Correct formatting of quotations. How to format quotes in text

Hello girls and boys! It’s not like me, but I still decided to write an informative article. This article is about such well-known and frequently used signs as (c), ™, (R) and the slightly less well-known (ↄ).

So let's start with Copyright sign - (With)(Latin letter “c” from the English “copyright” - i.e. “copyright”, if in Russian). What does this symbol mean, and why do gnomeks living on VKontakte put it at the end of quotes, poems and other products of mental masturbation? And they put it in order to indicate that this is a copy-paste (the moped is not mine...), and in response to the question: “why exactly the Copyright Mark?” refer to Lurk.

The Great Lurk says:

"(c) , and (ts); a mark that is placed on content, ineptly imitating a copyright symbol; to the object of the morning fap Topics ( this refers to the warm and tender attitude towards copyright law of many publishers and “creators”, and in particular they hint at Artemy Lebedev). On one's own
on forums and on other Internets it is used to highlight and underline a certain well-known quote. It is usually assumed that the author of the quote is also widely known, and therefore is not indicated, but the quote itself serves as an argument.
"Sometimes the author writes his name or nickname afterwards, as if trying to tell us that he has a brain and even knows how to type."

That is, (c) here means that the text under which this squiggle is placed is a copy, and the person who posted it is not the author of the text. Here that’s how it’s accepted, yes... and it’s quite funny, since initially (c) it was (yes, in fact, it is still considered as such in some circles) with a symbol denoting a statement of authorship of the text (or other product of mental labor).

Quote not from Wiki:
“The icon is necessary in order to show your exclusive right to the work, and the inaccessibility of free copying by third parties. It is recommended to place the icon at the bottom of the site or after each blog post."

Thus, Pasha Barsukov writes on his wall in VK: “The Tao, which can be expressed in words, is not a permanent Tao. (c)” thus declaring his copyright on the quotation from the Tao De Ching and prohibiting its copying by third parties o_O. It’s another matter when the text is posted by someone Horseradish
Khrenov, since most likely this is still a nickname, and not the name of an individual (however, sometimes we are not so lucky with names) and therefore this sign has no force and can be regarded as the notorious designation of copy-paste.

So (c) is put by some to indicate copy-paste (where it came from is a mystery to me) and this is more of a meme than a copyright statement (i.e. completely opposite in meaning).

Next we have "™" And "(R)", which many people like to put next to their name. Here everything is much simpler for me, because these fashionable icons are well written on Lurka.

"(eng. Trade Mark, russian trademark) is a sign. Reminds me of something , used after the name of a product to emphasize
that this name is registered and cannot be used. In this Russia, the ™ sign doesn’t mean anything at all. By law, you can use the ® sign, the words “trademark” or “registered trademark”.

That is, if you want to give your name, face, left hand or other part of the body the status of a trademark, which no one can use without your consent, stick it on T-shirts, draw it in entrances and on icons, but at the same time you can sell it yourself , rent out, and look out in every possible way then put (R ). The only caveat: the sign (R) will not have any force (except for giving a certain semantic connotation to the object to which it is attached, of course (about the meanings in the article from lurka)) if it is not registered with the relevant authorities. The ™ sign, as we found out, has no force at all in Russia. So it goes.

Well, and about the known to a lesser extent (ↄ) (apparently because the symbol "(ↄ)" is a little more difficult to enter than " " since it is not available in Unicode, which is explained by the conspiracy theory as "due to the dislike of information corporations and publishers for this sign (explanation below)"). This sign is pronounced with the mouth as "copyleft" (copyleft - a play on words... copyleft, copyright - it’s clear, right?).

