Happy International Prose Theater Day. Congratulations in prose on World Theater Day

March 27 is your professional holiday - Theater Day– note the workers of the temple of arts: actors, directors, make-up artists, artists, costume designers, ushers and many others. This holiday was established in 1961 by the IX Congress of the International Theater Institute (MIT) and since then has been celebrated annually on this day by ITI Centers and international theater societies.

The activities of the organization, according to its charter, are aimed at “strengthening peace and friendship between peoples, expanding the creative cooperation of all theater workers in the world.” The first international message in honor of World Theater Day was written in 1962 by the French writer and artist Jean Cocteau (French: Jean Cocteau, 1889-1963).

The Soviet Union received membership in the International Theater Institute back in 1959. Since 1961, the USSR and then Russia have been permanent members of its executive committee.

The word “theater” comes from the ancient Greek word theatron (θέατρον), which means “a place where people watch.” Traditionally, the two most popular genres are played in the theater - comedy and tragedy, the symbols of which are theatrical masks.

The first theatrical production is mentioned in 2500 BC. The first theatrical play took place in Egypt, the plot was based on images of Egyptian mythology - the history of the god Osiris. This was also the beginning of a long and strong connection between theater and religion. In ancient Greece, theater began to emerge as an art; clear definitions of tragedy and comedy, as well as other theatrical forms, were established. Ancient Greek theatrical performances also used mythological images.

The Russian theater school is rich and diverse. Many experts agree that it is unique and serves as a model for imitation and study for many foreign schools. It is believed that the court theater of the 17th century created the prerequisites and a solid foundation for the development of theatrical craft in Russia. On July 22, 1795, the Ostankino theater-palace opened in Moscow on the estate of Count Nikolai Sheremetev.

World Theater Day- this is not just a professional holiday of stage masters, it is a holiday of millions of caring spectators.

For the viewer, theater is always like a fairy tale.
Here in the hall the spectators take off their masks,
And actresses and actors wear them
Under the strict guidance of the director.
To look at yourself from the outside,
So that you can look into your soul
All spectators. Anyone coming here
He can cry and laugh without difficulty,
For a moment he rises above his own fate
And he will have a good laugh at himself.
Here life triumphs under the footlights.
Theater, thank you for this!

Congratulations on Theater Day in verse

What a miracle it is to be in a fairy tale
With the heroes of legends that suddenly came to life!
We are surprised by their costumes, masks,
Captures the action of the moment.
They sing, they grieve, they reflect...
The intensity of passions is transmitted to us.
They light up our souls with their play.
Their art is theater, not farce.
Today we praise the skill of the actors,
Congratulate Happy Theater Day we hurry them up
Make-up artists, costume designers and prompters -
We thank everyone for the magic!

Actors, directors, actresses
Today we call for an encore!
Artists, prompters, directors,
Dancers, musicians and understudies,
Workers invisible behind the scenes
And the costume designers with their priceless stitching.
To you - admiring words and glances,
We are in Theater Day We are happy to congratulate everyone!

The last bell rang
And the hall froze in anticipation.
Here the timid chords sounded,
Silently, smoothly, the curtain was raised.
We can hear your hearts beating,
And then voices are heard from the stage,
Actors, scenery change,
Your performance is a real sensation!
Friends, please accept our deepest bow,
Let's gather around the table
And he will raise toasts to the actors,
And congratulate, and congratulate, and congratulate...

Oh, if only the world could be painted with colors,
Like scenery for a stage
Oh, if only people used masks
Only at the request of Melpomene.
Every time I watch a game on stage,
Do you think what will happen in life tomorrow?
Time slows down for a moment
With ease, theater artists.
In gratitude to life, gratitude to people,
We express our joyful feelings -
Let's celebrate today Theater Day,
Bright day of high art!

Today we glorify the skill of actors,
We hasten to congratulate them on Theater Day,
Prompters, costume designers and make-up artists
We thank you for their magical work!

For this miracle - to be in a fairy tale,
In an old novel, among living legends!
Look at costumes, hats, masks,
Catch, worrying, the action of the moment.

