Presentation on the topic "culture of ancient Rus'". Presentation on the topic of culture of ancient Rus' Traditions of ancient Rus' presentation

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What is culture?

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Culture is a set of spiritual and material values ​​developed by a certain era, a certain people

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The development of ancient Russian culture took place in direct connection with evolution

East Slavic society, the formation of the state, strengthening relationships with neighboring countries

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Features of the culture of Ancient Rus'

  • The basis of Old Russian culture was the heritage of the Eastern Slavs;
  • Old Russian culture also absorbed the cultural achievements of its closest neighbors;
  • Byzantium and the adoption of Christianity in Rus' had a special influence;
  • The masters, despite the influence of Byzantine culture, sought to remain original.
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    Oral folk art-folklore

    Everyday life and amazing events were reflected in folklore: songs, epics, riddles, proverbs, spells. The epic epic occupies a special place.

    Give examples.

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    Bylinas are folk epic songs that originated in Ancient Rus', about heroes and their military exploits.

    The heroes of the epics are Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich and other heroes defending Rus' from nomads. The epics glorified the power of Rus' and aroused patriotic feelings (“Ilya Muromets and Kalinin the Tsar”, “Dobrynya and the Serpent”, “Vladimir the Red Sun”, etc.).

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    Assignment: remember the ideas of the Western European epic?

    Conquest, religious war, baptism of infidels

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    Russian alphabet on birch bark, found in Novgorod

    The alphabet is a great step; every nation needs its own written language. The birth of the Slavic alphabet is the merit of Cyril and Methodius.


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    Cyril and Methodius arrived in the Great Russian Empire to conduct services in the Slavic language. And then the creation of the alphabet began. Kirill took some letters from the Greek alphabet, others he invented himself. The brothers began to translate Greek and Latin manuscripts into Slavic, in particular the main liturgical books. There is a tradition that the first phrase translated by Cyril read: “in the beginning was the word...”

    Question: What does this find mean?

    About the fact that in Rus' there was writing and there were literate people. Writing originated in Rus' before the adoption of Christianity.

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    Birch bark letter from the boy Onfis. Novgorod.

    They taught writing not only to men, but also to women. Children who studied in ancient Russian schools in many ways resembled their peers today - this can be judged by the funny drawings made many centuries ago in Novgorod by the boy Onfim.

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    After the baptism of Rus', church leaders and translators began to arrive from Byzantium; Schools were opened at monasteries and churches, where they taught literacy, the basics of Christian doctrine, and arithmetic. Translations of Byzantine church books, biographies of saints, and historical works began to appear.

    They wrote on parchment (cured calfskin).

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    The first ancient Russian books, as in Europe, were handwritten and very expensive. Only rich people owned books. The books were bound in leather and richly decorated with precious stones.

    The books were decorated with miniatures—small, elegant pictures that illustrated the texts.

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    Why were there many literate people in the Old Russian state?

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    • Lives - literary descriptions of people canonized as saints
    • “The Tale of Boris and Gleb”, “The Lives of Princess Olga”
    • A chronicle is a record of events that took place, compiled by year.
    • "The Tale of Bygone Years"
    • “Word” is a solemn and instructive address “The Word of Law and Grace.”
    • “Walking” (or, in Old Russian, walking) are a kind of travel notes.
    • Hegumen Daniel's "walk" to the Holy Land.
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    Among the genres of ancient Russian literature, the chronicle occupies a central place.

    An outstanding literary monument belonging to the chronicle genre is “The Tale of Bygone Years” - a chronicle collection that apparently began to be compiled around 1113 by the monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery Nestor, who used records from the 11th century. Nestor's chronicle preserved evidence of the most important events of ancient Russian history, including the calling of the Varangian princes, the emergence of princely power, the campaigns of the Slavs, the adoption of Christianity and the creation of the Slavic charter, and the exploits of the holy martyrs.

    Chronicler Nestor

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    Wooden architecture

    Peasant huts, princely and boyar towers, and city fortresses were built from wood.

    Assignment: Name the features of Russian wooden architecture

    Features: multi-tiered buildings; the presence of a variety of buildings; crowning buildings with towers and turrets; wood carving.

    Prince's Court

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    Stone architecture

    The first outstanding monument of ancient Russian stone architecture was the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, founded by Byzantine craftsmen in Kiev in 989 and completed in 996. Since Prince Vladimir allocated a tenth of the income for the maintenance of this church, it was called Tithe. The church collapsed in 1240 during the capture of Kyiv by Batu. Only the remains of its foundation have reached us.

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    The features of ancient Russian architecture were clearly manifested in the Hagia Sophia Cathedral, founded in 1037 in Kyiv by Yaroslav the Wise. By naming the main city cathedral after Hagia Sophia, Yaroslav the Wise entered into a kind of rivalry with the famous Sophia of Constantinople. The cathedral was decorated with frescoes, the themes of which included both gospel and everyday scenes, in particular, depictions of members of the princely family.

    St. Sophia Cathedral in

    Kyiv, 1037

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    St. Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod

    Following the example of Kyiv, in the 40s - 50s of the 11th century, St. Sophia Cathedrals were built in Novgorod and Polotsk. Sophia of Novgorod, which has survived to this day, is much more strict and monumental than the Kyiv Cathedral - the harmonious Byzantine tradition is felt much weaker here. Novgorod architecture, unlike Kyiv, does not know mosaics - Sofia of Novgorod was decorated only with frescoes.

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    Golden Gate in Kyiv

    We know ancient Russian works of not only church, but also secular architecture. Judging by the chronicles, stone chambers were built for princes back in the pagan era - archaeological excavations confirm this information. However, buildings from the 11th century have reached us - first of all, the Golden Gate in Kyiv.

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    Temple painting

    Works of painting are iconography (the art of depicting saints according to strictly defined canons), frescoes (paintings painted with water paints on wet plaster) and mosaics (paintings made from glassy pebbles pressed into wet plaster).

