Who is Leonid Parfenov married to? The son of Parfenov and Chekalova married for the second time

The restaurant “Let's go” by Elena Chekalova, a journalist, a famous TV presenter and the wife of a famous TV presenter, recently distinguished itself from all the gastronomic places in the center of the capital by inviting Muscovites to break their fast on Easter night. For Chekalova's Easter cakes, which she baked on her own for several days, there was a line that went all the way to Petrovka. We met while the Lenten menu was still relevant to figure out what the phenomenon of such a home-based family restaurant was.

“No, no, I’m no Julia Child and our books are not alike.”, - laughs Elena Chekalova holding a spring roll in his hand. The first sample is taken. Restaurant " Go» updates the menu at an enviable speed so as not to stagnate, and only Chekalova decides where to go this time - to Mexico, Japan or again to the Vologda region - and what to wrap in the roll. The second hour is already coming to an end, and we are still sitting in the establishment, from which at first we thought it would be better to leave as quickly as possible: too active PR, too “show off” names of dishes, combinations of products, too high-browed waiters (at first completely confident in their uniqueness), I disliked Comm too much, there was too much Chekalova herself here. Subjective glove compartment of stereotypes. Go! “Eat, eat, Seryozha, try some farmer’s cottage cheese - local producers bring it to me for testing.”“,” Elena persuades, and something is constantly being added to the plate. Is there such a thing as too much hospitality? “I know all the regulars here by sight - they live nearby and come to see me every day. I meet them. And some girls, Masha’s friends(Masha Parfenova is the art director here - approx. ed.) They have been openly calling me mommy for a long time now.”, says Chekalova.

Recently “Let’s Go” was awarded the Palme d’Or. Receiving the Audience Award of the Festival of Restaurant Concepts came out and Leonid Parfenov. The concept of a very young and almost family restaurant “Poekhali” (in partnership with Alexander Orlov) received an additional bronze. According to all the canons, you can bronze. “I think that you will not find a second restaurant in Moscow where the menu changes so often,” shares Elena. – We had an argument with Alexander Rappoport: he is a supporter of the idea that a good menu should not be changed often. I have a different idea, I’m interested in working in a live team. If people are not excited about something, there is no new “fun”, no new challenge, the kitchen stagnates.”

Elena Chekalova:- No matter how much we try to recommend cocktails to people, they still choose wine.

Daughter Masha, meanwhile, clicks food on Instagram and develops SMM (while her mother, of all social networks, managed to master Facebook).

Maria Parfenova:“It was my mother who taught me to drink wine, because she didn’t understand how I could eat and drink some funny drink like a cocktail.” And then we even wanted to do tasting sets with wine pairing, but our partners wouldn’t let us.

Sergey Yakovlev:- Why?

Maria Parfenova:- Because it’s not really about Russia yet

“If people aren’t energized, the restaurant stagnates.”

E.Ch.:- We want to take wines that are not beaten in our market. For example, new Georgian wines. After Russia stopped supplying Georgian wines for some time, there was a huge leap in quality in the local winemaking. They needed to enter the European market. For example, one of our positions is wine from Chateau Mukhrani (Goruli Mtsvane, – approx. ed.) . This farm belonged to Prince Bagrationi in the 19th century. He was one of the first to start producing wine in French barriques in Georgia. The trouble is that during the years of Soviet power, all this vine was cut down. And winemaking itself in the Bordeaux style was also liquidated - mainly semi-dry wines, which aunties love, began to be produced. All these Kindzmarauli - all this fortified sweet fresh water. But in the last few years, the tradition of Georgian winemaking, ended with the revolution, has begun to be revived. Do you know what amazes me about Moscow? Very often you go to a good restaurant, and there may be excellent food, but at the same time a terrible wine list. True, my restaurateur friends allow me to bring my own bottle.

S.Ya.: - Rappoport, for example?

By the way, he has good wine.

- In Doctor Zhivago the wine list is a little strange.

