How to make a black mark for a pirate party. Sea party: script and competitions for adults

A fair wind, a hold full of treasures and no dull everyday life - continuous adventures. Yes, sometimes exciting, but it’s even more fun! And after the on-screen acquaintance with Jack Sparrow, a pirate party for adults has become almost the most favorite holiday theme for Halloween, birthdays, corporate meetings and even weddings!


To start decide what the design will be - cartoon or cinematic. In the first case, almost all the scenery will have to be drawn, cut, and painted. Cartoon attributes for a pirate party are available in stores - garlands, disposable tableware, flags, boats, etc.

This is a more economical option when you just want to have fun with friends without carefully thinking through decorations. Perfect for a family party with many children. Read more.

If we are talking about a party in the style of pirates of the Caribbean, the design is supposed to be more realistic. This does not mean that you need to completely abandon bright holiday paraphernalia. It’s just that the interior should end up looking more like a scene from a movie than like a kindergarten hall hung with colorful decorations.

The colors of the evening are black, white-red and white-blue stripes, red and blue, brown. Some attributes can be decorated with “precious” stones. The interior should have silver and gold - spray paint, glitter.

Easy to implement ideas for a pirate party:

  • remove everything that obviously does not fit into the topic. Cover anything that is difficult to remove. For this print and glue (or draw) ships, chests, etc. onto thick cardboard. Replace inappropriate paintings with photos, movie posters, Jolly Roger flags, sails, fishing nets;
  • the ceiling can be covered with pieces of fabric hanging freely in waves - the same imitation of nets and/or sails;
  • It is advisable to choose rough, wooden or wicker furniture. Instead of chairs, benches, stools without backs and even drawers will fit perfectly;

If the comfortable arrangement of guests is a priority, drape regular armchairs. For a party in a pirate style, chiffon, tulle, burlap, nets - tulle, painting, mosquito nets - are suitable.

  • tie nautical knots from thick ropes, hang on the walls, backs of chairs, ceiling. On the net here and there, attach seahorses and stars, crabs, fish, algae;

  • arrange barrels, roughly knocked together boxes, fake guns. You can place forged lanterns, treats in large bowls, and deliberately dirty bottles of rum on the barrel boxes;
  • certainly use candles in decoration, you can simulate it on batteries. “Antique” candlesticks are easy to make with your own hands, for example, from aluminum cans (painted with silver/gold). Candles in “dirty” bowls, glass jars with shells and sand look atmospheric;

  • if you decide to organize a pirate party for Halloween, don’t skimp on the dark details – skeletons, cobwebs and spiders, bats, creepy sea monsters, gravestones, ghosts (cardboard, figures, silhouettes);
  • make anchors and lifebuoys out of cardboard/plywood, hang and display old maps. It would be great if you could find a marine compass, a telescope, a sextant, a barometer, or a telescope. If not, print the photo, cut it out and glue it onto a cardboard base;

  • use fake precious stones, pearls, silverware in compositions, coins and ancient jewelry, symbolizing countless treasures. Place the most valuable loot in chests. A real pirate chest is still an anachronism, so it’s better to spend time gluing a paper/cardboard template. Although, if you wish, you can put together a pirate chest from a base box or plywood, chipboard. Boxes are also suitable - carved wooden ones, without colorful designs.

  • Even though this is an adult pirate party, without bright holiday accents the decor will turn out too gloomy. Add some color:
    • garlands of recognizable paraphernalia and pirate accessories - ships, flags, anchors, skeletons, pirate figures, weapons, sea monsters;
    • knotted ribbon decoration on a clothesline or sisal rope (imitation rope) they will enliven the space (the fabric is better striped, blue or red and white, plus flags with a skull/crossbones);
    • buy stylized balloons or draw themed attributes on red, black, blue balloons.


  • If you are having a party outdoors, build a “facade” of a pirate ship from scrap materials. Place stools in the back for guests to step onto the deck. Cut out porthole windows in the side.

  • Tantamaresca- a gallant company of pirates celebrates a successful voyage, divides the loot, etc. Cardboard base, printed on top, windows for faces. Or organize the space - the scenery for the selected scene.
  • Boat on a blue background with clouds. In the foreground of the photo zone are paper wings of waves. We climb inside, take pirate accessories - a map, a telescope, a bottle of rum (whatever).

  • Banner with photos of movie pirates, Pirates of the Caribbean is especially popular. You can print repeated photos of characters or your favorite movie scene on the banner.
  • The Black Pearl's cabin, captain's bridge, etc. More suitable for indoor party. Although you can organize it on the street, only the background will have to be covered with wooden shields or the photo zone should be placed against the wall of a house, barn, or in front of a fence.


It's great if invitations to a pirate party reflect the level of preparation for the holiday. If the decorations are simple and cartoonish, so should the invitations.

All at the highest level? Aged paper, elegant antique font, pearls, silver.

  • rolled up message in a sealed bottle with shells and stones;
  • paper pirate schooner, matches, wooden model. Text on the sail or in the hold;
  • card with burnt, frayed edges. Schematic diagram of the road to the party venue (mark several main points along the way). Text over background map;
  • Black Mark. Text on the postcard spread;
  • miniature paper chests. The text is on the letter inside, in a scattering of chocolate coins and candies in foil.

Come up with pirate nicknames for your guests if this moment is not included in the script. Include pirate slang and recognizable phrases in the invitation. Write the time, place, dress code and other official information in the corner below or on the card included with the invitation.

On the sixth day, a company of the most notorious pirates gathers on the deck of *Name of the ship, cafe*. And you are among them, *Guest name*
There will be something to fill the holds and wet the throat. Let's shake the bones in the company of young and very generous girls. Sea urchin in your ass if you don't come!
P.S: There are rumors that, in addition to drinking until the hell out of hell, old *Name of the organizer* is preparing an exciting and profitable business for us!


Girls dressed as ladies - retro dress and hairstyle, elegant, brand new. Or a tomboy, a seductive bandit - torn stockings, fishnet suspenders, a short retro skirt, a corset with a deep neckline, a creative mess on her head, bright makeup.