The actor lives, grieves, reflects,
With the play of his soul he ignites our souls.
The intensity of passions will overwhelm you - hold on!
Their art is theater, like our life!

Congratulations on Theater Day in prose

Today the whole world celebrates a wonderful holiday - Theater Day. We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts and wish you great creative success. May all your plans turn into reality, may peace and tranquility reign in your family. May faith, hope and love be faithful companions in your life, may your creative path be illuminated by the brightest star. Let the viewer always respect and understand you. All the best to you, happiness and long life. God bless you.
© http://pozdravkin.com/den-teatra/proza

Today I congratulate you on World Theater Day and wish great creative success to those who diligently continue its best traditions! I wish you creative inspiration, an undying sense of beauty and the best experiences! Let them more often provide roles written as if especially for you! Let life spoil you with pleasant surprises!
© http://datki.net/pozdravleniya-s-dnem-teatra/v-proze/

Even if there are only masks in the theater... But how alive they are, how exciting and beautiful! Theater is a special world into which we will plunge headlong and which we will never forget! Today it is with great pleasure that I congratulate all stage workers on World Theater Day and wish you the most interesting scenarios, the best props and the most grateful audience!
© http://bestgreets.ru/professional_gratters_theatre_day.html

SMS congratulations on Theater Day

Short congratulations on Theater Day

Congratulations on Theater Day today,
I would like to wish you inspiration.
Personifying you with beauty,
It’s for me to admire, and for you to shine!

On Theater Day I sincerely wish you
Take off, soar on the wings of inspiration,
To awaken in the hearts forever subject to you,
Delight, love and awe of admiration!

Dear actor, shine with your talent,
I sincerely wish you success,
I will praise you at intermission.
Let Theater Day be filled with laughter!

May your successful performance last forever.
The audience applauds at your remarks.
Enthusiasm and fun will be your companions forever.
You are my idol, my ideal!

Today is a holiday, and the staff is on fire
Art theatres, Small and Large!
Please accept congratulations on Theater Day.
No wonder you play in it! Let's do it from the heart!

Voice congratulations on Theater Day

Congratulations on Theater Day to your phone you can listen and send what you like to the recipient as a musical or voice greeting on a mobile or smartphone. You can order and send a Happy Theater Day greeting to your phone either immediately or by pre-specifying the date and time of delivery of the audio postcard. An audio congratulation on Theater Day on your phone will be guaranteed to be delivered to your mobile, smartphone or landline phone, which you can personally verify by tracking the status of receiving the congratulation by clicking on the received link in the SMS message after payment.

Cool congratulations on Theater Day

Do you know that on March 27, all theatergoers celebrate World Theater Day. Only bad people on this day sit alone and frown, while all the good and kind people, like us, rejoice and congratulate each other on this wonderful holiday. So, I warmly and sincerely congratulate you on Theater Day! I wish you everything you want, and I propose to celebrate this event by organizing a cool theater for two. And we will be actors there...
© http://mobile.816-club.ru/prikolnie_ppozdravlenija-25.html

I wish you a sea of ​​ovation from the bottom of my heart,
Noisy sold-out houses, compliments,
Speeches of beautiful, wonderful sentiments!
Air kisses from fans.

More flowers, gifts and confessions,
Wonderful meetings without partings,
Good luck, creative achievements,
Sweet and happy moments!

We congratulate you on World Theater Day and honestly wish you: creative inspiration, uniqueness, unforgettableness! So that you are always satisfied with the repertoire, and even more so with the fee! We wish you to play great roles, a world star thief! So that all the boxes are always full, but never the crap! Let there be only triumph and full houses! And, of course, all human blessings to you!


Theater is thoughts free flight,
Theater - here fantasy blooms generously.
The ice is melting in the theater of hearts.
And a miracle is born here
with the third call.
Theater - here the arts are intertwined.
Theater - here dream and reality merge.
Theater - here all thoughts reach upward.
And a miracle is born here
with the third call.
The theater is both work and the home where we live,
Theater - here we give ourselves to the end.
We will be born in the theater, we will die in the theater. After all, a miracle is born here
with the third call.

