What century did Hitler live in? ThePerson: Adolf Hitler, biography, political activities

Today we will talk about one of the most prominent (in a negative sense) heroes of the 20th century - Adolf Hitler, whether he was definitely negative, who was behind him, and most importantly - who he was - a villain or... a genius (can you imagine, there are those who consider Hitler a hero, a genius).

Hitler. Perhaps only very young children do not know who he is. About 7 decades have passed since his (official) death, but this character still evokes the most negative reviews in people, this is one of the most striking examples when you can be remembered for bad deeds...

But today we will talk not only about the negative side of Hitler, but also about what few people talk about - about Hitler as a person, what was human in him and whether he was really a “devil in the flesh” or this the mask was invented for him by his managers, etc.

“Adolf Hitler (German: Adolf Hitler [ˈaːdɔlf ˈhɪtlɐ]; April 20, 1889, the village of Ranshofen (now part of the city of Braunau am Inn), Austria-Hungary - April 30, 1945, Berlin, Germany) - the founder and central figure of National Socialism, founder of the totalitarian dictatorship of the Third Reich, leader (Führer) of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (1921-1945), Reich Chancellor (1933-1945) and Fuhrer (1934-1945) of Germany, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Germany (from December 19, 1941) in the Second World War."

In the photo, Hitler’s painting “Inner courtyard of the old residence in Munich”, 1914

The photo shows a painting of Hitler

Hitler was born at the end of the 19th century in a small village in Austria-Hungary to a simple, modestly living family, his father was about 50 years old, his mother was about 30, his father was in his third marriage, Hitler had several brothers and sisters, He was very attached to one of his sisters, Paula, and helped her until his death in 1945. E There are also versions that Adolf Hitler received the surname as a result of an error in documents or as a result of his father correcting a previously inconvenient long surname.

The photo shows Hitler in childhood and school

Adolf showed good promise at the beginning of his schooling (6-7 years old), but after transferring to a city school where his family moved, he wilted and studied only those subjects that he liked, namely history, geography, drawing, and remained in the second year . Later, in 1939, Hitler bought his “favorite” primary school in Fischlgam, where he received only excellent grades, and ordered the construction of another school building.

At the age of 7-8 years, Hitler entered the second grade of a school at a Catholic monastery, where he sang in the church choir and helped the priest during mass. According to friends: “Here he first saw the swastika on the coat of arms of Abbot Hagen. Later he ordered the same one to be carved out of wood in his office.”

Then the family moved again and Hitler went to school, which he did not like.

Later, his critical attitude towards the church was formed mainly under the influence of his father's statements. Hitler's father died unexpectedly in 1903, when the boy was only 13 years old.

And although Adolf had many disputes and confrontations with his father, at his father’s coffin he sobbed uncontrollably and was very worried about the loss.

His father instructed Adolf to become an official, but the boy himself wanted to be an artist, despite the suffering associated with the death of his father, Adolf decided to go into the field of drawing.

At the age of 15, Hitler composed a play, poetry, lyrics for musical works, and in general the teenager saw his path in art - drawing and writing.

The French teacher (a subject that Adolf hated) said about him:

“Hitler was undoubtedly gifted, albeit one-sidedly. He almost did not know how to control himself, he was stubborn, self-willed, wayward and hot-tempered. Wasn't diligent."

“Based on numerous evidence, we can conclude that already in his youth Hitler showed pronounced psychopathic traits.

A friend of his youth, Kubizek, and other comrades of Hitler testify that he was constantly at odds with everyone and felt hatred for everything that surrounded him. Therefore, his biographer Joachim Fest admits that Hitler’s anti-Semitism was a focused form of hatred that had previously raged in the dark and finally found its object in the Jew.”

A little later, Hitler decided to enter art school, but failed the entrance exams, received advice from the rector to take up architecture; later, after the death of his mother, the teenager once again entered the art academy, but again failed.

Adolf's mother was diagnosed with cancer in 1907, for the last 2 months (November-December) her son looked after her and buried her next to his father.

The photo shows Hitler's paintings

Having issued pensions for himself and his sister Paula due to the loss of their family, Hitler went on the run, hiding from the army and realizing himself as a free artist: he painted small-format paintings and often changed addresses. He was later declared unfit for the army, but in 1914, after the outbreak of the First World War, he himself expressed a desire to join the Bavarian army as a soldier.

