What is the name of the lead singer of the Butyrka group. New soloist of the group “Butyrka”



The group "Butyrka", whose concert took place on September 25, was long awaited in Bobruisk, and it met all the expectations of the public.

Two hours of live communication and sound, an hour-long autograph session after the concert... The ladies entering the stage kissed the new brutal lead singer of the group, Mikhail Borisov. No matter what they say or write, people are literally flocking to Butyrka!

After the concert, the Vecherka correspondent talked with Mikhail and the group leader Oleg Simonov.

Mikhail Borisov
He repeatedly participated in regional and city pop song festivals and became their winner more than once. At the same time, he sang in restaurants, where he was noticed and offered to become the second vocalist in the Butyrka group. Mikhail’s life principle: “I don’t regret the past and I’m not ashamed to tell the truth. I only dream about the future, because I have a wonderful son and my favorite creativity!”
Oleg Simonov
Author of poems for many Butyrka songs and owner of the rights to the group.

After reports from Butyrka concerts, the Internet is full of angry comments: they say that you are promoting criminality. What do you say to this?

Mikhail Borisov: People will always write nasty things. At first I was very worried about this. When its lead singer Vladimir Zhdamirov left the group, and I was “new”, they not only wrote nasty things to me, but also openly insulted me, shouted when I sang on stage, stood up defiantly and tore tickets to shreds... And regarding the criminality, I want to put it this way: these are songs of life, not everyone in prison is a criminal, there are also people who have stumbled, who have been wrongly convicted, there are people who have been imprisoned for things that others are forgiven for. So I simply stopped responding to comments, but I still read them, of course. Well, people like to listen to our songs, what's wrong with that? What’s wrong with the fact that we sing about life, including the one on the other side of the fence called “freedom”?

- Why did Zhdamirov leave Butyrka at the very peak of his fame?

Oleg Simonov: Vladimir has long dreamed of making his own project. All band soloists dream of making their name in a solo career. There was and is nothing bad between us. I personally am quite happy with the new soloist of “Butyrka”: good voice, good appearance. What else is needed?

- Well, do you often perform for those whose lives you sing about?

Oleg Simonov: A tour is going on, guys come to our hotel and ask: could you go to the camp and perform in front of the boys? We are going and giving a full-fledged free concert. If the “owner” of the camp gives permission. We do this free of charge and from the heart. Once we were offered to make a musical ring with Stas Mikhailov. I say: if mobile phones are distributed in the camps, then yes, but without our fans we may not be able to “ride”...

- Why do you think you are warmly received?

Oleg Simonov: In Minsk (we opened the autumn tour on September 24), people also warmly received us. In general, we love Belarus, we love Belarusian products. Therefore, we are doubly pleased to come here. You can’t deceive people, they feel and see - as we are towards them, so they are towards us.

- Did you manage to see at least something in Bobruisk?

Oleg Simonov: We managed to do a lot - walk around the city, take a photo with the beaver, rubbed its nose, had a delicious lunch at the Tavern. Everything was at an excellent level! We will be in Brest with a concert, we will definitely go to the Brest Fortress.

- Do you communicate with those who listen to you on social networks?

Mikhail Borisov: They write to us letters all the time, and they write a lot. For example, I answer everyone regularly. Sometimes you lie until four in the morning, you want to sleep, but messages keep coming, especially after a concert. Who knows, maybe after your article questions will start pouring in? Ready to answer.

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Butyrka Group formed through joint efforts Oleg Simonov and Vladimir Zhdamirov.

The history of the group begins in September 2001. By this time, the group had recorded several songs at a studio in Voronezh, but did not yet have their names. Of all the Moscow recording companies that the musicians approached, only the Master Sound company, well known to fans of the genre called “Russian Chanson,” became interested in the beginning band. Here they were noticed by producer A. Abramov, who in turn convinced the director of the company, Yu.N. Sevastyanov pay attention to the group. Sevastyanov, who has extensive experience in discovering stars of the Chanson genre (M. Krug, S. Nagovitsyn and many others), agreed to release the debut album. True, the team did not yet have a name. But after on September 3, 2001, several prisoners made a daring escape from the Moscow pre-trial detention center known as “Butyrka,” A. Abramov proposed calling the team that.

Everyone liked the name and it stuck. The debut “First Album”, released in 2002, was a stunning success. The original sound, memorable vocals of V. Zhdamirov, as well as the sincerity of O. Simonov’s poems immediately made the group popular.

