Kaysenov “Behind Enemy Lines. Discussion on book K

The future writer, front-line soldier and hero of Kazakhstan, holder of the Golden Star - Halyk Kaharmany, the Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky and the Great Patriotic War, Kasym Kaysenov was born in the village of Asybulak, Ulan district, East Kazakhstan region on April 23, 1918. He graduated from primary school there, and then continued his studies in the regional center - the village of Bozanbai, and further - at the Ust-Kamenogorsk Political Educational Technical School. For some time he worked as an inspector of the Pavlodar regional district and was drafted into the army. This was his pre-war biography.

And then time was compressed to the limit. Moscow special reconnaissance and sabotage school, into which one out of a thousand was selected, and the first deployment behind enemy lines, to Ukraine. At that terrible time he was only twenty-three years old. Work in enemy-occupied territory, partisan detachment, battles for the liberation of Ukraine, Moldova, Romania from the fascist invaders.

Tracing his ancestry from the noble ancestors of Kabanbay-batyr and Barak-batyr, Kasym Kaysenov can rightfully be considered the heir to their military valor. Not only the Kazakh land, but also the Ukrainian people, who gratefully preserve the memory of his courage during the liberation of their homeland during the Great Patriotic War, consider him their hero.

Kasym was drafted into the Finnish war in 1939, but thanks to his external qualities, he was left in Moscow, where he studied at a sabotage and intelligence school for three years. In such a school, a soldier is prepared for subversive activities behind enemy lines. When the Germans unleashed brutal fire on Soviet soil in 1941, many people remained behind enemy lines in occupied territory. Their task was to organize a partisan movement to fight against the Nazi invaders. And Kasym first found himself in the dark and dense forests of Ukraine, from where he reached the Carpathian mountain peaks. When he carried out his first task, fighting his way out of the enemy's encirclement, many around him died, and he was left alone. Near Kiev and Poltava, Kasym was wounded, but continued his fight and was among the partisans. In 1943, he was thrown from a plane into Moldova, his enemies met with fire, but the “impenetrable” Kasym remained alive. At the beginning of 1944, near the town of Ploesti in Romania, during an airborne assault, he was one of three survivors of that terrible battle. That summer, on the far side of the Carpathian Mountains, he was one of seven of sixty soldiers left alive. Among the dense thickets of reeds that have been engulfed in fire, there are some reeds that do not burn. So is Kasym Kaysenov, who did not burn in the cruel fire of war.

After demobilization in 1945, Kasym Kaysenov ended up in Alma-Ata. Works as an assistant in the apparatus of the Presidium of the Supreme Council, studies at a party school, then works in the Chimkent and Dzhambul regions. For a long time, Kaysenov has been working as an editor and deputy director at the Zhazushy and Kainar publishing houses.

His main biography as a writer did not begin suddenly. Even before the war, he wrote poetry and even published in district and regional newspapers. When Kaysenov arrived in Alma-Ata, Zhumagali Sain introduced him to the writing community, and he wrote memoirs about the war for the newspaper. Kasym had a phenomenal memory - he remembered not only the names of all the villages and farmsteads where he fought, but also the names of all the fighters in his detachment. Once, having heard his oral story, one of the writers admired: “This is a treasure trove for a writer!”

Kasym Kaysenov began work on the book and in 1954 his first story, “Young Partisans,” was published. A year later, two more - “Ilko Vitryak” and “Partisans of Pereyaslav”. Then again and again. “From the claws of death”, “A boy behind enemy lines”, “On the Dnieper”, “Behind enemy lines”, “In those years”. The front-line writer never forgot his comrades in arms. He talked about them with utmost realism and historical accuracy in his books. There are more than 30 of them in total. As the author himself recalls, it was easy and difficult to write them. There was no need to invent anything. He experienced, experienced, and saw everything with his own eyes. It was difficult because I had to work on every word, I didn’t have enough writing experience, and I didn’t have enough education. I wrote in Russian, then switched to Kazakh. The military, or rather partisan, theme is heard in all his works. Kaysenov talks about the front-line brotherhood of people of different nationalities, about the Motherland that united these people in hard times. The writer also writes memoirs, in which the theme of restoring historical justice is heard, there is a place not only for memories of the war, but also for his comrades in the writing workshop.

A separately published collection is dedicated to the brave partisan writer, which includes prose and poetic works by Adiya Sharipov, Khamit Ergaliev, Syrbai Maulenov, Abish Kekilbayev - more than 80 dedications in total.

