House 2 Rapunzel and her mother. Revelations of Tatiana Vladimirovna Rapunzel

Olga Rapunzel (nee Grigorievskaya; married Dmitrenko). Born on April 4, 1987 in Vladivostok. Russian media personality, participant of “Dom-2”.

Olga Grigorievskaya, who became known as Olga Rapunzel, was born on April 4, 1987 in the Primorsky Territory - in Vladivostok.

Mother - Tatyana Vladimirovna Grigorievskaya, worked as a salesperson in a grocery store.

Her parents separated when she was still little and her mother raised Olga alone.

As Olga admitted, she always wanted to be the center of attention, dreamed of becoming famous and recognizable. She actively participated in school competitions and often won prizes. She loved going to pioneer camps, where she enjoyed singing, dancing, and demonstrating her other artistic abilities.

From an early age she was sociable and self-confident - which was facilitated by spectacular external data.

I studied well at school. After receiving a diploma of secondary education, I entered the institute at the Faculty of Economics. She has completed specialized foreign language courses and is fluent in English.

After graduating from university, she worked for some time as an economist and accountant. She also gave English lessons and worked as a tutor.

In the end, fate brought Olga to the scandalous show “Dom-2”.

Olga Rapunzel in "House-2"

Rapunzel (she received her nickname for her long hair) appeared in the show “Dom-2” on June 12, 2015. She came to build a relationship with Oleg Volk, saying that she considered him a very interesting and sensible young man. In addition, she stated that the Wolf looks very similar to her ex-boyfriend, which is why she already has trust and sympathy for him on a subconscious level. At Lobnoye Mesto, the girl even dared to kiss the Wolf, which earned her a standing ovation from the participants.

But Olga’s relationship with Oleg did not work out - the girl herself arranged the first date, which ended unsuccessfully.

However, at the end of June 2015, a loud scandal broke out: providing intimate services on the Internet. She hid this fact from everyone. As it turned out, the girl made money by undressing in front of a webcam; this was watched by online clients who had pre-paid for the service.

They even wanted to kick Olga out of the project, but in the end they allowed her to stay.

The sex scandal even benefited her: she instantly became widely known, and those walking on the Internet fueled interest in this Dom-2 participant.

Olya herself, of course, assumed an air of offended innocence and philosophically remarked: “The mistakes I have made are lessons for me, and many situations make me stronger. Each of us is the creator of our own destiny, and each of us can choose our own fairy tale of life.”

Later she talked about this income, which lasted for nine whole years. Olga earned $200 an hour and allowed herself to buy a Jeep Grand Cherokee, and also helped her mother financially.

Olga Rapunzel about her participation in the show "Dom-2"

“I became a person, became more relaxed, and gained self-confidence. For example, before I was afraid to express my opinion, I was more closed. Now I’m used to it, this is my second home. Here I have realized myself, I can defend my point of view. I now have my own position, and if before I often heard from the guys that I was a follower, now they don’t tell me that. “I try not to pay attention to the opinions of others,” she said after the first year spent at Dom-2.

Then in the Seychelles (allegedly unexpectedly for herself) she married the main freak of the reality show - Nikolai Dolzhansky. He allegedly arranged a “surprise” wedding for the girl, to which Rapunzel reacted with tears and hysterics.

“When I was with Nikolai Dolzhansky, I had nervous breakdowns, I packed my bags and wanted to leave the project. But then, realizing who made me make such decisions, I stayed. In general, this whole story with Dolzhansky... It was as if it wasn’t me,” she commented.

Then her supposedly legal husband, Nikolai Baranovsky, appeared on the show. He began to be indignant that his wife was unfaithful to him and demanded a return to the family. Olga disowned Baranovsky and called her mother for help. The latter came to the Seychelles and attacked her daughter’s opponents with her fists. Both my mother and Baranovsky were expelled from the island.

"Santa Barbara" performed by Rapunzel continued with her attempts to build a relationship with another freak - Wenceslav Vengrzhanovsky. Rapunzel diligently began teaching Wentz the basics of love and communication with the weaker sex. But she also couldn’t complete her plan.

