Svetlana Vetlitskaya biography. Biography of Natalia Vetlitskaya - former lead singer of the group "Mirage"

After leaving the stage, the pop diva leads a reclusive life in Spain

The name of one of the main blondes of the Russian stage suddenly disappeared from the headlines several years ago. The pop diva left the stage silently, without giving a farewell concert and without explaining herself to the audience. The disappearance of Natalya Vetlitskaya, who recently celebrated her 50th birthday, was associated with her spiritual practices in India, sects, mysterious plastic surgeries and relationships with the powers that be. SUPER managed to find out the real reasons for Natalia’s departure from show business and find out how, where and with whom one of the brightest singers of recent decades lives.

Vetlitskaya radically revised her life at the age of 40, after the birth of her daughter Ulyana in 2004. According to a source close to the singer, she wanted to terminate her pregnancy. She was persuaded to leave the child by producer Viktor Yudin, who in recent years became her right-hand man and close friend. The name of the child’s father, Vetlitskaya, has not been made public to this day. Among her love victories were marriages with composer Pavel Smeyan, 90s pop stars Zhenya Belousov, Dmitry Malikov and Vlad Stashevsky, businessmen Pavel Vashchekin and Mikhail Topalov and oligarch Suleiman Kerimov. By the way, to this day Natalya’s affairs are in charge of the Swiss lawyer Kerimova. After the birth of her first child, who resembled her mother with blue eyes and blond hair, the pop diva decided to leave the stage and Russia, moving to Spain. The sex symbol of the Russian pop scene decided to finally move to the Mediterranean coast when the child was four years old.

In an elite area of ​​the Spanish town of Denia, right on the hill overlooking the azure waves and white sails, lies the singer’s estate. The young mother's choice fell on a two-story mansion in which she lives until her dream house next door is ready. There is also a “For Sale” sign on the gate of another property she owns nearby. One of the most desirable women on the Russian stage is helped around the house by a nanny and a gardener. She had to refuse the services of a housekeeper due to the latter's unscrupulous spending habits.

Today Natalya avoids people, especially her compatriots. Her reluctance to interact with her fellow countrymen, for example, forced her to give up her membership in a local yoga center, where the owner was a Russian. Denia attracted the singer in many ways because of its contingent, where the number of Russians is noticeably lower compared to other regions of Europe.

Vetlitskaya rarely leaves the territory of her home: only occasionally does she go out, arm in arm with her daughter, into the surrounding area - the local port with restaurants and supermarkets. There she makes her own purchases, carefully choosing not only products, but also household chemicals.

Vetlitskaya leaves her family nest several times a year for the sake of a pilgrimage to India. In recent years, she has been interested in retreats, spiritual practices and mental self-improvement. However, Natalya often attends Catholic mass celebrations in Spain. On the day of her 50th birthday, the singer did not leave the house: in a narrow family circle she drank a bottle of wine and, according to the source, concluded that she had everything to be happy.

So far she has not been able to master the language of Goya and Marquez perfectly. However, the daughter speaks Spanish fluently and is enrolled in a private school in a neighboring town. At first, Vetlitskaya personally drove Ulyana by car to her first lesson, but now the bus picks her up.

Every year, in August, on the eve of her birthday, Vetlitskaya’s phone is ringing with calls from journalists. While editors of various talk shows are in vain trying to persuade the star to give an interview, Andrei Malakhov simply congratulates the blonde on the holiday, having come to terms with her position after several categorical refusals. Vetlitskaya’s only channel of communication with the audience remains her LiveJournal blog, many of the posts in which at one time caused considerable resonance in the press.

Let us remember that Natalya Vetlitskaya began her career in the late 80s, becoming the lead singer of the legendary group “Mirage”. Having won millions of fans, the luxurious blonde set off on her own. In the 90s and 2000s, she was famous for her numerous hits and the most expensive videos at that time.

On August 17, the singer Natalya Vetlitskaya, popular in the nineties, turns 49 years old. On the birthday of this beautiful woman, we remember the loudest romances in her life.

Marriage to Pavel Smeyan. The singer got married for the first time when she was 17 years old. At that time, Natasha worked as a dancer, and she was noticed by the musician Smeyan, who at that time worked at the Rock Studio. Pavel was a fairly famous person, participated in Lenkom performances, and also performed many songs in famous Soviet films. The age difference between the spouses was seven years, and while this marriage lasted, Vetlitskaya did what Pavel said, because he was an authority for the girl. It was Smeyan who advised his wife to start a solo career as a singer. Perhaps Natalya would still be living with Pavel if he had not started drinking. During another binge, he beat Vetlitskaya. She wrote a statement to the police, and a criminal case was opened against Smeyan, but soon Natasha forgave her husband, but did not return to him.

