Drawings of an autumn tree senior group. Summary of direct educational activities on artistic creativity (story drawing) in the senior group on the topic: “Colors of autumn

GCD for drawing in the senior group

"Autumn Tree"

Program content:

Arouse interest in creating a collective composition “Autumn Tree” Introduce children to a new type of non-traditional drawing technique “imprint, imprint with leaves” Create conditions for artistic experimentation: show the possibility of obtaining orange by mixing yellow with red Develop color perception, a sense of composition, aesthetic taste Cultivate an aesthetic attitude towards nature in the surrounding world and in art Equipment: Panel with an autumn tree without leaves for group work Gouache, napkins, water, brushes Basket with natural leaves (birch, linden, oak, maple) Didactic game “An Artist Named Autumn” Poems, music by P.I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons” Preliminary work: Excursions around the kindergarten site and the autumn park Examination of autumn illustrations Reading poems about autumn Conversations with children about autumn and autumn phenomena Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment

The teacher shows the children photographs of autumn nature with characteristic autumn colors.

The forest stripped

Blue sky

It's that time of year...autumn

Autumn can be different: gloomy with rain; affectionate, bright, elegant, kind - just like the mood... Let's convey a good mood to each other and get ready for joint creative work! Let's pass the smile around... (passing a mushroom, an apple, etc. we pass a smile to each other)

2. Didactic game “An Artist Named Autumn” (according to Lykova)

Look at these leaves - they are multi-colored. What colors does Autumn love most? Choose a similar color scheme from among the artist’s paints.

3. Dynamic pause “We walked through the forest...”

We bring in a basket with natural leaves. This is a gift from Autumn. The teacher reads the poem and lays out the leaves on the floor.

Autumn has come to visit us

The rain and the wind brought

The wind blows, blows,

The leaves are torn from the branches.

Leaves are spinning in the wind

And they lie at our feet

Well, let's go for a walk

And we’ll collect the leaves...

GAME “We were walking through the forest, we found a leaf...”

Children stand in a circle, moving in a circle, pronounce words, find the piece of paper that is mentioned in the text.

We walked through the forest, we found a leaf,

We walked through the forest, we found an oak leaf...

... found a linden leaf...

...they found a leaf from a birch tree...

...we found a maple leaf!

Children hold maple leaves in their hands and approach the “Autumn Tree” panel.

4. Examination of the panel

Educator: what elegant, beautiful trees are in autumn, look how richly decorated our tree is... oh, what is it, what happened, why is our tree sad, upset, how can you and I help it? Lead the children to the idea that they need to draw leaves and decorate the tree together...

Educator: The right decision, guys! But today we will draw with the leaves that we have in our hands, we will make impressions, imprints of leaves. But there is no orange paint on the table, only red and yellow...how to get orange?

5. Showing the order in which the impression (print) is made.

How to complete the task correctly: use gouache paint to paint over the leaf from the side of the veins, carefully turn the leaf over, holding it by the handle and press it to the panel, making an imprint.

6. Practical part.

Children make prints from autumn leaves on a panel depicting an autumn landscape, collective co-creation.

The music of P.I. Tchaikovsky “Seasons” - “Autumn” sounds quietly.

7. Lesson summary:

Do you think our tree is happy now? Why? Are you satisfied?

Well done guys, do you know any poems about autumn? (reading poetry to children if desired)

Master-class in drawing for children 5-6 years old: “Colorful autumn.”

