Kovalkov's diet: from excess weight - with a brisk step! Proper weight loss on the Kovalkov diet.

The author of the weight loss method, Alexey Kovalkov, knows from himself what excess weight means and how an obese person feels. Alexey has a medical education, but his own health problems pushed him to become a nutritionist. According to the doctor, he gained extra pounds while studying at medical school and weighed more than 150 kilograms. At some point, Alexey realized that further weight gain was a path to the cemetery, and it was time to start working on himself.

One day Kovalkov was invited to the USA, where, unlike Russia, scientific dietetics was developed. In America, Alexey learned a lot of new things for himself, having gained access to relevant literature, experiences and developments of Western specialists. The nutritionist was able to lose weight himself - he lost 52 kg. Dr. Kovalkov opened a weight correction clinic in Moscow, writes a blog, and also attends television shows on nutrition as an expert.

Rules and principles of losing weight

By following the Kovalkov diet, almost everyone can lose weight. The author of the methodology formulated several main theses that formed its basis:

  • Before you go on the Kovalkov diet, you need to psychologically tune in to a positive mood. It is worth remembering that you can lose weight without torturing your body.
  • Following a well-planned diet every day.
  • Eat small meals at least 5 times a day. During short periods of time between meals, the body does not have time to get very hungry and will not accumulate excess weight.
  • Take vitamins and drink water between meals.
  • Reduce consumption of animal fats (butter, lard, fatty meat) and animal protein.
  • Long walks – from 15 minutes to an hour, depending on the pace. Light physical activity helps saturate the body with oxygen and normalize metabolism.
  • Limit salt intake - sodium chloride causes thirst, contributing to swelling.

Features of the drinking regime

According to Kovalkov’s observations, it is necessary to drink, but you cannot do it through force. Some people need to drink 2.5 liters of liquid per day, while for others 1.5 is enough. The main thing is not to forget to drink between meals (half an hour before meals). It can be tea, coffee, compote, juice, plain water. An indispensable condition is not to wash down food with water, otherwise the digestion process is disrupted, which can lead to excess fat settling on the hips and waist.

Nutrition according to Kovalkov

  • find out the reason for excess weight - it can be different for everyone;
  • begin to control your diet, striving for a healthier diet;
  • set a goal and move towards it slowly but surely.

It is not difficult to build your diet according to the rules of the Kovalkov diet - you are allowed to consume many types of foods. It is important to pay attention to the cooking method - exclude fried foods, replacing them with steamed, boiled or baked ones. The second condition is split meals in small portions so as not to overeat. Guided by these principles, you can build a menu for the day, for the week and for the month.

List of permitted products

Kovalkov’s diet is planned on the basis of products approved for consumption. Among them are the following:

  • cereals, except semolina, rice;
  • vegetables;
  • legumes: peas, beans, chickpeas, lentils;
  • fruits other than bananas;
  • greenery;
  • low-fat fermented milk products, milk;
  • eggs;
  • from the second stage - lean meat, fish, any seafood;
  • nuts;
  • mushrooms.

Prohibited Products

It is important to ensure that your diet does not include foods with a high glycemic index, fatty meats, and starchy vegetables. Kovalkov’s diet implies strict restrictions in the preparatory and first stages, after which some dishes are allowed to be eaten. The ban applies to the following products:

  • flour and confectionery products, desserts;
  • potatoes, beets, carrots;
  • fast food: hot dogs, hamburgers, snacks;
  • fatty meat, lard, butter;
  • sweet carbonated water;
  • sauces: mayonnaise, ketchup;
  • white rice, potatoes, pasta;
  • dried fruits, bananas, pears, grapes;
  • alcohol.

Diet stages

The author of the method suggests dividing the nutrition system into three stages - preparatory, main and to consolidate the result. Dr. Kovalkov’s diet involves strict adherence to the rules of diet and feasible physical activity, which increases as kilograms are lost. It is important to adapt in time, change your diet, not forgetting to control your weight.

Stage I – preparatory

Changing your diet and lifestyle in general should be gradual so that the body does not experience stress. The first stage of the diet lasts 2-3 weeks and during this period it is necessary to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of toxins, normalize the intestinal microflora, this will lead to the restoration of metabolism. To lose 5-6 kg, you should follow the rules:

  • eat 5 times a day;
  • give up “fast” carbohydrates: flour dishes, desserts, sweet soda, fast food;
  • consume fermented milk products, fresh vegetables, fruits, egg whites (2 pieces per day);
  • add fiber to the diet (100 g of bran per day);
  • drink clean water if desired;
  • organize walking walks every day - 15 minutes at a fast pace or 1 hour at a slow pace.

Stage II - main

After the first phase, it is worth consolidating the result obtained; for this there is a second stage of the Kovalkov diet. The main period lasts as long as it takes to lose weight. The diet remains the same - 5 meals a day, the last meal before 18:00. The diet, in addition to the already familiar foods, includes lean meat (veal, chicken, turkey), fish, eggs. The amount of protein per day is 100 g, bran – 100 g.

