What strings are best for an acoustic guitar? How to choose the right strings for an acoustic and classical guitar

Understand the difference between steel and nylon strings. It is important to note that using strings intended for acoustic guitars on a classical guitar will damage the neck. The tension of the strings and the guitar are different, so you cannot use classical strings on an acoustic guitar, and vice versa. Classical guitars typically have nylon strings. Bass strings look like steel, but the guts (core) are made of nylon fibers. In this article we will discuss steel strings.

  • If you play a lot (on stage) you may want to stick with 80/20 bronze. Phosphor strings tend to last longer.

Remember that the material you choose will affect the sound. The three most commonly used materials are bronze, phosphor bronze and silk and steel. There are other materials, but these are the main ones.

  • Bronze strings are sometimes called 80/20 bronze because they are made of 80% copper and 20% zinc. They can be used for all play styles. They have a bright sound that fades quickly after a few hours of play. Bronze strings are the most commonly used strings.
  • Phosphor bronze strings are bronze strings with the addition of phosphorus. They can also be used for all types. They have a warm sound that lasts longer than bronze strings.
  • Silk and steel strings produce a soft, rich sound. They have lower tension and come in lighter calibers. They are good for vintage guitars that require special strings. They are quieter and less durable, but are easier to play.
  • Check the caliber. String gauge is the thickness of the strings. It is usually measured by the diameter of the first string (high string) in thousandths of an inch. The gauge can list string thicknesses in numbers (0.009, 0.010, 0.011...) or words (super light, light, medium...), or both numbers and words. Higher gauges (thicker strings) have higher volume, longer duration, and a warmer tone (more overtones, less brightness, lower treble compared to bass volume), but are more difficult to play due to the increased force required to press and bend the string . Light gauges are easier to play, but they sound thinner and sometimes rattle. Beginners should start with easy or extra easy to make the game easier. You can change calibers when you feel more confident.

    Decide whether you will choose coated strings. Some guitar strings are coated to help them last longer. It also creates a smooth texture that some guitarists love and some hate. The coating helps your strings last longer and resist corrosion. Coated strings usually cost more than regular strings. Covered strings can also be multi-colored - red, blue, black, etc.

    Check the price. Buy strings that you can afford. They don't have to be super expensive to sound great. Make sure no one is asking too much. A set of cheap strings can cost from several thousand rubles. Medium strings can cost from 180 to 535 rubles. Expensive strings can cost up to 1,780 rubles - but remember that you don't need the highest quality sound. Comparing strings using websites or guides can be helpful in determining which sets are of higher value.

  • Go to the store and try some strings. Test different materials and gauges and decide what works best for you. Ask the store clerk and your friends what brands they use.

    • Choose from at least two brands and try them both. Compare both and choose your favorite.
    • Repeat this process until you find several brands and types that you like best. It's also helpful to have a different brand of string to fall back on when you don't find the strings you usually buy in the store.
  • When choosing guitar strings, the happy owner of a musical instrument must take into account the whole a number of parameters: manufacturer, material, coating, type of winding. One of the most important indicators is string thickness, or, to put it differently, their caliber.

    String gauge determines two important points: sound and playability. The thicker the string, the richer and louder the sound will be, but they are more difficult to pinch. Thin strings are easier to handle, which is why beginners often prefer them. In general, the choice of caliber depends on what and how you want to play and what you are willing to sacrifice: sound or convenience.

    String thickness most often expressed in fractions of an inch. The kit packaging indicates the thickness of the 1st and 6th strings separated by a hyphen. It looks something like 9-42, 10-46 and so on. In slang - “nine”, “ten”, etc. Acoustic guitar strings typically come in gauges of .009 or higher, while figure eight strings are used primarily for electric guitars.

    What thickness of strings should I choose?

    The thinnest strings are chosen either, as already mentioned, by beginners or virtuoso guitarists like Yngwie Malmsteen. Also thin strings They are better suited for all kinds of bends (“pull-ups”), so blues lovers will also like them. The most popular 1st string gauges are 0.010 and 0.011. More thick strings are used less frequently, but with them you can achieve a richer and denser sound. They will come in handy, for example, in jazz. Also, large gauge strings are often used for playing in low tuning (Drop D or even Drop C). In addition, thick strings are better suited for scratching.