Costumes in unisex style are perfect for a pirate party. Forgetting for a moment about the stupid story about women on ships, ladies can transform into the most charming crew members. In this case, the clothing differs only in design from a men’s pirate costume - it is more open and not so baggy.


  • vest with blue or red stripes. For girls - with a deep neckline, lowered on one shoulder, tied under the chest with a knot, etc.;
  • Image of a pirate girl easy to recreate from a couple of clothing items: a short dress with a deep neckline, a full skirt and wide sleeves, over which a fitted leather sleeveless vest is thrown or a miniature corset is worn. Themed accessories will complete the look.
  • white or cream shirt. The sleeves are loose, preferably with puffy cuffs. “Pirate” cuffs and frills can be easily sewn with your own hands or assembled with an elastic band (worn as a bracelet, fastened with buttons, eyelets, etc.);

  • not suitable for outdoor heat pirate frock coat, camisole, vest, leather cloak. But indoors/in the sun they are cumbersome. It's better to take a couple of photos and take off your outerwear. Or let this part of the costume be made of light fabric, fake;
  • shortened breeches, like Jack Sparrow's. Baggy pants, loose, tucked into boots. Leather trousers, for ladies - narrow, tight. Boots with high tops, fabric ones are more convenient: sew fake tops directly to the trousers. For girls, short boots or high-heeled shoes are suitable. Thick knee socks and closed shoes in color will pass for over the knee boots.

Clothes can have holes in several places, become disheveled, and become worn out. This way the image will turn out to be more natural - a well-worn camisole, an unwashed shirt, trampled boots. Transferable tattoos are also in the theme.

Enthusiasts willing to take the time to create an elaborate costume have plenty to choose from: William Ternet, Billy Bootstrap, Tia Dalma, Elizabeth Swan, Davy Jones, Mister Cotton. And that's just Pirates of the Caribbean!

Accessories for a pirate-themed party play almost a bigger role than costumes. They are the ones who make the chosen image unambiguous and recognizable:

  • pistols, saber or sword, knife. Shoulder belt, scabbard;
  • compass, telescope, watch on a chain;
  • a wide sling (a scarf will do, maybe a bright one with fringe);
  • leather belt with a buckle (you can have two at once, like Jack Sparrow);
  • neck scarf, bandana, eye patch, cocked hat;
  • stylized jewelry (large rings, hoop earrings, skulls and bones);
  • various little things in the hair, on the belt, wrists. Talismans, amulets made of skins, bones, fabric, beads.

Menu, serving

Simple table decoration ideas for a pirate party:

  • Shared buffet table. Cover with a tablecloth and put on a net. Decorate the “skirt” of the tablecloth with steering wheels, anchors, and ropes. Place the mast with sails in the center of the table or on the back wall, in the background. If there is no room for a mast, you can place the “sail” horizontally, in waves directly above the table, under the ceiling.

  • Several country tables with sticks for installing sun umbrellas. But instead of umbrellas, build masts-sails. Come up with a name for each ship table and sew it on the tablecloth on the front side of the “side”.
  • Move a large table to the wall, cover it to the floor with burlap or thick fabric. Place boxes and barrels on top - several tiers, chaotically. And on them are plates and dishes with snacks, bottles, cans instead of glasses(port surroundings or hold).

  • Choose dishes based on your level of preparation and the importance of the event. These can be stylized paper plates, glasses, glass and crystal, or “silver” - cups, trays, “antique” cutlery.
  • Use pirate flags and other recognizable paraphernalia to decorate skewers, tubes, serving cups. It’s easier to lay out/post cards beautifully than to rack your brains over the thematic design of each dish.

  • Several barrels with taps and globe bar will fit perfectly into the theme.
  • Buy ice molds – skulls, bones, balls, fish, boats, diamonds. You can replace them with molds for chocolate and baking.
  • Are you having a pirate party for Halloween? Be sure to use watermelons, melons and pumpkins to decorate the hall and for serving any dishes (bowls of halves).

  • For a pirate birthday, order a cake in a recognizable style. Islands, treasure chests, ships, etc. An unforgettable surprise for the birthday boy and all the guests!
  • Place sweets in cardboard chests and boats, in decorated transparent jars, vases. Buy a lot of candies in multi-colored foil (precious stones, in bulk), chocolate bars (also in foil - ingots). Make flags, anchors, steering wheels, etc. from mastic, decorate cupcakes, cakes, and cookies.

For added ambience, include a large whole baked fish and seafood in the pirate menu. The rest is up to your taste. Sliced ​​vegetables, fruits, any salads. A buffet is ideal when plans include active fun, games, and dancing. Canapés, miniature sandwiches, snacks in baskets and vases, kebabs themselves are a bright decoration for the table.

Any drinks are available, but for atmosphere, you can put a few bottles of rum on the table. Print out the “vintage” labels and re-glue them. You can “age” the bottles themselves - dust them, wrap the necks with twine, and glue them with themed decor.

Since this is an adult pirate party, there is no point in fiddling with each dish for a long time. But Some of the appetizers from the menu can be served in “boats” and the “sails” raised. Making a boat with your own hands is very simple. You need a skewer (mast), a board and a sail. Boat - an empty half of a cucumber, an orange, an egg, diamond-shaped bread, a basket, etc. Any filling inside, a sail on a skewer - lettuce, shrimp, a thin slice of cheese, ham, cucumber.


When choosing a scenario for a pirate party for adults, consider the space available to guests. For example, it is better to organize a treasure hunt on a map in nature. Those. literally look for a place marked with a cross, walking nearby and completing quest after quest. Treasures can also be hidden indoors. But if there is not enough space, you won’t be able to roam around much. This means that the quest itself and the competitions must be feasible on the spot.