Photo: Natalya Vetlitskaya and Pavel Smeyan

Relations with Malikov. After the divorce, the singer remained alone for only a short time, as she began a whirlwind romance with Dima Malikov, who at that time was just starting to sing. He was only eighteen, and Natasha was over twenty. Malikov speaks about this relationship with restraint. He was a very young boy, and at that age guys often fall in love with beautiful and successful women. According to Malikov, Vetlitskaya met not only with him, but also with other men, so their union was short-lived.
Marriage to Zhenya Belousov. Perhaps the affair with the girls’ favorite Zhenya Belousov was the brightest in the singer’s life. Zhenya and Natasha met at the Cosmos Hotel when a fashionable party was taking place there. At that time, they were popular performers: the whole country listened to Zhenya’s songs, and Natasha was the soloist of “Mirage”. There were many rumors about their romance, but it is reliably known that that evening both were too drunk and left the hotel together. The union lasted exactly three months, of which they are said to have been married for ten days! Vetlitskaya herself left Belousov - she later said that she did not take him seriously, but he loved her very much.
Relations with Vlad Stashevsky. In 1993, Vlad was a rising Russian pop star, and everyone already knew Vetlitskaya. When they met, Stashevsky addressed her only by her patronymic. Natasha organized a creative evening at the Metropol, where she invited Vlad. Then Vetlitskaya had a relationship with a wealthy businessman, but Vlad was not embarrassed: he arrived with a large bouquet of roses, which conquered Vetlitskaya. They were only together for a few months.

Photo: Natalya Vetlitskaya and Vlad Stashevsky

Romance with Suleiman Kerimov. After her relationship with Vlad, “creative stagnation” began in Natasha’s life. There were no songs, no money either. Everything changed after meeting millionaire Suleiman Kerimov. On Natalya’s 38th birthday, Kerimov rented an old estate, where he gathered the entire capital’s elite for the celebration. Among the invited guests were Toto Cutugno and the Modern Talking duo. Vetlitskaya began recording songs again and actively filmed videos with Suleiman’s money. However, Kerimov did not continue to live with Natalya. As “compensation” he gave her a plane!
Romance with Topalov. Vetlitskaya was not alone for a long time - Kerimov was replaced by Mikhail Topalov, the father of singer Vlad Topalov. Soon Natalya became pregnant, and everyone was sure that this was Mikhail’s child. Later it became known that Vetlitskaya gave birth to a certain Alexei, who is several years younger than her. Currently, according to rumors, the singer lives in Spain with her daughter and husband, whose name is unknown.

Natalya Vetlitskaya - singer, actress, TV presenter, native Muscovite, born 08/17/1964.


Little Natasha most likely inherited her musical abilities from her mother, who was a music teacher and played the piano beautifully. And the girl learned to take everything she does seriously from her father. He was a talented scientist who studied nuclear physics.

But the girl’s first serious hobby was ballroom dancing. She started working in a dance studio in elementary school. But her mother insisted that her daughter also learn to play the piano, and Natasha also had to go to music school. But Natasha had no plans to connect her life with music.

Moreover, after completing her studies at both schools, Natasha began working as a ballroom dancing teacher in a private children's studio. Moreover, almost throughout her childhood the girl performed at various competitions and quite often won dance awards. The girl liked performing in front of the audience, but then she began to realize her dreams in her students.

Carier start

Natalia began her professional artistic career by accident. She came across an advertisement for a dance casting. The ballet “Recital” needed new dancers, and Natalya decided to try her hand. She herself was surprised that she was immediately included in the main team. There the girl tried her hand as a choreographer. But Natalya only worked with them for about a year.

The reason for leaving Recital was an invitation to join the Rondo group, which was then rapidly gaining popularity. At first, the girl worked there as a choreographer, and she herself took part in backup dancers. But when the group found out that she sang beautifully, Natalya began to appear on stage as a singer.

But Natalya did not stay long in “Rondo”. She recorded several songs with them, which were included in the collection “Rondo-86”, and then said goodbye to the group. After that, she changed several more groups, where she was mainly on backing vocals, but that’s not what the girl dreamed of anymore. Now she wanted to become a famous singer.