Author: Matveeva Alla Valerievna, teacher of the MBDOU preschool education facility No. 18, Razvilka village, Leninsky district, Moscow region.
Description: Master class on drawing on the topic: “Colorful autumn” for children of senior preschool age using an unconventional drawing technique: “poking” with a hard semi-dry brush. This work is an interesting material for preschool teachers and parents when teaching children creativity using non-traditional drawing techniques.
Purpose of work: The composition “Colorful Autumn” will be a wonderful decoration for the corner of the MBDOU “Our Vernissage”, a participant in the exhibition “Autumn Kaleidoscope”, and a decoration for the group’s dressing room.
Target: teaching children to create the composition “Colorful Autumn” using an unconventional drawing technique: “poking” with a hard semi-dry brush.
Tasks: Continue introducing children to the technique: “poking” with a hard, semi-dry brush. Learn to place the image across the entire sheet of paper. Develop thinking, creativity, fine motor skills of the fingers. Form aesthetic taste, sense of color and composition. Strengthen the techniques of working with a brush: with the entire bristle and the end of the brush. Improve the ability to tint a sheet of paper using the technique: drawing “on wet”. Cultivate accuracy and independence.
Description of non-traditional drawing techniques used in this work:
- drawing “wet” - a technique in watercolors when paint is applied to paper generously moistened with water;
- “poke” with a hard semi-dry brush - dip a brush with hard bristles into the gouache and hit it on the paper, holding it vertically. When working, the brush does not fall into the water. Thus, the entire sheet, outline or template is filled.
Autumn is a beautiful time of year. It has always been sung by poets and inspired artists to create the most beautiful paintings.
How beautiful autumn is
In a colorful sundress,
Ask in the clear sky,
The maple burns like a flame.
Birch tree above the water
A golden candle.
And the leaves float
Down the quiet river.
T.A. Shorygina.

Dear Colleagues! I bring to your attention a master class that will help you create an autumn composition on the theme: “Colorful autumn”.
For work we will need material:
1. Watercolor paper (A4 size)
2. A simple pencil.
3. Oilcloth for drawing.
4. Watercolor paints.
5. Gouache paints.
6. Pile brushes No. 5, No. 3.
7. Flat brush with hard bristles No. 12.
8. Glass - sippy cup.
Preliminary work with children: conversations about autumn, looking at illustrations, paintings, learning poems, reading works, asking riddles, drawing trees, conducting educational activities on the topic: “Autumn.”

Execution sequence:

We will prepare all the necessary materials for work

Using a simple pencil, draw a horizon line (divide a sheet of paper into two parts: sky and earth).

Using a bristle brush (No. 5), we tint a sheet of paper with blue and brown watercolors, using the “wet” technique.

The background is ready (see note).

Next we continue the work with gouache paints.
We paint the trunks of birch trees with white color, starting with the end of the brush and gradually pressing on the entire pile.

We draw the maple tree trunks with brown using the same drawing technique.

Using the end of the brush, paint the bushes with brown color.

We continue the work using the “poke” technique with a hard semi-dry brush
In yellow we denote the contours of the crowns of birch trees.

Paint the crowns yellow.

Add some green spots in the middle.

In red we denote the outline of the maple crowns.

Paint the crowns red

Add spots of orange and yellow.

We draw foliage on the bushes in orange and red.

Abstract of GCD for drawing “Colors of Autumn”

Goal: To consolidate non-traditional drawing techniques: blurring a watercolor stain; printing foliage with foam rubber; Develop creative imagination, visual attention; Enrichment of vocabulary on the topic: “Autumn”, formation of adjectives on the topic; Develop fine motor skills of the hands; To cultivate emotional responsiveness, the ability to see and understand the beauty of nature, to form aesthetic feelings.

Materials: music by G. Sviridov “Seasons”, watercolor paint, watercolor paper A 4 format, leaf stencils, pieces of foam rubber, brushes No. 9, No. 4, brush stands, large quantities of napkins, jars of water.

1. Organizational moment. The music of G. Sviridov “The Seasons” sounds, the children gather around the teacher. “In a golden carriage with a playful horse,

Autumn galloped through the forests and fields,

The good witch changed everything,

She painted the earth bright yellow,

The sun is shining in the sky, the miracle is surprising,

Everything around sparkles, everything shimmers"

The teacher takes out a yellow-red maple leaf and asks the children: “Why do you think this leaf ended up in my hands?”

Children: autumn has come, the trees have begun to be painted in bright red and yellow colors.

Educator: Do you know what the autumn phenomenon is called when the leaves fall?

Children: It's leaf fall!

Educator: What leaves fall off?

Children: Yellow, red, green, golden leaves are falling.

