortcomings of its partner, it absolutely cannot stand vanity and superficiality. But if the Rat had taken a closer look at the Rooster, she would have found positive traits in him. They can match each other in aggression, and if they turn it against each other, this battle will turn into a real war. In addition, they do not know how to save at all; at first they begin to behave too wastefully, and then they are completely ruined by legal costs. In this combination, it is better if the man is born a Rat and the woman a Rooster. Then her thriftiness will help save her remaining savings.

Rat and Dog

The Rat knows how to recognize the nature of the Dog's anxiety. And this is clear, because the Dog is vigilantly accustomed to guarding its territory, so it is somewhat afraid of the mystery of the Rat. But in general, they tolerate each other, these are two modest accomplices who go out only at night and do not know how to enter into conversation with the first person they meet. This union exists thanks to its mystery and confidence in the future. After some acquaintance, they begin to trust each other, because the Dog is very faithful, and for the Rat this is the most important thing. In case of trouble, both know how to stand up for themselves. This union is recommended for both love and business.

Rat and Boar

Both are passionate and sexual beings, they are united by the desire for pleasure. Perhaps this is the only thing they have. holds together. And they don’t regret it; together they experience wonderful moments. True, sometimes the Rat is annoyed by the Pig's naivety, especially in business and family matters. But if the Rat is overwhelmed by passions, she always admires the attention and tenderness of the Pig. For his sake, she is ready to go through fire and water, trying to stir up and encourage her clumsy pet. She can teach him a lot, especially how to manage money.

The Rat sign belongs to the Yin group of animals. This is the first sign in the Chinese horoscope. By time of day, the Rat rules in the interval from 23 to 1 am. The lucky season is winter, and the peak of this period is December. Its element is Water. In the European Zodiac, the Rat will correspond to the sign of Sagittarius. The color that brings her luck and happiness is black and red. Plants and Flowers that bring her health and good luck are night hyacinth, orchid, absinite and sand grass. The most favorable countries for Rats to live are Japan, China, Tibet, Congo, South Africa, Yugoslavia, Albania, Turkey, Greece and Bulgaria.

Years of the rat in our century

  • 1900 January 31 - element of the year metal
  • 1912 February 18 - element of the year water
  • 1924 February 5 - element of the year tree
  • 1936 January 24 - element of the year fire
  • 1948 February 10 - element of the year earth
  • 1960 January 28 - element of the year metal
  • 1972 February 15 - element of the year water
  • 1984 February 2 - element of the year tree
  • 1996 February 19 - element of the year fire
  • 2008 February 7 - element of the year earth


Raymond Barr, Konrad Adenauer, Brantome, Lucrezia Borgia, James Carter, Wernher von Braun, Pablo Casals, Carl Clausewitz, George Bush, Maurice Chevalier, Delcasse, Charlotte Corday, Decardier, Julien Marlborough, Galileo Galilei, Lawrence Darell, Heinrich Himmler, Franz Haydn, Jean Lumiere, Claude Monet, Mata Hari, Peter the Great, Amadeus Mozart, Paranesi, Jules Renard, Gioachino Rossini, Chiang Kai-Shek, Johann Strauss, Lolita Thores, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, George Washington, Paolo Veronese, Antoine Watteau, Gino Carter , Charles Aznavour, Clark Gable, Saint Laurent, Thomas Hardy, Louis Armstrong, Ivan Lendl, Prince Charles, Richard Nixon, Toulouse - Lautrec, Winston Churchill, Frederic Joliot, Herluf Bidstrup, Ivan Kozlovsky, Richard Kuhn, Marina Raskova, Boris Spassky, Mikhail Romm, Semyon Lavochkin, Beranger, Beaumarchais, Boileau, Chateaubriand, William Shakespeare, Charlotte Bronte, Leo Tolstoy, Daniel Defoe, Ibsen, Jules Berne, Anna Zegers, Jorge Amadou, Vadim Sobko, Margaret Mitchell, George Sand.

