Sample memo about making changes. Application for stationery: sample

)? Representatives of different fields of activity periodically have to face this question. A note is one of the most common and popular ways of interaction between employees of an enterprise and its management. We will provide a sample memo below and tell you how to write a memo correctly.

Why do you need to write a memo?

An internal document is a form of internal document flow that allows you to most effectively and efficiently resolve current production situations.

The purpose of the memo is to notify an official about an existing problem, make proposals for resolving it or agreeing on planned actions.

An additional benefit of these types of documents is that they are direct evidence that the specialist has covered a problem within his area of ​​expertise. If a specialist cannot resolve a problem on his own and, in the form of a memo, submits it for resolution by other specialists, he thereby relieves himself of responsibility for untimely or poor-quality consideration of the issue.

There is no special form for memos; they are drawn up in any form and can be transmitted on paper or via electronic means.

An example of drawing up a memo, its form, template

We figured out in what cases the business paper we are considering is submitted. Now you need to decide on an example of writing a memo. As we mentioned above, there is no special form for a memo. However, there are general requirements for the content of the document.

These include:

  1. Mandatory indication of the addressee of the memo. In the upper right corner you need to write the last name, first name and patronymic, as well as the position of the person to whom the appeal is sent.
  2. Below is the name of the document and its number.
  3. Next, you should outline the essence of the problem that the document writer encountered, or the situation that needs to be dealt with.
  4. Below are suggestions for resolving the issue, or an indication of the actions that the author of the memo expects from its addressee.
  5. At the end of the document, the surname and initials of the person who sent the appeal, as well as his position, are indicated.

This memo template can be used if necessary.

How to write a memo: sample design

Let's look at how to write a memo (sample) using a simple example. The text of the memo may be identical to that below.

Example of a memo

To the Director of Gvozdika LLC

Slobodin Vladimir Alexandrovich


The conveyor in the confectionery shop has been broken since January 2, 2018. To repair it, it is necessary to purchase parts according to the attached list. The total cost of repair work, taking into account the purchase of parts, is 12,500 (twelve thousand five hundred rubles 00 kopecks). Due to the fact that the fund limit for repair and maintenance of equipment has been exhausted, and the necessary parts are not available, in order to avoid workshop downtime

  1. Allocate the required amount of money according to the attached list.
  2. Provide a repair team to carry out the work.

Sincerely, head of the confectionery shop, Dmitrienko Denis Sergeevich.

We will tell you below how to write a memo electronically.

Features of electronic document management

If the organization allows the exchange of data using electronic communications, including email, then sending a memo is simplified. The advantages of such document circulation within the enterprise also include the speed of consideration of requests.

How to write a memo electronically? Exactly the same as in the classic paper version. There are no significant differences in the documents. A sample in this format is practically no different from the example given earlier.

The main part of your memo (that is, the immediate description of the situation and the proposals submitted for consideration) remains exactly the same as in our example.

The only exception is that you no longer need to indicate the addressee in the memo. The name of the user to whom the request is sent will be entered in the “Address” line. If we talk about exchanging documents through a shared resource (for example, one email address per department), in the “Subject” line you need to indicate to whom the message is addressed.

In addition, when using email (individual mailbox), in most cases there is already a signature that is inserted into the text of the letter automatically. This allows you to significantly save time, including writing a memo. If your mail does not allow you to identify the sender (for example, if you are using a shared mailbox), be sure to include your name and position at the end of the letter.

Important: when sending information by email, do not forget to request a read receipt of the sent message (to do this, you need to check the appropriate box). This notification is proof that you actually sent a memo to a specific recipient at a specific time.

At first glance, it seems that there is no significant difference between official, memorandum and explanatory notes, because These documents are similar in purpose - they are all informational in nature. Nevertheless, these are different documents that differ in content, targeting, and purposes of preparation. In addition, they do not contain instructions, but provide information prompting the addressee to make a final decision on the issue under consideration.

What are the features of an official, report, explanatory note? How to correctly prepare each document on paper? We will try to answer these and other questions from a practical point of view.


Memorandum(code 0286041 according to OKUD) is an information and reference document addressed to the manager, head of the department, and other authorized persons. It sets out in detail any issue with the conclusions and proposals of the compiler and is aimed at inducing management to make a certain decision.