The sign (ↄ) in contrast to (c) does not prohibit the use of a product of mental labor without the knowledge of the author, but, on the contrary, prohibits the commercial use of it and any restrictions on it ( and its modifications, products created on its basis) distribution to anyone. The history of the sign is quite interesting, and seems to hint at why this sign is not so loved on the Internet. The concept of copyleft originated in the early 80s of the last century. Its author is considered to be Richard Stallman (although there is an opinion that its author could also be our compatriot - Evgeniy Leonidovich Kosarev - a leading researcher at the Kapitsa Research Institute (at that time), since at the same time he voiced a concept similar to Stolpanovskaya). This concept was developed in relation to software and setting itself the task of free distribution of software to accelerate scientific processes in society and maintain the purity of research from commercial purposes; one of its points stated that not only software intended for free distribution (and accordingly certified by the (ↄ)) should be distributed free of charge, but programs created on its basis, its modifications and upgrades should also be distributed freely and no one has the right to restrict access to them. It is clear that this concept was not supported by the information giants, and indeed by all those who make money by limiting access to information (or by providing it). And even more so, those who like to sell plagiarism, bypassing the copyright law, were not particularly happy with such thoughts
right through various tricks.

Of course, the concept of copyleft was developed for software, and is used (controversially, semi-legally because it is not always recognized (and if it is recognized, then
understood differently by everyone), has no legal force) to software, but my perverted mind manages to apply it to this text, because I, as the author, do not want to limit access to it in any way, and consider it the property of all people. By putting (ↄ) at the end of the text, I declare that as the author I allow its free distribution, and prohibit any restriction of access to it (although no one needs it for nothing, but nevertheless I like the feature, and the sign reminds me of enso , which cannot but make me happy ;)).

My text is crap - that’s clear, but nevertheless, here I tried to explain some points about some signs that are often used in the Internet environment. I hope, user, I have helped you in some way, and perhaps even enriched your knowledge and made a small contribution to your orientation

(this is how all the obscenities that are now associated with this word come to mind, but I don’t mean sexual orientation) in this world.

For those who like the above icons: , , ® , (ↄ).

This text was written for the benefit of all living beings. OM guys!

(ↄ) Luka Krivorukov

So, we can finally begin the final part of this article. As is clear from the title, it will be devoted to the design of quotes. But first, let's talk a little about this term.

A quotation is a verbatim excerpt from a text. © Wikipedia

Of course, this concept is obvious, but necessary for the completeness of this part. Now I can safely say that everyone who reads this part will know what a quotation is and there will be no misunderstanding in the text presented below.

Now let's move on to the basic design rules:

· The quotation must accurately reproduce the quoted fragment of text.

· Punctuation marks in the quotation must be reproduced accurately. If you do not have the text of the work at hand, then you should arrange the signs in accordance with the rules of punctuation.

I think these two points are quite obvious. The very definition of this term suggests that the text is transmitted not just verbatim, but also with all punctuation marks. That's why this is a quote.

· In the Russian language and typography, it is customary to format quotes in quotation marks or in a special font.

So, let's look at this point in more detail.

Probably everyone can figure it out with quotation marks. But still, I’ll add that two types are usually used for design: French quotation marks, otherwise also called herringbones (“…”), and German, also known as paws (“…”).

A special font, according to Wikipedia, is called a reduced size, with a retract, italic. However, not all resources offer the opportunity to format a quote this way, so quotation marks are a win-win option.

I would also like to note that other citation rules may be used in other languages, but I will not go into detail about them in this article, since we all write in Russian. At least within the ficbook.

Speaking of our favorite “Book of Fanfiction”. Sometimes I noticed that on this resource, quotes are simply shown in italics. I also often came across a quotation marked with a copyright sign. Yes, I myself often use it in articles, citing quotes.

So, as you can see, there are infinitely many ways to quote.

But in this article I would like to take a closer look at the formatting with quotation marks.

· If any fragment of a quotation is omitted, it must be replaced with an ellipsis, which is sometimes located in angle brackets.

Let's dwell on this point in more detail. To avoid tediously explaining it for a long time, I will give an example of such a citation. More precisely, what the quote itself will look like with the “torn out piece” that I recently came across in a Russian language textbook.


“But why do I remember so much?<…>Because some three or four hours passed, and all this - our wonderful swimming together, and the sleepy lake with its motionlessly reflected shores, and a thousand other thoughts, feelings, impressions - all of this suddenly went somewhere.” (Veniamin Kaverin “Two Captains”)

I would like to note that the missing quotation fragment is also located inside quotation marks. And please note that the period is placed after the closing quotation mark.

I would also highlight one more case when after the colon the text is not quoted from the very beginning. In this case, after the colon, an ellipsis is placed inside the quotation marks, and the text itself is written with a small letter.