Don't forget to send to your colleagues, friends and family Congratulations on Theater Day in verse or prose for the world holiday, which is celebrated annually on March 27, and which, perhaps, this holiday, following the words of William Shakespeare, could easily be renamed “Homo sapiens Day”.

We are all, to one degree or another, involved in the endless game called “life”, and every day, without knowing a rest, we dutifully go out onto the stage of the ancient stage, embodying either episodic or leading roles on it. So, today you are the tragic hero of a romantic play, and I am a funny flower girl, whose naivety seems to you a clear sign of stupidity. And tomorrow everything changes: I turn into a power-hungry, greedy landowner, and you into a “little man” or “man in a case”, offended by the world and abandoned by everyone, whose life is a mystery to those around him. Or maybe in a month I will be Sleeping Beauty, and you will be the Dwarf from the Mountain King’s Cave, and, alas, we will no longer be able to play on stage together...

So, every new day gives us new roles into which we selflessly immerse ourselves, indulging in fashion trends, illusory hopes, thirst for profit, emotions and spiritual impulses. We embody new images on stage, without recognizing each other in makeup, revealing new, unfamiliar features of people we have known for a long time and sincerely marveling at the depth of their soul and amazing acting talent.

Sometimes, of course, we get tired of our repertoire and, shaking off the boring costume, we go to seek happiness in other settings, with new stage partners, new roles and unexpected scenarios...

This is how our life passes year after year: under the dazzling light of spotlights, to the sounds of orchestral music and the noise of applause. And perhaps that’s not so bad, dear readers.


My beloved mom, I want to congratulate you on your holiday. No, I remember that today is not your birthday, because today is a completely different holiday, but no less interesting - World Theater Day. In my opinion, I couldn’t leave you without congratulating you, because I know that theaters are your passion. You are ready to go to your favorite productions all the time in order to again and again plunge into the very era about which you read so much. I would like to wish you even more performances with the participation of your favorite actors. I hope that soon you will be able to get autographs from them, and if you are very lucky, even take a photo. Happy holiday to you, my dear and most beloved mother. I love that you are so passionate about the theater, which I think is a great place to spend your leisure time. Spend this day profitably, beloved mother. Happy holiday!

I would like to cordially congratulate my dear friend on the holiday. You know what we are talking about, but I still want to remind you. Today is the twenty-seventh of March on our calendar, which means that today is Tetra Day celebrated all over the world. This day is celebrated not only by actors, directors or producers, but also by those who simply love theater, who try to go to performances as often as possible. You are one of those people who not only love the theater, but spend all their free time there, so I simply cannot help but congratulate you. I would like to wish you to visit all the best productions around the world. You have been dreaming about this for a long time, so I want to wish you this again, so that it comes true as soon as possible. May this day give you a sea of ​​new emotions, because I know that you are going to spend it again in the theater. You're doing everything right.

I just need to congratulate my beloved friend, who dedicated her life to the theater. I see that theater is something more for you than for other actors. You have been playing on the stage of the theater for a long time, which you have been talking about since childhood. I am incredibly happy for you, I am proud of you, because I know how much effort you put into achieving this. I congratulate you on World Theater Day, my dear friend. I see that you have realized yourself, but I want you to continue to grow, because you still have so many dreams that are yet to come true. I have no doubt that you will achieve everything, because such a purposeful and hardworking girl simply cannot fail to achieve her goals. I congratulate you once again on your holiday, my dear. I am sure that you will spend today’s holiday in the circle of your grateful spectators.

I would like to congratulate one wonderful person who is doing an equally wonderful job. We are talking about my friend, who is celebrating her professional holiday today. As you know, on March twenty-seventh, every year, people all over the world celebrate World Theater Day. You are one of our most successful theater artists, so you have the right to receive the best wishes addressed to you today. I want to wish you as many grateful viewers as possible. I have been to your performances many times and therefore I can safely say that the audience is always satisfied, they admire your talents and your performance. Keep up the good work my dear. You will conquer many more theatrical peaks. I want to wish you strength and patience. Everything will happen, you just need to wait a little for it. Happy holiday to you, my dear.