There is no definition of “memorandum” as an independent concept in the legislation.

The memorandum is drawn up both on the written or oral instructions of the manager, and on the initiative of the employees themselves (for example, in cases where, in order to resolve any production or economic issue, it becomes necessary to present information in writing to higher management). With the help of such a document, you can make a proposal to improve the technical side of production processes, express disagreement with a decision made by a superior manager, and also express your point of view if disagreements arise with colleagues. Therefore, when preparing a memorandum, it is first of all important for the author to clearly formulate his position, and then provide convincing arguments in its favor.

Types of memos

  • to initiative ones;
  • informational;
  • reporting.

Initiative a memorandum is drawn up with the goal of inducing the addressee to make a certain decision, therefore the text of the memo states the facts and contains specific proposals, recommendations or conclusions.

Information a report is prepared regularly and contains information about the details, results or methods of performing the work.

Reporting the report informs about the completion of the work, its stage, implementation of instructions, orders, etc.

Depending from the addressee reports are divided into:

  • to external ones;
  • internal.

External memo addressed to the head of a particular institution, drawn up on the organization’s general letterhead, signed by the head and usually contains the following details:

  • name of company;
  • date;
  • index;
  • place of compilation;
  • addressee;
  • title to the text;
  • text;
  • manager's signature;
  • performer's surname, phone number.

An external memorandum is submitted to the head of the parent organization (Example 1).

Example 1

External memo


10.02.2014 № 12/05-14

On attracting additional

labor resources

Dear Andrey Vasilievich!

Due to the lack of candidates at the stage of forming the administrative apparatus for the branch in Moscow, it is necessary to attract labor resources from additional sources by 04/14/2014. Interviews with new candidates must be conducted by 04/21/2014.

Payment of expenses for additional services will be made in accordance with clause 4.5 of the Service Agreement No. 04/56 dated February 14, 2014.

Head of HR Department Semenov IN. Semenov

In case No. 03-13

Odintsova 02/10/2014

Internal memo sent outside the institution, for example to a higher organization, drawn up on a standard sheet of A4 paper, but indicating all the necessary details located in accordance with GOST 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for drawing up documents" (Example 2).

Mandatory details of an internal memorandum include:

  • name of the structural unit;
  • name of the document type (REPORT);
  • date of;
  • registration (outgoing number);
  • title to the text;
  • text;
  • mark about the presence of the application (if any);
  • destination;
  • signature of the originator (indicating position, initials, surname).

Example 2

Internal memo


07.04.2014 № 6

About absenteeism committed by a manager

sales department

I would like to bring to your attention that today, 04/07/2014, sales manager Valentina Ivanovna Petrova was absent from her workplace throughout the entire working day from 10:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.

No information or documents were provided confirming the validity of the reason for V.I. Petrova’s absence.

In connection with the violation, I propose to dismiss V.I. Petrova. for absenteeism.

Head of Sales Department Ignatiev O.A. Ignatiev

In case No. 02-10

Sidorova 04/07/2014

Registration of details of the report

When preparing a memorandum, both angular (Example 3) and longitudinal arrangement of the details of the header part (Example 4) are used.

Example 3

Angular location of details in the memorandum


structural unit Destination


______________ № ________


Example 4

Longitudinal arrangement of details in the report

Name of structural unit


_____________ № _________


Name of document type written in capital letters (REPORT NOTE) and can be located in the center or from the border of the left margin.

date And number memos are written on one line. The date is written in Arabic numerals ( 21.04.2014 ) or alphanumeric method ( April 21, 2014.).


The date of the external memorandum is the date of its endorsement and sending to the addressee, the date of the internal memorandum - date of preparation and signing.

Registration number on an internal memorandum it is marked either at the place of preparation or at the place of receipt - depending on the document registration system that operates in the organization.

If the report must be reviewed by interested parties, it is marked visa approval, and after making a decision - resolution leader.

The adoption of a resolution is the final stage of consideration of the report.


The resolution of the manager who reviewed the internal memorandum will be the basis for taking any measures, issuing documents, or holding events.

Heading to the text briefly reveals the contents of the document. It is formulated according to the general rules for compiling headings for documents: using the preposition o/o and a verbal noun in the prepositional case, for example About absenteeism Lazarenko O.O.