In 2016, Rapunzel received the Burdock of the Year award based on the results of audience voting. At the ceremony for awarding the “burdock”, Olya stated that she was not worthy of this title.

But in “Dom-2” she still managed to find a mate: Dmitry Dmitrienko became her chosen one, who stated that the main thing is not Olya’s past, but their joint present. Dmitrenko eventually became her husband.

In July 2017, at the request of Dmitry Dmitrenko’s husband, Dmitry decided that this would be better for their young family. “I’m coming for you: you are my husband, you said everything...” Rapunzel resigned herself.

On her Instagram, she emotionally commented on her departure from the project: “I’m tired of this circus, ridicule, provocation (they seem to have confused us, they take us for the wrong people, they make us out to be someone we don’t understand, that’s enough, I’m tired. The performance is over. A normal, adequate person will understand us and will do the same. You must always remain human and be real, sincere, be honest, kind - this is Strength! But Never let yourself be offended! My Husband and I were never afraid to go against the team, against lies and We always stood up for ourselves and each other and We are always for Love and for truth!”

In the fall of 2017, after a quarrel with Dmitry, Dmitrenko returned to Dom-2.

Olga Rapunzel after leaving "Dom-2"

Olga Rapunzel's height: 174 centimeters.

Personal life of Olga Rapunzel:

On June 17, 2017, she married Dmitry Dmitrenko. The wedding ceremony took place in the Gagarinsky registry office in Moscow. After the painting, the newlyweds had a festive party in one of the capital's restaurants, where they invited family and friends. After marriage, she took her husband's surname.

In August 2017 it became known that.

In the fall of 2017, while pregnant, Olga announced her intention to divorce Dmitry Dmitrenko. However, later she managed to restore relations with her husband.

Olga carefully looks after herself, maintaining the natural beauty of her face and body.

She said: “I try to take care of myself. For my face, for example, I always use both day cream and night cream. I definitely do masks twice a week. In general, nature has endowed me with natural beauty: I have my own hair, I have my own eyelashes. I make sure to moisturize my body both day and night; the skin should be velvety, like a baby’s. I take self-care very seriously.”

She takes special care of her luxurious hair.

“Shampoo, conditioner, oil on ends and along the entire length, and a mask for nutrition and shine. I don't wash my hair every day, but three times a week. I definitely style my hair, because it’s almost impossible to dry it naturally!” she shared.

Ilya Yabbarov and Dmitry Dmitrenko often blamed their mother-in-law, Tatyana Vladimirovna Rapunzel, for raising their daughters incorrectly. Olga and Alena do not strive to save the family, because for them it is completely normal for children to grow up without a father. And after watching, it became clear why. Tatyana Vladimirovna's revelations to Rapunzel dotted all the T's in this matter.

Her first husband, Olga Rapunzel's father, was a terrible man. Terrible things happened in front of the child’s eyes, which the woman talked about with a smile on her face, as if it was a joke or the plot of a favorite movie, where everything is make-believe. Tatyana Vladimirovna ran away from him, then returned in the hope that everything would change, but history repeated itself.

Does this family still have skeletons in their closet?

Alena Savkina also has something to remember. And although, declaring that she had the best dad in the world, the girl told how, at the age of three, she witnessed a terrible picture - her mother was on her knees in front of her father and begged him not to leave for another woman, and this other woman was sitting next to her, and offered little Alyonka to play with her. Savkina still cannot forgive her father for her mother’s tears. I wonder if this family still has skeletons in their closet? Or have they already “sold” everything for the sake of broadcasts?

The participants of "DOM-2" started a war. Dima Dmitrenko entered into a serious conflict with Tatyana Vladimirovna, because he believes that the woman intends to destroy their happiness with Olya Rapunzel. A huge clash between relatives ended in tears: the long-haired girl’s parent was kicked out the door, and the spouses still cannot find a common language.