The topics touched upon by Oleg in his poems were understandable and close to those who are familiar with life behind barbed wire first-hand. But there is one more feature - the themes of Butyrka’s songs are not only about prison and camps, there are a lot of simple stories in them, similar to stories from people’s lives.

The “second album” was released in the same 2002. It became a worthy continuation of the successful debut and consolidated the success of the group. At the presentation of the public music award “Worthy Song of 2002”, held at the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall, the group won in the “Discovery of the Year” nomination and was awarded the prize for the best video in the “Russian Chanson” genre (clip for the song “The Smell of Spring”, directed by A. Tumandeev).

In January 2004, the third album entitled “News” was released. In 2005, the fourth album “Icon” was released. In 2007, the fifth album entitled “Globe” was released.

In 2008, the “Sixth Album” of the Butyrka group was released. This album included only a few new songs, and it became the last album created under the group’s contract with the Russian Chanson company. From that moment on, the Butyrka group began its individual, independent creative development. Despite the termination of the contract with the group, the Russian Chanson company continues to independently release new songs that were stolen from the Butyrka group.

In 2009, the Butyrka group developed its first official website.

On January 21, 2014, the release of the new album of the Butyrka group “I’ll come back home” took place. The album is available for streaming and purchase on iTunes.

Composition of the Butyrka group for 2013:
Vladimir Zhdamirov - vocals, music composer

Andrey Zhuravlev - guitar
Yuri Akimov - drums
Sergey Moskalenko - sound engineer

New composition of the Butyrka group (2014):
Oleg Simonov - keyboards, lyricist
Mikhail Borisov - vocals
Alexander Goloshchapov - bass guitar
Andrey Zhuravlev - guitar
Yuri Akimov - drums
Yulia Griboyedova - art director
Valery Liznev - sound engineer

Current composition of the Butyrka group (2015):

Oleg Simonov - keyboards, lyricist
Andrey Bykov - vocals
Alexander Goloshchapov - bass guitar
Andrey Zhuravlev - guitar
Yuri Akimov - drums
Yulia Griboyedova - art director
Valery Liznev - sound engineer

SIMONOV OLEG VLADIMIROVICH(b. 08/06/1958) - poet, one of the founders of the Butyrka group, born in Tobolsk, later moved to the Voronezh region. After his release from the Irkutsk colony in the fall of 1999 (according to other sources - 1998), where Oleg Simonov spent 8 years, he decided to quit. In prison he came up with many lyrics, but he didn’t know how to write music and was looking for a co-author. In the same year, he met Vladimir Zhdamirov and they created the group “Dalniy Svet”. With the help of Voronezh arranger Alexey Bryantsev (actively worked with the Gas Sector group), they recorded the album “Transfers” (words by Oleg Simonov, music by Alexey Bryantsev), which was published by Soyuz studio. Despite the fact that Oleg Simonov paid decent money to the producing producer, the album failed. The group “Dalniy Svet” continued to exist; Igor Izmailov became the soloist, and Alexey Bryantsev became the producer. In mid-2001, Oleg Simonov and Vladimir Zhdamirov recorded a new album and brought it to producer Alexander Abramov, who in turn convinced the head of the Master Sound studio, Yuri Sevastyanov, to publish the material. The group did not have a name, but on September 3, 2001, prisoners escaped from the pre-trial detention center, popularly known as “Butyrka”. In light of this event, the group was called “Butyrka”, and the “First Album” (in 2014 it was re-released on vinyl), which was released in early 2002, had the effect of a bomb exploding; on this wave, the “Second Album” was immediately recorded and published. And at the same time, a multi-year contract was concluded with the Russian Chanson studio. The group “Butyrka” won the “Discovery of the Year” nomination in the “Worthy Song 2002” music award, which was presented in St. Petersburg at the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall. In 2008, the Butyrka group broke the contract with the Russian Chanson company (Master Sound) and began working independently. At the same time, disagreements began in the group; at the end of 2013, a second soloist, Mikhail Borisov, appeared in the group; on December 23 of the same year, the conflict reached its climax - Vladimir Zhdamirov left. In April 2015, Mikhail Borisov left the band and Andrei Bykov became the soloist, with whom the group released the album “Date”. Oleg Simonov lives in the Voronezh region and has a son from his first marriage. In 2008, he married the concert director of the Butyrka group, Yulia Griboedova, whom he had known since school.

