Proverbs related to human physique. Japanese proverbs about different parts of the body

proverbs and sayings about parts of the human body


You can't gag people. The hand is short, but the nail is long. A hand washes a hand, and two hands wash a face. A hand washes a hand, a thief covers a thief. You can't kill life with your hands. The arms are long, the mind is short. Your arms are short - you can't reach it. Hands are hooks: stuck in at the wrong end. The hands work, but the head feeds. The hands will sin, but the head is responsible. The hands have sinned, but the back is to blame. The hands are golden, but the throat is copper. His hands are golden, but his mind is stupid. Hands are valued not by their sleeves, but by their deeds. The eye sees, but the tooth is numb. The eye is sharp, but the tooth is rare. An eye on an eye, and an eye on top. One eye on the avalanche, and another eye on the avalanche. The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing. The eyes are afraid, the mouth is happy. The eyes are envious, and the hands are raking. The eyes are like bowls, but they don’t see a crumb. The eyes are quick, but the hands are clumsy. The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing. Don't give your eyes free rein. The eyes are ashamed, but the soul rejoices. The eyes are ashamed, but the soul is happy. You can’t see it with your eyes, you’ll complete it with your money. If you cross your eyes, you will end up in a hole.

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Proverbs related to organs and body parts

Nose. There are many sayings related to the nose in the Russian language. The nose is an instrument of smell and the site of several energy channels (stomach, large intestine and the control meridian ending at the upper gum), connecting the stomach with the smells of the outside world. Just above the bridge of the nose there is a biologically active point called the “control of the spirit”; it is massaged when tired. At the tip of the nose there is a “simple hole” point; it is massaged for alcoholism. In addition, the tip of the nose is the zone corresponding to the genital organs. “The tip of the nose itches means wine” is a logical saying. “Leading by the nose” means controlling a person, even deceiving him, influencing the biofield or points of biological activity.

If a person had weak energy, he could be “left with his nose” (refuse the request). A weak person “can’t see beyond his nose.” If control failed, they admitted: “This nose has grown up nicely,” “the humped nose is on its own.” If a person unreasonably imagined himself to be omnipotent, then they would say: “You raised your nose”, they warned: “Where you can’t reach with a pole, don’t reach with your nose!”

With a weakened nose, a person catches a cold easily, and mucus accumulates in the nasal sinuses. The ancestors warned: “Don’t laugh at your sock (don’t sniff around in vain), the smell will stick!”

“Keep your nose up!” - otherwise, the curvature of the cervical vertebrae will prevent the free passage of energy through the channels, and you may get sick.

Clearing the left and right nostrils by closing the adjacent one is one of the breathing exercises. The method for getting rid of mucus in the nose is soap suds from laundry soap in the nostrils.

Eyes. The proverb “grow in the eyes” reflects the increase in the size of a person’s biofield, which has increased the energy of the body, soul and spirit. The aura, which can be photographed using modern devices, was often seen by our ancestors with spiritual vision. If a person achieved good results with his mind, will, and diligence, then his fellow tribesmen noted this and with such a phrase expressed their respect to him (or her) for the successes achieved.

Mouth. In ancient Slavic, mouth means “respiratory breath”

But this is also true: “Our tongue is our enemy, and our mouth is the destroyer,” “Silence is golden.” They say about others: “Humble, humble, and don’t put your fingers in your mouth!” But, alas, “someone else’s mouth is not your own, you cannot close the gate,” “your mouth is not a garden, you cannot close the gate.” There are situations when “you don’t even dare to open your mouth,” and you have to sit “like you’ve taken water into your mouth,” because what’s more important for fate is “not what goes into your mouth, but what comes out of your mouth.”

In the center of the frenulum of the upper gum there is a biologically active point of the governing meridian. At the level of the mouth there is a so-called saliva receiver - the point of the anteromedian meridian in the center of the chin-labial groove.

When the mouth is closed, the lips are in a half-smile, the tip of the tongue touches the upper gum behind the teeth, there is a maximum convergence of the two most important energy meridians and the most significant filling of the body’s organs with vitality and energy. This is immediately noticeable by the joyful expression on his face: “mouth to ear,

at least sew on the strings,” “silence is golden.” Training the lips in a half-smile and the tongue on the gum improves the condition of the digestive organs, since the meridians of the stomach and small intestine pass near the mouth. When the corners of the mouth droop, the energy system that feeds the gastrointestinal tract is depressed.

