By the end of the year, another director of the department of the Ministry of Education and Science will leave the building on Tverskaya. Olga Vasilyeva - about personnel policy and principles of forming Zolotarev’s team Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Photo from the WorldSkills Russia press service

Changes are coming to the system of secondary vocational education. To the questions of the NG columnist Natalia SAVITSKAYA related to the upcoming transformations, answers the director of the department of state policy in the field of training of workers and additional professional education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Natalia ZOLOTAREVA.

Natalya Mikhailovna, for many years the ministry has been rehabilitating the system of secondary vocational education. Today they are trying to save vocational education with the help of the international competition of highly skilled workers - WorldSkills. Two years ago, Russia joined this movement. What does this give?

– WorldSkills is a powerful international movement, a modern tool for the development of blue-collar professions and career guidance, which is now used in 80 countries around the world. The central event is the international championship of professional skills. It takes place every two years, and national teams publicly prove their professional skills and compete under absolutely equal conditions.

In form, this is a demonstration exam, where you can immediately see who works how, what equipment they have, what speed, what kind of work organization. The results of the championship allow us to compare how prepared students from different countries of the world are. In 2013, our national team took 41st place (out of 50) in the overall standings, and in 2015 it already moved to 14th place and won six medals for excellence.

Another important point is personnel training. Participating as experts, our teachers and industrial training masters become carriers of the latest technologies and modern requirements for skill in a specific profession. And returning to their region, they become sources of this knowledge.

Is this also tied to a certain type of equipment imported from abroad?

– A competent specialist can flexibly adapt to any equipment. For example, at the HiTech championship that just took place in Yekaterinburg (it is held for young workers of high-tech enterprises), a competitor from Taiwan worked for the first time on a machine with a Siemens panel and nevertheless completed his work at the highest level. Our competitors still have a strong connection to specific equipment. But this is a question for methodologists - how to teach so that there is flexibility in adapting to different types of equipment, because it is constantly being improved.

Is Russia really far behind in professional training for blue-collar jobs?

– Our national team has already performed well this year. But when holding competitions in the regions this year, an electronic judging system was introduced. This made it possible to collect a unified database of competition results comparable to the international level. And, unfortunately, in a number of professions the lag remains. And for some, the gap is striking. And here a vicious circle closes: if a young person is taught according to old methods, he leaves the walls of the school and becomes unclaimed. These guys, of course, will not be left without work, but their training affects the quality of our lives, our safety and the quality of technological processes. And the competition sets a unified framework of requirements for a welder, tiler, bricklayer, electrician, bartender, hairdresser, etc.

Do these endless lists of in-demand professions come from there too?

– The Ministry of Labor has compiled a list of the 50 most in-demand and promising professions that require secondary vocational education. And now the vocational training system is faced with the task of bringing training in these professions to the international level. By the way, many of the professions that are presented in this list are also represented in the WorldSkills competition. The Ministry of Education is now organizing the development of new educational standards for these professions, and also plans, starting next year, to create six interregional competence centers, which will become the basis for testing the most modern educational technologies in these professions and then large-scale replication of the received practices and teaching materials in colleges of other regions . Also, areas for training the national team for the next championships will be created in these centers. And one of the important landmarks for our team is the 2019 International Championship of Professional Excellence, which will be held in Kazan.

Which countries are leaders in training qualified workers?

– According to the results of the international championship, which was held in Brazil this year, today the Asian countries are leading in the team competition: Korea, China, Japan. We have already begun to study their training experience, and also agreed on cooperation in the exchange of experts in specific professions, internships, etc.

How will the local personnel training system change?

– If we talk about the changes that are associated with training in the most popular professions and specialties of vocational education, then we see that in each region leading colleges should be identified, which will be tasked with bringing training to the level of international requirements. Accordingly, this also involves strengthening the qualifications of managers and teachers and modernizing equipment.

So college consolidation is on the horizon?

– Optimization processes are already underway. Regional networks of colleges are built in accordance with the structure of the regional economy. And, as practice shows, small colleges are not practical. The average occupancy of these establishments is gradually increasing to 500–1000 people. This allows the organization to be more sustainable in providing educational services. In addition, practice, including international practice, shows that attracting representatives of enterprises to college is still very effective in improving the quality of training. And we already have many positive practices.