Raskolnikov himself says to Luzhin regarding his reasoning: “... bring to the consequences what you preached just now, and it will turn out that people can be slaughtered...”

· Options for including quotes in the text may vary.

I know of two types of citations. As direct speech and as indirect. Now let's look at each method in more detail.

With quotation as direct speech, everything is very simple. Exactly the rules for formatting direct speech that I outlined in the previous part of this article apply to such quotes.


“I know only two real misfortunes in life: remorse and illness,” says Prince Andrei to Pierre.

With indirect speech, things are somewhat different and in some ways even simpler. In this case, the quotation is an integral part of the sentence and is always written with a small letter. The only exception is if it begins with a proper name.


Prince Andrei tells Pierre that he knows in life “only two real misfortunes: remorse and illness.”

All these rules are typical for quoting prose texts. Now let's talk about poetic quotes. After all, they have their own special rules.

· You cannot retell a poetic text in your own words.

When quoting poems in this way, the meaning is distorted, and sometimes it can look funny and absurd.

An example of what not to do:

Pushkin writes that he loves Peter's creation.

· General rules for formatting a poetic quotation.

But speaking in general about the rules for quoting a poem, we can again single out only two. Naturally, I will consider each of them in detail.

So, the first one is in compliance with the graphic appearance of the stanza. When quoting in this way, the text is given without quotation marks and written after a colon.


“Wonderful picture...” A. Fet - winter landscape. This poem conveys the poet’s feelings caused by the contemplation of beautiful nature:

Wonderful picture
How dear you are to me:
White plain,
Full moon…

The second method of quoting is applicable to small poetic quotes that do not exceed one or two lines. In this case, the quote is placed in quotation marks.


“Wonderful painting” by A. Fet - winter landscape. This poem conveys the poet’s feelings caused by the contemplation of beautiful nature: “Wonderful picture, // How dear you are to me...”

In this case, it has already been indicated once which work or its creator is being discussed, so there is no need to repeat it.

· There is no need to indicate the name of the poet in the case when it precedes the quotation or is named after it.

If the name is mentioned before the poem is quoted, then the quote itself is written after the colon. If the author is indicated at the end, the name is indicated in parentheses.


1. A. Fet writes:

Wonderful picture
How dear you are to me:
White plain,
Full moon…

2. Wonderful picture,
How dear you are to me:
White plain,
Full moon…

· Quotes from various poets.

If the text contains poems by different authors, the name of each must be indicated in brackets after his work.

Under blue skies
Magnificent carpets,
Glistening in the sun, the snow lies...

("Winter morning")

The clouds are rushing
the clouds are swirling;
Invisible moon
The flying snow illuminates;
The sky is cloudy, the night is cloudy...

And on this note, perhaps, we can end this part, and with it the entire article. I hope you found it useful in some way.

Note Author: In order not to break any laws and not to find problems for yourself, I indicate the source from which the materials for writing this part of the article were partially borrowed -

The article was prepared by Maxim Klokov (Zebrul) specifically for the group “Training Center “Beta - Gamma” (

The material is borrowed from the article “Rules for Formatting Direct Speech and Quotes” by the same author.

Publishing this article outside the group is strictly prohibited! Respect other people's work, gentlemen!

Until 2007, Russian students used any sources when completing their theses and were not afraid of being accused of borrowing other people's texts. Now everything has changed, and absolutely all written work is checked for anti-plagiarism. If the percentage of uniqueness is below the norm, then the student is not allowed to defend.

This seems like the right decision without having to deal with being tested in person. An essential part of any work is citation. Some dissertations are even based on proving or disproving the works of a predecessor. What if this is a work on a legal topic? How can it do without citations of laws? But any quotation is available on the Internet, and anti-plagiarism will lower the percentage, thinking that you want to deceive the teacher. Let's figure it out and find solutions.

Does anti-plagiarism differentiate between citations?

There is an opinion that if a student formats the quotation correctly, then he has nothing to fear - anti-plagiarism will see this and will not take the fragment into account when determining the overall result. In reality everything is different:

  • recognizes quotes, but still reduces the uniqueness because of them;
  • ETXT, Advego DC Finder do not even react to quotes, equating them with the rest of the text; the most popular service “Antiplagiarism.VUZ” only plans to distinguish between quotes, but for now considers them plagiarism.

