Stalin's incredible prediction about the future of Russia.

He terrified with his accurate predictions. He even managed to predict the date and circumstances of his own death - but could not prevent it. Wolf Messing died on November 8, 1974

He was called “the main soothsayer of the USSR,” there were no empty seats at his performances, and he did not like everyone’s attention and preferred loneliness, suffering from an unknown gift received at birth.

Angel's prediction

As a child, Wolf Messing suffered from somnambulism - he walked in his sleep, and then suffered from unimaginable headaches. Back then, such a deviation was treated simply - a basin of cold water was placed in front of the patient’s bed. They did the same with little Messing - until his attacks stopped. Soon his sleepwalking disappeared without a trace.

At the Jewish school he attended, the rabbi immediately noticed the boy’s outstanding memory and abilities, advising his parents to train him to become a clergyman. The parents agreed - such an honor! And the boy himself sharply opposed and would have argued for a long time if not for a miraculous vision that visited him one day: an Angel in white robes appeared before Wolf, predicting a successful future for the boy if he became a rabbi. There is nothing to do - Messing gave his consent to study. And only later did he find out: a tramp, whom Messing’s father had bribed, had dressed up as an angel.

How Messing developed his talent

As a teenager, he ran away from the educational institution in which he was being trained to become a clergyman, and took a train to Berlin. The conductor was approaching, and shameful expulsion from the carriage could not be avoided... But then the boy looked intently straight into the conductor's eyes and handed him a piece of paper. He, as if nothing had happened, validated the piece of paper and allowed the boy to move on.

In Berlin, Messing met a professor Abel, neurologist and psychiatrist. Gradually, the boy learned to control his abilities and developed them under the guidance of Abel. He trained hard to read and suggest thoughts, learned to turn off painful sensations... His career as a fakir began. When the First World War broke out, he, despite the difficult times, toured all European countries with his performances, becoming a wealthy and famous person by the end of his tour.

And then World War II came, and his family died - they were shot in the Majdanek camp, like thousands of other people born Jewish. Wolf managed to escape from the punitive forces. He moved to the Soviet Union. Here he quickly became famous thanks to his performances, where he amazed the public with accurate predictions, mind reading and other “tricks”.

How Stalin tested Messing

Historian Roy Medvedev wrote a lot about relationships Joseph Stalin and Wolf Messing. Stalin himself, according to eyewitnesses, also possessed some supernatural abilities - his quiet voice and heavy gaze literally fascinated people, he could inspire those listening with what he wanted, paralyzing their will.

One day, Stalin, talking in his Kremlin office with Messing, invited him to leave the Kremlin territory without a pass. Messing, smiling, agreed. If it had been an ordinary person, he would have been quickly detained by security. Stalin waited for some time - but no call came from the security. Then he called the post himself. He was informed that yes, citizen Messing came out, presenting a pass signed by Stalin. When the armed guard was asked to show this pass, he stared in amazement at the piece of newspaper that the great hypnotist and predictor gave him.

How Messing escaped from the Gestapo and hypnotized the Nazis

Wolf Messing was hated and feared Hitler, to whom the seer predicted death if the head of the Third Reich started a war against the Soviet Union. To get rid of the terrible man, whose predictions tended to come true, Hitler announced a reward for Messing's head, promising 200 thousand Reichsmarks.

Good news, everyone!

Wolf Messing

One of the most outstanding psychics of the last century was an enemy of Hitler and an adviser to Stalin; in the Union he was known as a hypnotist and telepath.

In his youth, the Polish Jew Wolf Messing performed in Europe and America with unusual shows - he pretended to be dead. He managed to enter into such bodily states that in the case of an ordinary person would definitely indicate death. Later, the talented young man discovered the ability to read minds and predict the future; he met Freud, Einstein and gained fame as a predictor.