Physical activity becomes different - the main importance is given to strength training. In the main phase of the diet, fat deposits are burned, but it is necessary to build up the muscle mass lost in the first stage. Aerobic exercise (walking or running) should be supplemented with squats, exercises with dumbbells, swimming, and jumping rope. The weight will come off more slowly - 200 g per day.

Stage III – consolidating

You should move on to this phase after reaching your optimal weight. The Kovalkov diet at the final stage can last from a year, but it is not difficult to adhere to the nutritional rules for a long time, because the diet becomes richer. It is allowed to add bran bread, potatoes (baked or boiled) and red wine to the menu. In the first half of the day you can consume butter.

Diet of Alexey Kovalkov - menu

In order to create a diet according to the rules of the diet, you should use the permitted products listed above, or you can use a ready-made nutrition plan. Every day there should be at least 5 meals, the last of which no later than 18:00. It is worth remembering that the difference in the menu between the stages is significant, because the Kovalkov system is strict in the first phase, but easier to tolerate in the second and third.

For the first week

The diet for the initial phase is relatively poor, but it can be varied. The first week is difficult, because it marks the transition from regular food to diet food:

Day of the week


Cottage cheese (50 g), grapefruit.

Fruit dessert: kiwi, pineapple, apple, grapefruit (200 grams).

Vegetable puree soup: broccoli, onion, asparagus, celery (150 grams).

Whites of 2 eggs.

Baked apples (2 pcs.).

Yogurt with bran (0.2 kg).

Cottage cheese (50 grams).

Baked leeks, cauliflower, zucchini with 2 egg whites, sour cream (150 grams).

Vegetable salad of cabbage and tomatoes with olive oil (150 grams).

Stewed zucchini, onion, tomato, chopped in a blender (150 grams).

Whites of 2 eggs.

Stew of zucchini, cabbage, tomatoes, onions, peppers (150 grams).

Salad of tomatoes, peppers, celery (200 grams).

Cottage cheese (50 g), grapefruit (1 pc.).

Milk oatmeal (150 g), bran (1 tbsp.).

Apricots (200 grams).

Salad: cabbage, bell peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, 2 egg whites (200 grams).

A handful of nuts, yogurt (150 grams).

Stew of broccoli, zucchini, leeks, tomato (150 grams).

Muesli with water (150 grams).

Two apples.

Thick vegetable soup: green beans, onions, zucchini, celery (200 grams).

Sweet peppers, onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, greens (200 grams).

Whites of 2 eggs.

Whites of 2 eggs.


Steamed asparagus, cauliflower, celery (200 grams).

A handful of nuts.

2 baked apples.


Cottage cheese with fruit (70 grams).

Plums (100 grams).

Cabbage with herbs and tomatoes with boiled protein (200 grams).

Squash caviar (150 grams).

Boiled protein, kefir (150 grams).

For a month

After the end of the first phase, which can last no more than three weeks, the diet changes slightly. According to the rules of the diet, you can add animal protein and yolks to the menu. Approximate diet for a month:

Day of the month


Walnuts (4 pcs.)

Apricots, berries (150 g).

Puree soup with chicken breast, onion, broccoli (200 g).

2 boiled eggs.

Boiled frozen vegetables (150 g).

Cottage cheese (70 g).

Salad with egg (150 g).

Steamed veal cutlets (150 g).

Vegetable casserole (150 g).

Kefir with bran (0.2 l).

Two boiled eggs.

Yogurt with bran (0.2 l).

Turkey meatballs (150 g).

Stewed mushrooms with broccoli (150 g).

Curd cabbage rolls (150 g).

Two apples.

A handful of nuts.

Soup with meatballs, celery (200 g).

Two boiled eggs.

Casserole with zucchini, tomatoes and garlic (150 g).

Cottage cheese casserole with apples (100 g).

Vegetable salad (150 g).

Baked fish with lemon (200 g).

Squash caviar (100 g).

Yogurt (0.2 l) with a handful of nuts.

Two boiled eggs.

Grapefruit (1 pc.).

Baked turkey fillet with spinach (200 g).

Tomatoes and cucumbers with herbs (150 g).

Curd cabbage rolls (150 g).

Kefir with bran (0.2 l).

Stewed mushrooms with herbs (150 g).

Steamed chicken fillet (100 g), vegetable salad (150 g).

Curd casserole with berries (100 g).

Fruits (150 g).

Two boiled eggs.

Stewed veal, zucchini, onion, celery, greens (200 g).

Cottage cheese and fruits (150 g).

Yogurt (200 ml).

Cottage cheese, bran (70 g).

Grapefruit (1 pc.).

Thick soup with chicken fillet, celery (200 ml).

Mushroom caviar (150 g).

Baked apples (2 pcs.).

Oatmeal with water (100 g), grapefruit.

Yogurt with bran (150 g).

Steamed veal cutlets (100 g), cabbage salad (150 g).

Steam omelet from 2 eggs.

Cottage cheese casserole with pineapple (100 g).

Curd casserole (100 g).

Apple (1 pc.)

Soup with meatballs, celery (0.2 l).

Fish meatballs with zucchini (150 g).

Baked vegetables (150 g).

Two boiled eggs.

Baked turkey fillet (150 g).

Frozen vegetable salad (150 g).