“The tongue is small, but it controls the whole body” - this means that the tongue contains representations of all organs of the body, and the flexibility of the tongue is the gymnastics of the representations. And also that words can kill and can be cured.

The throat and neck are an energy center, a highway through which information passes to the brain and back. “A lump in the throat”, “standing across the throat” are spasmed neck muscles that prevent negative information from the outside world from passing into the brain (in this case, exercise helps - bending, turning, turning the head).

The neck in Old Slavic is the protection (Ш) of the trinity of spirit, soul, body (E) of people (I). The throat is the energy from above (G) from the spirit<) речет (Р) людям (Л) программу биополя (О). «Брать за горло» - менять программу человека.

Hair. From negative, stressful information flows to the brain and back, the hair turns gray and stands on end. Hair is a storehouse of energy. Exercises to gain energy through hair are available to people of any age. In a relaxed position, sitting or standing, while inhaling, we mentally fill the hair with cosmic energy, and as we exhale, we mentally move it from the top of the head to the base of the skull until a salty or metallic taste appears in the mouth.

Volos is in Old Slavic “the command of i) people engaged in revival ( ) unity of spirit and matter ()".

Stroking - this is translated as “the energy lowered into matter (G) gets along (harmoniously builds) (LAD) the energy of the firmament (IT) for the ascent of man (b).”

The word “wool” is interesting - it is the protection (SH) of spiritual asceticism (EP=b) of the action (ST) of the ascension program (b). So “stroking the wool” is useful.

“Stroke the head” - activate biologically active points on the head from the crown (“hundred-fold collector”) down the back of the head to the neck and across the forehead, nose, and upper lip.

“The moon is bright in the forehead, the stars are frequent in the back of the head.” The control meridian controls processes within the body. On the forehead are BAT “upper star”, “divine court”. Reflexotherapy treats serious diseases such as epilepsy, disorders of the optic nerves by the influence of forehead BAP. By rubbing our forehead, we relieve excitement, headaches, and heart palpitations: “Where it hurts, there is a hand, where it is nice, there are eyes.”

The saying “The eyes do not live above the forehead” indicates the special significance of this area of ​​the head for influencing the entire body. The eye is the lens of the “brain” apparatus, where information is synthesized, processed, compared with a program of actions that does not contradict the life structure, sustainability, stability, and only then a control signal is sent, including to the eyes. That’s why “where it’s cute, there are eyes.”

Ears. The ancient Slavs considered them primarily as antennas for capturing sound vibrations. Next, the vibrations were sent to the brain for appropriate processing. That’s why they said: “What is not in the head, you cannot attach to the ears,” and they also added: “Ears do not grow above the forehead.”

Reflexologist V.V. Ivanov, based on the experience of healing, points out two more active zones of influence located on the nose - he recommends massaging the tip of the nose for problems with the genital organs, for example with the prostate gland. The ancestors knew: “The nose itches in old age.” The second point is the hump of the nose - the zone corresponding to the liver. Pain on the hump of the nose indicates a disorder in the liver. The ancients said: “The humpbacked nose is on his mind,” “he can smell it with his liver.” The connection between the liver and the hump of the nose was undoubtedly taken into account by our ancestors.

The ear is our sound receiver, tuned to vibrations of 10-20000 Hz. The outer ear (sound receiver antenna) has about 170 biologically active points (energy outlets, reflex zones, representations) of various organs of the body. The dependence of the well-being of the body as a whole on the energy, quantity and quality of the content and form of information arriving in the form of sounds to biologically active points and to the sound receiver of the outer and inner ear has long been known.

The physical and energy-informational properties of our sound receiver and energy-informational conductor are very interestingly reflected in ancient Slavic proverbs, sayings, and phraseological units.

"Fall head over heels in love." In the book “Russian phraseological units in pictures” this phrase is translated as “to love very much.”

Ancient Slavic interpretation: based on the confidence that the object of love is exactly the one you dreamed of, who was repeatedly modeled in the imagination and appeared in reality, to show readiness to give all your extraordinary surge of energy from the harmonization of vibrations of the subtle body for the benefit of the object of love. As you can see, this expression refers to the energy-informational properties of the human outer ear.