Today, a huge number of people all over the world who have one relationship or another with the theater are celebrating their professional holiday. I want to congratulate my friend on this wonderful holiday, who has recently become one of the leading actresses of the theater. I know how long it took you to achieve your goal, how much effort you put into reaching this level. I want to wish you to achieve even more impressive results in the future. Know that the audience sees everything. They know how hard you try, how you give your all, that’s why they love you so much. Don't let them down because they are looking forward to new productions from you. I congratulate you once again, my dear. I am happy because I see that you have realized yourself, you have achieved what you dreamed of since childhood. Believe me, not every person can do this. Happy holiday!

My mommy, today all over the world people are celebrating a special holiday - World Theater Day. I think I have the right to congratulate you, because I know how much you love the performing arts. You have already attended a huge number of productions and visited the best theaters. I wish you to visit the most famous theater that you have been dreaming about for so long. You will probably spend today in the theater, and I believe that this will be the best option for spending such a wonderful holiday. I wish you to meet your favorite actors, learn from them what you can’t find out from the Internet. I think you understand what I'm talking about. Happy holiday to you, my theater fan. Be sure that you will visit so many different productions that you will even be envious. And we will keep you company.

I would like to congratulate my beloved sister on World Theater Day. When we were little, you constantly organized various performances for us, sewing your own costumes. Back then no one could have thought that this would be your calling. Now you are playing in the theater, as you dreamed of. I think this is one of your greatest achievements. You have worked hard to become a leading artist. Now I wish you to preserve this achievement, and then increase it. I wish you as many grateful viewers as possible. Although I already know that they love you, because I see how they accept your game. Feel free to continue working on yourself to become even better and better. You will definitely succeed. And we will always support you and help you if you need it. You are so independent and strong with us.

My friend, I want to congratulate you on your professional holiday. Several years ago you told everyone that you would play in the theater, but few took your words seriously. However, now you have proven to everyone that everything is possible, you just need to want it. I congratulate you on World Theater Day. May this day bring you only happiness and joy. Today you will perform on stage again, so I want to wish you as many grateful spectators as possible. In general, you are always received with a bang, but today is a special day, and therefore the applause will be special. I wish you even more good roles, many fans and invitations to various productions. Congratulations again, my dear friend. Let everything go as you wish. Just know that we are all proud of you. You kept your word, so you have the right to be respected by everyone.

I would like to congratulate my friend, who is a huge fan of theatrical art, on World Theater Day. I know that you try not to miss your favorite productions and go to new performances. You really love spending your free time in the theater because it is one of the best ways for you to spend your leisure time. May every trip to the theater be accompanied by joyful and pleasant moments. I hope that you will be able to personally express your gratitude to your favorite actors very soon. I believe that I have the right to congratulate you on the holiday - World Theater Day also because you have been in the theater almost as much as the actors themselves. I know that you even go to rehearsals because it gives you as much pleasure as the performances themselves. Happy holiday to you, my dear!

I would like to congratulate you on the holiday - World Theater Day. You are directly related to theatrical art. You have dedicated your life to what you love and have earned respect from viewers and actors. So many people got jobs in the theater only because of your knowledge, because you know how to share your skills and knowledge. I want to congratulate you on the holiday, the presence of which is simply necessary in any calendar. I understand perfectly well that theater for you is not just a job, but a favorite thing to which you devote most of your time. I wish you to achieve even greater heights in your favorite business, to achieve all your most cherished goals. Let the audience always receive you with a bang, and let the applause never end. Happy holiday to you! Remember that the audience is waiting for new productions from you. Good luck.

Today is World Tetra Day, which means that I just need to congratulate the person for whom theater is not just a way of spending leisure time, but a real calling. She started by simply going to clubs, then began auditioning for various roles. Things didn't always work out, but she didn't give up. I remember that you went to all the performances in a row to understand what you were missing. Then those same tests and rehearsals began again. And then one fine day your dream finally came true. I congratulate you on your professional holiday. I want to wish you as many grateful viewers as possible, many new roles, good luck in everything and self-realization. We all see that you have really found yourself, and this cannot but please us. Happy holiday to you, my beloved friend. We are proud of you.

