How to draw a girl in a dress. How to draw a Russian folk costume with a pencil step by step Young lady pencil drawing

We have already taught you in one of our lessons how to draw Russian national costumes with a pencil step by step - male and female. Here in this lesson we will draw a Russian beauty step by step. This is a girl in Russian folk costume. In ancient times, each region and each locality had its own special outfits. They have come down to us in drawings and in museum collections. And no matter how different women’s clothing may be in one area or another, girls’ sundresses and kokoshniks have always been considered truly Russian folk clothes. Let's start step-by-step drawing with a pencil one of the symbols of our Russian culture.

Stage 1. For now, let's draw the auxiliary lines. The circle is the head, it contains the features of the eyes and mouth, Above and on the side of the head are the lines of the kokoshnik and below the line of the neck.

Stage 2. Now we draw the oval of the face smoothly, it should be very gentle and smooth, from the chin below the line of a neat swan neck. Above the circle, draw a parting and the girl’s hair, laid on the head in both directions. On the bottom line of the kokoshnik near the face we will show jewelry - earrings.

Stage 3. Let's depict the eyes of our beauty. We taught you how to draw eyes with a pencil step by step in our lesson on the website. Her eyes are very expressive, large and beautiful. There are thick eyelashes on the eyelids. Here we’ll draw a neat nose with literally one line and a mouth with a smile below.

Stage 4. At the top of the head we make a kokoshnik - a Russian national headdress. Only unmarried girls could wear it. It is drawn between the lines from stage 1. The kokoshnik is quite large. It looks like a semicircle. There are several lines on it, between which patterns will be located.

Stage 5. Now we will show the auxiliary lines of the girl’s body. This is a quadrangle and lines of bent arms; the hem of the sundress goes lower from the chest.

Stage 6. Draw the top of the clothing. Under the sundress you can see a shirt, the collar is flounced. The top of the sundress itself has straps from the shoulders to the chest line.

Stage 7. Add the bottom of the sundress. From the chest line, draw a smooth hemline to the ground. The sundress should be long.

Stage 8. Show the folds in the fabric on the bottom of the sundress using wavy lines.

Stage 9. Now we draw the sleeves of our beauty’s shirt. Along the lines of the arms from step 5 we outline the contours of the sleeves. The sleeves are quite wide, they also have pleats. The bottom of each sleeve is cuffed. We will also depict neat hands with fingers here.

Stage 10. On the front of the sundress we will draw triangular patterns of different sizes. They remind us of flower petals. Let’s draw a handkerchief in the girl’s hand, which she waves while dancing.

Stage 11. In this stage we will draw numerous patterns on the kokoshnik, the neckline of the sundress and the bottom of the hem of the sundress. What these patterns look like is shown in enlarged form. You can choose your own patterns.

Stage 12. Let's leave the main lines of the Russian beauty and erase the unnecessary ones.

    Russian folk costume is filled with small patterns and many details, which is why its depiction will require scrupulousness and diligence from you.

    I offer several options for similar drawings that can be printed, applied to the window during the daytime, and a blank sheet of paper placed on top and simply copied the image.

    Let's start the drawing with the head of a Russian beauty and the Russian national headdress - kokoshnik.

    next step sketch of styled hair and earrings

    draw eyes and lips in a modest smile

    let's move on to drawing the kokoshnik

    now let's move on to the national sundress

    clearly drawing the shirt and sundress straps

    finishing the sleeves of the shirt

    and a handkerchief in hand

    draw small details of the sundress and kokoshnik

    decorate the beauty

    In order to draw a woman in Russian folk costume, you first need to draw the silhouette of a woman. And then draw a Russian folk costume on it. To do this, you need to know what Russian folk costume looks like.

    First of all, the costume consists of a sundress, a slasher and a kokoshnik headdress.

    Ideas can be found here:

    The woman was lucky in those ancient times, because Russian folk costume was distinguished by a certain festiveness, which is worth only the kokoshniks crowned with various embroideries and precious stones shimmering in the light.