    For many, both beginners and fully professional guitarists, the process of choosing the best strings for their own guitar becomes a real problem. For your own money, you definitely want to get something of very high quality, durable, comfortable and good sounding. And in this material we will try to consider absolutely all aspects of selecting strings for various types of guitars, and will also tell you about the most popular brands and models, the choice of which is always a good decision.

    Choosing the Right Guitar Strings

    In order to find out which best guitar strings are right for you, you will have to experiment repeatedly. It all depends very much on style and preference, as different windings sound very different, and even string gauge makes a big difference. However, you should start your search with really worthy and popular models in order to immediately feel the maximum quality and be able to later compare it with products from other famous manufacturers, forming your own, unique taste.

    What you should not pay attention to when choosing strings

    Before choosing the best guitar strings, there are a number of parameters you should pay attention to. Not all of them may be important at one level or another of your game. If you are a beginner, then you should prioritize comfort and ease of play. This means that thinner strings with traditional windings without any special frills will suit you. It is important to understand that to extract a unique sound, for example, from thick silver strings on an acoustic, you need to have certain skills and master advanced techniques such as fingerstyle. Well, an uninitiated young musician with such strings will most likely encounter a number of difficulties that are unnecessary at this level.

    Also, you should not chase cheapness, making deals with your conscience, purchasing relatively cheap strings from unknown Chinese manufacturers. All this will only lead to the fact that you yourself will be dissatisfied with the sound, and low-quality products will very soon require prompt replacement. It is worth remembering that strings are not an element that can be neglected and on which you can save money, because the most important thing in an instrument is the sound, and strings play one of the most important roles in its formation.

    Best Strings for Acoustic Guitar

    The acoustic guitar is an extremely popular and widespread instrument, and its sound largely depends on the correct selection of strings. And in the process of choosing them, you should rely on:

    • a number of technical characteristics and features,
    • your current skill level,
    • affordable budget,
    • preferred play style.

    Ernie Ball Earthwood 80/20 Bronze Acoustic Strings

    Why this model? For a ringing, clear and at the same time very warm and deep sound, characteristic of high-quality bronze winding.

    Characteristics. Bronze braided thick strings on a steel core, wide variety of diameters available.

    Advantages and disadvantages. Great sound that you will find very difficult to give up in the future. The downside is that it wears out quite quickly. With active play, replacement may be required within a few months.

    Strings D "Addario 80/20 Bronze Acoustic

    Why this model? For the characteristic rich sound achieved due to the bronze circular braid.

    Characteristics. Round bronze braid, large selection of different calibers.

    Advantages and disadvantages. Classic acoustic sound ideal for a variety of playing styles. Among the minuses, it is worth highlighting the not very long service life. After 2-3 months, the strings will gradually begin to lose their properties.

    Elixir NanoWeb Phosphor Bronze Acoustic strings

    Why this model? For a warm and deep bronze sound, and impressive durability, which is achieved using proprietary manufacturing technologies.

    Characteristics. Bronze wound strings with added phosphorus. A wide range of available gauges and a proprietary fluoropolymer protective coating that prevents any negative effects and does not have any negative effect on the strings in terms of sound.

    Advantages and disadvantages. Amazing durability, soft sound and no need for complex maintenance. The disadvantages include a significantly higher cost, for which, however, you get strings that last 5-6 times longer than usual.

    What strings to buy for an acoustic guitar?

    Obviously, when choosing the best strings for an acoustic guitar, you need to start from such parameters as the thickness of the string, its winding and its type itself. For beginners, thinner and softer strings with a diameter of 0.010 inches with a flat copper or bronze winding are perfect, but pros should take larger caliber models with round winding to get the most rich sound with good depth and maximum overtones.

    Best Strings for Bass Guitar

    Choosing the best strings for a bass guitar is a very responsible process, because they are not changed as often as on regular guitars, they are more expensive, and therefore the set you choose will become your faithful companion for quite a long time.

    Ernie Ball Regular Slinky Bass Strings 50-105

    Why this model? For its distinctive and well-recognized sound, chosen by thousands of professional bassists around the planet.

    Characteristics. Round nickel-plated steel braided strings on a hexagonal steel core. Wide range of available diameters.

    Advantages and disadvantages. Branded clear and ringing sound, high level of comfort when playing. The disadvantages include the average service life and the need to care for the strings using special cleaning solutions at certain intervals.

    Strings D"Addario Nickel Wound Bass 50-105

    Why this model? For a classic, slightly vintage sound with characteristic accents.

    Characteristics. Classic bass strings with round nickel-plated winding on a hexagonal steel core.