Curd cabbage rolls (100 g).

Cottage cheese with pieces of fruit (100 g).

Yogurt with a handful of nuts (150 ml).

Baked fish with lemon (150 g).

Mushrooms stewed with onions and sweet peppers (150 g).

Baked apples (2 pcs.).

Oatmeal with water, berries (200 g).

Cottage cheese (70 g).

Turkey meatballs, sweet pepper and tomato salad (150 g).

Squash caviar (150 g).

Two boiled eggs.

Cottage cheese casserole with fruit (100 g).


Thick soup with chicken fillet and celery.

Baked apples (2 pcs.).

Mushroom caviar (150 g).

Mushroom caviar (150 g).

Curd cabbage rolls (100 g).

Oatmeal with water (150 ml), grapefruit.

Cottage cheese (70 g).

Baked fish with lemon, cabbage and tomato salad (150 g).

Eggplant casserole with tomatoes (150 g).

A glass of kefir.

Cottage cheese with pineapple pieces (100 g).

Turkey meatballs (150 g), sweet peppers, tomatoes (100 g).

Stew of broccoli, celery, leek (150 g).

Frozen vegetable salad (150 g).

Yogurt and bran (200 ml).

Puree soup with chicken breast, onion, broccoli and celery (200 ml).

Mushrooms stewed with onions and cauliflower (150 g).

Squash caviar (150 g).


Cottage cheese with fruits and bran (70 g).

Baked apples (2 pcs.).

Yogurt with berries (200 ml).

Oatmeal with water (150 ml), apple.

Vegetable salad with grated cheese (200 g).

Thick soup with chicken fillet and mushrooms (200 ml).

Squash caviar (150 g).

Curd cabbage rolls (100 g).

Kefir (150 ml), a handful of nuts.

Curd casserole (100 g).

Mushroom soup (0.2 l).

Fish meatballs (150 g).

Squash caviar (150 g).

A glass of milk, an egg.


Chicken fillet baked with lemon (150 g).

Frozen vegetable salad (150 g).

A glass of kefir.

Fruit salad dressed with yoghurt (150 g).

Curd casserole (100 g).

Puree soup with chicken breast, onion, broccoli (200 g).

Squash caviar (150 g).

Boiled egg.

Oatmeal (150 ml), berries (50 g).

Boiled egg.

Fish baked with tomatoes (150 g).

Stew of leeks, broccoli, tomato, zucchini (150 g).

Yogurt with berries (200 ml).

Yogurt (150 ml), a handful of nuts.


Soup with meatballs, celery, cauliflower (0.2 l).

Salad of cabbage, sweet peppers and tomatoes (200 g).

Curd cabbage rolls (100 g).

Cottage cheese with fruit (100 g).

Yogurt with bran (150 ml).

Chicken fillet baked with mushrooms (150 g).

Squash caviar (150 g).

Frozen vegetable salad (150 g).

Fruit (70 g) with yoghurt (150 ml).

Baked apples (2 pcs.).

Thick soup with chicken fillet and vegetables (0.2 l).

Curd casserole (100 g).

Baked vegetables (150 g).

Oatmeal (150 g), kiwi (1 pc.).

Apple or grapefruit.

Fish baked with tomatoes and mushrooms (150 g).

Frozen vegetable salad (150 g).

Baked apples (2 pcs.).

Yogurt (150 ml), bran (1 tbsp.).

Berries and nuts (100 g).

Turkey meatballs, sweet pepper salad with tomato (150 g).

Baked pumpkin (100 g).

Curd cabbage rolls (100 g).

Recipes for weight loss

Guided by the principles of the Kovalkov diet, you can easily create a diet for weight loss. To make the menu varied, you can use ready-made recipes. Salt should be used in limited quantities, and vegetables and meat should be boiled or steamed. At the second stage of the diet, you can use a grill pan to obtain a brighter taste of dishes.

Frozen vegetable salad

A bright and healthy dish that will help replenish the lack of vitamins and microelements during the winter. You can buy frozen vegetables as an assortment, or separately, combining Brussels sprouts, green beans, peas, and celery. Depending on the stage of the diet, you can add sunflower oil, yogurt or low-fat sour cream to vegetables.


  • vegetable mixture – 0.5 kg;
  • apple – 1 pc.;
  • mustard – 1 tsp;
  • cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • spices - to taste.

Way preparations:

  1. Pour the vegetable mixture into salted boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, drain.
  2. Cut the cucumber, onion and peeled apple into cubes.
  3. Mix everything, season with mustard, unsweetened yogurt, add spices.

Vegetable salad with eggs

A simple salad becomes nutritious and acquires a more delicate taste by adding eggs to the ingredients. During the first phase of the diet, you can use whites, and in the second phase, a whole egg. It is advisable to prepare the dish immediately before serving so that the vegetables do not have time to release their juice. You can change the taste of the salad using dressing - use yogurt or vegetable oil.