Pirate scenario options:

  • With the invitation, each guest also receives a piece of a pirate map. Arriving at the party guests put them together into a map with marked points. Tags are games and competitions that “lead” to a hidden chest;
  • The card is torn and lost. Guests complete tasks, receiving a reward for each competition - another fragment. At the end, they fold the card and simply go to the chest;

Theme songs and music for a pirate party will come in handy during competitions. Download several songs from films and cartoons, make cuts. And you can dance and relax to any fiery music, especially since there are not many pirate songs that are truly suitable for a party.

  • Instead of cards, games are rewarded with message fragments. For example, “The treasure is buried under the palm tree.” Cut the text into as many pieces as are provided for in the competition. The chest is placed in a box and in the far corner of the room. And above the box or in front of it is a cardboard “landmark”. In our example, this is a palm tree. You can come up with a riddle instead of a direct indication: “The treasure is where two pirates anchored together.” In pirate slang, “anchors came together” - they fought, i.e. You need to glue a picture of two fighting pirates onto the box.
  • Several teams are fighting for the right to open the treasury. Suitable for large parties, when there are at least a couple of dozen “pirates”;
  • The chest contains rewards with price tags. For each competition, the winners are awarded gold coins, doubloons or black marks. At the end, the accumulated wealth can be spent on gifts from the “dead man's chest”.

Regardless of the chosen scenario, you can schedule both team and solo competitions. If the plot does not provide for division into teams, simply play out this moment, for example, as training for a close-knit pirate gang.

Any competitions will fit into the scenario of a pirate party, for adults (in pairs, far from puritanical - according to the mood of the company) or for children, slightly modified in accordance with the theme. Use pirate slang and nicknames to create an atmosphere:

Moor - sit down
Shake your bones - dance
Fill the hold - have a snack
Where can you whisper with the Jolly Roger? - where is the toilet?
It's stormy in the hold - I'm drunk

Initiation into pirates

Leading: to become a real pirate, it’s not enough to be able to rip your throat, fill your tonsils and drag everything that’s not lying around into the hold. Anchor to my liver if I'm wrong! Every pirate is also obliged to maintain order on the ship! We're not cesspool rats!

Divide the floor into two sections using masking tape or another mark. Scatter balloons and crumpled newspapers. Provide guests with mops. Two teams, on either side of the dividing line. The goal is to throw “garbage” from your “deck” onto your neighbors’ board. For three minutes, guests push “garbage” back and forth with mops to a cheerful song. At the end, you need to evaluate the “cleanliness of the ship” of each team.


IN: Is it difficult to board a combat frigate without preparation? No? Well, let's see if you are sea devils or boiled jellyfish!

Two chairs, two teams. The goal is to climb onto someone else’s chair-ship in a minute. The team whose members were able to fit on the enemy “frigate” in greater numbers wins.

Friendly duel

IN: Hey, on deck! How many holds can be filled? Let's see how you draw with sabers. Otherwise, all the brave ones grind their tongues, but when it comes to it, the fry are inept!

A thin board or bench, a fake weapon. The two wave their sabers, trying to throw the enemy to the floor. The loser gives way to the next pirate.

Not just a battle

IN: You know how to swing mops and sabers, I admit. Well, how will there be nothing to scrub and no one to compare the length of knives with? What if Fortune turns its back on you and throws you onto an uninhabited island?

For a pirate-themed birthday party, you can rent equipment and play “pirates VS savages” paintball. An easier option is to get food on a desert island:

  • darts-spears at the target;
  • rings on hooks suspended on the shield;
  • from a bow with suction cup arrows into the prey (the gunpowder got wet, I have to use the “grandfather’s” method);
  • throw a lasso on mops in a bucket (glue a fake deer head to the mop);
  • any other way to test the pirate's accuracy, depending on the location of the party.

The elbow is close

IN: It’s not for me to tell you how often several worthy teams of thugs and notorious scoundrels travel along the same route. Competition, so that it would be torn apart... And there are less unexcavated treasures left than worthy young ladies in the port at night... I’m grinding something with my tongue like a drunken boatswain, thunder strike me! Let's dig it up already!

A large basin with sand and buried treasure - any shiny nonsense. The goal is to use a teaspoon (or Chinese chopsticks?) to get more treasures than your opponents in a minute. You can do it in teams or every man for himself.

One leg is good!

IN: The pirate, unprepared for any losses, has rotten cuttlefish ink instead of brains! There *pirate nickname of the blindfolded guest* lost his eye, and nothing happened - invigorating! What if he blows out his leg with a cannonball? Let's see how you cope with such a twist!

Relay race, two teams racing or all together. At the finish line there is a chair with a bottle and glasses. On the bottle is the label “Rum – life-giving drink!” The guest bends one leg and jumps to the finish line, leaning on a crutch or cane (for decoration). Having reached the stool, he pours and drinks the “life-giving drink” - the leg grows back! I ran back and passed the crutch to the next one. If you're having a pirate birthday, have all the party guests toast before the "healing."

Frigate Regatta

IN: All that remains is to test the strength of the pirate spirit. Davy Jones, an anchor in his throat, lets the weak ones go in packs as food for the fish!

Miniature paper boats, start-finish on a smooth surface. You need to blow on your boat so that it “sails” to the finish line before the others. You can use teams of two large ships and all together blow into the “sails” of your frigate.

Where does the rum go all the time? (c) Jack Sparrow

IN: Yo-ho-ho, honorable pirates! I have no more doubts that only the most notorious swindlers, tricksters and other filibusters have gathered here! Let's drink to the dregs for this!

Two teams and two big bowls. Or every man for himself - a large plastic glass. You need to quickly empty the container (it’s funnier through a straw).

Quizzes, table games (minutes of rest)

  • untie sea knots at speed;
  • solve riddles on a maritime and pirate theme;
  • decipher pirate slang (phrases, phrases, curses);
  • test on knowledge of the film “Pirates of the Caribbean” or just pirate life;
  • funny questions and answers. Only one option is correct, the remaining two are absurd. What was the name of J. Sparrow's ship: Devil's Dozen, Black Pearl or Salty Beluzhina? Using a rhyme generator, it’s easy to come up with as many of these questions/answers as you want.