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    Set the correct match

    • Epics are a literary description of the lives of people canonized by the church as saints.
    • Architecture wall painting, in which paint is applied to wet plaster
    • Mosaic small multicolor pattern in handwritten books
    • Life is a poetic tale about the past, in which the exploits of Russian heroes were glorified
    • Fresco image made of stones or pieces of glass
    • Miniature art of constructing various buildings
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    Insert in place of blanks

    The oldest chronicle that has reached us is

    “_______ ________ ___.” It was created in the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery by the monk ______. A major writer of Ancient Rus' was _______, the first native of Rus' to become the Kyiv metropolitan. His most famous work is “_____________________”, written in the genre of a solemn and instructive address. St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv was built during the reign of _______

    • The Tale of Bygone Years
    • Nestor
    • Hilarion
    • A Word on Law and Grace
    • Yaroslav
  • View all slides

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    Compiled by: Berdnik S.V. history teacher at Grodekovsk MSPS, Blagoveshchensk district, Amur region, 2005 Source: V.E. Steinberg Didactic multidimensional tools M., “Public Education” “School Technologies” 2002

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    It largely predetermined the ideological orientation and artistic features of written literature in Rus'. Conspiracies and spells, calendar ritual songs, epics (“old times”), proverbs, sayings, and riddles were especially widespread. The Old Russian epic reflects the spiritual values ​​of the people, their traditions, peculiarities of life, and real historical events. The hero of many epics was the “affectionate prince” Vladimir the Red Sun. ORAL FOLK ARTS Scheme

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    WRITING There are references to the fact that the ancient Slavs used knotted writing, “lines and cuts,” as well as runic writing... The widespread spread of literacy is associated with activities in the second half of the 9th century. brothers Constantine (who took monasticism under the name Cyril before their death) and Methodius, who created the first Slavic alphabet for the dissemination of Christian sacred texts. The oldest Slavic texts are written in two alphabets - Glagolitic and Cyrillic. Glagolitic, according to most scientists, has an earlier origin. The Cyrillic alphabet was based on the Greek solemn (statutory) letter. According to scientists, the Cyrillic alphabet was created by the students of Cyril and Methodius in Bulgaria. Name of St. Kirill remained in the memory of the Slavs as the name of the creator of the Slavic alphabet in general and later switched to the rapidly spreading letter created after the death of the brothers. The creators of Slavic writing CYRILL AND MEFODIUS Scheme

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    LITERATURE Books at that time were handwritten. Material for writing up to the 15th century. The material used was parchment made from specially tanned calfskin. They wrote in ink or cinnabar until the 19th century. used goose feathers. Many books were decorated with miniatures, and the binding of the most valuable ones was bound in gold and decorated with precious stones and enamel. The books were very expensive and were available only to a select few. Birch bark was used as an inexpensive material for writing. All ancient Russian literature is divided into translated (religious, historical) and original. Original ancient Russian literature is represented by the following main genres: chronicles, hagiography, word (teaching), walks and historical stories, for example, “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.” By the beginning of the 13th century. As a result of the creative development of the achievements of Byzantine literature and their rethinking in accordance with the national traditions of oral creativity, a unique ancient Russian literature emerged. In almost every genre, original works were created that were not inferior to Byzantine models and did not copy them. Scheme

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    CHronicle-writing Chronicle-writing occupies a central place among the genres of ancient Russian literature. Chronicles are weather (“by summer”) records created on the basis of historical legends and songs, official sources, and eyewitness memories. Monks who underwent special training were engaged in chronicle writing. Chronicles were usually compiled on behalf of a prince or bishop, sometimes on the personal initiative of the chronicler. The oldest Russian chronicle is the “Tale of Bygone Years,” compiled on the basis of no longer preserved earlier chronicles and oral traditions. Its author is considered to be the monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery Nestor, and its creation dates back to 1113. “The Tale of Bygone Years” has come to us in handwritten copies no older than the 14th century. The most famous of them are the Laurentian and Ipatiev Chronicles. The main idea of ​​the work is the unity and greatness of the Russian land. From the 12th century Chronicles of local centers flourish. NESTOR – chronicler, author of “The Tale of Bygone Years” BACK

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    LIVES, TEACHINGS, WALKS A hagiography (hagiography) is a biography of clergy and secular persons canonized (that is, recognized as saints) by the Christian church (the life of Princes Boris and Gleb, etc.). A word (teaching, speech) is a work belonging to the genre of eloquence. A striking example of moralizing eloquence is “The Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh,” which is a kind of political and moral testament of the Grand Duke of Kyiv with elements of autobiography. A special group of monuments of ancient Russian literature consists of walking (walking) - a type of literature about travel. Their main purpose is to tell about Christian shrines and attractions, but they also contain information about nature, climate, and customs of other countries. One of the most famous works of this genre is “The Walk of Abbot Daniel” to Palestine. BACK

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    The most famous literary monument of pre-Mongol Rus' is “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” (late 12th century). The author of “The Lay” calls for the unity of the Russian lands, opposes strife, and contrasts two states of humanity - peace and war. The originality of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” made it difficult to identify as a genre. It is called an epic or lyrical poem, a historical story, a political treatise. “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” BACK RESULTS

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    Excavations and studies have shown that until the end of the 10th century. There was no monumental stone architecture in Rus'. The buildings were wooden or wooden-earth. After the baptism of Rus', stone construction spread. From the end of the 10th century. widespread construction of religious buildings, churches and monasteries begins. At the same time as the temples, princely palaces, boyar chambers and fortresses were built, but to a much smaller extent. ARCHITECTURE Golden Gate in Kyiv Scheme

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    Stone construction begins at the end of the 10th century. The first stone structures were built under the guidance of Byzantine masters, which largely determined the choice of the type of religious buildings and the principles of temple construction. The type of cross-domed church that developed in the architecture of Byzantium became predominant in ancient Russian architecture: four, six or more pillars (2) (pillars) in the plan formed a cross, above which a dome (1) rose. Divine services were held in the eastern part of the building (altar) (3). The altar was separated from the church hall, where the believers were, by a low barrier (5), decorated with fabrics and icons. Subsequently, the number of icons in the altar barrier increased, and an iconostasis took its place. In the western part there was a balcony-choir (4), where the prince and his family and his entourage were present during the service. The composition of the interior of an Orthodox church organically includes a strictly developed, canonical system of paintings and mosaics, subordinate to the plan of the building and the symbolism of its parts. In the first half of the 11th century. The largest cross-domed churches were erected: St. Sophia Cathedrals in Kyiv and Novgorod, which have survived to this day. Russian masters, having borrowed the principles of Byzantine stone construction and taking the cross-dome composition as a basis, introduced elements of Russian wooden architecture into the architectural forms, giving the temples multi-domed, pyramidal, towerlike appearance. In the 12th century. In accordance with local conditions (construction and artistic traditions, features of building materials), local architectural schools took shape, for example, Vladimir-Suzdal and Novgorod-Pskov. STONE CONSTRUCTION Scheme

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    VLADIMIRO-SUZDAL ARCHITECTURE Vladimir-Suzdal architecture, especially from the 13th century, is distinguished by pronounced decorativeism. Its originality is the openwork stone carvings on the facades of churches. The most significant buildings include the Assumption Cathedral on the river. Klyazma, Church of the Intercession on the Nerl, Demetrius Cathedral in Vladimir. A remarkable monument of military-defensive architecture is the Golden Gate in Vladimir. Church of the Intercession on the Nerl Golden Gate in Vladimir. Assumption Cathedral on the river Klyazma St. Demetrius Cathedral in Vladimir BACK