The most difficult thing for modern people to understand is, apparently, the strange praise: “Ear-guy!” It is consonant with the modern expression “wow!”, which also means the highest degree of praise. Why? In the ancient Slavic alphabet, on the basis of which our Cyrillic alphabet was created, the letter “U” was written graphically as a symbol of the highest degree of courage and boldness, that is, it reflected an excess of yang energy. By the way, the scientific designation of the male chromosome is the same sign. The symbol, a mirror image, is earthly people, the symbol is people of the cosmic plane.

The letter "X" was written graphically as two intertwined half rings. It meant the highest degree of stability, which is inherent in the feminine, yin principle in the body. The modern scientific designation for the female chromosome is also

So, if a person has a combination of courage and stability in his deeds, actions, words, psychology, then when you meet such a person, you can only admire: “Wow, you!” And the ancients said: “Ear-guy!”, adding “O” - a symbol of the thin shell of a person (aura, biofield).

The saying “neither ear nor snout” meant that a person does not have the qualities of perfection, and this can be expressed in this short way.

Now it is clear why it is sometimes necessary (better for yourself) to “punch your ears”, “hit you in the ear” - that is, to activate all the internal organs of a person through influencing their biologically active points. After sleep, we ourselves “pick our ears”, pulling them up, down, to the sides, rubbing them in a circle. For hearing loss, we use our index and middle fingers to rub up and down the skin in front and behind the auricle, where the meridians of the small intestine (“hearing palace”) and the triple heater (“sky window”, “wind protection”) are located.

Two of the expressions cited by V.I. Dahl reflect the training of the auditory nerve: “Blow out the ears,” “Blow into the ears.” How to do it? The fact is that the auditory canals of the inner ear, nasal passages and pharynx are located nearby and connected. By drawing air into your lungs and releasing it into your mouth with your nostrils closed, you can blow out (very carefully) the ear canals. Having made a swallowing movement, we will hear a slurping sound in the area of ​​the eardrum - the ears are “blown” and free.

“Keep your eyes open”, “Keep your ears on the top of your head” in a modern interpretation means “to be very careful”.

For the ancient Slavs, this meant the need for extreme attention, not only due to the direction of the two ear receivers towards the sound source, but also the attention of the whole organism to the situation.

But a brief “flapping of ears” betrayed a person who, although he heard the information, did not derive any benefit from it, since he was mentally busy with other programs of existence.

If the interlocutor did not like the information, then, as they said, he “let it in one ear and out the other.” And about a person who tells absurdities, they said: “Listening to him makes your ears wither,” and you can “turn a deaf ear to this.” On the contrary, about a person who grasps a deeper meaning from a light conversation, they said approvingly: “He who has ears, let him hear!”

The energy-informational essence of the biologically active points of the ears is reflected in the sayings: “Cut your ear - the blood won’t drain”, “Whoever’s ear is on fire, they talk about him (the right one is the truth, the left one is a lie).”

The malicious at first glance “one chooses a wife not with the eyes, but with the ears” turned out to be a most valuable warning to those who understand how important it is in the life of themselves and their future offspring when the divine sounds of the voice of the person walking next to them influence the body.

The expression “the ear also hears that the belly is not full” directly indicates the energetic connection of such spatially distant parts of the body as the ear and belly, which are so different in their functions.

Who now dares to say that the Russian nation had no knowledge about the physiology and energy of the human body, if these established ancient phrases have been used in its folk language for centuries?!

Proverbs related to the concept of “home”

A house, according to V.I. Dahl, is a hut, a hut, a hut, a hut, a khoromina. In ancient times, it was a dugout created for warmth. In practice, this is something more, because it is not for nothing that V.I. Dal wrote down the apt folk expression “one’s own hut is one’s own womb.” In urban conditions, the concept of “hut” has spread to an apartment or room in a communal apartment. The vibrations of the inhabitants of the hut spread throughout the entire territory. One Moscow graduate student from the kingdom of Nepal recounted an incident with himself, when, by personal order of the king, they came to his apartment to arrest him, but they could not do anything, since he took refuge in the kitchen, and according to Nepalese laws, the kitchen, the sacred hearth of his home, is not subject to visits from uninvited guests. The police had to leave with nothing, despite the royal order.