At the end of the scenario - “dig” and open the chest, divide the treasures(themed gifts, medals “The Most Notorious Pirate”). If the party is in honor of a birthday, ceremoniously bring out a pirate cake - a surprise from the cook. You can arrange an explosion at a powder warehouse (fireworks) or a rain of money (paper show).

Competition 1

At a sea or pirate birthday party for the little ones, a simple game “Water-Land” will be fun: an island circle is drawn on the floor, land is inside it, water is outside. Children stand inside the circle on land, and then follow the commands of the leader, who says either “Water!” or “Land!” At the same time, the children either jump out of the circle or jump in again. The presenter can constantly confuse them by repeating the same command.

Contest 2

For older children, you can organize a reeling game “Raising the Anchor”. Take a long rope, to which a cardboard anchor is attached exactly in the middle. Pencils or sticks are tied to the ends of the rope. Two children take part: each takes one end of the rope in his hands and, at the command of the leader, begins to wind it around a pencil. Whose pencil touches the anchor faster wins.

Competition 3

A game: " Shark. Day Night»

During the day the Shark sleeps. At night he goes hunting. The star says: “Day”, everyone floats. The star says: “Night”, everyone freezes. Anyone who moves is taken prisoner by the Shark. The prisoner misses the game. You can change the Shark during the game.

Competition 4

A game: " Sea words»

You need to name 10 or more words related to the sea.

Competition 5

A game " We dive to the bottom" You can simply blindfold the players, or you can take underwater goggles or a mask and cover the glass with something so that nothing can be seen through it. You will also need various marine-related items: plastic fish, shells, pebbles, a small anchor, etc. and so on. All this can lie in a bag in the hands of the presenter. Children do not see objects in advance. The player is put on a mask, placed one of the objects on the floor and asked to find and guess it. The player, kneeling down, looks for an object on the floor by touch, and then guesses by touch what it is. Each successful “diver” is entitled to some kind of prize.

Competition 6

A game " Navy pasta" Props: large forks and long ropes. Several participants are called. Each person is given a fork and a rope. Whoever wraps the pasta (rope) around the fork the fastest wins.

Competition 7

A game " Sea battle»

In the room on the floor, lay out a border - a rope. Divide into two teams, throw the balls to the enemy’s side. The team whose side has more balls loses. During the game, the balls burst, and each ball contains a forfeit - a comic task. The losers must perform a forfeit.

Competition 8

A game " gold fish" Children will receive balls and parts for fish (eyes, eyelashes, fins, lips, tail - all this is prepared in advance from colored paper), all that remains is to glue them to the ball.

Competition 9

Contest: " Who is who?»

Envelope with badges.

It is not customary for pirates to address each other by name. They all use nicknames. On pieces of paper, write the first letters of your first and last name. Within 2 minutes, everyone must come up with a nickname starting with these letters. For example, Katya Smirnova may be called the Brave Cat. The author of the most original nickname receives a prize.

Competition 10

Contest " KNOT»

Any pirate simply must have the art of tying sea knots. The next competition will show how novice robbers can do this. First you need to appoint a leader. It could be the birthday boy himself. The presenter leaves the room. The remaining participants firmly hold hands, forming a closed chain. This chain
needs to be tied in a sea knot. Players can twist around, step over the hands of the player standing next to them, and crawl anywhere without letting go of their neighbor’s hand. After the sea knot is ready and the participants are twisted to the limit, the pirate crew shouts: Polundra! The leader enters the room and unravels the knot without breaking the chain. The competition can be repeated several times. Those who unravel the sea knot can be awarded with commemorative medals, “To the Real Pirate.” You can also reward desperate pirates who courageously endured an uncomfortable situation.

Competition 11

Contest Blind Sailor. The presenter (mother) announces: And now I want to find out how friendly a team you are and whether you recognize each other blindfolded by voice. A “blind” sailor is selected from among the players. The rest of the players, holding hands, stand around him. He claps his hands, and the participants in the game begin to walk in a circle. The “blind man” claps again - and the players in the circle stop and freeze. After this, the “Blind” presenter points to one of the guys, trying to guess who it is. If he guesses right the first time, then the person the leader guessed takes his place. If the “blind” leader did not guess correctly on the first try, then he can touch this participant and try to guess a second time, he can ask the participant to say a word, bark, meow, etc. If successful, the player who was recognized becomes “blind”. This competition can be held two or three times. At the end of the competition, the host announces that the team is really friendly.

Competition 12

Contest Get into the bottle. Suitable for a scenario involving searching for treasure and creating a code. In front of the children hangs a sheet of Whatman paper with frames for inserting letters (like in a field of miracles). Each team of children has a row of bottles with messages inside. The messages contain riddles, each letter of the answer to which is a letter of the hidden word. The team that writes the word the fastest wins.

Corporate party in pirate style

Preparing for the party

For a pirate party, the hall is decorated in the appropriate style.

You will need large shells, ropes, scraps of nets, starfish, palm trees in tubs. You need to make a flag from a piece of black fabric and draw a skull and crossbones on it. You can even bring a live parrot in a cage (or a toy one).

Invitations to the party are also designed in a nautical style and include the text: “Are you experiencing hurricanes of passion, storms of energy, waves of adrenaline? We are waiting for you on board the pirate schooner! Departure date and time "____" ________________. Adventure guaranteed."

“Sea” dishes should also predominate on the table: fish, seafood, seaweed; from fruits - exotic (pineapples, coconuts, dates); from drinks - rum, gin.

Everyone who comes to the party receives a "black mark" - a mark on their arm in the shape of a skull - as a pass, but only if they adhere to the dress code. These are clothes with elements of a pirate style: bandana, striped T-shirt, eye patch, earring, smoking pipe, etc.

For the winners of the competitions, you will need “pirate” prizes (small bottles of alcohol, souvenir knives, matches, magnets in the form of boats, pistols, etc.)

The host dressed as Jack Sparrow welcomes guests.

Leading: Sea wolves! Conquerors of the ocean spaces! Invincible corsairs! I welcome you aboard our unsinkable ship!

