New mentors voice season 4 children. Who became the mentor of the fifth season of the show “The Voice”

Published 02/16/17 16:26

On February 17, 2017, on Channel One, after the evening news, the new, fourth season of the popular musical project “Voice.Children” starts.

There are three new people this season of the show. Yes, help Dmitry Nagiev The program will now be hosted by an experienced journalist and mother Svetlana Zeynalova. There have also been noticeable changes in the composition of the star coaches. Of the “old men”, only Dima Bilan, but Pelageya and Leonid Agutin will be replaced by a singer Nyusha And Valeriy Meladze.

In anticipation idhumkz the start of the 4th season of the show “The Voice.Children”, the first brunette mentor shared her impressions of filming.

“The blind auditions inspired me. I haven’t heard so many talented kids for a long time! I try my best to be strict, but it doesn’t work. So I’m fair, but kind. I really want the guys not to be offended by my jokes,” Komsomolskaya quotes the mentor Truth" .

Another newcomer to the show, Valery Meladze, said that he felt calm in the mentor’s chair during the filming of the “blind” auditions.

“I have long wanted to be a mentor for the children’s “Voice”. You can hardly be strict with such children. Everyone I saw is talented. And this is a problem: I can’t take everyone,” he said.

In turn, Dima Bilan, in his characteristic manner, never ceases to sprinkle aphorisms on the project.

“If you take on a burden, you need to carry it, and not grow a beak,” this is how he explained his vision of the situation to reporters.

In the fourth season of the show “The Voice. Children season 4." Children-4″ became Nyusha and Valery Meladze. The first season of the show “The Voice. The composition of the mentors for the fourth season of The Voice Children still remains the main intrigue of the project. Voice Children 2017: when will it start, mentors, release date, auditions - the main questions of interest to Russian TV viewers.

In “Voice. Children" three mentors. This was done on the recommendation of child psychologists, since in this case two people drop out at once, and it is easier for the child to survive the stress. There is no mentor rescue. Children -4″ and told who will become the host of the new season of one of the most popular projects on Russian television. The new season of children's “The Voice” will be released on February 17. It is known that the mentors have already started filming the first blind auditions.

Show “Voice. Children" season 4: mentors and release date

Children" differs from the adult show - at the stages of fights, the vocalists sing one song not together, but three, while the participants have no chance of salvation from the mentor. Also in every fight of the show “The Voice. Children" only one team participates. Immediately after the end of the fights, the “Elimination Song” stage begins, in which the five remaining participants in the project sing the compositions that they performed at the blind auditions.

Show Voice. Children season 4. Blind auditions

In the show “The Voice. Children Season 4” Svetlana Zeynalova became Dmitry Nagiyev’s co-host. Of course, the TV presenter knows how to communicate with children and help them in difficult situations. The singers Pelageya and Dima Bilan, as well as producer Maxim Fadeev, acted as mentors. Moreover, in the first two seasons, it was Fadeev’s wards who won the show “The Voice. Children". In the third season, Maxim Fadeev was replaced by composer and singer Leonid Agutin. Children Season 4" will be from the old cast.

Two contestants from each team qualify for the finals of the competition “The Voice.Children Season 4”. In the final, six young singers perform one song solo and one song each together with their mentor and a competitor from their team. And this, which is very predictable, Dima Bilan is the winner of the third season of the show along with Danil Pluzhnikov.

Before this, only his brother, composer and producer Konstantin Meladze (projects “Star Factory” and “I Want to Meladze!”) acted as a mentor in the TV show. About the show “The Voice. Both adults and children were all waiting for his arrival. The Song Celebration - television musical project Voice of Children 4 - has begun.

The fourth season of Children's Voice is shown every Friday at 21:30 Moscow time. The lineup for the fourth season of the TV project Voice of Children has just become known! The four-day painful wait for the casting participants is finally over.

Voice. Children season 4 (2017) watch online:

Very soon, numerous fans of vocal shows will see on Channel One the new, fourth season of the popular project “The Voice. It is no longer a secret that in the new season the viewer will find an unexpected composition of jury members. Among the experts, the public will not see the “familiar” Leonid Agutin and Pelageya. Broadcast 02/20/16✯✯✯ Like and subscribe to the channel ✯✯✯Musical show “The Voice.

Each mentor recruits a team of 15 guys. Next are blind auditions, musical duels and the final. There's not much time left to wait. The children's version of "The Voice" is conducted according to somewhat simplified rules and with three mentors instead of four. In the first edition of the “blind”, the mentors selected eight young talents for their teams.

As StarHit learned, Yegor Creed can take the place of a mentor in both the children's Voice and the version for adult performers. Channel One announces casting for a new musical project! Other famous mentors of the competition are singer Dima Bilan and famous singer Pelageya.

The new jury of the show “The Voice. Children": Nyusha, Valery Meladze, Dima Bilan

It is an adaptation of the original Dutch format The Voice Kids. Previously, Channel One had already adapted a version for adults, in the Russian version entitled “The Voice”. By the time the children's "Voice" was released, two adult seasons had already taken place. Also, only one team participates in each match. From the second season, an “Additional stage” was added (for the first time in the world history of “The Voice.

Dmitry Nagiyev remained the main host of the program all seasons, and his co-host in the first season was Natalya Vodianova. Children” did not languish fans of the television superproject for long and revealed the “hottest” details of the fourth season. Children" organizers decided to update the jury of the project, which came as a big surprise to the audience.

The release date of the show The Voice Kids 2017 is February 17, according to some sources. Among the “old-timers” of the project, only Dima Bilan remained. New mentors of “Voice. Children Season 4” aired on Channel One on February 17, 2017 and traditionally began with a performance by the mentors of the country’s main vocal project.