“The corners also help your hut.” Why? The red corner of the hut was illuminated by a torch, a lamp, icons were placed in it, and people repented of their sins. Fire destroys negative holograms, and besides, a person tried to be honest before his God, he whispered what he thought (as you know, lies work towards self-destruction because a person’s thoughts and words diverge; this creates a countercurrent or a blockage in the passage of energy, then there is a predisposition to diseases). In addition, a person inhabited the house with the spirits of Domovoi (rewarding him with a playful or stern character), harmful Kikimora, etc., which also protected the hut space from negative thoughts, if only out of fear of angering the household spirits.

Family meditation cleansed the spirit, soul, and body. The walls and corners of the house helped to survive and adapt.

That is why there is such respect for the hut: “They don’t put a staff in the front corner,” “They accept you, take you by both hands and put you in the red corner,” “The hut is red with its corners, but lunch is pies,” “In their corners, there is no headman pointer.”

But the expression “washing dirty linen in public” suggests only a figurative meaning - dirty laundry on the mental plane. The dirty laundry (negative emotions) that is brought out in public increases evil in the world, resonating, causing an increase in its power, like outbursts of rage at a stadium or disco, a tram squabble, a showdown between the “new Russians” or scandals in a communal apartment. The same emotional resonance evokes jubilation at the concerts of your favorite artists.

Our ancestors respected the emotions of their neighbors, therefore the emotions of envy, jealousy, craving for slander, etc. were not subjected to resonance. One grandmother, opposed to her grandson’s marriage, said after the wedding: “She’s ours now, which means she’s good!”

Gestures andAndX energy essence

Let's plunge into our childhood! Barely reaching his nose to the tabletop, a baby is sitting at the table, in front of him is a plate (or bowl, or “makggra”) of porridge, cheeks in porridge, nose in porridge, not to mention the sleeves and the table itself. Nearby is the good spirit of the working family - the grandmother. She takes a small hand in her warm palm, draws circles with her index finger clockwise, bends her fingers one by one and says: “The magpie-crow cooked porridge, fed the children, gave it to this, gave to this, gave to this, gave to this, and to this (little finger) not given. You didn’t chop wood, didn’t light the stove, didn’t carry water, didn’t cook porridge, didn’t feed the children...” And the Ukrainian grandmother says a little differently: “Mishka, bear, tiritishka, baby bula? Spun into God! Why are you tense? A piece of lard! Children ti dsha? She put her on the spot...” The grandmother spreads her fingers from the center of her palm, tickles her palm, presses the center of her palm to the center of the child’s: “I was looking, I was looking... Mute! De ti dgla? She put it in quotation marks...” Tickling again, closing the centers of the palms: “I searched, I searched. No! Children d1la? Kitya ate it. Am!” Grandmother's fingers pinched the center of her palm. The grandson laughs and asks for another “mouse-mouse.”

What does this game of gestures mean from an energetic point of view? The thumb emits or receives the energy of the lung channel, the index finger - the colon, the middle finger - the pericardium (pericardial sac), the ring finger - the conventional organ of the three parts of the body, summarizing the functions of the heart, lungs, spleen, stomach, kidneys, bladder (“three heaters”) , little finger - the heart (face of the finger) and small intestine (rear of the finger) (Fig. 3). On the child’s palm there are zones corresponding to the digestive tract. Like cures like. The grandmother stimulates, by emitting energy from the channel passing through the large intestine, the zones of the small and large intestines of her grandson, from the appendix, along the ascending, colonic, descending and straight line of the large intestine. And the Ukrainian grandmother, combining the center of her palm with the center of her grandson’s palm, activates energy centers, and by bringing her fingers together at the center of the palm (“Am!”), directs the energy of all meridians to the organs associated with cleansing the body (excretory system).

The word “gesture” in the interpretation of the name of each letter of the Old Church Slavonic alphabet can be deciphered as “life (Zh) is (E) the unification of the spiritual and material (S) on the firmament (T)” or, bearing in mind the second meaning of “S”, “life there is the word of the firmament,” that is, the evolutionary flower of the earth. And if you think about the meaning of the word “word”, you will get a very interesting conclusion. Firstly, “o in o” is one circle in another circle - an image of concentric circles that have different qualities, since they are not the same in size. Let us remember the “seven selves” - the seven large elements of the human energy field. So, “word” is, in the ancient Slavic understanding, “with people (L) - energies of different qualities that interact with each other and constitute the process of life of the organism” (OVO). In general, “gesture” is approximately the meaning of “life is the energy of people on earth.”