Colleagues described Hitler as an impeccable soldier and comrade; in 1918, as a result of a chemical shell explosion, Adolf partially lost his sight. Having experienced the loss of Germany as a personal tragedy, Hitler was especially eager to defend rights, and therefore began to appear in the field of oratory. In the 1920s, he became the chairman of the NSDAP (German National Socialist Workers' Party), thanks to his bright charisma and ability to move the masses in the right direction. From 1933 to 1945 - Reich Chancellor of Germany and Prussia.

We will not discuss the details of Hitler’s leadership, leadership of the country, political battles, military actions, because there are many films about this and many have long been familiar with these moments.

We are trying to see an ordinary person in Hitler and still understand whether he was a villain or someone’s pawn...

In general, the picture so far is this: an ordinary German boy (however, some question the well-known roots of Hitler, attributing to him Jewishness), born into a modestly living family, dreamed of becoming an artist, but failed the exams, sincerely regretted the death of his father and mother, looked after his mother before his death, was attached to his sister, was a good soldier and comrade in the war, but all this against the backdrop of mild psychopathy. Nothing particularly shocking that could give a hint that this boy will burn millions of people in ovens, moreover, he is a very human and quite sincere character.

Even more convincing facts: Hitler, according to eyewitnesses, loved Geli Raubal (niece) very much, he loved like a man, close blood ties were not uncommon in their family, later Hitler had a relationship with a close relative, Eva Braun, and died with her, by committing suicide (according to the official version). When Geli Raubal was killed (although she was attributed suicide, but this was disputed by many) - Hitler could not come to his senses for a long time, tried to commit suicide, and was very worried about her death.

In addition, Hitler was a vegetarian, and actively began to profess vegetarianism after the death of Geli Raubal. He also loved cartoons, especially Disney’s “Snow White,” and even drew them..

The photo shows Hitler's paintings

As we see, feelings were not alien to Hitler.

Let's return to how Hitler conquered the people and who he was.

Firstly, what did Hitler do when he came to power? He conquered the people not with manna from heaven and idle talk, but did the most essential thing: he gave people jobs, stabilized the social situation, launched large-scale construction aimed ultimately at expanding strategic reserves, helped those in need, the people were united by patriotism, national holidays, and the desire for a goal. Everyone who was against it went to concentration camps.

Against this background of the prevailing trust in the country’s leader, the implementation of the true goal began - the propaganda of anti-Semitism, mass repression of Roma and Jews, later the Holocaust and wars against the great powers...

That is, if the people agreed with the authorities and peacefully “swallowed this pill” of compromise with murders, then everything was fine, but if they did not agree, they were treated as an enemy. Naturally, the people were afraid to stumble, in fear they took the side of power, justifying the actions of the latter.

To the question of how millions could follow the lead of one person and who a person is, a wolf or a sheep, if he becomes so indifferent to other people’s blood and pain. This is very well written in the books of Fromm (and other post-Freudian psychoanalysts of the 20th century, for example), in particular, “The Soul of Man,” in particular, about Hitler and why peoples submitted to him. One of the main forces of persuasion in this case was people’s fear of losing life, protection, family, loved ones, fear of death of themselves and their loved ones. For the purpose of self-preservation, people, under the influence of fear, were ready to accept any absurd idea, cruel, bloody, violence as salvation and idealize them, elevating them to the cult of life.

And one more point: very often people who went through wars, revolutions, rebellions and the most difficult times of countries remembered more vividly not prosperity, peace, tranquility, but rather difficult events, the heroism of some, the cowardice of others, adrenaline in the blood, exploding bombs, life for idea. When rivers of blood flow and a red flag with some idea looms before their eyes, many internal values ​​become distorted, murder ceases to be a crime and the person himself loses his bearings, for example, a previously calm comrade, unable to offend flies, picks up a machine gun and goes to work “ “killer” of prisoners, for the sake of an idea, for the benefit of patriotism... no discord with conscience.

People seem to be both wolves and sheep at the same time, sometimes they have so much potential cruelty that a person himself may not be able to control these elements, under the influence of pressure and misinformation, distortion of facts and the ability to persuade (for example, Hitler was a powerful speaker) - people can It’s easy to turn into a cruel mass, persecuting Jews and all undesirables.

Yes, disinformation and presentation, stimulation of the masses, “brainwashing” in this case is another important moment that took place in the history of Hitler.