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    NOVGOROD AND PSKOV ARCHITECTURE The main features of Novgorod and Pskov architecture were severity, simplicity of forms, and sparingness of decorative ornaments. Particular attention was paid to the construction of fortresses on these lands. The most striking monuments of Novgorod include St. George's Cathedral in the Yuryev Monastery and the Church of the Savior on Nereditsa. Novgorod Kremlin Church of the Savior on Nereditsa St. George's Cathedral in the Yuryev Monastery Pskov Kremlin BACK

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    DECORATIVE AND APPLIED ARTS Artistic craft received outstanding development in Rus' in pre-Mongol times. Artisans of more than 100 specialties worked in Russian cities. Jewelry art reached an exceptional blossoming. Jewelry made using the techniques of embossing, filigree, engraving, silver niello, granulation, and cloisonne enamel was in great demand on the world market. Blacksmithing is one of the most developed crafts. In Western Europe, self-sharpening knives and complex locks made by Russian blacksmiths, consisting of more than 40 parts, were especially famous. The production of weapons became widespread: chain mail, sabers, and stabbing swords. In the XII-XIII centuries. Crossbows and faceted arrows for them appeared. From the middle of the 10th century. The production of bricks, multi-colored ceramics, leather and wood processing was widely developed. Folk applied art was the basis for the further development of architecture and painting. Scheme

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    CONCEPTS DIAGRAM GRAIN – jewelry technique, patterns of small metal balls. ENAMEL is a glassy mass that, depending on the addition of metal oxides during firing, acquires one color or another. SCAN is a jewelry technique in which a pattern of thin gold or silver wire in the form of a smooth or twisted rope is soldered onto a metal background. BACK

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    MUSIC In medieval Rus', two musical directions developed: folk (pagan) music and Christian liturgical singing. Folk music (pagan). Song folklore and pagan ritual singing, accompanied by playing pipes, tambourines, and harps, became widespread. The feasts of the princes, as a rule, were accompanied by dancing, singing, and playing musical instruments. Buffoons appeared at the princely courts - the first ancient Russian professional actors, combining a singer, musician, dancer, storyteller, and acrobat. The buffoons played the harp, trumpets, horns, pipes, and tambourines. They took part in funerals, weddings, and seasonal festivities of the peasant calendar. The art of buffoons is inextricably linked with ritual pagan song folklore. Liturgical music spread after the adoption of Christianity and immediately became a professional activity. The Orthodox religion does not know how to play musical instruments. Scheme


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    History of culture Culture of Rus' in the 9th - early 13th centuries. (pre-Mongol period) topic 1 Author: Arkhipova Irina Evgenievna teacher of history and social studies, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 13, Krasnooktyabrsky district, Volgograd

    Writing According to medieval authors, writing existed among the Slavs before the adoption of Christianity. The adoption of Christianity contributed to the further development of writing and education. In the second half of the 9th century. Cyril and Methodius created the Glagolitic alphabet (Glagolic alphabet), which was soon reworked by them using Greek writing, and this is how the current alphabet, the Cyrillic alphabet, which we still use today (was simplified by Peter I, then in 1918). The earliest examples of the use of this letter that have survived to this day date back to the beginning of the 10th century. The agreement between Byzantium and Oleg was written in two languages ​​- Greek and Slavic. Monument to the holy brothers Methodius and Cyril in Moscow on Slavyanskaya Square

    Where did you learn to read and write? The main centers for teaching literacy were schools at monasteries and churches, where they mastered not only reading and writing skills, but also the higher sciences of the time (theology, grammar, dialectics, rhetoric, etc.). The level of literacy spread in Rus' is evidenced by the schools opened under Yaroslav the Wise in Kyiv, where more than 300 children studied. The daughter of Yaroslav the Wise, Anna, one of the first literate women who became the queen of France, was educated in the princely chambers of Kiev.

    Materials for writing At that time they wrote on parchment (otherwise it was called haratya, leather, fur). Parchment was made, as a rule, from specially dressed calfskin. The text began to be written with a capital red letter - the header (the expression “write from the red line” is still preserved). Books were often decorated with drawings called miniatures. The sewn sheets of the book were bound, placed between two boards, which were covered with leather (hence the expression “read from board to board”).

    Literature The earliest written monument is the Ostromir Gospel. It was written in 1056-1057. for the Novgorod mayor Ostromir, after whom it got its name. “Izborniki” of 1073 and 1076 is an ancient Russian handwritten book. The collections were compiled for Grand Duke Svyatoslav Yaroslavich by two copyists, one of whom was a clerk named John, the name of the second is unknown.

    Genres of literature chronicle life (hagiography) word (teaching) solemn eloquence moralizing eloquence walking (walking)

    Chronicle Chronicle (or chronicler) is a historical genre of ancient Russian literature, which is an annual, more or less detailed record of historical events. The recording of the events of each year in chronicles usually begins with the words: “in the summer ...” (that is, “in the year ...”), hence the name - chronicle. The largest chronicle collection is “The Tale of Bygone Years,” compiled by the monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery Nestor at the beginning of the 12th century. The main question posed at the beginning of the chronicle: “Where did the Russian land come from and who was the first to begin the reign in Kyiv?”

    Lives of saints The lives of saints were important for ancient Russian people. Everyday literature began to be created. Among them are “The Tale of Boris and Gleb”, the life of Princess Olga, abbot of the Kiev-Pechora Monastery Theodosius. Pskov icon XIV century (Russian Museum) Monument to Boris and Gleb at the walls of the Boris and Gleb Monastery in Dmitrov

    Word (teaching) Word (teaching) is a work belonging to the genre of eloquence. In Rus', there was solemn eloquence - “The Sermon on Law and Grace” by Metropolitan Hilarion (substantiating the significance of the adoption of Christianity and glorifying the Russian land and princes) and moralizing eloquence - “Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh” (the political and moral testament of the Grand Duke).

    The Lay of Igor's Campaign "The Lay of Igor's Host" is dedicated to the campaign of the Novgorod-Seversk prince Igor Svyatoslavich against the Polovtsians in 1185. The author sees the most important reason for the severe defeat of Rus' in the infighting between the princes in their disobedience to the great prince of Kiev. N.K. Roerich “Igor’s Campaign”. 1942 Viktor Vasnetsov. After the massacre of Igor Svyatoslavich with the Polovtsians. 1880

    Walking (walking) Walking (walking) - talk about travel, Christian shrines, sights, nature, customs of other countries (“Walking of Hegumen Daniel to Palestine”). Abbot Daniel's pilgrimage to Palestine shaped medieval Russian man's understanding of the world and his soul.