Dima Dmitrenko and Tatyana Vladimirovna
​Photo: Social networks

Today the site published the words of Tatyana Vladimirovna, Olya Rapunzel’s mother, about her conflict with her son-in-law. According to the woman, Dima Dmitrenko spent the night in the entrance while she was in the apartment. “He gave Olya an ultimatum: either him or me,” Tatyana Vladimirovna sighed.

After a public showdown on Instagram and attempts to hide the conflict, Rapunzel and Dmitrenko finally admitted: a scandal really does exist. This was confirmed by the main person involved in the story - the head of the family.

“Why was my mother-in-law, when I proposed to her daughter Olga Rapunzel (Dmitrenko) in the Seychelles, not against it, but on the contrary - only for it, and even clapped her hands? And she was pleased that the management of “DOM-2” paid for her tickets to Vladivostok, Moscow, Dubai, Seychelles - there and back. She quickly packed her hiking backpack and flew in to soak in the Indian Ocean. She’s doing great,” Dima began writing on social networks.

“When she flew to our wedding, why didn’t she wave her red Stalinist flag and boycott that she, the mother, was against such a son-in-law and our relationship with her daughter Olga Rapunzel (Dmitrenko)? But she flew in, hung out and left happy and satisfied. You all remember this. She continued clapping her hands. Everything suited her - the wedding, the painting in the Gagarin registry office, the buffet table in the restaurant, the limousine, the photo shoot, etc. In short, you can’t stop living beautifully. She was pleased.

Dima Dmitrenko confirmed the scandal with his mother-in-law
Photo: Instagram

Friends, this is a fake performance. It smacks of hypocrisy. I believe that mothers-in-law, grandparents, brothers and sisters should all live their own lives. But when the mother-in-law comes and begins to command in your house, establish her own orders and rules, lead: “This is so, but this is not so,” shouting obscenities in front of my little daughter, and her granddaughter, at her son-in-law... I also quote her words: “And I will not interfere with your family, and no one can tell me! You are nobody, I understand, Dima, in this family! I will do everything to make sure your family is gone.” She didn’t come with any good, but to destroy our family. I draw such conclusions, she doesn’t care that her eldest daughter Olga and I have love, a daughter was born - her granddaughter,” Dmitrenko continued.

Olya Rapunzel also joined the online skirmish. The new mother suffered the most in this story - she is very nervous and worried, because she does not intend to abandon her own mother and her beloved man, the father of her child.

“He didn’t spend the night in the entrance! - Olya stands her ground. - He and his mother had a conflict; they had to send their mother to Polyana so that Dima could go home! I called him: “Come home,” and he said: “Until your mother leaves, I won’t come home.” But he has me as a wife and a daughter, and he behaves like this! I feel sorry for my mother and Dima, and most of all for the child. I love Dima and my mother. I'm between two fires."

Olya suffers because of the conflict between her mother and her husband
​Photo: Instagram

Thanks to the Dom-2 project, when most people hear the word “Rapunzel,” they imagine not the Brothers Grimm folk tale about a girl with long hair who was imprisoned in a tower and waited for a knight, but the reality show participant Olga Grigorievskaya (the girl’s real name), who was remembered TV viewers as a bright and emotional character.

Star of the show "Dom-2" Olga Rapunzel

The girl jokingly says that she is the brand of the television project, and this is true: even opponents of the show continue to follow Rapunzel’s biography. On her page in Instagram 372 thousand subscribers.

Childhood and youth

The future participant of the project was born on April 4, 1987 in the Primorsky Territory, in the city of Vladivostok. Olya grew up without a father, the future TV star was raised by her mother Tatyana Vladimirovna, who, according to rumors, worked as a salesman in a local grocery store.

Since childhood, the girl began to show her character: little Grigorievskaya loved to be in the spotlight, constantly participated in school competitions and won prizes. Olya often spent time in pioneer camps, where she sang songs, danced and showed her creative abilities.

But the girl also excelled in her studies, which allowed her to easily graduate from school and enter college at the Faculty of Economics.

