Fire extinguisher logbook - sample and filling rules. How to correctly fill out a logbook for primary fire extinguishing equipment

The logbook for registering primary fire extinguishing equipment is usually required to be downloaded free of charge for those citizens who are interested in the safety of the property of the enterprise.

Maintaining a document is required by sanitary production standards, and recording the activities carried out confirms the reliability of the company, care for the staff, and fulfillment of the assigned responsibilities from management.

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General information about the magazine

A fire extinguisher maintenance log must be present at every enterprise, regardless of the direction of its functionality. Fire safety of employees and material assets is one of the conditions that must be present when opening a company.

For this purpose, rules are being developed on how to prevent fire and localize the outbreak in any unforeseen situation.

Each organization will equip special areas where there are tools and objects, with their help the fire that has arisen will be extinguished. Before a group of firefighters arrives with professional equipment, fires in a building, factory production site, or warehouse are neutralized using primary means, they must be located at a special stand.

There they install:

  • several types, portable, mobile
  • box filled with sand
  • fire-resistant fabric, felt, asbestos fabric
  • bucket, shovel, axe, hook, crowbar

All items must be kept in proper condition, ready for full use. To do this, the tools are inspected, the reliability and configuration of fire shields are checked.

A person responsible for the component items is appointed from among the employees, checks and replacement of damaged equipment are indicated in the log. Any fire is an exceptional case; it does not occur on its own; there are always those responsible, as well as the source of the fire. If this happens, the competent authorities will definitely look into it and use the records of the person responsible for the fire safety condition of the enterprise to help.

Views on legislative provisions

The logbook of fire extinguishers and other inventory equipment provides documentary evidence for management about the presence of all conditions and requirements regarding compliance with fire safety at the enterprise.

The regulatory rules indicate the equipment, the number of devices, their location, and methods of use. All this data should be contained in a journal in which all ongoing and planned activities are recorded.

The standards do not define strict requirements for maintaining papers or filling out main sections. Fire inspectors do not request a special uniform, but it is mandatory to have one, as well as prior agreement with the supervision inspection on the correct fixation and operation of fire extinguishing devices.

Who is assigned to fill out and how?

An employee is appointed by order to be responsible for safe activities at the enterprise, competent and responsible in the field of fire extinguishing, and he annually improves his qualifications in special training courses.

Now the fiscal authority for enterprises is the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and you should contact them if you have problems with maintaining documentation that is presented during control checks. Papers, forms, sample forms recommended for mandatory registration are sold in specialized stores, they are available on websites, you only need the ability to download an acceptable form.

As soon as the form is purchased, it should be brought into proper form, laced, and page numbered.

The last sheet must be processed separately:

  • tie the emerging ends in a knot
  • glue a piece of tape on top
  • write the number of pages
  • indicate the name of the responsible employee
  • seal with the seal of the enterprise or the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Firefighters control the correct formatting of the magazine, and the bound pages will eliminate the possibility of forgery of objectionable sheets for other, good reviews of checks. An employee can make his comments in any form, describe the condition of the equipment, there are no strict restrictions for this:

  • The standard contents of the log should list all available firefighting tools by inventory number. Objects are numbered using regular dye; oil paint is suitable. The accounting document includes a record of the brand of equipment, the year of its production and purchase.
  • A visual inspection is also recorded; joints, assemblies, and welds are marked separately. If the time has come for recharging, remove and write down the numbers shown by the pressure gauge, and then the readings and the date of charging.
  • It is necessary to indicate the weight of the device along with the position, the name of the inspector, and the condition of the equipment. Since there are no clear requirements for maintaining this type of document, the official can independently line it, divide it into columns and columns at his own discretion.
  • The header in each section should be clearly renamed so that any reviewer can read it without any problems. If an error is detected, write another phrase, carefully crossing out the first one, put your signature, then certify it to the inspection.

The last page must contain information about the manufacturer of fire extinguishers, their model, expiration dates and who controls the company. This organization must have a license to carry out monitoring activities.

Storage procedure, requirements for records

The documentation that is required to be presented during regular inspections must be kept in an accessible place and kept by the person responsible for the condition of the fire-fighting equipment.

The title page is designed with the name of the magazine and its purpose. As soon as it is completely filled, a new copy is opened, the used one is written off according to the act, and handed over to the archive, where it will remain for up to 40 years.

If all pages are filled out correctly, the inspector's claims will be reduced and the inspection period will be shortened. The fire safety inspection will check the record with the actual condition of the inventory, equipment, and items required on the panel. Each malfunction is indicated in the log, with a separate written designation, as well as the time for correcting the violation.

They are recorded with the signatures of the person responsible for the condition of the devices and the inspector performing the control. With the help of journal entries, they monitor the proper condition of the instruments and materials for their use as means of combating the primary sources of fire.