The writer has many awards, and many of them are associated with the memory of the war. In 2003, by Decree of the President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma, for his significant personal contribution to deepening cooperation between the two countries and in connection with his 85th birthday, the Order of Merit, II degree, was awarded to the Kazakh writer, participant in the liberation of Ukraine during the Great Patriotic War, Kasym Kaysenov. But, as academician Zeinolla Kabdolov said, greeting the legendary hero: “You don’t need praise, you need to be boasted about.”

Authors Elena Vladimirovna Meyer, teacher of Russian language and literature,
Asanova Aliya Khametovna, teacher of Kazakh language and literature,
KSU "Economic Lyceum", Semey.
Date: May 3, 2014.
Oral journal
"Is it possible to forget the past..."
Dedicated to the 69th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.
Goals: to expand students’ knowledge about the heroic history of our people, their military traditions; to more fully reveal the historical significance of the Victory over fascism; to cultivate in students the best moral qualities: Kazakhstani patriotism, readiness to defend the Motherland, a sense of legitimate pride in their country, in their city, in the valor and courage of its defenders.
Equipment: exhibition of literature about the Great Patriotic War; oral journal pages, presentation.
Venue: assembly hall.
Progress of the event

Presenter 1: The Great Patriotic War... No matter what they say or write now, time will never erase from the memory of the people the Great Patriotic War, the most difficult and cruel of all wars in the history of our Motherland.
The war has died down,
It has become a long history...
But is it possible to forget the past!
Presenter 2
Presentation of Great Patriotic War veterans and guests.
Today our guest is a veteran of the Great Patriotic War
Chervinsky Mikhail Gavrilovich.
Home front worker, deputy chairman of the city Council of Veterans, honored teacher Rashida Ashrapovna Khasanova.
Home front worker, honored veteran of the energy sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Fedorchenko Tatyana Petrovna.
We are pleased to welcome veterans of the economic lyceum
Ershov Kim Vasilievich,
Kolesnikova Nadezhda Fedorovna,
Izatova Zinaida Omarkhanovna,
Mishtovt Violetta Mikhailovna, Mishtovt Vladimir Viktorovich.

Today we have to meet again with the events of the war years, to come into contact with some historical military events. Today we will leaf through the pages of an oral journal about the Great Patriotic War.

Page 1 "1941 - 1945. A great test for the country"

Presenter 1: There are events, dates, names of people who entered the history of the city, region, country, and even the history of the entire Earth. Books are written about them, legends are told, poetry and music are composed. The main thing is that they are remembered. And this memory is passed down from generation to generation and does not allow distant days and events to fade. One of these events was the Great Patriotic War of our people against Nazi Germany. Each of us must preserve her memory.
To those who went into battle for their homeland, survived and won...
To those who were burned in the Buchenwald ovens,
To those who went to the bottom like a stone at river crossings.
To those who forever, nameless, sank into fascist captivity,
To those who were ready to give their hearts for a just cause,
Those who fell under cars instead of pontoon bridges.
Dedicated to all those who went into immortality and won...

Presenter 2: 1941 lived 22 tamyz challah? are you? beybit?mirin b?zylyp?l Otan So?ysy bastaldy. (slide)
(recording “Sounds of Explosions”, Levitan’s voice “Announcement of the beginning of the Second World War, the song “Holy War” sounds)
Presenter 1: June... The sunset was approaching evening.
And the sea overflowed during the white night,
And there was a ringing laugh from the guys,
Those who do not know, those who do not know grief.

June. We didn't know then
Walking from school evenings,
That tomorrow will be the first day of the war,
And it will end only in 1945, in May.

War is 4 years of battles. 1,418 sleepless days and nights. More than 27 million dead. This means 22 people for every 2 meters. That means 13 people every minute.
(video show, slides)
Presenter 1: 9-mamyr - Zhe?is k?ni b?kil?lem toylaytyn?asietti mereke. Bizdi? hal?ymyz?shin?ly mereke,?rpa?tan-?rpa??a berilip, toylanyp kele zhat?an mereke. B?gіn bіz, sіzderdi ?ly merekeleri?izben?tty?taymyz, aspandar?yz ashy?,?mirleri?iz b?ytty, shua?you bolsyn dep tileymiz. bitkenіne 69 zhyl boldy, elimiz?anshama bozda?tarynan ayyryldy, barly?y - 20 million adam?miri ??ban boldy. ?kelse de bizdi? hal?yiz?ip shi?you.

