Biography. What happened to Elena Shuvalova? Oleg Goryunov, "Novye Izvestia"

Improvement work has already begun. The embankment will be developed here, the berths and the area in front of the station will be put in order. The work will take place on an area of ​​40.5 hectares. The Northern River Station Park is a cultural heritage site. This was taken into account when developing the improvement project.

The bazaars are decorated in the same way: the stands should have all the information about the seller, product and prices. The addresses of official points can be found on the websites of the prefectures of the capital districts. The price of Russian Christmas trees is from one thousand to three thousand rubles.

Many events can be attended now, without waiting for the holidays. Art experiments, antique Christmas tree decorations and an exhibition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Russian circus, quests and master classes await visitors in the coming weeks. More than 80 capital museums will operate free of charge during the New Year holidays.

Games and creative master classes at the skating rinks for children aged 6 to 12 years will be conducted by employees of the Moscow City Tourism, experienced counselors and students of the Central School of Moscow Counselors. The first lesson will take place on December 21 at the “On the Lookout” skating rink. Further events will be held once a week on weekends from 12:00 to 14:00 at one of the skating rinks: “At the Lookout” or “At the Arc de Triomphe”.

Now stores selling beer and other low-alcohol drinks will not be allowed to be located in retail facilities that are located in premises transferred to the non-residential category. In addition, retail sales are prohibited in built-in and attached premises in houses, the entrance to which is from the yard or from the end. The sale of beer on tap in such premises is also prohibited.

On Tverskaya Street, festival guests will be able to see colorful aerial acrobatic performances. Gymnasts will perform on the “space swing” - a unique apparatus with a swing of four meters.

Thus, in place of lawns and flower beds, luminous flowers appeared, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow, four-meter-high dandelion lamps now grow on both sides of the Central Pavilion, and the “Field of Fireflies” flickers on Industry Square.

Six large sports facilities will appear in the very center of the city: a highline, a tubing park, a children's snowboard park, a city spot, a motorcycle show area and a “space swing”. The show and open training for Muscovites and guests of the capital will run from December 31 to January 5.

Muscovites will be able to enter the center on holidays only through checkpoints. They will operate from December 31 to January 5 for the safety of residents. Tverskaya, Mokhovaya, Teatralny Proezd, Manezhnaya and Red Squares will become a single space. And it will be possible to get into it, for example, through Pushkinskaya Square, from Bolshaya Nikitskaya, Nikolskaya, Ilyinka, Moskvoretskaya streets.

The festive decorations of the city center will be dedicated to space. From December 31 to January 5, folk festivities will take place on Tverskaya, Mokhovaya and Okhotny Ryad as part of the Journey to Christmas festival. For six days, three streets will become pedestrian.

3. The list of candidates was formed by the organizing committee according to the following criteria: the candidate’s ability to participate in the elections in accordance with Russian legislation; affiliation of the candidate to leftist and patriotic forces; living or working in Moscow in recent years; the presence of at least 3 publications about the candidate in the Yandex system over the past year.

4. The list of candidates is not closed; you can propose your candidate, who, if he complies with the provisions on the primaries, will be added to the voting page.

5. Any citizen can take part in the primaries by voting on this page -

6. Voting will take place in one round - from April 19 to May 20, and on May 21 the official results will be announced. You can vote for 3 (three) candidates closest to you (so-called ranked voting) by clicking on the “I Support!” button.

10. Based on the results of the primaries, we will seek to nominate the winners as candidates from the left and patriotic forces in the elections for the Mayor of Moscow.

Perhaps the only person* in the power structures of Moscow who is actively fighting for the installation of a worthy monument to Marshal A.M. Vasilevsky, a key figure (at least equal to Zhukov) in the Battle of Moscow in 1941-42.

In February 2016, her attempts to reach the conscience of the “Medinsky-Konchalovskys” only led to the transformation of an open meeting into a closed one.