  • sweet pepper – 2 pcs.;
  • tomato – 2 pcs.;
  • green onions - 4-5 sprouts;
  • cucumber – 2 pcs.;
  • boiled egg – 1 pc.;
  • greens (arugula, parsley, dill) - to taste;
  • spices, salt, balsamic vinegar - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the egg into cubes.
  2. Chop vegetables and herbs as desired.
  3. In a large bowl, combine ingredients with balsamic vinegar, mustard and salt.

Steamed poultry fillet

Chicken breasts often turn out dry and unappetizing. In this recipe, the poultry fillet comes out tender and juicy, while remaining dietary. To prepare it, you can use a double boiler, a multicooker (the “Steam” function), or use a wire rack that is installed in a pan. The taste of the finished dish will not change depending on the choice of device.


  • chicken breast – 2 pcs.;
  • soy sauce – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice – 20 ml;
  • pepper mixture;
  • salt - to taste;
  • greens - to taste;
  • garlic – 2 cloves.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the chicken fillet lengthwise into 2 parts.
  2. Place in a bowl, pour over soy sauce, lemon juice, and sprinkle with pepper.
  3. Chop the garlic and herbs, add to the fillet, stir. Leave to marinate for an hour.
  4. Place the fillets on the grill and steam for 40 minutes.

Curd cabbage rolls

This hearty dish, which contains a lot of protein, can be prepared at any stage of the diet - preparatory, main and final. The difference lies in the use of egg yolk, which does not need to be added to cabbage rolls if the weight loss process is at the first stage. In this case, only proteins are used. It is advisable to choose low-fat cottage cheese for cabbage rolls.


  • Chinese cabbage – 10 leaves;
  • cottage cheese – 0.5 kg;
  • chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • yogurt – 100 ml;
  • Salt, spices to taste.

Way preparations:

  1. Scald cabbage leaves with boiling water.
  2. In a cup, mix cottage cheese with eggs, salt, you can add nutmeg and black pepper.
  3. Roll 10 cabbage rolls and place in a baking dish.
  4. Pour over the sauce – mix yogurt with salt and pepper.
  5. Bake for 40 minutes at 180°C.

Baked vegetables

Baking is an effective way to preserve maximum nutrients in a dish and make it appetizing. Baked vegetables will help you survive a difficult period of restrictions and make your diet varied. The dish is served as a side dish for meat or fish, and can be eaten without companions. Seasonal vegetables will become more flavorful if you use aromatic herbs - thyme, basil.


  • sweet pepper – 2 pcs.;
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • leek – 100 g;
  • young zucchini – 1 piece;
  • salt - to taste;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • greens - to taste.

Way preparations:

  1. Prepare vegetables: remove seeds from peppers, remove skins from tomatoes.
  2. Cut the ingredients into half rings and slices.
  3. Place everything in a mold, add salt, sprinkle with chopped herbs, and pour over oil.
  4. Cover with foil and bake at 180°C for about an hour.

Advantages and disadvantages of Dr. Kovalkov’s weight loss method

A diet developed by a nutritionist is an affordable way to lose weight. Its advantages:

  • A well-designed diet will help you lose weight, boost your immunity, and feel healthier.
  • A prerequisite is walking, which is good for the lungs and maintaining skin tone.
  • Kovalkov’s method assumes the uniformity of the weight loss process, and therefore does not harm the body.
  • No feeling of hunger due to fractional meals.

However, Kovalkov’s diet is not without its drawbacks. Disadvantages of the technique:

  • Strict calorie restriction in the first phase. A sudden transition from normal food to diet food can cause stress.
  • Slow weight loss is a disadvantage for some. The result can be seen in a month.


Any dietary restrictions can harm the body. It is advisable to consult a doctor first. You should not stick to a diet:

  • pregnant women and women during lactation;
  • children under 16 years of age;
  • people with diabetes;
  • persons with gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, enterocolitis, ulcers);
  • athletes and people experiencing heavy physical activity.


Alexey Kovalkov is a nutritionist who is known not only in Russia, but also abroad. He developed his own nutrition system, thanks to which people even with the third degree of obesity lose weight and maintain the results for many years. Kovalkov proved by his own example that only proper nutrition, a clear eating regimen and physical activity make it possible to restore a slim figure.

The nutritionist himself lost 50 kg in just 12 months, but this is far from the limit! There are already people who, under Kovalkov’s supervision, are getting rid of more kilograms.

Read in this article

The essence of the diet from Dr. Kovalkov

This type of diet is cautiously, but still approved by official medicine. The peculiarity of Kovalkov’s nutrition lies not in the severity of restrictions, but in the competent distribution of food products and restrictions. The author is categorically against fasting, because it will inevitably lead to gluttony, poor health and weight gain.

The essence of the diet from Kovalkov: limiting the consumption of carbohydrates and replacing animal fats with vegetable ones. In addition, setting goals for yourself plays a big role.

Alexey Kovalkov claims that the desired results will not be achieved using his weight loss method if:

  • the cause of excess weight gain has not been established;
  • it is not realized that proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are important for longevity;
  • there are no goals.

Despite all the advantages of the Kovalkov diet, before starting a weight loss program, you need to be examined by a therapist. The fact is that even a gentle and “non-starvation” diet is categorically contraindicated for existing chronic pathologies (not all, only some).