M.Ma?ataev "?yr?ynshy zhyldarda?y besik zhyrynan"

Presenter 2: Victory Day is a great holiday in our country. On this day, they honor the memory of those who died and bow to all those who survived. Let's remember and honor everyone with a minute of silence.
Slide - (minute of silence, (metronome)

Page 2 "Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War"

Presenter 1: “ly Otan son?” aldynda?sker?atarynda 178 ?aza?standy? zhastar?izmet etken, so?ys zhyldarynda olardy? ?ataryna ta?y 1 million 300we? adam?osyldy.?aza?stands?tar so?ysty? birnshi k?ninen bastap, ?oldanysta?y?sker?atarynda so?ysty.Otanin?or?au?a 5183 ?yz atanda. Respublikamyzda 12 atyshtar divisions, 7 atyshtar brigadas zh?ne 4 cavalry divisions zhasataldy.Sonymenatar, 2 artillery divisions, 3 sh?ytar regiments, 14 zhekeshelengen batolion??ryldy.
?ly Otan so?ys zhyldarynda bizdi? elimiz 601011adamnan ayyryldy, are they? ishinde maydanger - ?aza?tar 130 we?.

Reader: Zhauta?dap?arap gave t?r,
K?z zhasyn s?rtip zha?a bir.
Khabarsyz?lyn s?rau?a,
Zholy?dy tosyp ana zh?r.
?ansha?go? ?rlap adamyn,
?ansha?go with?nip?aldy ottar.
K?rdi? white ananas?,
So?ystan?ayt?an soldiertar?

Keshikpey hot keler dep,
T?renen saylap oryndy.
Batys?a?arap barely?dep,
Aru z?r tosyp zholy?dy.
K?terdi b?rin aurdy?,
Azamat bolyp ardy a?tar.
K?rdi? be zharyn arudy?,
So?ystan?ayt?an soldiertar?

Keterde soldier zaryny?,
Ishіnde?al?an ana zhyl.
“K?kemdi aitpay tanyrmyn,” -
Dep bur s?bi bala z?r.
?airylmay?alai ketesi?,
Khabarsyz?alai ol to?tar?
K?rdi? are they? k?kesin, So?ystan?ayt?an soldiertar?

T.Molda?aliev "So?ystan?ait?an soldiertar"

Presenter 1: The 316th Rifle Division under the command of Ivan Vasilyevich Panfilov, formed in Kazakhstan, covered itself with unfading glory. There were representatives of 36 nationalities.
Kazakhstan gave 512 Heroes of the Soviet Union, of which 87 were Kazakhs. About 120 Kazakhstanis were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union for their participation in the liberation campaign of the Soviet Army in European countries.
The first Hero of the Soviet Union from Kazakhstan was the son of a Pavlodar peasant, Major General of Tank Forces Semenchenko Kuzma Aleksandrovich (July 22, 1941), and the last was Panfilov officer Bauyrzhan Momyshuly (December 11, 1990). (slide by B. Momyshuly)
Four Kazakhstanis - attack pilots T. Begeldinov, L. Beda, I. Pavlov and fighter pilot S. Lugansky were twice awarded the gold Stars of Heroes of the Soviet Union. (slide Begeldinov.T)
The youngest Kazakh - Hero of the Soviet Union - 18-year-old Zhanibek Yeleusov - died while crossing the Dnieper.
The feat of Tulegen Tokhtarov, who broke into the headquarters of the German part of the village, will forever remain in memory. Borodino and destroyed 5 German officers.
A group of machine gunners under the command of company political instructor Malik Gabdullin, having knocked out enemy tanks, led their units out of encirclement. (slide by T. Tokhtarov, M. Gabdullin)
Presenter 2: Rakhimzhan Koshkarbaev - M??gilikke zher??sh?an fascisterdi? so??y?jas - Reichstags? ?stіne?is tuyn zhelberetken zhauynger. 1945 zhyl?y 30 s?uirde ol zhauynger Grigory Bulatovpen birge Ke?es?skerleri arasynan Reichstag?a aldymen zhetip, same?is tuyn tikti.
R.?osh?arbaev?yzyl Tu, I d?rezheli Otan so?ysy ordermen, k?ptegen medaldarmen marapattal?an.Berlindegi Reichstag?a tu tіgіp, ?as?you? na?yz batyr?lt ekendigin d?leldegen?aysar azamat Ra?imzhan?osh?arbaev?a 1999 zhyly t?uels_z elimizdi? "Chaly? ?a?armany" ata?y Berildi. (slide by R. Koshkarbaev)
Presenter 1: Kaysenov K. After graduating from military intelligence school in November 1941, he was sent to the headquarters of the North-Western Front, from where, having received a special assignment, he was sent behind enemy lines to organize a partisan movement in the territory of occupied Ukraine. On this land, Kasym Kaysenov commanded detachment number three, which bore the name of Chapaev. Subsequently, until the end of 1944, he participated in partisan movements in the territories of Moldova, Czechoslovakia, and Romania. In Ukraine, K. Kaysenov organized partisan detachments and at the same time was engaged in sabotage work.
Presenter 2: Advice Oda?yn? batyrlary?atarynda, ?aza? ?izdar machine gunner Manshuk Mametova is not a sniper Aliya Moldova??lova, ekeui de so?ys dalasynda?aza tap?an.
There is a testing time for the horseman,
There is a testing time for the people.
So that the Motherland can breathe freely,
The men shed a lot of blood.
But on any fronts then
With the enemy
And the young Kazakh woman fought.
I'm used to grueling hikes,
I'm used to danger.
And to adversity!
The Fatherland will never forget
Mametov Manshuk at the machine gun.