Finest hour

Strange as it may sound, cinematography opened the way to the musical Olympus for Natalia. The girl was invited to perform several songs for the film “Mary Poppins, Goodbye!”, which very quickly became popular. And songs from it were heard in almost every home. True, then no one was interested in the name of their performer.

But for this work, Natalya was offered a small role. In the film “Above the Rainbow” she not only sang, but also appeared in a small episode. This was followed by another film, Unscheduled Train. And soon, with one of the popular film songs, Natalya is invited to the filming of the most musical program in the USSR, “Morning Mail”.

Natalya is finally noticed by famous producers, and within six months she becomes one of the vocalists of the girl group “Mirage”. It was this group that brought real popularity to the singer. The girls were youth idols of the late 80s, and entire stadiums gathered for their concerts. “Mirage” toured almost continuously throughout the entire former USSR for several years.

Solo career

But in the early 90s Vetlitskaya left the group. The reason for her departure is not known for certain. Some believe that she began to have serious disagreements with the group’s producers, others attribute the singer to an affair with, who in 1992 shot her one of her first solo videos. But, most likely, Natalya simply decided that she was already popular enough to perform on her own.

In 1996, Natalya presented her first solo album and for several years quite successfully toured with solo concerts, periodically appearing on television. She is constantly invited to the filming of “Blue Light”, she regularly gets into “Song of the Year”.

But by the beginning of the 2000s, the singer’s popularity gradually began to wane. Another film with her participation helped to stir up interest in the singer. In the musical “The Snow Queen” Vetlitskaya got the role of a princess. Then two more videos were released, and that was the end of her musical career. Currently, the singer is actively involved in charity work.

Personal life

The personal life of Natalia Vetlitskaya began early and has always been stormy. Her first husband was Pavel Smeyan, who at that time was already a residually popular singer. It was he who initiated the singing career of Natalia, who was barely 17 years old at the time of this marriage. But soon she found her husband with one of the fans and filed for divorce.

Soon Natalya began a passionate affair with the handsome young man Zhenya Belousov, who at that time was at the peak of his popularity.

With Zhenya Belousov

The relationship developed rapidly, and just a few days after they met, the couple walked down the aisle. This marriage was the shortest in the singer’s life - they officially remained married for only a couple of weeks. In total, the romance did not last even three months.

However, Natalya’s passion for handsome men turned out to be ineradicable, and her next husband is the famous Moscow fashion model Kirill Kirin. But this marriage did not last even two years. After which Natalya was already limited to civil relations. At different times she was a friend of Topalov Sr., Vlad Stashevsky.

With Vlad Stashevsky

In the early 2000s, her then common-law husband, millionaire Suleiman Kerimov, invested considerable funds in making the singer popular again. But their relationship quickly ended, and with it the funding ended. Vetlitskaya did not have time to fully take advantage of this chance.

She is currently in her fourth legal marriage to a yoga trainer, to whom she gave birth to a daughter in 2004. The singer does not regret ending her musical career. She is now completely devoted to her family and charitable activities.

Sexy blonde pop star of the late 80s and early 90s Natalya Vetlitskaya has not been shining in public for more than 10 years. Where did the artist go and what was her fate?

Natalya Vetlitskaya: where it all began, biography, career

The formerly popular pop singer is now over 50 years old. She was born in 1964 in Moscow. According to Wikipedia, it is known that Natalia’s father is a nuclear physicist, and her mother was involved in the musical field and devoted most of her life to playing the piano.

Photo of Natalia in her youth:

Natalya Vetlitskaya did not discover the world of music from early childhood, unlike many of her stage colleagues. The first step towards developing her creative abilities was joining a ballroom dancing studio when the girl was 10 years old.

As a teenager, Natasha could not decide on her future career. The girl went to a music school, where she learned to play the piano and at the end of her studies even received a gold medal. Dancing classes were not abandoned.

In 1981, 2 significant events occurred in the life of Natalya Vetlitskaya - the end of high school and the beginning of teaching in the dance field.


In 1983, Natalia recorded songs for the musical film “Mary Poppins, Goodbye.” The following year she played a small role in the film “Above the Rainbow”.

Playboy video, 1993:

In 1985, the film “Train Off Schedule” was released, in which Natalia’s song plays (in the credits she was recorded under her husband’s name).

One day, a friend invited Natalia to join the rock group “Rondo”. Here she had several positions at once: dancer, dance director, backing vocalist.