A musical theme plays.

Leading: Everyone is on board, the captain is on the bridge, the cook is in the galley... An unforgettable journey awaits us, because today the bravest, most cruel and most notorious pirates have a day off! Today they don’t need to rob or kill anyone; the holds are full of chests with gold coins and barrels of excellent rum. Today you can just relax and “have a blast” to the fullest!

According to the scenario, a pirate ship sails to an exotic island for a good rest. But first of all, you need to give the ship a suitable name, because “whatever you call the yacht, that’s how it will sail.”

A competition is being announced for the most “pirate” name for the schooner.

Examples: “Thunderstorm of the Seas”, “Black Ghost”, “Captain’s Revenge”, “Fast”, etc. The schooner, which received the name, “sails away”.

An excerpt from the song “For those at sea” (from the repertoire of the group “Time Machine”) is played.

Leading: There are not and cannot be any extra people on our schooner. And yet... Are all of those present fit to be real pirates? Let's check!

Competition "Pirate Slang"

The presenter asks you to guess what some expressions from pirate jargon mean:

■ “fill the hold” - yes;

■ “wet your throat” - drink;

■ “to guide the schooner” - to go;

■ “to hang black marks on the eyes” - to sleep;

■ “to stir up a storm in the hold” - get drunk;

■ “chat with the Jolly Roger” - visit the latrine;

■ “to converge anchors” - to fight;

■ “shake the bones” - dance;

■ “strumming gold”, “throwing piastres” - buy;

■ “fire with all guns” - swear;

■ “to compare treasures” - to brag;

■ “raise the Jolly Roger” - have fun;

■ “moor in a quiet harbor” - get married;

■ “left-hand drive” - cheating on your wife.

At this time, the ship “reached” the shores of the island. An excerpt from the song “Palms in Pairs” (from the repertoire of the group “Brilliant”) is played.

Leading: Well, gentlemen... Firstly, we are faced with one question: is this wonderful island inhabited? And with what - or maybe who? — what do its supposed inhabitants eat?..

Quiet!.. I hear something... It seems that they themselves are here! Meet the aborigines, or rather, the beautiful mulatto chocolate girls!

Several girls appear, dressed in skirts made of leaves (they can easily be made from paper), with wreaths of artificial flowers around their necks, with “spears” (some kind of sticks or, for fun, something from office supplies, long rulers, for example ).

Sad music sounds, mulatto girls depict sadness and tears.

Leading: Hey girls! Guten Tag! Buenos dias! Du yu spik rashen? We ended up visiting you, our ship crashed... But why are you crying? What kind of grief are you having?

Mulattos: Oh, woe to us unfortunates! Trouble! Full moon tomorrow! On this night once a year we sacrifice the most beautiful of us to the cannibal villain. If this is not done, he will kill every single one of them! Our poor, unfortunate friend! Is she really destined to die in the jaws of this monster? Save her, O beautiful, strong men!

Presenters: Have you heard, strong men? What do you think? Shall we help the beauty and her friends? After all, as I understand it, there are no men at all on the island? It costs nothing for the pirates to defeat some cannibal, especially since there are many of you, and only one! But first you need to practice how you can lure the cannibal out of the lair! Let's try it with a whistle!

Competition "Whistlers"

Men compete in their ability to whistle loudly and sophisticatedly. But the cannibal never comes out.

An excerpt from the song “Hey Sailor, You've Been Sailing Too Long” (from the movie Amphibian Man) is played.

Competition "Tug of War"

The presenter says that the ogre is clearly somewhere close, and all the pirate strength and power should be demonstrated in order to intimidate him. The players are divided into teams and compete in tug of war.

But the cannibal does not appear again. The presenter says that the cannibal was probably afraid of strong and desperate pirates. But we cannot relax, and we must be prepared for a sudden attack... A competition is announced for the best first aid.

Competition "Doctor"

Players are given bandages. Women act as assistants - it is them that men have to treat. You need to bandage your arms to the elbows, your legs to your knees and your head (the presenter warns not to spoil your hair). Then the bandages are removed.

The competition is accompanied by the song “Aibolit” (from the repertoire of Mister Credo).

Mulatto women: Oh, what skillful and brave men ended up on our island! We admire you! You are real heroes! But we have to admit something to you... In fact, there is not and never was any cannibal. We just decided to test you, how strong and brave you are, and whether you have good hearts! Forgive us... And for your help and support, you can stay on the island as long as you like!

Mulatto girls dance and sing a song.

Orange song (from the repertoire of the group “Brilliant.” Music by A. Grozny, text by T. Ivanova).

For coins of stars

I'll buy tickets in the summer

To a fairy tale where everything is there,

Everything you want!

There flowers bloom and sweet nights

There are mine and your dreams...


Orange paradise

You just have to want it

Maybe the stars

You just have to want it

Collect from the sky!

For coins of stars

Buy tickets to a fairy tale

Where are the colorful days?

And rich colors.

All your dreams are on this island,

Maybe you'll find him too...


Orange paradise

You just have to want it

Maybe the stars

You just have to want it

Collect from the sky!

The mulatto women put flower wreaths on the men and invite them to dance.

The dance break begins.

After the dances, so that everyone can rest, the host shows several card tricks. Or maybe someone present knows how to do it.

Leading: This island is truly wonderful. You see how nice it is to relax and unwind here. But real pirates never sit idle, and prefer active recreation...

Game "Running of the Lame"

Two teams are participating. Each person is given a crutch and an elastic band (the elastic is sewn together in a ring). The first person from each team is put on an elastic band on his leg, bent at the knee, and with the help of a crutch he must cover the distance to the finish line. At the finish line there are two bottles of alcohol and cups. The one who reaches the finish line pours some into a glass and drinks, then returns with the help of a crutch, passes the rubber band and crutch to the next person, who does the same, and so on.

The game is played to the song “Waddle Quietly” (from the repertoire of the group “Adrenaline”).