Text a memorandum consists of two or three semantic parts:

  • in the first - statingparts- states the reasons, facts or events that served as the reason for its writing;
  • in the second - analyzing part- contains an analysis of the current situation and provides possible solutions;
  • in the third - summary part- contains conclusions and proposals for specific actions that, in the opinion of the compiler, need to be taken.

The second part of the report may be missing. In this case, the text of the memorandum contains the rationale, conclusions and proposals of the compiler.

If the memo has an appendix, mark aboutapplication is done before signing.

A note indicating the presence of the application named in the text of the note is formatted as follows:

Application: for 3 l. in 1 copy.

If the note has an appendix that is not named in the text, then indicate its name, number of sheets and copies.

Appendix: Regulations on the Regional Lending Department for 5 pages. in 1 copy.

Internal memo sign the compiler (if it is presented to the head of the unit) and the head of the unit (if it is presented to the head of the organization); external memo signs Head of the organization.


If the memorandum is drawn up on two or more pages, then the second and subsequent pages must be numbered. Serial numbers are written on the right side of the top margin of the page in Arabic numerals.


Service memo is a type of report. This is a written information message, widely used in the practice of modern management structures of various levels and organizational and legal forms. Office memos provide direct communication between management objects at the horizontal level.

By the way

An official memo is a document that does not have official status. It is not provided for in OKUD.

Memos are prepared in a wide variety of situations. Typical objectives of this document include:

  • information request;
  • issuing instructions;
  • accompanying another message (covering note);
  • announcements (notices).

The text of the memo contains information about the reasons for its preparation in the form of a proposal, request, application. This could be information about personnel movements, meetings, changes in the company’s corporate culture, etc. Service notes are drawn up on a standard sheet of A4 paper.

The memo is signed by a specialist or department head. The date of the memo is the date it was drafted and signed.

The legislation does not provide for strict requirements for the preparation and execution of official memos, therefore the procedure for their execution, taking into account the specifics of the organization, should be fixed in a local regulatory act, for example, in the instructions for office work. The format of the memo should serve the purpose of simplifying and speeding up internal communication processes.

A sample design of a memo is presented in Example 5 .

Example 5

Service memo

On Saturday, 04/19/2014, from 9:00 to 16:00, the HR department of Sever LLC will carry out installation work on installing an alarm system.

I ask you to allow access to perform work for the following employees of the Energoset company:

1. Simakin I.P.

2. Ivanov P.N.

Head of Administrative Operations Sviridov N.N. Sviridov

In case No. 02-14

Ilyina 04/16/2014


Explanatory letter- this is an internal document explaining the reasons for any action, fact, case, incident, drawn up by an employee of the organization and presented to a higher official.

According to part one of Art. 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, before applying a disciplinary sanction, the employer must request a written explanation from the employee. The employee reports the reasons and circumstances of the disciplinary offense in the explanatory note. Based on the explanatory note, the manager makes a decision to apply a disciplinary sanction to the employee. In addition, this document is one of the grounds for the employer to assess the severity of the offense committed and the circumstances under which it was committed.

In OKUD OK 011-93, this document is mentioned only once - an explanatory note about violation of labor discipline (code 0286091), which belongs to class 0286000 “Documentation for registration of disciplinary sanctions.”

Types of explanatory notes and their features

  • drawn up to explain individual provisions of the work performed (project, report, development);
  • drawn up in the event of regular situations, violations of discipline, misconduct, etc.

The explanatory note is written by hand by the employee in a single copy on a standard A4 sheet of paper and addressed to the person who requested it. It can also be typed on a computer using a stencil form accepted by the organization. The form of the explanatory note, as well as the method of execution (handwritten or on a computer), are not legally established.

An explanatory note can be drawn up by a structural unit or a specific official.

Note as evidence

The employer, by requiring an explanatory note written by hand from the employee, thereby protects himself from unlawful actions on the part of the employee in a labor dispute. It prevents substitution of the original document.

If the company uses template forms, then at the end of the text you can make a note:The explanation was compiled in person using a personal computer. Date of. Signature.

Registration of individual details of the report

In order to unify information and reference documents, an explanatory note should be drawn up and executed in accordance with the requirements of GOST 6.30-2003.

Date the explanatory note is the date of its preparation.