The order is as follows:

  • indicate the serial number of the fire extinguisher
  • where is the device installed
  • filler, model according to the equipment passport
  • production date, start of operation
  • manufacturer

The table consists of columns:

  • to indicate the dates of the technical inspection, charging of the device
  • appearance of the product, elements separately
  • weight of the device
  • pressure indicator parameters in each case
  • condition of components
  • measures taken when malfunctions are detected

These are not bureaucratic, but effective measures that will help people in difficult situations. If a fire occurs and the fire extinguisher is not working, this will lead to irreparable consequences. Extinguishing the source in time will save human lives and material property. Fire safety rules are based on the experience of numerous disasters caused by fire.

What the responsible employee should know

After the announcement of the order appointing someone responsible for the fire safety stand and safety, the employee begins his duties.

It is not easy to be responsible for the state of an enterprise; a person must have:

  • professional knowledge and skills
  • study the safety rules thoroughly
  • be able to design a magazine

An employee is appointed to the position after he has completed training courses on the fire-technical minimum and received a certificate appropriate to the case. Although no one relieves management of responsibility for the serviceability of instruments and the availability of equipment on site. The order gives managerial powers regarding fire supervision at the enterprise to the employee.

Primary fire extinguishing means - in the photo:

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More on this topic:

The presence of fire extinguishers is mandatory for any type of enterprise. These fire extinguishing agents refer to and are used to extinguish the flame on their own, localize it and reduce material losses. The use of a specific type, as well as their quantity, is determined by the characteristics of the premises and the materials located there, therefore the law obliges the owner not only to purchase and install, but also to keep records of fire extinguishing means.

For this purpose, a special fire extinguisher logbook is used, which is one of the main documents checked by a fire safety inspector.

Appointment of the person responsible for accounting

According to the law, responsibility for fire safety and labor protection at the enterprise lies with the first manager, as well as heads of departments.

To keep records of the log and be responsible for fire safety, by order of the manager, one of the employees can be appointed. This could be a person combining the main activity with these additional responsibilities or a separate staff unit.

A prerequisite for fulfilling such duties is undergoing training on fire safety standards, which can be completed at the fire inspection department. The volume of material received also includes a fire extinguisher logbook; you will be instructed here on how to fill it out.

Inspection of fire extinguishers

The legislation regulates several types of inspections, the results of which are recorded in the logbook.

  • Primary – carried out after purchase and immediately before installation of the fire extinguishing agent. A visual inspection of the integrity of the seals is carried out, the presence of checks is checked, the contents and type are in accordance with the instructions, and attention is paid to the absence of dents on the cylinder. It is imperative to check the installation location and visibility of the fire extinguisher from a distance, the integrity of the instructions on the cylinder and the serviceability of the pressure sensor. After the inspection, the fire extinguisher is assigned a serial number, which is entered in the fire extinguisher maintenance log, it is also applied to the body with indelible paint and a label is affixed indicating the date of the current and next inspection, and the signature of the person in charge.
  • Quarterly inspection with the above-described regulations;
  • The annual inspection is carried out in the same way as the previous ones, in addition, the leakage of propellant gas is monitored, and selective opening is performed to check the filters.
  • Semi-annual - carried out according to the annual regulations in the event that either fire extinguishers are constantly exposed to temperatures close to or exceeding those specified in the passport.

Rules for filling out the journal

There are no strict rules on how to fill out a fire extinguisher inspection log, nor is there a single form. The fire service is allowed to keep records in any form, so most often a barn book is used for these purposes.

Existing columns are renamed, and additional ones are added if necessary. All pages of the magazine must be numbered and stitched with thread, secured at the back with glue and a paper seal bearing the signature of the manager and the seal of the enterprise.

The log records the serial number of the device, installation location, type, charge weight and fire extinguisher weight, as well as the dates of the last and next inspection. The journal is filled in with ink of the same color, after each entry there is a date and signature of the person in charge.

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If an enterprise has several divisions, then it is allowed to maintain a separate journal in each with the name of the division indicated on the cover.

Sample of filling out the journal

For ease of maintenance, each sheet of the log is allocated for a specific fire extinguisher, representing a passport of the device. This procedure allows you to keep records of each fire extinguisher for the entire period of its service and not have to go to a new page to continue. Sample of filling out the accounting log (more details can be found here):


Maintaining fire safety documentation is as important as ensuring technical measures. Only if all these requirements are met can the chance of a fire be minimized and sanctions from fire authorities avoided.

The presence of fire extinguishers is a mandatory requirement for enterprises of any type. Fire extinguishers are primary fire extinguishing agents and are used to extinguish flames on their own. The specific type of fire extinguishers and their number depend on the characteristics of the room and the materials in it. That is why the owner of the premises is obliged to keep records of fire extinguishing means, and not just ensure their availability.