A person in the world around us is unthinkable without movement; energy bubbles in him, its radiation, collection, exchange, transformation, and therefore changes in facial expressions, position of arms, legs, fingers, head. To balance the energy inside the body and when splashing it out into the outside world, the ancestors used gestures, which were often more expressive than words.

Gestures with eyes. When communicating, the main flow of energy occurs through the eyes. “Don’t give a ruble, just take a look,” in Ukrainian speech it is even more energetic: “Already for och1 grabbed”, “already 3opi pobachiv”. From joy or anger, “sparks flew from the eyes” - short-term stress. In the Ukrainian lexicon it’s similar: “The lights in your eyes are already shining,” “to jump as fast as you can.”

“Eye” in ancient Slavic is a hole (window) for cosmic (G) energy of the subtle plane, manifested in matter. "Eye", "Eyes" - - aura (biofield) of the bowl of ten-dimensional energies that connect (I) a person with the outside world.

Thus, both definitions involve the reception and emission of light.

Communication with the eyes is based on the exchange of energies of a subtle, higher plane through the state of “vilupiti och” (Ukrainian) or “staring, does not look away” (Russian). Ukrainian “vi ryachiti 04i” is “you speak (verb, speak) with your eyes”; “to fall into the eye”, “to marvel at the eyes” - this is evidence of complete harmony between people, because in the eyes there are zones of correspondence of all energy channels, energy centers, all organs of the body.

There are gestures with the eyes of a different kind - “marvel at the crooked eye” (looking away from the eyes, unwillingness to communicate through a direct exchange of radiant energy). “The eyes have dimmed,” “the gaze has dimmed.”

Does it exist, the radiant energy of the eyes?

Beginning with the experiments of A. A. Gurvich in the 20s of the 20th century, scientists have conducted extensive research answering the question: do living cells emit photons of light, including those accessible to the perception of the human eye? Today science says:

    the sensitivity of the light-receiving cones of the eye is only 2 quanta;

    the eye catches light coming from a large solid angle;

    the adjustment of eye focusing “far - near” is lightning fast;

    living tissue, including the eye, emits waves, and this primarily applies to phospholipids - fatty tissues involved in the construction of blood vessels; Phospholipids of the visual thalamus, when in contact with oxygen, emit more light than other organs and tissues of the body.

So “3opi”, “sv1chki” are not a myth, but a reality. There is a non-contact mutual influence of living cells, tissues, and organisms on each other (Table 3).

Each part of the eye emits a different type of energy. Researcher K. Honz provides a table of a person’s reaction to a partner’s words (Table 4). The book “The Language of the Subconscious” gives a slightly different interpretation of eye movements (ibid.). The most important thing is that by the movements and emotional coloring of the eyes one can judge a person’s thoughts, regardless of his words. If there is unity of programs, there is energy for their implementation - the answer is “yes”, otherwise - “no”.

“It is not the eyes that see, but the person; it is not the ear that hears, but the soul.” In Ukrainian speech there is an idiom “bachiti v rozhev1m svgan” (“to see in a rosy light”). Pink light is associated with the morning dawn, love for the earth, for people. The ancient Slavs clearly understood that the eyes could express the trinity of spirit, soul, body (“eyes speak, eyes listen”, “one must face the truth”, “amaze at the truth in everything”).

“I haven’t seen it with my eyes, let alone with my eyes” - this means that “eyes” is a more capacious concept that reflects the difference in perceived energy, and “eyes” are a “hole”, a hole for light, radiation.

“Fear has big eyes,” “there’s just fear in the eyes,” speaks of the attentiveness of the ancestors to the energetic state of the body in certain circumstances.

Note 1. The names of the systems are dictated by the qualities of natural substances: wood represents growth, fire - diffusion, earth - stability, metal - density, compaction, water remembers qualities.

Note 2. Yang organs perform the functions of “YAN” (in ancient Slavic I is the sign of a person with a plus sign inside - a symbol of a person who perceives around him, from all directions of the world, and this vision is located inside; - a sign of the merging of the earthly and cosmic man in one; Yang- function is to reduce, output, not store).