    Music 2 directions: folk (pagan) music - pagan ritual singing, accompanied by playing pipes, tambourines, and harps. At the princely courts, buffoons appeared - the first actors who combined a singer, musician, dancer, storyteller, and acrobat. The buffoons played the harp, trumpets, horns, pipes, bagpipes, tambourines; Christian liturgical singing spread after the adoption of Christianity and immediately became a professional activity. At first, Greek and South Slavic singers took part in church services. Singing took place without playing musical instruments; moreover, the tradition of Eastern Christianity strictly condemned instrumental music.

    Architecture With the adoption of Christianity, temples began to be built. The first ones are wooden, they have not survived. In the 10th century the 1st stone temple was built - the Tithe Church (destroyed by the Mongols in 1240) Ruins of the Tithe Church in the drawing of 1826

    The earliest surviving monument is the 13-domed brick Hagia Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, built under Yaroslav the Wise (30s of the 11th century). View of the St. Sophia Cathedral (modern view) Apse of the cathedral. Exposed ancient masonry Bell tower of St. Sophia Cathedral on St. Sophia Square

    St. Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod is the main Orthodox church of Veliky Novgorod, created in 1045-1050. It is one of the oldest surviving temples in Russia, built by the Slavs. St. Sophia Cathedral (modern view) St. Sophia Cathedral (south side) before restoration 1893-1900.

    Fine arts Inside the temple, the walls were decorated with frescoes and mosaics. Fresco is painting with water paints on wet plaster. Mosaic is an image or pattern made from pieces of stone, marble, ceramics, smalt. Our Lady of Oranta (Unbreakable Wall). Mosaic in the altar of St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, 11th century Fresco of St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv. 1040s - early 1050s

    Craft Archaeological excavations have shown that in Rus', along with agriculture and forestry, crafts developed among the Eastern Slavs. The most complex metal processing techniques were mastered. Blacksmiths made shovels, axes, ploughshares, sickles, and knives. Weaponry developed: swords, battle axes, helmets, etc. Jewelry production appeared (rings, bracelets, crosses, rings). The products were decorated with filigree (a pattern made of gold or silver wire on a metal base) or with grain - a pattern made of gold or silver grains. They also learned how to make glass jewelry, mastered pottery, carpentry, leatherwork, shoemaking, tailoring, etc.

    Daily life The daily life of the ancient Russian people was reflected in oral folk art - folklore. Its roots go back to the distant pagan past: the holiday of Maslenitsa, Ivan Kupala, Christmas carols, wedding songs, fortune telling. Various rituals, riddles, spells, and conspiracies have reached us. It was then that fairy tales about the fox-wolf, Baba Yaga, and the Serpent Gorynych arose. Epic stories arose about Ilya Muromets, Mikul Selyaninovich, Dobrynya Nikitich, etc.

    References Katsva, L.A. History of the Fatherland: a guide for high school students entering universities: a full course of preparation for final and entrance exams / L.A. Katsva, ed. V.R. Leshchinera. M., 2001. - pp. 35-44. Borisov, N. S. History of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 17th century: textbook. 10th grade / N. S. Borisov. M., 2009. – P. 43-55. Electronic resources

    Folklore Ritual folklore Life in Ancient Russia was accompanied by various rituals: wedding, funeral, calendar, magical (spells), etc. Rituals and the folklore works that accompanied them reveal the following features of the thinking of ancient man: animism (belief in spirits and the existence of the soul), anthropomorphism (humanization animals, plants, natural phenomena, death, disease) and magic (the belief that special actions and words influence events in a person’s life).

    Fairy tales Folklore Fairy tales contain amazing and mysterious events of an adventurous nature; they show ideal heroes, fantastic creatures, magical objects, and miraculous phenomena. Fairy tales reflect dreams of justice, the victory of good over evil, and the alleviation of difficult living conditions (flying carpet, walking boots, self-assembled tablecloth, invisible hat, etc.). Fairy tales Household MagicAbout animals

    Epic songs with heroic plots - epics - are a special genre of ancient Russian folklore. The plot centers on the hero and his feat, the duel with the enemy and victory. The hero embodies the power and patriotism of the Russian people. The epics depict military-political and social situations typical of Ancient Rus'. The main idea that unites all epics is the need for the unity of Rus' and its protection from enemies. The enemies were personified by fantastic characters: the Serpent, Tugarin Zmeevich, Nightingale the Robber, and the filthy Idol. The epics were especially relevant during the times of endless raids by nomads and the Mongol-Tatar yoke. Epics Folklore

    Folklore Other genres of Old Russian folklore: proverbs, sayings, riddles, traditions, legends, myths, tales, etc. One of the key features of Russian folklore is its oral nature. Collecting oral folk art, that is, recording it, began only in the 18th century. “Guslars” VASNETSOV

    Old Russian Literature With the adoption of Christianity, Ancient Rus' was introduced to book culture. The development of Russian writing gradually became the basis for the emergence of literature and was closely connected with Christianity. And extensive translated literature became the basis for the formation of its own tradition. The original literature of Ancient Rus' is characterized by great ideological richness and high artistic perfection. "Teachings for Children"

    An outstanding writer and historian was the monk of the Kiev Pechersk Monastery Nestor. His “Reading” about the princes Boris and Gleb and the “Life of Theodosius,” valuable for the history of everyday life, have been preserved. The outstanding monument of ancient Russian chronicle “The Tale of Bygone Years” dates back to approximately 1113, preserved as part of later chronicles of the 14th-15th centuries. This work is compiled on the basis of earlier chronicles of historical works dedicated to the past of the Russian land. The author of the Tale, monk Nestor, managed to vividly and imaginatively tell about the emergence of Rus' and connect its history with the history of other countries. Old Russian literature Nestor

    An outstanding writer was Vladimir Monomakh. His “Instruction” painted an ideal image of a fair feudal ruler prince and touched on pressing issues of our time: the need for strong princely power, unity in repelling the raids of nomads, etc. “Instruction” is a work of a secular nature. A special place in the literature of Ancient Rus' is occupied by “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” dating back to the end of the 12th century. It tells about the unsuccessful campaign against the Polovtsy in 1185 by the Novgorod-Seversky prince Igor Svyatoslavovich. Old Russian literature Vladimir Monomakh

    Old Russian Architecture Belfry of the Moscow Kremlin Bell tower of Ivan the Great in the Kremlin 14th century. It consists of 3 tiers and looks like an ancient wooden watchtower. On each tier there is a ringing gallery. Its height is 81 meters. Napoleon blew it up, but it survived. The belfry was installed in the year.