You count on your employers to help you. But is this possible on a large scale?

– Without the participation of enterprises, it is impossible to prepare personnel who could adapt as quickly as possible when going to work. The experience of successful regions shows that it is important to have a coordinator for this joint activity. These could be councils of regional industry clusters (for example, an agricultural cluster), which includes industry enterprises, colleges, and universities. And they agree together on how many specialists to train and how. Or the region’s chamber of commerce and industry can represent a unified position; for example, it can provide employers with information about which educational organization would be best for them to work with. It is important that employers are aware of this entry point and new opportunities for training specialists.

1 Zolotareva N.M., Director of the Department of State Policy in the field of training of workers and additional vocational training of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia Moscow region, Domodedovo September 15, 2015 ABOUT TASKS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SYSTEM OF SECONDARY VOCATIONAL EDUCATION FOR YEARS ALL-RUSSIAN MEETING ON THE MAIN DIRECTIONS OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE SYSTEM OF VOCATIONAL VOCATION IN EDUCATION BNOM YEAR

Educational organizations implementing vocational education programs Thousands. units 2 total student population 2.9% reduction in the network of organizations implementing secondary vocational education programs compared to 2014 2.8 million people 2015 Student population (including 0.5 million people in universities) Characteristics system of secondary vocational education (hereinafter referred to as SVE) In 40% of VET, 14.25 thousand people study. among the disabled and persons with disabilities, an increase in the number of students in this category compared to the previous academic year 6% 6% Million. rubles Consolidated budget of the secondary vocational education system Average salary of teachers and industrial training masters Thousand. rubles

3 Admission by source of funding Admission by level of education of school graduates Admission by source of budget funding 78 constituent entities of the Russian Federation increased the volume of CCP in 2015 7 constituent entities of the Russian Federation decreased the volume of CCP in 2015 CCP 2015 according to SVE programs CCP 2014 by vocational education programs % vocational education: characteristics of the 2015 admissions campaign Thousands. people 729.3 thousand people forecast admission in 2015

S/n Name of the subject of the Russian Federation S/n Name of the subject of the Russian Federation 1Amur Region 14 Republic of Dagestan 2Astrakhan Region 15 Republic of Ingushetia 3Belgorod Region 16 Republic of Crimea 4Bryansk Region 17 Republic of Mordovia 5Voronezh Region 18 Republic of North Ossetia-Alania 6 Moscow 19 Republic of Tatarstan 7Kemerovo region 20 Republic of Tyva 8Krasnoyarsk region 21 Saratov region 9Nizhny Novgorod region 22 Sverdlovsk region 10Novosibirsk region 23 Stavropol region 11Omsk region 24 Udmurt Republic 12Primorsky region 25 Chelyabinsk region 13Republic of Buryatia 26 Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug 4 SPO: monitoring the results of the admissions campaign 2015 as of 01 September 2015, 59 constituent entities of the Russian Federation provided information The situation with monitoring the results of admission in 2015 in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, of which 10 constituent entities of the Russian Federation provided incorrect information List of constituent entities of the Russian Federation that did not provide information on monitoring the results of admission

5 Trends in the formation of the volume and structure of the CCP for vocational training programs in educational institutions of higher education 2016 2017 2018 DIRECTIONS FOR OPTIMIZATION OF CCP Maintaining the same volume of CCP in specialties: - included in the State Plan for training personnel for the defense industry; - defined by the Development Strategy of the Information Technology Industry Preservation of training: - only in extremely necessary specialties, justified by the needs of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, including for knowledge-intensive and high-tech industries - in narrow-profile unique specialties (for example, UGS Fine and Applied Arts) Thousand. places Prospects for the formation of a PCC

2.1% 15.3%19.5%36.0% 15.5% 11.6% Share of students from the total number of students in the VET system 586 VET 1037 VET659 VET 173 VET 690 VET 75 VET Smolensk region VET: network optimization VET 1321 thousand people. – the contingent of students brought to full-time education in 3.3 thousand VET, of which: 63.1% of students in 938 VET, with a contingent of more than 500 people; 36.9% of students in 3025 VET with a contingent of less than 500 people. The given contingent is 410 people. (2015) 1000 people. (optimal indicator) Average number of VET students in the Russian Federation