Preparing to lose weight

Alexey Kovalkov is convinced that any diet must begin with preparation. And his specially developed weight loss method requires such a period. Preparation includes a gradual reduction in the consumption of prohibited foods, creating a healthy diet - and the person losing weight will learn to choose dishes and food products that are beneficial for weight loss, and the body will begin to get used to dietary restrictions.

Along with the restrictions, the menu is replenished with vegetables, fruits and legumes. During preparation, you must accustom your body to drinking enough water. It is this that enhances the production of fat-burning hormones, so you should drink at least 2 liters of pure still water per day.

The duration of the preparatory period according to the Kovalkov diet is on average 3 weeks, but can vary within a week, both to shorten the period and to extend it.

The main stages of a protein-fat diet

Kovalkov’s weight loss method is a step-by-step process of getting rid of extra pounds. The first stage is preparation, the essence of which is described in the previous section. Next you need to go through three steps.

First stage

Its duration is 2 weeks, during which you need to gradually reduce the amount of food you eat and speed up metabolic processes. During the initial stage of losing weight, you need to follow some rules:

At this stage, the menu for one day could be like this:

  • morning – 5 – 7 peeled walnuts + 150 ml low-fat and unsweetened yogurt + 3 tablespoons;
  • snack – any fruit from the list of allowed + green tea without flavoring additives and sugar;
  • lunch – Greek salad with olive oil;
  • snack – any citrus fruit or apple + green tea without additives;
  • dinner – boiled whites from 2 chicken eggs.

For information about the nutritional rules of the Kovalkov diet at stage 1, watch this video:

The stage of learning to lead a healthy lifestyle

It is much longer than the previous two, about 7 weeks, during which there is a steady weight loss, cleansing of the intestines and consolidation of the results already achieved. The menu may include white chicken meat (breast), low-fat fermented milk products and seafood.

At this stage, the menu for one day could be like this:

  • morning – a handful of dried fruits or peeled hazelnuts + a glass of natural (without additives) yogurt or low-fat kefir;
  • snack - any fruit from the list of permitted fruits in the amount of 200 g;
  • lunch – 300 g of lean or boiled white chicken meat + 100 g of fresh or steamed vegetables;
  • snack - any fruit;
  • dinner – vegetable salad with vegetable oil and lemon juice.

For information on nutrition at stage 2, watch this video:

Consolidate the result

This stage has no restrictions on duration; Kovalkov himself claims that the recommended regimen and diet for this period must be followed for life.

You are allowed to eat even those foods that are on the list prohibited. For example, it is perfectly acceptable to consume a few “squares” of a bar of dark chocolate or a couple of pieces of shish kebab.

For the consolidation stage to be effective, the following rules must be followed:

  • food is taken 5 times a day (snacks are taken into account);
  • after 18-00 it is forbidden to consume foods that contain complex carbohydrates (they are on the list of prohibited carbohydrates);
  • It is strictly forbidden to mix carbohydrates and fats in one dish - you should avoid potatoes and goulash.

For information on nutrition at stage 3, watch this video:

Prohibited Products

The Kovalkov diet is, first of all, a refusal to eat the following foods:

  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • White rice;
  • jam;
  • any – confectionery, sweets;
  • compotes;
  • fruit juices;
  • corn;
  • White bread;
  • potato;
  • any semi-finished products;
  • products containing food and flavoring additives;
  • pickles – it is generally advisable to reduce the amount of salt to 6 g per day;
  • smoked meats

Authorized Products

Everything that is not on the list of prohibited foods is allowed to be consumed. Be sure to include in the Kovalkov diet:

  • and any low-fat fermented milk products;
  • and fruits (any kind except bananas).

You need to drink about 3 liters of clean water per day. It not only promotes the rapid removal of toxins from the body (this is the result of cleansing the intestines), but also helps control hunger.

Menu for losing weight

The Kovalkov diet takes place in three stages and each of them has its own menu. The most difficult stage is the preparatory stage, when the body is rebuilt and begins to receive small portions of food with restrictions on complex carbohydrates and fats. During this period, you can safely consume legumes, fresh vegetables, kefir, and grains.

The optimal choice would be pureed legume soups with the addition of a small amount of olive oil, cereal porridge in water without sugar and oil, vegetable salads with vegetable oil.

At the second stage of the weight loss process, you can add boiled white chicken meat, seafood, dried fruits, and any fermented milk products (sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurts) to the menu. But the third stage (consolidation) is the longest, and ideally you should stick to it for the rest of your life. The diet of someone losing weight will be varied and not as strict as during preparation.

Menu for the week

In principle, anyone who is losing weight can create their own menu based on the list of allowed foods. This is what Kovalkov himself recommends:

You can’t eat everything at once “in one sitting” on the first day, you can pour the bran with natural yogurt and wash it all down with green unsweetened tea, on the second day, have breakfast with nuts and a glass of kefir.

  • Lunch includes boiled seafood with lemon juice, boiled chicken breast, fresh vegetable salad with added meat, baked turkey fillet or fish, and fruit. For example, you can satisfy your hunger with 200 g of boiled fish, a salad of fresh vegetables with vegetable oil and a glass of green tea.
  • Dinner - it will be enough to eat 100 g of boiled meat or seafood, a green salad, low-fat cottage cheese, natural yogurt. Again, you should follow your diet - dinner should be no later than 18 hours and in small quantities.