    The Russian icon managed to create its own special way of reflecting reality, bringing to people a feeling of joy and fullness of earthly life. The icon was richly decorated with gold, silver and precious stones. She inspired Russian soldiers on the battlefields. In the upper room, a red corner was reserved for the icon - the most honorable place in the house. Icons adorned luxurious princely chambers and majestic arches of white-stone cathedrals, small chapels for prayer along roadways and wooden churches lost among endless forests. Iconography of the Annunciation “Ustyug” XII century.

    The main directions and schools of ancient Russian icon painting Icons painted in Rostov the Great represent it as a center, a kind of academy for painters of North-Eastern Rus'. They confirm the significance and bright originality of Central Russian ancient painting and its important role in public art. The icons of the Rostov-Suzdal school amaze us with the brightness and purity of light, the expressiveness of their strict design. They are characterized by a special harmony of rhythmically constructed compositions and soft warm shades of color. Rostov-Suzdal school Angel golden hair. Late 12th century

    Moscow school The Moscow school took shape and developed intensively during the era of the strengthening of the Moscow principality. Painting of the Moscow school in the 14th century. represented a synthesis of local traditions and advanced trends in Byzantine and South Slavic art. The heyday of the Moscow school in the late 14th and early 15th centuries. associated with the activities of outstanding artists Feofan the Greek, Andrei Rublev, Daniil Cherny. The traditions of their art were developed in the icons and paintings of Dionysius, which attract attention with their sophistication of proportions, decorative festivity of color, and balance of compositions. Our Lady. Icon from the Deesis rite of the Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin.

    The ancient monuments of Novgorod painting have been most fully preserved. In some works, the influence of Byzantine art can be traced, which speaks of the broad artistic ties of Novgorod. The usual type is a motionless saint with large facial features and wide open eyes. Novgorod school of the Savior Not Made by Hands. Novgorod school of icon painting, ca.

    - it's social
    significant experience gained
    humanity and transmitted from
    generation to generation, while
    constantly changing. She
    includes traditions and
    customs, norms, ideals.
    inherited from
    of the past
    Borrowing from
    other peoples
    From lat. Cultura

    A set of material and spiritual values
    Material values:
    Spiritual values:
    Production technique
    The science
    Art – artistic creativity
    arts and crafts
    art (painting,
    A television

    Features of Old Russian
    its syncretic (mixed) nature. She
    combined elements of cultures of different ethnic groups,
    those who participated in the formation of ancient Russian society;
    traditionalism and conservatism. It was a culture
    predominantly facing the past, it is there
    finding most of her ideals and values;
    religious character. Culture of Kievan Rus
    based on the centuries-old history of development
    East Slavic paganism. At the same time I experienced everything
    the growing influence of the Byzantine Christian
    anonymity. We do not know the authors of the vast majority
    number of cultural monuments of Ancient Rus'. It's connected
    not only with what separates us from the Middle Ages
    several centuries, but also with the fact that Christian
    worldview regarded the mortal author as
    instrument in the “hand of God.” Anonymity in this
    situation was a natural manifestation of “fear
    God" and humility.

    Slavic village
    We study the map and illustrations. What is the peculiarity of the location of the ancients
    cities you noticed. How can this be explained?

    material from forest residents
    the stripes were wood. The buildings
    were constructed from logs, the roof
    reeds. Log houses
    formed a circle or stood
    next to each other
    log-paved street.

    Agricultural culture of the Slavs
    The main occupation of the Slavs was agriculture. With guns
    labor served as a harrow - a knot for harrowing
    plowed land. Pounding grain in a wooden mortar
    or ground on hand millstones.


    The word "cattle" meant money. Bone remains were discovered during excavations of many
    settlements and give an idea of ​​the composition of the herd. First place everywhere should
    be allocated to cattle. Cattle bones make up
    up to 50% osteological material associated with domestic animals of the Herd
    cattle were the most important wealth of the Slavic community. Second
    the place belongs to the bones of a pig, the third - to small cattle, the fourth to horses.

    We hunted wild boar, deer, bear,
    beaver, fox, marten, hare and others
    animals. For hunting they took a bow from
    arrows and spears
    Hunting in the forest was not only important
    branch of the economy, but also the place where
    young tribesmen showed
    your strength, courage, hunting
    acumen. The production of fur-bearing animals gave
    fur needed for sewing
    winter clothing and for trade.
    Slavic occupations

    We caught pike, carp, pike perch in the rivers,
    bream, catfish, sturgeon and other fish. Fish
    caught with hooks, nets, seines and
    various wicker
    For fishing, in abundance
    found in the clear waters of rivers and
    lakes, harpoons, spears,
    woven nets and tops.

    The forest where the man hunted, the river where he
    caught fish, in our minds
    ancestors were part of the living world.
    Should I squirrel or wolf?
    it was like hitting with an arrow
    into the eye. And not only for
    so as not to spoil
    skin, but also for
    so as not to deliver
    torment for the animal.
    In the forest, a hunter could take
    exactly as much as needed
    to feed the family. Extra
    You cannot kill the beast, because
    in this case the owner is unkind
    thickets - goblin, not only
    will lead the forest hunter astray
    animals and birds, but also
    will lead you into the thicket, from where you can no longer
    will be refund. It was impossible
    necessary - water could
    bring misfortune.

    Bort –
    natural bee
    beehive in a hollow tree.
    One of the important occupations of the Slavs
    there was beekeeping -
    collecting honey from wild bees.
    What was the significance of this view?

    Powerlessness and
    human fear
    the gods
    Svarog (god of sky and fire)
    (god of thunder and lightning)
    The man became
    connect phenomena
    nature with some
    temples with
    faith in
    spirits and gods
    Dazhdbog (sun god)
    Stribog (god of the wind)
    (god of fertility and families)
    Makosh (goddess of the earth,
    patroness of women)
    wearing amulets
    find a person
    Eastern faith
    Slavs in
    evil and good
    spirits (house spirits,
    mermaids, goblin,
    take care,

    Pagan rituals

    Temple - a round pagan sanctuary on a hill (“kap” - idol -
    image of a god made of clay, stone, wood); fire pit;
    treasury - a place for receiving sacrificial food;
    priests - magi (magicians) - performed rituals, made
    idols, cast pagan spells...
    funeral rite - everything necessary for
    afterlife - lit a sacred fire - made
    funeral mound - mound, a funeral feast was held.