The first three seasons of the show, which revealed to the viewer the amazing singing talents of children, have ended, and the winners continue to conquer hearts and stages, and in the meantime, the creators of the project announced that the release date for season 4 of The Voice Children has already been set, and we will be able to see the first episode in February 2017 of the year.

Thousands of talented children will once again enter the fight for the place of the main young singer of the country, and only one will be awarded the title of the best voice in Russia among children.

About the show

“The Voice” is a worldwide show in which professional singers and viewers evaluate the singing talents of adults. Participants appear on screens after lengthy castings and selections. The second stage is to evaluate the talent by pop stars. But the difference between this show and others is only one thing - the jury does not see the singer, they only sit in chairs with their backs turned to the stage.

If one of the commission members liked the speaker’s voice, he turns his chair and at the same time becomes his mentor. Such TV shows are popular in every country, and high ratings gave rise to a new, similar project.

Young children's voices cannot be compared with adults, and therefore they decided to make the singing competition for children a separate project. Russia already has three young artists who have conquered the country with their charisma and unsurpassed voices. The release of the fourth season of the show The Voice Children foreshadows the appearance of a new star on the stage, and We will be able to see the first episode on screens in February 2017, but a specific date has not yet been announced by the creators of the project.

Participants and judges

The main judge of such projects is the viewer, because it is through viewer voting that the strongest is determined. But the trio of judges has an undeniable influence on the process of selecting participants. In the first and second seasons, the three were as follows:

  • Dima Bilan;
  • Pelagia;
  • Maxim Fadeev.

In the third season, Fadeev was replaced by Leonid Agutin. According to information from reliable sources, we will no longer see Pelageya in “The Voice Children 4,” and who will replace her remains a question. Viewers can only hope for the competence of the new pop representative.

The first winner of the project was Alisa Kozhikina, a girl from St. Petersburg who won the hearts of thousands of viewers and became an idol for the younger generation.

Alisa continues to record new hits and release video clips, so her popularity is just beginning to grow.

In the second season, Sabina Mustaeva won, native of Tashkent. Her incredible voice confidently led the girl to victory from the very beginning of her participation until the last song in the final. The audience appreciated her talent, and Sabina is confidently moving up the career ladder.

The winner of the third season, Danil Pluzhnikov, originally from Sochi, has a bone disease, but despite this, he has excellent control of his voice. The boy’s parents also love music, and believe that Danil’s passion for songs is hereditary. The winner amazed the audience, who gave a standing ovation after almost every song performed.

The mentors of the fifth season of the music show “The Voice” have become known. Children” - the producer announced their names during the traditional meeting preceding the “blind auditions” with those young performers who were allowed to participate in the selection of the competition.

Show “Voice. Children" has existed since 2014, it is a domestic adaptation of the Dutch format The Voice Kids, which is very similar to the adult "Voice", but its rules have been changed towards simplification. Children have a slightly shorter season - two and a half months instead of four - and fewer stages (no knockouts, as well as quarter-finals and semi-finals). On the one hand, this makes the competition more dynamic, on the other hand, it does not allow the audience to properly get used to the musicians. So, already at the next stage after the “blind auditions” - “duels” - two-thirds of the members are eliminated from each team, and the “knockout song” and the final of the competition are actually combined.

The composition of the mentors of the show “The Voice. Children" was quite stable. For the first two seasons, Dima Bilan and Pelageya sat in the red chairs, and Bilan and Pelageya were also judges of the adult “Voice”. In the third season, Fadeev was replaced by Leonid Agutin (also from the adult version), and in the fourth, only Bilan remained of the “old” mentors - the other two chairs were occupied by Valery Meladze and singer Nyusha.

This season, Channel One again decided to seriously update the “Voice” jury. Children".

Pelageya's return from vacation was, in principle, expected. A few months ago, she already returned to the adult “Voice”, from which she left for family reasons, as part of the so-called “golden” jury (together with, and). Valery Meladze first became a mentor for the children's "Voice" a year ago, during the fourth season - and seemed to sincerely enjoy the competition.

But Basta dealt only with adult musicians - he was a judge of “The Voice” during the fourth season, but last year he judged the show in the “Voice of the Streets” project on the “Friday!” TV channel, which was closer to him in style of performance: they competed there those who sing rap and hip-hop.

The teams of Maxim Fadeev (in the first and second seasons) and Dima Bilan (in the third season and Elizaveta Kachurak in the fourth) won twice each on the children's “Voice”. In the fifth season, neither one nor the other mentor will be able to continue their winning streak.

Team representative Meladze - became second a year ago; Pelagia's team had second place only in the first season (Ragda Khanieva). Basta’s team in the fourth season of “The Voice” was only the fourth.

"Voice. Children" is one of the most popular music programs on domestic television. In 2016, for example, it overtook even the adult “Voice” in ratings (sixth place versus eighth), and in 2017, although it lost ground a little (seventh place among all programs of the year), it retained the adult “Voice” far behind - which barely managed to make it into the top 20.

Young musicians from 7 to 14 years old are participating in the competition; this year, the organizers of the show received about seven thousand applications, of which a thousand were admitted to the casting, which took place at Ostankino.

123 performers from all over the country will participate in the “blind auditions”.

Let us remind you that each mentor must select fifteen people for his team. Recordings for the “blind” will begin on Mosfilm on Monday, January 23, and the first episode of the fifth season will be aired in mid-February. The final is expected to take place at the end of April; it will be broadcast live.