    Advantages and disadvantages. High quality, excellent balanced sound and affordable price. The disadvantages include the average service life.

    Elixir NanoWeb Bass Strings 45-105

    Why this model? For amazing durability, excellent sound unaffected by protective coating and maximum playing comfort.

    Characteristics. Strings with round nickel-plated braid on hexagonal steel cores, with a proprietary polymer protective coating made of fluoropolymers. Wide range of calibers available.

    Advantages and disadvantages. Excellent protection against any impact, and a service life measured in years. The disadvantages include the high cost, which not every beginning musician can be prepared for.

    What strings to buy for a bass guitar?

    Be that as it may, the best bass strings are the ones that sound great for many months, even years, without having to change them too often. Of course, this is a matter of taste and skill, but it is better to immediately invest in models with a protective coating, forgetting about replacement for a long time. It is also worth emphasizing that the bass guitars themselves come in both 4-string and 5.6-string versions, and for each of these models you will have to look for specialized strings.

    The best strings for an electric guitar

    The best electric guitar strings combine high-quality deep sound, high durability and reliability. But at the same time, they necessarily have some kind of proprietary sound feature that distinguishes a particular model from many other options.

    Ernie Ball Skinny Top Heavy Bottom Strings

    Why this model? For the unique sound achieved by combining super-thin bottom strings with thick top strings.

    Characteristics. Thick strings with nickel-plated winding on a steel hexagonal core. Thin strings are made of high carbon steel, making them durable.

    Advantages and disadvantages. Chic and varied sound, great for various styles of music and playing techniques. The disadvantages include relatively quick “aging” and the need to regularly care for the strings using special means.

    Elixir NanoWeb strings

    Why this model? For a pleasant, balanced sound and decent protection, which means versatility of use in all situations and circumstances.

    Characteristics. Nickel-plated winding of strings on a hexagonal steel core. Thick strings have a protective fluoropolymer coating, while thin strings are coated with a special anti-corrosion compound.

    Advantages and disadvantages. The highest level of durability, almost complete immunity to any negative influences. The disadvantages include the rather high cost and slightly muffled sound compared to unprotected strings.

    Strings D "Addario Nickel Wound

    Why this model? For beautiful, clear and balanced sound. It’s no wonder that this model is the most popular in the D’addario brand line, and is regularly chosen by famous professional guitarists around the world.

    Characteristics. Nickel plated steel round braided strings around a hexagonal steel core. Wide range of possible calibers.

    Advantages and disadvantages. Great sound and affordable price. The disadvantages include the relatively short lifespan of the string, since after just a few months of active playing you may need to replace it.

    What strings to buy for an electric guitar?

    Choosing the best electric guitar strings is not that difficult. Many famous manufacturers will be happy to provide you with their own models, among which you can easily find something ideal for yourself. All that remains is to spend a little time and effort on the search itself.

    Best Strings for Classical Guitar

    Classical guitar strings are traditionally made from polymer materials, in some cases with the addition of some metal. However, it is interesting to note that 50-70 years ago such strings were created from animal tendons, soaked and seasoned in a certain way. Classical strings are very soft, and therefore they are most often recommended to be used in the learning process. However, the classical and western guitar are actually two completely different instruments and it’s not just the strings that distinguish them.

    There are almost never any particular problems when choosing classical strings, since there are not many options available on the market, and the varieties presented vary greatly in price, so the choice is often made precisely on the basis of this parameter.

    Strings D "Addario Classic Nylon Normal

    Why this model? Due to the stronger and more sonorous type of nylon used, high-quality silver-plated braiding, which produces perfect sound with precise sound production.

    Characteristics. Heavier rectified nylon, a wide range of available diameters, medium tension and silver-plated thick strings.

    Advantages and disadvantages. Excellent value for money, high durability of the model. Among the minuses, it is worth highlighting the specific sound of the winding, which may not be to everyone’s liking, especially when playing at a certain rhythm. The most suitable option for experienced musicians.

    Ernie Ball Earthwood Folk Nylon Classic Strings

    Why this model? Because of the rich and deep sound achieved through the use of bronze winding with a small addition of copper. The model is a true classic, which many musicians have chosen for many years, without changing its bright and characteristic sound.

    Characteristics. Thin strings and thick cores are made of nylon. Thick strings have a bronze winding. The model has many diameter options.