Ministry of Finance of Russia Executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation Ministry of Economic Development of Russia Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation 7 Main directions for improving the system of secondary vocational education STRATEGY FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE SYSTEM OF TRAINING WORKFORCE AND FORMATION OF APPLIED QUALIFICATIONS IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION FOR THE PERIOD UNTIL 2020 (approved by the Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia , minutes of July 18, 2013 PC-5 in n) STRATEGY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SYSTEM OF WORKFORCE TRAINING AND FORMATION OF APPLIED QUALIFICATIONS IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION FOR THE PERIOD UNTIL 2020 (approved by the Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, protocol dated July 18, 2013 PC-5 in n) COMPLEX OF MEASURES, DIRECTED TO IMPROVEMENT SYSTEM OF SECONDARY VOCATIONAL EDUCATION, FOR YEARS (approved by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 3, 2015 349-r) A SET OF MEASURES AIMED AT IMPROVING THE SYSTEM OF SECONDARY VOCATIONAL EDUCATION, FOR YEARS (approved by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation oh Federation dated March 3, 2015 349- p) I. Ensuring that graduates’ qualifications meet the requirements of the modern economy II. Consolidation of resources of business, state and education in the development of the system of secondary vocational education III. Monitoring the quality of personnel training

The share of VETs that provide training in the most in-demand and promising professions and specialties of secondary vocational education. The share of constituent entities of the Russian Federation whose teams participate in national championships of professional excellence, including the WSR national championship. The number of managers and teaching staff of VETs who have completed additional professional education in issues of personnel training in the most in-demand and promising professions and specialties of vocational education. The share of VET students studying in the most in-demand and promising professions and specialties of vocational education, participating in the regional championships of professional skills WSR, regional stages of the All-Russian Olympiads of professional skills, industry championships. The share of graduates of VET who completed their studies. in the most popular and promising professions and specialties of vocational education, which have received a certificate in independent centers for the assessment and certification of qualifications or received a “medal of professionalism” in accordance with WorldSkills standards 2015. Target indicators and indicators of the implementation of the Set of measures aimed at improving the vocational education system, on gg. No data 50% 70% 90% 50% 10% 40% 0% No data

9 List of promising professions and specialties requiring vocational training, in demand in the labor market, highlighting the 50 most in demand (Ministry of Labor of Russia, October 2015) 2015 1 Competencies of WorldSkills Russia Promising professions of vocational training (ASI, Skolkovo, experts) Proposals of constituent entities of the Russian Federation taking into account the directions of modernization and technological development (Rep. of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 5, 2014, 755-r) Proposals of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and employers’ associations List of professions for which an experiment on dual training is being conducted (ASI, Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) List of the 50 most in demand and promising professions and specialties SVE 2 Ministry of Labor of Russia Ministry of Education and Science of Russia 3 Subjects of the Russian Federation academic year, at least 20% of professional educational organizations must provide training in these professions and specialties Publication of a normative act defining the list of professions and specialties from the TOP-50 list for which training will be carried out in the regional system of secondary vocational education in 2016. Formation of a list of the 50 most in demand and promising professions and specialties of secondary vocational education

Monitoring the economics of education: the view of employers The importance of work on the vocational guidance of youth Over the past 5 years, the number of companies hiring graduates has decreased. In 2014, 25% of companies hired graduates of secondary vocational education. Reduced competence of teaching staff, their lack of knowledge of modern production/technologies Lack of basic practical skills among students graduates of secondary vocational education, the level of professional knowledge is assessed at 3.7 points, interest in learning new things - at 4 points 2% participated in supervisory boards, collegial bodies of VET 3% participated in the financing of VET infrastructure 4% taught in VET Mainly took part in organizing practical training and at job fairs In 2014, 36% of enterprises collaborated with VET 36% - implementation of practical training for students 32% - training of employees at the International Center for Education and Training 10% - participation in the organization of "applied bachelor's degree" 13% - organization of teacher internships The most interesting areas of cooperation for enterprises Conditions for further development: business receives tax breaks and other government support!