Yin organs are dense, perform the function of YIN connection (I) between the earthly and heavenly (H) in the earthly sprout (b), that is, ensuring physical and mental homeostasis.

Table 3. The value of the outbreak of free lipids in various organs and tissues of the body

Body organ

HELL. (antioxidant effect),

The phospholipid ratio

Flash, imp/sec x cm 2

dov to lipi-

will give, %



Optic thalamus

  1. 1. “HUMAN BODY IN PROVERBS AND SAYINGS” Authors of the project: Angela Evdokimova, Natalia Yakovleva Students of class 10 A at MBOU “Secondary School No. 5” in the city of Novocheboksarsk Scientific supervisor of the project: Egorova Irina Veniaminovna, Biology teacher at MBOU “Secondary School No. 5”
  2. 2. Introduction In recent years, issues of speech culture have been hotly debated. The speech of our contemporaries is perceived and assessed by many as reduced and non-standard. At the same time, the catastrophic state of the modern Russian language is often emphasized, leading to its destruction and death. Modern schoolchildren have lost interest in reading. They read mainly only programmatic works and are not at all interested in other literature. This leads to the fact that their linguistic sense is deformed, linguistic taste is determined more by fashion than by beauty, correctness
  3. 3. Therefore, it is necessary to cultivate in the student a conscious attitude towards his speech, the ability to perceive language as a national value. The use of folklore, for example, proverbs and sayings in the lessons of various disciplines, can be of great help in this regard.
  4. 4. PROJECT GOAL: to show the correspondence of the semantic meaning of proverbs with the physiological characteristics of the human body
  5. 5. Project objectives: Study the literature about proverbs as a brilliant manifestation of the creativity of the people; Collect proverbs that mention the anatomical and physiological characteristics of a person. Explain these proverbs and sayings from a biological point of view. Show the deep meaning of proverbs and sayings, which people have come to through centuries of experience.
  6. 6. Research methods: sociological survey, monitoring, analysis of sources about proverbs, systematization and generalization of material.
  7. 7. Proverb A proverb is a small form of folk poetic creativity, clothed in a short, rhythmic saying that carries a generalized thought, conclusion, allegory with a didactic slant.
  8. 8. Proverb A proverb is a phrase, a turn of phrase, reflecting some phenomenon of life. It often has a humorous character.
  9. 9. We selected 17 proverbs and sayings from Russian and Mari folklore and explained them from the biological point of view of the proverbs
  11. 11. Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to your enemy. Breakfast Lunch Dinner
  12. 12. When I eat, I am deaf and dumb.
  14. 14. In a dark room all cats are gray.
  15. The eye looks, but the brain sees.
  16. 16. This is how a person sees
  18. 18. The way you live, the way you sleep. sleeping brain work in sleep
  19. 19. You can’t buy something without touching it with your hands.
  20. 20. Conclusion Analysis of the collected material showed that proverbs and sayings carry a deep meaning and contain a scientifically correct life phenomenon. Having analyzed 17 proverbs and sayings, we came to the following conclusions: 1) proverbs and sayings are ambiguous and vivid. They are outside of time and outside of class divisions, i.e. they are pronounced by both rich people and people of the lower strata of society; 2) the semantic meaning of the proverbs and sayings we have considered really correspond to the physiological characteristics of the human body. 3) in almost any language you can find equivalents to Russian proverbs and sayings;
  21. 21. Having done our work, we wanted to give everyone advice: use proverbs and sayings in your speech as often as possible. This will make your speech more vivid and expressive. No wonder they say: “a Russian proverb comes in handy for everything” or “you can’t live without a proverb.”

Russian proverbs, sayings and customs associated with the names of parts of the human body

There are hundreds and thousands of popular words, proverbs and sayings. People use them in their speech because with their help it is easier for them to express their thoughts, feelings and experiences, and easier to communicate with others. And the language, thanks to stable folk expressions, becomes brighter and more imaginative. We hear them since childhood, read about them in books, and learn to use them correctly in our speech. Let's try to figure out how proverbs and sayings differ from each other.