1986-1988 – Natalya Vetlitskaya dances and sings in the groups “Idea Fix” and “Class”.

In 1988 she performed as a soloist in Mirage. The end of the 80s - the start of the singer’s solo career.

The artist’s height is 168 cm, weight is 55 kg.

The first video “Look into your eyes” (dir. F. Bondarchuk) was released in 1992. After 4 years, Natalya Vetlitskaya finished recording the album “Slave of Love”.

In 1997, she starred in the film “The Newest Adventures of Pinocchio” and recorded 3 soundtracks together with other actors.

After 6 years, Natalya Vetlitskaya received another acting experience in the film musical “The Snow Queen”, where she played the Princess.

From 2004 to 2009, two videos were released. From that moment on, activity in show business began to decline.

How was your personal life: husbands, children

The pop diva of the 90s had four official husbands:

  1. Pavel Smeyan is a musician, singer, actor.
  2. Zhenya Belousov is a pop singer. The marriage lasted from January 1 to January 10, 1989.
  3. Kirill Kirin is a fashion model.
  4. Alexey (surname unknown) – conducted yoga classes for Natalya. The common daughter is Ulyana (born in 2004).

Natalya Vetlitskaya also had unregistered relationships with famous show business personalities: D. Malikov, V. Stashevsky, M. Topalov, S. Zverev. She also met with an influential businessman, Suleiman Kerimov.

At the moment, Natalya Igorevna lives in Spain with her daughter Ulyana.


After the birth of a child at the age of 40, the singer left the stage, and in 2008 she left the country. After moving, she took up painting, yoga, blogging and charity work.

There is practically no news about the singer. It is known that she lives with her daughter in a beautiful house in an elite area of ​​the Spanish city of Denia. Recently, paparazzi photographed Natalya Vetlitskaya and Ulyana in a local supermarket:

Natalia's devoted fans still hope that someday they will see the singer in new musical projects in Russia.

Natalya Igorevna Vetlitskaya. Born on August 17, 1964 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian singer.

Father - Igor Arsenievich Vetlitsky (1935-2012), a famous Soviet and Russian nuclear physicist.

Mother - Evgenia Ivanovna Vetlitskaya, a music teacher, taught piano.

From the age of 10, Natalya was engaged in ballroom dancing. She also entered a music school to study piano, where her mother taught - she graduated in 1979.

For ten years, starting in 1977, she repeatedly took part in various ballroom competitions.

In 1981 she graduated from secondary school No. 856 in Moscow. That same year, at the age of 17, she began working as a ballroom dancing teacher.

At the same time, she studied vocals. They paid attention to her voice. Since 1985, she worked in the State Variety Orchestra of the RSFSR under the direction of the famous composer Maxim Dunaevsky. It is Natalya Vetlitskaya’s voice that sounds in the backing vocals for the famous song “Bad Weather” from the film musical “Mary Poppins, Goodbye!” - she performed the song together with her first husband Pavel Smeyan.

Later they recorded this song for central Soviet TV. A new duet appears on the Soviet pop stage - "Natalia and Pavel Smeyan". Their performances are shown several times by Morning Mail. This was Natalia Vetlitskaya's first appearance on the screen.

Natalya Vetlitskaya and Pavel Smeyan - "Bad Weather"

In 1985, the disaster film “Unscheduled Train” was released, in which a song performed by Vetlitskaya was performed.

After leaving the orchestra under Dunaevsky, Natalya worked in various groups in different capacities.

At first, Vetlitskaya was a dancer in ballet. Then she joined the then popular group "Rondo" as a choreographer, dancer and backing vocalist, having recorded four solo compositions as a member of the group for the magnetic album “Rondo-86”, released in 1987.

For two years, starting in 1986, Vetlitskaya performed as a dancer and backing vocalist in the groups “Class” and “Idea Fix”.

In 1988 she became the lead singer of the group "Mirage".

Who worked at that time as an administrator of the Mirage group, assures that it was he who discovered Natalya Vetlitskaya to the general public. He said: “We met her in the mid-80s on tour in Saratov. I was then the director of the Mirage group. And she performed with her husband Pavel Smeyan and at the same time danced with Seryozha Minaev. One day I walked along the hotel corridor and saw , when a girl with a black eye flew out of Smeyan’s room, followed by a suitcase. Smeyan swore at the girl and locked himself in the room. She began hitting the door with her fists and calling him an “asshole” and other words. I calmed her down and asked: “ What happened?" “I’m Smeyan’s wife,” she explained. “He was jealous of Minaev, beat me up and threw me out.” Since she was left on the street and had nowhere to go, I decided to take her into the Mirage group as a costume designer." .