At the beginning of World War II, Wolf Messing was forced to flee to the Soviet Union. A careless prediction made by Messing promised the collapse of Hitler's military campaign. The seer was put on the wanted list and caught by the German police, and he faced the death penalty. However, Messing managed to hypnotize the guards and get out of the cell. The path to the USSR was difficult: wounded, wanted by the police and not knowing the language, Messing reached Soviet territory only thanks to his psychic abilities.

Messing overcame the language barrier in his own way - he read minds. In Belarus, a fugitive telepath went on tour. He demonstrated his abilities to the public until one day they came for him. Joseph Stalin found out about the amazing medium and called him for a conversation. After the meeting with the leader, Messing came to the Kremlin more than once - Stalin instructed the fortuneteller to solve complex problems that the special services could not cope with.

Juna Davitashvili

Juna has many regalia, she not only healer And psychic, but also a poet, actress, president of the International Academy of Alternative Sciences, which she organized herself.

Since childhood, Juna had unusual abilities; she could cure headaches and hernia. In Moscow, the healer restored the health of prominent figures of the era: Leonid Brezhnev, Ilya Glazunov, Andrei Tarkovsky. Giulietta Masina, Marcello Mastroianni, Robert de Niro and other celebrities turned to her for help. She patented thirteen devices used in gynecology, urology, cardiology, pediatrics and other areas of medicine.

In addition to the gift of healing, Juna has the ability to see the future. In particular, she predicted the collapse of the USSR and the tragedy at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Allan Chumak

Allan Chumak, a journalist who worked on television and exposed psychic charlatans, once felt the ability to healing. In the 80s in the USSR, he treated the sick (or inspired healing) through television, “charged” photographs, water and salt.

Any owner of a TV could be “cured” with the help of Allan Chumak’s mysterious gift - all he had to do was turn it on and go about his business (watching is not necessary). Chumak explained the essence of the session and began to make voluntary movements with his hands, thereby sending the necessary healing energy. A jar of water or cream was placed in front of the TV, then any item acquired healing properties. Chumak did the same with the help of the radio: you just had to listen to the silence and barely audible whispers while he made his mysterious passes at the other end of the radio channel.

There is no serious evidence that Allan Chumak helped to recover in this way. Numerous thanks sent to television most likely indicate the excessive suggestibility of a significant part of the country's population. Chumak gave a certain psychological direction for cure, and as a result, the placebo effect was triggered.

Anatoly Kashpirovsky

Anatoly Kashpirovsky came to magic healers from psychiatry. A psychotherapist by training, the head of the Center for Psychiatry in Kyiv, he also practiced healing with the help of television.

Unlike the silent Chumak, Anatoly Mikhailovich actively used verbal methods of influence and did not hang noodles on his ears about sending energy.

With his menacing gaze, “giving instructions,” Kashpirovsky literally heated up the atmosphere on both sides of the screen. His method consisted of psychological, hypnotic influence: at the right moment he raised or lowered his voice, using special gestures and phrases. The most suggestible part of the population, suffering from mild mental disorders, was immediately caught. People believed that a healing suggestion was happening now, and their well-being really improved. However, there is evidence that Kashpirovsky’s actions also led to disastrous results. Some patients, believing the healer, stopped taking conservative treatment drugs. The chronicles experienced an exacerbation of the disease and unpleasant consequences, even death.

Yuri Longo

Yuri Longo introduced himself " master of white magic" He became famous for “revitalizing” the dead and using love spells. He claimed that he had brought back to life the Ukrainian politician Viktor Yushchenko, who allegedly died in 2004.

A native of Kuban, he studied at a theater school, completed courses in hypnosis and card tricks and began performing in Moscow. Soon he retrained as a magician in order to demonstrate more impressive miracles. At the end of his life, he mastered a hundred methods of hypnosis, telepathy and clairvoyance, and published forecasts and predictions in the press.

One of the most famous soothsayers of the 20th century, Wolf Messing, whom even Stalin himself is said to have feared, could not prevent his own death, although he knew the date of his death.