Yes, heroines of Kazakh lands
Send for a feat
In difficult times they knew how.
There was a sniper Aliya at the front,
Shot at the target without missing a beat.
Manshuk and Aliya - so on the back
Two braids flow
Dark and heavy.
So two stars walk on high...
You are not forgotten, young Kazakh women!
The song "Aliya" is playing
So?ys?a?atys?an zherlesterimizdi eske alai?,olards? esimderin m??gilik zhadymyzda sa?tay?. (slides “Semipalatinsk residents - heroes of the Second World War”).
Presenter 1: Years go by, decades change... But the feat of the people in the Great Patriotic War is destined to remain in history forever.
Fewer and fewer war veterans remain among us. Millions left without feeling even the slightest concern for themselves. Everything was not up to them - gradually aging, losing health and strength... The last generation of heroes will soon pass away - can we at least pay them our debt of memory and respect?
We walked through the fire
Through great troubles
But I had enough strength for happy tears.
I cried when the bright banner of Victory
He hoisted it in front of everyone at the Reichstag!
Like Egorov, Kantaria, walking proudly,
The great last one ascended the pedestal
Son of my father's land,
Kazakh Koshkarbaev,
And forever became a soldier's glory!

Our veterans are a generation of amazingly strong, resilient and courageous people. Therefore, it is so important to be able to appreciate their feat, and therefore to be able to just as devotedly love your Motherland, your Fatherland, be proud of your fathers and grandfathers and value such qualities as willpower, camaraderie, and a sense of duty.

E. Asadov's poem "Victory" is read by Sasha Ryabokon.

Page 3 "Oh, roads!" Poems and songs of the war years"

Presenter 2: 200-den astam a?yn-zhazushylar so?ys?a attandy.Olar so?ysta correspondent?ana bol?an jo?,artilleryman, tankman,zhayau?sker,?sh?ish,boldy sailor.?? rsauda?al?an Leningradta ashty?tan, so?ys hospitalderinde heat?attan?aza tapty.
417-si so?ysta?aza tapsa, k?pshiligi so?ystan kein t?rli heat?attardan?aitys bolds.
1941 - 1945 LJ. ?ly Otan so?ysyn arnal?an?le? zholdary k?p. Biz, sezdermen solardi? Yes, we are esimdermen?ana tanysamyz..(slides M. Jalil, K. Simonov, A. Tvardovsky, Yu. Drunina, O. Berggolts, reading poems)
Presenter 1: Songs of the war years! How many of them are beautiful and unforgettable. And they have everything: the bitterness of retreat in the first months of the war and the joy of returning to one’s own, pictures of the lives of soldiers, stories about the military exploits of sailors and infantrymen, pilots and tank crews. And if you were to listen to all the best that poets and composers have created now, it would be music - the history of the Great Patriotic War.
Songs of the war years!.. From the very first volleys and shots to the victorious May fireworks, they marched through the entire war in military soldier formation. For those who went through and survived the war, these songs are definitely call signs from that unforgettable distant time.
Presenter 2: So?ys zhyldarynda?y?under-erlik, dosty?,adaldy?,yes?? turaly?nder.B?l?le?der soldiertardy erlikke, birlikke sha?yrdy, k??il-k?in k?terdi, tu?an zherge, elge, tu?an -tuys?a degen sa?ynishtaryn, ?yyndy?tardy?uge to?mectesip,zhe?iske degen senіmderin we?itty.?le?-adam siya?you,?z tarihy, ta?holes bar.?le?derdi? we? have tarikha,? mirshe?digi, adam ta?dyrymen,?mirimen tikel baylanysty. shy?u tarikha men ta?holes zhaiynda aityp beremiz. Presenter 1: Eske alai?, barly? y neden bastaldy:
Lebedev-Kumach zhaz?an "Holy War", (slide) aldynda Belarus stationynda oryndaldy. Zhauyngerlerdi? ?tenishi boyinsha?le? Bes ret oryndaldy.?nnі? s?zi adamny? ishkі sezіmіn, jan d?niyesіn teberentіp, beibіt?mіrge?mіtterіn oyatty.
"Katyusha" (slide)
During the Great Patriotic War, dozens of variants of the “Katyusha” appeared, and the people “christened” a new weapon with its name - rocket-propelled guards mortars, which instilled terror in the enemy.
Naturally, the theme of love could not help but be touched upon in songwriting. The composer M. Blanter and the poet M. Isakovsky wrote many wonderful songs, but, perhaps, none of them warmed the hearts of soldiers so much in times of war, none of them in peacetime did so much for friendship and mutual understanding of people on our planet , like this simple-minded, smiling, sweet “Katyusha”, which was written before the war, but became one of the favorite songs of the Great Patriotic War.