A proverb is a small parable. This is a condemnation, a sentence, a lesson. Usually it consists of two parts - the condemnation of something (someone) and the interpretation of this condemnation. A proverb is a phrase or sentence, the words of which are used in a figurative sense; it is, as it were, the first half of a proverb. The proverb often does not call a spade a spade, but seems to hint. For example, we often say: “Just give him a finger,” and there are many proverbs that continue this thought: “Give him a finger, and he’ll bite off your whole hand,” “Give him free rein to your finger, and they’ll bite off your whole hand,” “Give him free rein to your nail.” and he’ll take it for the whole elbow,” “Give it from the nail, he’ll ask for the elbow.”

It is no secret that the folklore of the Russian people is replete with proverbs and sayings, where the peculiarities of morality, character of people, and bad upbringing are aptly noted and criticized. For each part of the body that we studied in the lesson about the world around us, we selected suitable proverbs and sayings.

So, the human body consists of:

- heads: “The head is thick, but the head is empty”, “A cheerful head lives carelessly”, “One head is good, but two are better”, “How many heads, so many minds”, “The head is the beginning of everything”; “When you take off your head, you don’t cry over your hair,” etc.

- neck: “He sits on my neck” “He sat on my neck and dangled his legs”, “The husband is the head, and the wife is the neck; she will turn wherever she wants,” etc.

- torso (body): “A healthy body means a healthy mind”, “The water is cold - the body is vigorous”, “Your shirt is closer to the body”, “Space for the body, cramped soul”, etc.

- upper limbs (arms) : “You won’t get lost anywhere with your hands”, “You can’t take everything in one hand”, “Don’t cut a tree higher than your hands”, “With your hands you won’t get lost anywhere”, “It’s easy to rake in the heat with someone else’s hands”, “The ruler has his own hand: what he wants, then it drags,” etc.

- lower extremities (legs) : “There is no truth in your feet”, “Everyone is limping on his own foot”, “Look at your feet: even if you don’t find anything, you won’t hurt yourself”, “You stumble on your foot, but it hurts your head”, “If you take it with your hands, you don’t give it back with your feet”, “ Got up on my left foot,” etc.

Particular attention is paid to the head (“Great honor for a big head”). On the head there are organs, the names of which are very often found in proverbs and sayings:

- eyes (eyes): “An eye sees, but a tooth is numb”, “In someone else’s eye there is a big knot”, “In someone else’s eye everything is crooked”, “In a crooked eye everything is crooked”, “The eyes are afraid, but the hands do”, “The truth stings the eyes”, “One’s own an eye is a diamond, someone else’s is glass,” etc.

- mouth (mouth) and what is in it: “Someone’s mouth is full, but he asks for everything to eat”, “With your lips and drink honey”, “If there was bread, but there would be teeth”, “Eat a pie with mushrooms, and keep your mouth shut”, “Work with teeth, and laziness is with the tongue”, “Our Fedul pouts his lips”, “Pain without a tongue, but it affects”, “With the tongue that sows with a sieve”, etc.

- ears: “God gave two ears and one tongue”, “Behind the ear and into the sun”, “Ears on top of the head”, “It flew into one ear and flew out of the other”, “Ears do not grow above the forehead”, etc.

- nose : “He sees behind the forest, but not under his nose”, “Don’t poke your nose into someone else’s millet”, “Take care of your nose in the deep frost”, “You can’t jump higher than your nose”, “Don’t raise your nose: you’ll trip”, etc.

- hair, mustache, beard: “In a fight they don’t spare their hair”, “Beard to the waist, but not a hair of reason”, “And there’s no blow in your mustache”, “Having lost your head, you don’t cry over your hair”, “A brown braid is a girl’s beauty”, “Beards don’t come from mustaches” cut it out”, etc.

It is not so easy to understand them, and even more so, to use them correctly in your speech, so we decided to explain some proverbs, the meaning of which was not entirely clear to some of our comrades.

The proverb “The eyes are afraid, but the hands do” tells us that you can do everything yourself, you just have to want it and start doing it.

“Wags his tongue like a cow’s tail” - talk in vain, avoid a direct answer, get off with meaningless words.

“You can’t keep up with your tongue even barefoot,” they say about a talkative person.

“You can’t put a scarf on every mouth” - when people talk a lot and in vain, discussing other people, their shortcomings, without noticing their own. You shouldn’t pay attention to such people and take their conversations to heart.”