Educator: Why does a tree shed its leaves in the fall?

Children: It’s getting cold, in winter it will be difficult for the branches to hold leaves and snow; in winter the tree rests.

Educator: In autumn, the leaves on the trees turn not only yellow, but also red, orange, and brown. The color of the leaves depends on what the weather is like: the sunnier the autumn days, the brighter the color. Many artists love to paint autumn nature because of this variety of colors. The sky can be blue, transparent, white clouds float across it, as if sending farewell greetings to summer. In autumn the sky will be gloomy, dark and rainy.

2. Main part\: Today you and I will also turn into artists and draw our autumn with unusual techniques.

We will paint the sky by blurring watercolor paint, and we will print the leaves with foam rubber.

Explanation by the teacher with demonstration.

Execution algorithm.

    Mix up a sufficient amount of blue watercolor paint and paint a stripe of color along the top edge of the paper;

    Before it dries, paint another blue stripe directly below it. Apply paint quickly, so that the lines overlap one another;

    Continue coloring towards the bottom of the paper.

    Now remove some paint from the sky to create an image of a cloud. Let the paper dry. Wipe your brush every time. paper napkin.

    After the watercolor has dried, mix a little more dark blue paint and apply it along the bottom edge of the clouds to create shadows.

    Draw tree trunks. When they are dry, dip the foam into paint and apply an imprint to the paper. To change the color, use other paints and foam rubber.

3. Result: At the end, the drawings are analyzed, children try to characterize and evaluate their drawings and the drawings of other children.

Summary of the drawing lesson “Golden Autumn” in the senior group.

Compiled by: Teacher Strokova Tatyana Valerievna
Software tasks: 1. Cultivate interest in autumn natural phenomena, emotional responsiveness to the beauty of autumn. 2. Develop a sense of composition and color perception. 3. Continue to teach children to reflect autumn impressions in drawings, draw various shapes of trees, large, small, tall, slender, continue to depict leaves. 4. Fix the working techniques with a brush (with the end of the brush with all the bristles). 5. Correctly place the plot on paper. 6.Develop children's aesthetic perception and love of nature.
Materials and equipment: watercolor paper A 4 size, watercolor paints, brushes No. 1, No. 4, napkin, sippy cup.

Preliminary work of the teacher: reading poetry, a story about autumn, selecting illustrations for the lesson, paintings about autumn, conversation, observing while walking, writing notes, preparing material for the lesson.

Progress of the lesson:

Today we have an unusual activity; we are going with you on an unusual journey to an art gallery where we will look at the works of Russian artists on the theme “Golden Autumn”. Display of paintings by Russian artists on the theme "Golden Autumn"

Educator: Guys! Please tell me what time of year is depicted in the paintings? Children: Autumn
Educator: That's right autumn.
Educator: Guys! What is autumn like?
Children: Cold, rainy, gloomy, golden, sunny.
Educator: Who knows why autumn is called golden?
Golden leaves, golden trees.

Children: because in the fall all the leaves on the trees and bushes turn yellow and therefore everything seems golden

There are yellow and orange leaves everywhere on the ground, like a golden carpet.

Educator: guys, when it rains there are drops on the leaves and when they shine, the leaves seem golden,

Guys, do you know what the autumn phenomenon is called when leaves fall from the trees?
- This is leaf fall.
- Right. Why do trees shed their leaves in the fall? (it gets cold, in winter it will be difficult for the branches to hold leaves and snow, in winter the tree sleeps and rests).
No one tells a tree when to shed its leaves. But then autumn is approaching - and the leaves on the trees change their green color to yellow or red and fall off. This happens because water freezes and stops flowing into the twigs and leaves. The tree falls asleep for the winter.