As we know, there are strict rules regarding having a fire extinguisher log book. However, there are no strict requirements. There is also no uniform form for such a journal. The fire department allows accounting to be kept arbitrarily.

Very often used for this accounting barn book. Existing columns are renamed and additional ones are added.

In any fire extinguisher report log, all pages of the log must be numbered and stitched with thread, and there must be a fastening and a paper seal on the back. The seal of the organization and the signature of the manager must be placed on the paper seal.

Each individual fire extinguisher is allocated new page.

You can read how to properly conduct fire safety training in the workplace and fill out the appropriate log

The log indicates:

  • device serial number; installation location;
  • device type;
  • charge mass;
  • fire extinguisher weight;
  • date of last check;
  • date of next inspection.

The journal must be filled in with ink of the same color. After each new entry, the signature of the responsible person and the date are affixed.

Fire extinguisher logbook - sample filling you can download

The procedure for filling out the fire extinguisher logbook

Let's talk about how and what is important to write about in the fire extinguisher log book.

  1. The first paragraph indicates date of the technical service and its type. So, information about the inspection of the fire extinguisher is recorded annually in this column. Checking fire extinguishers is essentially the responsibility of the person responsible for the condition of the primary fire extinguishing equipment (deputy director of the supply manager, other authorized person).
  2. The second paragraph describes external condition of the fire extinguisher and the condition of its components.
  3. Based on the inspection, this column indicates current state of the device (excellent, good, double).
  4. Next is fixed total weight of the fire extinguisher. Everything here is not difficult - you just need to indicate the data written by the manufacturer on the fire extinguisher label.
  5. After are designated pressure or mass of the gas cylinder. This column is also filled in according to what is written on the label.
  6. Then we will deal, if necessary, the condition of the mobile fire extinguisher chassis. This column must be filled in only if the fire extinguisher is mobile. The condition is again excellent, good and satisfactory. In the case of other types of fire extinguishers, a dash is added.
  7. We will indicate accepted measures to eliminate the noted shortcomings V. If no deficiencies have been identified, then we will simply put a dash. If there are deficiencies, a detailed description of the measures to eliminate them is necessary.
  8. The final step in filling out the journal will be certification of the journal with a signature, as well as indicating the position and recording the date of completion.

You can find out how to correctly fill out a military registration check log for an enterprise and download a sample of it.

Fire extinguisher certificate

It is worth remembering that mobile and portable fire extinguishers weighing up to 400 kilograms and aimed at extinguishing class A, B, C, E fires must have an operational certificate for the fire extinguisher.

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The passport consists of two parts:

  1. The first part is filled out immediately after the equipment is put into operation. The responsible employee, according to the order at the enterprise, enters the primary data on the fire extinguisher from its technical passport into the passport (this is done once). Information must be entered in accordance with the data in the technical log. service.
  2. The second part of the passport contains all the same information as in the fire extinguisher logbook for a given fire extinguisher.

Operational passport for a fire extinguisher - you can download a sample filling

In accordance with regulatory documents, a passport is created for each fire extinguishing agent registered with the facility. Any use of a fire extinguishing agent without correctly completed documents is impossible and prohibited.

The main documents include a passport and the magazine itself. The information from the second part of the fire extinguisher passport is duplicated in the log. The main documents contain basic data that determine the process of storing and operating the device and prevent unexpected consequences of use.

The body of each fire extinguisher is painted with indelible paint. This number is also duplicated in the fire extinguisher logbook.

Any enterprise, be it an office or a production facility, must be equipped with primary fire extinguishing equipment (FES). These include items and materials that will help localize or eliminate incipient fires: fire extinguishers, sand, shovels, asbestos blanket, felt felt, bucket and water, internal fire hydrant, etc. Such a fire-fighting arsenal should be available to employees at any time, and fire extinguishers are in working order. The presence of primary fire extinguishing equipment is checked by representatives of fire supervision. PSP accounting is kept in special journals, which will be discussed further.

What are PSP accounting journals?

Logs are needed to record fire extinguishing equipment and monitor their maintenance. The form of maintaining such documentation is arbitrary and is assigned to an employee of the organization by order of the head (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2012 N 390 “On the fire safety regime” together with the “Rules of the fire safety regime in the Russian Federation”). The person responsible for the PSP accounting log must:

  • have the skills to maintain a housing record and fill it out;
  • know the rules of industrial safety;
  • take fire-technical minimum courses, which must be confirmed by a certificate of acquired knowledge.

Since the regulations do not have a uniform form for filling out the fire safety records, the fire inspector does not have the right to collect penalties for recording minimum data on fire safety records, or to impose uniform requirements for filling out fire records for all enterprises. However, in order to avoid comments from the fire inspector in the future, it is better to agree in advance with the employees of the local fire inspectorate about the procedure for filling out the fire safety log book.