Today we have such wonderful weather outside, we can spend our day in an interesting and productive way. In addition, today is one of the most interesting holidays - World Tetra Day. In this regard, I want to congratulate my beloved mother, for whom theater is one of her most favorite hobbies. Congratulations on your holiday, my dear mother. I wish you to visit all the best productions, performances and performances, to meet the best actors whom you love so much. Today you can safely go to the theater to celebrate the holiday in the native environment of your favorite theater. And I will be happy to keep you company, because you have already managed to infect me with this extraordinary affection for the theater. Happy holiday to you, my dear mom! I hope that you and I will spend this day productively. This will be the best holiday.

World Theater Day is an international professional holiday of all theater workers celebrated throughout the planet every year on March 27. Established in 1961 on the initiative of delegates of the IX Congress of the International Theater Institute of UNESCO.

“Theatre Day” is a professional holiday for theater workers: actors, theater directors, producers, lighting engineers, sound engineers, set installers, and even ticket takers and cloakroom attendants. “Theatre Day” is not only a holiday for professionals, it is also our holiday - a holiday for millions of caring spectators.

I want to congratulate you on Theater Day. May you always be surrounded by a magical spirit, soaring beauty and creativity. More of the latest productions, always accompanying muse and inspiration. Let the applause never cease, let the delight of the audience be your great reward. I wish you success in your work and a standing ovation.

Please accept congratulations on World Theater Day! I wish you brilliant premieres, memorable and bright roles, loud applause, enthusiastic applause! Let the audience be crazy about you, often call for encores and give a sea of ​​flowers!

My dear actors, theater staff and spectators! Congratulations on World Theater Day! And if life is a game, and we are all actors in it, then I wish everyone to choose in life the role that they like and play it impeccably and brilliantly. Be happy and healthy, love theater and art!

Congratulations to all those who have become forever servants of the theater, stage and interesting roles. I wish that each performance has an unprecedented sensation, triggers an avalanche of applause and is forever etched in the hearts of grateful spectators. May your excellent, talented and dedicated work always bring with it recognition, applause and the desire to visit the theater again and again. We wish you a never-sleeping muse, inexhaustible inspiration and talented play. Happy Theater Day!

Congratulations on Theater Day! Let any acting roles be successful, life roles be positive, with a happy ending. I wish you premieres and sold-out houses, awards and applause, love from the audience and pleasure from your work!

We congratulate fans and true connoisseurs of theatrical art on the spring holiday, the day when World Theater Day is celebrated. May your soul always be receptive to beauty, may the theater stage surprise you and excite your imagination, touching the strings of your soul, immersing you in the world of the wonderful and unusual.

Let the theatrical art only flourish every day! I wish all theater workers a sea of ​​inspiration, interesting work, new achievements and an excellent salary! May success and good mood always accompany you!

Happy World Theater Day! More new productions, interesting works, new discoveries, development in all directions, happiness, new horizons!

Congratulations on World Theater Day and with all my heart I wish you wonderful performances, bright emotions, life with real feelings and happy events, playing interesting roles and amazing ideas. May a trip to the theater always give you a lot of impressions from pleasant sights, may theatrical creativity inspire us and fill us with bright love.

Congratulations on World Theater Day and from the bottom of my heart I wish you a cheerful, bright, amazing theatrical life, a happy, joyful, favorable fate, which day after day will give you good meetings and loud applause for success.

On Theater Day, from the bottom of my heart,
Congratulations, dear friend!
And bask in the rays of your glory
I wish you! Let it around
Crowds of fans wander around, hoping
Your autograph is welcome!
Just be the same as before!
And don’t you dare forget your friends!

“The whole world is a stage, and the people in it are actors,”
Shakespeare said, and he was undoubtedly right;
Your curtain will not close soon:
Having not yet played my roles,
You are moving towards recognition step by step!
I sincerely wish you now
Success, benefit performances and sold-out shows!
Happy International Theater Day to you!