    Oral folk art of Kievan Rus
    Songs and dances on
    celebration of Kolyada and Kupala,
    Maslenitsa, Rusalia.
    Lamentations during
    funeral rite (“crying”).
    Household proverbs (“Don’t
    If you kill the bees, don’t eat the honey”).
    Historical proverbs
    (“Like the Obras died”).
    Riddles (this genre was created
    not for fun, but how
    secret allegorical language,
    not understandable to everyone).
    Fairy tales.
    Local legends.
    Conspiracies, spells
    There were also epics.
    Epics -
    tales about
    native defenders
    land from enemies.
    Folk storytellers
    glorify exploits
    Ilya Muromets,
    Dobrynya Nikitich,
    Alyosha Popovich,
    Volgi, Mikuly
    Selyaninovich and
    other epics
    heroes (total in
    epics work
    more than 50 main
    heroes). To them
    they turn their
    call: "You
    stand still for the faith,
    for the fatherland, you
    just wait a minute
    glorious capital

    With acceptance
    Christianity ABC,
    writing, book steel for
    baptized Slavs sacred,
    The word, the text should have been
    reveal Christian truths,
    to connect with the Divine, to
    religion. Hence the indifference to
    worldly, secular literature,
    treating her like
    “useless” - this explains
    absence in Old Russian
    manuscripts of love lyrics,
    novels, poems, dramas. There was no
    poetry: folklore lyric
    and liturgical texts were sung,
    but were not poetry in
    in the generally accepted sense of the word.
    There were also no satirical
    parody essays - for laughter
    were wary.

    Material for construction:
    Tree (+: many forests;
    easy to give in
    Architecture – the art of designing and building
    processing; fast
    structures and their complexes in accordance with their
    construction; easily
    disassemble and transport to
    purpose, modern technical
    possibilities, aesthetic views of society. other
    hygienic - breathable
    in winter, when it's cool
    Architecture formula:
    time – warm, summer –
    chilly; - - moisture,
    Plinfa – thin
    Manufacturability Functionality
    tiled flat
    large brick (40 x 40 x
    3 cm) + solution (lime,
    sand, crushed brick).
    Stone: gray limestone
    (Novgorod), white
    limestone (Vladimir,
    works of art Brick (clay, sand,
    material culture
    water) 30 x 14 x 7 cm
    Architecture of Ancient Rus'.
    (accurate calculations of overall dimensions, thickness
    walls, stone or brick format,
    arch radii; use of various
    materials, structures, techniques and
    (architectural features, proportions,
    involvement in the surrounding landscape,
    unity with nature)
    Currently, 150 architectural monuments are known
    pre-Mongol period. Until the end of the 10th century, there was no
    monumental stone construction, the buildings were
    wooden or wooden-earth.

    The first wooden
    Church of Elijah in
    cathedral in Rostov,
    Church of Boris and
    Gleba in Vyshgorod,
    Chapter 13
    wooden Sofia
    The first known woodworkers (architects):
    Mironeg (early 11th century), Zhdan-Nikola
    (end of the 11th century).

    Architectural details

    Laying the foundation of the Tithe Church in Kyiv in 989.

    Saint Sophia of Kyiv.
    When was it built?
    In honor of what event?
    Under what prince?
    Rebuilt in the 17th century
    century in

    Stone structures:
    end of the 10th century – 25-headed Tithe Church in
    Kyiv in honor of the Mother of God
    1037 – St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv – 13 domes
    Golden Gate in Kyiv.
    Church of the Savior on Nereditsa in Novgorod
    Church of Hagia Sophia in Novgorod
    Golden Gate in Vladimir
    Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir
    Dmitrovsky Cathedral in Vladimir
    Remains of the secular palace of Prince Andrey in
    Church of the Intercession on the Nerl
    Cathedrals in Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, Suzdal,
    Russian masters
    brought into stone

    “What does the word communicate through
    hearing, then painting
    shows silently through

    in Ancient Rus'
    Fresco – painting with water paints on wet
    Requires speed and accuracy in work.
    Depends on the quality of the plaster (lime
    + water).
    The lime was prepared carefully: during the summer it was
    washed nightly, changing the water every 5-6 hours, in winter
    kept in the cold, and washed again in the spring; target -
    remove “emchuga” - a light coating that could
    appear on the surface of the plaster and ruin
    The paints for the fresco were finely
    ground colored clays and stones dissolved in
    lime water. Write - only until it's dry
    plaster, otherwise the paint would not be absorbed well into the ground,
    I had to knock off the dried plaster and
    start over.
    Disadvantage: over time, the lime will partially
    eats up the color and the frescoes look faded.

    Mosaic is an image or pattern made from pieces of stone, marble, ceramics, smalt.
    Very complex and expensive technology.
    Only 5 ancient Russian churches were decorated with mosaics, and only in one (Kyiv Sophia) was it
    Raw materials: smalt (colored glass) - smelted in special workshops. Into glass mass
    oxides of various metals were added to give the smalt color.
    Technique: walls and vaults were covered meter by meter in several layers with cementitious
    solution. A pattern was applied on top of it, according to which the craftsmen pressed pieces of smalt into the solution (1
    sq. dm = 400 pieces).
    The most valuable quality of a mosaic is its luminosity. During the daytime, the rays of the sun penetrate through
    the windows into the temple lit up the mosaic and it sparkled with all the colors of the rainbow. The smalt of Sofia Kievskaya 177
    shades of different colors (34 - green, 25 - brown, 23 - yellow, 21 - blue, 25 - gold).
    During the evening service, the mosaics burned in the flickering light of lamps and candles.
    mystical fire. The effect of “reviving” the image.
    Our Lady of Oranta. Mosaic
    St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv. XI century

    Miniature - from lat. minium - red paint used to color
    Miniature = book illustration.
    The miniatures were painted by artists on text-free sheets of books with a brush.
    and paints. Most often these were portraits of customers or authors of the book
    (evangelists), illustrations to the text.
    Strong influence of icon painting. Smaller sizes (compared to
    icons) required greater subtlety of artistic execution. Books,
    containing many miniatures, were called obverse and especially
    were appreciated.

    Iconography - from Greek. –
    “image, image” (in Rus' -
    "image") - images of faces
    saints on wooden boards.
    cult object,
    The first icons in Rus' were painted
    Greek masters.
    Hung on the walls
    corners, compiled in
    iconostasis. In the houses - in red
    corner. At the forks in the roads, at
    wells, at the gates
    entering the city. It is forbidden
    “buy” - only “exchange for
    money". Not possible due to disrepair
    destroy --- bury,
    float on water.