Game "Make a Cocktail"

In order for participants to be able to prepare competitive cocktails, they first need to break the coconuts. Two people win: the one who managed to break the coconut first and the one who mixed the most delicious cocktail according to his own recipe.

Leading: Sea wolves can do more than just drink! As you know, pirates can shoot like no one else. But on vacation everyone relaxed and haven’t done this for a long time. Let's check - have you lost your accuracy?

Shooting competition

The presenter gives those who wish to participate in the competition a toy bow and arrows. You need to knock down empty beer cans placed at a distance. Everyone is given the same number of attempts.

The game is played to the song “Shoot” (from Bianchi’s repertoire).

Leading: It seems, gentlemen, that your vacation was a success? And now our native shore is gradually beginning to call us back. But bad luck - we don’t know the way back! Where can you go if you don’t have a map?

It is necessary to print out a “map” in advance indicating the route from the island to the office of the company where the party is being held; you can draw different seas, continents, etc. and name them in honor of the company’s employees: Ivanova Bay, Cape Petrov, etc.

Parts of the map are hidden everywhere in the room: taped under the table, under the chairs. Everyone searches for the map and puts it together into one whole.

Leading: Congratulations! Finally, you have a map and the route is now known. It's time, it's time to go home. After all, tomorrow we’ll go back to battle, back to work!

Again in the pirate harbor of the storm,

Pirates can only dream of peace,

The spirit of adventure drives them crazy

I want to strive for new victories!

Don't beg for mercy from pirates:

Robbers do not know sentiment.

And in order not to remain “broke” -

Forward! Aboard! On competitors!

An excerpt from the song “Running on the Waves” (from the repertoire of singer Maxim) is played.

Dances are announced.

A striking addition to the holiday will be fireworks and firecrackers (if possible) - everything that imitates guns and shots.

I had a large bag where I put all the props that were useful to me. since I didn’t have any assistants.

And this invitation, which I also printed, soaked in coffee, burned

This is what happened

Congratulations to the birthday boy
Schooner "Black Pearl"
Looking for Billy Bones' treasure
Tavern "Admiral Banbow"

Ha! I see the whole gang assembled. Greetings young hooligans!
I'm a pirate mom and today is my son's birthday! He is turning 11 years old, and he is still not officially accepted into the pirates!!! So I decided to correct this oversight. And since good boys cannot be friends with pirates, I decided to make you into notorious sea wolves, the threat of all seas and oceans, the favorites of Tortuga and Jamaica!!! I suspect that the birthday party will be fun and relaxed like a pirate! And, piranha by the scruff of my neck, I am glad to welcome adventurers and treasure seekers to our pirate harbor! So…

How are the pirates feeling?
Who's birthday is it today?
So let's have fun and play? (Yes!)
Raise your mood even higher! (Yes?)
Well, birthday boy, it's your day.
And we will not be lazy to congratulate you!
We wish you great happiness
And we shout loudly and loudly: CONGRATULATIONS!
Oh, I can't hear you,
Come on, louder, one more time!
playing the game "Loaf".???

And today in honor of my birthday
We are starting a great sea adventure!
So that everyone is happy today
We're going on a treasure hunt!

2. initiation into pirates
To become a pirate you need to change your name
Since a woman on a ship is a bad omen, let's agree that the names will be mostly male.
The name cards were printed in Word and covered with tape, and I also attached a pin to each card.. I sewed a fabric bag in which I put all the tags or buy badges
Captain John Silver
Captain Flint
Just Jack
Captain Black
Captain Flint
Jack Red Hand
Cheerful Media
Lanky Jim
Red Bill
Swift Hook
Baby Starkey"

To hit the road and quickly find the treasure
You now need to undergo our medical examination!
The doctor comes out
We measure height (with slippers, chocolates, spoons, etc.)
Props: I put a chocolate bar, a spoon, a cucumber, and a slipper in a separate bag.

Now we will find out everything about you
We'll test you for jumping ability,
Then volatility and buoyancy,
And of course, creeping!
Who passes the test easily?
He is immediately added to the team!

The most foul-mouthed pirate

So, can you swear like pirates? Who knows pirate curse words? Well done, but not enough! Now I will teach you how to swear!
Props: I printed out all the curse words on a piece of paper, cut them into strips and rolled them into a tube. I sewed another bag and put it there. I handed out one curse word to everyone. Then one more.
A freshwater mollusk, a cat in your heels, a corral eater (shells, crocodiles, leeches...), a jellyfish in your liver, an anchor in your throat, a mast in your skull, a thousand devils! Thunder and lightning! Blue Crab and Three Little Pigs, to hell! Burst my spleen! Pitchfork to the liver! Tooth for meat! Piranha is in your fly, that is, by the scruff of your neck! We'll feed your shy pug to the sharks! forever rattle your anchors, scrub your deck all your life! Fore-mainsail-bramsel in my left ear, sweaty eater of fish guts, green grass, latrine worm, tear into octopus tentacles, harbor rat.

Now ready to walk on the mast. Walk everyone along the rope with their eyes closed.
Yes, I see you have mastered swear words well
A real sea wolf is not afraid of storms and waves, nor is he afraid of any kind of rolling. Now we will check you, circled around us and walked along the ruler, as if on a yard...More, more evenly, how will you set the sails? (walk the rope on the floor smoothly without falling before spinning the child)
Props: rope on the floor
Well done, now you are not afraid of storms and waves, you are not afraid of any rolling
Now let's find out which of you is the most resourceful pirate"
"The Most Resourceful Pirate"
- Fastest from fear
Rushing... (not a turtle, but a hare).

Who knows a lot about raspberries?
Clubfoot, brown... (not a wolf, but a bear)

In your warm puddle
Croaked loudly... (not a sparrow, but a frog).

Walked along a steep mountain
Overgrown with fur... (not a crocodile, but a ram).

In the thicket I raised my head,
Howls from hunger... (not a giraffe, but a wolf).

Like in a bus salon
Jumped into mom’s bag... (not an elephant, but a baby kangaroo).