44 out of 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation participate in the movement 2015 WS COMPETITION 2019 KAZAN World Championship 2019 in Russia Development of the WorldSkills movement in the Russian Federation 6 medals “For the highest skill” Participation of the Russian national team: 32 competitors and 39 experts from 16 constituent entities of the Russian Federation 30 competencies out of 50; 14th place among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are associated members of the WorldSkills Russia Union

Bricklayers Carpenters Auto mechanics Electricians Welders Tractor drivers Plasterers Educators Hairdressers Pastry chefs GAPS Logic for assessing learning outcomes: Availability or quality? Professional and socio-psychological adaptation Upon completion of studies or during studies? Need for resources: MTB, ICT, personnel Plan or be content with what is available? SOLUTIONS Implementation of QMS approaches - quality of process - quality of result - verification Use of new approaches to the formation and assessment of learning outcomes It is important not just to master, but WHAT, HOW and HOW MUCH Specification of requirements: - by skill level - by level of MTB equipment - by level training of teaching staff RESULTS of 10 VET, correlated with WSR and PS Algorithm for the development of educational programs of secondary vocational education in the context of WSR and PS regulations Transition tables for qualification levels ETKS - PS - WSR Complex of UM materials: ~ 120 sample programs UD and PM ~ 100 UM manuals and MR for the implementation of LR/PR, organization of student SR, etc. > 50 demonstration presentations of lecture courses Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region Professional educational organizations of the Moscow Region, Sverdlovsk Region Development of regional vocational education systems and basic vocational education institutions Improvement of the system of training highly qualified workers taking into account international standards Development of vocational education programs for selected professions WSR training requirements content of the EP search and selection of ways to master it formation of learning outcomes Project goals expected results method of their formation and development content of the EP Accessibility – POEP REGISTER Objectivity – evaluation materials Business orientation – participation of employers , PS Professional mobility - accounting for WSI/WSR Project of the State Institute of Federal Informatics on the development of exemplary educational programs of secondary vocational education Project participants 50 demonstration presentations of lecture courses Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region Professional educational organizations of the Moscow Region, Sverdlovsk Region Development of regional vocational education systems and basic vocational education institutions Improving the system of training highly qualified workers taking into account international standards Development of vocational education programs for selected professions WSR training requirements contents of EP search and selection of ways to master it; formation of learning outcomes; Project goals; expected results; method of their formation and development; content of EP; Accessibility – REGISTER OF POEP; Objectivity – assessment materials; Business orientation – participation of employers, PS; Professional mobility – accounting of WSI/WSR; GINFO project; development of exemplary educational programs for secondary vocational education Project participants">

13 Concept of staffing the secondary vocational education system for the period until 2020 CONCEPT GOAL: providing the secondary vocational education system with qualified teaching staff! The main directions of modernization of the personnel supply system ATTRACTION (employees of the real sector of the economy, graduates of educational organizations of HE, VET, university employees) RETENTION OF PERSONNEL (social benefits, “effective contract”, formation of an expert community) TRAINING (development, testing and implementation: Federal State Educational Standards and OPOP higher education (“applied” bachelor’s degree (by industry), master’s degree (vocational pedagogical, methodology and management)) ADVANCED QUALIFICATIONS ASSESSMENT AND RECOGNITION OF QUALIFICATIONS Characteristics of teaching staff 158 thousand teachers and industrial training masters in professional educational organizations Availability of pedagogical education Medium age of teaching staff 45 years

August SeptemberOctober November Stages of implementation of the Concept of staffing of the secondary vocational education system for the period until 2020. Implementation of pilot projects in 3-5 constituent entities of the Russian Federation: development of new models and programs, training of carriers of new ideology and technology Development of proposals for scaling the results achieved during the implementation of pilot projects to other constituent entities of the Russian Federation Creation of infrastructure for training and retraining in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation teaching staff of secondary vocational education Training and retraining of employees of basic organizations in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, providing training, advanced training and retraining of teaching staff for regional vocational education systems Introduction of new models of training and professional retraining of teaching staff of secondary vocational education in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation Action plan for 2015 Development of the Concept staffing of the open source software system Development of a "Road Map" Development of an Action Plan of the Concept Discussion and finalization of the action plan of the Concept Approval of the Action Plan of the Concept

Regional programs for the development of education 45 Sub-event of the Federal Center for Education and Training 3.2. “Improving comprehensive regional programs for the development of vocational education, taking into account the experience of their implementation” years Distribution of constituent entities of the Russian Federation implementing programs Distribution of programs by priority sectors of the economy Regional budget funds Federal budget funds million rubles million rubles Project financing in 2015 Regional programs for the development of vocational education 15