Later, when Razin quarreled with the group’s soloists (they allegedly demanded too high fees), he decided to try Natalya Vetlitskaya.

“And I convinced the producers of “Mirage” Andrei Lityagin and Sasha Bukreev to kick them out and put in their place Vetlitskaya and the wife of keyboard player Slava Gromadsky Tanya Ovsienko, who also worked as a costume designer for us. True, this was prevented in every possible way by the lyricist Valera Sokolov, who was madly in love to Razina. But I still achieved my goal. From the first day, when Vetlitskaya appeared with a black eye, I felt great potential in her. Compared to these collective farmers Gulkina and Razina, Natasha looked like Mount Elbrus with a height of 5.5 thousand meters next to 100 -the meter-high Podkumok mountain. And how beautifully she danced! Better than anyone in the group! It’s not surprising that after “Mirage” she immediately became a star,” said Andrei Razin.

Natalya Vetlitskaya in the group "Mirage"

While working at Mirage, she met singer and composer Dmitry Malikov, with whom she began a relationship. He convinced her to start a solo career.

Vetlitskaya tried to record solo in the studio. In 1992, Tigrian Keosayan also shot a video clip for her song “Look into your eyes” - and this video forever changed domestic show business. The soft blue dress in which Vetlitskaya appears in the video was given to her by Zhanna Aguzarova.

Natalia Vetlitskaya - Look into your eyes

With the release of the video “Look into your eyes,” Natalya Vetlitskaya immediately became a superstar.

Then her career went up, Natalya conquered more and more heights. In the 1990s, all television channels in the country were full of her numerous hits. She became one of the most sought-after and expensive Russian pop artists.

In 1996, Vetlitskaya released the album “Slave of Love,” songs from which were constantly in rotation on many radio stations. Then a collection of hits “Best Songs” was released.

In 1997, Vetlitskaya played one of the main roles in the musical film “The Newest Adventures of Pinocchio.” She recorded two musical compositions for the film - “Sleep, Karabas” and “Taj Mahal” in a duet with Sergei Mazaev, who played the cat Basilio in the film. She also recorded the song “Rivers” in a duet with Maxim Pokrovsky (leader of the group “Nogu Svelo!”).

In 1998, her album “Think What You Want” was released, and in 1999, “Just Like That.”

This was followed by a 5-year break and in 2004 Natalya Vetlitskaya presented an album called “My Beloved”.

Natalya Vetlitskaya - But don't tell me

Natalia Vetlitskaya - Magadan

In 2003, Maxim Papernik’s musical film “The Snow Queen” was released, where Natalya played the role of the Princess and sang the song “Lanterns” in a duet with Vadim Azarkh. In the same year, Vetlitskaya performed for the last time at the Song of the Year festival, performing the song “Flame of Passion.”

In 2004, she actually stopped working on stage, only occasionally appearing at corporate events.

In 2004-2009, new videos for the songs “Bird” and “Everything is not just like that” were released. Natalya Vetlitskaya also performed at some television competitions and festivals.

The public interpreted the disappearance of the star in 2004 in different ways: spiritual practices in India, which the singer was engaged in in recent years, there were rumors about unsuccessful plastic surgeries, about the influence of the sect into which she fell. But in fact, after the birth of her daughter Ulyana in 2004, Natalya Vetlitskaya simply decided to start a different life.

The singer decided to leave for Spain forever, and there, on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, she settled in a two-story mansion. It is located in an elite area of ​​Denia. Natalya Vetlitskaya shuns her compatriots and therefore chose this city - the least number of Russians live in it (in comparison with other Spanish regions). She has a gardener and a nanny to look after her daughter.

The singer rarely leaves her home - only to go shopping.

Natalia Vetlitskaya - Playboy

Enjoys yoga. Constantly visits India. Believes in reincarnation.

“Nothing in our lives happens just like that, everything is according to the will of God. There are some higher forces that guide us. Everything is natural and thought out long ago, you just need to be able to listen to your inner voice. It seems to me that we come to Earth to gain experience “, the soul must grow,” the artist is sure.