The Rat is a single microcosm with its own laws and spheres of influence. There are many contradictions in it, this is a sign of unstable internal connections. The rat is a strong-willed and strong animal. It develops quickly according to its own laws and determines its own rhythm of life and actions. Each of her actions is a plastic, soft image subject to soft and rapid transformation. It has no conventions or strong frameworks. It is difficult to squeeze it into certain standards or ready-made forms.

Rat- this is a symbol that does not close in on itself, but represents a gift from heaven, mystery and time. But this very gift can be both charming and poisonous. There is no need to be afraid of the Rat, which this zodiac sign gives, you need to accept it with pride, since the Rat is considered the smartest animal in nature. It's no secret that a delicious dish can be made from poisonous berries. Also, a person’s character develops depending on circumstances and life situations.

Unlike the West, in whose society it is customary to perceive everything as a consumer, Eastern people are more concerned about something else: who am I turning into? Therefore, they do not have such a desire to become richer, while many, on the contrary, live in nakedness and poverty, striving to be wiser. This is how Eastern people achieve happiness and harmony. Kings and generals come to the sages because they all know that a philosopher is much richer than any rich man and will give them what money cannot buy.

The rat belongs to the Yin group. She came from the north, and her origin is attributed to winter. She is a nocturnal animal and lives about three hundred years. After a hundred years, she begins to get sick. Rats bring happiness to those who value them; they are a symbol of prosperity and wealth. All sailors know that these animals have a sense of foresight; they always leave a sinking ship or a house that is collapsing.

There are no positive or negative animals, they are all God's creatures, they are part of the whole world, balance and harmony. Rats are the mistresses of the underworld, she is the sister of the mole and the snake. In summer they often live in burrows, and in winter they look for more secluded and warmer places where they can make money. She, like an orderly, destroys the sick and weak, without showing feelings of pity. The rat is a symbol of everything mysterious. The Rat is characterized by greed and a sense of fear, but in no way is it characterized by poverty and poverty. This is probably why many people always dislike her. Those who are not afraid of her and always take her into consideration, she will gladly help him. Therefore, in Japan, her image stands next to the God of Wealth (Daikoku), where she shares the throne with him equally. In Siberia, its symbol is also considered a sign of wealth. But no one knows how to treat her. The choice is yours.

There are other representatives of this sign. In Japan they are called Mouse - they are cheerful and conquer their fear with laughter. They are the source of miracles. In India, there are legends about the Muzhak mouse; the god Ganesha, a symbol of spiritual powers, sat astride it. This god dominates obstacles, spiritually educating a person. He develops intelligence in people, and it is not for nothing that he is portrayed as half man, half elephant, that is, a mixture of funny and great. Together with the Rat, they experience many adventures of our absurd world, consisting of visible or deceptive reality. They are both partners and accomplices, because they often act as thieves and deceivers. They appropriate material and spiritual wealth, creating joy for themselves in life, even benefiting from asceticism. Such a Rat plays the role of Lucifer, an adversary who stops at nothing. But you still can’t rely on appearances; they are often deceptive.

This animal does not evoke much sympathy in a person; rather, on the contrary, it evokes a feeling of disgust and even fainting. Why are they afraid of her? Probably because more often than not, when a person sees it, his imagination flares up, associating it with the spread of the plague. Rats bring either ruin or wealth. And this is very firmly ingrained in the general consciousness. Scary stories are always told about them, they are endowed with supernatural properties.

But let's put aside all superstitions and try to give the Rat his due. After all, this is a very smart animal, which was the very first to come running to the call of Buddha. Because in Chinese astrology she comes first. Of course, this is a bright personality, endowed with willfulness and always on the alert. It is very difficult to influence them, even almost impossible, because they firmly stand guard over their freedom and independence. There are no stupid Rats, and if you managed to pull it off, then it wasn’t a Rat.


Rats are considered lucky when they were born in the summer, then they can get everything from life. A born Rat in winter finds itself in a well-known situation, because in winter the reserves are already empty, and in order to survive, they need to work hard.

The Rat spends his youth and childhood without any outbursts; for her this is the most joyful and carefree time, passed among enchanting and incredible discoveries. The Rat begins to have its first problems during puberty, which is why the Rat is considered the sexiest sign.

