Ex-participant of house 2 Denis Kozlovich. Andrey Denisov

24 years

g Sagittarius

Biography of Andrey Denisov originates on December 14, 1995 in Minsk. For a long time he devoted all his time to developing the work of a travel agency. He is currently the owner of this business. Due to his workload, he did not meet with anyone for a long time. And in general, Andrei tries not to talk about his personal life before joining the television set.

Denisov is a very sociable guy with a great sense of humor, he is always ready to help all his friends and acquaintances. He never loses heart and knows how to joke about himself.

Despite his busy schedule, he finds time to play sports - he plays football. He is an opponent of bad habits and tries to eat only the right healthy foods. His dream is a strong relationship with a good girl. Andrey is ready for discoveries and loves adventures. That is why at the beginning of September 2017 he decided to become a participant in the television project House 2.

At the project, the young man immediately told everyone about his sympathy for. Although at the time of Andrey’s arrival the girl was on the islands and had a pleasant time, sunbathing and swimming in the ocean. The guy was serious about going to the girl, but the relationship between them somehow didn’t work out and he turned his attention to.

The relationship with Masha did not work out. And at the present time Andrei is still lonely. At the same time, he is popular in the company of new friends. But he still had conflict with Cherno because he hit her in the face with a fish and then got into a fight with Joseph, who defended her.

On the project, Andrei leads an active life, participates in the work of the School of Acting, where teachers highly value his talents. But at the same time, he often reminds that he came to the project precisely in order to meet the girl he loves and build a serious relationship. Whether a guy with such an explosive character will succeed is still unknown. All that remains is to wait for the continuation.

Denis Kozlovich- a real handsome man and an object of passion not only for many participants of “DOM-2”, but also for hundreds of thousands of fans on the other side of screens and monitors. The man has been compared more than once to film actor Keanu Reeves, calling him a young copy of a foreign TV star. Denis himself born December 24, 1986 year in Khabarovsk. Since childhood, he was accustomed to positioning himself as a comprehensively developed person, as evidenced by a wide range of hobbies and interests: dancing, singing, acting, sports and other types of self-development. By the age of 27, when his studies were already far behind him, Kozlovich realized that his hometown was too small for him and his ambitions, as a result of which he changed his place of residence to St. Petersburg, which was more promising for the career of a young and talented man. There Denis continued to engage in bodybuilding, began appearing in commercials and participating in fashion shows.

However, despite his brutal appearance, the man adheres to the old-fashioned model of behavior in relations with the opposite sex, showing signs of attention even when he is not interested in the object of his passion. This is what happened when he became a participant in the television project “DOM-2” and expressed his sympathy for Maria Chuzhakova. The girl, in turn, stated that she was not interested in any of the participants in the show as a partner. And, although Kozlovich tried to look after her in every possible way, Masha remained adamant, and after some time, she left the perimeter.

Possessing such impressive appearance and attractive charisma, Kozlovich simply could not remain alone for long. And so it happened - soon he began an affair with Alena Yudina. However, their relationship did not last long. The reason was Yudina’s frivolity, which could have been guessed from the very beginning - after all, she was choosing whose companion it was better to become, Denis Kozlovich or Timur Garafutdinov, and such throwing around is clearly not a sign of a faithful woman. Denis was able to verify this when he learned that Alena had offered a threesome to Ilya Yabbarov and Konstantin Ivanov. Kozlovich was categorically not happy with this situation, which is why he immediately announced a severance of relations.

Subsequently, Denis tried more than once to find a lover from among the candidates for participation in the project, during castings, as well as outside the perimeter. However, his attempts were always unsuccessful. Then he began a relationship with Ekaterina Korol, and the third wheel in it, according to fans, became Natalia Bichan- choreographer of the project. The latter denies all statements about her connection with Kozlovich, but few people believe her. Jealous Katya was also no exception, believing rumors about her chosen one’s infidelities, as a result of which this couple also broke up.

Dancer Denis Kozlovich suddenly left the reality show House 2. The strange last male arrival, at which one of the new guys, after a couple of questions, was sent straight out of the gate, clearly did not bring any threat to Kozlovich. Few doubt that the man left the ranks of the participants voluntarily. Or did they leave?

By asking the question: “?”, one can find two reasons for his departure. The first - just yesterday Denis published a blog for a trolling competition, in which he openly stated that the TV project, instead of searching for love, promotes Rapunzel’s occupation, expressed everything that most viewers think about the format of the reality show. He pointed out the immorality and unscrupulousness reigning in the clearing of house 2.

Did he already know that he would leave the project?

Reason two - . For an adult, independent and reasonable man, such a blow to his reputation was not desirable; he clearly did not want to get dirty in someone else’s dirt. So the script didn't work?