"Dark Night" is one of the most popular songs of the war years. The song was born unexpectedly in 1942. in distant Tashkent. The filming of the film “Two Fighters” was underway; as filming progressed, it became clear that we couldn’t do without a song. The film was about the friendship of two soldiers, whose roles were played by Boris Andreev and Mark Bernes. Bogoslovsky immediately, without stopping, played the melody of the future song, which was later included in the film without a single change. The poet Agapov quickly and successfully developed poems to this music.

Presenter 1: Bes zhyl?a convened?an so?ysta, zhyldan zhyl?a zha?a?le?der tuyndada. Ol?le?derde chaly?ty? zhau?a degen?shpendiligi, Otanyna degen s?yispenshiligi, dost?,erlik, mahabbat,zhe?iske degen senimy zhyrlands.

Presenter 2: The memory of the war, the victims of the war... It rings the alarm bell in our hearts, commanding us not to forget the feat of the people, to carefully preserve the peace won at the cost of more than 27 million human lives.

Poem "Requiem". Read by Bobko Ekaterina.

Honor and eternal glory to those who defended their Motherland from the enemy during the war, who stood in the rear at the machines and grew grain in the fields, to all those who, with their labor and feat of arms, brought the long-awaited victory closer. Glory! (slides)

On the ninth day of jubilant May,
When silence fell on the ground,
The news rushed from edge to edge -
The world has won! The war is over!
The windows were no longer darkened anywhere
In the smoky cities of Europe.
Victory was bought at the price of blood,
May the globe always remember this!

Presenter 1: The generation of the 40s wrote their biography on campaigns, and the biography of this generation became the biography of the country.
They gave their lives so that every spring the festive fireworks of the Victory salute would fly into the sky, so that love would arise and flowers would be sold on the corners.

I don’t know war, why do I need it?
I want to live peacefully and sing hymns to beauty.
We need to strengthen peace so that always and everywhere
If only they knew about the past war.

Presenter 2: Let the sun drown the whole Earth in its rays!
Let the peaceful stars shine above her!
Let you breathe deeper, calmer, freer!
May there always be sunshine!
May there always be heaven!
May there always be a mother!
May there always be peace!

Bolmasyn so?ys!
(J. A?ylbay?ly)
Bolmasyn so?ys"
Tіlegi solay ata - ananas?.
Zhara?at alyp?or?a?an elin, ?ly Otanyn,
To? shede jäger balda? you kisi kezdesse
Zh?regim soyp oylanyp bara zhatamyn.
Batardy basyp, tankti? pulled herds,
?andar?a b?gip bala - ba?shalar ala?y.
Zhauynger bolyp from atyp - zhap-zhas zhigitter,
Atpasa eken shashynan s?yrep Anany.
Page 4: "The Price of Victory" (Slides)
Word to WWII veteran Mikhail Gavrilovich Chervinsky.