Text the explanatory note must contain:

Description of the facts that served as the reason for its writing;

Arguments that explain the current situation.

The text of the note must be convincing and contain irrefutable evidence.

Upon registration signatures the position, personal signature, initials and surname are indicated.

As applications Documents may be provided that justify the actions of the document maker and confirm certain circumstances.

In terms of the structure of the text, an explanatory note differs from a report in that it does not contain conclusions and proposals (Example 6).


If the company has developed and approved standard forms of explanatory notes used in various situations, this does not mean that employees must draw up notes according to the approved forms. A document not drawn up according to form may also be valid.

Example 6

Explanatory letter

Apply disciplinary action
in the form of a reprimand to Alexandrova I.I.

Issue an order to the HR department.
Smolkin 04/17/2014

To the Director of LLC "SV"

A.V. Smolkin


14.04.2014 № 14

About absence from work

I, Alexandrova Irina Igorevna, accountant, was absent from the workplace on April 14, 2013 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. due to personal circumstances.

I have no supporting documents.

Accountant Alexandrova I.I. Alexandrova


One of the functions of the organization’s records management service is to ensure prompt search for the necessary information related to the promotion of transferred documents to the contractor. To make it easier to find this data, various registration forms are used.

Reports, official and explanatory notes, by their functional purpose, are carriers of certain information. Since the issue stated in the note requires a written decision in the form of a resolution of the head of the organization or other authorized official, the documents must be registered.

Let us remind you that there are three forms of document registration: magazine, card and automated. An organization has the right to choose the most effective and appropriate form of registration.

▪ Journal registration form - the most common, but not always convenient, because All documents are recorded in it in chronological order, and when searching for a specific document, a specialist has to look through all the sheets of the journal. The search for information is also complicated by the fact that an initiative document can be registered, for example, in one journal, and the response to it in another. There are no mandatory registration forms (magazines) provided for by law. The recommended form of the log book is shown in Example 7.

Example 7

Fragment of the log of reports and explanatory notes

Document date

Registration number

Type of document, summary

Who signed the document


Transferred to

Receipt receipt (signature, date)

Mark on sending the document to the file



On recalling cashier O.R. Shvets from vacation.

Head of HR Department

Human resources department inspector

Human Resources Department

Smirnova V.A.

In case No. 03-14 Smirnova 04/07/2014

▪ Card registration form Compared to the magazine version, it is more convenient and adapted. The registration and control cards of documents created when searching in the classifier make it possible to optimize the document search process and reduce the time of the registration process. The obvious advantage of card registration is that several employees can handle registration at the same time;

▪ Automated (electronic) registration form involves the use of special software. Information about the document is entered into an electronic registration and control card stored in the database. Simultaneously with registration, a registration and control card can be printed.

Typically, reports and explanatory notes have a complex registration index, which is formulated in the same way as the index of an outgoing document. The registration number consists of the case index according to the nomenclature of cases (including the index of the structural unit and the case number according to the nomenclature of cases of this unit) and the serial number of the document within the calendar year.


Issues of registration and accounting of documents in the organization should be reflected in the instructions for office work. The instructions should include:

1) list of non-registered documents.

2) a list of registered groups of documents, and for each group the following must be indicated:

Place of registration;

Time and procedure for registration;

Rule for creating a registration number;

The form in which registration is made;

List of details that are entered in the form, rules for filling them out;

Rules for recording the movement of documents after registration;

Principle of registration (single or repeated registration when transferring a document to another department);

3) the procedure for re-receiving a document to the organization (for incoming documents).

Storage periods for reports, official and explanatory notes

Storage periods are established in the List of standard management archival documents generated in the course of the activities of state bodies, local governments and organizations, indicating storage periods, approved by Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated August 25, 2010 No. 558. In accordance with the specified List, storage periods for reports can be 1 year, 3 years, 5 years, 75 years, permanent. Explanatory notes should be kept permanently.

Our advice

When preparing notes, it is necessary to adhere to a uniform style, and the main text of documents must comply with the rules of business ethics and established requirements for document execution. An unpleasant impression is left by sloppily compiled and executed documents with grammatical errors. Do not rush to send the document to the recipient, but carefully proofread it, correcting, if any, grammatical errors or typos.