    To draw a suit, or more precisely if it is a long dress or a traditional Russian sundress for a woman, you can watch a visual master class on how to draw it here.

    It will also be useful to look at for drawing:

    How to draw a woman with a pencil step by step?

    A Russian woman can be drawn with a pencil step by step in the following sequence:

    First, let's draw the silhouette of the future long robe, draw the lines like this:

    Then the second stage is drawing the details:

    The third stage is coloring the costume:

    It is really very difficult to draw a national Russian costume, and even more so a female one. It's much easier with men's. But there are a lot of sketches and answers above, and I will give a video that clearly shows how to draw this costume step by step.

    Women's Russian national costume looks much richer and brighter than men's.

    A woman's folk costume can be drawn by anyone who has ever seen it and remembered the variety of embroideries on a long shirt.

    The easiest way to draw a female Russian folk costume is by looking at a drawing example, as we see below:

    The most complex thing in this drawing is the woman’s face and the small drawings on the national Russian costume.

    We sketch the main parts of the costume.

    Typically, a traditional Russian costume for women consists of a sundress and a kokoshnik.

    It turns out that it is not so easy to find a step-by-step drawing of a woman in a Russian folk costume. Mostly just costumes.

    But here's an easy example of how to draw just such a drawing.

    In my opinion, this is the heroine of some cartoon.

    I don’t really like to draw, and frankly speaking, I don’t know how. But I do great when I follow an example. For example, I really like drawing from video lessons. It turns out well. Here's a great video on how to draw a Russian woman in folk costume.

They say Russian girls are the most beautiful. Nature has endowed our compatriots with pleasant facial features, blond hair and a graceful figure. Thanks to good external data, as well as their own work, girls look beautiful even in retirement. It is not surprising that many painters and graphic artists wanted to capture our girls on their canvases. And today we will try ourselves as an artist and draw portraits of Russian beauties, as well as a full-length figure.

Drawing with children

When a child draws a portrait of a Russian beauty, he usually depicts his mother's face. After all, it is this person who plays a big role in his life. Therefore, when reading fairy tales with your child, you need to develop his imagination and attention. After the fairy tale is read, you can invite the child to draw the main character. And how to do it?

The easiest way is to depict a girl in a skirt and draw a kokoshnik on her. Let's look at the progress of the work step by step. First of all, we draw the figure of a beauty. These will be two triangles connected by sharp ends in the middle. The bottom figure is a skirt, it should be 3 times larger than the top corset. The dress is ready, add a circle for the head and don’t forget that every person has a neck. We depict the hands as rectangles. Don't forget to draw the fingers. We put boots on our feet. It remains to add some details to the drawing. This is the face of a beauty, a braid and, of course, a kokoshnik. The eyes and nose can be outlined with dots, lips - with a semicircle. And the last detail is the decor on the dress and kokoshnik.

Cartoon heroine

Portraits of Russian beauties do not necessarily have to be authentic. If you draw with children, it is easier to depict a comic character. This way the child will be satisfied not only with the creative process, but also with the result. The character of our drawing will be a girl dressed in a fur coat, a long skirt and a fur hat. Standard Russian beauty in winter.

Let's start with the layout. On the sheet we will depict not only a girl, but also a church, a tree and stones. We outline the figure and divide it into three parts. Now we divide the upper sector in half again. We draw the lower half of the head with a circle, the upper half is the hat, we draw it with an oval. You can immediately outline facial features. We will draw the figure in three quarters, this is the easiest angle.

Let's start drawing out the fur coat. To begin with, we outline it with a trapezoid. Next we detail the fur coat by adding fur edging. Now we draw hands. In order not to draw fingers, we will put a muff on the girl. Now it's time for the skirt. To make it look more interesting, don’t forget to draw folds. We draw 5 vertical lines along the skirt, and draw a wavy line for the hem. It remains not to forget about the background - in the form of a church, trees, stones. Our drawing is ready.