I didn't look much there. But recently we were with the whole family in one establishment in the Tula region. This is a farm-cuisine restaurant: there are two types of wine produced in Voronezh on the menu!

- I couldn’t even think about this.

And I couldn't. When I tried it, it was such a vile thing. And among the strong ones they only had Polugar. I ask: “Guys, why do you have such a story with wines?” They answer: “Well, of course, we are a farm restaurant, everything should be our own.” Yeah, probably according to the well-known principle that Russia is the birthplace of elephants. This is probably a bottling from some Voronezh winery, where they bring unknown wine material.

- Boxes for 200.

It ruined the whole lunch.

Chekalova immediately warns: “I will feed you,” and she herself orders several dishes. Soon enough the scallop ceviche arrives.

I wanted to tell you about this dish, why I ordered it for you: it very much characterizes our style - taking some world technologies and preparing them with Russian products.

- Well, yes, ceviche is Peruvian cuisine. People in Europe are going crazy about it.

The scallop is served on persimmon carpaccio because these two products are very similar to each other: the scallop in its gelatinous structure is very similar to the persimmon, and the persimmon is the most sea fruit: it is even called the iodine berry. To enhance the minerality, I added a bouquet of seaweed, and to offset the freshness, I added avocado guacamole, and created a crunchy texture with special rice crisps.

- I always wonder how it works out in the end with Russian products?

As you can see, it is taking root. We take the Far Eastern scallop. You understand that even after sanctions were introduced, Russian seafood has become very expensive. The cost is huge, we had to give up several dishes. You see, we don't want to reduce portions or suddenly increase the cost. It is better to make a new dish from those products that are more budget-friendly. Previously, for example, we had potato risotto with scallops. After even domestic scallops became much more expensive, we made a cheaper, but no less tasty perlotto with rapana, which remained in the same price category. I ordered it for you too. The rapana there are from the Black Sea.

- If we talk now about the restaurant as a business, you still had to raise prices?

For now, the maximum is 10 percent. In order not to go beyond our concept, we have to change the menu often and be more flexible. You can’t sell a dish for 200 rubles, and then charge the same thing for 500. But we still have salads for 250-300 rubles. But if the cost of an excellent domestic ribeye is 2000 rubles per kilogram, we cannot sell a finished dish from it for less than 1900. Our steak contains 350 grams of pure meat, plus salad, plus potatoes, plus two types of sauces - just half a kilogram of food.

“A purchased horse is not only looked in the mouth”

Speaking of meat, there is venison tartare on the table. I remember that on my first visit to Poehali, the marinated beef tartare was quite off-putting with its half-raw, half-dried appearance. The venison is now served with fried polenta and a spicy Spanish-style tomato sauce.

- The polenta is great!

Don't you like venison?

- I’m generally not a big fan of the raw taste in meat.

I wouldn't have ordered it from you then! (upset - editor's note)

- Well, you’re flirting with the ingredients, with the content - we’ll have to look at it.

Well, yes, playing with food is always interesting. Tartare is usually served with french fries, but that’s already boring, I want something else. This is what I want: for the food to be a little more than food, for it to be some kind of exciting journey. Therefore, we at Let's Go, we will not be afraid of something new. I would like food to be a process of discovering new horizons, new tastes, new combinations. It’s not at all a Russian tradition to make, for example, such fried polenta. But nevertheless, this is a light tasty dish. And you know, let there be people in our restaurant who really like it or really don’t like it, I don’t want something average, indifference, because then my work is meaningless. In this regard, we are very mobile here: if I see that people don’t understand a dish, even if I really like it, we quickly remove it from the menu, no matter how sorry I am. I won’t insist - like, you’re such a fool that you didn’t like her. I have this principle: you came, you didn’t like the tartare, I’ll say: “Let me bring you something else, and we’ll remove this from the bill.” That's the only way it can work. I was recently in a restaurant, they brought me a steak, it was a piece of salt, I returned it, the waiter came up to me and said that everyone had tried it and I was wrong. I thought that I would most likely fire such a waiter. For me, the guest is always right, always. It is much more important to me that he will leave in a good mood and there will be no sediment.