What's the result? It is important to format the citation correctly, but only to pass the test of the teacher, not the “machine”. But we will still address this issue in the hope that someday anti-plagiarism will learn to distinguish between quotes and a student’s text.

How to make a correct citation

In this matter, we rely on the rules of the latest versions of training manuals, according to which, the citation is formatted according to a certain algorithm:

  1. Mandatory introductory construction before the quotation. For example, “According to the historian I. I. Ivanov.” or “The famous scientist Petrov P.P claimed.”
  2. The quote itself, placed in quotation marks.
  3. Square brackets indicate the serial number of the source in the bibliographic list, as well as the page number. For example, .

Using this algorithm, you will not be able to make quotes into unique text, but at least you will avoid teachers’ comments on the design.

But how then can you pass the uniqueness check if correct citation does not help? Use our site!

Increasing uniqueness in the Antiplagius service

We can help students in two ways: professional rewriting and coding.

Of course, our experts will not rewrite quotes, but they can make the rest of the test absolutely unique, and the test will not be scary for you. We have access to all verification services, even to the “closed” Antiplagiarism.VUZ, so we will check the work and send you a report. The cost of the service is 100 rubles per page, the completion time is no more than 3 days.

The text is no less important than its semantic load. This applies in particular to quotes. Errors with such text elements are among the most common; most students make them in one form or another. Next, we will look in detail at how to format citations in coursework and provide several practical examples.

  1. Abuse of direct quotations is a sign of course work of low quality, deliberately “inflated” in its volume. In addition, non-unique quoted passages of text reduce the overall uniqueness of the coursework. Do not forget that this parameter is important in many universities, and its unsatisfactory value leads to a decrease in the student’s score.
  2. Excessively large quotations, occupying almost a third of the page, are unacceptable. The reasons are the same - a decrease in the uniqueness of the work, and therefore its quality. Large quotations are permissible only in exceptional cases, for example, when it is necessary to analyze a passage of a work of art, consider the means of artistic expression used by the author, the manner of presentation, etc.
  3. Citing reference literature is not always appropriate. Mention of various kinds of dictionaries and course reference books is not encouraged; references to such literature are permissible only in the introduction and, if necessary, definitions of terms.

How to format citations in coursework: the most common methods

There are two types of citation:

  • direct
  • indirect

In turn, direct quotes can be introduced into the text of the work in several ways:

  • indicating the author and source directly in the text
  • with reference to the author and source

Indirect quotation

In terms of design, this method is the simplest. Another advantage is that the text of the quotation can be changed; it is not necessary to use it verbatim. The student can state the essence of the quote in his own words and select key ideas from it.

Examples of indirect citation:

Direct Quote

A few punctuation rules for direct quotation:

How to provide an incomplete quotation? Sometimes it is necessary to quote without a certain part of it. In such a case, the words that are omitted are replaced with ellipses. Such a construction can be located anywhere in the passage - at the end, middle or very beginning. If three dots are located in front of the text, that is, the beginning of the phrase is omitted, its continuation is written with a small letter. In one quotation, several passages can be replaced with periods at once, at the discretion of the author of the work.

How to quote, citing a source?

This method of introducing quotes is used most often. The use of footnotes or square brackets is acceptable here.

If you decide to use footnotes, you must do so as follows:

That is, the quoted phrase should be cited, followed by the footnote number. The number is indicated with the “Superscript” parameter enabled. At the bottom of the page there is a shortened horizontal line, under which the footnote number is duplicated (that is, “1”), a dot is placed and the source is indicated, most often with the page designation.

Note! The formatting of footnotes should be page-by-page. In other words, it is unacceptable for a quoted phrase to remain on one page, but a footnote indicating its source appears on the next or further. The fact is that the numbering of footnotes may not be continuous throughout the entire text of the course work, but page-by-page. That is, each subsequent footnote is considered the first for a new page.

When using square brackets, the quotation is introduced into the text as a separate sentence, without changes to the text and without the punctuation marks mentioned above. After it, square brackets open, which indicate the source number and its specific page.