By the way, about the heart. There are so many proverbs and sayings about him. And although the heart is not a part of the body, but an internal organ of the human body, we could not help but note “his majesty the Heart”, which works day and night in our chest. In the journal "GEO“We found interesting information that the heart, this muscle the size of a fist, pumps 9,000 liters of blood every day through vessels 96,000 kilometers long - that’s more than two trips around the world.

In proverbs and sayings, it is most often spoken of not as an organ of the human body; more often this word is used in a figurative sense, associated with the human soul. “Don’t look into the face, but look into the heart”, “There are no relatives, but the heart aches on the native side”, “Rust eats iron, but sadness eats the heart”, “Out of sight, out of mind”, “A mother’s heart is better than the sun” warms”, “The heart is a falcon, the courage of a crow”, “A hard heart knows no gratitude.” We also tried to separate proverbs from sayings on this topic, because it is quite difficult, and we want to learn how to do it well. Here's what we got:

When we were looking for information about eyes, we read up on what the evil eye is. We wondered if such a concept exists only in Russia?

It turns out that the belief that the gaze has a mysterious power that can cause harm to other people, pets, plants and even inanimate objects is as old as time and widespread among all peoples of the Earth. “Often the soul influences another’s body in the same way as its own, as, for example, when influenced by the evil eye,” wrote the famous philosopher and physician Avicenna (980 -1073) in the book “On Nature.” The evil eye is spoken of in Scandinavian sagas, Arabian tales, Aztec and Australian aborigines. In the codes of Roman law, those guilty of the evil eye could be sentenced to death. In medieval Europe, society fought witches harshly.

The Gospel of Mark says: “For from within, from the heart of man, come evil thoughts,... malice, deceit, an envious eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness.” It seems to me that what is being said here is that if a person is angry and envious, then his gaze will be unkind, and one cannot expect good things from such a person.

They were “treated” for the evil eye using different methods: fire, water, herbs, with the help of magical symbols and spells. “In Rus', from diseases attributed to the evil eye, early in the morning they go to a spring, scooping up water downstream, close the vessel and return home silently and without looking back,” wrote the collector of fairy tales and customs of the Russian people A.N. Afanasyev, - “then they throw one or three burning coals, a piece of pechina (kiln clay), a pinch of salt into the brought water and sprinkle it on the patient or pour it on him twice a day at the dawn of the morning and evening with the sentence: “Water is off a duck’s back, swan water - you’re thin!” How many times have we heard these words from our parents after a shower and bath, but only now have we learned where this expression came from and what it means!”


    Russian folk tales. //Collection. A.N.Afanasyeva. -M., 1991

    Russian folk proverbs and sayings. -M., 1958

    The Russian people, their customs, rituals, legends, superstitions and poetry, collected

M. Zabylin. -Simferopol, 1992

    Circle of life. //Collection. -M., 1999

    The human body. Encyclopedia for children. -M., 2006

    Information from the Internet.

To make your child’s speech rich and varied, you can introduce him to proverbs and sayings. In addition, the baby will better understand adults, who sometimes speak so incomprehensibly!

The eyes are afraid, but the hands do

This is what they say before starting a difficult task. Complex or voluminous work that you don’t want to take on, but you still have to do it.

For example, we want to plant a lot of flowers in the spring so that they bloom in the summer and make us happy. But to do this, we need to dig up all the ground, level it, make holes, fill in the seeds, bury the holes, pour water into a watering can and water the seeds, and we’ll have to go more than once! When you think about it, you don’t want to take it on! But if you start, do everything together, helping each other... You look, and the earth is already soft, the seeds are planted and watered. It won’t be long before the flowerbed will delight us with a variety of flowers. There is no need to be afraid to take on something; gradually doing the work, you will definitely be rewarded in the end.

One head it's good, but two better

If you need to come up with something, it’s better to ask other people for their opinions. What if they suggest something worthwhile?

For example, you can’t build a house out of cubes. But it constantly collapses, falls, breaks. What to do? You can try to build it again and again, or you can ask mom or dad to help, give advice. Sometimes it is worth stacking the cubes offset so that the wall does not fall.

Fear has big eyes

A person who is afraid exaggerates the danger and sees it where there is none.

Often this proverb can be applied to you, baby, when you need to ask an adult for something. It’s scary to go up to the big guy and say loudly so that he hears, understands and fulfills your request. Is not it? You are afraid, embarrassed, but in fact, your uncle is not scary at all and will gladly fulfill any of your requests.