That is, all people are pawns who can be controlled, but was Hitler himself a pawn?

There are many reasonable versions that Hitler was created by politicians and financiers, in particular:

« The main sponsors of Hitler and his party were financiers from Great Britain and the United States. From the very beginning, Hitler was a “project”. The energetic Fuhrer was a tool for uniting Europe against the Soviet Union, and other important tasks were also solved, for example, the “New World Order” was tested on the ground, which they planned to spread throughout the planet. Hitler was also sponsored by German financial and industrial circles associated with the global financial international. Among Hitler's sponsors was Fritz Thyssen (the eldest son of industrialist August Thyssen), he had provided significant material support to the Nazis since 1923, and publicly supported Hitler in 1930.

Financial assistance to the Nazis was provided by the German industrialist and financial tycoon Gustav Krupp. Among the bankers, the President of the Reichsbank and Adolf Hitler's confidant in relations with his political and financial sponsors in Western countries, Hjalmar Schacht, collected money for Hitler.

The Fuhrer and the NSDAP were sponsored by such influential Jewish industrialists as Reinold Gesner and Fritz Mandel. Hitler received significant assistance from the famous Warburg banking dynasty and personally from Max Warburg (director of the Hamburg bank M.M. Warburg & Co).

However, bankers of Jewish origin occupy a special place in the history of the relationship between the Fuhrer and bankers. Large financial contributions to the NSDAP were made by influential Jewish industrialists Fritz Mandel and Reinold Gesner. Hitler was provided with significant assistance by the famous banking dynasty of the Warburgs and its head Max Warburg personally, who until 1938 was the director of the German industrial giant IG Farbenindustry - “the backbone of the German military machine.”

There are also versions that Hitler was “made” by the Zionists who wanted to demonstrate their strength and laws with their own eyes, but the question of how to combine the Holocaust and the creation of Hitler by the Zionists, as well as the version that Hitler began the attempts to found Israel, remains unclear. Let's leave that for other topics.

Did Hitler himself send people to ovens and gas chambers? No, at the hands of uncomplaining wards who were blinded by the idea of ​​achieving good through temporary evil. Not so long ago we published an article about the protocols of the Elders of Zion, where the murders of the goyim were justified by achieving the goal of ultimately enthroning the King of the Jews. There's something similar here. The Aryan race, sole power in the hands of one people, and all those who are called upon to be an assistant in establishing order can be justified, all murders, mass and cruel ones, medical experiments, bullying.

If the people were so manipulative, why couldn’t Hitler himself be a puppet in someone’s hands? He simply had many abilities, one of the main ones was the ability to lead the masses, to drive the most crazy ideas into people’s heads under the guise of salvation, which is why he became the leader, and his performers were in the lower ranks.

However, we should not forget that a person still makes a choice himself, and like Hitler and his same wards had the opportunity to refuse, but did not even think of doing so.

Hitler, being a psychopath traumatized in childhood, decided to find a target for taking out all the troubles, deprivations, frustrations and hatred on certain categories of people, thus trying to get rid of the complexes that tormented him, plus he seized upon power, which blinded him and seemed to him not enough , it was difficult to stop, mass control (however, not all those traumatized in childhood become Hitlers, I assume that he chose his evil path consciously, taking into account his psychopathic characteristics).

As a result, the hypertrophied instinct of evil, which was in the hands of “Hitler’s creators”, actively fueled by the latter, crossed all boundaries... Hitler was eliminated or forced/forced to withdraw himself when he was no longer needed. He could also be misinformed in order to inflame him with anger and hatred, and incite him against other nations. What ultimately happened to Hitler—whether he committed suicide or lived quietly in Argentina—we will never know, and it’s not that important in the context of our topic.

Quotes from people (from forums) about what they think about Hitler (spelling of the authors of the posts):

“Genius is a creator. The villain is the destroyer.

evil genius

brilliant villain

Hitler was there, Hitler floated away... he was sick and essentially unhappy.

he was a Jew. Schicklgruber is a real surname.

he was a man first and foremost! and people tend to make mistakes. especially when it is pushed and pushed very skillfully!