It looks like this:

Note! When using square brackets, take into account the requirements of your university regarding the compilation of a bibliography. Numbering of quotations can be either in the order of their appearance in the text or in alphabetical order (by source names).

I have united several of my articles under one topic:

"4 steps to writing an essay." So I wanted to convey to my readers the idea that the preparatory work when writing an essay is much more important than the writing of the text itself.

Before you start creating your text ( essays) must be done 4 steps:

1 step.

Step 2.

Step 3.

Step 4 .

Consistently overcoming each stage, you getting ready to create your text.
Then, when the essay (or any other text) has already been written into a draft, all that remains is to rewrite it completely into a clean copy, but do not forget to check the essay. When checking, consider

requirements for essay formatting

And they are like this:

  1. If essay topic is not a quotation, then it is written without quotation marks! If the title of the essay is a quotation, then it must be written in quotation marks. The word “topic” is not written!
  2. If you use epigraph, write it without quotes on the right side of the sheet. On the next line, under the words of the epigraph, be sure to indicate the source: the surname of the author of the lines used in the epigraph, you can also indicate the title of the work. In this case, place a comma after the author’s last name and write the title of the work in quotation marks on the same line. The surname and initials of the author, the title of the work are not placed in brackets, and a period is not placed after them.
  3. In the middle of the next line after the epigraph(if there is one) or after topic(if you don’t add an epigraph) write the word “ Plan" How to properly draw up a plan, read.
  4. When following the plan in your essay, be sure to highlight paragraphs.
  5. Immediately after the plan, without skipping a line, start with a capital letter and with a red line To write an essay.
  6. If you use it in your essay dates, write them in numbers: year and date - Arabic, century - Roman. If you write the century in Arabic numerals, this will not be considered an error and will not affect the score, but it is better not to do this. Write all other numerals in words only.
  7. Use quotes? Make out them correctly.

how are citations formatted?

Quotes are formatted exactly as sentences with direct or indirect speech.

The most common form of quotation is direct. This means that the quoted statement from a literary source is formalized internally.
First they write “ author's words“- this is the part of the sentence in which you say who and where, for what reason, wrote what you now intend to quote. This part of the sentence, when quoted, refers to your own text.
Then put colon, open quotes and capitalized entirely author's statement. After the quotation marks close, a period is added.

The great Russian critic V. G. Belinsky wrote: “For a true artist, where there is life, there is poetry.”

If the statement you are quoting contains an author's question or exclamation, i.e. question or exclamation mark placed by the author of the statement, then you need to leave these marks inside the quotation marks. All punctuation marks quotes inside must be exactly reproduced author's punctuation.

M. A. Bulgakov in the novel “The Master and Margarita” said: “Never ask for anything! Never and nothing, and especially among those who are stronger than you. They will offer and give everything themselves!”

“The language is inexhaustible in combinations of words,” noted A.S. Pushkin.

“Language,” argued A.P. Chekhov, “should be simple and elegant.”

You can start a quotation not from the beginning of the author’s sentence, but only from the one you need parts of it. In this case, you can start the quote with a small letter, but first put ellipsis:

Polish poet Adam Mickiewicz wrote: “... in Slavic literature and in Slavic languages, what is most striking is how widespread they are - their geographical extent, so to speak. From the point of view of the most significant and, in general opinion, the only significant - from the point of view of population and extent of territory - the importance of Slavic languages ​​can be immeasurable ... "

You can embed the quote into your own reasoning:

S.I. Vavilov believed that it was necessary “ all means to rid humanity of reading bad, unnecessary books.”

If you put a quote in the middle of your sentence, then put the signs this way:

Several editors read the following text: “The young reader is especially interested in books in which he seeks answers to vital questions,” and none of them noticed the gross logical error.

In the example you see that after quote is put comma, as in a regular complex sentence. The quotation itself suggests a period, but does not put one. If the quote ends with an ellipsis, exclamation or question mark, then after it you need to put dash.

Without quotes and in the middle of the page they are written poetic quotes, in which the poetic line is certainly preserved.

When you read, be attentive to the language and combinations of words. This enriches speech. The famous Russian poet Valery Bryusov said this very expressively:

Perhaps everything in life is just a means