This is how the deputy himself described these events on his website:

On the evening of February 4, under the leadership V.R. Medinsky a meeting of the Russian Military Historical Society was held, at which the Creative Council was represented under the leadership A.S. Konchalovsky .

Elena Anatolyevna Shuvalova it became known about this meeting and that at it the issue of installing a bust of Marshal would be decided A.M.Vasilevsky. Yes, but 8 years ago the Moscow City Duma decided to install a monument, not a bust. What is this - an attempt to replace the monument to Marshal A.M.Vasilevsky, almost all Great Patriotic War head of the General Staff, holder of the Order of Victory number 2 (number 1 was with G.K. Zhukova, number 3 - y I.V. Stalin), on his bust? The decision to install a monument A.M.Vasilevsky, adopted 8 years ago, has still not been implemented, not even in the year of the 70th anniversary of the Victory.

Deputy of the Moscow City Duma Elena Shuvalova came to the RVIO meeting to prevent a possible attempt to replace the monument with a bust. The hall was packed with accredited journalists. There was no indication that the event would be closed. But 5 minutes after the start of the meeting, it was declared closed, although this issue was not discussed or voted on. E.A. Shuvalov asked from the hall. The organizers of the meeting had to shoo away the journalists who had settled down thoroughly.

But before you go out, Elena Anatolyevna she herself took the floor and announced her role in the Victory over the fascists and militaristic Japan and that if a monument to the Twice Hero was not erected Soviet Union, Knight of the Order of Victory, Marshal A.M.Vasilevsky, it will be a shame!!!

As a result of the evening events, one could read on the RVIO website already at night: “As a result of the meeting... we considered proposals on the possibility of installing not only a bust, but also a monument Alexander Mikhailovich Vasilevsky" God forbid!

The result of this February meeting is known - 0.0%. Not only is nothing set, but the games at the end of the year started from a basic level. On November 30, 2016, Elena Shuvalova is forced to re-enter the fight!...

Among other issues discussed at the meeting of the Moscow City Duma on November 30, attention should be paid to the issue of amending the Resolution of the Moscow City Duma of June 27, 2001 No. 97 “On the List of proposals for the construction of works of monumental and decorative art of urban significance.” It was about installing a bust Alexander Mikhailovich Vasilevsky on Vasilevsky Street in Shchukino.

The discussion of this issue showed that, oh, it’s not without reason that the Moscow Government has become actively involved in monuments with closed competitions, which, if you and I don’t intervene, will fill Moscow with low-quality “works” Nyutsereteli - Salavatshcherbakovs.

The problem was that:

firstly, the decision made almost 10 years ago to erect a monument to Vasilevsky on Znamenka Street opposite the General Staff building, which he led during almost the entire Great Patriotic War, has not been implemented. Now they want monument to Vasilevsky on Znamenka, replace it with his bust in Shchukino;

Gerasimov said that there is no need to be distracted by formalities, we need to establish bust of Vasilevsky in a timely manner.

In his speech from the rostrum of the Moscow City Duma Elena Shuvalova noted that she was especially “touched” by the wording “in a timely manner,” given that the decision to install monument to Alexander Mikhailovich Vasilevsky has not been implemented for 10 years. During this time, monuments were erected to all the “Rostropovichs”.

She said that she was especially concerned about this topic, since she had been working with the Ivanovo region for 18 years, and her homeland is located on its territory Alexander Mikhailovich. Representatives of the Ivanovo region achieved a decision to install a monument on Znamenka in Moscow.

The closed competition for the installation of a bust in Shchukino is explained by the fact that such conditions have the right to dictate those who finance the project. Elena Anatolyevna emphasized the need for an open competition. Let’s commit outrages at someone else’s expense,” she said. Maybe someone wants to establish rules such that there will be no place for poor people in Moscow at all? As far as we know, having the means Salavat Shcherbakov already eager to install monument to Vasilevsky in Moscow, he has already erected a monument in Khabarovsk. It is enough to compare it with the Vasilevsky monument in Kaliningrad to appreciate the artistic pricelessness of the Khabarovsk monument.