Geniuses, it is said loudly, the Fuhrer, talkers and troublemakers. A politician who not only promised but also realized what he promised with his own hands is selective and nothing more. The mistakes he made were not the mistakes of a genius, but of an ambitious leader. It is idiocy to declare a warrior on two fronts to a US warrior, given the obvious failure of the Blitzkrieg in December 1941. Only after this decision can he be declared an idiot and not a genius.

Well, it’s impossible to answer unequivocally about Adolf Aloizovich, but he certainly wasn’t an average person, no matter how hard they tried to portray it in Soviet times, he was just born at the wrong time, and otherwise there would have been more than one talented architect

Hitler is definitely not a genius. Rather, he is a madman, a fanatic with some persuasive abilities and an excellent speaker.

Hitler is a brilliant psycho, who was specially found by Western tycoons for the war against the red threat in the form of Stalinist despotism.”

Personally, I think that Hitler would be an average artist, he painted better than many, but there are much more talented individuals, only his mark is bright, brilliantly evil, in history, and who he was - everyone has their own associations.

Adolf's father Alois, being illegitimate, until 1876 bore the surname of his mother Maria Anna Schicklgruber (German: Schicklgruber).

Five years after the birth of Alois, Maria Schicklgruber married miller Johann Georg Hiedler, who spent his entire life in poverty and did not have his own home.

In 1876, three witnesses certified that Gidler, who died in 1857, was the father of Alois, which allowed the latter to change his surname. The change in the spelling of the surname to “Hitler” was allegedly caused by a mistake by the priest when recording in the “Birth Registration Book”.

Modern researchers consider the probable father of Alois not Gidler, but his brother Johann Nepomuk Güttler, who took Alois into his house and raised him.

Adolf Hitler himself, contrary to the statement widespread since the 1920s and even included in the 3rd edition of the TSB, never bore the surname Schicklgruber.

On January 7, 1885, Alois married his relative (niece - granddaughter of Johann Nepomuk Güttler) Clara Pölzl. This was his third marriage. By this time he had a son, Alois, and a daughter, Angela, who later became the mother of Geli Raubal, Hitler's alleged mistress. Due to family ties, Alois had to obtain permission from the Vatican to marry Clara. Clara gave birth to six children from Alois, of whom Adolf was the third.

Hitler knew about the incest in his family and therefore always spoke very briefly and vaguely about his parents, although he demanded from others documentary evidence of their ancestors. Since the end of 1921, he began to constantly reassess and obscure his origins. He wrote only a few sentences about his father and maternal grandfather. On the contrary, he mentioned his mother very often in conversations. Because of this, he did not tell anyone that he was related (in a direct line from Johann Nepomuk) to the Austrian historian Rudolf Koppensteiner and the Austrian poet Robert Hamerling.

Adolf's direct ancestors, both through the Schicklgruber and Hitler lines, were peasants. Only the father made a career and became a government official.

The surname Hitler comes from the affectionate form of Gitl or the Gitleyidish feminine name Gita, which means “good, kind.” The Yiddish ending "-er" denotes belonging. Thus, Hitler means "son of Gitli".

Until the age of thirty-nine, Hitler's father Alois bore the surname Schicklgruber, his mother's surname. In the thirties, this fact was discovered by Viennese journalists, and to this day it is discussed on the pages of monographs about Nazi Germany and Hitler. The talented American historian and publicist William Shirer, who wrote the book “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich,” semi-ironically assures that if Alois had not changed his surname Schicklgruber to Hitler, his son Adolf would not have had to become the Fuhrer, because unlike the surname Hitler, which in its sound reminiscent of “ancient Germanic sagas and Wagner”, the surname Schicklgruber is difficult to pronounce and even sounds somewhat humorous to the German ear.

“It is known,” writes Shirer, “that the words “Heil Hitler!” became an official greeting in Germany. Moreover, the Germans said “Heil Hitler!” literally at every turn. It is impossible to believe that they would endlessly shout “Heil Schicklgruber!”, “Heil Schicklgruber!”

Alois Schicklgruber, father of Adolf Hitler, was adopted by Georg Hiedler, husband of his mother Maria Anna Schicklgruber. However, between the marriage of Maria Anna and the adoption of Alois, no less than thirty-four years passed. When forty-seven-year-old Maria Anna married Georg, she already had a five-year-old illegitimate son, Alois, the father of the future Nazi dictator. And neither George nor his wife thought of legitimizing the child at that time. Four years later, Maria Anna died, and Georg Hiedler left his native place.