"We are all constantly changing. Every seven years a certain cycle ends, I have seen this in my own life. These seven-year cycles of life change a person all the time. Much depends on the person, on his individual desire to change, grow, learn. Everything depends on the aspirations of human soul. If it is attracted by beauty and harmony, then so be it. But there are souls that are attracted by dirt and destruction. Personally, I want to live in beauty, I love everything beautiful, and I want to surround myself with smart people and beautiful circumstances. I don’t want to live in dirt, squalor, in disharmony with the internal and external world,” says Vetlitskaya.

Loves cars: “I can say that I fanatically love good cars. I like to drive a car, I like to drive, I relax behind the wheel.”

Natalya Vetlitskaya is known for her sharply critical attitude towards the Russian government and the current order in Russia.

In August 2011, Natalya published a “fairy tale” on her blog, which supposedly described a closed concert in the winter of 2008 for government members at a remote and “secret” residence. The article critically describes the organization of the concert in general and, in particular, the behavior of the artistic director of the Kremlin Palace, Pyotr Shaboltai. The article also ironically describes how the singer was awarded the title “People’s Artist.”

The article caused a great resonance in the press and after some time was deleted from the singer’s blog. After urgent requests from fans, the singer returned the publication to her page on the social network Facebook.

Natalia Vetlitskaya's tale about a closed corporate event for government officials

According to the singer’s story, a certain high-ranking official called her and invited her to perform for free at a Very High Corporate Event for One Very Important Person. She heroically won the fees for her sound engineer and hairdresser, and she herself went to perform “for nothing.” However, the customer promised to reward the singer with a valuable gift, which turned out to be a pair of diamond earrings.

Judging by Natalya’s remark about the “bitter cold,” it was winter at one of the deeply secret state facilities, like a summer cottage complex in some wilderness. In Vetlitskaya’s words, it was necessary to go “far away.” The artists were first transported to the place by a “secret train”, which stopped on a “secret platform without identification marks” and signs of life right in the middle of the thicket. Then the concert participants were taken by bus “along secret forest roads” to the base itself.

“It was forbidden to walk through this secret base in the evening, although in the morning it was possible, but only along certain paths. For example, my hairdresser had to walk only along path number such and such, and God forbid not to turn anywhere, and from such and such until such and such a minute, because people with guns walk everywhere and can shoot at... if anything happens,” this is how Vetlitskaya describes this place.

The venue where the concert was to take place was only a five-minute walk from the house where the artist was staying, but she was still taken there in a car that was “all covered in flashing lights, with a trunk filled to the brim with some unknown equipment.”

The room where she was taken had an area of ​​50 square meters, and everyone was herded there - singers, dancers, and other participants in the event. Everyone was packed like sardines in a barrel, there was literally nowhere for an apple to fall, “the stuffiness was simply unbearable,” says Vetlitskaya: “The only place was found on one of the steps, measuring 30x30.”

The unknown organizers warned that under no circumstances should you address the audience with welcoming speeches or say anything between songs. “Be silent. This is a protocol event. You will come out silently, sing and leave just as silently,” they personally told Natalya.

As it turned out later, there were only six spectators - men in tails, two at a table, and “in the background loomed a small group of people dressed in ball gowns from Catherine’s times.”

“Vascheeee. I almost forgot the lyrics out of disappointment; I have never met such a small audience,” the singer shares her impressions.

After the performance, she hoped to return to the room, but everyone was told to remain in place until the end of the concert, when the “audience” finally went to dinner. As has already been said, everyone was prohibited from moving around the complex, so we had to wait at least two more hours for “freedom.”

What happened next is best presented in an accurate account by Natalia herself. “The concert ended safely, I was almost in my coat, and suddenly the command was heard: “No one should change clothes and go backstage.” It turned out that now the guests wanted to sing with the artists, but with which ones they haven’t decided yet, supposedly decisions will come according to progress of the play."

The only one Vetlitskaya specifically names is the general director and artistic director of the State Kremlin Palace - according to her, it was he who managed everything related to the concert. We must assume that this is Petr Shaboltai, who has held this post since 2000.

The singer speaks about him in the most unflattering terms. “There is no angrier, nastier, more misanthropic and boorish creature in Russian show business. Those modest turns of phrase, which I sometimes use only to add flavor, look, against the backdrop of the speech of this “monster,” simply like the most tender singing of birds. When I heard him talking with the artists, I had one single desire - to shoot him right on the spot,” she shares.

According to her story, when “the guests wanted to sing with the artists,” Natalya turned to this person.

