Sample portfolio of a music director for certification. Portfolio of the music director of the autonomous preschool education institution of the Zavodoukovsky urban district "development center"



Definition and main purpose of a portfolio

A portfolio is a tool for monitoring professional achievements. A portfolio is a storage folder in which materials are placed that reflect the employee’s achievements in professional activities and his effective professional and social experience over a certain period of time (during the entire certification period, from certification to certification).

A portfolio allows a teacher to analyze, summarize and systematize the results of his work, objectively assess his capabilities and plan actions to overcome difficulties and achieve better results.

The materials presented in the portfolio are considered as evidence of the professionalism and effectiveness of the teacher’s work, confirming the grounds for certification, as well as allowing conclusions to be drawn when conducting an examination for compliance with the declared qualification category.

Structure and content of the portfolio

It should be especially noted that some sample portfolio or an exhaustive list of materials included in it does not exist and cannot exist. The portfolio should reflect the subject position of the person being certified as a professional, which is expressed in the ability to solve professional problems using professional knowledge and skills, various mastered methods of activity. At the same time, methods for solving professional problems, tactics and strategies for a teacher’s professional behavior may differ significantly.

The main sections of the portfolio, which are primarily assessed by experts, are:

  1. The effectiveness of teaching activities, which examines the characteristics of the quality of education provided by a particular teacher;
  2. Characteristics of professional (scientific and methodological) activities as a condition for ensuring the quality of education, where indicators of teacher proficiency in modern technologies, indicators of involvement in methodological work, indicators of innovative (project) scientific and research activities are considered.

In addition to the main sections, the portfolio should include such sections as: general information about the teaching staff, copies of documents and a table of contents. These sections allow you to structure your portfolio materials in such a way that experts can quickly navigate through the presented materials.

The structure and content of the certified person’s portfolio includes the following mandatory sections:

1 section

(landmarks and grounds)

  1. Table of contents
  2. Copies of documents

Section 2

(Performance and quality - student dynamics)

Section 3

(means and methods for achieving quality and results)

  1. Scientific and methodological activities

The content of the main sections depends on the specifics of the teacher’s activity and is filled with materials at his discretion. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that all materials presented in the portfolio must be supported by copies of documents or certified by relevant people. You should not include full texts of author’s programs, methodological developments and other voluminous materials in your portfolio; it is enough to provide a list and generalized data.

Item no.

Section names

  • The table of contents must contain a list of all materials presented in the portfolio;

General information about the teaching staff

  • FULL NAME. Date of Birth.
  • Information about education.
  • Work experience: general labor, pedagogical, (psychological), in the specified educational institution.
  • Current qualification category (indicate since when).
  • Position held (indicate since when).
  • Full name of the educational institution where he currently works (indicate postal and email address; telephone numbers).
  • Awards, certificates, letters of gratitude. confirming the presence of diplomas, academic degrees, honorary titles, awards, certificates and letters of gratitude.
  • Membership in commissions and expert groups (certification, trade union, conflict, PMPC, etc.)
  • Advanced training (over the last 5 years)
  • Contact phone number and email address.

Compiled on a separate sheet (electronically), all information (except contact phone number and email address) must be confirmed by electronic copies of documents presented in the portfolio section “Copies of documents”.

Copies of documents

This section should contain copies of the following documents:

  • diploma(s) of education (without insert, diploma of basic pedagogical education, diploma of retraining and additional education);
  • certification sheet;
  • documents confirming state awards and titles; certificates of honor, letters of gratitude;
  • certificates of generalization of work experience;
  • certificates, certificates and advanced training certificates;
  • orders on membership in commissions and expert groups.

Compiled in electronic form, in a separate folder “Copies of documents”.

The effectiveness of teaching activities

Positive dynamics of pedagogical (psychological) impact in educational and extracurricular activities

The materials in this section should give an idea of ​​the dynamics of the results of the educational process in the preschool educational institution being certified for at least 3-5 years. In this section, it is necessary to demonstrate the achievements of students in the field of subject knowledge, in the organization of cultural and leisure activities, and in other forms of musical education.

Direct educational activities

This section can contain materials demonstrating the results of students’ mastery of educational programs and the degree to which they have developed a sustainable interest in the subject:

  • results of the final certification of students (information about the quality of knowledge and level of training);
  • information about the presence of musical abilities and their development;

Cultural and leisure activities

The section may contain the following documents and materials that reveal the content of the activities of a teacher in organizing matinees and evenings of entertainment and other forms of musical and educational work:

  • information about the participation of students in festivals, olympiads, competitions, projects, etc. municipal, regional and federal levels (may contain a list of winners and prize-winners; a list of creative works, abstracts, educational and research works, projects completed by students in the subject, diplomas, certificates of children);
  • information about the work of subject clubs, clubs, studios and extracurricular activities for students;

Scientific and methodological activities of teaching staff

Professionalism of the teacher in the choice of teaching aids and technologies (availability and knowledge of teaching materials);