The family of Louise and Boris Khmelnitsky were friends with Wolf Messing for about 20 years.

A heavy gift

“I was very interested in Wolf Messing Joseph Stalin, - says historian Roy Medvedev. - And he often invited him to his place for conversations. Stalin himself had absolutely obvious hypnotic abilities. Many confirmed: when he spoke in his quiet voice, it seemed to paralyze the will of the listener. Stalin once invited Messing for a conversation and at the end of it he said: “Wolf Grigorievich, what do you say if I keep your pass for myself, and you leave the Kremlin without it?” Messing replied: “No problem.” And so Stalin sits in his office and waits for someone to call him and inform him that Messing was detained without a pass. But time passes, and no one calls. Stalin could not stand it and dialed the number of the final security point himself and asked the duty officer: “Has Messing passed?” They tell him: “Yes, I passed.” Stalin was indignant: “How did you let him out?” The duty officer replied: “So he gave us his pass with your signature.” Stalin ordered this piece of paper to be brought to him. The security guard found Messing’s “pass”, looked and was confused - it was an ordinary piece of newspaper.”

Money for brain

Not only Stalin was afraid of Wolf Messing. Hitler offered a reward of 200 thousand Reichsmarks for the seer's head after Messing publicly stated that if Germany started a war in the East against the USSR, Hitler would die. As a result, Messing was nevertheless captured in Warsaw. But he hypnotized the Gestapo and escaped from custody.

My father-in-law was great intelligence officer Mikhail Maklyarsky, whom the Germans called the brain of Soviet intelligence, says Louise Khmelnitskaya. - So when I asked him: “How do you feel about Messing? Did he do something for our intelligence?” - He smiled and said: “I did, and a lot.” After all, he predicted not only the death of Hitler, but also the almost exact date of Victory - May 8! This is not a trick! He even predicted the date of his death. When Wolf Grigorievich was leaving for the hospital for an operation, he said goodbye to everyone, and then stopped in front of the entrance to his house and said: “I won’t come back here again.” Messing was a wealthy man. And he really wanted to leave money to scientists so that they could study his brain after death. As a result, the money was left, but no one studied the brain. He was simply examined and reported that no deviations from generally accepted standards were found.

Expert opinions

“I believe that Messing had hypnotic abilities,” says Roy Medvedev. - But I strongly doubt that he predicted the end date of the Great Patriotic War. Still, the outcome of battles is determined by hundreds of factors. You can inspire a person with anything - feelings, actions, but historical events are not controlled by any premonitions.”

“Wolf Messing’s brain is kept in our Moscow Brain Institute,” said AiF. Head of the Department of Brain Research at the Center for Neurology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Sergei Illarioshkin. - He was examined, and his sections were left at the institute solely as exhibits. Subsequently, no further studies of Messing’s brain were carried out.”

“It is quite possible to suggest to several people at once under hypnosis that a piece of paper is a pass,” says Alexander Blinkov, Director of the Institute of Clinical Hypnosis of the Russian Psychotherapeutic Association. - Any person can master such hypnosis with sufficiently good concentration development. A fairly large number of people whose sensory sensitivity is well developed can also read minds and guess the intended word. Such people were studied in Soviet times because there were opportunities and means for this. Both closed and open laboratories worked with them. But, naturally, all this was classified as “secret”. Nowadays, even in closed structures there are no such laboratories anymore.”

There are probably few people who do not know who Wolf Grigorievich Messing is. This man lived an amazing life, predicted and even changed people's destinies. They knew him and feared him, believed him and did not trust him. Stalin himself favored the clairvoyant, allowing him to hold concerts throughout the Soviet Union.