Grigorievskaya quickly realized that she did not want to work as an economist-accountant, so Olga organized private lessons in English, which she knew almost perfectly: the girl graduated from specialized foreign courses.

"House 2"

The participant came to the reality show on the 4050th day of television construction, June 12, 2015. At the place of execution, Rapunzel (this nickname was given to the girl because of her long hair) immediately announced the purpose of her arrival - it was Oleg Volkov. The girl admitted that she was not very interested in “House-2”; before appearing on the perimeter, Olga watched the last few episodes, and Oleg became “love at first sight.” Grigorievskaya claimed that the sensible guy reminded her of her ex-boyfriend, so the girl was ready to fight to the end.

The tall brown-haired woman (Oli Rapunzel’s height is 174 cm) with blue eyes and a slender figure immediately captivated a significant proportion of the men in the project. But behind the girl’s pretty appearance lay an obstinate and confident character, so not every guy could cope with the beauty.

Olya’s relationship with Oleg did not work out - the girl herself arranged the first date, which ended unsuccessfully. But because of the mistake, Grigorievskaya did not intend to leave the television project. So, soon the scandalous participant Ilya Yabbarov became the girl’s new lover.

After a short conversation, the young people declared themselves a couple, but soon separated due to constant quarrels and insults. But the self-confident beauty hoped to find a man with whom she would build a real family.

The girl was in the Seychelles, where one of the most prominent participants in the reality show was seeking her attention. But the sultry princess did not pay attention to Kolya, and Nikolai Baranovsky became the third guy on Olya’s project. The couple did not last long, because the diligent Dolzhansky finally achieved the girl’s attention, but their relationship was fictitious. The spontaneous man arranged a “surprise” wedding for the girl, to which Rapunzel reacted with tears and hysterics.

On the television project “Dom-2” the girl still managed to find love. The chosen one was Dmitry Dmitrienko, who stated that the main thing is not Olya’s past, but their joint present.

Olga Rapunzel and Dmitry Dmitrienko

Everything is going great for the young people; Rapunzel posts happy photos of the lovers on Instagram. Although Dmitry’s mother is unhappy with her son’s decision.

In life, Olya is a very cheerful and perky person: the girl admits that she likes to be capricious and also loves to sleep.


Although Rapunzel was awarded the “Burd of the Year” award (based on the results of audience voting), the participant in the television project did not even think of losing heart. At the ceremony for awarding the “burdock”, Olya stated that she was not worthy of this title.

In the fall of 2016, he posted a photo of a shaven-headed Rapunzel with the question, is this true? Disputes erupted on the Internet, but the fact that Olya was shaved was never confirmed.

A considerable scandal was caused by facts from Olya’s past: the participants of the show saw video materials where the girl appeared naked for an erotic video chat even before the project. YouTube users also immediately became aware of this, because the hosting was full of scandalous videos. Rapunzel did not deny and talked about this part-time job, which lasted for nine whole years. The show participant earned $200 an hour and allowed herself to buy a Jeep Grand Cherokee, and the girl also helped her parents financially.

Despite the attacks from the participants, Rapunzel remained confident, declaring that her past cannot be attributed to prostitution.

At the moment, Olga is 30 years old, and she continues to lead an active life as a participant in the reality show “Dom-2”. But the girl has plans to move up to a higher rank - Rapunzel intends to become the host of a television project. As Grigorievskaya admits, this is her dream. Therefore, Olya is ready not only to put forward her candidacy, but also to work hard to get a vacant position.

In the summer of 2017, Olya will have a long-awaited event - a wedding with Dmitry. The ceremony is only in plans for now; lovers are preparing for the celebration and planning expenses. According to rumors, the wedding will take place in the project's clearing.

In March 2017, Dima gave Olya a “disabled car”, saying that “we are happy with what we are rich”, but Rapunzel, of course, did not like such a gift.

June 17, 2017. The wedding ceremony of the newlyweds took place in the Gagarinsky registry office in Moscow. After the painting, the newlyweds had a festive party in one of the capital's restaurants, where they invited family and friends.