Research work;

dissemination of work experience during professional interaction

This section contains documents (certificates, orders, expert opinions) and other materials that testify to the professionalism of a teacher in the choice of pedagogical (psychological) means and technologies, about the features of pedagogical work experience, its dissemination in the course of professional interaction, about the results of scientific- research work. It is necessary to submit materials confirming:

  • justification for the candidate’s choice of educational program and set of educational and methodological literature;
  • the presence of copyrighted programs that have passed the examination (expert opinion on authorship);
  • justification for the candidate’s choice of educational technologies used;
  • list of programs of elective courses, special courses, master classes, electives for students and pupils.
  • the use of information and communication technologies in the educational process, technologies for teaching children with developmental problems, etc.;
  • justification for the use of certain means of pedagogical and psychological diagnostics by the certified person in their practice to assess educational results;
  • participation in innovative and experimental activities (experimental sites, laboratories, etc.);
  • availability of publications;
  • participation of teaching staff in professional and creative pedagogical competitions, conferences, pedagogical readings, methodological and subject weeks, grant projects, etc.;
  • work in a methodological association (school, city and district levels), cooperation with the regional methodological center, universities and other institutions;
  • organizing and conducting open lessons, seminars, round tables, master classes and other events;
  • thematic parent meetings

Educational, material and technical base

Availability and possession of modern ICT

This section contains an extract from the classroom passport (if available), which records:

  • availability of dictionaries, reference books on the subject;
  • the presence of visual aids (layouts, tables, diagrams, illustrations, portraits, etc.);
  • availability of didactic material, collections of problems, exercises, examples of abstracts and essays, etc.;
  • availability of audio and video aids;
  • availability of technical teaching aids (TV, VCR, stereo system, projector, interactive whiteboard, etc.);
  • availability of a computer and computer teaching aids (multimedia textbooks, knowledge control programs, etc.);
  • other documents at the request of the teacher.

Portfolio evaluation criteria

A teacher’s portfolio is assessed based on the following indicators:

1.Complete and systematic presentation of the professional achievements of a teacher, covering all components of the portfolio structure.

2.Effectiveness of professional teaching activities.

3. The presence of dynamics of positive changes in the professional activity of a teacher.

4. The stability of the results of students mastering educational programs and the indicators of the dynamics of their achievements are above average in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, including taking into account the results of students’ participation in all-Russian and international olympiads, competitions, festivals, and competitions.

5. Innovativeness of a teacher’s professional activity (innovativeness of educational results, means of teaching activities, contribution to the promotion of innovations).

6.The use of modern educational technologies in the teaching and educational process and the methodological work of the teacher.

7. The presence of a system and high results of extracurricular work in the subject (participants and winners of subject Olympiads, subject competitions, grants, scientific and practical conferences, etc.).

8.Teacher participation in research and experimental activities.

9. Active participation in various forms of methodological work (seminars, round tables, conferences).

10. Generalization and dissemination of own teaching experience, publications.

11.Open lessons and events, incl. master classes (at the level of educational institution, district, region, Russian Federation)

12.Professional growth, participation in professional competitions, advanced training and professional training, self-education.

BUSINESS CARD Full name Savelyeva Elena Vasilievna Date of birth: August 8, 1967 Education: secondary specialized, graduated from Petrozavodsk Pedagogical College 2 in 1986. By decision of the qualification commission in 1986, the specialty “Kindergarten teacher” was awarded. Teaching experience: 23 years. In this institution: 21 years. In this position: 6 years. Availability of qualification category: first category. Date of assignment: December 02, 2011

A universal teacher!...Not respectable? Who said? Twenty chairs against the wall is your Hall of Columns. Here is the “lady” and Bach, jubilation and fear, And movement, and words and a smile on the lips! The world is changing around your musical hands. One beat, another - and a summer meadow blooms on the parquet. Outside the window the cold is fierce, in the kindergarten there is comfort, Twenty “birds” are dancing the polka, flapping their “wings”, singing! Twenty devoted little birds are the closest circle of your kind, gentle, patient hands, like your mother’s. Make a fox costume, show the flight of a wasp, Calm down the dissatisfied by wiping their noses, - An abyss of necessary good deeds! This is your destiny! May God give them Love and Strength so that the world does not become impoverished! (author unknown)

MY AWARDS Certificate from the administration of the MDOU kindergarten “Rodnichok”. Certificate from the administration of the ANO kindergarten “Rodnichok”. Letter of gratitude from the administration of the Zavodoukovsky city district of the education committee. 2010 Letter of gratitude from the administration of the Zavodoukovsky urban district in 2011. Gratitude from the Education Committee of the Zavodoukovsky City District Administration 2012, 2013 Diploma of the education committee of the administration of the Zavodoukovsky urban district in 2013.