What a miracle it is to be in a fairy tale
With the heroes of legends that suddenly came to life!
We are surprised by their costumes, masks,
Captures the action of the moment.
They sing, they grieve, they reflect...
The intensity of passions is transmitted to us.
They light up our souls with their play.
Their art is theater, not farce.
Today we praise the skill of the actors,
We hasten to congratulate them on Theater Day,
Make-up artists, costume designers and prompters -
We thank everyone for the magic!

Today is theater day all over the world,
And those who love this business know
What, let it be humor or satire,
The theater constantly attracts.
Tragedy, comedy and drama -
All this attracts us to take places,
And sit stubbornly until the last call,
Looking into the mouths of those on stage.

On theater day we congratulate everyone.
May the theater bring us joy.
And we wish his team:
Let the world of theater call you with you.
We wish that the power of art
I would inspire people's souls.
And let bright feelings please you,
And people become kinder.

bright, excellent, beautiful,
make their faces happy
and inspired by beauty.
You know how to give people a holiday
masterly, playfully, fervently,
so that you can breathe freely and freely,
and there was fresh clarity in my dreams!

We wish on theater day,
To make it better tomorrow,
So that you greet every day and morning with a smile.
Happiness, joy, success!
Productions without interference!
So that, while playing someone else’s life, they don’t forget about their own!

Melpomene and Thalia consecrated this temple.
And scenes of life's dramas rush from the stage.
Living someone else's life, giving your own,
They bring the game to us as an actor. And not just the game.
On theater day, fill your glass with inspiration,
So that every action awaits fanfare,
So that Art confidently continues its path,
So that the muses may have a quiet sadness in our hearts.

Theater stages,
Backstage twilight,
Wigs, outfits. Sequins,
The artists bear God's sign.

Here the soul sings and cries,
Here are all the secrets of existence.
We cannot live otherwise.
Happy Theater Day, friends!

Oh, if only the world could be painted with colors,
Like scenery for a stage
Oh, if only people used masks
Only at the request of Melpomene.
Every time I watch a game on stage,
Do you think what will happen in life tomorrow?
Time slows down for a moment
With ease, theater artists.
In gratitude to life, gratitude to people,
We express our joyful feelings -
Today we celebrate Theater Day,
Bright day of high art!

Today is the holiday of actors:
Princesses, monsters and villains,
Pirates, princes, kings,
Enemies, loved ones and friends.
And every day, changing masks,
The actors live in a new fairy tale.
So I would like to wish you:
Don't lose your face behind the mask!

I'm a big fan of the play.
The theater is the abode of good and evil.
On stage - a synthesis of all arts,
And in the play there is a manifestation of feelings.
And I say as a visitor -
Always an enthusiastic viewer here!
I'm looking forward to intermission
To congratulate you on Theater Day!

Of course, Aristophanes
In the current theater - a layman,
Although we are quite laymen
In the concepts of Aristophanes.
But if this ancient Greek
There was a modern man
We could find something in common
In my favorite theater business,
And I think Aristophanes
For the day of the theater, your glass,
Returning home from the performance,
Wouldn't refuse with me
Raise and drink one at a time -
He was a smart man, wasn't he?
Friends, my hint is clear to you.
We are no more stupid than Aristophanes,
And the time has come for us to rise
One glass per day of theater!

The theater calls: welcome!
The performance can begin!
Who is not used to the art of favoring,
He will never understand
How tender the music and singing
The theater delights the ears,
There is both delight and impatience
In the applause of hundreds of hands,
There is a world of grace and grace,
The world of these wonderful voices,
The scenery there is amazing
Luxury outfits and flowers!
Everyone whose fate is connected with the theater,
From cloakroom attendants to prim,
We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday,
We wish them success!
So that the ramp light never fades
Shined for them brighter than all the lights,
So that their talent is inexhaustible
Brought great glory!