    Advantages and disadvantages. It has a warm and deep sound, well suited for both beginners and pros. Among the disadvantages, it is worth highlighting the rather rapid wear and tear, due to the fact that bronze is a soft metal, quite susceptible to corrosion.

    Strings D "Addario Classical Coated

    Why this model? An excellent solution for those who do not want to change strings too often. It combines high-quality sound and a proprietary polymer coating that protects the string from any negative external factors over many months of active playing.

    Characteristics. Nylon strings with silver-plated braid and special EXP protective coating. The model has many diameters, to suit almost every taste.

    Advantages and disadvantages. The product has the highest durability, will easily last 4-5 times longer than conventional strings and at the same time will delight you with the characteristic deep sound of individual notes. Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the higher cost and the fact that silver winding is not suitable for all styles and types of play.

    What strings to buy for classical?

    When choosing the best strings for a classical guitar, you should focus solely on your taste and financial capabilities. All the options presented are an excellent solution. Some are more suitable for beginners, have an affordable price, but will require regular adjustments, while others are designed for performances, and therefore will easily give you stability and rich sound, but will also cost accordingly.

    Wondering " what are the best guitar strings“Many beginning musicians miss some important things, which we will talk about today. In general, choosing guitar strings is a rather important process, because the sound of your electric guitar (or acoustic guitar) consists of several, roughly speaking, parts - wood; tool configurations or, in other words, shapes; electronics and of course strings. Strings make up about 25 percent of your sound, and if you choose this very important element incorrectly, then other components will not be able to express themselves properly, which is why it is so important to approach this issue correctly

    Choosing strings by brand

    One ideal choice would be to purchase a set of strings depending on the brand. For example, if you have a guitar, then the strings from this manufacturer will sound great; for many companies that produce guitars, this is good additional income, which they do not want to lose at all, therefore, this product will have at least the same quality as the instrument itself (example: Gibson strings). In addition to such large brands as, there are companies that specialize exclusively in the production of strings, this includes Elixir(read the article about this manufacturer), Dunlop, YesDario and others.

    A huge number of positive reviews from string Elixir, however, for the last few years I have personally been using the brand YesDario and have never regretted it yet. All of these companies typically have their own proprietary coverage ( Elixir – Nanoveb), which has served faithfully for a long time. The prices of these brands vary by somewhere around 20 percent. If you are still a student and don’t have much money, you can go to the Aliexpress website and order several sets there YesDario, last time one cost two dollars, which is much cheaper than in the store, but you will have to wait a little (up to a month). Moreover, they say that all the products of this brand are fake, but of quite high quality; in general, it’s up to you to decide.

    Resonant substance

    I would like to write metal, however, acoustic guitars are often used nylon strings, which give a rather soft sound (ideal for classical music). Therefore, if you have an acoustic guitar and are preparing to enter the Gnessin College of Music, then you will be a good choice nylon. If you play other music, from blues to grindcore strip metal (no matter what guitar), then you will have to choose between steel strings and nickel(all this is conditional, in addition to steel and nickel there may be up to 20 other metals). Steel gives a characteristic sound, however, like nickel, in defense of steel it can be said that such strings last a little longer. For comparison, take Dunlop nickel and metal, buy whichever you like best, replace this brand with any other. It is worth adding that strings for electric guitars and bass are made with the addition of ferromagnetic alloy, which creates a magnetic vibration that is picked up by the pickup so the acoustic strings won't get on your dual-humbucker monster


    Everyone knows that distance measurements are measured in mm, with strings... that's not true at all, they are measured in inches. On sets they usually write 9-42 or 10 -46 or 8 -40, this means that the first string from the 9-42 set is 0.009 inches, and the last (we have six strings) sixth is 0.042 inches.

    In general, thickness is also a very important string parameter, regardless of which it will be quite problematic for you to communicate with your guitar. Example - you play jazz and buy GHS signature strings by Zach Wylde where the last string is 56, in general, you tighten them and if the wood on the guitar is crap, then you get either a bent neck or if everything is really bad, then a cracked one. Depending on the music, on the configuration of the guitar, you can choose the thickness of the strings, basically, most people use 9-42, 10-46, these two sets are suitable for 90 percent of all styles of music. The Fender eight lasted exactly three days, then the 6th string broke, then the 4th, and then I bought another set

    Options for perverts

    Some strings have a phosphor coating, which allows them to glow in the dark, sometimes even spectacularly. Let's add that there are sets with different colors, for example, each string has its own color, but without phosphorus

    When to change strings

    If you see traces of corrosion on the coating, this is the first sign that it is time to replace it. You can hear from the sound the fact that the strings no longer ring...at all, and the sound has begun to change, which also means that the replacement process is very close.