- By the way, your “first wave” waiters walked around looking like they were selling Tiffany jewelry. They were overly pleased with themselves, perhaps because they were in a popular restaurant. And then I saw one of the girls in LesArtistes.

In general, waiters are nomadic people. You can only create a core team: the chef, the kitchen, who will be with you. For me, for example, Slava Kapitonov, our director, is very important, because he and I understand each other. He is a very important person here, he has good taste, including wine - he used to work as a bartender, so he understands such things.

- What was the most difficult thing for you when opening a restaurant? Any business challenges or creative solutions?

In fact, it was very difficult to move from home cooking to professional cooking, because before I was a food critic, blogger, home cook, I had never cooked in professional restaurants. It seems to many of my friends, bloggers like me, that it makes no difference where you cook, at home or in a restaurant, and if you don’t like the food in a restaurant, it means it was done dishonestly. Like, everyone steals, everyone cheats, everyone saves.”

- Soviet mentality, yeah.

In fact, the least likely thing you encounter is theft. This does not exist, it is not modern. I didn’t notice that anyone made any underinvestment; I would have taken a piece home. There is another thing: it is very difficult to keep several dozen dishes of stable quality. And then, it’s one thing when you prepare a dish for your friends and family and give it to them for free, but it’s completely different when you cook a lot, and you must be able to develop convenient technology so that you can serve it to 60 people at once in the proper quality. So that people are willing to pay money and not be disappointed. You see, when you treat your friends, whatever you serve will be delicious. They do not look at a given horse's teeth. A purchased horse is looked at not only in the mouth, but also in the backside, sorry.

“Konstantin Ernst comes to us quite often”

- Famous people today began to open their restaurants again. This happened quite often in the late 90s, when “Vanilla” was on the rise... Now there is “Bread and Wine” by Minaev, the other day Svetlakov opened his own establishment.

Many times both my husband Leonid Parfenov and I were offered to open a restaurant in our name. But now we have a fundamentally different project. Let's say there are Yulia Vysotskaya's restaurants, they bear her name, but she is not the chef there, she is not the one who cooks or composes the recipe. Here this is fully my restaurant, I emphasize this. It's not my dishes that are not here. If you don't like something, then it's my fault. If you like it, it’s thanks to me and my team, led by my right hand – chef Evgeny Kuznetsov. My position is called brand chef, and I am responsible for all the pros and cons.

- Is your famous kitchen at home now idle?

On weekends I cook, develop new recipes, almost every day I bring new ideas to the restaurant. We have a creative laboratory in the first half of the day, when there are fewer people, and we are constantly preparing new things. Right now, we have bruschetta with burbot liver coming up, it will be very unusual. We tried several technologies for its preparation. As a matter of principle, we do not use canned or frozen foods. It’s the same with everything: we have our own bread, our own butter.

- What you tell me is quite important. Because maybe you are somehow countering with me: it initially seemed to me that the big role of publicity in your restaurant was played by publicity, taking into account Leonid, taking into account friends, journalists...

Look, restaurants have a PR budget. We didn't spend a penny.

- Everything goes to the family. More precisely, everything is family.

I told the story myself, my daughter Masha helped with Instagram and posted my dishes. Maybe Lenya, yes, he is a cult person for some, but perhaps Vanya Urgant, Sergei Svetlakov and others are just as iconic for some. A person can come naively to the “star” once, but if he doesn’t like it, he won’t return. You can even write about this: Konstantin Ernst comes to us quite often, he is our regular guest, he is well versed in food. I really praised the Lenten menu. It was generally a success. Fasting is fashionable. But you know, sometimes people come to us: “Oh, oh, we only eat lean now.” And then they drink so much water that I think: “How can these people fast?” It's like a joke. The girl is lying between two men, smoking: “Oh, my poor mother, if only she knew that I smoke.”