In 1899, on September 10, in a place near Warsaw, which at that time belonged to the Russian Empire, Wolf Grigorievich Messing, a man famous for his outstanding superpowers, was born in Gure-Kalvaria. His parents were very religious and wanted their boy to become a rabbi. However, Volka (that was the name of Wolf Grigorievich) resisted such a fate in every possible way. Then they resorted to a trick and bribed a colorful tramp to play the messenger of God in front of the boy. Volka believed the vision and went to study. However, two years later, having met that same tramp, he recognized him as an angel who had appeared with a sign and realized that his parents had simply deceived him. Then the boy, disappointed in everything, left home, stealing money from donations to the yeshiva.

He boarded the train to Berlin, but since there was not enough money for a ticket, he hid under a bench. When the controller came up and asked for a ticket, he was very scared, but he picked up some piece of paper from the floor and, wishing with all his being that it would turn into a ticket, handed it over. In response, the ticket holder calmly took the piece of paper, punched it and wondered why the boy was traveling under the bench if he had a travel card and the carriage was full of empty seats.

This is how young Messing learned about his ability to instill in people an illusory reality.


The newly discovered ability did not help in life at all at first. The boy worked as a messenger in a house for visitors and did everything he was told. At the same time, he earned almost no money. And once he even fainted from hunger right on the street. He was taken to the hospital, and not finding a pulsation, he was sent to the morgue. But some trainee still felt the heartbeat. Abel, a very famous neuropathologist and psychiatrist, was present. The professor became interested in the boy and began to teach him how to control his body, and then introduced him to the man who became his first impresario, Zelmester.

This is how young Messing began his career. He lay down in a crystal coffin and plunged himself into a state similar to death, receiving considerable money for this. Over time, I learned to read other people's thoughts and turn off pain, turning into a real artist.

The future psychic Messing Wolf Grigorievich became more and more famous. In 1915, Sigmund Freud and Albert Einstein even attended his performance, but unfortunately, they did not leave any notes about this fact.

In a speech in Warsaw in 1937, he predicted the death of the Fuhrer if he moved his troops to the east. For this, the artist and his family were arrested, but thanks to his superpowers he managed to escape. He crossed the river and ended up on the territory of the Soviet Union, where Wolf Grigorievich Messing began his new life.

Mature years

The psychic hardly knew the Russian language, and during his entire subsequent life, having lived in the country of the Soviets, he never really learned it. Here he was hardly known, but having become a member of the concert brigade in the Brest region, Wolf Grigorievich Messing nevertheless became an artist. His biography apparently became known at the very top of the government. And one day, right at a concert in Gomel, two NKVD workers came on stage and, asking for forgiveness from the audience, took the artist to Stalin, with whom he later met more than once.

After this meeting, Messing receives a new start in life, and they begin to pay him fabulous fees.

When the war began, Wolf Grigorievich (of his own free will or under the compulsion of the NKVD) donated his money for two planes. It is known that at this time he was even arrested and interrogated. It happened during a tour in Tashkent.

Messing continued his travels with performances. By personal order of Stalin, he was given a one-room apartment in Moscow on Novopeschanaya Street, where he lived the happy years of his life with his wife Aida Mikhailovna from 1954.

Old age

Wolf Grigoryevich Messing lived out the rest of his life alone in another, more spacious apartment on Herzen Street, without his beloved wife. He was surrounded by two dogs (Mashenka and Pushinka), as well as his wife’s sister.

He knew about the date of his death, and the closer it became, the more phobias the old man developed. However, Messing said that he was not afraid of death, he was simply endlessly sad that this very special experience of living life on Earth would never happen again.

One day, when he was taken to the hospital, leaving the house, he looked back and said that he would never return here again. The operation was performed by a first-class surgeon and was successful. But then complications began and my kidneys began to fail. The legendary telepath Messing Wolf has died.

Years of his life: 1899-1974.


During his life, an outstanding person, artist and psychic managed to travel to different countries. He performed and traveled a lot, of course, in the Soviet Union.

Despite the materialism that reigned in the country, Messing managed to lift the veil of the unknown and show by his own example the existence of a different, intangible world.