    Images of saints
    Christian baptismal name
    patronage of the saint.
    Patronage of various
    population categories:
    St. George - to soldiers and
    Paraskeva Friday –
    traders and merchants
    Nikolai - carpenters,
    travelers, merchants
    Fedor Tiron - wells
    Saint Christopher - protects
    from epidemics, from pestilence
    Kozma, Demyan - to the blacksmiths,
    Frol, Laurus - horse breeders...
    Measured icons (in the height of the born
    prince + image of the patron saint)


    Icon painting is a difficult job
    and labor-intensive
    A carpenter:
    a) Tree: linden (few
    knots), pine, spruce,
    b) For a long time (several years)
    c) Smoothed it with an axe.
    d) They carved the ark -
    shallow rectangular
    e) On the back side -
    transverse grooves + keys
    (blocks) - so as not to
    Masters: XI century. –
    Alimpiy, Olisey,
    The most famous
    early icons:
    "Peter and Paul"
    George", "Angel
    Golden Vlas"
    "Our Lady
    "Our Lady
    Oranta", "Spas
    Not made by hands."


    Icon painter:
    a) Canvas (wool)
    pasted on the front side,
    protected the painting from cracks on
    b) Gesso – primer – fish glue +
    crushed chalk
    c) Polishing with pumice, bearskin
    tooth, horsetail - to shine
    d) Paint – tempera: egg yolk
    + colorful pigment – ​​colored
    clays and minerals. Juicy,
    sonorous colors - for centuries.
    Requirements to
    to the icon painter:
    it should be
    righteous (scripture
    icon - godly
    artist's talent and
    knowledge of the theologian. Not
    were allowed
    women and heretics.
    "Stoglav": "befits more
    life of the painter myrrh
    and meek, reverent,
    no idle talk, no
    the laugher, no
    grumpy, not envious,
    not drunkards, not murderers,
    but keep everything
    spiritual purity and
    bodily with everything
    fear... in the post
    and remain in prayer..."

    Particularly revered
    icon painting in Rus',
    Our Lady of
    as a baby.
    Our Lady of the 12th century
    artist - joy
    tender admiration
    with your child,
    foresight of torment,
    waiting for her
    Before starting work
    artist above the icon
    fasted, abstained
    from drunkenness, the day before
    went to the bathhouse, dressed in
    a clean shirt. Getting started
    to work, icon painter
    offered a prayer to God,
    asking him
    grace for your labors.
    Artels of artists, receiving orders, distributed
    work among themselves. Work order: sketch
    charred splinter of the general composition,
    apprentices gilded backgrounds and halos, elements
    landscapes, clothes of saints; last of all -
    faces, hands, feet of saints. Covered with drying oil -
    hemp oil: vibrant shine, dust protection
    and dampness. A few months - exposed to light - to dry.
    After 60-80 years, the icon darkens - a black board:
    several new layers – cleaning up the icons.

    Folk music

    Ritual singing
    and dancing during
    playing on
    instruments, about
    which you can
    judge by
    frescoes and
    miniatures –
    these are pipes
    horns, trumpets,
    tambourines, beeps,
    pipes and harp.
    Bearers of folk music
    traditions were performed by buffoons -
    traveling musicians, acrobats,
    magicians, dancers and storytellers. Yours
    the art of buffoons could
    demonstrate in rustic
    holiday and at the princely court.
    Despite the increasing persecution
    they were loved by the church
    and popular in all layers
    ancient Russian society.

    Church singing
    The only one
    tolerable eastern
    Christianity in the temple,
    was alive
    human voice.
    A special place in Russian
    musical culture
    traditionally occupies
    bell. Back in pagan times
    times people used
    bells for
    drive away evil spirits. Chime
    church bells humbled
    demon, glorified the Lord,
    brought people together during
    holidays and disasters.


    Before the appearance of Slavic in Rus'
    alphabet, during pagan times
    Eastern Slavs had their own
    writing. Known signs-symbols
    in the form of drawings (“Characters” pictographic writing: circle –
    sun, wavy line - water, cross fire) and a notch (“Cuts”) on the bark or
    tablets, as well as “Russian letters”
    on a letter-sound basis.
    Bulgarian writer Chernorizets Khrabr
    calls the Slavic letter “Characters and
    About the presence of the Eastern Slavs
    writing skills
    mentioned by the ancient Greeks
    and Arab authors.
    922 – Oleg’s agreement with
    Byzantium - in Greek and
    Russian languages.
    1\2 X century – Gnezdovo (under
    Smolensk) – found
    vessel with inscription
    “goroukhcha” (many versions:
    “mustard”, “Gorukh wrote”).

    Birch bark letters

    Found in Novgorod in 1951
    birch bark letters. Townspeople for
    records used not expensive
    parchment, but birch bark. Significant
    number of birch bark letters found
    archaeologists during excavations in Novgorod,
    Pskov and other cities.
    History of writing and education in
    Rus' is associated with the spread

    Cyril and Methodius

    In the second half of the 9th century.
    Bulgarian monks missionaries Kirill (in the world
    Constantine) and Methodius
    created the first Slavic
    alphabet for translation
    sacred christian
    texts from Greek. The most
    early extant
    samples of our time
    application of this letter
    date back to the beginning of the 10th century.
    Treaty between Byzantium and
    Oleg was written in
    two languages ​​- Greek and

    Cyril and Methodius

    There were two alphabets - Glagolitic and
    Cyrillic. Glagolitic has more
    early origin and comes from
    Greek cursive writing of the 8th-9th centuries, as well as
    Hebrew and other Eastern
    alphabets. Probably the Glagolitic alphabet
    was created by Kirill.
    The Cyrillic alphabet is based on
    Greek charter letter with
    adding a few letters.
    It was created, according to scientists,
    disciples of Cyril and Methodius at the end
    9th - early 10th centuries Named after St.
    Kirill, who remained in the memory of the Slavs
    creator of the Slavic alphabet.

    Before appearing in Rus'
    Arabic numerals (XVI century) for
    accounts were used
    To distinguish the numbers
    from the letters, placed on top
    special sign - ~ - title
    (this is where the word comes from
    In a special way
    numbers starting from 11 were written
    until 19: in them first
    units were written, and then
    – tens (for example, 16 =
    SI, 18 – NI, 19 – DI).
    The remaining numbers were written
    the same as now: in the beginning
    tens, then ones (ND
    – 54, LA = 31).
    To distinguish letters from
    numbers, on the letter from both
    dots were placed on each side.
    The ‡ sign indicated one
    thousand (.‡ ACG.= 1903)

    Education centers

    education in
    Ancient Rus'
    there were monasteries
    Kiev-Pecherskaya queue
    Education centers
    With them
    were created
    schools, in them
    books appeared
    Under Vladimir the Saint they began
    translate and correspond
    His son Yaroslav the Wise built
    this is a matter of state importance. IN
    Sofia built under him
    cathedral in Kyiv was created
    workshop on copying books and
    book depository with her -


    Before accepting Christianity
    who can read and write in Rus'
    there was little, but since 988 literacy
    began to spread quickly.
    The clergy were literate
    princes learned to write, many
    boyars and townspeople.
    Teach in Rus' in schools
    steel under Vladimir I. Yaroslav
    The wise commanded the creation of schools
    for boys "from the best people"
    and Popovichs. First in
    medieval Europe school for
    the girls were founded by my sister
    Vladimir Monomakh Yank,
    nun of St. Andrew's
    monastery At school they taught me to write,
    count and read. Princely children
    taught at home.
    Special Education
    didn't exist. Architects,
    artists, military men, doctors
    learned by doing.