Perlotto with rapana is also served on the table. The first thing Elena does is dip the spoon into the plate she brought.

I take samples daily to check whether the dishes are prepared according to the approved recipe.

- Psychologists believe that if a person is ready to try from another’s plate, this indicates extroversion.

Of course, I order individual dishes to try, but sometimes I even approach guests, especially those I know well: “Give me a piece to try,” to see how well everything matches.

- Tell me honestly, how did you react to the first wave of criticism against “Let’s Go”? And in general, how do you generally react to this?

To be honest, apart from Comm, I haven’t heard anything significant. I always pay attention to what people write to us on Facebook, there are positive reviews - the majority of them - and there are critical ones, we respond very often. Some things can be explained by the period of the restaurant’s formation.

- I have a theory that you don’t need to come to a newly opened restaurant right away. It’s better to wait two or three months and then go.

But I have another theory: I go straight away. Especially if these are my friends' restaurants. It is very important for me to understand the concept, I always say what I like and what I don’t like, I want to help. And I always ask you to come to me. When we opened, all my friends were here: Shishkin, Adrian Ketglas, the same Alexander Rappoport, Dima Zotov. I asked everyone, listened to advice - they are more experienced people. And I didn’t notice any negativity in any of them, except Komm, he turned out to be very unfriendly. They say that establishments like mine are simply nonsense, there is nothing to talk about here at all. I'm willing to bet because the word "restaurant" itself appeared after the French Revolution, when home cooks who worked in aristocratic houses broke away from their masters and decided to open establishments. Literally translated, restaurant means “where you relax.” Do you know what dishes those restaurants started with? Homemade broths. Because, first of all, this is a home-cooked dish that was medicine for people. Eat like mom does and relax. If we look at Italian cuisine now, 95% are family restaurants. There is one of my favorite places in Venice called Da Fiore: they have now received a Michelin star. This is real home-cooked food, which is nonsense for Komm. In France it’s 60% of this, in Lyon it’s mothers’ cuisine. These are all very controversial issues about what a restaurant is. Restaurants are just very different. For example, I gladly admit restaurants like Anatoly Komm’s and wrote well about him. Well, he spoke disparagingly about me.

- No, he says that he does this on purpose, deliberately, to help. It comes from the opposite.

Does he think he can teach everyone? In his restaurants I tried both delicious things and those that I, unfortunately, did not like. For example, the jellied meat was served very elegantly, but it turned out to be tasteless, just rubber. Zimin had excellent jellied meat! They say that Komm’s Raff House (Anatoly Komm for Raff House - editor’s note) is better than it was in “Russian Seasons”. And I wish this restaurant success. The more different good establishments there are in Moscow, the better the result for everyone.

- It’s understandable why you mentioned Zimin’s jellied meat, you are for home cooking.

Yes, I initially wanted to make a restaurant in the style of a semi-homemade Italian tavern. One author once wrote very correctly - I am very grateful to him for this - that I have a restaurant for Moscow mothers. And it is true. I am such a mother to many.

- Your mother probably didn’t have time to cook, where did that come from? You are preparing Vologda cabbage soup, but according to Parfenov’s grandmother’s recipe.

Yes, my mother never cooked. And her grandparents, her parents, were ardent revolutionaries. They believed that cooking and standing at the stove was philistinism. There shouldn't be any comfort at all. It seems like people were born to fight for a brighter future.

- It’s just like Marina Abramovic.

Well, I come from that kind of family. People ask me: “Where did your kitchen come from?” I always answer: “I started from childhood impressions - in the sense that I wanted to live differently.”

Chekalova receives a message on Facebook. A woman farmer from the Moscow region delivered food to her restaurant to try and now asks if she liked everything. “Why didn’t they tell me that they had brought it?” Chekalova begins to worry and teases the staff. - “Now we’ll urgently try everything, otherwise what should I answer?”