Borisov Mikhail Vladimirovich, born February 22, 1981. He spent his entire childhood in the southern city of Tuapse on the Black Sea coast. Mikhail grew up in a large and wonderful family: grandfather, grandmother, mother, father, uncle and two younger brothers. When Misha was still a child, his mother gave him a guitar for his birthday. He wasn’t particularly happy with the gift at the time, his father began strumming it, soon Misha became interested in this and at the age of 14 he had already learned to play the guitar quite well. He gathered girls and boys around him in the yard. And only now Mikhail realized that then, in distant childhood, his mother guessed his fate.

At the age of 22, Mikhail Borisov was convicted. His parents died while he was serving his sentence, and they never saw him... After his release, he was met by two younger brothers and his grandmother. Nobody hired a former prisoner, that’s the way it is in our country. And soon Mikhail returned to where he started, to the guitar and his favorite work.

Misha has repeatedly participated in regional and city pop song festivals. And he became a winner more than once. At the same time, he sang in taverns and restaurants, where he was noticed and offered to become the second vocalist of the Butyrka group. And now Mikhail’s life principle: “I don’t regret the past and I’m not ashamed to tell the truth, I only dream about the future, because I have a wonderful son and my favorite creativity!”

Biography of the second vocalist of the Butyrka group:

I Andrey Bykov, born in Berezniki, Perm region in 1960. Dad worked as an artist, mom worked as a kindergarten teacher. From an early age I was introduced to music and songs; my parents took part in amateur performances and took me with them. By the age of five, I already had my own small baggage - I knew several dozen Russian folk songs by heart! (I still remember many of them)! From the age of 12, my mother raised me alone (my father suddenly left worldly life).

Near the house in 1972. The Palace of Pioneers opened and my friends and I started studying at VIA. My first instrument in my rock and roll life was the bass guitar! The choice towards creativity was made in an instant!!! In 1976 he entered the music school, the brass department, bassoon class. I studied for two years and, to my deep regret, was expelled (I lacked perseverance and time for basic subjects). We started playing in the city park on the dance floor. What times!... In the fall of 1978. drafted into the army. Returning home, I started playing in a restaurant. In 1982-83 he worked at the Ulyanovsk Philharmonic in the musical group “Time and Song” as a technician. Then there was two years of work in restaurants in Abkhazia. In 1985 he returned to Berezniki and started working in a tavern.

In 1998 he went to Moscow for a year. It was in Moscow that the meeting and acquaintance with Oleg Simonov took place. The meeting was probably significant even then. We talked, he listened to me sing and said that we could collaborate in terms of creativity. We agreed to keep in touch. But I had to go home (my mother had a heart condition and was periodically ill). But fate decreed that I returned to Moscow in 2001 with my future wife Alena from Sochi. We met there. As always, I sang in the restaurant, Alena led her team, she had a show ballet and danced herself. Since then we have been together, our beautiful daughter is growing up. The eldest son Danya lives in Yekaterinburg. In February 2015, Oleg called and briefly outlined the situation and offered to participate in the group’s work. This is how our re-meeting took place!

Official website: http://gruppabutyrka.ru

Briefly about the group...
The Butyrka group is one of the most popular modern groups performing their songs in the style of “Russian Chanson”.
It was created in 2001 by the joint efforts of Alexander Abramov, producer of many performers and projects in the “Russian Chanson” genre, as well as the soloists of the group - Oleg Simonov and Vladimir Zhdamirov.
Earlier, in 1998, fate brought two talented people together, Oleg Simonov and Vladimir Zhdamirov. After the meeting, the guys decided to organize a group. This is how the group “Far Light” appeared. In 1999, they recorded an album at a studio in Voronezh, which was released by the SOYUZ studio in the same 1999. The album is called "Forwarding".
The history of the Butyrka group itself begins in September 2001. By this time, several songs had been recorded, but the group still did not have a name. The name of the group, “Butyrka,” appeared completely by chance, after on September 3, 2001, several prisoners made a daring escape from Butyrka prison.

The beginning of a creative journey...
Of all the Moscow recording companies that the musicians approached, only the Master Sound company, well known to fans of the genre as the Russian Chanson company, became interested in the beginning band. Here they were noticed by producer Alexander Abramov, who in turn was able to convince the director of the company, Yuri Nikolaevich Sevastyanov, to pay attention to the group. Yuri Nikolaevich, who has extensive experience in discovering stars of the genre (Mikhail Krug, Sergei Nagovitsyn and many others), gave the green light for the release of the debut album.
The debut “First Album”, released in 2002, was a stunning success. The original sound, memorable vocals of Vladimir Zhdamirov, as well as the sincerity of Oleg Simonov’s poems immediately made the band popular. The topics touched upon by Oleg in his poems were understandable and close to those who are familiar with the topic of life behind barbed wire first-hand. In fact, everything that “Butyrka” sings about is the pure truth! The themes of Oleg Simonov's poems are not only about prison and camps, but above all about the destinies of people and stories from their lives.
The “second album” was released in the same 2002. It became a worthy continuation of the successful debut and consolidated the success of the group. At the presentation of the public music award “Worthy Song 2002”, held in St. Petersburg at the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall, the group won in the “Discovery of the Year” nomination and was awarded the prize for the best video in the “Russian chanson” genre (clip for the song “ It smelled like spring" directed by A. Tumandeev).
In January 2004, the group’s third album, “Vestochka,” was released, and in September 2005, the fourth album, “Icon,” was released. The latest album to date, 5th, was released in 2007.