    All Old Russian
    literature is possible
    divide by translation
    and original. Choice
    With the adoption of Christianity in the 10th century.
    there were translated books
    Russian history began
    due to religious
    literature, a single
    Old Russian language.
    The first books were handwritten
    written on parchment
    (cured leather) using
    ink or cinnabar (red
    mineral paint) goose
    feathers. Binding most
    valuable (such as
    "Ostromir Gospels" of the 11th century. And
    "Mstislav Gospel" XII century)
    bound with silver and gold,
    decorated with precious
    stones and enamel.
    The high cost of books made
    they are available only to
    upper strata of society.

    Chronicle – weather record of events (“year” - “summer”) - “The Tale of Bygone Years”
    historical narrative in which events
    code name
    arranged by specific years. In Europe -
    chronicles, annals.
    chronicle code,
    chronicles - chronological records with the main
    compiled in the second
    dates, events, heroes, memories
    decade of the 12th century
    eyewitnesses. Trained monks did this
    a monk of Kievoli either of his own free will or on behalf of the prince.
    Pechersky Monastery
    Chronicles: all-Russian and local.
    Came to us in later lists.
    The authors are most often monks. Wrote by
    by order of a prince or bishop or by
    with the blessing of the abbot of the monastery.
    Each chronicler, according to tradition, began
    narration from ancient times and then
    moved on to the events of recent years.
    “Behold the tales of bygone years, from where there is
    the Russian land has gone, who started it in Kyiv
    rule first and where the Russian land comes from
    started eating"
    Nestor finished his work, finishing the story
    to the contemporary events of the first decade of the 12th century.
    "The Tale of Bygone Years" formed the basis of most
    Russian chronicle collections of the XIV-XVI centuries before us.

    Original Old Russian Literature
    The most famous literary monument of the pre-Mongol
    Rus' is “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” (late 12th century)..
    The author calls for Russian unity
    lands, opposes strife. His
    called an epic poem
    historical story, political
    treatise - everything is intertwined in it
    genres of ancient Russian literature
    Walking (“walking”) description
    travel, overseas lands,
    impressions, listing
    "shrines" (Mount Athos,
    Constantinople). Story about
    nature, customs of other countries
    (“Walk of Abbot Daniel in

    Lives of the Saints
    hagiography (hagiography) –
    spiritual and secular
    (recognized as saints)
    "The Tale of Boris and
    Lives of the saints -
    stories about
    virtues and
    vices, righteousness
    and unrighteousness,
    description of life,
    sufferings and exploits
    of people,
    Glorified in Lives
    spiritual purity.
    Miracles are described -
    healing the sick.
    Lives of the Saints
    likened to life
    Jesus Christ.
    "Life of Theodosius


    "Words" ("teachings")
    - works,
    related to
    rhetorical genre.
    "Teachings" - about
    repentance, about vanity
    worldly life,
    Last Judgment
    denunciation of drunkenness,
    greed, laziness, lies and
    other vices.
    "A Word on Law and Grace"
    Metropolitan Hilarion,
    justifying significance
    adoption of Christianity and
    glorifying the Russian land and

    “The Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh” was written by one of the most famous princes
    Ancient Rus' in adulthood. This is the only one in ancient Russian literature
    example of political and moral instruction written by a non-spiritual
    person, but a prince, a politician.
    Requirements to observe Christian
    morality (meekness, submission to elders),
    peace between princes, without oppression and
    bloodshed, do not give in
    pride, laziness...
    (letter) to Chernigov
    Prince Oleg.


    System for counting long periods of time
    In Rus' in ancient times - until 1700.
    Byzantine system
    from the creation of the world
    5508 years before Christ
    From 988 to the end of the 15th century.
    March years
    From the end of the 15th century. –
    September years
    From January 1 to August 31 – 5508 years;
    From September 1 to December 31 – 5509 years.

    Development of the craft
    During this period - more than 60 specialties
    Woodworking (+ carving):
    Utensils (spoons, cups, ladles)
    Platbands, skates on the roof
    Ships (bow and stern)
    Patterned furniture
    Blacksmith craft.
    40-piece locks –
    were even in demand
    in Europe.
    Self-sharpening knives
    (out of 3 metal
    Bell casting.
    Pottery craft.
    Production of multicolor
    ceramics: dishes, bricks,
    tiles for decoration.
    The ornament is linear-wavy.
    Stone carving:
    Plates (reliefs)
    There were secrets
    lost after

    chain mail, piercing
    swords, sabers.
    XII century – appearance
    crossbows (crossbow
    – steel bow,
    fortified on
    wooden machine,
    the bowstring was stretched

    Grain - coating
    Jewelry craft
    Jewelry: kolta (pendants for
    metal balls
    headdress, hollow inside – (up to 0.5 mm in diameter)
    fragrant herbs, flavored
    things), barmas (luxurious mantles),
    medallions, crosses, rings,
    wide bracelets, necklaces,
    Mob –
    tiaras, book covers...
    black or dark gray
    Techniques: casting, embossing, granulating,
    images printed
    filigree, niello, different types of enamel,
    for metal (gold,
    carving, engraving.
    silver) by
    engraving and filling
    so-called strokes
    black alloy
    (silver, copper, sulfur...).
    Enamel –
    special alloy of glass, painted in
    various colors of metal oxides
    (transparent and opaque)
    Scan –
    openwork pattern,
    from thin
    gold or
    twisted from
    two threads

    The craft of Kievan Rus was very developed and
    was at a high stage of development,
    products of Russian artisans were found
    wide demand throughout Europe.
    The highly developed culture of Kievan Rus perished in
    flames of the Mongol invasion: cities burned, collapsed
    temples, the population was driven away to the distant Karakorum
    steppes. Further development of culture was interrupted,
    primarily by external factors. But culture is not
    During the period of feudal fragmentation in Russian
    principalities, different schools of painting appeared and
    architecture, monuments appeared that became
    treasuries of world culture.
    The culture was preserved, preserved by the people and became
    to be recreated again, but around a different center -