Of course, this whole story, which has already received publicity in both Russian capitals, can be attributed to the ladies’ emotionality and subjective approach. After all, Parfenov’s wife, Elena Chekalova, is a fairly famous cook and restaurateur in her own right. In Moscow, she owns an establishment under the catchy sign “Let’s go.” Also, by the way, a restaurant, located in the very center of the capital - on Petrovka, 30/7.

It is clear that Matilda Shnurova’s new restaurant, which recently opened in the center of St. Petersburg at the five-star W St. Hotel. Petersburg, Elena Chekalova went with a certain amount of skepticism inherent in all professionals.

At least, this is what the entry left by Elena on her personal Facebook page testifies to. The mood from the very beginning was overly zealous and even jealous.

“In St. Petersburg, friends advised me to visit a fashionable restaurant,” she shared. Elena. – I called to reserve a place and they said that everything was full (from the English full – occupied. – Note Woman’s Day). I’m a little surprised: 7 pm, weekday. Well, I think I’ll at least go to the bar and sit and look at this miracle. I arrive: the hall is almost empty. They still don’t seat me: they say everything is booked. I almost force myself to sit on the bar counter and watch. Half an hour later the picture does not change. Meanwhile, Lenya (Parfenov is the husband of Elena Chekalova, a famous TV presenter. - Note: Woman’s Day). I go up to the manager again - they sit us down as a big favor. Like, someone refused. They bring the ordered bottle of wine for half an hour, then it turns out that there is none at all. I don’t even want to talk about food. All dishes were returned to the kitchen. When they left, a number of people joined, but there were still many empty seats. Apparently, most of them refused)) In Moscow, alas, there are also such popular places. Friends, tell me: in order to go have a good meal, you need to know that you can’t get into the establishment?” – Parfenov’s wife wrote.

At the same time, Elena did not indicate the name of the Shrunovsky restaurant “KOKOKO” anywhere. Others would not have understood that we were talking about him, but then Matilda Shnurova appeared on Elena Chekalova’s page in person. And so it began!

"Dear Elena! – she turned to the wife of the famous TV presenter. “Since comments in your settings are prohibited for “non-friends,” I will answer you at my place.”

And she answered. Much and passionately, as they say, “on all points.” To complete the picture, we present the entire rather lengthy passage of Matilda Shnurova, the spelling has been preserved.

“Elena, let’s look at it point by point:

1. Restaurant Kokoko is indeed a very popular place. And all our guests know that they need to reserve a table to come to dinner with us, even on a weekday. But, unfortunately, no-shows due to reservations often happen, and when you see an empty table and are denied it, they are probably really waiting for a guest for it. Wait up to 40 minutes. Then they seat guests without reservations. It's a pity that with your experience in the restaurant business you don't know about such things. You came without a reservation. You were moved from the bar counter and rather quickly to an empty table. You placed your order at the bar, and you already had dinner at the table. What does “as a big favor” mean? How is that?

2. You received an order for wine, which at that moment ran out. Here I apologize for the fact that the bartender did not know about this; you should have been warned immediately. This is our mistake. But they brought you new wine 10 minutes later. Half an hour is a big exaggeration. I looked at the receipt.

3. Have all the dishes been returned to the kitchen? You didn't return the dishes to the kitchen. You didn't like the burger and didn't finish it. The restaurant manager came to you and asked what was wrong. You said that you are not satisfied with the roasting. You said about the flower that this was not what you expected. But you ate the rest of the dishes. Beetroot with Adyghe cheese mousse, tubes with sprat mousse, smelt ceviche, burger, flower - your order.

Be honest. If you didn’t like the restaurant, just write - g...o. A matter of taste. But why exaggerate and lie like that?”