Everything further is known to us in two versions. According to one, Georg Gidler returned to his hometown and, in the presence of a notary and three witnesses, declared that Alois Schicklgruber, the son of his late wife Anna Maria, was in fact his, Gidler’s, son. According to another, three relatives of Georg Gidler went to the notary for the same purpose. According to this version, Georg Hiedler himself had long been dead by that time. It is believed that the over-aged Alois wished to become “legal” because he expected to receive a small inheritance.

The surname “Hidler” was mistakenly distorted when recording, and thus the surname “Hitler” was born, which in Russian pronunciation was fixed as “Hitler”.

Alois Schicklgruber, aka Hitler, was married three times: the first time to a woman who was fourteen years older than him. The marriage was unsuccessful. Alois left for another woman, whom he married after the death of his first wife. But soon she died of tuberculosis. For the third time he married a certain Clara Pelzl, who was twenty-three years younger than her husband. In order to formalize this marriage, it was necessary to seek permission from the church authorities, since Clara Pelzl was obviously closely related to Alois. Be that as it may, Clara Pelzl became the mother of Adolf Hitler.

Adolf's father, Alois, died in 1903, aged 65. In 2012, at the request of one of his descendants, the grave of Adolf’s parents in the suburbs of Linz was liquidated and given over to other burials, under the pretext that it served as a place of pilgrimage for right-wing extremist circles.

Thus, Adolf Hitler was born 13 years after his father changed his surname, and from birth bore his real surname. This is the origin story of the name Hitler, which belonged to one of the most terrible fiends of hell, Amalek of the twentieth century.

Adolf Hitler is without a doubt one of the most controversial and hated figures in world history, and for good reason. His beliefs, opinions and ideals led humanity to war, which caused widespread death and destruction. However, he is an integral part (albeit negative) of the history of this planet, so we should better understand what personality traits a person possessed, capable of such monstrous things as Hitler. Let's hope that by looking into the past and studying the terrible person that was Hitler, we can prevent a man like him from rising to power. So, we present to your attention twenty-five facts about Hitler that you might not know.

25. Hitler married Eva Braun and committed suicide the next day

For many years, Hitler refused to marry Braun for fear of how it would affect his image. However, he decided to do this when the Germans were promised defeat. Hitler and Braun married in a civil ceremony. Their bodies were discovered the next day. Hitler shot himself, and Brown died from a cyanide capsule.

24. Hitler had a contentious relationship with his niece

When Geli Raubal, Hitler's niece, was studying medicine, she lived in Hitler's apartment in Munich. Later, Hitler became very possessive and domineering towards her. Hitler even forbade her to do anything without his knowledge after he heard rumors about her relationship with his personal driver. Upon his return from a short meeting in Nuremberg, Hitler found the body of his niece, who had apparently shot herself with his pistol.

23. Hitler and the Church

Hitler wanted the Vatican to recognize his authority, so in 1933 the Catholic Church and the German Reich signed an alliance under which the Reich was guaranteed the protection of the Church, but only if they remained committed to exclusively religious activities. This agreement, however, was violated, and the Nazis continued to engage in anti-Catholic activities.

22. Hitler's own version of the Nobel Prize

After the Nobel Prize was banned in Germany, Hitler developed his own version, the German National Prize for Art and Science. Ferdinand Porsche was one of the honorees for being the man who created the world's first hybrid car and the Volkswagen Beetle.

21. Hitler's collection of Jewish artifacts

Hitler originally intended to create a "Museum of an Extinct Race", in which he wanted to house his collection of Jewish artifacts.

20. Elevator cables at the Eiffel Tower

When Paris fell to German control in 1940, the French cut the Eiffel Tower's elevator cables. This was done deliberately to force Hitler to climb the ladder to the top. However, Hitler decided not to climb the tower so as not to have to overcome more than a thousand steps.

19. Hitler and the women's cosmetics industry

Hitler's original plan was to simply shut down the cosmetics industry to free up funds for the war economy. However, in order not to disappoint Eva Braun, he decided to close it gradually.

18. American genocide of Native Americans

Hitler often praised the "effectiveness" of the American genocide of Native Americans.

17. Hitler and art

Hitler had artistic inclinations. When he moved to Vienna in the 1900s, Hitler initially thought of pursuing a career in the arts. He even applied to enter Vienna’s Academy of Art, but was rejected due to his “unsuitability for painting.”