The sun's ray has gone out over the forest
The king of beasts is sneaking... (not a rooster, but a lion).

Having overcome all obstacles,
The faithful one hits with his hoof (not a lion, but a horse).

He takes the hay with his trunk
Thick-skinned... (elephant, not hippopotamus).

The tail is like a fan, there is a crown on the head.
There is no bird more beautiful than... (not a crow, but a peacock).

Who likes to run around on branches?
Of course, red... (not a fox, but a squirrel).

A simple question for kids:
“Who is the cat afraid of?” ... (not mice, but dogs)

Walk through the muddy swamp.
The marshy swamp can only be passed in one way, with the help of magical tracks (cross the room by placing your feet on two sheets of paper with drawn tracks). First you need to overcome the swamp with the help of two sheets of paper - “bumps”, shifting them as you move

All sailors must be able to listen to the captain and follow his orders. Imagine that we are on a pirate schooner and I, as your captain, order you, and you must follow my commands:

Left hand drive! - everyone runs to the left side
Right steering wheel! - everyone runs to the starboard side
Nose! - everyone runs forward.
Stern! - everyone runs back.
Raise the sails! - everyone stops and raises their hands up.
Scrub the deck! - everyone pretends to wash the floor.
Cannonball! - everyone squats.
The admiral is on board! - everyone freezes, stands at attention and gives
honor. - I didn’t have these competitions so few children came

tying sea knots(

Well done, now let's see how you can tie knots. Yes, not simple ones, but sea ones..

PROPERTIES: Knots printed on paper and rope. I took paper tape and after the kids tied the knots, everyone stuck tape to their rope and signed their name. then he gives a push-up to the child

I see, I see the knots have been tied, now this is how you will tie your shoelaces. What if you get hungry along the way?
We'll make barbecue.

PROPERTIES: Gummy gummies and fish-shaped cookies. I took a three-dilometer bucket to put little fish in the bottom and fish cookies on top. so that the kids can dig around there (you can use bread crumbs) and blunt wooden skewers and also paper tape at the end for signing.

"The Lame Pirate"

Participants are divided into pairs. In each pair, the legs are tied (the left leg of one to the right leg of the other). Pairs must walk a certain distance, reach the flag, turn around and go back.

Initiation into pirates.

I see that everything is in order with your jumping ability, buoyancy and volatility,
A team of treasure hunters – well, the highest class!
I see that you guys are what we need,
And everyone prepared to search for the treasure.
Now you are real pirates!!!, and this is a document confirming your piracy.
(issue a diploma)

I printed it out on A4, soaked it in coffee and colored just the title

Initiates into pirates

I took red and black fabric (grandmother's old supplies). The red one went for scarves and applied a design on it using a stencil, foam rubber and white gouache. The black fabric was torn into scarves around the neck. I cut out circles from black dermantine and bought hat elastic in sewing stores. 0.5 meters per bandage. I bought bags and put uniforms for one child in each bag. Our grandmother has a real chest. We took him outside for props. That's where I put all these bags.
- puts on an eye patch, or a bandana on the head, a scarf on the neck, or draws a “black eye” under the eye or a beard-mustache.
- But I won’t give you weapons, because you are still small.
I drew a map based on this principle.

Unfortunately, I don’t have my card because the kids took it

There is a rolled up tube in the chest, task No. 1

And 1 piece of card.

In total, the map is cut into 4 parts.

I'm an old pirate who hid my treasures, but only cunning and brave pirates can find them!! The treasure hunting map was divided into 4 parts and hidden in different parts of this island, in order to find it you need to work a little more and cope with my tasks. But the reward will please you.
Let's go my pirates!!!
Task one: look for the entrance to the tavern!!!

(there will be a sea-themed crossword hanging on the front door of the house. The main word will be watering can; there will be a piece of map there for the second task.

B- The rudder of the ship V al)

L - When there is no wind at all (calm)

E- Large body of salt water smaller than the ocean (sea e) –
Y Sea pirates (raz th nicknames)
K - A physical device for recognizing cardinal directions, consisting of
magnetized arrow always pointing north ( To compass)
E- That which inflates the sails (vet e R)

Word in the watering can
take out a package with task 2 from the watering can

and the second part of the map
Well done, they completed my first task, and so quickly. I thought you'd be guessing for a long time!!!
Here is the second part of the map.
But a real pirate must have a cocked hat!!! Every pirate should be able to make them.
After all, you won’t be allowed into the tavern without a cocked hat.

I say guys, let's ask our captain to make us three-cornered hats. My son found a story in a book about origami about how a sailor made 5 hats from a piece of newspaper, gradually then it turned into a boat and at the very end into a vest

. we decided to use it. and I had time to prepare the table.
Tolik's performance of folding hats. Then I go out and hand out PRE-MADE TRICANGES
. Are they all wearing hats? And now I propose to drink rum to the health of our captain Anatolio!! And it wouldn’t hurt to have some food before a long journey. YES? But pirates eat at the tavern. and since you are all wearing hats, now they will definitely let us in there. where is the entrance there??? Ahh you already know. Well then, go ahead and welcome to the Admiral Banbow Inn.
there was a poster in the caption Tavern "Admiral Benbow"

pizza roll-up - it was planned to wrap a piece of pizza in a tube and tie it with suluguni cheese. but since the dough was a bit thick, I just transported it like a parcel.
sandwiches of tomatoes with cucumber and sausage with cheese in the form of boats

The children sit down to eat, and on the back of the plate it is written in marker where to look for the third task. It was written on my desk. since the table is folding.

Well, my dear pirates, after a glorious feast, I suggest you have a little fun!
I also prepared a gift for our glorious captain!!! This is a terrible sea monster, the Kraken. He needs to be caught and beaten with a stick. Where are the monsters? in the sea. Forward my brave sailors!
Just be careful, remember the tasks!!!

Piñata ball game.