Selection of various types of materials for classes and for organizing a group using Internet resources and office equipment; Preparation of materials in various areas of activity, using Microsoft Office, Word, Excel, including the development of plans and notes of nodes, various types of holidays and entertainment, consultations for parents; Using multimedia presentations in Microsoft Office and PowerPoint to improve the effectiveness of educational activities with children; Use of the Internet in teaching activities for the purpose of informational and scientific-pedagogical support of the educational process in the work of a music director, design of booklets and business cards; Finding additional information for classes, getting acquainted with periodicals, communicating with colleagues, sharing experiences, posting your own developments on the Internet. Use of video and photo equipment. USE OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES.

FORMS OF WORK OF THE MUSICAL DIRECTOR WITH FAMILIES OF PUPILS Holding joint holidays, entertainment, Holding joint holidays, entertainment, family living rooms, competitions. family living rooms, competitions. Making non-traditional musical instruments together with parents Making non-traditional musical instruments together with parents. (seminar-workshop) of musical instruments. (seminar-workshop) Organization of creative meetings. Organization of creative meetings. Organization of joint child-parent projects. Organization of joint child-parent projects. Involving parents in the participation of children in district events. Involving parents in the participation of children in district events. events. Invitation of music students Invitation of music school students - graduates of kindergarten. school graduates of kindergarten. Speeches at parent meetings. Speeches at parent meetings. Parent survey. Parent survey. 23


Work with children

Working with teachers

Interaction with parents

Use ready-made methods and develop your own methods of testing, questioning, observing the development of children’s musical and creative abilities, their physical and spiritual improvement.

Organization of a subject-developmental environment for musical education and health improvement of children. Collections of complexes of health-saving technologies. Music lesson notes. Scenarios of leisure and entertainment. Consultation material for parents. Consulting material for teachers. Creation of a set of CDs “Music Therapy”. Creation of a CD “To help the music director.” Generalization and dissemination of work experience.

Constantly replenishing the music room and music corners in the group with new equipment, including homemade equipment.

Morning exercises with musical accompaniment, music classes, individual work, leisure and entertainment. Diagnostics of the development of musical abilities. Children visiting the theater. Introducing new speech, articulation, and recreational games. Conducting music therapy. Participation in city events. Open music classes, performances for parents.

Speech at pedagogical councils of preschool educational institutions, city methodological associations of music directors. Consultations for teachers. Joint planning of children's independent musical activities. Collaboration with a physical education instructor on music and recreational work. Collaboration with a teacher on the Kalmyk language.

Conversations (individual) with parents about musical education at parent-teacher meetings. Questioning. Joint work of children and parents in the priority area of ​​the preschool educational institution. Participation in holidays, entertainment, leisure Consultations, speeches at parent meetings. Theater performances for parents. Meetings with interesting people.

Eremeeva Daria
Portfolio for music director certification

Stefanova Tatyana Vladimirovna.

music director

MBDOU No. 75 "Ivushka"

Higher education

Pedagogical experience 37 years

Main tasks musical education are development musicality and musical thinking of the child. Music has the potential to influence not only adults, but also very young children. It has been proven that even the prenatal period is extremely important for subsequent development person: music, which the expectant mother listens to, has a positive effect on the well-being of the developing child. Music is art, affecting the child already in the first months of his life. Its direct influence on the emotional sphere contributes to the emergence of initial response actions, in which one can see the prerequisites for the further formation of basic musical abilities.

In order for the development of children in this direction to be successful, it is necessary to organize work on musical education taking into account special needs music and age capabilities of children.

A teacher organizing children’s communication with music, accumulating their experience of listening to the simplest melodies (sung or performed on children's musical instruments, encourages you to respond to them with voice or movement, creates the preconditions for active musical the child’s activities at subsequent stages of development.

It is important to note that only by developing children’s emotions, interests, and tastes can they be introduced to musical culture, lay its foundations. Preschool age is important for subsequent human development musical culture. If in progress musical children's activities will develop their musically- aesthetic consciousness, this will not pass without a trace for the subsequent development of man, his general spiritual formation.

Publications on the topic:

Report by the music director on the joint work of the music director and teacher Our teaching staff considers musical activity as one of the aspects of the harmonious development of preschool children.

Consultation for teachers of preschool educational institutions “Interaction in the pedagogical process of the music director with the teacher” Interaction in the pedagogical process of the music director with the teacher. General and musical-aesthetic development of preschool children.

Master class for parents “Do-it-yourself musical instruments” - Good afternoon, dear parents! I am glad to see you in this room.

Material for teachers of educational organizations. Description of the music director's work system Description of the work system of the music director of category I MBDOU kindergarten "Firefly" Mariinsky Posad district of the Chuvash Republic.

Teacher's portfolio for certification for the first qualification category Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten for care and health improvement No. 30 "Malyshok" of the urban district "city.

Music Director Portfolio Portfolio of the Musical Director of MBDOU No. 162 "Fairy Tale" Svetlana Georgievna Tronko Education: Special secondary education, graduated from Arkhangelsk.

Presentation “Music director’s portfolio” I'm professional. I work in a kindergarten. I love my job very much. Communication with children, their affection and trust in me creates grace.