16 Russian Federation 332 MTsPK created as of July 1, 2015 12 p/p Types of programs Number of trained academic year (actual) academic year (plan) 1 Additional professional education programs Retraining programs for workers and employees Advanced training programs for workers and employees Professional training programs by professions of workers and positions of employees Programs of professional and other practice-oriented modules as part of the main programs of secondary vocational education TOTAL Share of students in the MCPC (UCPC) at the request of employers in the total number of students in programs implemented by the MCPC (UCPC) Share of students in the MCPC ( UCPC) at the request of employment centers in the total number of students MCPC (UCPC) Multifunctional centers of applied qualifications 1

Instruction of the President of the Russian Federation from a set of measures aimed at improving the secondary vocational education system for the years 17 QUALITY OF MASTERING EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS Results of participation in professional skills championships, the WSR national championship Results of the state final certification based on WSI standards (demonstration exam) Results of participation in the procedure for independent assessment of qualifications DEMAND FOR GRADUATES OF EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS Employment of graduates of vocational education programs INDICATORS Monitoring the quality of personnel training INFORMATION BASE Data Competition Information system Register of NOCs

Monitoring the employment of graduates in secondary vocational education programs: PILOT PROJECT Pilot project All-Russian project Employment monitoring procedure* Scope Goals of the pilot project Planned results *In accordance with the successful experience of the project for assessing the employment of graduates of educational institutions of higher education (2015) – Formation of a list of in-demand professions, standards of professional training and qualifications Monitoring regional programs for the development of vocational education Forecasting in-demand professions Formation and coordination of the volume and profile of admission Distribution of educational centers taking into account the employment of graduates and the effectiveness of educational institutions Optimization of the educational network, territorial planning Organizations of secondary vocational education Filling out the template with information about graduates (full name, date of birth and etc.) Subject of the Russian Federation Collecting completed templates from public education organizations and uploading them to the Federal Educational Inspectorate Rosobrnadzor Forming and sending a request to the Pension Fund of Russia Pension Fund of Russia Determining the availability of SNILS and generating statistics Republic of Bashkortostan Tambov Region Tula State University - More than organizations training in vocational education programs ( including 400 universities) About graduates from secondary vocational education programs annually (2013 and 2014) Formation of a system for monitoring the employment of graduates Approbation of a model for monitoring the employment of graduates Determination of organizational and technological requirements for the implementation of an all-Russian project for monitoring the employment of graduates Development of a secondary vocational education system Monitoring the employment of graduates of secondary vocational education Created and tested organizational and technological capabilities for conducting annual employment monitoring Reliable information on the employment and wages of graduates of secondary vocational education organizations (in a generalized form) was obtained. Analytical processing of the results of graduate employment monitoring was carried out. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 3, 2015 349-r

​As you know, the media tend to focus exclusively on rating topics. For example, on the official Twitter of the Ministry of Education and Science it was said that Olga Vasilyeva’s interview with Nezavisimaya Gazeta will be devoted to key personnel decisions in the department.

However, the article in the newspaper came out with a headline mentioning the minister’s intention to return to the best traditions of the Soviet school. Need I say that almost all publications “based on” this interview begin with the fact that the Minister of Education is going to turn the general course towards the “scoop” that frightens many?

CERS experts, on the contrary, are more interested in the nature of the new minister’s management decisions, including the basic principles of personnel policy that Olga Vasilyeva adheres to.

The "correct" command

With the arrival of a new minister in the Ministry of Education and Science in August 2016, personnel reshuffle began. Almost immediately, Deputy Minister Alexander Klimov, who oversaw issues of higher education and training of workers, Deputy Minister Ekaterina Tolstikova, head of the information policy department Anna Usacheva, Alexander Stradze, who headed the department of state policy in the field of raising children and youth, Alexander Kharchenko, who headed the property department, left their chairs almost immediately. head of the administrative department Vladimir Golubovsky.