Elena Anatolyevna noted that the question is: where will they get the money? causes laughter. Money from the Moscow budget, for example, pours in a multibillion-dollar stream for laying tiles that closed the drainage system, after which Moscow floated.

It’s also strange to hear excuses that the place on Znamenka opposite the General Staff has already been taken. Firstly, why is it occupied if there is a decision to erect a monument in this place? Vasilevsky. Secondly, we are apparently talking about a chapel. But in this case the monument Alexander Vasilevsky near the chapel is appropriate, because his father was a priest, and he himself studied at a theological school, although he did not intend to be a priest. And when they wanted to prohibit students of theological schools from engaging in secular professions, students of theological schools went out to rallies throughout Russia.

Amendment Elena Shuvalova after the resolution was adopted in the first reading to replace the closed bust competition with an open one,

Oleg Goryunov, "Novye Izvestia"

As you know, Sergei Sobyanin’s recent speech at The all-Russian civil forum caused controversial feelings. The mayor of Moscow said the following:

“Today we have an extra 15 million people living in our rural areas.”

“NI” have already written that on November 28, an environmental public meeting of the capital took place in the Moscow City Duma.

During a discussion of the actions of the Moscow mayor and his ministers to protect the environment, Moscow City Duma deputy Elena Shuvalova “went through” Sobyanin’s 15 million:

"The point is in these words from Sobyanin - terrible, terrible that it is necessary to liberate Russia and resettle the population to Moscow. This is said by a person who does not understand what is happening in principle, or is he a saboteur - this is my deep conviction. I don’t understand , how the person who runs the capital did not resign from his position the very next day. (applause - author's note). This is scary! There is an article in the criminal code. How this person still runs Moscow, I don’t understand! Why the President doesn’t take action "Doesn't he really know what's going on in the capital?"

Today Elena Anatolyevna continued the topic of “extra” Russians at the plenary meeting of the Moscow City Duma. And this, according to her, was not at all easy to do:

“Apparently, since I seemed to announce my speech at the round table yesterday, Shaposhnikov (Chairman of the Moscow City Duma - author’s note) from the very beginning of the meeting led the matter to deprive me of the floor - this could have been done by announcing two censures to me. But before that, it was necessary to make 2 comments and censure. Two comments were made to me at the very beginning of the meeting when I asked Egorova about the appointment of judges - girls of 27 years old (born in 1990) were appointed to decide the fate of people, girls not only by age, but, most importantly, due to an obvious lack of life experience.

I understood where Shaposhnikov was leading the matter and made sure that he could not reprimand me. Although I still had to speak on other issues, the issues were too much against Muscovites again.”

Shuvalova’s speech to her colleagues was not as bright and emotional as at a meeting with the Moscow public, but it still deserves to be published without cuts:

“On November 26, 2017, speaking at the All-Russian Civil Forum, the Mayor of the Capital of the Russian Federation, the city of Moscow, Sobyanin said: “Today we have an extra 15 million people living in rural areas,” calling for a focus on urban agglomerations.

And according to Sobyanin’s theory, why would there be a President of the country if there are only a few agglomerations with their own mayors?

I believe that such statements are crimes against the foundations of the constitutional order and the security of the state.

Article 280.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation introduces liability for public calls for actions aimed at violating the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation.

Article 275 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is called “Treason,” in other words, “Providing assistance to a foreign state in activities directed against the security of the Russian Federation.”

Why strengthen the country's defense capability if Sergei Sobyanin calls for clearing the territory ourselves?

The mayor believes that there should be more agglomerations like Moscow. Only Sergei Semyonovich did not consider that if, as representatives of his team said at the urban forum, 25 million people live in Moscow, then the entire population of our country would be enough for only 6 such agglomerations. Considering the area of ​​Russia - 17 million square kilometers - 1/9 of the land and its length from West to East is 10 thousand kilometers, and from North to South - more than 4 thousand kilometers, around these megacities there will be empty spaces of about 3 million square kilometers, and empty distances are thousands of kilometers. A holy place is never empty. What do you think, what will Sergei Sobyanin’s calls to clear the territory, its villages, towns, and cities of Russian citizens lead to?