Very often at his speeches he read people's thoughts and carried them out. For example, guessing what was in the hands of a certain person or written words on paper that was sealed in an envelope was typical.

All these numbers seemed fantastic to the audience. Although skeptics, of course, came up with a rational explanation for them, talking about his excellent command of elementary idiomotor skills.

Personal life

In Novosibirsk, Wolf Grigorievich Messing met and fell in love with a woman, Aida Mikhailovna Rappoport, who became a reliable friend, assistant at performances and wife.

They lived happy years side by side, but in 1960 Aida Mikhailovna died suddenly of cancer. And Messing knew about her upcoming departure. He was left alone and did not give any concerts for six months, experiencing the loss very hard.

But as time went on, he began to gradually come to his senses and even perform sometimes. Wolf Grigorievich was surrounded by close people, but life began to become burdensome and the talent bestowed on him turned into a punishment.


Messing was afraid to have children, so he did not have his own. But among those around him there were close people whom he treated with fatherly care.

One of them was Tatyana Lungina, who met him for the first time in June 1941, when she was only 18. Later, the latter used her notes about meetings with Messing to write his autobiography “About Myself.”

Many people described wonderful stories in which they became participants, and where the main character was the psychic Messing Wolf.

Vadim Chernov talked about an incident at the dacha when everyone went into the forest to pick mushrooms. Messing did not like this activity, but together with everyone else he also went into the forest. Everyone scattered in search of mushrooms. After some time, Vadim went out into a clearing, where he saw Messing sitting on a log, surrounded by local children. The guys squealed with delight and asked Wolf Grigorievich about the non-existent little animals that they saw and played with. When Vadim approached and Messing noticed him, their eyes met and the clairvoyant said that here was the beast for him. The young man suddenly saw a bear, but was not at all afraid, and numerous squirrels, bunnies and hedgehogs appeared around the children. However, what he remembers most is the basket, filled to the brim with excellent mushrooms (although before meeting their eyes, he knew for sure that it was empty).

Another case was described by Tatyana Lungina. It was a session at the Central House of Writers when Wolf Grigorievich Messing agreed to demonstrate a cataleptic state. By that time he was no longer young, so in case he could not get out of it on his own, Doctor Pakhomova assisted him. Forty minutes after Messing tuned in, she stated that the pulsation had ceased to be observed. The audience placed two chairs on the stage, on the backs of which they placed a lifeless body (heels and the back of the head). It looked like it was made of wood. The heaviest man sat on Messing's stomach. And even after that, the body did not bend one iota. The psychiatrist pierced the neck muscles right through. There was no blood or other body reaction. Then Messing was asked a question, to which he did not answer, but when they put a pen in his hand and put the album on him, he, like a robot, raised his hand and wrote the answer on it.

With the help of medical manipulations, he was brought out of this state, but it was not easy for the 64-year-old medium. And a few days later he continued to remain unsociable and taciturn.

Gift or Punishment

In old age, the gift began to weigh heavily on Messing. He was tired of other people's thoughts, which were mostly not the most pleasant. If in his youth everything was much easier, then in old age he treated his gift as a punishment. After all, he knew everything in the smallest details about his future, and all the miracles that he showed to the public had long become a daily routine for him.

He knew that many people were jealous of the gift, thinking that if they could do this, they would move whole mountains. However, Wolf Grigorievich argued that there could be no advantages in life from talent, and therefore there was no need to be envious. If a person is decent and does not intend to commit any illegal acts, no gift will give him superiority.

Wolf Grigorievich Messing, whose photo is given below, in the last years of his life turned into a gloomy pessimist.

Messing and the greats of this world

The highest ranks and those in power were interested in the telepath. Hitler, Stalin, Khrushchev - they all knew Messing, and he even made predictions to some of them.

He did not see Hitler, but foresaw his death, for which he almost paid with his life.