Portrait of a princess

If a child has artistic talent, then, in principle, he cannot depict the entire figure on paper. How to draw a portrait of a Russian beauty?

You need to outline the dimensions of the drawing. The face should occupy half or one third of the sheet. Draw an oval and mark the hairline with two semicircles. We immediately draw a kokoshnik. It will look like a pointed semicircle. Princesses wear dresses, so this part of the design needs to be given special attention. In order not to torment your child with images of decor, you can come up with a more complex style of clothing. The girl's figure should resemble an hourglass. But the sleeves can be drawn in the form of several interconnected circles or ovals. You can depict a braid in the same way. We put beads on the beauty's neck. Only the face remains. To avoid the problem that one eye is larger than the other, we draw the girl in a small spread, as if she was slightly turned away from the viewer. We depict the eyes as circles, and give them an almond shape using the eyelashes. We complete the arches of the eyebrows and draw the nose in a small semicircle. All that remains is to outline the lips, and our beauty is ready. You can color the drawing if you wish.

Russian beauty in kokoshnik

At school, when children study the topic of national costume, they are often given homework. How to draw a portrait of a Russian beauty? 4th grade is the time when students can already portray people almost reliably. But drawing portraits is too difficult a task. Therefore, it is better to choose a simpler theme, for example, to depict the entire figure of a girl in a national costume. In such a drawing, a portrait of a Russian beauty in a kokoshnik will also be present, but will not attract increased attention.

In order to depict a girl, we, again, need to arrange the figure on the sheet. So that our beauty doesn’t get bored, we can draw a young guy next to her. Let's start with the image of the girl. Divide the figure into 4 parts. The first of them is devoted to the image of the head and kokoshnik. We draw the face in a circle, and the headdress in a semicircle. Don't forget to make a small point in its center. We use a trapezoid with a rounded edge to represent a sundress. We place the second of our four parts under the arms. We draw them with corners to the trapezoid. We also outline the shoes with triangles. All that remains is to detail the figure, draw the face and the ornament on the sundress and kokoshnik. By analogy, we try to portray a young man.


The classic Russian beauty can be depicted as a national doll. Even a small child can draw a matryoshka doll. A portrait of a Russian beauty, depicted in this way, will make the child stand out from the crowd who will copy Disney princesses.

It is better to draw a nesting doll in parts. First you should depict the right half, and then use a window to mirror your creation. Draw a semicircle symbolizing the face. The next step is to draw the outline. It needs to be copied from the example shown above. Now you need to fill the empty space. First, we clarify the face: draw the eyes, lips, nose and cheeks. Now we draw the hand. It is an oval connected to the palm. It should be noted that a nesting doll can have 4 fingers, not 5. Now let’s get creative. We dress our beauty in an apron and draw flowers. The final touch is to move the image to the left side.

Modern interpretation

Abstraction is in fashion today. Therefore, a drawing-portrait of a Russian beauty in a modern interpretation may look unconventional. For example, you can draw a beautiful bun, a nice profile, outline a neck line and an ear. But it is not necessary to draw the face. You can get by with non-trivial shading or, in general, write a poem in place of the eyes and lips. It could even be a favorite verse.

Dymkovo toys are also called Vyatka or Kirov toys. They have a long history, and appeared more than 400 hundred years ago in the settlement of the same name near the Russian city of Vyatka.


A few words from the history of Dymkovo toys...

Initially, Dymkovo toys were dedicated to the Whistler holiday. To mark this day, folk craftsmen made whistles from red clay, fired them and painted various patterns on them.

They were made in the shape of various animals. Here were:

  • and a cockerel
  • and a duck,
  • and deer,
  • and turkey,
  • and a horse,
  • as well as figurines of a young lady.

However, over time, the purpose of the holiday was forgotten, but the fishery resumed in the 20th century and became a real calling card of this region. Dymkovo toys began to be made as Russian souvenirs.

How to make it?

First, red clay is taken, mixed with brown river sand. This type of clay exists precisely near Vyatka. A figurine is sculpted from it, for example, a rooster, turkey or horse. You have to sculpt the figures in parts. Then they are glued together using liquid clay, and the figure is adjusted by the master. The toy is then dried and fired in a kiln at high temperature. Then they begin to paint it. The patterns are painted with white paint. Previously, paint was made from chalk mixed with milk. Today there are special paints. In addition to white, toys abound in blue, green, and yellow colors, which give them a special cheerfulness. The top of the toys was covered with whipped egg white, which gave them a bright shine and elegance. Each toy is unique because it is made by hand. Among the many figurines collected in museums, you will not find two identical ones. The largest toy museum is located in Kirov.


Probably, you guys also wanted to create such toys for yourself?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to do this at home, even if you know how to sculpt with clay. But you can try to color the silhouettes of Dymkovo toys. On our website you will find photos, pictures and coloring pages for children depicting Dymkovo toys. They can be downloaded and printed. You will be met:

  1. cheerful cockerel,
  2. important duck,
  3. puffy turkey,
  4. graceful horse
  5. and a lady dressed in elegant clothes.
  6. Also here you will find numerous patterns that decorate the Dymkovo toy.

However, don’t rush into coloring books. First, carefully look at the photos of the toys, remember what colors the figures are painted with, since the colors on the figures have their own pattern. Photos will help you draw your own conclusions, and coloring pages for children will help you practice. Probably the most favorite toys of children are the cockerel and the turkey; sometimes the children mention the lady. Why? They are the brightest, most elegant. Think about what a rooster looks like, what colors you use to paint it, because in the old days a rooster was a symbol of the beginning of a new day, the sunrise. His figure contains all the colors of the rainbow. The photos and coloring pages offered on our website will help children become more familiar with this unusual Russian folk craft, show their imagination and ingenuity, and learn to draw. Acquaintance with any ancient craft enriches a child, connects him with his ancestors, with Russian roots. And getting to know toys is doubly interesting. From time immemorial, they reveal their secrets to children, share their cheerfulness, create a good mood and creative enthusiasm.

A selection of materials on the topic

click on the picture below to download a collection of pictures depicting Dymkovo toys: And you can also download individual pictures of Dymkovo toys at your discretion: lady Horse Rooster Turkey Duck

* First of all, you need to use sharp scissors to cut off the neck of the bottle. You should have a blank for the future Dymkovo toy (see photo).

* Now you need to cover the resulting blank from a plastic bottle with plasticine. It is very important to make an even and neat layer without streaks or unevenness..

* Then build a small plasticine ball that will serve as the head in the future Dymkovo toy. Be sure to make a tall kokoshnik out of plasticine, braid a braid, wear a wreath, etc. Don’t forget about your hands, as well as all kinds of additional elements: basket, handbag, bucket, child, samovar, etc.

* Now the plasticine mold must be thoroughly coated with flour, this is necessary so that the paint (for example, gouache) adheres well and does not form drops.

* Now you can start painting and decorating. Before you start painting, be sure to paint the entire figurine a single white color. Wait until the white layer dries and begin the creative process of painting.

* Below we attach some examples of patterns and colors that are used when decorating Dymkovo toys.

* Russian people have always been famous for their special ingenuity and sense of beauty. Apparently, therefore, the beginning of many decorative and applied arts originates precisely in Ancient Rus'. The News Portal decided to devote this article to another ancient craft that arose in Rus' more than four hundred years ago. We will talk about the famous Dymkovo toy.
* The value of the Dymkovo toy lies in the fact that it is unique handmade. There are no two identical Dymkovo toys in the world, because even the same master cannot create two Dymkovo toys that are as similar to each other as two peas in a pod. Dymkovo toys are made from bright red clay, then fired and subsequently painted.
* In this article we want to invite you to learn how to make Dymkovo toys with your own hands. Since we don’t have special ovens in our apartments, and it’s also not possible to get real bright red clay, we will make Dymkovo toys from scrap materials.