This is such a stern rebuke from a restaurateur to a restaurateur. But after such a showdown, I really didn’t want to go to KOKOKO. Although beets with Adyghe cheese mousse, rolls with sprat mousse and smelt ceviche sound delicious. Maybe Elena Chekalova was just unlucky? Is it still worth a try? We are waiting for a decisive male opinion from the stronger halves of the participants in this story: maybe Sergei Shnurov will not keep silent? Or will Leonid Parfenov share his personal impressions of visiting the restaurant that so outraged his wife?

In general, it is possible that there will be a continuation. And this will be a men's duel.

58-year-old Leonid Parfenov is celebrating a new addition to his family. On the evening of February 5, the son of a television journalist, Ivan, became a father for the first time. His wife Maria gave birth to a charming boy, who was named Mikhail. A happy event for Parfenov and his loved ones took place in one of the capital’s perinatal centers.

The good news was reported by Parfenov’s wife Elena Chekalova. The restaurateur and television journalist published a joint photo with her husband on Instagram. In the caption to the photo, Elena shared that she had become a grandmother. Chekalova and Parfenov cannot get enough of the appearance of their grandson.

“Grandma next to grandpa. Yes, today there is happiness in our family: Mikhail Ivanovich Parfenov-Broitman was born. Weight 3940 g, height – 54 cm. I am a granny! Many of my friends are not shy about this title, but they prefer that their grandchildren call them “Masha” or “Lena.” But Lenya and I are just grandparents,” said the wife of the famous TV presenter.

On her Facebook page, Elena Chekalova shared the details of the baby’s birth and congratulated her son and daughter-in-law on the joyful event.

“It’s great that now the husband is allowed to be with his wife during childbirth - in our time this was prohibited. Masha was able to hold on to Vanka all the time, and he himself cut the umbilical cord. In my opinion, it is so important that the husband also gives birth, and that the woman in labor has a loved one next to her, and not just other people’s aunts and uncles. Especially remembering how I gave birth myself and how the nurses yelled at me with obscenities. Of course, you can endure everything for the sake of the happiness of becoming a mother... But it’s better otherwise,” wrote Leonid Parfenov’s wife.

Users of social networks congratulated the TV presenter on the new addition to the family and left him a large number of warm wishes. “A new stage in life!”, “Grow up healthy and happy”, “All the best to the child”, “Hurray”, “This is a great joy”, “You are wonderful”, “You have a heroic daughter-in-law - to give birth to such a hero”, “Now all that’s left is wait for the great-grandchildren”, “What a wonderful couple you are”, “There is nothing more beautiful than the word “grandmother” spoken by a baby”, “We are waiting for a healthy and tasty children’s menu in the feed,” commented Elena’s subscribers.

The fact that Ivan Parfenov’s wife was expecting a child became known in November last year. “Yes, it happened quite recently: the wedding of Vanya and Masha and the release of the book “First Year Married.” And now we are waiting for a new addition to our family - that’s what it means to eat well,” Elena Chekalova wrote on social networks then.

The son of a famous TV presenter legalized his relationship with Maria Broitman, the daughter of an investment banker, in 2015. The wedding took place in Moscow according to Jewish customs. The newlyweds received many pleasant gifts from family and friends. It is known that Maria and Ivan entered into a marriage contract - ketubah.

Presenter's wife Channel One's Leonid Parfenov, Elena Chekalova, admits that he may be fired by the television company, Gazeta.ru reports. The reason for this may be his diatribe against the politics of Russian television.

Thursday evening On November 26, Leonid Parfenov received the Listyev Prize. It was established in the spring of 2010 by the Academy of Russian Television Foundation and Channel One and is awarded to the person, project or team that has become the phenomenon of the year in Russian television.

TV journalist criticized from the stage Russian television, which, in his opinion, has completely become controlled by officials.

"After real and imaginary sins In the 90s in the 2000s, in two steps - first for the sake of eradicating media oligarchs, and then for the sake of unity of ranks in the counter-terrorism war - federal television information was nationalized. Journalistic topics, and with them all of life, were finally divided into those that are passable on TV and those that are impenetrable on TV. Behind any politically significant broadcast one can discern the goals and objectives of the government, its mood, attitude, its friends and enemies,” said Leonid Parfenov.