“I approach the “monster” and naively say: “Well, most likely, I’m not needed, they’re unlikely to want to sing about eyes and cats, there are artists here with a more suitable, patriotic repertoire. Maybe I’ll go?" To which I receive an icy look and a stream of selective, rude abuse. What kind of bullshit is this, some old fucking fucker, slurping his stinking senile mouth, spews all over me this diarrhea, for no reason about anything, and like “thank you, why didn’t you hit me in the face yet”?! Honestly, I’ve never met such a rare bastard before.”

This whole epic ended with a “buffet with guests” and dinner with them.

"These six people in down jackets, over tailcoats, and in fur boots enter the mansion. The distribution of incentive prizes begins. For artist O - a diamond necklace; for artist D - a mantel clock; for artist N - a wristwatch; for artist B - I don’t remember; for artist M - guitar; artist L - a printed icon in an expensive frame."

“It should be noted that by that time artist L had already managed to relax fairly and was in a playful mood. Having received the icon as a gift and having drunk another glass, he turns to the main benefactor with a request to leave an AUTOGRAPH on his gift! Well, just think, well, an autograph, well, on icon, well, especially from the tsar himself, what’s wrong with that? Well, you understand what happened to everyone here, “crying” is an understatement,” says Natalya.

Then it was the turn of a certain “very great artist,” as Vetlitskaya calls him. A “large wooden varnished box” was prepared for him, inside which everyone expected to see nothing less than a “crown from the royal bins.” But to the disappointment of the audience and, most of all, the artist himself, it turned out to be just a travel set for playing cards.

But still, the main surprise awaited this “great artist” ahead. The man in the golden camisole of Catherine's times, who at the very beginning called Vetlitskaya with an invitation to participate in the concert, solemnly presented the artist with a certificate stating that he was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia.

“You should have seen our artist at that moment, an unforgettable spectacle. I was as happy as a child, by God. It turns out that a creatively fucked up person doesn’t need much to practically “shit himself with happiness”! I think that if he was presented with the coolest crown from the coolest bins, he would have been a billion times less happy with it than with this “filka letter.” A typical Russian paradox.”

The singer ends her story with the following words: “Well, in general: no one was offended, the dinner was delicious, the jokes were funny, the king was just charm. Amen”...

In 2012, after the death of her father, nuclear physicist Igor Arsenyevich Vetlitsky (1935-2012), who worked for 54 years at ITEP, Natalya in her blog accused Rosatom head Sergei Kiriyenko and ITEP director Yuri Kozlov of persecuting her father, financial fraud and deliberate collapse of the nuclear industry.

In October 2015, in an article on the Echo of Russia website, she sharply criticized the spiritual, informational and political atmosphere in Russia.

In February 2016, she wrote on her Facebook page: “Watching the “cotton wool”, I noticed one common similarity - they are all, as if by choice, stupid and tongue-tied.”

“Russia is a great country, it’s just that too little time has passed since all this communist history. I believe that we are developing at a rapid pace, and if our country does not suffer another misfortune in the form of the specter of communism, then Russia will become a very developed country in the foreseeable future,” - says Vetlitskaya.

He is involved in charity work. Since 1999, she has regularly provided financial assistance to children of psychoneurological hospital No. 4, located in the village of Nikolskoye, Ruza district, Moscow region.

Natalia Vetlitskaya's height: 168 centimeters.

Personal life of Natalia Vetlitskaya:

The artist's first husband was a singer and composer. At the time of their meeting, Vetlitskaya was only 17 years old, she was engaged in ballroom dancing and gave choreography lessons. Smeyan is 7 years older than her. He was the artistic director of the Rock Studio and performed songs in cult Soviet films. He immediately liked the beautiful dancer and began to court her. Soon they got married. Natalya took his last name.

Then they started performing as a duet. However, their family life did not work out. Smeyan began to get involved in alcohol and raised his hand to his wife. Once he beat Natalya so severely that she called the police - Smeyan faced a prison term, but she took pity on him.

Dima Malikov - former lover of Natalia Vetlitskaya

Many years later, in 2013, Dmitry Malikov shared with the public his memories of his affair with Vetlitskaya. According to the musician, his relationship with the singer did not work out, since both of them were “selfish people from a creative environment.” “It’s very difficult to get along together like this. At some point, Natasha realized that she needed another man – not so fixated on himself. She made me understand this and eventually forced me to put an end to our relationship,” Malikov said.