16. Hitler's family circle

Hitler grew up in an authoritarian family environment. His father, who was an Austrian customs official, was famous for his severity and temper. It was also noted that Hitler adopted many of his father's personality traits.

15. Why Hitler was disappointed by Germany's surrender in World War I

While Hitler was recovering from a gas attack during World War I, he learned that an armistice had been reached, signaling the end of the war. This announcement angered Hitler and gave rise to his belief that the Germans had been betrayed by their own leaders.

14. The general who refused to commit suicide

When it became obvious that the Germans were about to be defeated at the Battle of Stalingrad, Hitler expected the leader of his army to commit suicide. However, the general noted: "I am not going to kill myself because of this bohemian corporal" and surrendered in 1943.

13. Why he didn't like football

Hitler later developed a dislike for football because Germany's victory over other nations could not be guaranteed, no matter how hard they tried to manipulate or adjust the results.

12. Hitler's real full name

Hitler's father changed his name in 1877. Otherwise people would have difficulty pronouncing Hitler's full name - Adolf Schicklgruber.

11. Hitler's Honorary Aryans

It was discovered that one of Hitler's close friends and personal drivers was of Jewish origin. For this reason, key officials in Hitler's party recommended his expulsion from the SS. However, Hitler made an exception for him and even his brothers, considering them "honorary Aryans".

10. Hitler's "Noble Jew"

Hitler had his own way of paying debts of gratitude. When he was still a child, his family could not afford the expensive services of a professional doctor. Fortunately, the Jewish-Austrian doctor never charged him or his family for medical services. When Hitler came to power, the doctor enjoyed the “eternal gratitude” of the Nazi leader. He was released from the concentration camp. He was also provided with adequate protection and received the title of "noble Jew."

9The Lawyer Who Cross-Examined Hitler

Early in his political career, Hitler was called as a witness. He was questioned by a Jewish lawyer named Hans Litten, who cross-examined Hitler for three hours. During the Nazi rule, this Jewish lawyer was arrested. He was tortured for five years until he finally committed suicide.

8. Hitler as a Disney fan

Hitler loved Disney. He even described Snow White as one of the best films in the world at that time. In fact, Hitler's sketches of the Timid Dwarf, Doc, and Pinocchio were discovered.

7. Hitler's funeral

His body was buried four times before it was finally cremated and his ashes scattered to the wind.

6. Hitler's Mustache Shape

Hitler originally had a long, curled mustache. During World War I, he trimmed his mustache, changing the shape to his famous toothbrush style. According to him, the bushier mustache prevented him from properly securing the gas mask.

5. Loan from Mercedes-Benz

While Hitler was imprisoned, he managed to write an application for a loan to buy a car to a local Mercedes-Benz dealer. Many years later, this letter was discovered at a flea market.

4. What did his mustache mean to Hitler?

It is believed that Hitler wore a mustache because he thought it made his nose look smaller.

3. A souvenir for a successful Olympian from Hitler

Jesse Owens, a successful Olympian, was surprised to receive a gift from Hitler after his successful performance at the 1936 Olympics. President Roosevelt did not even send a telegram to Owens to congratulate him on his achievement.

2. Hitler as a wounded infantryman

During World War I, Hitler was an infantryman who was wounded at the height of the war. Surprisingly, Hitler evoked mercy and sympathy from the British soldier.

1. Hugo Jaeger was Hitler's personal photographer

Throughout all the turmoil, Jaeger remained very loyal to Hitler. To avoid criminal liability for his association with Hitler, the photographer decided to hide his photographs of the Nazi leader. However, in 1955, he eventually sold the photographs to Life Magazine for a lot of money.

Name: Adolf Hitler

Age: 56 years old

Place of Birth: Braunau am Inn, Austria-Hungary

A place of death: Berlin

Activity: Fuhrer and Reich Chancellor of Germany

Marital status: Was married to

Adolf Hitler - biography

This name and surname are very hated by many people around the world for the atrocities that this man committed. How did the biography of the one who started a war with many countries develop, how did he become like this?

Childhood, Hitler's family, how he appeared

Adolf's father was an illegitimate child, his mother remarried a man with the last name Gidler, and when Alois wanted to change his mother's last name, the priest made a mistake, and all the descendants began to bear the last name Hitler, and six of them were born, and Adolf was the third child. Hitler's ancestors were peasants; his father achieved a career as an official. Adolf, like all Germans, was very sentimental and often visited the places of his childhood and the graves of his parents.