Leaves fall from all trees in autumn. The wind carries them through the streets and parks. The next year, new leaves appear on the trees.
Listen to the poem called "Falling Leaves."
The conversation of the fallen leaves is barely audible:
- We are from maples...
- We are from apple trees...
- We are from the elms...
- We are from cherries...
- From an aspen tree...
- From bird cherry...
- From an oak tree...
- From a birch tree...
Leaf fall everywhere:
Frost is on the doorstep!
Yu. Kapotov
- In autumn, the leaves on the trees turn not only yellow, but also red, orange, brown and even purple. The color of the leaves depends on what the weather is like: the sunnier the autumn days, the brighter the color. Many artists love to paint autumn nature precisely because of this variety of colors. Today I want to bring to your attention reproductions of Russian artists. The very name of the paintings indicates what time of year the artists depicted in them.
Looking at these pictures and observing nature on a walk, you and I can be convinced that autumn itself comes up with outfits for trees, bushes, and all of nature, as if organizing a competition to see who has the brightest and most beautiful leaves. I want to admire them every day.
What a shame.
Autumn with a long thin brush
Recolors leaves.
Red, yellow, gold –
How beautiful you are, colored leaf!..
And the wind has thick cheeks
Cheated, cheated, cheated.
And the trees are variegated
Blow, blow, blow!
Red, yellow, gold...
The entire colored sheet flew around!..
I. Mikhailova
Educator: Now let's take our hands in our hands and practice.

We draw the tree trunk from top to bottom, the tree thickens towards the bottom. We draw it until the end of the grass so that the tree does not hang in the air, we draw the branches on the tree with the end of the brush, they reach towards the sun. Educator: what kind of paint do we take to paint a tree? Children: brown. Educator: when we paint the leaves, apply the entire bristle of the brush. Educator: What kind of paint do we take to paint leaves? Children: green, yellow, orange, red.

Educator: let's get to work.

During the lesson, the teacher pays attention to those children who are not doing well. Encourages. Helps.

1 . Draw the sky. Use brush number 4. We apply blue paint in large strokes from left to right, without changing the direction of the stroke.

2. The second color is yellow. We remind children the direction of the stroke is from left to right.

3. At the next stage of our work, we need to add two more colors: orange and brown. We remind children not to change the direction of the stroke from left to right. We wait a few minutes for the paint to dry.

4. At the next stage of work, draw the trees with brush number 1.

5. Draw leaves of different colors, yellow, green, orange, red. (Leaf fall).

The teacher collects all the works and arranges a vernissage of children's works. You guys see what wonderful pictures you turned out, you were real artists.

Educator: What did you and I draw?
Children: Golden autumn.
Educator: Do you like your work? Children: yes.
Let's give ourselves a clap.



“Drawing a one-plane space in an autumn landscape »


(senior group)

Integration of educational areas

"Artistic and aesthetic development", “Cognitive development”, “Socio-communicative development”

Yakovleva N.V. .

teacher MBDOU d/s No. 15



Creating conditions for children's creative self-expression through mastering the basic means of composition.



Expand your understanding of fine art, landscape and landscape artists; about the basic means of composition;

Continue to become familiar with seasonal changes in nature; with paintings by Russian artists;

Strengthen the skills of reading diagrams with elements of logorhythmics;

To develop graphic drawing skills and logical grouping skills;

Master finger painting using the fingerprint technique.

Developmental :

Develop auditory attention, motor memory and phonemic hearing, accuracy of visual perception, ability to combine and transform;

Improve visual-spatial concepts (ideas about the coordinate system: “top - bottom”, “front - back”, “left - right”);

Establish connections between real objects, their symbols and imitative movements;

Develop kinesthetic sensations, facial expressions, pantomime, organization of spatial movements; melodic-intonation and prosodic (Greek prosodia - stress, melody) components, creative imagination and imagination.

Educational :

Foster a caring attitude towards nature;

Develop the ability to transform, express emotions and graceful movements;

Contribute to the creation of an emotional response from the work done and its results.

Corrective tasks:

Update your vocabulary;

Form a generalizing function of speech;

Improve the development of clear, coordinated movements in conjunction with speech.

Development of visual activity and creative manifestations : distinguish between multifaceted and uniplanespace when drawing a landscape.

Visual and expressive skills : continue familiarization with the concept of “composition”, form orientation in space.