Again we are at the end of March -
Nature's hour of awakening!
Friends, we are glad to congratulate you,
Happy International Theater Day!
Everyone is rubbed by fate and the stage,
You burn in a fit of passion,

Artist, director, actor!
From Ancient Greece and Rome
You carry life like a game...
So be at the mercy of fate
Always beautiful without makeup!

From the hanger to the auditorium -
Beau monde, applause and flowers...
But what is the reason that connected everyone?
And built bridges to the world of art?
Today is a holiday, and the staff is on fire
Artistic, Small and Large!..
Please accept congratulations on Theater Day:
No wonder there is peace in it! Play with all your heart!

Actors, directors, actresses
Today we call for an encore!
Artists, prompters, directors,
Dancers, musicians and understudies,
Workers invisible behind the scenes
And the costume designers with their priceless stitching.
To you - admiring words and glances,
We are happy to congratulate everyone on theater day!

Poems for Theater Day, congratulations on Theater Day

For the viewer, theater is always like a fairy tale.
Here in the hall the spectators take off their masks,
And actresses and actors wear them
Under the strict guidance of the director.
To look at yourself from the outside,
So that you can look into your soul
All spectators. Anyone coming here
He can cry and laugh without difficulty,
For a moment he rises above his own fate
And he will have a good laugh at himself.
Here life triumphs under the footlights.
Theater, thank you for this!

Theater is your element,
No wonder you became an actress,
only the backstage opens -
you reveal all of yourself!
Theater is your element,
you know how to play beautifully,
to make you feel happy
everyone is a spectator!

Theater is a world of magical dreams, in which everyone will find something that comes closer to the heart - cheerful laughter, or a sea of ​​tears. And we are wiser than the school of life, Than the world of theater cannot be found, Here and with the hero along the way, After all, we are faithful to our homeland. This world of ideas is wonderful - He could change people, By teaching a great lesson, By playing thousands of tricks. For the most wonderful work for us, We thank everyone today, Who gives us tears and laughter, And know: we love you so much!

Again we are at the end of March -
Nature's hour of awakening!
Friends, we are glad to congratulate you,
Happy International Theater Day!
Everyone is rubbed by fate and the stage,
You burn in a fit of passion,
And the whole performance is in your power,
Artist, director, actor!
From Ancient Greece and Rome
You carry life like a game...
So be at the mercy of fate
Always beautiful without makeup!

Reach the stars of the poets,
You will learn their secrets
Reach the stars of science
You will taste the knowledge of flour.

Reach for the stars of art
Love and feelings will come to life,
Theater performances,
They heal souls like drops.

Let the orbits of the stars converge,
Let the streams of dreams merge,
To the comets that are rushing towards us,
Don't be afraid to reach out!

Melting the role with a warm heart,
He mints Shakespearean phrases;
And living pain sings in him -
After all, he lives, not plays.

There is no need for texts from human experts,
When everything is not played, but lived in faces
SHAKESPEARE IS NOT NEEDED!!! Hamlet will be angrier
Without the author's hint to fight life.

There is no need for words invented by a scribbler, flair,
When the soul itself flows with passion,
And Shakespeare himself is then only a loser and a prompter,
When he plays - no, he lives! on stage MASTER.

Director's tribulations
Does not depend on the weather.
And with touring, even more so,
You will become a nanny against your will.
She needs to please everyone
Put everyone to bed in time
The nervous need to be calmed down
Give someone a thrashing.
So that everyone gets up on time
And they didn’t yawn on stage.
And with all this
Smoke half a cigarette.
Maybe five minutes
Continue in this spirit.
You can until you're exhausted
To torment with misfortune.
But we believe that just
You've had enough this time!

Happy theater cashier's day,
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
Thanks to those who give us tickets,
Oh how good you all are.
We wish everyone on this holiday,
Go to the theater, buy a ticket,
And heartily congratulate the cashier there,
And wish you healthy, long years.

Hello! Today is International Theater Day. A celebration of theatergoers and spectators. Therefore, in order to celebrate this significant day... (in a cheerful voice) the performance will be at your home today, my friend!!! I promise fun performances, folk artists and a broken stage! Happy Theater Day!