A third reason can also be found - the four months during which the participants did not receive salaries have ended, and they did not sign a contract with Denis. Moreover, Svetlana Torba is already screaming with all her might about some kind of relationship with him. Including after leaving.

Or did he leave of his own free will, having failed to become a bright and noticeable participant in the television project House 2? Found another activity related to choreography? But at least you didn’t get dirty, you truthfully expressed everything that viewers think about the direction of the TV set.

33 years

q Capricorn

Born in the city of Khabarovsk. Recently he lived in St. Petersburg. Charismatic, confident, sexy, in great shape, brunette, with an appearance reminiscent of a young Keanu Reeves. He does not disdain the services of a personal stylist and makeup artist, for which he often hears unflattering expressions addressed to him.
Denis has been and continues to be involved in the modeling business, and also takes an active part in shows and commercials, and gives choreography lessons. In a word, the guy has enormous creative potential.
He appeared on the show on March 2, 2016 along with Alex Guliev. Came to show my sympathy Maria Chuzhakova, which he considered an exotic plant that could die in the clutches of an inept gardener, thus hinting at the Greek. Nicholas, in a fit of jealousy, attacked Denis with his fists when he offered to take Masha’s place next to him. It was possible to hush up the showdown only by removing the Greek from the place of execution.
For a long period, Kozlovich made attempts to gain Masha’s attention, but she, taking advantage of the acquaintance and favor of the presenters, did not choose anyone. Her boyfriend, in addition to those listed above, was also Fedor Strelkov. Ultimately, having achieved his goal and moved into a closer relationship, Denis did not like Chuzhakova’s display of attention to other men, as a result of which the union broke up.
With coming Alena Yudina Denis had hope of creating a couple. Initially, the girl came to, who at that time was faced with a difficult choice between and and fled to the Seychelles. As a result of this development of events, Alena drew attention to Denis, and they began to build love. However, their attempts failed and they separated.
Soon Denis became interested, with whom an affair began. Their life was filled with emotions, both positive and not so positive. But there were still more negative ones. Scandals and showdowns did not subside. The apogee of conflict was the opening of an acting school and the appearance of a teacher in a television production. Natalia Bichan, thanks to which a love triangle was formed. To participate in the competition, Denis decided to dance and chose Natalia as his partner. Having performed a sensual dance, filled with passion and eroticism, which also ended with a kiss, Kozlovich made absolutely everyone talk about a possible romance. Bichan, in turn, strongly denied rumors of a love affair with a participant in the reality show.
At the end of May, Katya left the perimeter and after her departure Denis no longer had a serious relationship. They continued to keep in touch, and Katyusha even opened her own business, which she happily shared with Kozlovich. Denis talked about how Katya was sewing him a jacket to replace the one she tore during the quarrel.
After the King left, Denis made an attempt to build a relationship with Daria, but due to the latter’s jealousy, nothing came of it, and the couple broke up. This was followed by a short-term unsuccessful alliance with. Next, Denis considered a candidate as his beloved, who, by hook or by crook, wanted to return to the project.
At one time there was talk online that Kozlovich was developing a relationship with. Expressing sympathy and providing friendly support to Olya, who was going through difficult times associated with her lover’s betrayal, was taken by many as flirting.
After this, the relationship did not work out, and Denis left the perimeter on July 28, 2016, saying that he had more important things to do. However, there is a suspicion that the reason was Kozlovich’s reluctance to interfere in someone else’s life and break up the Veter family, depriving his little son Mikhail of full communication with his own father.
There were also rumors about renewed love between Dan and Katya.

"on the TNT channel.

Denis Kozlovich. Biography

Denis Kozlovich was born December 24, 1986 in Khabarovsk, but at the time of joining reality he lived in St. Petersburg. The guy before joining the project " House 2» engaged in modeling business, took part in r advertising shootings, actively involved in sports,taught dancing. In addition, Denis danced in clubs.

A young man who looks like Keanu Reeves came to the reality show on March 2, 2016 and said that he intends to conquer Maria Chuzhakova, friend of presenter Olga Buzova. Moreover, Denis began to act immediately: on his arrival, he sat the girl on his lap right on Lobnoye. However, the guy’s relationship with her did not work out.

Welcome to Polyana Alena Yudina Denis had a chance. But nothing worked out with Alena either. But the young man had a stormy affair with one of the most prominent participants in the project, Ekaterina Korol. The lovers came together and then separated.

Passions ran high when the School of Acting opened on the show, and a dance teacher appeared in Polyana Natalia Bichan. After Kozlovich danced with Natalya on a talk show, which turned out to be very passionate, sensual and even ended with a kiss, a love triangle formed.

At the end of May 2016, Katya Korol left the project, and Kozlovich remained to build relationships. After his high-profile departure from the project, King Denis Kozlovich was not interested in any of the participants. He stated that he needed time to start his next relationship.