Between main meals, you should definitely have snacks - fresh berries, fruits with the exception of bananas.

For a month

Creating a menu for a month is quite simple - you just need to include permitted products in it. The peculiarity of the Kovalkov diet is that at the last stage it is allowed to eat fried turkey, and 20 - 30 g of dark chocolate and sweets. Naturally, these products are present on the menu in minimal quantities and not every day.

You can diversify your monthly diet with salads made from fresh or baked vegetables without sauces, but with the addition of meat and seafood.

Mandatory physical activity

Working out is an integral part of weight loss, because you won’t be able to get rid of extra pounds solely by correcting your diet. They should be extremely moderate and start simple: at the preparatory stage, the person losing weight should walk more, and can visit the pool 2-3 times a week. Cardio exercises and strength training are prohibited, and if the initial weight exceeds the norm by 30 kg, then you should get advice on the advisability of the loads.

The desire to achieve a goal is an important component

Psychological attitude is no less important than compliance with all dietary recommendations. Kovalkov is convinced that only those who have set a goal for themselves and have the desire to achieve it will see the result of their efforts. The options “I’ll try, maybe it will work”, “I have nothing to lose”, “I’ve tried everything, why not take the risk again” - this is definitely not for losing weight.

The goal must be set realistically, because a person will not be able to get rid of 20 kg in a month, even if he simply starves. Those who are losing weight should be pleased with the results, even if they lose 3 - 4 kg per week. Let this figure be a goal, and exceeding it will be a pleasant bonus.

Real results

If you strictly adhere to the diet menu and exercise regularly, then in a couple of weeks you can get rid of 5 - 6 kg of excess weight. Of course, these are conditional indicators; a lot depends on the “source material”, the activity of metabolic processes in the body and even the age of the person losing weight. But there is no doubt that there will be results on the Kovalkov diet. The doctor himself gives these guarantees!

Pros and cons of the method

The advantage of this type of diet is that there is no need to constantly keep a diary of calories eaten, grueling exercise, fasting without snacks, or denying yourself everything even during the holidays.

In addition, Kovalkov’s diet implies gradual weight loss, which will continue even after the end of strict stages of dietary restriction. But for everything to work, you need to start the process of losing weight, not only by adjusting your diet, but also by the right motivation.

It’s precisely the need for a psychological attitude, goal setting and motivation that can become an obstacle to losing weight. And if a person who wants to lose weight has a history of any chronic pathologies, then he will need to consult with his doctor and carry out the weight loss process under the supervision of nutritionists and endocrinologists.

Losing weight has always been a difficult process, but Kovalkov’s diet allows you to go through this path without much stress and deprivation. You just need to set a goal and confidently go towards it, strictly adhering to the recommendations of a nutritionist.

Have you ever thought about how to learn how to eat a properly balanced diet and lose excess weight forever? We will talk about a unique weight loss method - Dr. Kovalkov’s diet, which will not only help restore a beautiful figure, but also make your body healthy for many years. After all, the basis of Kovalkov’s diet is proper nutrition and physical activity.

Alexey Kovalkov is a sought-after nutritionist in Moscow. The method he invented to correct his figure and improve his health made his name famous in just three years. Kovalkov himself is a great example of the quality of his weight loss program. The Kovalkov diet, reviews and results of which filled the entire Internet, combines the accumulated experience of nutritionists of past years. In just six months, Alexey Kovalkov was able to get rid of 52 kg of excess weight, which significantly improved his appearance and improved his health.

Kovalkov's diet, what is the essence

Surely every person who wants to lose weight has heard more than once that the key to high-quality and correct volume reduction is the following:

  • eliminating foods that are harmful to the body and eating only healthy foods;
  • standardized amount of food per day;
  • drinking plenty of clean water;
  • mobile way of life.

This is the essence of the doctor’s technique. Alexey Kovalkov managed to put simple rules of a healthy lifestyle into a single system that has already helped hundreds of thousands of people. The nutritionist confidently says that by adhering to his diet for a long time, or better yet, always, a person will be able to get rid of many ailments and live several decades longer.

Kovalkov's diet, advantages:

  • no endless counting of calories eaten;
  • nutrition according to Kovalkov is completely adjusted to the needs of the body;
  • the ability to independently compose your daily diet, taking into account your taste preferences;
  • no feeling of constant hunger or malnutrition.

This weight loss technique is not aimed at losing weight, but at restoring the healthy functioning of all human organs and systems without compromising health. In this case, the body itself will gradually, in a completely natural way, be able to get rid of unnecessary fat layers.

Kovalkov's diet, stages

Alexey Vladimirovich’s method of losing weight is designed in three stages. Each of them has its own unique purpose, which will ensure proper weight loss and restoration of the body’s vitality.