Elena Anatolyevna Shuvalova- Russian public and political figure, deputy of the Moscow City Duma (since 2014) from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Elena Shuvalova won the elections to the Moscow City Duma in 2019.


Elena Shuvalova is a native Muscovite. She was born on August 2, 1956. After school I entered the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosova, says the biography of Elena Shuvalova on the official website of the politician.

Elena Shuvalova received her second education in 2005, graduating with honors from the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation with a degree in jurisprudence, state construction and law.

Working career

Elena Shuvalova graduated from the university in 1978 and remained to work at the faculty. She gave lecture courses “Economic and social (public) geography of Russia”, “Economic and social geography of foreign countries”.

For her teaching activities, the Higher Attestation Commission awarded her the title of associate professor.

Elena Shuvalova was part of research expeditions to the Atlantic Ocean. She conducted scientific research on ships " Ernst Krenkel" and "Academician Kurchatov", conducted meteorological and oceanographic observations in the open ocean. She published the monograph “International and national features of atmospheric air protection.”

Social and political activities

Elena Anatolyevna Shuvalova began her political career in the Federal Assembly in 1994 as an assistant to a member of the Federation Council.

Elena Shuvalova has three children. She is very familiar with the problems of motherhood. In 1992, Shuvalova headed the All-Russian Movement of Mothers “For Social Justice”.

As a caring person, she took an active part in the fight against the destruction of the country, dealt with the problems of protecting motherhood and childhood, and preventing bloodshed. The editors of the newspaper “Soviet Russia” recognized her report on the need to help street children as the best of the year.

In 1993, Elena Anatolyevna was among the defenders of the House of Soviets.

In 1993, Elena Shuvalova joined the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. In 1996, as a proxy of a candidate for President of Russia Gennady Zyuganov, Elena Anatolyevna conducted active campaigning both in Moscow and in the Ivanovo, Kostroma, Vladimir, Pskov, Arkhangelsk regions, and in Tatarstan.

Elena Shuvalova knows well the needs of citizens, the problems of enterprises, and municipalities. She has extensive experience working with appeals, bills, and budget parameters.

Elena Shuvalova was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Federation Council, a Certificate from the Office of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, and other awards and encouragements. By decree of the President of Abkhazia, she was awarded the Order of Honor and Glory for supporting the Abkhaz people in difficult years.

At the initiative of local residents, Elena Shuvalova was nominated to the Moscow City Duma of the sixth convocation from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and, with widespread support, became a deputy on September 14, 2014.

Elena Anatolyevna is a person with an active lifestyle. She is always at the center of events held by Muscovites.

Thanks to her requests to the Moscow authorities, pickets and rallies, she managed to save green areas from destruction and cultural heritage sites from destruction.

Elena Shuvalova, together with like-minded people, was able to plant chestnut alleys along the perimeter of the sports grounds of the House of Youth Creativity on the street. Alexander Nevsky.

She was also able to achieve recognition by the Moscow City Heritage of the complex of buildings of the Russian Chemical-Technological University named after. D.I. Mendeleev- Industrial School named after. Alexandra II, an object of cultural heritage. The corresponding order has already been issued.

At her request, a monument of landscape gardening art was restored - a public garden on Miusskaya Square.

In 2018, Elena Shuvalova was one of the five most popular candidates in the primaries of leftist and patriotic forces for the election of the mayor of Moscow.

“The primaries went well. We set an example, unlike the same liberals, of how to work as one team in a coherent and organized manner, and held the most fair and democratic primaries. I'm still waiting for Ella Pamfilova will make a statement that our primaries were even fairer than previous presidential elections. Just a joke,” said Sergei Udaltsov.