According to him, federal officials became for television journalists not newsmakers, but bosses of their bosses. Thus, journalists themselves found themselves in the position of officials. The speech was not shown on Channel One.

"You saw that many didn't even clap after his speech, they sat with their eyes downcast and left dejected and sad. And when the speech ended, there was silence, a pause, people did not know how to react to this, especially officials. Yes, the same Shvydkoy or Seslavinsky may come up later: “Lenya, how great you said everything.” But no one knows what will happen next. After all, if something happens, no one will support you. This is the whole horror of our society,” says Elena Chekalova.

When asked if Leonid Parfenov can to lose his job on Channel One because of his speech, his wife replied: “Anything can happen, and this is a completely possible option. We also discussed this. However, when Lenya was asked: doesn’t he think that he set everyone up, and He responded to this: “Well, then Mamontov could have been awarded.”

Head of News Broadcasting"Channel One" Kirill Kleimenov in an interview with the magazine notes that Leonid Parfenov "certainly assumed" that the head of "Channel One" Konstantin Ernst "could have problems because of this speech." “For me, a lot in this story remains unclear. Parfenov has always been quite aloof from politics, he is a person of exceptional creativity. Many times he had the opportunity in acute situations to declare his position, but he did not do this. And I wonder why now "Why did a man with a phenomenal memory, which the whole workshop knows about, read this speech from paper? And why did his hands tremble at the same time - although ethereal people know how to cope with excitement?" Kleimenov is perplexed.

Leonid Parfenov's wife since 1987 - Elena Lvovna Chekalova - graduated from Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, daughter of a journalist. She taught Russian and literature to foreign students at a geological exploration institute for a year. Then she worked as a journalist in the newspapers: “Soviet Culture”, “Moscow News”, etc. She runs a column about food in the newspaper “Kommersant”.

Since 2009, the host of the Channel One program “ Happinnes exists!" She wrote books in 1990: Before and after “The Look”, “Our Portrait is Being Returned to Us” together with her husband, “Night Broadcast 1”.

I was friends with one teacher of advanced training courses for television workers, who periodically showed me the work of her students - journalists who worked at local television studios. And among these works I came across an absolutely amazing essay by some boy from Cherepovets about the group “Aquarium”, about Boris Grebenshchikov. I was struck by the stunning, non-standard style - light, cheerful, relaxed, which practically never happened in Soviet times. I remember telling my friend: “Galya, this is probably some kind of extraordinary guy.” She says: “Really, very interesting. When he comes to Moscow, I’ll introduce you. By the way, order him some article for your newspaper. I think he’ll do great.” And one day, when another company gathered at my house, she came with Lyonya. We met, I ordered him some material, he wrote it, then there were other articles...- Elena Chekalova

Family and children of Leonid Parfenov

* Father-in-law Leonid Parfenov was a journalist, worked in the newspaper “Soviet Russia”, then in industry publications.
* Mother-in-law Leonid Parfenov was an editor and compiler of dictionaries, a lexicographer by profession.
o Son Leonid Parfenov- Ivan Parfenov(1988), studied in England, in Germany, and graduated from school there. Graduated from the Milan University of Economics.
o Daughter Leonid Parfenov- Maria Parfenova(1993), studies in Italy at the British Council School. Wants to enter the university of restaurant and hotel business.