At the same time, to say that Olga Vasilyeva is methodically getting rid of the team of her predecessor Dmitry Livanov would, perhaps, be wrong. Judge for yourself: not so long ago ( we wrote about this – the press became aware of a letter from Deputy Minister Ekaterina Tolstikova to the then Minister Livanov, where eighteen pages told how for a year she could not force her subordinate Alexander Kharchenko to carry out her orders and even government decisions. Why does the new minister need such colleagues? Olga Vasilyeva fired both ( Of course, she had much more arguments than we did –

A little later, Deputy Minister Alexander Povalko and First Deputy Minister Natalya Tretyak, head of the Department of Strategy, Analysis and Forecast Grigory Andrushchak, Sergei Salikhov, who headed the Department of Science and Technology, as well as three of his deputies left the Ministry of Education and Science. On December 30, Natalya Zolotareva, who oversaw the training of workers and additional vocational training, resigned.

A little earlier, Alexey Lopatin, who was appointed to this position by Vasilyeva herself, had to leave the post of Deputy Minister. The fact is that in October 2016 he was elected academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the field of general biology. As you know, head of state Vladimir Putin does not approve of officials combining their main activities with serious scientific work.

In the program "Press Conference" (“Russia 1”, 06/10/2016) Olga Vasilyeva explained that she, like her predecessors, would like to gather around her people with whom she could work “correctly and interestingly.” This means that nothing extraordinary is happening. “In fact, there are two ways to form a team at a new place of work. You can come with your entire team or take a closer look at those who are there, and then, if necessary, start making replacements,” she said in an interview with Nezavisimaya Gazeta. As we can see, an attempt was made to take a closer look. Adults and professional people can easily understand in a few months whether they can work together or not. And if it is clear that they cannot, their continued presence on the same team will only harm their work.

“I would like to note that no one was fired by me in a “hard” way. People left their positions gradually, and these personnel changes did not interfere with the normal work of the ministry,” explained Olga Vasilyeva.

Let us add that we are not talking about a complete “cleansing of the ranks”. Thus, Veniamin Kaganov and Lyudmila Ogorodova retained their positions as deputy ministers. “I think it’s a great success to have such specialists,” says Olga Vasilyeva.

Focus on young people and “natural replacement”
“I always have high hopes for our youth. I treat mature professionals with reverence, but I definitely give young professionals a chance to try themselves,” Olga Vasilyeva told Nezavisimaya Gazeta. She explained that she came to the Ministry of Education and Science with “several young employees” whom she knew from her previous work. In addition, Vasilyeva appointed department employees familiar with the work “from the inside” to some positions.

So, the position of acting The director of the department of science and technology was taken over by Sergey Matveev - according to Vasilyeva, “one of the most talented working deputies.” The former deputy heads of departments who received promotions are now about 40 years old ( Director of the Finance Department Andrey Zarubin is 32 years old – Olga Vasilyeva believes that people with children of school or college age will be especially interested in the topics of development of schools and universities. The 36-year-old director of the Department of State Policy in the Sphere of Education of Children and Youth, Igor Mikheev, came to the Ministry of Education and Science from the presidential administration. But earlier, in 2012-2013, he worked in this department as deputy head of the department. Olga Vasilyeva believes that people who have gone from an ordinary employee to the head of a department are familiar with all the intricacies of the work and understand it well. Therefore, the minister calls such personnel changes a “natural replacement” and believes that they greatly strengthen the “middle management.”

Weighted decisions

Today, not all positions in the “managerial elite” of the Ministry of Education and Science are occupied. However, Vasilyeva is in no hurry to select candidates, apparently preferring the right choice to prompt “patching holes.”

After Lopatin left, the issue of a deputy minister who would oversee the development of science and technology took a very long time to be resolved. Olga Vasilyeva reported that a candidate has been identified, and this position will soon be filled by “a very respected person, scientist and researcher,” who will strengthen the team and help strengthen the department’s relationship with the RAS. By the way, we note that Olga Vasilyeva denied annoying rumors about the upcoming division of the Ministry of Education and Science into two departments: the Ministry of Science and the Ministry of Education.

The positions of Secretary of State and Deputy Minister, who would deal with secondary education, still remain unoccupied. Vasilyeva said that it is quite difficult to decide on a candidate for this post: you need experience in school, and in government, and just life experience. Today there are three candidates, and the final choice has not yet been made.

Apparently, you shouldn’t expect any spontaneous, emotional, ill-considered decisions from Olga Vasilyeva. “Nothing happens by chance in leadership,” says the minister.