Kovalkov's diet, stage 1 - preparatory

The duration of this stage is four weeks. First of all, during this period you need to learn to eat without “fast carbohydrates”, which are violent provocateurs of fat accumulation. These include:

  • fast food;
  • all confectionery products;
  • flour;
  • snacks;
  • sweet soda;
  • potato;
  • White rice;
  • brown buckwheat;

At the same time, you need to gradually introduce the following foods into your diet:

  • beans;
  • lentils;
  • grains, but only coarsely ground;
  • any fruit;
  • all vegetables;
  • raw nuts;
  • berries;
  • pure water - 10 glasses a day (one should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach).

And the second thing you must do at the first stage is to learn to walk as much as possible during the day. This could be walking, walking at a leisurely pace, or shopping. Try to do this often. Kovalkov claims that by following these simple rules, after a month the gastrointestinal tract is gently cleansed and its function is restored. Most people losing weight at this stage lose up to 5 kilograms of excess weight, which is good news.

Kovalkov's diet, stage 1 - menu

  • Breakfast: low-fat kefir, a handful of nuts or berries, whole grain bread, one apple.
  • Lunch: any fresh fruits or vegetables, low-fat yogurt.
  • Dinner: Greek salad, whole grain bread.
  • Before bed: a glass of warm milk or green tea without sugar.
  • During the day, you are allowed to drink green tea (no more than three cups) and water, but before meals or an hour after.

Doctor Kovalkov's diet, stage 2 - main

The timing of this stage is strictly individual. It ends only in case of complete loss of excess weight. At this time, in addition to walking, strength exercises for all muscle groups are mandatory. Alexey Vladimirovich strongly recommends creating a daily routine and strictly following it day after day. Hours for walks, meals and activities must be strictly observed. The second stage menu should include the following products:

  • seasonal fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • berries;
  • nuts;
  • dried fruits;
  • low-fat fermented milk products;
  • bran;
  • cereals;
  • seafood (once a week);
  • lean veal, white poultry or rabbit meat (1 time per day no more than 120 grams);
  • lean fish (2 times a week).

Steam, cook in a slow cooker, boil or bake in the oven. The important thing here is not to give up, but to continue to work hard for the benefit of your health and the acquisition of the desired shape. At this stage, approximately 100–200 grams of excess weight are lost per day.

Kovalkov's diet, second stage menu

  • Breakfast: a handful of raw nuts, whole grain bread, fruit.
  • Lunch: boiled turkey, fresh vegetables, apple.
  • Dinner: Uncooked boiled rice with olive oil and spices, fresh coleslaw.
  • Before bed: 2 chicken proteins.

Diet of Alexey Kovalkov, stage 3

If you have moved to the third stage of losing weight using the method of Dr. Alexey Vladimirovich, then you can safely notice that all the hardest things are left behind. By this time, your weight should be normal, and your health and well-being should be in excellent condition. The goal of the third stage is to support and fully consolidate the results obtained. To do this you need:

  1. Continue to follow the basic nutrition rules of the second stage, gradually including forgotten foods in your diet. For example, butter and potatoes. But all new foods should be consumed in limited quantities and no more than 2-3 times a month.
  2. Do physical activity. In this case, aerobics several times a week is perfect.
  3. Strictly follow the daily routine and do not violate it.
  4. As for alcohol, the famous nutritionist allows his clients to drink a little dry white wine, but only if there is a reason. For example, for a holiday.

Doctor Kovalkov's diet, menu - reviews

The main advantage of Kovalkov’s system is that every product eaten only benefits the body and improves its functioning from the inside. Of course, it is difficult to give up forever the harmful “snacks” that have long been habitual. But if you really want to change your appearance and restore your health, this is quite possible.

Dr. Kovalkov’s original weight loss method is based on personal experience: the doctor lost about thirty kilograms following the diet he developed. Despite the skepticism of therapists and nutritionists towards various fashionable diets, most specialists speak positively about this technique, since it does not expose the body to unnecessary stress.

Restoring normal metabolism

One of the fundamental principles of the diet is the activation of a healthy metabolism, which is inherent in every person. That is, limiting the consumption of carbohydrates with a high glycemic index and fatty foods allows you to normalize the functioning of the digestive organs. The liver feels especially great in this case, as it does not need to work at full capacity, trying to eliminate a lot of toxic substances.

It is with the improvement of the liver that a new stage of a person’s life begins. The level of low-density cholesterol, which provokes blockage of arteries, is normalized, and hormonal levels are stabilized. Not only your complexion improves, but also your general condition: you want to move and communicate. The woman feels much younger.

Acceleration of metabolism

The second principle of the diet is daily exercise, and it is not at all necessary to carry out grueling workouts. At the first stage, when the weight is still quite large, you can limit yourself to a simple walk. Over time, when the metabolism accelerates so much that weight does not increase even if the daily calorie intake is exceeded, you can choose any sport, dancing or Pilates.

Psychological attitude

The third fundamental principle of the diet is the necessary psychological attitude, the awareness that all dietary restrictions are not introduced for a short time. Diet is a way of life that is very difficult to accept at first, but then becomes an urgent necessity.

A strong desire for forbidden foods is almost always present in a person who goes through the first or preparatory stage. The difficulty of parting with old taste preferences, giving up your favorite sweets or meat delicacies - this manifests itself in everyone. It is important to understand that diet helps not only to get rid of excess weight, all restrictions make a person much stronger.