Filmography of Leonid Parfenov

Documentary films with the participation of Leonid Parfenov

1. 1988 - Children of the 20th Congress (about the generation of the sixties)
2. 1992 - Portrait against the background: Igor Kirillov
3. 1993 - Portrait against the background: Boris Grebenshchikov
4. 1993 - Portrait against the background: Muslim Magomayev
5. 1993 - Portrait against the background: Alla Pugacheva
6. 1993 - Portrait against the background: Yegor Gaidar
7. 1993 - Portrait against the background: Evgeny Leonov
8. 1997-2003 - The other day 1961-2003: Our era
9. 1998 - All Zhvanetsky (television collection of works by Mikhail Zhvanetsky)
10. 1998 - Recent history. Seventeen Moments of Spring 25 years later (about the TV movie “Seventeen Moments of Spring”)
11. 1999 - The Century of Nabokov (to the 100th anniversary of Vladimir Nabokov)
12. 1999 - Recent history. Meeting point. 20 years later (about the TV movie “The meeting place cannot be changed”)
13. 1999 - Living Pushkin (to the 200th anniversary of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin)
14. 2000-2003 - Russian Empire

15. 2000 - Zykina (about Lyudmila Zykina)
16. 2000 - 300th anniversary of the New Year
17. 2002 - Gennady Khazanov. Once upon a time I lived (about Gennady Khazanov)
18. 2004 - Presenter (for the 70th anniversary of Vladimir Pozner)
19. 2004 - Oh world, you are a sport! (about the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens)
20. 2005 - Lyusya (to the 70th anniversary of Lyudmila Gurchenko)
21. 2005 - War in Crimea - everything is in smoke (about the Crimean War)
22. 2005 - Private Rubens for a hundred million (about the fate of one of Rubens’s main masterpieces, the painting “Tarquin and Lucretia”, taken after the war from Germany to the USSR)
23. 2005 - Gambit. On the scene (TV introduction to the film “The Turkish Gambit”)
24. 2006 - And personally Leonid Ilyich (on the 100th anniversary of Leonid Brezhnev)
25. 2007 - Eternal Oleg (to the 80th anniversary of Oleg Efremov)
26. 2008 - Contemporary (to the 75th anniversary of Galina Volchek)
27. 2009 - Bird-Gogol (to the 200th anniversary of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol)
28. 2009 - With a solid sign at the end (to the 100th anniversary of its founding and the 20th anniversary of the resumption of publication of the Kommersant newspaper.)
29. 2010 - Ridge of Russia (history of the Urals)
30. 2010 - Zvorykin-Muromets (history of the creation of television and biography of Vladimir Zvorykin)
31. 2011 - He came to give us freedom (on the 80th anniversary of Mikhail Gorbachev)

Fiction film with the participation of Leonid Parfenov

1. 1996 - Old songs about the main thing-2 - the second Santa Claus
2. 2000 - Still waters - cameo
3. 2003-2008 - 38 monkeys (cartoon) on channel 2?2 - Professional voice-over dubbing.
4. 2011 - Generation P - cameo
5. 2011 - Boris Godunov - clerk Shchelkanov

Leonid Parfyonov in advertising

Bibliography of Leonid Parfenov

1. Parfenov L. The other day. Our era. 1961-1970. - M.: KoLibri: Atticus Publishing Group, 2009. - 272 p. - 50,000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-389-00248-7
2. Parfenov L. The other day. Our era. 1971-1980. - M.: KoLibri: Atticus Publishing Group, 2009. - 272 p. - 50,000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-389-00575-4
3. Parfenov L. The other day. Our era. 1981-1990. - M.: KoLibri: Atticus Publishing Group, 2010. - 288 p. - 50,000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-389-00032-2
4. Parfenov L. The other day. Our era. 1991-2000. - M.: KoLibri: Atticus Publishing Group, 2010. - 304 p. - 50,000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-389-01107-6
5. Parfenov L. Zvorykin Muromets (father of television). - 2011. - 160 p. - 5000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-389-01502-9

Awards and nominations of Leonid Parfenov

Year Nominated for Outcome Award
1995 “The Other Day” Best program about art Nomination
1995 “NTV - New Year’s television” Entertainment program Pobeda
1999 “Living Pushkin” Special prize Victory
2002 “The other day” Information and analytical program Victory
2004 Leonid Parfenov Special prize Victory
2010 “Zvorykin-Muromets” Television documentary