    How to change strings

    As a bonus, you can tell us one way that will quickly and without complications allow you to change a new set. There is a rule according to which there should not be more than five turns on the tuning axis; in general, for bass strings this is a completely followed rule (more fraught with poor tuning and lack of aesthetics), for the first three it is quite possible to make 7 or even 10 turns. By tensioning the string depending on the headstock, you can press the string to the quill, thereby, without reinventing the wheel, give a tension that will not allow the formation of unnecessary turns on the tuning axis, this is very convenient if you have a Fender Stratocaster quill, for Les Paul you just take the strings and lift them above the bar and pull it.

    Usually you can find a long article of several pages, which describes all the intricacies of string selection, but in reality, the choice comes down to several essentially identical options.

    What strings to choose for an electric guitar? The choice of strings for an electric guitar depends on your task. If you just need high-quality strings, or you are a beginner musician, start with the main manufacturers, market leaders: American Ernie Ball, La Bella (this company is worth special attention - for example, they invented the same strings for the electric guitar, and they have a huge assortment) or D "Addario. The most popular gauges are 9-42 (softer, will be comfortable for a beginning guitarist, easier to play solo), 10-46 (usually installed on Strats and similar guitars, generally the most popular caliber) and 10-52 (installed by default on LesPaul, they sound a little lower than 10-46 and a little stiffer), and if the guitar is a 7-string, start with 10-56. Traditional materials are Nickel wound steel strings, start with those. For a warmer (vintage) sound, choose a pure nickel winding (Pure Nickel), for a brighter one - a steel winding (Stainless Steel wound). Already mastered and know the right gauge? Try strings with improved qualities: the Austrian Thomastik will provide an excellent rich sound. We advise rock musicians to pay attention to Ernie Ball and Dunlop - with them it is easier to achieve a harsh sound, and they cope better with rough handling. :) Strings with an increased service life due to a special coating - for example, Elixir will last 3-4 times longer, this is very convenient if the guitar is not used very actively - if idle, the strings will not be exposed to the environment for a long time. Next, pay attention to the products of smaller manufacturers - such as Curt Mangan or Kerly, which have their own characteristics and production technologies - you may find the most suitable strings from them!

    What strings to buy for a bass guitar? For beginners, and for most, strings of standard gauge with soft or medium tension are suitable: 45-100 or 45-105 (40-125 or 45-125 for a 5-string guitar) from any manufacturer, with traditional nickel-plated winding. Often the choice is made in favor of steel-wound strings - they have a brighter sound with an extended low range. If you need strings with extended service life, choose coated strings, such as Elixir or other manufacturers. In our catalog, similar strings can be easily found by noting “Extended service life” or “Protective coating” in the product filters. Better, richer sound is offered, for example, by the D"Addario NYXL and Ernie Ball Cobalt series.

    What strings to buy for a classical guitar? First of all, if you are just starting to play, we recommend medium string tension, this will make it easier on your hands and fingers. A tighter tension will produce a richer, louder sound, but these strings are a little more difficult to play. Classical guitar strings are made primarily from nylon and silver-plated copper windings. Such strings of good quality at a low price are offered by well-known American companies D"ADDARIO and ERNIE BALL, or inexpensive series from the German HANNABACH - they are suitable for a beginning musician or for everyday amateur playing, and will never disappoint you. If you are seriously learning to play the guitar , and want to get a great sound and make the learning process more enjoyable - try SAVAREZ strings, which are recommended by most music schools and teachers. Find the strings that will maximize the sound of your guitar and will be comfortable for you!

    What strings to buy for an acoustic guitar? For beginners, we recommend calibers 10-47 or 10-50, which have a softer string tension, this will make it easier on the hands and fingers, making learning easier and more comfortable. 11-52 or 12-54 have a tighter tension, but also a more powerful sound output - choose these strings if you already have experience playing the guitar. The second important criterion is the material. 80/20 Bronze Alloy sounds brighter, Phosphor Bronze sounds warmer and richer, and strings with a special coating (Ernie Ball Everlast or Elixir) will last especially long. There are other alloys, such as Aluminum Bronze or Nickel Bronze, which are brighter in the mid-high range, and are more resistant to corrosion even without a special coating. Whatever you choose, they will not disappoint with their quality.