This document should be drawn up if an employee (no matter what position he holds in a given company) considers it necessary to bring something important to the attention of the head of the company and understands that the matter cannot be resolved without his personal intervention.

Attention! A memo is often confused with a report.

These two categories of written requests within the company are really similar in the most important way - they are informational in nature and imply certain actions from the person to whom they are addressed.

They relate either to a particular specialist or to the activities of a specific department. Nevertheless, the memo is more hierarchically colored: it is always written “from the bottom up”, that is, from a lower-ranking specialist to a higher position.

An official letter can be addressed to a representative of the same rank as the author, and to someone who is lower in position. Moreover, it is also addressed to representatives of partner organizations. In fact, a memorandum is a subtype of an official one, just like an explanatory one.

Regarding the difference between a memo and a report, see the specialist’s commentary.

Should a manager draw up a document?

He should, but in cases where he wants to convey something to the attention of a specialist or the head of a department and expects specific actions in response.

What sections does the memo consist of?

As already stated, There is no specially established sample for such paper. However, there are rules for writing, according to the rules of business communication, as well as the internal regulations of a particular company.

Samples of such a note are usually available in the company’s local documents - in paper form or are provided to the employee along with an internal corporate e-mail. In the latter case (if it is customary for your company to address requests electronically), you need to use the read receipt function.

Yes, similar the document always contains:

  • full name of the company and structural unit (where it is written from);
  • registration number;
  • indication of the addressee (you must mention the rank, surname and initials, or the full first and patronymic);
  • name of the paper and its purpose (for example, a memo for repairs);
  • text – the information part (concise and to the point) and what actions are expected from the addressee;
  • date of;
  • signature with transcript.

You need to write concisely and to the point, remembering that service time is limited for each employee and it is expensive.

Important! Errors in writing language are not allowed. You should also avoid clumsy and overly confusing and cumbersome phrases that can be interpreted with multiple meanings and distort the meaning of what you want to convey.

The principle of writing is always the same: what happened - what do you want - why do you think that the one you are addressing should do this. Writing a note on letterhead with the company logo will add additional weight.

It is also good to indicate the business consequences of the current situation and how the recipient's intervention will correct it. For example, someone violates the internal routine and causes discord in the team, as a result of which disunity has arisen in the department and the team spirit necessary for increasing sales is disrupted.

It is best to stick to a business-like, neutral style. when contacting. Accordingly, you cannot use obscene, slang phrases, emotionally charged reviews, especially abusive, offensive or unethical ones.

If you want more than one action from the recipient, you must specify them in a numbered list, each on a new line, separated by a semicolon.

Step-by-step instructions: how to compose correctly?

How to write a memo to the director using the sample correctly? In the upper right corner, the “header” of the document is drawn up - to whom and to which department the paper is being transferred, be sure to indicate the position and passport details. Below, in the center, is the memo and its purpose (for example, for repairs, or for write-off, for promotion or bonuses for an employee), and the registration number is also there.

Below is the text - the essence of the question, first the informational part, then what you want (for example, I ask you to issue an order for inspection in relation to such and such an incident), or I ask you to replace the following equipment in such and such a department (by first informing why this should be done) to do and in what condition the existing equipment is).

Let's give a specific an example of what such paper might look like.

General Director of Lotos-V LLC

Sergeev Sergei Sergeevich

from senior sales manager Ivanova I.I.


(for repairs and replacement of equipment)

I would like to bring to your attention that the computer equipment in the sales department of Lotos-M LLC is unsuitable for further work and needs to be replaced and repaired. So, at the moment, out of 8 computers (at the rate of one for two employees), 5 are completely inoperative, another 2 were recognized by the system administrator as subject to repair. Because of this, interaction with customers is slowing down. Employees are forced to use their own personal laptops and tablets. The printer is also considered beyond repair because it is very old.

I ask you to:

  1. purchase 5 new computers;
  2. order the repair of 2 computers;
  3. replace the printer in the department.


senior sales manager, Ivanova Irina Ivanovna (signature).

So, it is clear that if an employee wants something from another employee, especially from a boss, this must be prepared in writing and according to the template established in a particular company, in accordance with business ethics.

Only this guarantees that your appeal will not remain unattended and will be given a comprehensive answer, and only in this way will your appeal be regarded as rational, and not as a private request that management (top or general) can ignore.