Systems approach

“There should never be chaos in anything, you know? – Olga Vasilyeva explained her position in an interview with REN TV. – There must be a clear ordering of everything. Everything and in everything."

Olga Vasilyeva adheres to this principle in both personnel and organizational policies. For example, she reassigned departments whose work is related to control and audit activities, personnel, business management, information policy, and so on. Before the reorganization, these functions, according to Vasilyeva, were “scattered across several departments,” which were also separated even geographically - located in different buildings.

According to Vasilyeva, before moving on to tactical steps, it is necessary to decide on goals. “Without goal setting and the meaning of what you are doing, you can’t do anything at all,” the minister is sure. It seems that these were precisely the considerations behind the appointment of Sergei Bogdanov to the position of acting. Rector of the St. Petersburg Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen. “He has a clear and, no less important, working concept for the development of the university. I hope he will be able to accomplish a lot,” comments Olga Vasilyeva.


Answering a question about personnel decisions, Olga Vasilyeva quotes Griboyedov: “Ah! Evil tongues are worse than a gun." Even with those with whom working together, as it turned out, is impossible, Vasilyeva strives to part ways on good terms.

It is unlikely that any of the officials could be happy about their own dismissal, and probably what was happening was discussed in every possible way on the sidelines. But we must pay tribute to Olga Vasilyeva: no public scandals followed the series of resignations. “My work as First Deputy Minister of Education was an extremely important and interesting challenge, I hope I was able to be useful in this responsible position. Now is the time to apply our strength, experience and knowledge in a new field,” wrote Natalya Tretyak on Facebook. “I wish great success in their work to Olga Yuryevna Vasilyeva and her colleagues who continue to work for the benefit of the idea of ​​enlightenment, education and education and devote their activities to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.”

There were no comments about the resignations from Olga Vasilyeva herself. There are no assessments of the professional and human qualities of the dismissed officials, only assurances that the work of the ministry continues as usual.

Olga Vasilyeva very carefully assesses the activities of the scandalous Dissernet. More precisely, she does not give an assessment at all: she says that she is not very familiar with the activities of this organization, and notes that scientific examination should be completely devoid of political and economic interests and carried out in the legal field.

For several months now, every Saturday at the Grifel bookstore we have been creating magic called “Read Me a Story.” The “fairy godmother” of the project was Natalia Zolotareva, vice-rector for additional education. How the idea was born, how Thumbelina differs from Cinderella, and what children draw after reading - about this and much more in our interview.

Natalia Mikhailovna, please tell us how you came up with such an interesting idea - reading good books to children?

How did this idea come to me? I was inspired by the unusual bookstore Grifel. It brings together books and education. And everything is focused on development and self-development. First, Grifel appeared in Yaroslavl, and now it has come to Moscow, to the Central Children's Store. And when I saw its educational space, so bright, sunny and cozy, and children’s music was playing around, a train was driving, children were playing... and I really wanted magic... I remembered my childhood. I loved listening to my dad read fairy tales to me. I sat down next to him and said: “Read me a story.” “Come on, daughter, what are we reading today?” - he answered... Dad loved to read to me. He, like a true teacher, read in a special way, so that the images came to life, and then he always discussed what he read with me. Now, having already raised my daughter, I know that it is reading fairy tales to children that triggers their process of thinking in images, develops their imagination... That’s how this project “Read Me a Fairy Tale” was born.

You just read fairy tales, right?

Ooh, we have a whole fabulous space for children from 5 to 8 years old. Every Saturday we read, discuss and draw fairy tales in the amazing book "Slate".

-How is reading fairy tales going?

The fairy hour includes several stages. We start at 13:00. For the first fifteen minutes we get together, get to know each other, and play quiet games. Then we read a fairy tale. First one storyteller begins, then the second continues. They read with expression, voice or facial expressions, drawing the children’s attention to special moments, sometimes stopping and asking questions, showing examples (for example, what size was Thumbelina and how much is half a grain). At the end of the fairy tale, we all discuss it together, draw the characters we like, and play various quiet games. Children especially like to draw fairy-tale characters. They usually don’t want to leave. So we have never finished before half past three.

Are the children in the audience with their parents or should they immerse themselves in this process on their own?