The song “Victory Day” by composer D. Tukhmanov and poet V. Kharitonov was born 30 years after the Great Patriotic War and immediately became close to us and necessary on this particular holiday. The song is a poem about the past that calls forward to the future, a song that touches veterans to tears and makes the hearts of young people beat faster. This is a song of humanity, this is a song of struggle. This is the anthem of our victory! What is especially dear is that the song was loved not only by those who fought for Victory with arms in hand, but also by very young boys and girls, familiar with the war only from books, films and old front-line songs.
Recording (Levitan "Announcement of Surrender")
Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

Presenter 1: We will end our story with a song,
The most intimate, the most important.
Which is like a symbol of joy for us,
The symbol of the long-awaited Victory Day!

The song "Victory Day" is performed by students.

Presenter 2: The holiday dedicated to Victory Day is over.
Thank you all for your attention!

Kasym Kaysenov (Kazakhstan: Kasym Kaysenov) was born on April 23, 1918 in the village of Asu-Bulak, Ulan district, East Kazakhstan region, into the family of a simple worker. In 1934, after graduating from junior high school, he entered the political and educational technical school in the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk. After graduating in 1939, he was sent to the military intelligence school, from which he graduated in 1941. In November of the same year, K. Kaysenov was sent to the headquarters of the Southwestern Front. On a special assignment, he was transferred to enemy-occupied Ukrainian territory. Here Kasym Kaysenov led the third detachment of the partisan formation named after. V. I. Chapaeva.

Being drafted into the army in 1940-41. trained at the military intelligence school. In November, Kaysenov was transferred to enemy-occupied Ukraine. He participated in the organization of the partisan movement in Ukraine, troops under his command carried out many daring operations on the territory of Moldova, Romania, and Czechoslovakia. The founder of the theme of guerrilla warfare in Kazakh literature, author of almost 30 books. Member of the Writers' Union of Kazakhstan (1957). In 1995, K. Kaysenov was awarded the high title of "People's Hero of the Republic of Kazakhstan" and the military rank of colonel.

The veteran partisan for a long time was an editor and deputy editor of the publishing houses “Zhazushy” and “Kainar”. In 1954, K. Kaysenov published his first book, “Young Partisans.” This is how his literary activity began, which K. Kaysenov dedicated to the heroic and patriotic theme. Readers are well aware of his books “Ilko the Windmill”, “Pereyaslavl Partisans”, “From the Claws of Death”, “A Boy Behind Enemy Lines”, “On the Dnieper”, “Behind Enemy Lines”... They have been translated into Russian and Ukrainian.

Among his exploits were the capture of the Bukrinsky bridgehead, the liberation of over seven hundred political prisoners from the Belaya Tanya concentration camp, the crossing of the Dnieper, etc.

Awarded the Order of Bohdan Khmelnitsky, the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree, the Order of Merit, the Badge of the Czechoslovak Partisan, 25 medals of the USSR and foreign countries, Certificates of Honor from the Kazakh SSR and the Ukrainian SSR. The government of sovereign Ukraine awarded him the Order of Special Merit, III and II degrees.

Three times he was nominated for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, but there were opponents, still nameless, who prevented this. Kasym Kaysenov himself never worried about this. He said: “I fought for my Motherland, and for this I do not need any rewards except the respect and love of my people.” In Ukraine, the Germans held about five divisions, which were opposed by a huge partisan force led by Kovpak, equal in organization and number to regular troops. The Wehrmacht suffered huge losses on the territory of Ukraine. And in this partisan movement, the name of Kasym Kaysenov-Vasi became famous. He was dearly loved by the locals. Moreover, his name “Vasya” instilled confidence in people that peace would come. He always remained alive in the most dangerous operations.

Lesson topic: B. Momyshuly “Moscow is behind us”

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

A) Educational: Introduce students to the hero of the Kazakh people B. Momysh-uly, with his work “Moscow is behind us”;

B) Developmental: Develop students' creative abilities and oral communication skills.

B) Educational: To instill in the student patriotism and respect for war veterans.

Lesson format: combined lesson

Visibility: Slides: About the Great Patriotic War, with the autobiography of Bauyrdzhan Momyshuly, with his aphorisms, clippings from the film “Moscow is behind us.” With pictures about the Great Patriotic War.

I.During the classes

1. Organizational moment. Slide No. 1

2. Checking homework. Slide No. 2

Kasym Kaysenov “Behind Enemy Lines”

    Retell how he described the first weeks of the war

    Why, as K. Kaysenov wrote, although Ukraine became his second homeland, did he decide to return to Kazakhstan?

    How do you understand the writer’s words about his partisan friends: “They are worthy of the grateful memory of the people?”

3. Divide students into groups and use questions to find out their names

    Who is Kasym Kaysenov and what works of his do you know?

    Who is Baubek Bulkyshev and what works of his are you interested in?