Diet availability

Anyone can afford to follow the Kovalkov diet.

The products used in it are available even to low-income people; they do not need to be specifically searched for or ordered. Everything a person needs is available in any home, city or village. Special culinary skills are also not required, since boiled, raw or baked dishes are recommended for consumption, which even a beginner can prepare.

All stages of the Kovalkov diet

Kovalkov’s dietary concept has four main stages: preparatory, first and second, and final. The most difficult for most beginners is the preparatory stage, which lasts three weeks. At all stages there are different dietary restrictions, but the main ban on foods high in “harmful” carbohydrates remains throughout life. This does not mean that you cannot try ice cream or barbecue, so beloved by many, it is possible, but only at the final stage.

Preparatory stage

For such a long and serious diet, it is necessary to thoroughly prepare and cleanse the body. There is no need to carry out any special procedures, everything will happen gradually.

The diet should be free of salt, meat products and any refined foods.

  • Bananas;
  • Potatoes, beets and carrots;
  • Polished rice, corn;
  • Sugar and honey, as well as products containing them;
  • Alcohol;
  • Fish, meat, dairy products.

You can only eat the following foods:

  • Legumes (source of protein);
  • Vegetables fruits;
  • Cereals.

Be sure to drink at least two liters of clean water per day, as this stimulates the adrenal glands and allows you to quickly get rid of toxic substances. For drinks, you can drink green tea and fresh vegetable juices, as well as fruit drinks made from various berries. It is very rare to allow a glass of dry white wine.

Small meals, at least five times a day, kick-start your metabolism, allow you to feel less hungry and accustom your stomach to small amounts of food.

During the three-week preparatory period, most dieters experience a loss of five or six kilograms, which inspires them to continue.

Sample menu for the preparatory stage

  1. Breakfast: fruit salad from seasonal fruits, berries, green tea.
  2. Second breakfast: any vegetable juice.
  3. Lunch: pureed bean soup for the first course, steamed vegetables for the second course and applesauce for dessert.
  4. Afternoon snack: apples baked with raspberries and cinnamon.
  5. Dinner: fresh vegetable salad with lemon and herb dressing, baked beans.

First stage

The first stage is not much different from the preparatory stage, lasts no more than ten days and is necessary for a smooth transition to a different diet. Nuts and dairy dishes are added to the basic set of products; daily morning walks are a prerequisite.

Sample menu for the first stage

  1. Breakfast: fruit salad with nuts and berry sauce. Green tea.
  2. Second breakfast: berry cocktail made from kefir and strawberry puree.
  3. Lunch: green pea soup, stewed vegetables, whipped egg whites with berries.
  4. Afternoon snack: applesauce with bran.
  5. Dinner: Fresh vegetable salad with kefir and herbs dressing. A glass of berries.

Second phase

The duration of this period of the Kovalkov diet varies, depending on the individual characteristics of the body. One month is enough for some women, while others extend it to three. Poultry and seafood, boiled or steamed, are added to the menu. In the morning you should drink a glass of water on an empty stomach, continue your morning walks and do any kind of exercise.

The essence of the second stage is to achieve the desired weight and stabilize it.

If a woman dreamed of weighing sixty kilograms, then she must continue to keep the diet to the desired figures. The time required for this is directly dependent on the intensity of physical activity. You cannot force weight loss by exhausting yourself, since the main task of the second stage is not only to achieve a personal result, but also to maintain this weight.

Sample menu for the second stage

  1. Breakfast: fermented baked milk with nuts, bran and apple.
  2. Second breakfast: baked apple with a glass of kefir.
  3. Lunch: seafood soup, boiled turkey breast with a side dish of lettuce, fruit salad for dessert.
  4. Afternoon snack: fresh applesauce with nuts.
  5. Dinner: beef stew with Greek salad, apple.

Third or final stage

Since compliance with the basic rules of a healthy diet should be observed throughout your life, only occasionally allowing yourself small indulgences, the final stage draws a line under the list of permitted foods. The diet is supplemented with coarse cereals, rye and grain bread, boiled and baked potatoes.

Previously prohibited products remain prohibited. You should eat at least five times a day; it is not recommended to eat foods containing carbohydrates three hours before bedtime.

If at a festive feast it is permissible to try forbidden dishes, then the next day you can arrange a fruit and vegetable fast.

Example menu 3 stages

  1. Breakfast: sandwich with soft cheese and black bread. Green tea.
  2. Second breakfast: homemade oatmeal and nut cookies.
  3. Lunch: Broccoli soup. Steamed white meat chicken cutlets with vegetable salad. Melon jelly.
  4. Afternoon snack: strawberry smoothie.
  5. Dinner: baked salmon with grilled vegetables. Apple compote.

The Kovalkov diet is good because it is difficult only at the preparatory stage. Not everyone can withstand prolonged fasting, so gradually adding to the diet those foods that were prohibited makes it easier to endure difficulties. The body's gradual adaptation to increased caloric content of food leads to an acceleration of metabolism, so weight is not gained again.

Video - Kovalkov's diet menu for a month

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