In her mature years it is much more difficult for her. The material instability that haunts them is associated with ups and downs. This is a period of continuous struggle, full of extreme emotionality, which does not allow them to avoid temptations and refrain from making cruel decisions.

But their old age is calm, they need it to overcome aggressiveness and greed. During this period, Rats adapt to people and their social structure.


The Rat is a sign of aggressiveness and charm. She will always be amiable, and with her mysterious charm she will not leave anyone indifferent. Such people seem to be endowed with an interesting face and soft skin. Beneath their mask of calm lies an insane activity that leads Rats to move, sometimes even excessively. Sometimes their sense of artistry fails them, because they are not always natural. Rats are usually very calculating and know how to make a spectacular impression, so they make good seducers. They do not compromise, but try to do everything to gain trust. Such people strive for personal well-being, and even more - for power. And the more others depend on the Rat person, the more confident she feels in such company. Spend some time around the Rat and you will see his nervousness. Such anxiety can lead them to outbursts of anger and cause irritability.

It happens that the Rat creates unpleasant situations around itself, its goal in this is to protect itself from aggressiveness and tracking down others. This is an animal of the underworld that does not like to give itself away, so she carefully guards all her secrets, because of this she is unhappy . Rats want to be open individuals, but due to the fact that a stranger appears in their space, they can instantly turn into insidious and vindictive. Let's hope that when you get into their world, you will study them and will not be afraid of the Rat. After all, a person born under the sign of the Rat wants to be unraveled; they want to find understanding in those around them. Because of this, they are often closed in life, even when they want to relax. Thus, it turns out that their aggressiveness is directed against themselves. This is where her strong sensitivity was born, which borders on a feeling of helplessness and self-blame.

Such people do not like a mediocre life; they prefer to walk along the edge of an abyss, over hot coals. Danger is their element, but at the same time, they will not mindlessly take unjustified risks. These people often upset their balance by going beyond what is permitted. It is at these moments that they believe that they are living a full life. Bogged down in a routine, they begin to look for adventure and danger, otherwise they will simply die of boredom.

Rats are overly active, nervous and irritable. Their brain should always be active, extracting concrete benefits from the environment. If they have nothing to do, Rats begin to reproach themselves, also criticizing everything around them, causing hatred towards themselves. This indicates their great gambling, which sometimes leads to gluttony. They do not like to deny themselves anything. Rats are afraid of poverty and disappointment.

They love to squander money, which gives rise to a contradiction in them: continue saving money for old age or spend it all. But, unfortunately, they most often waste everything. Very often, rats fill their bins with all sorts of things, which they quickly deal with. They are often seen at sales, where they buy a lot of unnecessary things and think that they got a great deal.

Rats are very passionate people. They are attracted to everything mysterious, unusual, especially mysterious. They do not like restrictions in order and deadlines. They love different trips, but preferably for the purpose of exploration. Therefore, they are the best discoverers and trailblazers. They love various caves, grottoes, they are attracted by everything that has a connection with the earth.

With negative factors, Rats become straightforward and limited. They have an overly developed sense of criticality, which can turn them into unapproachable nihilists who deny everything. But usually their advice is heeded.

Rats are endowed with great imagination, and for the most part they are creators. These people can achieve great success in art. They have the ability to complete their endeavors, even if they are on the edge of an abyss. They can succeed in life if they overcome their eternal dissatisfaction and desire to live for today.

Despite the fact that they are consumers, Rats are incredibly sentimental and can be generous to those they love, even if these feelings are not shared. That’s why in novels Rats feel in their element.

They are made for love. Rats are attracted to everything unusual in people; often they are simply inattentive, forgetting even about the birthdays of their loved ones. As a rule, they do this completely unconsciously. Life for Rats is an alternation of gray everyday life and unusual events, and at the same time they always try to remain on top of the feelings they have experienced. Rats have a rich imagination and a lot of creative powers, they have a rather unique morality. These people love to break rules, defying the law.