This is necessary so that the actual quantity of inventory items corresponds to the accounting data. accounting. The reasons may be different - expiration, breakdown, damage to property, etc.

Inventory and materials are written off according to the instructions developed by the enterprise. All financially responsible persons working with inventory materials must confirm in writing that they are familiar with it.

Typically, filling out the primary documentation for write-offs is carried out by employees responsible for checking the information contained in the reports. For example, accounting employees.

If the financially responsible person discovers damaged property, it is necessary to conduct an inventory. You can initiate it by submitting a written request to the manager. For this purpose, a memo is drawn up for the write-off of inventory items.

Sample form:

How to properly draw up an SZ?

An official memo as an independent type of document is not included in the All-Russian Classifier of Management Documents (OKUD). But it is often used in business practice. It is advisable to draw it up in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 6.30-2003 "Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for document preparation."

The document we are talking about in this article is drawn up by the employee responsible for inventory items addressed to the head of the department.

It must contain a request for write-off. The basis for this must also be indicated and a complete list of material assets must be attached. SZ consists of the following columns:

  • name of goods and materials,
  • quantity,
  • book value,
  • inventory number.

Once completed, the document is submitted to the manager for signature. After its consideration, if a decision is made about the need for an inspection, the director issues and signs an order to conduct an inventory in the INV-22 form. It approves the composition of the commission, the timing of the inventory and indicates the property that should be checked. Based on the order, the inventory procedure begins. After it is completed, an act is drawn up, on the basis of which the damaged property is written off.

Sample memos

Let's look at several examples of the design of SZ. Thanks to the samples, you can independently draw up the document you need.

1. Trade organizations often have to get rid of damaged goods. In this case, store employees draw up a memo to write off the goods, which is submitted to the store director for signature.

2. In production, there may be a need to write off materials that are unsuitable for the manufacture of products. If for some reason the material cannot be used, a memo for writing off the materials is drawn up, sample:

3. Each employer is obliged to provide its employees with special clothing in accordance with the developed regulations. When worn out, work clothes are written off and the employee is given new ones in exchange. For this purpose, a memo for writing off workwear is filled out:

4. When performing work, employees use the company’s fixed assets, which may also become outdated and need to be replaced. As a result, such property should be written off and workers should be provided with modern equipment. Below you can see what a memo for writing off fixed assets looks like, a sample.

Service memo is an information and reference document, a tool for business correspondence within an organization.

A memo is drawn up to highlight any business issues relating to the work of a department or a specific employee, the solution of which depends on another structural unit of the organization or employee.

Writing memos, in contrast, is carried out between structural divisions or employees of equivalent official status who are not directly subordinate.

How to write a memo

Although the form of writing a memo is arbitrary, the following details should be taken into account when drafting it:
  • “hat”, where it is indicated to whom it is addressed (position, surname, first name, patronymic in the dative case);
  • name of the document - Service memo;
  • date of compilation and number;
  • title to the text of the document - speaks about the subject of the memo;
  • the text of the document - first there is a description of the current situation, then some specific request;
  • position of the compiler, signature and transcript of the signature - last name, first name, patronymic of the author.

Sample memo for purchasing a computer

Service memo
05.10.2013 № 2

About computer repair (replacement)

I would like to bring to your attention that since September 20, 2013, software failures frequently occur on the personal computer assigned to HR Manager Tatyana Ivanovna Moroz.

In this regard, I request that this computer be repaired or replaced.

Sample memo on the issuance of products

2013-09-20-CN dated 09/20/2013

About the issuance of products

I ask you to agree on holding a promotion for TM “J”.

Purpose of the action:
- increase in retail sales of TM “J” juices;
- increase in numerical and quality distribution.

Promotion period: October-November 2013

Region: St. Petersburg, Voronezh

Participants of the action: sellers of retail outlets

Promotion mechanism: when an outlet orders 5 liters of TM “J” juice, 1 liter of TM “J” juice is provided as a gift.

Prize fund distribution:
St. Petersburg - 400 packages (1 l each)
Voronezh - 60 packs (1 l each)
Efficiency: planned sales increase of 30-40%.
The remainder of unused products will be returned to the warehouse.

The memo is drawn up on an A4 sheet if the organization does not maintain electronic document management.