Technical skills: learn to draw with fingers using the “imprint” technique, continue to master the graphic drawing of straight and curved lines.

Equipment : a selection of autumn landscapes by Russian artists; sample of the finished drawing; handouts for the game “Space”; demonstration pictures with diverse landscapes; “Recoding” technology tables; palette with gouache; water container; dry and wet wipes; drawing paper; black marker.

Preliminary work : learning the technology table “Recoding” “Maple Leaf”; repetition of autumn signs, autumn colors; looking at reproductions of an autumn landscape.

Musical accompaniment: composition« Maple Leaf" music. O. Pavlova, lyrics. N. Yakovleva

Vocabulary work: rainfall, color palette, space, composition.

Contents of organized children's activities




Stage of actualization of subjective experience

1. Motor-sound game:

The teacher tells the children that guests have come to our kindergarten. They walked straight through the foliage (Children together with the teacher show how the leaves rustle by rubbing their palms), hurrying towards us, they jumped over frozen puddles (children and their teacher tap their feet on the floor)… They wanted to get to our kindergarten so much that the light November rain didn’t scare them at all (children together with the teacher tap their fingers on the table). And now... guests are among us, hurray (children clap their hands)! Let's try to surprise them!

2. Introductory conversation:

Guys, we have just shown and voiced many autumn signs. Let's check? We rustled the leaves, so what happened to nature? (That's right, the leaves have fallen). Frozen puddles tell us what? (About how cold it is outside). And the pattering rain? (Reminds me of heavy rainfall).

What autumn signs can you add? (Children add)

2 minutes

2 minutes

The stage of studying and applying new knowledge and ways of doing things

Transcoding technology:

The teacher suggests using symbols, sounds and movements to remember autumn signs (semi-static version).

"Signs of Autumn"

Birds fly away, (Swing your palms)

Leaves fall, (Rotation of the hands)

The animals fall asleep, (Imitation with head tilt)

Showers pour in, (Fingers drum on the surface)

They put on hats. (Imitation with raising hands)

4 . Conversation

The teacher says that Princess Autumn has changed the autumn colors again. He asks to list the fall color palette.

“Today you and I will also be landscape artists. What are they drawing? (Scenery). What is shown in the landscape? (Nature)

Take a closer look at the autumn forest, tell me, is this a single-plane landscape or a multi-plane one? How did you determine? (Trees are drawn not only in front, but also behind).

5. Didactic game “Space”:

The teacher shows cards with diverse landscapes and asks the children to name each one.

The teacher asks to open the envelopes and take out elements of the landscape. "What's in front of you (Christmas trees, houses and river).

Try to lay out the landscape on your sheet so that the large elements under No. 1 are in front, the small elements under No. 3 are in the background, and place the middle one (under No. 2) in the middle.”

3 min

2 minutes

3 min

Physical exercise

Graphic encoding in musical accompaniment:

"Maple Leaf"

The maple leaf fell down. (Imitation with squatting)

Spun above the ground. (Imitation with torso rotation)

rushed from trunk to trunk, (Tilts to both legs)

And froze, finding peace. (Imitation with return to place)

2 minutes

Learning and applying new knowledge and ways of doing things

Practical work “November landscape”:

The teacher demonstrates to the children the stage of graphic drawing:

We designate the horizon line;

Find the middle of the sheet, where we draw a wavy line;

On the right we draw a hook line;

On the left we draw a straight line.

Children follow the steps shown.

Dip your index finger into yellow paint, leaving prints on the sides of the three lines;

Dip your finger into red paint and draw the tops of the heads on three lines;

Dip your finger in brown, complement the lines with leaves;

We dip our finger in green, imprinting the foliage in the foreground.

*As an option, the teacher offers to create a multi-dimensional landscape if desired.

10 min


The teacher asks how many plans the painted landscape has (One). “This means that the space of our landscape has a one-plane composition».


Children in a thematic pantomime (in our case, autumn plants) must show the results of their work. For example:

plant branches up - happy;

branches down - not happy,

cover your face with your hands - it doesn't matter.

1 min