Dmitry called his former lover a bright and talented girl. “After our breakup, her creativity went up. The song “My soul will sing to me at the end of the day that love has passed,” which I wrote for Natasha, turned out to be a little autobiographical,” he pointed out. Some time after breaking up with Natalya, the musician met his future wife Elena.

True, at that time there were rumors that Malikov and Vetlitskaya broke up because of the latter’s passion for the singer. They had an affair that lasted about a year. Then they got married on New Year's Day 1989, but the official marriage lasted only 10 days; they divorced on January 10, 1989.

Bari Alibasov, who was a witness at their wedding, later said: “To be honest, I still didn’t understand why he was imprisoned at all. Yes, before that they had a close relationship. At that time, I still lived in Zelenograd. And they several times "The two of them came to see me in Zelenograd. They even stayed overnight. This mating season lasted for them for almost a whole year. But, perhaps, by the time they got married, everything had already boiled over for them."

According to Vetlitskaya herself, she married Evgeniy out of pity, in order to turn away the pestering girl who dreamed of getting Belousov as her husband.

For five years she was married to fashion model Kirill Kirin, who later worked as an administrator for Philip Kirkorov. He starred in the singer’s video “Look into your eyes.” However, the marriage with Kirin was quite possibly fictitious - the singer at that time needed to resolve the housing issue in Moscow.

Then she had a relationship with businessman Pavel Vashchekin, who invested a lot of money in the promotion of Natalya Vetlitskaya.

Her next hobby was a singer. He was ten years younger than her and called Vetlitskaya by her first name and patronymic. A few months later they broke up.

She was in a relationship with a billionaire for a long time. At this time, she performed only on television filming and at expensive corporate events, where she was paid 30-40 thousand euros. From her relationship with Kerimov, she was left with expensive real estate (for example, in the elite village of New Riga near Moscow - a mansion of 3,000 square meters) and an airplane.

Suleiman Kerimov - former lover of Natalia Vetlitskaya

She also lived with businessman and producer Mikhail Topalov (father of Vlad Topalov).

Since the late 1990s, Vetlitskaya began to become interested in Eastern philosophy, became a follower of the teachings of Kriya Yoga, and began attending trainings in India, indulging in spiritual practices. There she met her fourth husband, yoga instructor Alexei.

In 2004, she gave birth to a daughter, Ulyana. And in 2008 she left Russia. He is engaged in painting and interior design; he has no plans to return to show business and does not plan to return to his homeland.

In 2018, Natalya Vetlitskaya complained that her daughter faced bullying at a Spanish school because she lived in a star family. Ulyana studied in a regular Spanish school. “Why are children so angry and cruel towards each other? Where do they have time to learn it? They brought my defenseless Firefly to such a stressful state that she doesn’t want to go to school. I wish I could finish this damn school, this damn “childhood devourer” quickly, and forget it like a bad dream. I hate schools,” the singer complained on social networks. “Russian-speaking redneck children from high school who speak only swear words and, apparently at the instigation of the same redneck parents, are frowned upon for their famous surname. She's alone there with these freaks. And there is no one to intercede. The animals are natural. And the girl simply does not want to adapt to the animal herd instincts. That’s not what I taught her, that’s why they’re swearing at her,” the singer was indignant.

Ulyana is the daughter of Natalia Vetlitskaya

Discography of Natalia Vetlitskaya:

1992 - Look into your eyes
1994 - Playboy
1996 - Slave of Love
1998 - Think what you want
1999 - Just like that
2004 - My favorite...

Video clips of Natalia Vetlitskaya:

Sergey Minaev - Karina
Bad weather (duet with Pavel Smeyan)
Ci Sarà - cover version of the song Al Bano & Romina Power (duet with Pavel Smeyan)
Shower (duet with Pavel Smeyan)
Picture of Love (duet with Pavel Smeyan)
Medley: I don’t want/This night/Music connected us (Mirage)
What a strange fate (duet with Dmitry Malikov)
Was, was not
Magical dream
It's not just like that...
Silly dreams
Study me
Look into your eyes
Slave of love
Three days until September
You are my sadness
Think what you want
I am waiting for a call
Whiskey eyes

Filmography of Natalia Vetlitskaya:

1997 - The newest adventures of Pinocchio - Alice the fox (“Sleep, Karabas”, “Taj Mahal” in a duet with Sergei Mazaev) 2003 - Criminal tango - a fortune teller’s client
2003 - Snow Queen - Princess (“Lanterns” in a duet with Vadim Azarkh)