Before Adolf's birth, three children died. He was the only and beloved son, then his brother Edmund was born, and they began to devote less time to Adolf, then Adolf’s sister appeared in the family, he always had the most tender feelings for Paula. After all, this is the biography of an ordinary child who loves his mother and sister, when and what went wrong?

Hitler's studies

In first grade, Hitler only got "excellent" grades. In the old Catholic monastery, he went to second grade, learned to sing in the church choir and helped during mass. I first noticed the swastika sign on Abbot Hagen's coat of arms. Adolf changed schools several times due to parental problems. One of the brothers left home, the other died, Adolf remained the only son. At school he began to like not all subjects, so he stayed for the second year.

Adolf's Growing Up

As soon as the teenager turned 13 years old, his father died, and the son refused to fulfill his parent’s request. He did not want to become an official; he was attracted to painting and music. One of Hitler's teachers later recalled that the student was one-sidedly gifted, was quick-tempered and wayward. Already in these years one could notice the traits of a mentally unbalanced person. After the fourth grade, the education document showed “5” grades only in physical education and drawing. He knew languages, exact sciences and shorthand perfectly well.

At the insistence of his mother, Adolf Hitler had to retake the exams, but he was diagnosed with lung disease and had to forget about school. When Hitler turned 18, he left for the capital of Austria, wanted to enter an art school, but failed to pass the exams. The young man's mother underwent surgery, did not live long, and Adolf, as the eldest and only man in the family, took care of her until her death.

Adolf Hitler - artist

Having failed to enroll in the school of his dreams the second time, Hitler went into hiding and evaded military service; he managed to get a job as an artist and writer. Hitler's paintings began to sell successfully. They mainly depicted buildings of old Vienna copied from postcards.

Adolf began to earn decent money from this, took up reading, and became interested in politics. He leaves for Munich and works as an artist again. Finally, the Austrian police found out where Hitler was hiding, sent him for a medical examination, where he was given a “white” ticket.

The beginning of the combat biography of Adolf Hitler

This war was accepted by Hitler with joy, he himself asked to serve in the Bavarian army, participated in many battles, received the rank of corporal, was wounded, and had many military awards. He was considered a brave and courageous soldier. He was wounded again and even lost his sight. After the war, the authorities considered it necessary for Hitler to participate as part of the agitators, where he showed himself to be a skilled master of words, he knew how to command the attention of the people listening to him. Throughout this period of his life, Hitler’s favorite reading became anti-Semitic literature, which basically shaped his further political views.

Soon everyone became acquainted with his program for the new Nazi party. He later receives the post of chairman with unlimited power. Allowing himself too much, Hitler began to take advantage of his post to incite the overthrow of the existing government, was convicted and sent to prison. There he finally believed that communists and Jews must be destroyed.

He declares that the nation of Germany should dominate the entire world. Hitler finds many supporters who unconditionally appoint him to lead the armed forces, founded personal guards in the ranks of the SS, and created torture and death camps.

He dreamed of getting even for the fact that once upon a time, during the First World War, Germany capitulated. He was ill and was in a hurry to carry out his plans. The occupation of many territories began: Austria, Czechoslovakia, part of Lithuania, threatened Poland, France, Greece and Yugoslavia. In August 1939, Germany and the Soviet Union agreed to peaceful coexistence, but, maddened by power and victories, Hitler violated this agreement. Fortunately, at the helm of power was a man who did not give up his power to a crazy, brutal egoist in the person of Hitler.

Adolf Hitler - biography of personal life

Hitler did not have an official wife, nor did he have children. He had a repulsive appearance; he could do practically nothing to attract women. But do not forget the gift of eloquence and the position it created. He never stopped seeing his mistresses; mostly, they included married women. Since 1929, Adolf Hitler has lived with his common-law wife, Eva Braun. The husband was not at all shy about flirting with everyone, and Eva, out of jealousy, tried many times to commit suicide.

Dreaming of being Frau Hitler, living with him and enduring bullying and quirks, she patiently waited for a miracle to happen. This happened 36 hours before death. Adolf Hitler and got married. But the biography of a man who aimed at the sovereignty of the Soviet Union ended ingloriously.

Documentary film about Adolf Hitler