According to legend, this is a terrible sea monster, the Kraken. And the monster doesn’t have to be beautiful at all, so you can paint from the heart! (the 4th task and the 4th part of the map drop out along with the candies)

Task 4. Well, the monster is defeated!!! And here is the last part of the map. Now put all the pieces together and go searching for the treasure!!! Good luck!!!

treasure hunt
Congratulations on finding the treasure!!! Billy Bones.
a box buried with coins and a bundle
8. bundle game

"Pass the parcel game for a pirate party

from the Internet:
This magical package, in addition to chocolate, was hidden in a treasure chest. This is a template for the popular British children's game Pass the Parcel, which is often played at children's birthday parties. I found out about this game by chance, while looking through the will of fate that fell into my hands with a catalog of all sorts of unreasonably expensive, but insanely desirable cozy Britishness Pedlars. It wasn’t difficult to find the rules of the game on Wikipedia, and I was inspired to make a magical bundle with my own hands.

The rules are very simple. The main prize is hidden in the middle of the large package. It is wrapped in a huge number of layers of paper. In our well-fed and bourgeois times, it is also customary to put all sorts of things - small prizes - between these layers. And for older children you can also use riddles. The kids sit in a circle and pass the bundle to each other to the music. The music suddenly stops, and if the package is in your little hands at this moment, you can safely remove the next layer of paper and grab the loot that fell from under it! And the thinner parcel continues to travel through the hands until the music stops again. That's all the rules! And the winner is the one who is lucky enough to remove the last wrapper from the main prize, hidden in the very middle of the parcel.

How it's done
So, in order to make a package at home, you will need wrapping paper of different colors, one large prize, many small ones, scissors and tape (it is convenient to use both double-sided and regular tape. The main thing is that it is put on the “snail”. Otherwise In case, you can wrap it at a snail's pace)) In addition to new paper in rolls, I also had used clothes accumulated over some time from gifts received. Sometimes it happens that you can remove the paper without even tearing it. For such a material-intensive task as Pass the parcel, such BUSH pieces of paper are what you need. Work comfortably on a large table. The main prize in my package was a small Lego Duplo set.
When selecting small prizes, I tried to reflect the theme of the party. Pirate erasers:
I saw many different options for parcels on the Internet. Including one absolutely fabulous, girly, scrapbook-like, entirely made by the designer’s hands, including prizes! But there wouldn’t be enough time for that, that’s for sure. That’s why my parcel included my own “scraped” button icons. The goal was twofold - so that the prize would not look so insignificant compared to others and so that the kids would not inject themselves at least while they were playing.
And then the fun began! Step by step! Layer by layer...
I tried to choose the next paper in a contrasting color. First of all, it's so beautiful! Secondly, it’s more difficult to get confused and accidentally tear off two layers of paper instead of one

At first my “snowball” grew very slowly, and then suddenly I had to remember what “geometric progression” is! So in the end I started to get greedy and, trying to brighten up my greed with a joke, several times I used sheets of the Vedomosti newspaper instead of wrapping paper. The children did not understand the joke. I joked for their mothers, my fellow auditors.
The last, top layer of the wrapper had to be a) the most beautiful; b) similar to the real parcel; c) stylized within the pirate theme. I found some wonderful plain paper from IKEA that I could do anything with. My choice fell on the "sea" stamps of the St. Petersburg scrap club, jute cord, a real shell and the same wax seal that I used for old pirate maps."

Themed holidays: corporate parties, graduations, birthdays - bright and unusual, and therefore like appeal to everyone and are remembered for a long time, especially if during the preparation the organizers spared no effort in appropriately decorating the room, choosing props and music, i.e. took care of the “complete immersion” of guests into the atmosphere of the planned plot. The theme of pirate adventures and entertainment has become one of the most popular among both children and adults. You can take a new one as a basis theme party script "On a Pirate Ship", which contains tips on organizing a holiday and fun games and competitions.

If it is not possible to arrange this outdoors or on a boat trip, then the room is stylized, but it is better, after all, especially in the summer season, to hold such a party on a boat. It doesn’t matter what route the ship will take, maybe even in a circle. The most important thing is that you are on a ship, and there is water around you.

Decorating and preparing a pirate party

It is advisable to decorate the ship's interior (room) like a pirate ship: a "Skull and Bones" flag, an ancient chest, candles burning in shards of pottery. On the tables - some simple pirate food in clay or wooden plates: meat, bread, pineapples, coconuts, bananas, mangoes and other fruits. Kegs of wine and beer, bottles of water. There must be a large knife on the table for slicing meat and a hammer for breaking coconuts. Playing cards are laid out on the tables, on which rhymes for Burime are written; you need to select pirate songs. A map of the area where the events will take place is also being prepared. The map should be torn into several parts. Parts of the map are received by those participants who pass through all the obstacles while searching for the treasure. If there are no stops during the swim, the presenter hands over part of the map after each competition. If it is possible to make stops and go ashore, then after the end of each competition the presenter gives the winner a note describing the shore and the place where part of the map lies. To do this, the assistant goes ashore before the others and hides the map. After this, the leader invites everyone to go ashore.

When guests board again, they are greeted by a host dressed as a pirate and a sailor in a matching sailor's uniform. Guests are given pirate bandanas. The pirate ship is setting sail.

Game filling for a pirate party

Before each exit, the presenter hits a bell or metal plate. The host welcomes the guests on board the ship, says that the pirate ship is going in search of treasure, and asks everyone to tie bandanas as an attribute of a pirate voyage. Using dice (dice), we determine the happiest guest (For example, it will be the guest whose birthday is the sum of the dice rolled). We give the happiest one the task of shouting “Piastres! Piasters!” every 15 minutes.

Throughout the trip, we invite guests to write quatrains based on the suggested rhymes, which will be read out later. There will be competitions in the form of obstacles along the way to find the treasure. Between competitions, pirate-themed songs are played, and treasure hunters sit at tables and eat simple food.

Competition "Sea Knot"

Participants were invited to demonstrate their ability to tie sea knots. We give everyone a rope. In 30 seconds, the participant must tie as many knots as possible, and then untie them. In this case, the participants exchange ropes.

Competition "Grab him, tie him up!"