Parents can stay and listen to the story too. If desired, adults can leave for an hour and a half and then return. The children are under supervision and everyone gets enough attention.

Do you read by yourself?

I wanted this project to be sustainable. Therefore, I invited students from our university to participate in it. The main backbone of my project team is RSSU students. Students of the Schnittke Higher School of Music, future leaders of creative groups, read fairy tales. The girls sing beautifully and play musical instruments, so sometimes our fairy tales are filled with music. College students - future teachers - organize an immersion in a fairy-tale atmosphere, play, draw and discuss fairy tales with the children.

So it turns out that this is also practice for our university students?

Yes, it turns out that way. By the way, in addition, students of the Faculty of Communication Management, members of the youth editorial board, shoot photo and video reports about the project and the interesting people who come to us. So this project allowed us to reveal another facet of the creative potential of our university. By the way, as soon as the project started, I began to regularly receive requests on Facebook that they also wanted to read fairy tales to children. And now every fairy tale is read by an adult and a student. So, we have already had the talented actress Alla Kozlova, the general director of Kemppi Russia Evgenia Dmitrieva as guests, and in April theater and film actor Anton Mikhailenko, journalist and mother of two children Evgenia Kor, as well as stylist Olga Efanova are planning to come to visit. And such wishes come and come. I myself read the very first fairy tale to feel what it was like. I think we, as adults, have a need to share kindness with others. And this project helps with this, giving in return a state of joy and happiness.

So your project is growing?

Yes, both substantively and territorially. So this month, in addition to reading fairy tales, we will have small lectures for adults: on family style, on the development of emotional intelligence in children. It’s nice that our “undertaking” already has followers. The “Read me fairy tales” project has already started in Ulyanovsk, we are preparing to launch it in Ivanovo, and colleagues from the Moscow region and Astana have also already expressed their desire. Each city, of course, has its own characteristics, but we are trying to build a unified framework for the project.

Natalia Zolotareva graduated with honors from the Voronezh Polytechnic Institute with a degree in automation and control in technical systems and from 1993 to 1999 was a teacher at the Voronezh Assembly College.

In 1999 - 2004, Natalia Mikhailovna held the positions of teacher, senior lecturer at Voronezh State University, and also part-time teacher at the Voronezh Energy College. In 2000, she defended her PhD thesis on the topic “Information training of a specialist based on modeling situations of professional activity (using the example of secondary vocational education).”

From 2005 to 2009, Natalia Zolotareva was an associate professor at the Research Center for Problems of the Quality of Training of Specialists at the Moscow State Institute of Steel and Alloys (Technological University), and then, until 2012, she headed the department and management of NUST MISIS.

In July 2012, with the arrival of Dmitry Livanov at the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Natalia Zolotareva was appointed to the position of director of the department of state policy in the field of training workers and additional professional education of the ministry. She is a candidate of pedagogical sciences, an associate professor, and on January 27, 2014, by presidential decree, she was awarded the class rank of active state adviser of the Russian Federation, 3rd class.

Natalia Zolotareva is the official delegate from the Russian Federation to WorldSkills International. It should be noted that during her leadership of the department, Russia became an active participant in this international non-profit association, the purpose of which is to increase the status and standards of professional training and qualifications around the world. In particular, in 2012, the Russian Federation became a member of WorldSkills International, and the first All-Russian competition of blue-collar professions, WorldSkills Russia, took place in the spring of 2013 in Tolyatti. In 2014, the union “Agency for the Development of Professional Communities and Workforce “WorldSkills Russia” was created, designed to create a vocational education system in accordance with WSI standards to provide the economy with highly qualified workers. Last August, Russia won the right to host the WorldSkills 2019 World Championship in Kazan, beating such competitors as Belgium and France. At the same time, the Russian team also shows success at the international WorldSkills champions. In particular, following the results of the World Championships in Brazil, members of our national team became owners of six prestigious medals “For the highest skill” Medallion of Excellence, having won 14th place in the overall standings for Russia, beating the USA, Canada, Sweden, Italy, Belgium, Denmark and many other countries.This year, the Russian team took first place in the overall standings at the EuroSkills 2016 championship in Gothenburg, Sweden.

According to unconfirmed reports, after leaving the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, Natalia Zolotareva will head one of the federal agencies.