Happy Theater Day to everyone!
We wish everyone only the best.
Since success is so important on stage,
Sometimes we understand this.
Let the theater give light to the heart,
And not painful sensations.
We wish you victories in your work!
This is a way to dispel doubts!

March 27 is a special date for all theatergoers, because it is on this day that the World theater day. This holiday appeared in the middle of the last century, in 1961. It was then that the ninth congress of the International Theater Institute met, at which it was decided to devote one of the last days of March to honoring the servants of Melpomene. Of course, all the main events of the holiday take place on the theater stage, it is there that concerts are organized and new productions are presented, and from there they sound Congratulations on Theater Day, and the best employees are given awards and memorable gifts. In short, the audience will be treated to a rich and interesting program.

Needless to say, Theater Day is a holiday that applies not only to stage masters. Millions of theatergoers across the country also rejoice at this day and rush to congratulate their favorite actors. They give them flowers and express their wishes for Theater Day. Of course, the real gift for the audience is the new productions, which are shown in almost all theaters on March 27. And for actors there is nothing better than a full hall, enthusiastic applause and shouts of “Bravo”, especially since they deserve it... and not only on March 27.


Magical theater atmosphere
Captivates with incredible beauty,
And all arts have divine measure
It makes us think about pleasant things.
Today we congratulate you on Theater Day,
We would like to wish you inspiration,
We personify you with beauty,
We are to admire. Well, let you shine!


It is known that a good actor
I can handle any role, I can handle it.
But in life we ​​all measure our roles:
Either this one is wrong, or I don’t want this one...
And only the theater will help you figure it out,
How to be worthy in each role.
Thank you! Happy Theater Day!
Full houses of happiness and creative ideas to you!


Actors, theatergoers, everyone rejoices and makes noise,
The day of the theater is coming, become friendly
We will sing and have fun, break glasses, dance,
Play funny roles and kiss each other!
Who can’t live without a stage, not breathe and not sleep?
Who quotes all the plays chose this bright path?
You, actors, directors, lighting technicians, friends,
Congratulations on Theater Day, you can’t live without it!


From the hanger to the auditorium -
Beau monde, applause and flowers...
But what is the reason that connected everyone?
And built bridges to the world of art?
Today is a holiday, and the staff is on fire
Artistic, Small and Large!..
Please accept congratulations on Theater Day:
No wonder there is peace in it! Play with all your heart!


Masters of great art here,
Inspiration and purity,
It can be funny here, very sad,
This is theater - all scenes are important!

Happy Theater Day, I congratulate everyone!
Everyone who gave their lives to the stage!
This is theater - everyone believes and knows
What a room this room is filled with feelings!

I want to bow in gratitude!
Thank you all for your talent!
And I wish you to achieve this,
What we didn’t even dare to dream about!


Trembling scene
Mysterious plot
They beckon, without a doubt,
Performances and ballet!
World Theater Day
Celebrates the world
Always be pleasant
Theater is our idol!


On this merry March day
Celebrating Theater Day.
Congratulations to theatergoers
Theaters both Big and Small,
Congratulations to the directors,
Costume designers and actors
We present congratulations to those
Who cares
To a wonderful form of art,
Expressing our feelings
We are with a smile in every line
In this short congratulations!


Who in the world has not been amazed
Theater art?
After all, this is a theater, it’s wonderful,
Beautiful, unique.

Unanimously the hall stood up,
Filled with delight
And every viewer took a risk
Beat off your palms.

Each performance is like a lesson,
And that means a lot.
We dedicate congratulations
Both the theater and theatergoers!


May you be
Happy theater day
And sold out
We wish you!


Today is World Theater Day!
The viewer is excited to the point of fanaticism.
He hurries, knocking those he meets off their feet,
A quick congratulations to the theatre.

He wishes in a rush,
To increase sales
At ticket offices for performances,
At least like the singer Irakli.

So that everyday life is inspired,
To make the scenes successful,
So that the troupe does not get sick often,
I illuminated hearts with art!