Rules for filling out PSP accounting logs

As mentioned earlier, there is no generally established form of the fire extinguisher, however, it must contain information about the technical characteristics of the equipment and PSP, columns for notes and notes on checking and recharging fire extinguishers, for the signature of the responsible person. The standard points in the Housing Code are:

  1. Serial number of the record.
  2. Name of PSP.
  3. Scope of application of PSP.
  4. PSP serial numbers and dates of their manufacture.
  5. Technical characteristics of the PSP (weight, appearance features, presence of indicators, etc.).
  6. Dates of the last and subsequent recharge.
  7. Column for notes.
  8. Mark of the responsible person, his full name.

The PSP accounting log must be filled out carefully, using ink of the same color; mistakes and cross-outs are not allowed. If a mistake was made, it should be crossed out and the correct data written on a new line, and the signature of the responsible person should be next to the incorrect crossed out data.

It is important that the data on fire safety equipment coincide with those indicated in the technical documentation for fire fighting equipment. Before you start filling out the accounting log, you need to fill it out correctly:

  1. Sew the pages together with cord or thread.
  2. Place the knot on the back of the magazine and cover it with a small square piece of paper.
  3. On the attached piece of paper, indicate the number of sheets in the magazine and the date of its creation.
  4. Certify the firmware with the signature of the manager and the seal of the company, which should be located on the glued square, while capturing part of the last sheet of the magazine.

How long should ZhU be stored?

Registration of PSP accounting journals must be carried out with the assignment of the original inventory number. The fully completed journal is handed over to the archives and a new journal is drawn up. The old one must be kept in the archive for 45 years.

As for faulty fire extinguishers, a certificate of their unsuitability should be issued in specialized institutions. Relevant entries are made in the journal based on the received report, and the fire extinguishing agent is written off and disposed of by authorized organizations.

Obviously, putting out a fire is the job of specialists: the fire service, which arrives when called. But there is always a chance to localize the fire at the very beginning - this is why primary fire extinguishing agents are used. In addition to the obvious - a fire extinguisher - these include fire shields equipped with:

  • crowbar;
  • hook;
  • bucket;
  • kit for cutting electrical wires;
  • shovels (bayonet and shovel);
  • water storage tanks;
  • other items that allow you to localize the fire immediately after ignition.

The number and type of fire extinguishers and other items that must be available are determined depending on the fire hazard category established for the premises.

All PSPs, equipped in accordance with the requirements, must be recorded in a local document - below you can download a sample logbook for recording primary fire extinguishing equipment.

Filling rules

The form of the logbook for recording primary fire extinguishing means of this document is designated by the Fire Regulations in the Russian Federation as arbitrary - but there are expert recommendations. Usually the document records:

  • brand of fire extinguisher, its number, date of putting it into operation, place of its installation;
  • dates (inspection, maintenance, testing, recharging);
  • position, full name, signature of the responsible person.

Form for registering primary fire extinguishing equipment

We invite you to download a free logbook of primary fire extinguishing equipment - all you have to do is enter in the empty columns all the fire extinguishers at your disposal, as well as the dates of recharging.

How to fill out the journal

The table is quite simple to fill out. Simply enter information about fire extinguishers and other fire extinguishers in the appropriate cells.

Step 1. In the header, indicate information about the organization, and also indicate the date when you started keeping the journal.

Step 2. In the first column of the table, indicate the serial number of the record.

Step 3. Information for filling out the next three cells (name, area of ​​application, serial number and date of manufacture) can be found on the label.

Step 4. The last three recording cells are filled as needed, that is, when the memory bandwidth is recharged. In the penultimate cell you can specify the target date. And in the note - for example, the organization that did the recharging, or the warranty period, if it was issued.

Sample fire extinguishing equipment logbook

Responsibility for maintaining

According to the already mentioned Rules, the manager is responsible for everything related to the availability and serviceability of fire extinguishers, including the establishment of a fire safety regime in general. However, by issuing a special order, the manager can prescribe all fire regulations, as well as delegate the authority to purchase, inspect and repair to one of the employees.

During the inspection, the inspector of the State Fire Supervision (SFP) will ask to see all the documentation that relates to his department, including the PSP Journal. The absence of this document is a typical gross violation of the law.

Checking fire fighting equipment

The frequency of checking and recharging fire extinguishers depends on the type of extinguishing agent used: it can be water, foam, powder, freon and carbon dioxide. During inspections the following tests are carried out:

  • pressure indicator and regulator;
  • knots for strength, name of organization;
  • chassis (if the fire extinguisher is mobile).

In addition, the complete set of the fire shield is checked for compliance with the inventory.

Shelf life

The deadlines are not defined by law, however, by analogy with documents for recording fire drills, it is recommended to store this fully completed document for 1 year with the responsible person and for 10 years in the archives of the organization.