Composition of the group “Butyrka”:
Vocals, music author - Vladimir Zhdamirov;
Keyboards, lyrics by Oleg Simonov;
Bass guitar - Alexander Goloshchapov;
Drums - Yuri Akimov;
Sound engineer - Dmitry Volkov;

The work of the Butyrka group is known to all fans of chanson. Their songs are filled with prison lyrics, because most of them were written by the first soloist behind barbed wire. Oleg Simonov and Andrey Bykov sing not only about the camps, but also perform hits about simple stories that are close to many. It was the choice of topics close to the people that became the reason for the high popularity of the group.

Biography of the second soloist

In 1960, Andrei Bykov was born in the city of Berezniki, Perm Territory. His biography as a talented musician began there. His mother was a kindergarten teacher, and his father worked as an artist. Both parents took an active part in amateur artistic performances, which Andrei was introduced to from childhood. Raised by the example of his parents, the musician already had his own repertoire of several dozen folk songs by the age of five.

At the age of 12, the family was shocked by grief - the father of the future musician passed away. His mother raised him alone and encouraged him to study at the Palace of Pioneers, where the first teenage instrumental ensembles were created. When Andrey Bykov picked up the bass guitar, the choice in favor of music was finally made. The teenagers played rock and roll, which was popular at that time. Four years later, the future singer decided to grow professionally, which led him to a music school. True, he was unable to complete the course; according to the musician himself, he lacked perseverance. In addition, the department was a wind section and he learned to play the bassoon, which moved Andrei Bykov away from the stage.

After his studies were abandoned, the future singer began playing with friends on the dance floors of the city, but this career did not last long. In 1978, the musician went to military service, where he spent two years. Upon returning home, he began performing in restaurants. Then there was a period of work at the Philharmonic Society of the city of Ulyanovsk, which was followed by a return to tavern life, first in Abkhazia, and then in his native Berezniki.

Personal life

In 1998, Andrei Bykov decided to radically change his life; he came to Moscow to earn money. However, during this visit the singer was unable to advance his career - his mother was diagnosed with heart problems, which made it necessary for Andrei to be present in Berezniki.

The musician continued to travel to work, thanks to which he met his wife, Alena. They met in one of the restaurants in Sochi, where Andrei Bykov sang, and his chosen one led the dance show program and performed herself. Now they are raising two children: a beautiful daughter and eldest son Daniil, who is now studying in Yekaterinburg.

How Andrey got into the Butyrka group

The first meeting of the future soloist with one of the founders of the group (Oleg Simonov) took place back in 1998. Then the creator of the group highly appreciated Andrei’s professional qualities and even invited him to collaborate, and later recommended Vladimir Zhdamirov to replace Vladimir Zhdamirov, who had left the team, but due to family circumstances the lead singer had to refuse to participate in the group.

For a long time he substituted on album recordings, and in 2015 he began touring with the group. In 2016, he also took part in the anniversary concert in Voronezh, where the audience received the new soloist very cordially. At the moment, the lead singer of the Butyrka group Andrei Bykov is not going to leave the band and will delight the audience with new hits. His vocal qualities are perfect for performing Butyrka’s hits.

Concert activities

Now the group actively performs in cities of Russia and the Near Abroad. In every city, musicians actively communicate with their fans, never refusing autographs, photos or interviews. They are asked a variety of questions, but they try to answer them as honestly as possible.

During his performances, Andrei Bykov performs a variety of songs. At the anniversary concert in Voronezh, for example, he pleased the audience with a hit from the repertoire of Toto Cutugno. However, this is rather an exception to the rule. At concerts, new and legendary hits from Butyrka are most often played.

In every city, the team always visits prisons. Together with the rest of the musicians, Andrei recently visited the place that gave the name to the group. These concerts are absolutely free, and they are held in agreement with the heads of correctional institutions.