Stalin wanted to personally test Messing's gift. For this purpose, he first suggested that he receive one hundred thousand rubles from Sberbank by presenting a blank piece of paper. When this succeeded, the poor cashier who gave out the money suffered a heart attack. Fortunately, he was saved. In addition, Messing himself unhinderedly walked to Stalin through all the patrols, and also left him, waving his hand to the leader from the street. When asked how this was possible, Wolf Grigorievich said that he simply convinced everyone he met that he was Beria.

However, the psychic did not always observe political caution, and at a time when almost everyone in the country was confident in the friendship of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, Wolf Grigorievich Messing predicted a completely different development of events. Because of this, his biography was almost cut short again. He said at his speech, answering a question from the audience, that he saw Soviet tanks on the streets of Berlin. Despite the fact that his concerts were canceled for a time, he was not arrested. Later, when the war began, the artist continued his activities.


In addition to the fact that Wolf Grigorievich predicted the death of Hitler and predicted the war, he also named the date of victory (the eighth of May) at one of his speeches. True, the year was not named. But in the first days of the war, he was summoned by Stalin to the Politburo, where he predicted victory for the Soviet troops and named the year and month.

Stalin kept track of the predictions that the psychic made; he was overgrown with all sorts of legends, sometimes difficult to distinguish from those that actually happened. But on the day when the act of surrender of Germany was signed, Stalin sent Messing a telegram, where he noted the accuracy of the predicted date. And it's a fact.

They also say that the leader of the peoples asked the telepath about his date of death. But the latter, anticipating an awkward question, said that he would not answer, but at the same time promised never to tell anyone about it.

It is known that the psychic secretly kept a green notebook in which he wrote down predictions relating to both the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, about events in the USSR, the USA and Israel. However, she disappeared without a trace after Messing's death.

The life of this mysterious man was cut short on October 8, 1974. The place where Messing Wolf Grigorievich is buried is

“Shurik, you’re a telepath! Wolf Messing...” said the heroine of the most popular Soviet comedy. Everyone in the Soviet Union knew who Messing was. There were legends about his abilities, and, most surprisingly, many of these legends were true. Wolf Grigorievich Messing amazed his contemporaries with his unique abilities: he could read the thoughts of those around him and predict the fate of the powerful.

The attitude towards the phenomena that Messing demonstrated has always been ambiguous. Various scientists, including Freud, tried to unravel the nature of his abilities to no avail. Some still consider Messing to be an ordinary charlatan.

Who Messing really was and what was behind his actions - the authors of the two-part documentary film “I am Wolf Messing” on Channel One, dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the psychic, which is celebrated on September 10, tried to answer these questions.

Childhood of a psychic

As a child, the future psychic hypnotist was no different from his peers. He was born into the family of a poor gardener from the Jewish town of Gora Kavaleria in the Russian Empire (today it is the territory of Poland). In addition to Wolf, the family had three more sons, whom their cruel father often beat for their offenses.

The only thing that distinguished Wolf from his brothers was sleepwalking. But this problem was solved with the help of his mother’s trick, who placed a wooden trough with water on the floor next to his bed. The sleepwalker could jump up in the middle of the night, but immediately wake up when he stepped into the water.

Messing's father wanted his son to become a rabbi. Wolf himself did not like this idea, but one day an unusual incident happened to him that convinced him to agree with his parents. In the evening he went out into the courtyard and suddenly saw in front of him a man in shining white robes. “You will become a rabbi,” the boy heard. After that, he didn’t remember anything, and only woke up in his bed when his parents were reading prayers over him, writes

Wolf became a student of the cheder, but soon the mystery of the man in white robes was solved. He recognized him in one of his father's friends, after which he ran away from home. Eleven-year-old Wolf boarded a train heading to Berlin and during his trip for the first time realized that he was endowed with the gift of suggestion.

When the conductor demanded a ticket from Wolf, he, with hands shaking with fear, handed him the first piece of paper he found on the floor, mentally begging the man to imagine that this was the ticket. To the boy’s surprise, he reacted exactly like that. Moreover, the conductor advised the young man to take a more comfortable seat and get some sleep. However, the realization of what had happened frightened Wolf so much that he could not sleep a wink.