“We have a group of outstanding winners. Moscow City Duma deputy Elena Shuvalova is doing a lot of work with Muscovites, I believe that this is not a random choice,” said Udaltsov.

Before the Moscow mayoral elections, Elena Shuvalova was a guest of “SP”. In an interview, she noted that elections are becoming uncontrolled, the city is now run by people who, apparently, do not value Moscow, that the capital lives not for ordinary citizens, but for the construction and transport mafia, renovation goes beyond the all-Russian legal framework, the mayor’s proposal to organize sites to vote in mayoral elections outside the region is nothing more than to prepare for oneself a legislative framework that, due to migration policy, Moscow is becoming a city of an “occupation regime.”

In 2019, the news reported that Elena Shuvalova would be among the candidates from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the elections to the Moscow City Duma.

In the elections to the Moscow City Duma, representatives of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation received 13 seats. These are the election results based on the processing of 99.47% of the protocols of precinct election commissions.

Attacks on a deputy

Elena Anatolyevna Shuvalova always defends the interests of her voters. However, sometimes this is not easy to do. In January 2017, news reports said a deputy was hit in the head while heading to a meeting. In response to her statement, the police issued a verdict that she herself “hit her outstretched arm.”

Then Shuvalova was not allowed to speak at public hearings on the issue of land surveying of Mosgortrans. We are talking about the cultural heritage site “Ensemble of the Miussky Tram Depot”, which Mosgortrans plans to adapt into a shopping and restaurant complex.

The hearings followed the classic scenario, when the interested party is least concerned about the opinions of residents. At the last moment, the venue was changed, and when the residents got there, the hall was already filled with some specially trained people. Deputy Shuvalova tried to go to the microphone, but her path was blocked by four large men without any identification marks. They roughly pushed the parliamentarian aside, and one of them twisted the woman’s hands behind her back.

- Who they are is unknown. It felt like they were wearing bulletproof vests,” Elena Anatolyevna with “Interlocutor.” “And there is no hope that anyone will be punished either.” These people behave this way because they know it very well.

Views, quotes

Elena Shuvalova is a popular Moscow politician, her opinion can be found in the news, she is at the forefront of the fight for the rights of citizens.

“Due to the predominance of pro-government deputies, the Moscow City Duma lacks constructive forces. Useful legislative initiatives do not pass precisely because they are suppressed by a majority vote of the proteges of the oligarchy. And we, the small number of communist deputies, are the people who are trying to restrain, as I believe, the bacchanalia organized by the city’s construction oligarchs. We are a few. There are very few healthy forces in power. It's like three infantrymen against a tank corps. But if we weren’t in the Moscow City Duma, the situation in the capital would have been even worse,” Shuvalova said in an interview.

“What attacks are being carried out on me? There are many of them - from all sides. So many that you don't know where to start. Several dozen people sit at meetings of the Moscow City Duma, loudly express unpleasant things about me - they laugh, they are rude, even shouting: “We will put you in a psychiatric hospital!” and even influencing people close to me in order to unsettle me. In addition, groups are being created on the Internet in which slander against me is being spread: but I cannot refute it, because I was expelled from these groups. In general, subversive work is being carried out - both in real life and on social networks,” the deputy complained.

“To say that I spoke at meetings of the Moscow City Duma 134 times in a year is an understatement. Every performance is a battle. The decisive battle at a meeting of the Moscow City Duma is preceded by a long preparation, a lot of analytical and scientific work, timing the text of the speech down to the seconds, because I know that I won’t be given more than the few minutes required by the regulations, and I may not have time to say the most important thing. In my public speeches, including at meetings of the Moscow City Duma, I constantly expose the currently operating mechanism for enriching a handful of construction and transport oligarchs at the expense of the budget, at the expense of our taxes, at the expense of the territory of the capital, I expose the mechanism that, as I I think it’s leading the city to collapse,” noted Elena Shuvalova in her work report for 2018.

Personal life

Shuvalova Elena Anatolyevna is married. She raised three children.