    Who is Rakhymzhan Koshkarbaev and what works of his do you know?

II. New topic.

Lesson epigraph: “Anyone who does not respect his nation and is not proud of it is certainly a vile person.”

    Meet the writer

A) biography of the writer-hero;

B) Honors and awards of the writer;

3. Reading in parts

1 Group find in the text: Meeting between Mukhametkul and Bauyrzhan

2 For the group, find in the text: What should a commander know about his enemy?

3 Find the group in the text: How should a commander lead?

Story outline:

    Meeting with Islamkulov;

    Meeting with General Panfilov;

    Situation on the map;

    General's assignment;

    “Faith can move a mountain.”

Consolidation. Questions and assignments.

    On whose behalf is the story told?

    Which of his fellow countrymen did B.Momysh-uly meet at the front? What was this meeting like for them?

    Tell us about the conversation Bauyrzhan had with General Panfilov. What character traits of the general and the battalion commander were revealed in this conversation?

    Tell us what you learned about Ivan Panfilov and battalion commander B. Momyshuly.

    Why did General Panfilov give the task specifically to Bauyrzhan Momysh-uly?

    How do you think the story will end?

    Vocabulary work. Working on pronunciation.

Track – koliktin doңgeleginen paida bolgan terendik

Honored – kurmettedi

Keep it behind seven locks - kupiyany berik saktau

Rolling – ote katty dybys zhane uzak dybystar

Watching the film “Moscow is Behind Us”

    Reflection. Aphorisms of B. Momysh-uly. Slide No.

“Having entered the fire for the Motherland - you won't burn"

Of course, we would all like to live in a world completely free from war and violence. More than one generation has dreamed of this dream. But, unfortunately, the world around us is still not perfect. He is full of evil and deceit. And therefore, along with peaceful workers, our country needs warriors to defend our native Fatherland. For the sake of the lives of other people, our ancestors performed heroic deeds during the times of Abylai Khan, Isatai Batyr, and Bauyrzhan Momysh-uly. And it is precisely for the sake of life in their native land that our courageous contemporaries are serving today, full of dangers. A low bow to them for their great sacrifice and love, without which it is impossible for the world to survive. Commemorative events are still held in the center of every locality in Kazakhstan and in all the republics of the former USSR. In the park named after 28 Panfilov heroes, and in all Victory parks, where the Eternal Flames are lit at the memorial stylized as the Kremlin wall.

9.Assessing students.

10.Homework. Retelling the content.

4th quarter Lesson No. 10

Lesson topic: § 78-80

TO .Kaysenov “Behind Enemy Lines”

Secondary school named after A. Navoi

Date: 04/24/2018

Full name of teacher Mirkhakimov R.S.

Class 7- “B”, “C”

Number of people present

Number of absentees

Learning objectives to be achieved in this lesson

D - have a vocabulary that includes emotionally charged vocabulary and terms;

Ch - use types of reading, including search;

IE - use complex sentences expressing conditional, concessional, comparative, comparative relations.

The purpose of the lesson

    expand knowledge about the work of K. Kaysenov;

    understand the content of the story “A Boy Behind Enemy Lines”, answer questions;

    develop and protect a poster;

    formatively evaluate your activities in class and the activities of your classmates.

Language goal

Students can: build speech logically and consistently, demonstrating the norms of oral and written speech

Key words and phrases : P e sang – kul, under the e heat of the heels O th - under strong authority, d e sharp (forays) – brave (forays), I more assertive - clearer, better, V s trapdoor – shabuylZhasau;

Language used for dialogue/writing in class: Russian.

Issues for discussion : What have we learned about Kasym Kaysenov? Who is the main character of the story “A Boy Behind Enemy Lines”?

Why should we honor the heroes of the Second World War?

Previous training

This section builds on the knowledge and skills acquired in previous classes,including those aimed at the perception and evaluation of audio materials, text analysis, and the development of speech literacy.

Interdisciplinary communications

Native language, Kazakh language, self-knowledge, history


Internet resources, presentation on the work of A. Beck

Connections with values

Love for the Motherland, patriotism, defense of the Fatherland, heroism

Evaluation criteria

- have a vocabulary that includes emotionally charged vocabulary and terms;

- use types of reading, including search;

They use complex sentences expressing conditional, concessional, comparative, and comparative relations.


Planned dates

Planned actions


0–2 min

I . Organizing time.

(TO) Creating a collaborative environment. Circle of Joy

To create a psychological atmosphere, he conducts the game “Wishes to a Friend”

Start of the lesson

5 minutes

II . Updating knowledge.

(TO) Determining the topic of the lesson. Read and determine the topic of today's lesson

I dedicate this book to my little fighting friends, who together with me survived the harsh time of the partisan war in Ukraine - Vasily Yakovenko, Ilko Vetryak, Zhora Gorovenko, Ivan, Maria, Galya Gaman and Viktor Abramenko

(J) Students determine the topic and objectives of the lesson



30 min

IV. Mastering the studied material.

(K) Task 1. Watch the presentation about Kasym Kaysenov. Fill out the table, analyzing what you had
know about K. Kaysenov and what new things you learned

Correctly identify known information

about K. Kaysenov

correctly identifies known information

about K. Kaysenov

Fill the table with new information

fills the table with new information

FO "Rate your neighbor"

(I) Task 2. Read K. Kaysenov’s story “A Boy Behind Enemy Lines” on your own and prepare to discuss it on “thick” and “subtle” issues.

1. What time are we talking about in K. Kaysenov’s story “The Boy in

behind enemy lines?

2. Where do the events of the story take place?

3. Who do you think is the main character of the story?

4. What happened to Serik’s mother and who helped the boy overcome the difficulties and misfortunes that befell him?

5. How did the guys’ lives turn out after the attack by the fascist invaders?

6. How were the invaders greeted in the villages occupied by the Nazis?

7. Why do you guys think the Red Army started the war?


8. Why didn’t Anna Ivanovna stay in her village, occupied by the Nazis, and return to her parents?

9. What can you tell us about guerrilla warfare in enemy-occupied territory?

10. What was Serik called in the squad and what did he want to become when he grew up?

11. What tasks did the guys carry out while helping the partisans?

12. What happened to Serik and under what circumstances was he injured?

13. What can you tell us about Serik’s meeting with his father?

14. What in the story you read made the greatest impression on you?

FO "Thumb"

Warm up. " May there always be sunshine!”

V . Consolidation of the studied material.

(G) Select one of the topics for the project “Why We Must Remember

Victory Day,” prepare and protect it.

1. This Victory Day smelled like gunpowder...

2. Heroes - Kazakhstanis of the Great Patriotic War.

3. Soldiers of the pen and sword.


Collaboration is not yet possible

Implementation of the tasks of your group

The group's objectives are fully realized

Partial implementation of set goals

Objectives are poorly implemented

Quality and volume of use. sources

A sufficient amount of material was used, its high-quality processing was carried out


the number of sources, their quality is not questioned


a small number of sources, the quality of their processing leaves much to be desired

Student work activity

High activity of each group member

Most group members participate

There is no unity or coherence in work in the group

Presentation quality

project, aesthetics

product fulfillment

The presentation is carried out according to a well-thought-out plan, the final product is presented aesthetically

The presentation plan is generally thought out, the final product is not presented very aesthetically

There is no plan.

Group members do not have presentation skills

FO "Traffic Light"



Assessment sheet

Cards with questions


Signal cards

End of the lesson

5 minutes

Summing up the lesson:

(TO) Please indicate true (C) or false (F) answers.

1) K. Kaysenov was born in the West Kazakhstan region.

2) In 1941, Kasym Kaysenov was transferred to

Ukraine captured by enemies.

3) In the forests of Ukraine, Kasym Kaysenov fought as

Vasily, Vasya.

4) In 1955, K. Kasenov’s first book in Russian, “Young Partisans,” was publishedVIII

5) By decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kasym Kaysenov was assigned

the title of national hero – “Khalyk Kaharmany”.


1. Make a cluster on the topic: “Kasym Kaysenov.”

2. Write an essay on one of the topics: “Eternal memory to heroes”,

Reflection "Boat of Knowledge"

Green sails - everything was easy

Yellow sails - there were some difficulties

Red Sails - it was difficult


Additional Information



Compliance with SanPi

When doing written work, weak children are given sample essays

Observation of the teacher during the implementation of the “One Minute” technique.

Peer assessment

“2 stars and 1 wish” strategy.

Physical education moment.

Once - we got up and pulled ourselves up.

Two - bent, straightened up.

Three - three claps of your hands,

Three nods of the head.

Four - arms wider,

Five - wave your arms,

And at six - sit down quietly.


Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? What did students learn today? What was the atmosphere in the class? Did my differentiation work? Got it doneAm I on time? What deviations were there from the lesson plan and why?

Use this section to reflect on the lesson. Answer the most important questions about your lesson from the left column.