Mind Reader

Poverty and hunger awaited Messing in the capital. One day he lost consciousness on the street and ended up in the hospital, where amazing things began to happen to him. Messing realized that he could arbitrarily fall into a trance. Soon, his ability to control his own body interested a prominent neurologist, Professor Abel, writes

The professor began to teach Messing and conduct various experiments on him. The results of the study shocked the scientist: his student not only knew how to hypnotize, but also read minds. The young man himself was no less surprised.

“When I first discovered telepathic capabilities in myself, when I realized that I had a mysterious gift to command people, I swore to myself that never, under any circumstances, would I use my gift to the detriment of man and society,” Messing said for many years later.

Abel helped 12-year-old Wolf find an impresario, and soon the boy became a variety show artist. The young artist quickly became a local celebrity. They began to talk about him as a famous touring performer, capable of guessing the thoughts of the public, finding objects, and looking into the future and past of the audience. At the age of 18, the name of Wolf Messing was already thundering throughout the world.

Messing's performances were modestly called "Psychological Experiments." During these “experiments,” the psychic easily carried out the orders that the audience mentally gave him, told in detail the biographies of people he did not know, and had the ability to stop the heartbeat. There were rumors that Messing could lie in a cataleptic stupor for three days in a crystal coffin.

Hitler's main enemy

By the age of forty, Messing had visited all continents and met such celebrities as Einstein, Freud, Mahatma Gandhi, Marlene Dietrich. By that time, among his clients was the Polish President Jozef Pilsudski himself.

Messing also had sworn enemies. Thus, Hitler, having learned that a psychic had predicted his death in the event of a war with Russia, promised a reward of 200 thousand marks for the capture of the psychic. As a result, Messing was arrested, but they did not have time to bring him to Hitler: the psychic, with the power of thought, gathered all the guards in the cell, and then escaped. He freely left first the city, and then Germany, and at the border with the USSR, instead of a passport, he presented a leaflet with instructions from Hitler to find him.

They say that after escaping from Germany, Messing's fight with Hitler continued on a telepathic level. And this was allegedly one of the reasons why the psychic was included in a narrow circle of people close to Stalin.

Messing made an indelible impression on the Soviet leader. One day, a psychic received an order from Stalin to enter his office without a pass, bypassing three internal security posts, Izvestia writes. Soon the genius of hypnosis entered Stalin's office without a report, and he was very frightened when he saw him. “I know your thoughts, do not consider me an enemy,” Messing said to the frightened leader.

The medium is not wrong

After the war, Messing traveled a lot with concerts throughout the USSR. In the questionnaires, in the “profession” column, Wolf Grigorievich wrote: “pop artist.” Messing demonstrated his “experiments” with ease, just like twenty years ago. But even he, a genius of hypnosis, sometimes had to get into trouble.

One day a woman approached Wolf Grigorievich with a request to tell him what happened to her son, who did not return from the war. The soothsayer asked her for her son’s letter and as soon as he touched the paper, he realized that the one who wrote the message was already dead.

Messing had to tell the sad news to the soldier’s mother. However, two weeks later the woman returned, but not alone, but arm in arm with a young man, who was thereby allegedly “killed.” The young man attacked the psychic with accusations, but Messing, knowing that there could be no mistake, asked whose hand the letter was written. It turned out that the son did not write it, but dictated it out loud to his bedmate in a military hospital.

And what happened to him? - Messing asked.

“He died soon,” the young man answered.

Messing performed thousands of miracles during his life, but paranormal abilities did not make his own life easier. In recent years, Wolf Grigorievich suffered from illnesses, some of which were a consequence of his arrests in Nazi Germany. He, like all people, was afraid of death, although, according to his relatives, he knew not only the cause of his death, but even the date and hour.

The material was prepared by the editors of based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources